Butusov Variety Theater. Vyacheslav Butusov sang and spoke at a creative evening at the pop theater

Only on March 17 will the Variety Theater open its doors to all admirers of the unique Russian performer - concert of Vyacheslav Butusov. Legendary lead singer of the group Northern Capital will give a unique acoustic concert that will be inimitable due to its sincerity. This event will give every viewer a pleasant feeling of evening gatherings at home, when beloved friends gather to sing legendary hits of past years with a guitar.

However, this evening will bring many more interesting surprises! The guitar will not be the only instrument in the musicians’ repertoire, and the chamber hall will be like a small philharmonic society. Along with the main character of this show, the cast of performers will include an amazing string quartet. Vyacheslav Butusov will conduct such an experiment in Moscow, as in other cities, for the first time. He had never had to perform his compositions acoustically before. string instruments. And all this is only for grateful viewers! New emotions pleasant mood and an unrivaled atmosphere will fill the hall of the Variety Theater on March 17. Your favorite songs will be performed in a new format, and you will regret if you don’t hear them live!

Vyacheslav Butusov performed the solo program “Bibigonia” at the Moscow Variety Theater. YAROSLAV ZABALUEV observed the transformation of the Sverdlovsk rocker into a gothic bard.

It just so happened that the last couple of years have become key for the current self-determination of the pillars of Russian rock who have lived to their gray hairs. The reasons for these processes formally lie on different planes, but the result is the same - stage-by-stage changes in the existence and positioning of the main Russian rock bands. Thus, Konstantin Kinchev finally decided to bring his listeners not peace, but a sword, Yuri Shevchuk again reconstructed the sound of his group. Fyodor Chistyakov released the first album in many years with new songs, and Boris Grebenshchikov even announced his decision to “join the partisans.” With speculation about the outcome of this guerrilla, it was easy to overlook what was happening with Vyacheslav Butusov, while his solo creative evening at the Variety Theater fits perfectly into the series formed above.

Before the singer’s appearance under the spotlights, the audience, as planned by the artist and the directors, was supposed to immerse themselves in an atmosphere that would allow everyone present to hasten the arrival of spring. To do this, while birds were singing, psychedelic collages were shown on the screen, reminiscent of the visualizer from the WinAmp program. Taking the stage, Butusov emphasized that it would be nice if the gathering of people served a good purpose, which, according to the artist, happens less and less with large public gatherings.

The soundtrack for the melting of the snowdrifts that Muscovites are disgusted with was divided into two parts. Vyacheslav Gennadievich dedicated the first to his post-Nautilos period, and a significant part of the songs were selected from the musician’s first solo albums. Practice shows that these songs enjoy rather limited success even among the most devoted fans. “Well, sorry, sorry, I thought he would be with the group! Well, I just love these songs anyway, and I really like Slava as a person,” the elderly boyfriend explained during intermission to his sternly pursed lips companion. Slightly drowsy from monotonous spells like “Trilliput” and “Star”, the spectators remained invigorated to the last in the buffet, in no hurry to return to their idol, but when they returned, they received everything they came for, a hundredfold.

At the very beginning of the concert, Butusov, stumbling slightly, invited everyone to go on stage and sing their favorite songs to their taste along with the hero of the evening. The first number after the intermission was Nautilus’s “Separation,” and the singer was accompanied by an old Sverdlovsk comrade, Vadim Samoilov. The example turned out to be contagious - fans began to sing in chorus more and more confidently, and the culmination was “Song of the One Going Home,” which Butusov was asked to sing in a duet by a fan of about fifteen named Egor. The singer admitted that he did not take into account “such a factor as children,” and said that such surprises give an influx of not even adrenaline, but “alchemical gold.” The rest of the program was almost entirely composed of songs from the first and most famous group artist: “On the Bank of a Nameless River”, “I Want to Be with You” and even rare for concerts “Diamond Roads”. After the appearance of the next companion, the singer, smiling, said that when he stopped drinking several years ago, he could not even imagine how it would be to sing in a choir with someone sober, and thanked the audience for the opportunity. Butusov managed to answer several notes required for the evening’s format. For example, he recognized Pythagoras as his favorite philosopher, noting that it would be nice for modern politicians to master the way of expressing the thoughts of the ancient sage.

When in the finale the whole hall burst out in chorus " Farewell letter", it became clear what course one of the most mysterious vocalists of Russian rock is now pursuing. Having retained his unsociable vampire charisma, Butusov, obviously, today is not focused on new products modern music, but to the much more stable genre of bard song. If you think about it, such a choice will turn out to be the most advantageous from all points of view: Russian lovers of amateur songs have always lacked a singer who can not only strike a familiar chord, but also add to his works a little of the romantic hopelessness that is so close to the Russian heart. And in this sense, Butusov, with his constant E-minor key, economical motor skills and insinuating hoarseness, still has no equal.

