Theatrical performance in the small homeland script and. Scenario “Big Russia, a small corner”

Festival “Fan of Songs and Words”. The village of Ureysk. 2017 February.

Scenario of the concert “Live, my village!”


Good afternoon, dear fellow countrymen!

Hello, dear guests!

Today, creative lovers from Narasun welcome you to your stage and give you their art!

We are pleased to welcome the residents of Ureysk, the organizers and participants of the inter-settlement festival “Fan of Songs and Words”!

SONG “Live, dear village!” Music and lyrics by A. Vanyukov. Spanish Vocal group

I yearn for my homeland:

It seems to me that there is no land more expensive.

My land of unpretentious poplars,

Where even life itself is much stricter.

In all centuries, at any time

We, like mothers, do not choose our Motherland

It is given to us by the will of God,

We are born on it and die.

Today we dedicate our program to our small homeland, our native village Narasun.

2017 is an anniversary year for our village; Narasun turns 290 years old! And our program is continued by the smallest participant of the concert

Yulia Rumyantseva with the song by composer Kostin “Raspberry, Blueberry”

Once upon a time, about three centuries ago, Russian Cossacks appeared in the Onon floodplain, they founded our village.

And these Prionon places were the thousand-year-old abode of local peoples. And since then, a centuries-old history of neighborhood, joint activities, and close coexistence of the two peoples began.

The Trukhins and Perfilyevs laid the foundation,

Narasun appeared, and people began to live here.

They sowed, plowed, and raised livestock together,

They needed to live as a brotherly family.

SONG by Anna Petryasheva “I’m tired.” Performed by Lilya Maltseva

The name of our village has Buryat roots, and the history of Narasun was written by both Russians and Buryats together.

In difficult coexistence, months, years flew by, generations replaced each other. There was an interpenetration of elements of culture, life, and language.

Borrowing, mutual enrichment of experience, joint work for the benefit of the Fatherland, joint defense of borders have become factors for the unity of peoples. And now Russians and Ukrainians, Buryats and Hamnigans, Lithuanians and Belarusians live in Narasun, about 20 nationalities in total.

Panina Alina “Artist”. Music Nadezhda Lisyakova

Everyone has a corner in their heart,
What is dear to us from birth.
At the crossroads of life
Only there will we find healing.

Everyone has their own pier in life
AND father's house, which pulls us like a magnet.
After all, he is the beginning of everything
And the doors there are always open for us.

Music and lyrics by Anna Petryasheva “Red Cat”. Performed by Daria Permyakova.

Mutual activities during the development of our harsh region taught our peoples patience, mutual understanding, friendliness, and respect for the traditions and customs of their neighbors. So in the 21st century we are trying to revive the traditions of our peoples, we celebrate Sagaalgan and Maslenitsa. Tatyana Blazhevskaya congratulates you on Maslenitsa!

Russian folk song arranged by N. Barulin “Like Oil Week.” Blazhevskaya T. sings.

My village is on the edge of the earth.
Everything here, down to every detail, is familiar.
No matter where the path takes me,
I remember home with tenderness.
You won't notice the wondrous beauty here.
It is like all ordinary villages.
My native village Narasun-
My support and my salvation.

And ordinary people live here.
Like you and me - with our souls wide open.
They respect fun, love work,
They will give away the last shirt off your shoulders.

DANCE “Oh, you rose!” Performs dance group"FANTASY".

Main value Our village's inhabitants were and remain. Those who were born and raised on this land or those who once came and stayed. The history of Narasun preserves many glorious names; everyone made their own, albeit small, contribution to the development of their native village, their labor contribution for the benefit of our Motherland.

SONG from the repertoire of the group “Christmas” “So I want to live.” Performed by Toporkov V.

Our fellow villagers, fellow countrymen - Narasun people live in different lands Russia, near and far abroad. And, of course, there are those who once left their native lands, but do not forget them. Among them is Svetlana Strukova - Komogortseva, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. These are her poems that are heard in our program today.

