Theater "Baikal" Buryat National Song and Dance Theater Baikal Theater Baikal

The Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" began its creative path in the first half of the twentieth century. Its repertoire includes performances and concerts. The theater is also the organizer of various festivals.

About the theater

Theater "Baikal" is a professional team that has many years of experience. It was created in 1939. The theater is the guardian of the multifaceted culture of the Mongolians and Buryats. His performances and concerts are spectacular spectacles. The troupe is one of the leading ones in our country. The theater employs ten vocalists, thirty ballet dancers, and an orchestra of Buryat folk instruments.

The Baikal repertoire includes ethnoballets, operas, musical and choreographic performances, the plots of which are taken from the legends and myths of the peoples of Buryatia and Mongolia, and concerts.

Theater artists are regular participants in various festivals and competitions. They often receive awards. The audience loves the group's performances.

The theater won awards in the festivals “Fashion of the Mongols of the World”, “Altargana -2006”, “Golden Heart” and so on.

“Baikal” also took part in the all-Russian project “Songs of Russia”. This festival is held under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The team received it from the hands of the project manager, Nadezhda Babkina. For the play “The Spirit of Ancestors” “Baikal” was awarded a government prize in the field of art and culture.

The ballet troupe participated in a television project, which was carried out by the Culture channel, where the best choreographic groups our country.

The Baikal Theater tours with its performances throughout Russia and other countries of the world. Tours are planned in the near future in such cities and towns of Russia as Irkutsk, Ulaanbaatar, Moscow, Listvyanka, Chita, Gusinoozersk, Ust-Ordynsky, Aginskoye, St. Petersburg, Slyudyanka, Ulyukchikan, Kyakhta, Barguzin, Sochi, Kursk, Zakamensk , Ivolginsk, Arshan, Khorinsk, Kizhinga, Shelekhovo, Nikola and so on. And also in other countries: France (Paris), Italy (Compobasso), Chinese People's Republic(Beijing, Huhoto and Manchuria), Holland (Amsterdam), etc.

The director of the theater today is Dandar Badluev. He was born in the small village of Dalakhai. Graduated from the East Siberian Institute of Culture with a degree in Directing Mass Spectacles. He organized the ensemble "Lotos", which specialized in. Soon the group was transformed into a theater and was named "Badma Seseg". Soon it became popular both in our country and far beyond its borders. Dandar Badluev headed the Baikal Theater in 2005. His name can be found in the encyclopedia entitled " The best people Russia." He is a member of the Association of Choreographers of Buryatia and folk art. Dandar is a dance choreographer, teacher and director. He became a laureate of an all-Russian competition among choreographers.

Dandar Badluev is a specialist in Mongolian, ballroom, classical Indian and other dances. For my creative life managed to create large number choreographic performances and bright numbers. D. Badluev is a laureate of a design competition. He creates the costumes for his productions himself. The choreographer has repeatedly conducted master classes and staged performances in other countries, including the USA, India, China, Thailand, and France. Dandar is the creator and leader. He studied vocals and, among other things, is a performer of Buryat folk songs.


The Baikal Theater includes concerts and performances in its repertoire.

Here you can see the following programs:

  • "Echo of the country Bargudzhin Tukum."
  • "Myths and Legends of Lake Baikal".
  • "The Shine of Asia"
  • From Mongols to Mogols.
  • "Music of a Flying Arrow"
  • "Steppe melodies".
  • "Amaraltyn Udeshe".
  • "The spirit of ancestors" and so on.

Ballet dancers

The Baikal Dance Theater has wonderful artists.


  • Dora Baldantseren.
  • Valentina Yundunova.
  • Ayur Dogdanov.
  • Tumun Radnaev.
  • Philip Oinarov.
  • Gyrylma Dondokova.
  • Chagdar Budaev.
  • Galina Tabharova.
  • Ekaterina Osodoeva.
  • Sergei Zatvornitsky.
  • Inna Sagaleeva.
  • Tumen Tsybikov.
  • Galina Badmaeva.
  • Fedor Kondakov.
  • Gyrylma Dondokova.
  • Yulia Zamoeva.
  • Aryuna Tsydypova.
  • Anastasia Dashinorboeva.
  • Alexey Radnaev.
  • and many others.

