Theater Festival “Golden Mask. The Golden Mask festival ended with an unusual ceremony: Russian National Golden Mask Award

"War and Peace. The beginning of the novel" in the "Petr Fomenko Workshop"

Incomplete first volume of "War and Peace" directed by Pyotr Fomenko - a sensation in 2002

In 2002, the largest harvest of “Golden Masks” was collected by Pyotr Fomenko’s Workshop. Four-hour production “War and Peace. The Beginning of a Novel" based on the first volume of Tolstoy's epic was named the best performance small form, Pyotr Fomenko received the award for directing, and Galina Tyunina - for the best female role. Jewelry direction and polyphony of meanings, delicacy and high style, signature lightness and precision of actors capable of playing energetically and purely, as if composing on the fly - the performance absorbed everything for which they adore “Fomenki”. In its current form, the production is somewhat different in terms of the cast of performers, but the overall atmosphere and energy of the master’s presence miraculously persists even several years after his death. “The Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko” received “Golden Masks” more than once - not only for “War and Peace”, and many of the awarded performances are in full swing in the repertoire with crowded halls: “One absolutely happy village” (“Golden Mask” 2001), “ Triptych" (2011) and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (2016).

"Rothschild's Violin" at the Moscow Youth Theater

The Bitter Parable of the Old Undertaker

All three performances by Kama Ginkas based on Chekhov's stories received Golden Masks. “The Black Monk” (2001), “The Lady with the Dog” (2003), “Rothschild’s Violin” (2006). And all are in the repertoire to this day. The latter was awarded twice: in the categories “Best Performance” and “Best Work of an Artist” (Sergei Barkhin). The focus is on an old, gloomy, silent undertaker (Valery Barinov), who has just buried his wife and is now remembering life among coffins of all kinds. Crystal purity lyricism, gradually emerging somewhere deep inside the hero, is capable of breaking through reinforced concrete.

“The Imaginary Ill” at the Maly Theater

Comedy by Molière directed by Sergei Zhenovach

The last play by the great comedian Moliere, directed by the master realist Sergei Zhenovach, became not so much a satire on charlatan doctors, but touching story bizarre resistance to loneliness. In 2007, a production with the leading artist of the troupe Vasily Bochkarev in leading role received the "Golden Mask" as the best performance of a large form. This is not the only performance of the Maly Theater awarded the highest theater prize - in 2004, “Truth is good, but happiness is better” according to Ostrovsky, also staged by Zhenovach, was awarded a special jury prize.

“A seedy family” at the “Theatrical Art Studio”

Conservative theater at its best

The author's theater of Sergei Zhenovach is one of the most popular in the city, despite the fact that it is completely devoid of external signs of the present time. Here they stage classics, mostly Russian, mostly in the costumes of the era depicted and strictly in accordance with the plot. But the reason for popularity is not only and not so much in the conscious choice of the niche of the old good theater, so much in a rare level of skill that not only makes crowds of spectators fall in love with the theater, but has been repeatedly noted by experts and the jury of the “Golden Mask”. The winners of the award in different years were “The Battle of Life” according to Dickens, “The Potudan River” according to Platonov and the very first performance of “STI” - “ Seedy family"according to Leskov. In the latter, young artists, then (in 2007) who had just received their diplomas, in 4 unnoticed hours fly by, damnably authentically and endlessly touchingly live the entire history of a single noble family of the century before last.

"Shukshin's Stories" at the Theater of Nations

Evgeny Mironov and Chulpan Khamatova in a performance that reconciled innovators and traditionalists

Best Russian performance in the 2008/2009 season, according to the jury of the Golden Mask, it was directed by the Latvian Alvis Hermanis. “Shukshin's Stories”, staged by him with eminent Russian actors - Chulpan Khamatova and Evgeny Mironov - the performance is terribly funny and well-tailored, it consists of scenes from life in the Russian outback, which the artists specially went to study.

"Uncle Vanya" at the Theater. Vakhtangov

Outstanding performance by Rimas Tuminas with Sergei Makovetsky in the title role

After “Uncle Vanya” (premiere in 2009), no one had any questions about the appointment of the Lithuanian Rimas Tuminas to the place of artistic director of the Vakhtangov Theater - this was not the director’s first work on the famous stage, but it is from here that the era of the Vakhtangov Renaissance should be counted. Traditional for Chekhov's plays psychologism is combined with the tragic grotesque that Tuminas loves so much, and the metaphorical nature of Lithuanian directing in general. In the role of Voinitsky - Sergei Makovetsky.