Svetlana Strukova - Komogortseva “I wish I could go back to the village.”

Read by the winner of the competitions artistic reading Irina Pushnikova

Today, more than 1000 people live in Narasuna! Half of them are representatives of the older generation, about three hundred are youth and teenagers, 119 students study at Narasun Secondary School, 60 students attend kindergarten!

When the memory strikes a chord,
I will feel the sound of strings in my soul.
I will return again to the distant past -
To a village called Narasun.
Today it has become distant to me,
There is no place for me anymore.
But without him I'm lonely in life,
I am without a village, like a stove without a fire.

Song "For Joys". By Opand Kids. Performed by Diana Smirnova.

I really want to go back to childhood again,

Let it be for a while. Just for fun.

To let the past pass through the heart,

It’s like looking through the window into your own home.

And there, in the oven, half-circumference loaves

And rolls of rolls next to the samovar.

There's mom with a wooden shovel

The bread comes out with a delicious crust.

The smell of bread is in our house...

Suddenly I hear through the gray window

The melody is painfully familiar to me -

Father's harmonica sings again.

Russian folk song "Poppy Flower". Performed by Liliya Maltseva.
They are back in action, just like before.
With living people nearby, in orderly rows.
And at the parade, everyone here is a hero,
Their exploits become more and more significant over the years.

The updated photos show a clear look,
And still so young.
There are millions of them - in that line of soldiers,
And they are all alive today.
Soldiers don't go anywhere
They are in our hearts forever
with us.
And here they are again a year later
They walk with their family in orderly rows.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War More than 200 soldiers from our village went to the front. Our fellow countrymen fought on all fronts, in the battles of Moscow and Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge and during the crossing of the Dnieper, during the liberation of Prague and the storming of Berlin. Victory came at a great price. There is no yard or family in our village that was not touched by the black wing of the war: more than 100 soldiers did not return home. They died, went missing, died of wounds in hospitals. Their names are carved on memorial plaques and on a monument erected in the village park.

Andrey Dementyev "The Ballad of a Mother". Read by Valentina Tudiyarova.

The road winds like a ribbon between the hills,
Opening my eyes to unprecedented distances.
And it shines in the blue and high sky
Such sun is only in Transbaikalia.
The soul sings, wide open
And soaks up every moment.
There are, of course, more beautiful lands in the world,
But Transbaikalia is in the heart from birth.

Harsh region, I don’t argue, just sadness
You will hardly find it in human eyes.
They won’t let you go without giving you some tea -
This is an unspoken law in Transbaikalia.
Everything is different here, everything is completely different:
Both people and nature. My ancient land
Perhaps that is why the soul cries -
She simply does not accept anyone else.

"Russia". Song by composer S. Lapshakova. Performed by Panina Alina.

The stork is spinning in the blue sky,
Spreading strong wings.
Today over my Russia
The bells are ringing again.
I am this ringing, like a voice from above,
What comes to us from heaven,
I can only hear with my heart,
And there are no more mysterious miracles,

When I listen to these sounds,
What is above the ground on all sides.
In a happy moment and in a moment of separation,
This ringing is like a song of life.
That ringing is heard everywhere,
Like an incorruptible rumor:
Russia is, Russia will be,
She is still alive!

Music by V. Levashov, words by N. Palkin “Bloom, Russia!” Performed by a vocal group.

The script uses poems by Svetlana Strukova - Komogortseva.


September has come, summer has ended,

The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived!

The summer has blazed away with hot heat,

The happiest days are behind...

And again, as before, you and I

They arrived on an early autumn morning.

And everything will start all over again.

At school from bell to bell...

Again from the September pier

The school river will carry us...

- Hello, dear guys. I am very glad to see you in our spacious and cozy classroom. What is school? (children’s answers)

School is a special world!

School is a unique state!

School is a place of joy and sorrow.