Theater vocalists

The Baikal Theater gathered professional talented vocalists on its stage.

  • Gerelma Zhalsanova.
  • Aldar Dashiev.
  • Oyuna Bairova.
  • Sedeb Banchikova.
  • Tsypilma Ayusheeva.
  • Baldantseren Battuvshin.
  • Sesegma Sandipova and many others.


The Baikal Theater is the organizer of several projects and festivals.

Among them:

  • "Buryat costume: traditions and modernity."
  • "The warmth of the home."
  • "The Golden Voice of Baikal".
  • International festival of ancient classical dances.
  • "The hearth lit by the mother."
  • "Flower of Baikal"
  • "Theater for the village."
  • International Festival of Contemporary Song Performers.
  • “Night of Yohor” and others.

City: Ulan-Ude

Compound: 20 people

Supervisor: People's Artist Republic of Buryatia Zhargal Zhalsanov

Date of foundation: 1942

Dance styles: folk Buryat and modern stage choreography

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Read with this article:

Buryat national theater song and dance “Baikal” is the custodian of the culture and traditions of the Buryat-Mongolian nation, which were formed under the influence of Buddhism and shamanism.

The team included ballet dancers, soloists-vocalists, and orchestra folk instruments Buryatia. Over the 75 years of the theater’s existence, not a single fan of theirs has ceased to admire the talent of the artists. creative activity Moreover, the army of fans is growing larger every day.

Among the troupe there are artists who have been awarded titles and high awards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Buryatia. The repertoire includes numbers for concerts, songs and dances, as well as large-format projects, for example, ethno-ballet and ethno-opera, performances based on the myths of the Mongolian people.

In addition, the theater holds charity children's New Year's parties for orphans, disabled children, who find themselves in difficult life situations, and helps young performers in developing their potential.

Every fan of the Baikal Theater can count on a new portion of the rhythms of nature and life, ceremonial acts, shaman rituals, hunter’s dance, birds and animals at the concert. All performances are accompanied by a live, authentic song that cannot be deciphered using traditional notes.

All theater participants treat the performance of the repertoire with care, and therefore watching their performances is incredibly interesting and exciting. The theater actively takes part in festivals and competitions and receives high awards. But the participants of “Baikal” admit that the only thing that is dearer to them than all the awards is the love of the audience.

Among the theater’s awards, it is worth noting the first prize at the International Festival called “Fashion of the Mongols of the World” in 2005, and a year later the highest award at International festival“Altargana -2006” in Ulan-Ude, “Golden Heart” in 2006, Russian Government Prize in the field of culture and art. Not a single participation in competitions takes place without the well-deserved highest award from Baikal.

The solo program of the Baikal Theater is worthy of performance in the Kremlin, because this is the opinion of the Russian Minister of Culture A. Avdeev. Participation in the show “Everyone Dances” will help the theater to open up for the viewer from another new side and discover special facets and possibilities in itself.

Group composition: 6 people

Performance style: ethnic dances of the peoples of the world

A unique, live, impressive show! You will plunge into the history and beauty of the Buryat culture, bewitching steppe songs. “Baikal” shows the beauty and originality of ancient songs and dances, costumes and ornaments, preserving folklore in its original form.

The theater demonstrates the development of traditions of folklore and modern pop art. The costumes of the Baikal Theater, made by professional craftsmen in the traditional manner of various nations, represent a unique palette of silks, velvet, brocade, furs, leather, complex ornaments and patterns. Thanks to these stunning costumes, the audience is left with a unique feeling of being at the national holiday, permeated with the spirit of ancient nomads.

Wherever the theater holds its concerts, it always worthily represents the best examples of the culture of the Buryat people.

Events of national importance, economic forums, the arrival of distinguished guests, political elections, scientific symposiums and conferences, openings of new facilities, successful completion of labor processes, as well as events on a regional, republican, district scale, are invariably held with the participation of the Baikal Theater.

The theater can provide a wide range of services in conducting various cultural events with the participation of professional artists working in different genres and Buryat pop stars.

Video from the performance