Everyone dances at the Baikal Theater. The Baikal Theater is the best dance group in Russia! video

According to Babr24.com, the Head of Buryatia Alexey Tsydenov, by decree dated September 25, dismissed 10 deputy chairmen and ministers. It was first of all the old-time “Nagovitsyn” officials who were subjected to a large-scale purge. Main figures last decade in Buryatia are now relegated to the background. Babr talks in order about all the latest dismissals and appointments in the republican government.

The long-term head of the administration of the head and government of Buryatia, Pyotr Noskov, leaves with the official wording “of his own free will.” Not far away - the “gray eminence” of the republic will continue to work in the status of adviser to the head of Buryatia. And it is not yet entirely clear whether this is an honorary sinecure or a promotion. Traditionally, the title of adviser is awarded for length of service and this does not imply any power, but with Pyotr Noskov everything cannot be so simple.

Petr Noskov

The same fate - transfer to adviser - befell Minister of Economy Zandra Sangadiev. It is still unknown who will replace him, but it seems that it will be economist Aldar Badmaev. Previously, he presented his program to Alexey Tsydenov economic development region, and he highly appreciated it.

Egorov's exodus and Shutenkov's ascent

Mastodon official Innokenty Egorov voluntarily retires. He served as first deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia for 13 years, and began working under the first president of Buryatia, Leonid Potapov. Egorov himself is already 67 years old, and he does not fit into the concept of the renewed government.

Innokenty Egorov

By the way, Mr. First Deputy Chairman is leaving with a scandal. His nephew also wants to become deputy chairman, this time of the Accounts Chamber. If the appointment happens, we will get an interesting incident - a nepotistic appointment to the anti-corruption body.

The nephew of the first deputy chairman of Buryatia Egorova will deal with corruption

It’s even more interesting that the nephew of the former deputy chairman Egorov will be appointed by the People’s Khural, and the former deputy chairman Egorov himself may become a deputy of the People’s Khural in the coming days. In the 2013 elections he was second on the party list " United Russia"after Valery Nazarov. And if he leaves Khural ahead of schedule, Egorov will be the first contender for the deputy seat.

In the meantime, the vacant position of the first deputy chairman of the government was taken by Igor Shutenkov, who had served as the Minister of Finance of Buryatia since 2007. Babr will talk about his political achievements separately.

Igor Shutenkov

Cultural Revolution

The republic's Minister of Culture Timur Tsybikov was also dismissed. The last months of work for the official were accompanied by scandals - deputies of the People's Khural tried to nip the “Voice of the Nomads” festival in the bud, the move of the Museum of Nature was criticized by all and sundry, and on September 21, cultural figures of Buryatia staged a small putsch for Tsybikov. In one of the shopping centers in Ulan-Ude, they criticized the minister and collected signatures for his resignation.

"We are losing opera house. Today there is no repertoire,” says Nadezhda Tsybudeeva, Honored Artist of Buryatia. -...There is no one to work with the young shoots. State music education is on the verge of death. Tsybikov’s team is unprepared people, without professional specialization and their own opinion. They are blindly, by touch, leading the culture aground.”

Timur Tsybikov

As a result, the voice of the people was heard: Timur Tsybikov was dismissed, and there is no replacement for him yet. Participants in the “cultural revolt” proposed their candidates: artistic directors theaters "Ulger" and "Baikal" - Erdeni Zhalsanov and Zhargala Zhalsanov, respectively, as well as the former head of the company "Tivikom" Norzhim Tsybikov and the candidate for the head of Buryatia, the scandalous social activist and politician Batodalai Bagdaev.

Bet on tourism

A Ministry of Tourism will finally appear in Buryatia. Since 2015, the industry has been supervised by a committee within the Ministry of Economy, and this was clearly not enough for the Baikal republic. Now “Baikal Harbor” and other regional projects have a chance.

Buryat tourism will rise from its knees

Who else

Deputy Chairman for social development Vladimir Mathanov submitted his resignation on September 10, and this was confirmed by the head of Buryatia, Alexey Tsydenov. It is expected that Mathanov will try to be elected to the People's Khural and even take the post of head of the committee there. In the government of the republic, he will be replaced by the mayor of the Selenginsky district, Vyacheslav Tsybikzhapov.

Vladimir Mathanov

The head of the plenipotentiary representation of Buryatia under the President of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Lekhatinov, was dismissed, and Munkozhap Badmaev took his place. He, in turn, vacates the post of deputy chairman for infrastructure development, which he held for less than six months.

The Minister of Health of Buryatia, Valery Kozhevnikov, is also leaving his post and will help Munkozhap Badmaev as a deputy.

Munkozhap Badmaev

In addition, the Minister of Sports and Youth Policy Bair Angurov and the Minister - Head of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Buryatia in Mongolia Sergei Budazhapov were dismissed.

This time we will talk about the Ministry of Health. The previous minister Valery Kozhevnikov was at the helm of republican medicine for 15 years.

We will write separately about his “strange return” from the permanent mission of Buryatia in Moscow. In the meantime, let's start analyzing the main candidates for minister of health.