School is a place of wonders and traditions.

School is our second home, where we spend most of our time with you.

A school is a small country with its own rules and laws.

What does the word country mean to you? (children's answers)

Yes, a country is the state in which we live, our homeland.

Now look at the map, compare our country in size with other countries. Which country occupies the largest area?
- What country do you and I live in?
— What country are you a citizen of?
— What is the name of the capital of our Motherland?
- We all live in huge country the name of which is Russia.
Russia is the most big country in the world.
Russia's borders run both by land and sea.
Our country is very beautiful and rich. All this is our Motherland.

— What does each of you consider to be your small homeland?
What does mine mean? What does small mean? What does homeland mean?

MINE - because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school...
SMALL - because it is a small part of my vast country.
HOMELAND - because people dear to my heart live here.
What is HOMELAND for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where you were born; a birch tree at your native doorstep; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.
- Homeland begins with the fact that you suddenly understand: Russia will not live without you, and you will not live without it. You need her, and she needs you - that’s the whole secret. And no other country can replace it, because Russia is native to you, and all the rest are foreign lands, even the most beautiful ones, with evergreen palm trees and colorful orchids. You are not needed there, they will live there without you, but here, where your Homeland is, you are always welcome, understood and loved.
The homeland is the land, the state where a person is born.
The word "Motherland" comes from ancient word“Kin”, which denotes a group of people united by blood (Kinship).

“Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, this is where my small homeland begins.
A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, and service to the Fatherland. Your own mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - so simple, warm, human values become the basis true love to the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.

- But there is a place in our country where we were born and grow - this is our native land, this is our small Motherland.

Teacher's story about the Lipetsk region .

The territory of the Lipetsk Territory was formed in 1954 by annexing neighboring lands: Voronezh, Ryazan, Kursk and Oryol regions. It is located in the central part of European Russia, 450 km south of Moscow, with the administrative center being Lipetsk. The variety of its natural attractions - rocky river banks, vast areas of forests, lakes, diversity of flora and fauna, and several protected areas amazes the imagination.

The cultural heritage of the Lipetsk region is of great value, the history of the Motherland and its identity.

The land of Lipetsk remembers and honors the names of many world-famous writers, poets, musicians, scientists, historical figures, saints. Remembers historical events and heroes - fellow countrymen.

The Lipetsk region today is the territory where the large number various modern industrial and agricultural enterprises equipped with the latest advanced technologies.

— Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?

— Do you know famous fellow countrymen?
— What history of your region can you tell?

Teacher's story about the Izmalkovsky region .

In the hilly forest-steppe expanses of the fertile Black Earth Region, in the west of the Lipetsk region, 131 km from Lipetsk, is the Izmalkovsky district. Its history, according to archeology, dates back toXIcenturies, since the time of the first settlers. Its name, Izmalkovo, which was formed inXVIIcentury.

The main river is Pine, rivers and streams, ponds and springs, exotic representatives of some species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book are the wealth of the Izmalkovsky region.

In ancient times, this land was famous for its craftsmen - craftsmen skilled in pottery. And now the pride of the region is its people, outstanding fellow countrymen who have glorified the land of Izmalkovo with their achievements. This is Saint Theophan the Recluse, N.Ya. Danilevsky is a thinker and publicist, A.M. Izmalkov is a sculptor, P. Shubin is a front-line poet, A. Stakhanov is an innovator in the coal industry, N. Melgunov is a composer.

Izmalkovites honor the memory of their fellow countrymen - everyone who did not return from the battlefields during the Second World War.

- Russia, Motherland, small homeland. Such painfully familiar words.
Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth.
But no matter where we are, your native land will always be that bright light for us, which will call us to our native land with its bright light.
Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his family.
Feel proud of the people who glorify your country
Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

Song about Izmalkovo “Izmalkovsky region”.

