Furry TV presenter. Alexander Pushnoy: My wife doesn’t like comedy shows! Also appeared in commercials several times

Pooh, real name - Pushnoy Alexander Borisovich. Born on May 16, 1975 in Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk. As a child, he was raised by his parents to such an extent that he agreed to go to secondary school. There he was so well educated that he immediately entered the Faculty of Physics at NSU.

Around 1983, at the age of 7, under pain of death, his parents forced him into a music school. There, for 5 years, he randomly pressed the piano keys, after which he was released.

In 1993, during experiments with electricity, I instantly realized that Rock and Roll was dead. After which the rock group "Bear" was formed. In 1996, the group fell into indefinite hibernation.

In the same 1996, walking past the door of the KVANT club premises, he was drawn in by a draft. After that, he took an active part in skit parties, banquets, gatherings and meetings. He showed extraordinary oratorical abilities during public cleanup days.

In 1997, I discovered excessive Fun and Resourcefulness in myself and went to Moscow to look for a suitable Club. Having discovered the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, he pretended to be “Sting” as part of KVNNGU. That's how I remember it. In 1998, he returned from KVN NSU back to Physics.

In 1996, 1998 he defended his bachelor's (1996) and master's (1998) degrees in physics. Nobody attacked the diplomas anymore.

In 1998, he married his wife Tatyana, which was the result of a 2-year acquaintance. He was not noticed in connections that discredited himself. An excellent family man.

In 1999, he was urgently called to Moscow to voice the Spasskaya Tower, but after the audition he was sent to voice the humorous program BiS on TV-6.

In the summer of 2000, in the area of ​​Berdsk Bay, I collided with KVN DLSh head-on, having previously stuck chewing gum on it. As a result, he stuck and went with them to Jurmala. Member of the DLSH (Children of Lieutenant Schmidt) and "Siberian Siberians" teams.

At the beginning of 2001, we entered the new millennium.

For a long time he toured as part of the DLSh throughout the country. Until in 2002, at a turn near the village of Veseloe, he fell out of the Gazelle, which immediately significantly facilitated the touring activities of the DLSh. In the middle of the same year, A.N. Bocharov called Pushny, guessing his number by brute force.

Long-term collaboration with Andrey Bocharov forced me to become fluent in the AVID Xpress Pro program for video editing. After which, from 2002 to 2005, he tore off the heads of A.N. Bocharov and A.A. Tolokonnikov in the “Always Prepare!” program.

In 2004, at home around lunchtime, I completely accidentally wrote the phonogram for OSP. As a token of gratitude, Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats allowed us to play drums next to them, but not loudly. After playing the drums, he began to play songs backwards to front on the STS channel, also under the supervision of Tatyana and Mikhail. But he didn’t abandon the drums.

On December 14, 2004, I waited for my wife to go into labor. On December 15 he became the father of his son Dmitry. Why did I rejoice!

On December 29, I bought a DiMarzio Virtual Vintage"54 pickup and screwed it to the guitar. I was happy. And I bought 2 more such pickups, Virtual Vintage"54 and Virtual Vintage"54 Bridge...

Since about 2005, he has been masterfully playing the role of musical co-host together with Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats in the uniform TV disgrace “Good Jokes”

In 2006, he recorded the song “Thank God, you came” (words Alexander Bachilo, music Alexander Pushnoy) for the program of the same name on the STS channel.

2007 Host of the TV show "Who is smarter than a fifth grader." Also, he wrote all the musical intros for it and performed the title song “Who is smarter than a fifth grader” Lyrics of the song: Alexander Bachilo, music and everything else: Pushnoy A.B. TV show shown on STS channel

In the same year he became the host of the TV show "Galileo"

There is an excellent group on the site "vkontakte", dedicated to Alexander Fur, as well as his colleagues T. Lazareva and M. Shatsu. "Good Jokes with your favorite presenters" http://vkontakte.ru/club4670372 come, we will be very glad!