Dear site visitors! We bring to your attention a report on creative evening Vyacheslav Butusov, which took place on April 21, 2017 at the Moscow Variety Theater!

At the beginning of March, numerous fans of Vyacheslav Butusov’s work were shocked by unexpected news. The musician disbanded the group U-Piter, with which he had recorded five full-length albums with original material over the past fifteen years, presented a couple of tributes with songs by Nautilus Pompilius, and played thousands solo concerts and festivals. Butusov left the reasons for such an act outside the brackets, but now the artist with a new line-up is preparing a concert tour for the 35th anniversary of the iconic Nautilus. The premiere of this program will take place in the fall. In the meantime, Vyacheslav Butusov delights his audience with acoustic creative evenings dedicated to last year’s 55th anniversary.

In Moscow, the concert, scheduled for March 17, provoked an unprecedented stir - a week before the performance, tickets could be purchased at a huge premium only from resellers. Therefore, the idea of ​​holding an additional creative evening did not surprise anyone. The second meeting of Vyacheslav Butusov with his capital listener took place on April 21 in the same cozy walls of the Variety Theater.

Butusov’s creative evening is not only an opportunity to listen to your favorite songs in acoustics, but also a chance to ask the rock legend questions. Therefore, before the start of the concert, while people were looking for their seats in the hall, a considerable part of those who came prepared notes for Vyacheslav with wishes, requests, suggestions and, of course, questions. It remains a mystery for whom a second seat with a connected guitar was organized on stage. At last year’s creative evenings, anyone could go to Butusov and sing with him whatever suited their soul. Sometimes Vyacheslav was joined by his friends, like or. In 2017, the Variety Theater did not see anything like this. The gun did not fire - throughout the entire two hours, the chair next to Vyacheslav remained empty.

Once again Butusov confirmed his punctuality. The musician appeared on stage only fifteen minutes late, which in today's concert realities can be perceived as a “start without delay.” Thanking everyone for their trust, Vyacheslav recalled the recent Easter holiday: "Christ is risen!" The artist noted that, as a prelude to the creative evening, he wanted to sing some kind of church hymn, but after seeing a video on the Internet in which Pyotr Mamonov congratulates schoolchildren on Easter with a shaman’s tambourine, he abandoned this idea. “It should be at the level of inspiration and improvisation”“, Butusov concluded, starting the meeting anyway with an unexpected arrangement of a prayer to music "Virgin Mary, rejoice".

Right behind her with a song "Air" the artist plunged into the events of almost a quarter of a century ago. At a similar event, one young man demanded this song from Butusov, but Vyacheslav refused, citing "many reasons, including objective ones". And now, four years later, Butusov granted the fan’s request. Naturally, this concert was not without requests, but the ex-leader of Nautilus and U-Peter, according to him in my own words, I wanted to warm up a little before the prosaic part of the evening and non-stop went through the planned track list.

One by one, from the stage of the Variety Theater, songs sounded that had long been included in the lists of the best compositions of Russian rock: "Lonely Bird", "People", "Diamond Roads", "Tutankhamun"... As happened at U-Peter’s concerts, each song was accompanied by an interesting video sequence. For example, on a rare number "Christ" from the 1996 album "Wings" on the screen you can look at Jesus in the company of police officers and various outcasts, and on "Ural folk" "View from the screen" the audience was shown a smiling Barbie doll.

This introductory musical block was completed by practically the only composition of the evening from the post-Nautilus period "Song of the Going Home". Butusov dedicated it "the theme of the delayed arrival of spring" And "farewell to the beautiful Russian snow". Vyacheslav said that it is now in full swing in St. Petersburg "second winter", and we will celebrate spring twice this year. If in the first twenty minutes a somewhat tense atmosphere was felt in the hall (after all, the general pathos of the hall, a panel with a hammer and sickle and the inscription “Glory to the Great to the Soviet people"they don’t create the most relaxed atmosphere above the stage of the Variety Theater), then “The Song of the Going Home” just became the catalyst that managed to remind the audience that they were at a rock concert, albeit an acoustic one. The audience began to sing along in full voice, and not in a whisper as before; clap; shout out the name of your favorite songs or some lines.

After "The Song of the Going Home" it was time to answer the notes. All four voiced messages turned out to be completely different. A fan asked Butusov to play "Morning of Polina", because this song reminds her of her grandmother. Vyacheslav did not refuse, he only did it in the second half of the evening. When asked to go to Tashkent, the musician noted that first he needed to go back to St. Petersburg to feed his son’s turtle, and only then he was ready to fly anywhere. Philosophical question “What is the first thing to educate in boys?” prompted Butusov to launch into a long discussion about integrity and the devil. From others personal qualities Vyacheslav pointed out determination, kindness and simplicity.