Scenario for the holiday “My Little Motherland. My native land" for children 8-9 years old

Target: create vivid emotional ideas about the Motherland; to cultivate love for one’s native land and a sense of pride in one’s village.
Equipment: physical map of Russia, the Volga is highlighted on it with an LED strip, an exhibition of children’s drawings on the theme “My favorite place in Podlesnoye”, an exhibition of children’s crafts, a multimedia presentation “My native village”

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: let's imagine for a moment that we went to space travel. From the ship's windows we admire our planet. On it, we, first of all, are in a hurry to see our great homeland - Russia. Where can we look for our native land?
Here is the beautiful Volga flowing. Here we should look for our small homeland.
(the Volga bed is highlighted on the map)
1. Near the river in the fog
The poplars are ringing a little.
Maybe they attract
Human Earth?

2. Or a curly birch tree,
Not mince of words?
Or sycamore?
Sycamore is the head of all forests.

3.Ile dancing viburnum
What's shaking the earring?
Or the first blade of grass,
Breaking ice?

Teacher: Why does the Earth attract
Or this or that.
Getting to the heart of the matter,
I think so to everyone.
4. And rowan bushes
And a meadow
And mushroom rains
And not mushroom rain.

5. The first ringing drop
And dew on the lips,
Nightingale's trill
In the nightingale bushes.

6. And native places
Where did you live, where have you been?
And flowers, flowers
I almost forgot about them.

7. beckoned by the will of the river
And we will spread the fields.
Will never deceive
Human land.

Teacher: Motherland! Everyone knows this word from childhood. In a big country, every person has his own small corner - a village or city, a street, a house where he was born. This is his little Motherland, and our great Motherland consists of many such small corners.
Children read the poem “What do we call homeland?”

What do we call Motherland?
The land where you and I live.
And birch trees by the road,
Which way we are walking.

What do we call Motherland?
Sun in the blue sky
And fragrant spicate
Bread at the festive table.

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I grow up.
And the starlings' merry songs
Behind the open window.

Teacher: where is your house, guys, and the place where we live? Who knows the full address?
(address appears on the board)
Saratov region
Marksovsky district
With. Podlesnoe
song "Our Land"(words Alien A. music Kabalevsky D.)
Teacher: we were in school museum. Having visited it, we learned that in our area until 1760. there was not a single settlement. Empress Catherine II invited German residents to settle in these endless steppes.
Over 8 years, 8,000 German families were resettled, about 27,000 people in total.
This is how the first settlements appeared: Sosuntal (Sosnovka), Unterwalden (Podlesnoye), Rempu (Mikhailovka) and many others.
Residents were engaged in farming and gardening. At the beginning, our village was named after the first owner - Meingard ("My Garden"). Later it was called Unterwalden. There was a school and a hospital in the village. Later, with the advent of collective farms, a collective farm club and a rural library were built.
With the outbreak of the war with Nazi Germany, the Germans were evicted from the Volga, and the villages were renamed. So, since 1941, Unterwalden began to be called Podlesnoe. Currently, our village has 5,000 residents.
In Podlesnoe there is a hospital, a library, a community center, a kindergarten, Orthodox Church, art school, sports school and high school where you study.
This year our school will be 33 years old. Before this, the school was located in other buildings. We went on a tour and saw these buildings.
Children read a poem by A.B. Kruglova (school teacher) “Podlesnoe”
Podlesnoye - listen, my friend,
You hear the voice of a bird.
It's like hearing a stream singing.
And the sound of birches and the rustle of the breeze.
Podlesnoye - you see right away
Volga bank, delicate flowers.
And the forest by the river
And there's a beach by the river,
And the sun that warms us.
Podlesnoe is a beautiful village.
A familiar window.
Grandparents live here
And the grandchildren are expected to visit in the evenings.
We have life with you
Given for good deeds.
And we all have one homeland.
Teacher: Each of us has our favorite place in the village. The guys drew them.
Exhibition of children's drawings

Children: Beautiful, beautiful native land
I will never find anything more beautiful.
Green valleys, forests and fields
And the blue water of the Volga.