"W. Shakespeare's Cook Cafe" of the "Shadow" Theater

All Shakespeare in one menu

You come to the cafe, take one of five tables, and instead of food on the menu, choose one of Shakespeare’s many plays (however, you can then order food too). When everyone has placed their order, the performance will begin: in a small nativity scene, five plays by the English bard selected for the evening will be performed for the guests in the format of an ultra-short retelling by hilarious puppets. A team of playwrights and a team of authors worked on the creation the best theater puppets of Moscow - theater "Shadow". Tickets for performances of this theater cannot be purchased, but you can order and wait for notifications about upcoming shows. “W. Shakespeare Cook Cafe” received the “Golden Mask” in 2015 as the best puppet theater performance. Their play “The Epic of Lilikan” won a similar award five years earlier, and it also remains in the current repertoire.

"Oh. Late Love" at the "School of Dramatic Art"

An absurdist action film based on an old-fashioned play - with disguises, electric shock and blood

The work of Dmitry Krymov and his students from GITIS is an absurd action film with ridiculous disguises, bloody battles and dances - based on a completely forgotten play by Ostrovsky. That is, literally according to the play, and not, as usual with Krymov, according to a psychedelic vinaigrette from the whole world cultural heritage together. The result, miraculously, turned out to be one of the funniest performances, if not of modern times, then at least of the season; in confirmation - two “Golden Masks” in 2016: for the best performance and the best actress (Maria Smolnikova).

In the same year, another performance brought the “Golden Mask” to the “School of Dramatic Art” theater - the amazingly beautiful acoustic canvas of ancient noise machines “Sound Landscapes” by composer Peter Aidu, recognized as the best in the “Experiment” competition. In addition, of all the performances of the “Laboratory of Dmitry Krymov” in today’s repertoire of the ShDA there is another winner of the “Golden Mask”, and also in the “Experiment” nomination - this is “Opus No. 7”, a black and white hand-made illusion about Shostakovich.

by the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation and is awarded to performances of all genres theatrical arts: drama, opera, ballet, modern dance, operetta and musical, puppet theater.

The award winners are determined at the festival of the same name. Festival of performances nominated for the award " Golden Mask", is a large-scale forum that presents the professional community and the general public with a complete and objective picture of Russian theatrical life.

The organizers of the festival and theater award "Golden Mask" are the Union of Theater Workers (STD) of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Moscow government, and the festival directorate.

Since 2002, the general sponsor of the Golden Mask has been Sberbank of Russia.

The main goals of the award and festival are to preserve and develop the traditions of Russian theater; identifying the best creative works V various types and genres of theatrical art; identification of modern trends theatrical process and strengthening the common cultural space countries, creating conditions for regular creative exchange.

The competition cycle for the award is considered to be the period from August 1 to July 31 of the next calendar year. Works publicly presented later than the competition period may be considered for the prize in the next cycle.

Only performances can be nominated for the prize Russian theaters and performances - co-productions of Russian theaters with foreign ones.

To determine the applicants for the Golden Mask Award, two expert councils are created - to determine the award nominees in competitions for performances of drama and puppet theaters; to determine nominees in competitions for opera, operetta/musical and ballet performances.

To determine the winners of the prize, six independent competitions have been established - a competition for performances of the drama theatre, opera theatres, operetta/musical, ballet, puppet theatres, as well as the "Experiment" competition - the search for new expressive means modern theater.

There are two main nominations in the drama theater performance competition: “Best large-form performance” and “Best small-form performance.” From the number of performances selected for the competition in the main category, the winners of awards in private categories are determined: “Best work of a director”, “Best work of a production designer”, “Best work of a costume designer”, “Best work of a lighting designer”, “Best Actress", "Best Actor", "Best Supporting Actress", "Best Supporting Actor".

In the competition of opera and operetta/musical theater performances, the main nomination is “Best Performance”, and award winners are determined in the nominations “Best Director’s Work”, “Best Conductor’s Work”, “Best Actress”, “Best Actor”.

The ballet performance competition has two main nominations - “Best ballet performance” and “Best modern dance performance”.

In the competition of puppet theater performances, the main nomination is “Best Performance”.