Young fan Kirill inquired about the meaning of the lyrics of the song “Gibraltar – Labrador”. Butusov did not explain the idea of ​​the author George Gunnitsky, citing the fact that everyone finds their own meaning in absurdism. But Vyacheslav addressed Kirill the third verse of another song that is not the easiest to understand "Everyone who carried".

This composition started a series of very old pieces that Butusov associates with his student days. "Silent Games" fit perfectly with the previously raised topic of raising children. "Everything in life is interconnected!"- summed up main character evenings. "Weather forecasters", once dedicated to the Leningrad rock club, according to Butusov, he has not performed for a long time as part of a rock group. Now Vyacheslav "vacuumed" song, built a new electric version and is now ready to present it at autumn performances for the 35th anniversary of Nautilus Pompilius.

Having finished with student creativity song "Just to be", the artist again took up the notes: "Conversation is a useful thing". True, Butusov did not give himself over to conversations for too long. Vyacheslav congratulated a couple of people on their birthday and talked about the song “Poor Bird”. The musician remembered that it was supposed to be included in the album “Yablokitai”, but at the request of the author of the text, Ilya Kormiltsev, the song was removed from the publication. Butusov was unable to play “Poor Bird” live, but promised that the recently presented version of the song, jointly with pianist Ekaterina Mechetina, will appear on all tribute recordings planned for the 35th anniversary of Nautilus.

In memory of the poet Ilya Kormiltsev, Butusov sang "Who else", A "The Beast" The musician, according to tradition, addressed Alexei Balabanov and Sergei Bodrov Jr. On the screen, along with the song, there were stills from the film "Brother". It was extremely important to perform numbers at the Variety Theater "Walking on Water" And "On the Bank of a Nameless River", because the building of this site stands on Bersenevskaya Embankment right next to the Moscow River.

In the last block of answers to questions, Butusov touched upon the reasons for his receiving the medal of the Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk diocese. "We've been friends for a long time",” the musician answered 11-year-old Arseny, who asked a similar question. Someone asked Vyacheslav to write a message to himself, which he would read only 25 years later. Butusov shared information from one article that stated that a man achieves absolute wisdom by the age of 70. Because in 25 years Vyacheslav will be 80 years old, he would write: "Did you become wise 10 years ago?"

The interaction ended with the question: “How do you understand your calling in life?” Butusov admitted that he himself had asked similar questions for a long time and in the end he realized that if you made an effort and went on stage, say something useful. And if you can’t say it, sing a song. This is what Butusov did, leaving the hits for the finale "Breath", "Wings", "I want to be with you" And "Farewell Letter".

The audience did not want to let their favorite artist leave the stage. Within a few minutes, Butusov had to collect bouquets and sign autographs right from the stage. “According to the script, I had to go backstage...”– Vyacheslav explained, returning to his “working” place. As an encore, Butusov played his latest song "To the Angels", which premiered last fall as part of joint project with the Mosque "Awakened Joy".

As mentioned above, from September Vyacheslav Butusov with a new line-up of musicians, whose names are still hidden under the cover of secrecy, will go on the “Nautilus Pompilius - 35 Years” tour. In Moscow this show can be seen on November 23 at concert hall "Crocus City Hall".

Exact track list of the concert:
1. Mother of God, rejoice
2. Air
3. Lonely Bird
4. Christ
5. View from the screen
6. People
7. Diamond roads
8. Tutankhamun
9. Song of the Going Home
10. Everyone who carried
11. Quiet games
12. Forecasters
13. Just be
14. Who else
15. Morning of Polina
16. Beast
17. Walking on water
18. On the banks of a nameless river
19. Breathing
20. Wings
21. I want to be with you
22. Farewell letter

23. To the angels

We thank Anastasia Koshcheeva (Live Promo) for providing accreditation

Sand, especially for the site


Reports on past concerts of Vyacheslav Butusov.

Vyacheslav Butusov. 55 years old! Creative evening

His aspirations and aesthetic quests were never limited to music and poetry. Butusov has long been not so much inside the projects he leads, but next to them. This allows him to maintain the sense of proportion that he so values, to distance himself from excessively merging himself with the fruits of his creative search. This evokes genuine respect and prevents his work from becoming the object of idle classifications.