Teacher: To preserve the beauty of your native land, you must treat it with care. People love to relax in nature, admire the river and forest, but often after their vacation, mountains of garbage are left behind. Everyone understands that polluting nature is bad, but not everyone takes their trash with them from the forest. That is why the children of our school go out on environmental cleanup days, cleaning the banks of the Volga.
Teacher: Where does the Motherland begin?
From the picture in your primer.
From good and faithful comrades,
Living in the neighboring yard.
That's what the song says. But it’s true that when remembering our native places, we want to talk about the people who live next to us. These are our friends, neighbors, and interesting people. Today we are visiting wonderful person. Meet:
Cherednikov Yuri Mikhailovich is a teacher at our school and a sports school coach in Greco-Roman wrestling.
Sample conversation plan:- Tell us a little about yourself
- When did you become interested in Greco-Roman wrestling and how did you become a coach?
-Tell me about your students. What sporting heights have they achieved?
Teacher: people who put their whole soul and love into the work they do are called masters of their craft. Their work makes the Motherland more beautiful. Our guest is a true master of his craft. Thank you for your work!
I would like to praise my students too... They are hardworking guys. Look at the crafts that the guys made with their own hands. I hope, children, that in the near future your skillful hands and your work will decorate and strengthen our small and large Motherland. This is what our song is about.
Song "Master of His Craft"
Teacher: I am grateful to our guest for coming to us for the holiday. As a keepsake of our meeting, we are giving you a photo frame made by children. We'll share photos from the celebration a little later.
When I walk through my native land
And my heart is full of song
Birch foliage and song words
They merge into one feeling.
Such expanses of fields and forests!
And the sky is so high!
And the blue of the rivers and the grass of the meadows
And all this, Motherland, you!
Teacher: finishing our holiday, we sing about Russia.
Song “My Russia” (words by N. Solovyov, music by G. Struve)

Municipal educational institution

"Lesnoukolovskaya main secondary school»

Krasnensky district

Belgorod region

Methodological development

moral lesson


Developed and carried out

teacher primary classes

Vanyunina K. I.




    contribute to the formation of an active civic position of students;

    to promote the education of Russian civic identity, respect for one’s small homeland, for the Fatherland, the past and present of the multinational people of Russia.


    computer and multimedia for viewing presentations;

    presentation “Native Land”;

    children's drawings.

Form: lesson - “journey” through the pages of the history of our native land

Progress of the lesson


For Russia, the village is a particle,
And for us it is our parental home.
And we are glad that we can be proud
Small Motherland, where we live.”


Congratulations to students and parents on September 1st.

    Report the topic of the lesson.

Read the topic of the lesson. What do you think we will talk about today?

    A journey through the pages of the history of our native land.

Page 1 – Our Motherland – Russia.


Teacher :

What is HOMELAND for a person? What does he consider his homeland? (the country in which he lives; the house where he was born; a birch tree on his native threshold; the place where his ancestors lived) Probably all this is the homeland, that is, his native place.

Teacher : Where did the word MOTHERLAND come from?

Student The word MOTHERLAND comes from the ancient word ROD, which means a group of people united by blood. Each of us is a descendant of some ancient ancient family. And the word ROD itself means the most ancient god Slavs Rod. The main city of the Ross tribe was called Roden (Kinfolk). It was dedicated to the god Rod.

Teacher : Choose words with the same root for the word homeland. (Kin, relatives, relative, parents, pedigree, people, etc.)

    PARENTS - father and mother who give birth to children.

    RELATIVE - relative, member of a clan.

    RELATIVES - relatives.

    PEDIGREE – a list of generations of one kind. People are proud of their ancestry and study it

    MOTHERLAND is both the Fatherland, the country, and the place of birth of a person.

    PEOPLE – nation, inhabitants of the country.