In 2008, the Golden Mask festival won “The best work of a composer in musical theater.”

Prizes for best works Based on the results of the festival, awards are made by two professional juries: in competitions for performances of drama and puppet theaters; in competitions for opera, operetta/musical and ballet performances. Each jury is formed by the festival management from among actors, directors, conductors, artists, choreographers and professional theater critics (theatre critics, musicologists, art critics). The jury cannot include members of the expert council, as well as creators and performers of performances participating in the festival. Decisions on awarding prizes are made at the end of the festival at a jury meeting by secret ballot.

Along with competitive prizes, special “Golden Mask” awards have also been established - “For outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art”, “For support of the theatrical art of Russia”, “Jury Prize” (two awards).

Each nominee for the award competitions is awarded a commemorative diploma. The winners of the award are awarded certificates and memorable signs “Golden Mask”.

The memorial sign "Golden Mask" was made according to a sketch by set designer Oleg Sheintsis.

The first presentation of the Golden Mask Award took place in 1995 following the results of the last Moscow theater season. The award in the field of musical theater was given to the opera “Force of Destiny” by Giuseppe Verdi, staged by Evgeny Kolobov at the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater. Best performance was named "Room in the hotel of the city NN" after Nikolai Gogol of the Center named after Vs. Meyerhold, best director - Pyotr Fomenko, best actress- Natalya Tenyakova, best actor - Alexander Feklistov, the best artist— Sergey Barkhin.

Among the prize winners in different times were theater directors Anatoly Vasiliev and Lev Dodin, actors and directors Konstantin Raikin and Oleg Tabakov, ballet soloists Nikolai Tsiskaridze and Ulyana Lopatkina, conductor Valery Gergiev and others. The “For Honor and Dignity” award was awarded to actors Yulia Borisova, Mikhail Ulyanov, Kirill Lavrov, director Yuri Lyubimov and others.

"Golden Mask" has initiated a number of major theatrical events, including the international Russian Case program addressed to foreign guests, publishing projects, tours of the Bolshoi, Mariinsky, Alexandrinsky, Maly Drama, Mikhailovsky theaters, etc. Since 2009, a non-competitive program has been held as part of the festival " Mask Plus", since 2010 - program " New play". Special attention"Golden Mask" devotes itself to touring activities, organizing since 2000, together with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the program "The best performances in the cities of Russia and the Baltic countries."

The permanent president of the festival and the Golden Mask award was theater and film actor Georgy Taratorkin (1945-2017).

Since 2017, the president of the Golden Mask festival and award is People's Artist Russia Igor Kostolevsky.

The 22nd Golden Mask festival, which took place from February 4 to April 15, 2016, was attended by 52 theaters from 19 cities and presented 69 performances. More than 50 laureates received awards.

The laureates of the award “For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Theater Art” were the professor, head of the department of acting skills of the Theater Institute of the Saratov Conservatory. L.V. Sobinova Rimma Belyakova, actress, director of the Sakhalin International Theater Center. A.P. Chekhova Clara Kisenkova, artistic director Maly Theater Yuri Solomin, artistic director of the Maly Drama Theater (St. Petersburg) Lev Dodin, actor Tatar Theater them. G. Kamala Rinat Tazetdinov, artistic director of the Ballet Theater Boris Eifman, artist, set designer Boris Messerer and actor of the National Drama Theater. M. Gorky (Minsk, Belarus) Rostislav Yankovsky.

The 23rd Golden Mask festival takes place in Moscow in February-April 2017. Besides competitive program performances nominated for the “Golden Mask” award, the projects “Mask Plus”, “Children’s Weekend”, “Golden Mask” in cinema”, “Golden Mask” in the city”, “Institute of Theatre”, and the Russian Case program are being implemented. The ceremony of awarding the Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask" will take place on April 19, 2017 on stage Musical theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The department called it inappropriate to continue to be among the organizers of Russia’s main theater award, emphasizing that the award should be “as independent as possible”

Photo: Vladimir Vyatkin / RIA Novosti

The Ministry of Culture of Russia will no longer be listed as the organizer of the country's main theater award; the withdrawal from the list of organizers is stated in a letter signed by the deputy head of the department Pavel Stepanov, sent to the chairman of the Union of Theater Workers (STD) Alexander Kalyagin (available to RBC, copies of the letter were also sent to the president prize and festival “Golden Mask” to Igor Kostolevsky and general director of the ANO “Festival “Golden Mask” Maria Revyakina).