Of course, cinema is not an alien sphere of art for Butusov. Vyacheslav Gennadievich’s interest in cinema sometimes gives rise to such unexpected projects as the enchanting soundtrack for the non-existent film (with its own concept and script, of course) “The Illegitimate Al-Chemist Doctor Faust - The Feathered Serpent” (1997). And, of course, songs written with his participation were heard in many films, and in some places he managed to appear on the screen.

“The Last Letter”, written together with Dmitry Umetsky (a rare case for Nautilus Pompilius when the words do not belong to Ilya Kormiltsev), was heard in Vladimir Khotinenko’s “Mirror for a Hero” in 1987. This song is an amazingly wise reflection, which not only colleagues in the group were not capable of at the time. music scene(and even in the group), but also most of the outstanding minds who became the inspiration for what happened to the country a few years later. In the same film, the composition “Casanova” was performed, which was included in the albums “Separation” and “Prince of Silence”.

In Ayan Shakhmalieva’s film “It Was by the Sea” there is a piercing “I want to be with you” (words by Kormiltsev, music by Butusov), which some consider harmful and decadent, others consider shamefully sentimental. Nevertheless, after thirty years, it continues to remain one of the most recognizable songs of the group, causing in others a bright sadness about feelings that only youth is capable of, and in others leading to completely unexpected associations.

In the film by Sergei Bodrov Sr. “Freedom is Paradise” the “Farewell Letter” will be heard again, and eight years later the cult film by Alexei Balabanov “Brother” will appear. Like “Brother 2”, which was released in 2000 (in the interval between them, Butusov would have time to work with Bashirov on the documentary “Belgrade, Belgrade”), it will become one of the most heartbreaking testimonies of the era. In a dilogy showing the incompatibility of the attitudes of the old good world and the all-pervading poisonous reality of the “wind of change” and all the tragedy of the proximity of these two ghosts, behind which the future reality is still unclear, Butusov acted as a composer. The soundtrack of the first film consists almost entirely of songs from the late Nautilus, and in the second, Butusov’s solo hit “Gibraltar-Labrador” sounded. Special number music program- the same “Letter” in a heart-tugging performance by a children’s choir.

The first "Brother" featured one of the most terrible songs of "Nautilus" - "The Beast", which perfectly conveys the many feelings generated by the unknown tomorrow in the "dashing nineties":

Subsequently, Butusov continued his collaboration with one of the greatest Russian directors of our time, writing music for such different masterpieces masters like "War" and "Blind Man's Bluff".

“Hipster” by Vladimir Todorovsky, dedicated to the youth culture of the 50s, included many protest songs. This fate did not spare the legacy of Kormiltsev-Butusov’s “Nautilus”: “Chained” was subjected to “rethinking”. A powerful chorus, squeezed into a rather poor recitative, makes a rather pitiful impression, but it frees the song from subtext, which is not at all necessary for those who tried to show the phenomenon of “hipsters” and others as a movement for creative freedom, and not as consumerism embellished with pompous words.

IN lately the songs of “Nautilus” began to be heard in much less striking works of cinema, clearly indicating that over the past twenty to thirty years, not only individual words, but also the implied essence of the phenomena they describe have changed beyond recognition, moving towards primitivization and vulgarization . But Vyacheslav Gennadievich, it seems, is no longer bothered by this. And this, in general, is correct: after all, to fight windmills modernity, equipped with powerful motors, is impossible alone.

But you can, without betraying yourself, continue to do what you love, investing your strength in it and unobtrusively, but at the same time consistently demonstrating by your example that everything that can live and breathe has a future. The main thing is to do it correctly, remembering that “we really don’t know anything.”

Keywords: Moscow, Poster March, Vyacheslav Butusov 55 years old, Creative evening of Vyacheslav Butusov, jupiter, Poster of concerts, concerts 2017, where to go, entertainment, order, buy tickets, cost, ticket price, cultural program

Only March 17, 2017 the long-awaited concert of Vyacheslav Butusov 2017. This time the performer has prepared a romantic program with warm acoustic music therapy. Indescribable sensations await every spectator in the hall. A dizzying warmth will spread throughout your body, and its flows will improve your mood more and more every minute!

March 17, 2017, Variety Theater

This evening the singer will perform his best compositions written for for many years painstaking creative path. In addition, a lot of surprises await listeners. One of them will be the original accompaniment of the artist and his companion - the guitar. As related musical polyphonies a string quartet was chosen to accompany you, come and see the concert in person Vyacheslav Butusov in Crocus. Such an accompaniment will be an experiment even for Butusov himself, who has never before given large-scale concerts in an acoustic arrangement with chamber accompaniment. New products and unusual introductions always attract viewers, and when we're talking about about music, you should not lose the opportunity to attend experimental shows yourself. That is why tickets for the Vyacheslav Butusov concert should be ordered today at the city box office or on our website.