Major Ministry

Healthcare in Buryatia is traditionally one of the leaders in budget financing. In 2016 alone, expenditures on the republican program “Health Development” amounted to almost 11 billion rubles. This amounts to about 20% of all republican budget expenditures. It is no coincidence that there are so many scandals in healthcare, related not only to patient complaints, but also to financial crimes. The head physician of the children's clinical hospital, Bair Balkhanov, is still under house arrest. He was called one of the strongest contenders for the post of minister.

But even without him, 19 candidates applied for this position. The “medical” competition is perhaps the most highly professional compared, for example, with the Ministry of Tourism. Because it is impossible to lead healthcare without specialized education and many years of experience. The “household” of the Minister of Health is very large and troublesome. The Ministry of Health of Buryatia has 59 institutions. It is their leaders who are the main candidates for the vacant ministerial post. 9 chief doctors of state medical institutions are participating in the competition.

Favorite MP

Evgenia Ludupova can be called the favorite of the race.

Evgenia Ludupova

She has been the head physician of the Republican Hospital for 8 years. Before that, she headed the Nizhneangarsk Central District Hospital. It was there that the young doctor won the elections to the People's Khural. Since then she has been a member of the People's Khural Committee on social policy. In addition to medical education, he has a degree in Economics and Management of the National Economy. Evgenia Ludupova is famous for constantly learning new things and demanding the same from her employees. It is the many years of experience in managing the largest medical institution in Buryatia and deep knowledge of the problems of the industry that are its main advantage.

Chief doctors

Two more candidates are also saddled with parliamentary credentials: Khural deputy and head physician of the Mukhorshibirsk Central District Hospital Alexander Varfolomeev and Ulan-Ude City Council deputy Natalya Bukholtseva, who heads city clinic No. 6.

Alexander Varfolomeev

Natalya Buholtseva

It’s difficult to call Varfolomeev an independent player. Most likely, he is trying to make room in the Khural for his fellow countryman and “patron” - the former head of the administration of the head of Buryatia, Pyotr Noskov. Buholtseva was openly supported by the mayor of Ulan-Ude, Alexander Golkov, in 2014.

Other chief doctors of regional hospitals are also taking part in the competition: Vyacheslav Maksarov from Kizhinga, Alexander Matskevich from Tarbagatai and Victoria Nikhlanova from Gusinoozersk. Maksarov was previously the head physician of city clinic No. 1, Matskevich worked as the head physician in the Baikal region. And Nikhlanova has experience as first deputy minister of health and even sometimes served as acting minister.

Vyacheslav Maksarov

Victoria Nikhlanova

And finally, the chief physician of the Territorial Center for Medical Disasters, Vyacheslav Timkin, entered the competition. In addition, he is a member of the Public Chamber of Buryatia, elected from the public organization “Medical Chamber of Buryatia”. It is worth noting that at one time the head physician of the medical disaster center was Valery Kozhevnikov.

Vyacheslav Timkin

Moscow experience

As you know, the new government highly values ​​experience in federal structures and connections in Moscow. In this sense, there are few equals to Prinlai Darmaev.

Prinlay Darmaev

In addition to being the husband of the famous Buryat singer Badma-Khanda Ayusheeva, our fellow countryman headed the clinic of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture for many years. Darmaev’s place of work is the Izumrud treatment and rehabilitation center, which is the successor to the clinic of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Two directors and a surgeon

Another favorite is the director of the Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, Dambinima Sambueva.

Dambinima Sambuev

Previously, he also worked as the chief physician - first of the Tor district hospital, and then of the Orlik central hospital. Among other things, he also has managerial experience: from 2003 to 2006, he served as head of the Okinsky district. From this position he moved to work as director of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. It is this organization that is dedicated to ensuring that citizens receive affordable and high-quality medical care, paid for by the state.

The director of the Republican Basic Medical College, Bator Budaev, also takes part in the competition.

Bator Budaev

The college is one of the main suppliers of nursing staff. He also has experience of participating in elections, albeit unsuccessfully: in 2015, he lost in the by-elections to the People's Khural in the 31st district in the Bauntovsky and Kurumkansky districts.

Vladislav Saganov submitted an application to participate in the competition.

Vladislav Saganov

He also has diverse experience: he works as a chief specialist in the development of surgical care in emergency hospitals, heads the department of hospital surgery at BSU, and in 2014 received his doctorate.

The highest requirements

Such an abundance of strong candidates for the competition for the Minister of Health distinguishes it favorably from other competitions. But the requirements for the position of Minister of Health at the moment are perhaps the highest. The Ministry of Tourism has just been created, and the new minister will most likely be given time to get going. All spheres of culture and sports recent years rocked by scandals in the absence of any super results. And in any case, the “low base” effect will work. The functions of the Ministry of Economy are partially blurred, and the main responsibility for the economic sector still lies with the supervising deputy chairman.

But the new head of the Ministry of Health will have to work in the “here and now” mode. There is an acute issue with personnel: almost half of the doctors are over 50 years old, and there is a catastrophic shortage of new young personnel. This is largely due to low wages. Complaints are heard everywhere about huge queues to see “narrow” specialists. The technical base is very outdated. To solve these problems, the new minister will have to be a politician, diplomat and business executive at the same time. All that remains is to wish him good health!