Teacher: Guys, which of you can show on the map the place where your relatives lived, where your family came from?

Where did this name come from - “Russia?”

Once upon a time, in distant times, there lived good fellows - mighty heroes Russian girls are beautiful, they had kind mothers and wise priests. They knew how to plow, mow, cut down houses and towers, they knew how to weave canvases, embroider them with patterns, and also defend their homeland from enemy invasions. At that time the state was called Kievan Rus, since the capital was the city of Kyiv.

Rus' is a country of rivers and lakes. Rus - bright place. This is a country of light, sun, good people. Russians are also called dews, and the country where they live is called Russia.

Let's continue the conversation about our Motherland.

What is the name of our state?

Our state is calledRussia, Russian Federation.

Teacher : Dear guys! You were born in a country called Russia. You are Russians! Russia is a huge country. We can rightfully be proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its talented people.

Name main city our country.

2. The student reads A. Prokofiev’s poem “Motherland?”

There is no sweeter homeland in the world,
Where are the other azure shores,
The sun is brighter, the stars are the cutest,
Where groves and forests are pleasant;
Where in the forests there are rushing waters
They turn blue like turquoise
Where, when bad weather comes,
All the people come out like a thunderstorm!
There is no Motherland more valuable in the world
We need to do everything for her,
So that the day we live
He made her happy every hour.
Everywhere everything in her expanses is ours,
Let's give her thoughts and deeds
And we'll girdle gardens around,
May the Motherland bloom forever!

(Slide show about Russia)

Teacher: But each of us has our own small Motherland - that corner where you were born, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located.

For some, the small Motherland is their native village, street or palisade near their house.

In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!

3. The student reads the poem “Small Motherland”

Small Motherland -
An island of land.
There are currants under the window,
The cherries have blossomed.
Curly apple tree.
And under it there is a bench -
Affectionate little one
My homeland!

Page 2 - Belgorod city

Teacher: What is the name of our region? (Belgorodskaya)

How old will she be this year?

(Slideshow of sights of the city of Belgorod

Page 3 – village Lesnoye Ukolovo

Teacher: Guys, who knows why our village is called Lesnoye Ukolovo?

    Student report about their native village Lesnoye Ukolovo .

Student: The most extreme, easternmost rural territory of the Belgorod regionLesnoukolovskoe rural settlement . According to folk legend, the village has existed for more than eight hundred years. The first settler was calledWith an injection, who settled in a clearing near a spring in a dense forest. The name stuck to the place of settlementLesnoye with the addition of the name of the first settler Prick. How the village with the church Lesnoye Ukolovo is known from1730 years (280 l.); it was sometimes called simply Ukolovo” (Belgorod Encyclopedia). The stone Nativity Church, built in the village in 1830, is the beauty and pride of not only Lesnoy Ukolov, but the entire Belogorye. This temple of God fulfilled its high purpose in all, even the most difficult times. He served as support and support for ordinary Russian people, instilling faith and hope in them... The 1859 census counted in the village. Lesnoye Ukolovo has 219 households and 1625 inhabitants (793 men, 832 women). In the early 1880s. in the village there were already more than two and a half thousand peasants, 356 households, 2348 acres of land plus 522 acres of forest.

Student: In 1885, a parochial school was opened in Lesnoy Ukolov - the first in the area; At school, one teacher taught 30 boys and 15 girls. According to 1905 data, in Lesnoy Ukolov, Krasnensky volost - 440 households, 2810 residents, two schools (123 students); 30 windmills, 7 apiaries (286 hives), trading shops.

To the first world war of 3,100 inhabitants in Lesnoy Ukolovo wasEvery fourth person is called up. This year marks100 years the beginning of the First World War . Many soldiers from our village fought in this war.Kleymenov Maxim Iosifovich - awarded the St. George Cross.

Currently part of Lesnoukolovsky rural settlement includes three settlements: the Central estate - the village of Lesnoye Ukolovo, two farms: Goncharovka and New Path. Territory area – 4210 hectares,

The number of residential households is 327.