Pushnoy Alexander Borisovich (05/16/1975) - Russian showman, one of the best presenters entertainment programs. Among the most famous programs are “Galileo”, “Song of the Day” and “Good Jokes”. Pushnoy is also known for his musical parodies of many domestic hits; he often writes intros for his programs.

“Humor is a very intimate feeling, everyone has their own. And therefore it is very difficult to make a humorous program so that it is interesting to everyone without exception and gives a high rating. But such programs are definitely not “so-so”. They either delight you or infuriate you."


Alexander Pushnoy comes from Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. He was born on May 16, 1975. His father Boris Mikhailovich was engaged in science in the field of cybernetics all his life. And my mother Nina Dmitrievna is an economist by training. From childhood, the boy showed talent in the field of music. Therefore, at the age of 7, Sasha’s parents sent him to a music school to study piano. Pushnoy studied this science for five years, and when he graduated from college at the age of 12, he immediately switched to the guitar, which by that time he began to like more. True, in in this case Sasha learned to play the guitar on his own, from books, and did not visit any special institutions for this.

After graduating from school, Alexander Pushnoy entered Novosibirsk without any problems state university to the Faculty of Physics. Studying was quite easy for him, and after four years he defended his bachelor’s degree, and after another two (1996) he became a master’s degree in physics. While studying at the university, Pushnoy began performing as part of the local KVN team, where he met, for example, Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats, Sergei Belogolovtsev and Andrei Bocharov. As part of the team, Alexander often performed musical parodies. After this, Pushnoy’s career included such well-known teams as “Siberian Siberians” and “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”.

Television career

Alexander Pushnoy took his first steps on television in 2004. Friends from KVN - Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva - were launching a new show “Good Jokes” at that time, and they needed a co-host for the program. The negotiations, however, did not go very smoothly, and Alexander did not agree immediately, which is why he was not in the first episodes of this program.

The program enjoyed some interest among viewers, but it did not create the furor that STS leaders were counting on. Therefore, after the first season, it was decided to temporarily stop filming and start rebranding the show. “Good Jokes” was revived a few years later in a new format, but with the same hosts. The adjustments made did their job: the program was shown on screens until 2010. But then it was decided to close it completely, since the ratings were steadily falling, which did not suit anyone. By the way, it was Alexander Pushny who came up with the idea of ​​the famous competition “APOZH”, in which participants are asked to sing the lines of a famous song, and then the computer reproduces all the words in reverse.

In parallel with “Good Jokes,” Pushnoy in 2006 became the host of the scientific and entertainment program “Galileo,” which still airs on the same STS channel. The idea of ​​an educational program migrated to Russia from Germany, where similar show has been running successfully for many years. The first filming of the Russian "Galileo", by the way, also took place in Munich. And in the future, many of the stories shown on air were from Germany, simply adapted and translated for Russian viewers.

“All children have a desire to explore the world. And this must be supported in every possible way. But many people are not interested in reading books and learning theory. It is more important for them to see and touch everything with their own hands. And “Galileo” tries to explain complex processes in an accessible language.”

At first, the Galileo program did not have good ratings, but over time the transmission format has changed. Airtime has increased, new sections have appeared, and there are more stories.

Among other programs with the participation of Alexander Pushnoy, it is also worth remembering “Song of the Day,” which he hosted with the same Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva. Moreover, in this show Pushnoy felt very harmonious, as he was in his element - musical parodies. And there was also the program “Who is smarter than a fifth grader?”, which, after Tina Kandelaki left the STS channel, was supposed to replace her program “The Smartest”.

Musical activities

Alexander Pushnoy took his first steps in this field immediately after graduating from school. In 1993, he founded the group "Bear". The most famous hits of that time were “Lenin sent everyone to May Day” and “WWW Valenki”. But after his participation in KVN began, music faded into the background; there was simply no time left for this.

Only in 1999 did Pushnoy return to composing music and songs. But Alexander did not give concerts or perform anywhere; all of his new recordings could only be listened to on the Internet. And only in 2010 it became possible to see Pushny on stage. Together with the group “Dzhankoy Brothers”, he first performed at the “B2” club, and then went on tour throughout Russia and the CIS countries. In 2012, Alexander Pushnoy performed at the “Invasion” festival, where he was not only one of the participants, but also the presenter.

Many humorous television programs owe Alexander Pushnoy bright and memorable musical screensavers. For example, he owns the topics for the programs “Big Difference”, “Southern Butovo”, “6 Frames”, “Thank God You Came” and the series “Traffic Light”, aired on the STS channel. Well, and of course, this list also includes Pushny’s own programs – “Galileo” and “Who is smarter than a fifth grader?”

Pooh, real name - Pushnoy Alexander Borisovich. Born on May 16, 1975 in Akademgorodok near Novosibirsk.

As a child, he was raised by his parents to such an extent that he agreed to go to a comprehensive school. There he was so well educated that he immediately entered the Faculty of Physics at NSU.

Around 1983, at the age of 7, under pain of death, his parents forced him into a music school. There, for 5 years, he randomly pressed the piano keys, after which he was released.

In 1993, during experiments with electricity, I instantly realized that Rock and Roll was dead. After which the rock group “Bear” was formed. In 1996, the group fell into indefinite hibernation.

In the same 1996, walking past the door of the KVANT club premises, he was drawn in by a draft. After that, he took an active part in skit parties, banquets, gatherings and meetings. He showed extraordinary oratorical abilities during public cleanup days.

In 1997, I discovered excessive Fun and Resourcefulness in myself and went to Moscow to look for a suitable Club. Having discovered the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, he pretended to be “Sting” as part of KVNNGU. That's how I remember it. In 1998, he returned from KVN NSU back to Physics.

In 1996, 1998 he defended his bachelor's (1996) and master's (1998) degrees in physics. Nobody attacked the diplomas anymore.

In 1998, he married his wife Tatyana, which was the result of a 2-year acquaintance. He was not noticed in connections that discredited himself. An excellent family man.

In 1999, he was urgently called to Moscow to voice the Spasskaya Tower, but after the audition he was sent to voice the humorous program BiS on TV-6.

In the summer of 2000, in the area of ​​Berdsk Bay, I collided with KVN DLSh head-on, having previously stuck chewing gum on it. As a result, he stuck and went with them to Jurmala. Member of the DLSH (Children of Lieutenant Schmidt) and “Siberian Siberians” teams.

At the beginning of 2001, we entered the new millennium.

For a long time he toured as part of the DLSh throughout the country. Until in 2002, at a turn near the village of Veseloe, he fell out of the Gazelle, which immediately significantly facilitated the touring activities of the DLSh. In the middle of the same year, A.N. Bocharov called Pushny, guessing his number by brute force.

Long-term collaboration with Andrey Bocharov forced me to become fluent in the AVID Xpress Pro program for video editing. After which, from 2002 to 2005, he tore off the heads of A.N. Bocharov and A.A. Tolokonnikov in the “Always Prepare!” program.

In 2004, at home around lunchtime, I completely accidentally wrote the phonogram for OSP. As a token of gratitude, Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats allowed us to play drums next to them, but not loudly. After playing the drums, he began to play songs backwards to front on the STS channel, also under the supervision of Tatyana and Mikhail. But he didn’t abandon the drums.

On December 14, 2004, I waited for my wife to go into labor. On December 15 he became the father of his son Dmitry. Why did I rejoice!

On December 29, I bought a DiMarzio Virtual Vintage"54 pickup and screwed it to the guitar. I was happy. And I bought 2 more such pickups, Virtual Vintage"54 and Virtual Vintage"54 Bridge...

Alexander Pushnoy was born in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, in the family of Boris Mikhailovich - cybernetics, and Nina Dmitrievna - economist. When Alexander was 7 years old, his parents sent him to a music school, where, with obstacles and a reluctance to play the piano, he studied for five years. Reluctance to keyboard instrument was caused by the fact that Pushnoy loved more modern music like Metallica, but teachers noted the student’s extraordinary abilities. He studied at school No. 25. I first became acquainted with a seven-string guitar at the age of 12, which was a gift from my father. In a sense, Pushny can be called “self-taught,” since he learned to play the guitar on his own, from books. In 1992 he entered the Faculty of Physics of NSU. In 1996, 1998 he defended his bachelor's and master's degrees (respectively) in physics. He was also a member of the internal entertainment club “Kvant”, where he actively participated in skits, get-togethers and general meetings. By the way, to get into this club, joining is not enough. Only a year after declaring oneself, a person becomes a candidate. Another year - and he is a member of the club. But with Pushny everything was different. He was hired immediately after joining. After some time, Alexander becomes a member of the NSU KVN. Around 1993, Alexander, together with his friends, created the rock band “Bear”. The group manages to exist until 1996, after which the “Bears” team falls silent in their joint, song-creative sense. In 1997, Alexander went to Moscow, where, as part of the NSU KVN club, he staged a parody of the singer Sting, which gained him some fame and favor with the audience. Alexander met his future wife, Tatyana, at the Vesti Underground punk music festival. After two years of dating, it was decided to get married.

Personal life

Married on August 11, 1998. On December 15, 2004, their son Dmitry was born. Tatyana Pushnoy's profession is designer.


Good jokes

It was with the Good Jokes program that Alexander’s universal popularity and fame began. In 2004, Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats invited Pushny to the role of co-host. Alexander did not participate in the first episodes of the program, but then, after joining the program, he quickly became noticeable. The first part of the successful project took place at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, followed by a break “between seasons.” Having completed the last filming of the season in the theater, and this was just on Alexander’s birthday, the presenters promised that they would return. The return was not entirely successful; due to the fact that it was decided to release the program in a new, different format. The ratings were very low, the program was closed after several episodes, and it seemed that the “trio of comedians” had sunk into obscurity forever. Pushnoy reasonably and clearly described this event in his LiveJournal. After some time, viewers were in for a surprise: there was an advertisement on STS that Good Jokes were coming back! No one was disappointed here: after the first broadcasts on TV, the program was “reborn”, many interesting competitions and adjustments were made, while the studio remained as cozy and familiar as it had previously been at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. To this day, Alexander Pushnoy is co-host of Tatyana and Mikhail Shchatz on the Good Jokes program; filmed at Music Hall. Such jokes as “let’s cut ourselves off”, “APOZH”, “we are walking on the edge” will remain for a long time in the hearts of fans of this humorous program.


This program is an analogue of the German product. Once, in the fall of 2006, Alexander was offered to become the host of the scientific and educational program “Galileo”. At first, filming took place in the city of Munich, and the TV shows collected good ratings. In general, the program received a good response from viewers, but over time, Alexander was discussed on forums as a “unlucky” presenter with a lot of jokes, which is completely inappropriate in a scientific program. Despite the criticism, Galileo has a large following, mostly between the ages of 3 and 17. IN at the moment, filming takes place in a Moscow studio. Produced by the TeleFormat company. Pushnoy tells the “leaders” to the next plot, of which there are up to 5-6 pieces in the program. Alexander also personally appears in stories about “Helicopters,” where he shouts words to the sound of a propeller; and about “Making a cake with graphic image”, personally eating his figurine from the finished cake. Brilliantly coping with his task, he is called “Galileo’s permanent leader.” On September 26th, the program marked its 100th episode.

Other programs

Alexander Pushnoy is a public favorite. For my creative activity, he managed to host many ceremonies and entertainment programs. The most famous:

He also appeared in commercials several times:

Performed songs from TV shows:

Thank God you came!

Big difference

Wall to wall

and from our own programs


Singing company

As soon as Alexander goes on vacation, the same thing happens to him: he falls ill.

Fur record holder for received “doors” in the program Thank God you came!

There are two “dubious” songs in Pushny’s repertoire, one of them - “One Girl’s Song” - remained on the Nashe Radio charts for many months!

Furry manages to be versatile, he has no analogues! This is a physicist, comedian and musician rolled into one.

Furry was born at night, at 4:15 am, and he managed to shit on the nurse who helped during the birth.

Alexander’s parents still live in Akademgorodok.

Alexander's mother dreamed that her son would become a pianist.

Pushny has poor light sensitivity (sees colors paler) - this is a type of color blindness (possibly deutanopia).

Despite his “multi-talents,” Pushnoy admits: “I don’t know how to write poetry!”

Alexander has been on the air of Bachinsky and Stillavin many times

Pushnoy is the most “frequent” presenter on the STS channel. He manages to manage three projects at once!

Who is Alexander Pushnoy?

Alexander Borisovich Pushnoy - Russian TV presenter and actor, composer and musician, KVN performer and showman. The areas of art and show business in which Alexander Pushnoy achieved recognition and popularity can be listed for a long time! Alexander Pushnoy was born on May 16, 1975 in the famous Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.


No one in the Pushny family was involved in art, especially music. Alexander's father worked as a senior researcher and then head of a laboratory in the Siberian department Russian Academy Sciences (SB RAS), my mother worked as an economist. But this did not stop seven-year-old Sasha from being sent to a music school to learn to play the piano.

Alexander Pushnoy admits that all 5 years at the music school he attended classes through force. However, at the end of the “musical”, Sasha’s father gave him a classical seven-string guitar. It was then that the teenager developed a real interest in music. True, this time there were no music schools- He learned to play the guitar himself from a textbook.

After graduating from school, Alexander Pushnoy went to Novosibirsk State University to study physics. In 1996 he received a bachelor's degree and in 1998 a master's degree in physics. At NSU, Alexander joined the humorous club “Kvant,” opened by students of the Faculty of Physics. Here he wrote musical numbers for skit boys and played in the university KVN team. In 1997, the NSU KVN team went to Moscow to perform in Major League KVN, Pushnoy also took part in that game, performing on stage the parody of Sting that made him famous. By the way, singer Pelageya also performed on the same team with Pushny.

Professional activities

A year after graduating from university, Pushnoy moved to Moscow to work in the humorous program “BiS” on the TV-6 channel. For several years he has been collaborating with various television shows as a music author and screenwriter, and since 2002 has already been actively working as a TV presenter. Now Pushnoy hosts his own sports and educational show “Mad Sports” on the Match TV channel.

In parallel with television, the music career Pushny - he wrote intros for TV shows, created music for films and TV series (“Simple Truths”, “FM and the Guys”), voiced characters in foreign cartoons (Fixik of the New Generation in “Fixies”, Jonathan in “Monsters on Vacation”) and acted cameo roles in television series (“Happy Together”, “Give You Youth!”).


After moving to the capital, Alexander Pushnoy continued to participate in KVN games. At first he found himself in the united team “Siberian Siberians”, which included the then-beginning “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt” and several members of the NSU team. Then he joined the main cast of DLSH and began to appear more often both on the KVN stage and on television.

In 2002, Alexander Pushnoy met in Moscow another graduate of the Faculty of Physics of NSU - Andrei Bocharov. The then-famous showman invited Alexander to become the director of his humorous and culinary show “Always Cook!” on the TNT channel. In addition, Pushny is trusted to host the “Loser Poet” column, where he performs comic songs about food with a guitar.

Through Andrei Bocharov, Alexander Pushnoy met Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva, who at that time were producing the popular humorous program “O.S.P. Studio" and the sitcom "33 Square Meters" that preceded it. Alexander joins the O.S.P. team. almost before the show closes, but manages to make a parody of Rammstein that the audience loves.

In 2004, a new show of humorous fights, “Good Jokes,” was released on the STS TV channel, hosted by Shats and Lazareva. It is they who invite Alexander to join the creative tandem and be responsible for musical part programs. Despite the success of the program and stable ratings, the popularity of the show pales in comparison with the invented Fur Competition - “APOZH”.

According to the rules of the competition, one of the team members sings a song, then, with the help of special program it is turned backwards. The second participant must repeat what he hears as a result, and the resulting recording is turned over again. The one who recognizes the originally performed song wins.

After APOZh appeared on STS, people started playing it all over the country - at holidays, family gatherings, and even anniversaries and weddings! To make playing at home easier, Alexander even released apps of the same name for smartphones.

In 2009, during a break in the filming of “Good Jokes,” Mikhail Shats and Alexander Pushnoy came up with another show for STS - “Song of the Day.” In the program, already familiar from “ Good jokes“The three presenters discuss the news of the day, and at the end they write and perform a song based on them. However, against the backdrop of the ratings-beating “ProjectorParisHilton,” which aired at that time on Channel One, the show by Shats and Pushnoy got lost and went off the air after the first season.

From 2007 to 2015, Alexander Pushnoy hosted another show on STS - “Galileo”. This time the program is of a scientific and educational nature and consists of short stories and studio experiments in physics and chemistry. This is where Alexander’s physics degree came in handy! The show is rapidly gaining popularity. However, not everything on the set goes smoothly - during the “Termite” experiment, Alexander, carried away by the experiment, severely burns his hand. Although, to some extent, even this failure has a positive effect on the popularity of the show.

During the existence of “Galileo”, 15 seasons were filmed and 1084 episodes were broadcast; in 2017, an additional season called “MegaGalileo” was filmed, consisting of 16 programs. For his work at Galileo, Alexander Pushnoy was nominated three times for the TEFI award as “best host of an entertainment program.”

Alexander Pushnoy also hosted the quiz “Who is smarter than a fifth grader?” with the participation of show business stars and “Creative Class” for graduates of Russian schools, both programs were broadcast on the STS TV channel.

Musical activities

While still in his first year at university, Pushnoy organized the rock band “Bear”. The rehearsal point was set up in the basement of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of NSU. The drum kit was borrowed from Alexander’s home school, the rest of the instruments were brought from home. The group existed for three years and did not gain much popularity, but on the website Pushnoy.ru you can still listen to music recordings made during that period.

Alexander Pushnoy's fame as a musician came after a series of excellent cover versions of Russian hits. Among them are “WWWalenki”, originally performed by Lidia Ruslanova, and the already forgotten soviet song“Take me across the Maidan,” which is becoming extremely relevant in our time. Finally, “Du Taxi”, or “Green-Eyed Taxi” is a popular song in the 80s performed by Mikhail Boyarsky, translated into German and performed by Pushny in the style of Rammstein.

Among the songs written by Alexander himself, the most popular are the humorous “Lenin sent everyone on May Day” and “Why am I an idiot?”, as well as the lyrical composition “Gray-yellow Spring” from the latest album “As a rule - no rules!”, released by Pushny in 2017.


comedy, series

Role: hacker | Composer

parody, film

Eighteenth moment of spring

Role: Schutzman | Composer

comedy, series

FM and guys

Role: Hunter | Composer

comedy, series

Happy together

Role: Musician

comedy, film

We are legends

Voiced by: Curtis


Voice acting: 6


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Voiced by: Flint Lockwood

comedy, sketch show

Give us youth!

Role: Detainee (cameo)


Ronal the Barbarian

Voiced by: Albert


Monsters on vacation

Voiced by: Jonathan


Ernest and Celestine

Voiced by: Ernest


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Voiced by: Flint Lockwood


Monsters on Vacation 2

Voiced by: Jonathan

comedy, series


Role: Animator – Santa Claus


Sinbad. Pirates of the Seven Storms

Credits song


Fixies: Big secret

Fixik of the New Generation

Personal life of Alexander Pushnoy

Back in student years Alexander Pushnoy met his future wife Tatyana. In 1998, the couple got married and have not separated since then. In their marriage, Alexander and Tatyana had three sons: Dmitry, Mikhail and Andrey.

The youngest son Andrei, born in 2016, not only transferred Alexander to the category of fathers of many children, but also inspired him to cover “Songs of the Lion Cub and the Turtle” in the heavy rock style characteristic of the artist. So before listening to the song, make sure that there are no small children, pregnant women or people with a weak heart near you.

Official VKontakte group -