“Due to the fact that the department does not consider it advisable to continue to act as the organizer of the award<...>, we inform you about the resignation of the relevant powers,” the document says.

​The press service of the Ministry of Culture explained to RBC that the inappropriateness of the department’s continued presence among the organizers of the “Golden Mask” (according to the regulations on the award, the co-organizers are the Ministry of Culture and STD) is explained by the need for maximum independence of the country’s main theater award. At the same time, the department emphasized that until now its functions have been purely nominal.

“In connection with the formal role of the Russian Ministry of Culture as one of the organizers of the award, the department decided to withdraw from its organizers. We do not consider it advisable to continue to act in this capacity, since we actually do not influence the adoption of any decisions. The presence or absence of the Ministry of Culture as organizers does not affect the functioning of the award, including issues of its financing,” explained the department’s press service.

Igor Kostolevsky and Maria Revyakina confirmed to RBC that they had received a letter from the Ministry of Culture.

“We actually received this letter. We turned to Pavel Stepanov, he explained that the state organization does not want to interfere with the public organization regarding expert advice. We were told that help, funding - all this remains,” Kostolevsky said.

“A letter arrived. After receiving the letter, we spoke with Deputy Minister Pavel Vladimirovich Stepanov, who said that, in accordance with the regulations, the predominant role belongs to the founder. And he believes that government agency There is no point in interfering in the formation of expert councils; this should be done by a public professional organization. We work as we worked,” Revyakina noted.

Alexander Kalyagin did not answer RBC's calls.

The withdrawal of the Ministry of Culture from the organizers of the “Golden Mask” occurred shortly after the head of the department of state support of art and folk art Ministry of Culture Andrey Malyshev. “I’m not ready to work with people who are engaged in thimbleing,” he told RBC.

Malyshev also explained that the Ministry of Culture has repeatedly initiated reforms in the theatrical environment, but none of them have been supported by the STD. This, according to him, is primarily about the need to rotate the “age management of theaters,” as well as the rejection of the practice of combining the functions of artistic director and director, which is now widely practiced in Russian theaters.

Russian national theater award The Golden Mask was established in 1993 and is awarded to performances of all genres of theatrical art: drama, opera, ballet, modern dance, operetta and musical, puppet theater.

The ceremony of presenting the Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask" took place at New scene Bolshoi Theater. The winners were chosen from 832 performances staged in more than 100 Russian cities. The decision was made by a two-member jury: “ Drama Theater and Puppet Theater" under the chairmanship of theater expert and critic Alexei Bartoshevich and the "Musical Theater" under the direction of conductor Pavel Bubelnikov.

In the nomination "Operetta - musical" The winner was the play “Sweeney Todd, the Maniacal Barber of Fleet Street” at the Moscow Taganka Theater. He received two more awards: best actor - actor Pyotr Markin, work of director - Alexey Frandetti. Best Performer The female role was named Anastasia Ermolaeva, who played in the production of “The Mikado, or the City of Titipu” by the Musical Comedy Theater from Yekaterinburg. The musical theater from Novosibirsk took home two awards - for the work of the conductor (Alexander Novikov) and the best supporting role (Evgenia Ogneva) in the musical “Nameless Star”.

In category "Ballet" the best was “Suite in White” by the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre. The best performance in “Modern Dance” was named “Imago Trap” of the Yekaterinburg theater “Provincial Dances”. Staged by the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Cinderella" was noted in the category "Work of a conductor" (Teodor Currentzis) and "Work of a choreographer" (Alexei Miroshnichenko). Nurbek Batulla (“The Call of the Beginning,” Kazan) and Anastasia Stashkevich (“The Cage,” Bolshoi Theater) received the “Golden Mask” for male and female roles.

Scene from the play "Sweeney Todd, the Maniacal Barber of Fleet Street." Moscow Taganka Theater. Photo:

Scene from the operetta “The Mikado, or the City of Titipu”. Sverdlovsk State academic theater musical comedy, Ekaterinburg. Photo:

Scene from the play “Imago Trap”. Theater "Provincial Dances", Yekaterinburg. Photo:

Best Opera- "Billy Budd" Bolshoi Theater. The work of the director in the opera is Kirill Serebrennikov for the production of “Chaadsky” at the Helikon Opera Theater. The work of the conductor is Oliver von Dohanyi in the opera “The Passenger” of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater, and the actress of this theater Nadezhda Babintseva received the prize for best actress. In the male role, Evgeniy Stavinsky was noted - he performed Mephistopheles in Faust at the New Opera Theater. E.V. Kolobova.