There are currently 844 people living there.

(Slide show about the village of Lesnoye Ukolovo)

2. Our streets


- Guys, list the names of the streets in our village.

(Lesnaya, Shirokaya, Dmitrovka, Osinovaya, Novaya, Maslennikov Lane...)

- Why are they called that?

Teacher: Lesnoye Ukolovo is fertile lands, fields painted with golden wheat, white and pink gardens in spring. Isn't this a fairy tale? But our main wealth isPeople . Among them are scientists, industry leaders, honored teachers, and doctors.


They will overcome evil and grief,
They will find light in the pitch darkness...
My heroes are the main root,
The basis of life on earth.

3. Students’ story about our famous fellow countrymen (slide show)

Fedosov Vasily Ignatievich - scientist.

Anufriev Alexander Ivanovich - scientist.

Bessmeltsev Nikolai Egorovich - awarded the Order of Lenin, former director state farm Troitsky, Belgorod region.

Kleymenov Ivan Maksimovich – tractor driver, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor

Dybov Timofey Pavlovich – tractor driver, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Manaeva Valentina Semyonovna – Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

Teacher: We have not listed all of our famous fellow countrymen. But we are proud and bow deeply to our fellow countrymen who glorified our village.

4. Working with proverbs (explain the meaning of proverbs)

Our people have composed many different proverbs, including those about their homeland.

    On someone else's side I'm glad to see my dear Voronushka.

    Where he was born is where he came in handy.

    Without roots, grass does not grow.

And there is another proverb “There is nothing like leather " Why do you think I remembered her? Is it suitable for our lesson?

Kulik praises the swamp because he lives there, there is food there, he feels good there. And today we will praise the world in which we live. And we live in Lesnoye Ukolovo, in the Belgorod region, Krasnensky district, and the village of Lesnoye Ukolovo is our small homeland.

No wonder they say:“Where you were born, that’s where you came in handy.” This is about a person’s attachment to the place where he was born, where he grew up, where he made friends; about attachment to your work, to people with their customs and traditions. Each of you has your own path in life, your own path, but let love for each of you live in your heart. native land, native land, to hometown and the street where you lived, LOVE FOR YOUR SMALL HOMELAND.

    Exhibition of drawings “My Motherland”

Examination of the drawings that the children drew in preparation for the lesson.

In our village there are no such beautiful buildings as there are in Moscow. But our “little corner” has very beautiful nature.

Every person must love and protect his homeland, treat it with care cultural values, be proud of the achievements of your people.

IV . Lesson summary.


Our class hour has come to an end. Today we have looked into only a tiny moment in the history of our country, and there are so many interesting things still to be learned. Any self-respecting person should know the history of his country and his people.

In order for the creativity of the Russian people to live forever, it is necessary to protect our Russian state, our Russia.

Guys! Love your Motherland and remember that each of us is a part of it.

    Reading poem by E. Sinitsyn “Take care of Russia”.

Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia.

Take care of her peace and quiet,

This is the sky and the sun

This is the bread on the table

And the dear window

In a forgotten village...

Take care of Russia,

You can't live without her.

Take care of her

To be her forever

With our truth and strength, with all our destiny,

Take care of Russia -

There is no other Russia.

V . Homework

Collecting material about your native village.

Who were the first inhabitants of the village?
– What did men and women do?
- Participants of the First World War.

Thanks to everyone who took part in our work.

Teacher: September has come, summer has ended,The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived!The summer has blazed away with hot heat,The happiest days are behind...And again, as before, you and IThey arrived on an early autumn morning.And everything will start all over again.At school from bell to bell...Again from the September pierThe school river will carry us...- Hello, dear guys. I am very glad to see you in our spacious and cozy classroom. What is school? (children’s answers)School is a special world!School is a unique state!School is a place of joy and sorrow.School is a place of wonders and traditions.School is our second home, where we spend most of our time with you.A school is a small country with its own rules and laws.What does the word country mean to you? (children's answers)-Yes, a country is the state in which we live, our homeland.-Now look at the map, compare our country in size with other countries. Which country occupies the largest area?
- What country do we live in?
- What country are you a citizen of?
- What is the name of the capital of our Motherland?
- We all live in a huge country called Russia.
Russia is the largest country in the world.
Russia's borders run both by land and sea.
Our country is very beautiful and rich. All this is our Motherland.
- What does each of you consider to be your small homeland?
What does mine mean? What does small mean? What does homeland mean?
MINE - because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school...
SMALL - because it is a small part of my vast country.
HOMELAND - because people dear to my heart live here.
What is HOMELAND for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where you were born; a birch tree at your native doorstep; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.
- Homeland begins with the fact that you suddenly understand: Russia will not live without you, and you will not live without it. You need her, and she needs you - that’s the whole secret. And no other country can replace it, because Russia is native to you, and all the rest are foreign lands, even the most beautiful ones, with evergreen palm trees and colorful orchids. You are not needed there, they will live there without you, but here, where your Homeland is, you are always welcome, understood and loved.
The homeland is the land, the state where a person is born.
The word “Motherland” comes from the ancient word “Rod”, which means a group of people united by blood (Kinship).
- Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, this is where my small homeland begins.
A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, and service to the Fatherland. Your own mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - such simple, warm, human values ​​become the basis of true love for the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.
- But there is a place in our country where we were born and grow - this is our native land, this is our small Motherland.Teacher's story about the Lipetsk region . The territory of the Lipetsk Territory was formed in 1954 by annexing neighboring lands: Voronezh, Ryazan, Kursk and Oryol regions. It is located in the central part of European Russia, 450 km south of Moscow, with the administrative center being Lipetsk. The variety of its natural attractions - rocky river banks, vast areas of forests, lakes, diversity of flora and fauna, and several protected areas amazes the imagination.The cultural heritage of the Lipetsk region is of great value, the history of the Motherland and its identity.The land of Lipetsk remembers and honors the names of many world-famous writers, poets, musicians, scientists, historical figures, and saints. Remembers historical events and heroes - fellow countrymen.The Lipetsk region today is a territory where a large number of different modern industrial and agricultural enterprises are located, equipped with the latest advanced technologies.- Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?- Do you know famous fellow countrymen?
- What history of your region can you tell?
Teacher's story about the Izmalkovsky region . In the hilly forest-steppe expanses of the fertile Black Earth Region, in the west of the Lipetsk region, 131 km from Lipetsk, is the Izmalkovsky district. Its history, according to archeology, dates back to XI centuries, since the time of the first settlers. Its name, Izmalkovo, which was formed in XVII century.The main river is Pine, rivers and streams, ponds and springs, exotic representatives of some species of flora and fauna included in the Red Book - the wealth of the Izmalkovsky region.In ancient times, this land was famous for its craftsmen - craftsmen skilled in pottery. And now the pride of the region is its people, outstanding fellow countrymen who have glorified the land of Izmalkovo with their achievements. This is Saint Theophan the Recluse, N.Ya. Danilevsky is a thinker and publicist, A.M. Izmalkov is a sculptor, P. Shubin is a front-line poet, A. Stakhanov is an innovator in the coal industry, N. Melgunov is a composer.Izmalkovites honor the memory of their fellow countrymen - everyone who did not return from the battlefields during the Second World War.- Russia, Motherland, small homeland. Such painfully familiar words.
Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth.
But no matter where we are, your native land will always be that bright light for us, which will call us to our native land with its bright light.
Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his family.
Feel proud of the people who glorify your country
Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

Song about Izmalkovo “Izmalkovsky region”.

MBOU Secondary School No. 1 s. Izmalkovo


Class teacher 3B

Kofanova Svetlana Vitalievna