Best large-scale dramatic performance was the production of “Fear, Love, Despair” by the Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe (directed by Lev Dodin), and small form- “Chuk and Gek” of the Alexandrinsky Theater (director Mikhail Patlasov). Alla Demidova was awarded for the female role (“Akhmatova. A Poem without a Hero”, “Gogol Center”), and Vyacheslav Kovalev (“Exile”, V. Mayakovsky Theater) for the male role. The best playwright is Dmitry Danilov ("The Man from Podolsk") of the Moscow "Teatra.doc", director - Yuri Butusov ("Uncle Vanya") of the Theater. Lensovet.

Scene from the opera "The Passenger". Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater. Photo:

Scene from the play “Fear, Love, Despair.” Academic Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe, St. Petersburg. Photo:

Scene from the opera "Billy Budd". State Academic Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow. Photo:

In the nomination "Dolls" The play “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century” won creative association"Taratumb" and the Gulag History Museum. They also noted the work of artists Emil Kapelyush and Yulia Mikheeva (“Snow Maiden”, Kostroma), director Vladimir Biryukov (“Parrot and Brooms”, Penza), actors of the Tomsk Puppet Theater and actor “Skomorokh” named after. R. Vinderman.

Special jury awards for the Drama Theater and Puppet Theater went to the Khabarovsk Theater for Young Spectators and the Moscow Gogol Center. Special jury awards of the Musical Theater - the performance “Cantos” of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater. P.I. Tchaikovsky and the creative duet of the play “Manon Lescaut” at the Bolshoi Theater - Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov. In the “Experiment” competition, the performance “I AM BASYO” by the St. Petersburg “Uppsala Circus” was named the best.

This year, for the first time in the history of the award, two award ceremonies were held. The first took place on March 27, at. In the White Foyer of the Historical Stage of the Bolshoi Theater, 12 laureates were awarded in the honorary nomination “For outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art in Russia.” “Golden masks” were received by Valentin Gaft, Alexander Shirvindt, Ivan Krasko, Vladimir Recepter, Nikolai Boyarchikov, Alla Pokrovskaya, Galina Anisimova, Vera Kuzmina, Alla Zhuravleva, Anatoly Gladnev and Yuri Bure-Nebelsen.

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    - “Golden Mask” All-Russian Theater Festival, a national theater award, established in 1994 by the Union of Theater Workers of Russia and awarded to performances of all genres of theatrical art: drama, opera, ballet, operetta and musical... Wikipedia

    GOLDEN MASK, Russian national theater award. Established by the Union of Theater Workers in 1994. Awarded for the best works of the season in all types of theatrical art: drama, opera, ballet, operetta (musical), puppet theater. Awards... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Golden Mask- Masque d or Pour l’article homonyme, voir Masque d Or. Le Masque d or (en russe The Golden Mask) est un festival russe de théâtre créé en 1994 et doté d un prix prestigieux. Le festival accueille des spectacles de théâtre, d opéra, de… … Wikipédia en Français

    Golden mask- (prize) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    Golden Mask All-Russian theater festival, which in the spring of each year presents in Moscow the most significant performances from Russian cities. “Golden Mask” National Theater Award, which was established in 1994 by the Union of Theater... ... Wikipedia

    National Theater Award "Golden Mask" Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    History of the festival and the Golden Mask award- The Russian National Theater Award Golden Mask was established in 1993 by the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation as a professional award for the best works of the season in all types of theatrical art (drama, opera, ballet, modern dance,... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Theater festival "Golden Mask"- The Russian National Theater Award Golden Mask was established in 1994 by the Union of Theater Workers of Russia as a professional award for creative achievements in the field of theater arts. The main goals of the award and festival are… Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Mask- The famous golden mask of Tutankhamun's mummy. MASK (French masque), 1) an overlay with cutouts for the eyes, hiding the face, sometimes with the image of a human face, animal head or mythical creature. Ritual masks were worn... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary