Secular society in the image “War and Peace” (Tolstoy Lev N.). What is a secular society? Concept and description (based on the novel "War and Peace") Secular society in the work War and Peace

PICTURE OF SECULAR SOCIETY IN THE NOVEL “WAR AND PEACE” The work was completed by 10th grade students of MAOU Secondary School No. 11 Olga Tsygankova, Angelina Mazurina G. Kaliningrad

Tolstoy recalled that he was inspired to write the novel “WAR and PEACE” by “folk thought.” It was from the people that TOLSTOY himself learned and advised others to do the same. Therefore, the main characters of his novel are people from the people or those who were close to ordinary people. Without denying the merits of the nobility to the people, he divides it into two categories. The first category includes those who, by their character, outlook, worldview, are close to the people or come to this through trials. The best representatives of the nobility in this regard are Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre BezuKHOV, Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya Bolkonskaya.

But there are other representatives of the nobility, the so-called “secular society,” who constitute a special caste. These are people who recognize only a few values: title, power and money. Only those who have one or all of the listed values ​​are allowed into their circle and recognized as their own. Secular society is completely empty, just as its individual representatives are empty and insignificant, people without any moral or ethical principles, without life goals. They are just as empty and insignificant spiritual world. But despite this, they have great power. This is the elite that runs the country, the people who decide the destinies of their fellow citizens.

Tolstoy tries in the novel to show the entire nation and all its representatives. "War and Peace" begins with scenes depicting the highest noble society. The author shows mainly the present, but also touches on the past. Tolstoy paints the nobles of this bygone era. Count Bezukhov is one of their representatives. Bezukhov is rich and noble, he has a good estate, money, power, which he received from the kings for small services. A former favorite of Catherine, a reveler and a libertine, he devoted his entire life to pleasure. He is opposed old prince Bolkonsky is his peer. Bolkonsky is a loyal defender of the fatherland, which he served faithfully. For this he was repeatedly in disgrace and out of favor with those in power.

“Secular society,” even with the onset of the War of 1812, changed little: “calm, luxurious, concerned only with ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went on as before; and because of the course of this life, it was necessary to make great efforts to recognize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people found themselves. There were the same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the courts, the same interests of service and intrigue...” Only the conversations changed - they began to talk more about Napoleon and patriotism.

War and Peace presents all layers of Moscow noble society. Tolstoy, characterizing noble society, strives to show not individual representatives, but entire families. After all, it is in the family that both the foundations of integrity and morality, as well as spiritual emptiness and idleness, are laid. One of these families is the Kuragin family. Its head, Vasily Kuragin, occupies a fairly high position in the country. He is a minister called to take care of the people. Instead, all the elder Kuragin’s concerns are directed towards himself and his own children. His son Ippolit is a diplomat who cannot speak Russian at all. For all his stupidity and insignificance, he craves power and wealth. Anatol Kuragin is not better than brother. His only entertainment is carousing and drinking. It seems that this person is completely indifferent to everything except indulging his own whims. His friend Drubetskoy is Anatole’s constant companion and a witness to his dark deeds.

Thus, by depicting noble society, Tolstoy shows its inactivity and inability to rule the country. The noble nobility has outlived its usefulness and must leave the stage of history. The necessity and inevitability of this was convincingly demonstrated by the Patriotic War of 1812. The highest nobility differs from the people even in their language. The language of the noble nobility is a Frenchized language. He is as dead as the rest of society. It preserves empty cliches, once and for all established expressions, ready-made phrases that are used in convenient cases. People have learned to hide their feelings behind common phrases.

The multifaceted prose canvas created by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a true picture of the life of the Russian people in the first quarter of the 19th century. The volume of the work and the scale of the description characteristically evoke the multifaceted problems of the novel. One of the problems that is solved by L.N. Tolstoy is the study of moral essence secular society in the novel "War and Peace".

Artistic technique of opposition

One of the main artistic techniques, used by the author, is a contrast. This catches your eye even before reading the epic novel, because this technique already emphasizes the title of the work. Through a parallel image based on the opposition of war and peace, Lev Nikolaevich depicts current problems the era of the early 19th century, human vices and virtues, the values ​​of society and the personal dramas of the heroes.

The technique of contrast affected not only the image plans, but also the images. In the novel, the author created images of war and peace. If the author depicts the war through battles, the characters of commanders, officers and soldiers, then the world personifies the image of Russian society in the first decades of the 19th century.

In the description of the characteristic secular world in the novel “War and Peace” the author does not deviate from his stylistic manner, which is characteristic not only philosophical digressions, where the author’s assessment of the events described is traced, but also comparative characteristics phenomena, images, spiritual qualities. This is how the author depicts representatives of the two main cities of the Empire – St. Petersburg and Moscow – in a hidden contrast.

Characteristics of metropolitan society in the novel

On that historical period, which is described in the work, St. Petersburg was the capital Russian Empire, with the pretentious society characteristic of such a high rank. St. Petersburg is a city characterized by architectural splendor combined with cold gloominess and inaccessibility. The author transfers his unique character to St. Petersburg society.

Social events, balls, receptions are the main events for representatives of the capital's secular society. It is there that political, cultural and secular news are discussed. However, for external beauty These events show that the representatives of the nobility do not care or care at all about these topics, nor the opinions of their interlocutors, nor the outcome of conversations and meetings. The exposure of true and false beauty, the essence of metropolitan society is revealed in the novel from the first price in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer.

St. Petersburg high society in the novel plays familiar roles, speaks only about what is customary to talk about, and acts as expected. Using the example of the Kuragin family, who are typical representatives of metropolitan society, the author, with undisguised disappointment and irony, emphasizes theatricality, affectation and cynicism social life Petersburg and its representatives. Only those who are inexperienced or who have lost interest in role-playing find the approval of the author on the pages of the novel, through whose lips the author gives his assessment: “Drawing rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, insignificance - this is a vicious circle from which I cannot get out.”

Description of Moscow social life and its representatives

For the first time, the author introduces the reader to the customs and atmosphere of the Moscow nobility at the morning reception of the Rostov family. At first glance, it may seem that the secular picture of Moscow is not much different from society Northern capital. However, the conversations of representatives of the nobility are no longer so generalized and empty; in them one can also hear personal opinions, disputes and discussions, which indicates the sincerity of their views, true concern for the fate of their region and the state as a whole. At social events there is a place for children's pranks and good-natured laughter, sincere amazement, simplicity and directness of thoughts and actions, trust and forgiveness.

At the same time, one should not assume that Tolstoy, who undoubtedly sympathizes with Moscow society in the novel, idealizes it. On the contrary, he emphasizes many of his qualities that do not find approval from the author, such as envy, ridicule, passion for gossip and discussion of other people's privacy. However, creating an image of the secular society of Moscow, the author identifies it with the characteristic both positive and negative features inherent in the Russian people.

The role of the image of secular society in the novel

One of the main issues that underlies the work and my essay on the topic “Secular society in the novel “War and Peace”” is the essence of the Russian people, with all its versatility, shortcomings and advantages. In the novel, Tolstoy’s goal was to show, without embellishment and flattery, the true face of society at the beginning of the 19th century, in order to depict against its background the essence of the Russian soul and the main national values, such as home, family and state.

The image of society serves not only as a force that shapes views, opinions, principles of thinking and ideals of behavior, but also as a background for expression through it. bright personalities, thanks to whose high moral qualities and heroism the war was won, which largely affected future fate states.

Work test

Secular society in the novel “War and Peace” is one of the key themes in the study of the epic. After all, it is precisely this that is an integral part of the events taking place. Against its background, the main features of the main characters who are its representatives. And finally, it also indirectly participates in the development of the plot.

General characteristics

Secular society occupies a prominent place in the novel. And it is no coincidence that this is where the story begins. The aristocratic salon of one of the heroines becomes a kind of stage. The interests, opinions, and ideas of the nobles collide there, among whom are the main characters of the work: Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. And the reader immediately has a question: what is this very secular society that occupies such a prominent place in the novel?

The writer describes in great detail a meeting of people, which is usually called this concept. He shows that it consists of representatives of the highest aristocracy, who are almost all cold, arrogant, prim and occupied only with their own gain. Against this background, the sincerity, directness, sociability and friendliness of Pierre, the nobility and dignity of Prince Andrei are emphasized even more strongly.

Description of behavior

Secular society plays an important place in the first chapters of the work. "War and Peace" is an epic novel. And therefore the psychology of the main characters unfolds against a broad background. In this case, the reader sees central characters surrounded by typical representatives of the highest nobility. The writer describes them as outwardly very well-mannered, mannered, polite and helpful people. They make a pleasant impression and seem kind. However, the author immediately makes it clear: this is only an appearance. For example, when describing Prince Vasily, the writer emphasizes that his face looked like a mask. Thus, he immediately makes the reader understand that everything that happens in the salon is false and unnatural.

Princess Salon

Another representative high society, Anna Pavlovna Scherer, makes about the same impression. Although from the first time she seems very sociable and good-natured. But from the way she treats Pierre, the reader understands: her kindness and helpfulness are feigned. In fact, this woman only cares about decency and decorum in her salon. The secular society gathered at her place must behave according to a strictly established order. And she does not favor those who behave differently. Pierre allows himself to directly and frankly express his thoughts, which immediately displeases her.

Nobles of St. Petersburg

The secular society presented in the novel lives in two main cities of the country: St. Petersburg and Moscow. The aristocracy of the Northern capital mainly spends its time attending balls, receptions, and indulging in other amusements. However, the author has an extremely negative attitude towards these people who, behind external cheerfulness and good nature, hide coldness, stiffness and arrogance. Any sincere manifestation of feelings among them is not welcome. On the contrary, all life goes according to a planned order, deviation from which is extremely undesirable.

Sincere expression of feelings, free expression of one's opinion also meets criticism. Inner, spiritual beauty is not valued here. But, on the contrary, great value has an ostentatious gloss. A striking example is the image of Helen Bezukhova. Outwardly she is very beautiful and impressive, but in reality she is not a person in moral sense words. It is not surprising that Pierre quickly breaks up with her: being sincere by nature, he was never able to come to terms with his wife’s hypocrisy.

Aristocracy of Moscow

The author described the secular society of the Russian capital with greater sympathy and warmth. The following curious fact attracts attention. At first glance, these people are very similar to the capital's nobility. However, it soon becomes clear that they are more sincere, good-natured, honest and sociable. On the whole they make a very good impression, despite the fact that the writer notes their shortcomings.

The description of secular society in Moscow should begin with an overview of the Rostov family. Its members are open, hospitable, friendly, and sociable. They are more open and spontaneous in expressing their thoughts and feelings, unlike other aristocrats. So, the old count is very cheerful and friendly. He goes into all the details of the upcoming holiday, revealing in his communication the traits of a very good-natured and spontaneous person. By this, he immediately wins the sympathy of readers who feel the difference between him and his guests, Princess Anna Scherer and her salon, where everyone is prim and busy only with fulfilling formalities.

The Bolkonsky family as the best representatives of the nobility

The characteristics of secular society in the epic novel under consideration should be supplemented by an overview of the families of the main characters. Because it was in their characters that the author embodied those traits that he considered the best among high society. For example, the Bolkonskys lead a rather secluded lifestyle. And only Prince Andrei periodically appears in the world. But the reader immediately understands that he is doing this solely to comply with the necessary formalities.

In fact, he is so clearly a stranger, although he is accepted everywhere as a representative of a rich and noble family. Nevertheless, the prince does not like the people around him, because he feels the falseness and hypocrisy in their communication. That is why he strives to go to war in order to escape from his boring existence, which was filled with meaningless visits, balls and receptions. This immediately distinguishes the prince from other representatives of the nobility of St. Petersburg.

Princess Marya, his sister, led a very secluded life. And kept hers best qualities moral person. That is why she attracts Nikolai Rostov, who eventually marries her, and not Sonya, with whom he has been in love since childhood. Prince Nikolai Andreevich was an old nobleman who, despite all his severity, retained the nobility, honesty and openness of a nobleman. Perhaps this is why he did not fit into the capital’s aristocratic circles and sat hopelessly in his estate, not going anywhere.

Rostov family

These people are also the best representatives of the noble class of the time in question. They are very different from the Bolkonskys both in character and in their way of life. However, they are united by honest and decent behavior, openness, kindness, and sincerity. The first ones are more reserved, the others are open, sociable, and friendly. However, neither one nor the other in any way fits into the usual concept of a secular society.

The Rostovs enjoy universal respect and love. And this is indicative in the sense that not all the upper strata were prim and cold, like the guests in Princess Scherer’s salon. The images of the old count, his wife, Sonya, young Natasha, and her brothers - Nikolai and Peter - are very cute and attractive. They immediately attract openness and spontaneity. At the same time, the writer, striving for the most realistic depiction of reality, also describes the shortcomings of these people, showing that they also tend to make mistakes. For example, Nikolai Rostov loses a large sum and generally leads riotous image life. And yet there is more in these people positive qualities than negative ones. Therefore, the author considers them, along with the Bolkonskys, to be the best representatives of the noble class.

A few words in conclusion

So, the depiction of the noble class and its way of life is presented in the novel in sufficient detail, expressively, and most importantly, realistically. In this case, one remembers what the princess says about secular society: it, in her opinion, is a kind of backbone of the then public life. Therefore, when referring to a work, you should pay a lot of attention to this topic.

Tolstoy recalled that when writing a ro-
mana "War and Peace" he was inspired by the "thought
folk." It was from the people that Tolstoy learned
I myself advised others to do this. That's why
The main characters of his novel are
people from the people or those who stood close
to ordinary people. Without denying the merits of the two
swearing before the people, he divides it into two
categories. The first category includes those
who by their character, outlook, world-
view close to the people or through the use of
torture comes to this. The best pre-
leaders of the nobility in this regard
are Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre
Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya
Bolkonskaya. But there are other representatives
nobility, the so-called “secular society”
“stvo”, which constitute a special caste. This
people who recognize only a few
values: title, power and money. Only
those who have one or all of the pe-
listed values, they allow into their
circle and recognize them as their own. Secular society
completely empty, just like empty and insignificant
we are its individual representatives, people without
any moral or ethics
toev, without life goals. Equally empty
their spiritual world is insignificant. But despite
this, they have great power. This is the ver-
the hushka who runs the country are the people
who decide the destinies of their fellow citizens.
Tolstoy tries in his novel to show all
the nation and all its representatives. "War and
world" begins with scenes depicting the highest
noble society. The author shows in
new modernity, but also touches on the pro-g
bad. Tolstoy draws the nobles of this departing
current era. Count Kirill Bezukhov is one of
their representatives. Bezukhov is rich and noble,
he has a good estate, money, power, which
ry received from kings for minor services.
Catherine's former favorite, reveler and
gatekeeper, he dedicated his whole life to pleasure
yam. He is opposed by the old Prince Bolkon-
skiy is his age. Bolkonsky - faithful
defender of the fatherland he served
faithfully. For this he repeatedly
was in disgrace and out of favor with the authorities
Anti-nationality, complete disregard
needs ordinary people, thirst for profit -
these are distinctive features higher two
Ryan society. These features are also inherent in state
there the ladies-in-waiting Schörer, and the visitors of the French
Tsuzsky salon of Countess Bezukhova. Here
selfishness, self-interest, career-seeking reign
rism and intrigue. Small talk -
nothing more than ordinary slander,
often turning into slander. Behind the mask
good nature hides hypocrisy and pretense
things that have become a habit. All normal people
human feelings are distorted, everything is saturated
lies, all that remains of friendship and love is vi-
dimness. The origins of the moral decay of the highest
Tolstoy sees our society in parasitism
and idleness. It’s not in vain that he will introduce everyone to him
Lei calls drones. Saltykov-Shchedrin,
characterizing the novel “War and Peace”,
remarked: “And our so-called “higher society”
“The count famously captured the society.”
"Secular society" even with the advent
After the War of 1812, little changed: “the
comfortable, luxurious, concerned only with
ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg
life went on as before; and because of the course of this
life had to make great efforts,
to be aware of the danger and the difficult situation
the situation in which the Russian people found themselves.
There were the same exits, balls, the same French
theater, the same interests of the courtyards, the same in-
interests of service and intrigue..." The times have changed
all that talk - they started talking more
talk about Napoleon and patriotism.
At the top of noble society are
Emperor Alexander I died. Alexander I
the cauldron is exactly as it was imagined
most of the nobles. But in the guise of an emperor
traits of duplicity, posturing and
that cutesy sensuality in which flatter-
people saw a manifestation of a “high soul
king The true appearance of Alexander I is particularly
but is clearly shown in the scene of the king’s arrival in Armik
after the defeat of the invaders. Kutuzov Tsar for-
embraces them, accompanying them with an evil
hissing: “Old comedian.” Tolstoy considers
melts that the top of the nation has become dead and now
lives an “artificial life.” Everything is approaching
the king's wives are no different from him
. my. The country is run by a bunch of foreigners
who don't care about Russia. Mini-
countries, generals, diplomats, staff officers
ry and other close associates of the emperor were busy
you with your own enrichment and career.
The same lies, the same intrigues reign here,
opportunism, as everywhere else. It is Ote-
the honorable war of 1812 showed the real
the essential essence of government officials. False
their patriotism is covered with loud words
you about your homeland and people. But their mediocrity
and the inability to govern the country is clearly visible
in the novel.
All layers are represented in War and Peace
Moscow noble society. Tolstoy,
characterizing noble society, str-
tries to show not individual representations
lei, but whole families. After all, it is in the family that
laid down as the foundations of integrity
and morality, and spiritual emptiness and
idleness. One of these families is
Kuragin family. Its head is Vasily Kuragin
occupies a fairly high position in the country.
He is a minister called upon to take care of the people.
de. Instead, all the worries of the elder Kur-
gina are aimed at oneself and at one’s own
married children. His son Hippolyte is a diplomat,
who can't speak any language at all
Russian For all his stupidity and insignificance
he craves power and wealth. Anatol Ku-
Ragin is no better than his brother. His only
entertainment is carousing and drinking.
It seems that this man is completely
indifferent to everything except self-indulgence
personal whims. His friend Drubetskoy -
Anatole's constant companion and witness
dark affairs.
We get to know these people already
the first pages of the novel, where Tolstoy describes
attracts visitors and regulars of the salon
Anna Pavlovna Sherer. Here they spin and
cold and calculating rogue Vasya
Liy Kuragin, who is looking for clever moves
“whether to the cross, to the shtetl,” and his son Ana-
only, which the father himself calls “restless”
big fool,” and destroyers of other people’s destinies
Hippolyte and Helen. Helen - the first beauty
city, but at the same time cold and spiritually pu-
wait man. She realizes her beauty and
puts her on display, allowing her to admire -
Xia. But this woman is far from harmless,
as it may seem at first glance. Av-
Thor emphasizes Helen's smile - it is “inexorable”
Menna." I would like to compare Helen herself with Elena
A beautiful, ancient heroine, because of which
the Trojan War began. Helen also
brings nothing but trouble. Later she
taking advantage of Pierre's gullibility,
lures him into her network and marries him.
In Scherer's salon we see both Pierre and An-
Drey Bolkonsky. The author contrasts
these living ones people dead to the highest world.
We understand that Pierre found himself in a society where
to whom he is alien and who does not understand at all
his. Only Andrey's intervention helps
avoid scandal.
Boris Drubetskoy - another representative
tel of the highest noble society. He's alone
of those who will replace the older one
generation. But the author paints him the same way -
gentle from the people, like everyone else. Boris
cares only about his career. He has a ho-
a cool mind and a sober mind, he knew exactly
He doesn’t know what he needs in this life. He sets a goal
and achieves it. Even during the Drubetskaya war
thinks about awards and promotions,
wants to “arrange for himself the best position”
tion, especially the position of the adjutant during important
new face, which seemed especially tempting to him
you are in the army." He also makes acquaintances
only those that are beneficial to him. Let's remember
how the Drubetskys turned away from the Rostovs when
Yes, they were ruined. This despite
that families were once friendly.
The highest nobility differs from the people even
with your tongue. The language of the noble nobility is
Frenchized language. He's just as dead
vyy, like the rest of society. It preserved
empty stamps, folded once and for all -
all expressions, ready-made phrases that
used in convenient cases. People on-
learned to hide their feelings behind everyday
in my phrases.
Thus, drawing the noble society
in, Tolstoy shows his inactivity
and inability to govern the country. Nobles-
The nobles have outlived their usefulness and must leave the stage.
us stories. Necessity and inevitability
This was convincingly demonstrated by the Patriotic
war of 1812.


Moscow secular society

People's Thought" in the novel "War and Peace".

The novel War and Peace was conceived as a novel about a Decembrist returning from an amnesty in 1856. But the more Tolstoy worked with archival materials, the more he realized that without telling about the uprising itself and, more deeply, about the War of 1812, it was impossible to write this novel. So the concept of the novel gradually transformed, and Tolstoy created a grandiose epic. This is a story about the feat of the people, about the victory of their spirit in the War of 1812. Later, speaking about his work, Tolstoy wrote that main idea novel - "folk thought" . It lies not only and not so much in the depiction of the people themselves, their way of life, their life, but in the fact that every positive hero of the novel ultimately connects his fate with the fate of the nation. On the pages of the novel, and especially in the second part of the epilogue, Tolstoy says that until now all history has been written as the history of individuals, as a rule, tyrants, monarchs, and no one has yet thought about what is driving force history. According to Tolstoy, this is the so-called swarm principle, the spirit and will of not one person, but the nation as a whole. And how strong is the spirit and will of the people, so probable are certain historical events. Yes, victory in Patriotic War Tolstoy explains that two wills collided: the will of the French soldiers and the will of the entire Russian people. This war was fair for the Russians, they fought for their Motherland, so their spirit and will to win turned out to be stronger spirit and the will of the French, therefore the victory of Russia over France was predetermined.
The War of 1812 became a milestone, a test for everyone goodies in the novel: for Prince Andrei, who feels an extraordinary upsurge before the Battle of Borodino, faith in victory; for Pierre Bezukhov, all of whose thoughts are aimed at helping to expel the invaders, he even develops a plan to kill Napoleon; for Natasha, who gave the carts to the wounded, because it was impossible not to give them back, it was “shameful and disgusting” not to give them back; for Petya Rostov, who takes part in the hostilities of a partisan detachment and dies in a battle with the enemy; for Denisov, Dolokhov, even for Anatoly Kuragin. All these people, throwing away everything personal, become one and participate in the formation of the will to win. This will to win is especially clearly manifested in mass scenes: in the scene of the surrender of Smolensk (remember the merchant Ferapontov, who, succumbing to some unknown, inner strength, orders all his goods to be distributed to the soldiers, and what cannot be taken out - to be set on fire) in the scene of preparation for the Battle of Borodino (the soldiers put on white shirts, as if preparing for the last battle) in the scene of the battle between the partisans and the French. Subject guerrilla warfare occupies a special place in the novel. Tolstoy emphasizes that the war of 1812 was indeed a people's war, because the people themselves rose up to fight the invaders. The detachments of elders Vasilisa Kozhina and Denis Davydov were already operating, and the heroes of the novel, Denisov and Dolokhov, were also creating their own detachments. Tolstoy calls the brutal, life-and-death war “club” people's war”:
“The club of the people’s war rose with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone’s tastes or rules, with stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without considering anything, it rose, fell and nailed the French until the entire invasion was destroyed.”.

Family Thought" in the novel "War and Peace".

There are five main families involved: Rostov, Bolkonsky, Kuragin, Drubetsky and Bezukhov. Other, less colorful families are also mentioned in the novel: Bergs, Karagins, Dolokhovs etc.

Rostovs: Count Rostov, Countess Rostova, Vera, Nikolai, Natasha, Petya, Sonya.

Bolkonskys: Nikolai Bolkonsky, Andrei, Lisa Bolkonskaya (Meinen, Andrei’s wife, “little princess”, Kutuzov’s niece), Marya, Nikolenka, Mademoiselle Burien.

Kuragin: Prince Vasily, Princess Kuragin, Ellen Kuragin, Ippolit Kuragin, Anatole Kuragin.

Drubetskoy: Anna Drubetskaya, Boris Drubetskoy.

Schoengraben and Austerlitz in the novel "War and Peace".

The role of the epilogue.

Epilogue is the final part of the work, in which the denouement of the plot, the fate of the heroes are finally clarified, and the main idea of ​​the work is formulated. The epilogue is the conclusion of the novel. In the works of L. N. Tolstoy and F. M. Dostoevsky, the role of the epilogue is extremely large:

* The epilogue logically completes the plot of the work.

Tolstoy's philosophical position is so distant from the plot of the work that it could exist independently, as a philosophical treatise. The plot denouement (the first part of the epilogue) occupies a significantly smaller part of the epilogue. 7 years have passed since the war. Marya married Rostov, their happiness is based on Mary’s constant spiritual work. Nikolai admires her mind and soul. Nikolai manages the estate well, Sonya lives with them. There was no soul visible in Natasha, only her face and body. The main thing for her is serving her husband and family. Pierre tells Nikolai about the latest political news, says that the sovereign does not delve into any matters, that the situation in the state is heating up, that everything is ready for a coup. Pierre assures that it is necessary to organize a society, maybe even an illegal one, in order to be useful. Nikolai does not agree with this, recalling that he took an oath: “Tell me now Arakcheev to go at you with a squadron and cut down - I won’t think for a second and I’ll go.” New challenges await Pierre. Trials related to Pierre's participation in a political circle. (As we understand, Pierre will become a Decembrist and take part in the uprising on Senate Square.) So Tolstoy proves to us “that people, like rivers,” change all the time, look for something, strive for something, and this desire for harmony, to truth makes them “quite good.

(Nikolenka's Dream) She and Uncle Pierre walked ahead of a huge army and joyfully approached the goal. But suddenly Uncle Nikolai appears in front of them in a menacing pose, ready to kill the first one to move forward. Nikolenka turns around and sees that it is no longer Uncle Pierre standing next to him, but his father, Prince Andrei, who is caressing him. The boy interprets this dream this way: “My father was with me and caressed me. He approved of me, he approved of Uncle Pierre. I know they want me to study. And I will study. But someday I will stop; and then I will do it. Everyone will know, everyone will love me, everyone will admire me. Yes, I will do something that would make even him happy..."

In the second part, Tolstoy once again talks about the historical process, about the fact that it is not the individual who makes history, but the masses of the people, guided by common interests, who make it. A person is important in history only to the extent that he understands and accepts these interests. Tolstoy asks himself a global problem: “What moves the world, its history?” And he gives the answer to it: “The laws of necessity.” His position is fatalism. According to Tolstoy, a person is only a pawn in a complex game, the outcome of which is predetermined, and the goal of the pawn is to understand the rules of the game and follow them (and in this case be among the righteous winners), otherwise the pawn will be punished by fate, resistance to which is useless . A gigantic illustration of this position is the picture of war, where everyone, including kings and great commanders, are powerless before fate, where the one who better understands the laws of necessity and does not resist them wins (Kutuzov).

A broad philosophical position is presented. To confirm his position in the second part of the epilogue, he does not use the plot material of his work, but uses newly invented arguments. Particularly noteworthy is the extraordinary innovation of Tolstoy, who turned the epilogue from a small appendage or simply last chapter V independent work, whose role is comparable to the role of the main part of “War and Peace”.

Philosophy of history.

L. N. Tolstoy’s work “War and Peace” was conceived as a narrative about the life of some fictional characters from high society, but gradually it turned into an epic, including not only descriptions real events early XIX centuries, but also entire chapters, the task of which is to convey to the reader the philosophical views of the author. Turning to the depiction of history, Tolstoy was forced to get acquainted with a variety of materials on the era of interest to him. None of the positions contemporary writer scientists could not satisfy a person who wanted to “get to the root” in everything. The author of “War and Peace” is gradually developing his own concept historical development; which was necessary to present in order to reveal to people a “new truth” and to make the logic of the novel clearer.

One of the first problems the writer faced was assessing the role of the individual and the masses in history. And if at the beginning of the creation of War and Peace the main attention was paid to individual heroes, then as he studied the war of 12, Tolstoy became more and more convinced of the decisive role of the people. In the second part of the epilogue, the main idea that permeates the entire narrative was formulated as follows: “... than more directly people participate in the commission of an action, the less they can order and the greater their number... the smaller the direct participation, which people accept in the action itself, the more they order and the smaller their number...” The idea that the actions of the masses determine history is confirmed in many episodes of the novel. Thus, the victory in the Battle of Shengraben for the Russian troops was not brought about by the successful orders of Prince Bagration, who “... only tried to pretend that everything that was done out of necessity, chance and the will of private commanders... was done... in accordance with his intentions ”, and the actions of the “little” captain Tushin, as well as everyone’s awareness of the need for this battle to save the army. At the same time, when the ordinary soldier did not see the goal of the battle, as was the case at Austerlitz, neither the knowledge of the German command of the area, nor the thoughtful disposition, nor the presence of the emperors could influence the unfavorable outcome. The decisive importance of the spirit of the army is especially clearly visible in the Battle of Borodino, when the Russians were able to prove their moral superiority over the enemy, despite the intrigues at Kutuzov’s headquarters and the inconvenience of the position.

According to Tolstoy, the task of the individual is not to interfere natural course history, the “swarm” life of the people. Bagration understands this, and his behavior during the Battle of Shengraben can serve as proof; Kutuzov knows this, feeling the moment when it is necessary to fight a grandiose battle, allowing himself to make the decision to leave Moscow, seeing meaning only in the war of liberation. The main difference between the “most illustrious” and Napoleon is not in the inactivity of the Russian commander, but in the old man’s awareness that his orders are not decisive for the course of history.

Speaking about Tolstoy's position on the role of the individual in history, we inevitably come to a description of the contradictions in the concept of the author of War and Peace.

On the one hand, one of the fundamental theses is “a person consciously lives for himself, but serves as an unconscious tool for achieving historical, social goals.” According to Tolstoy, it is natural that “ most people of that time did not pay any attention to the general course of affairs, but were guided only by the personal interests of the present.” On the other hand, all the heroes of the novel are divided into two groups. The first of them includes all those who are not indifferent to the fate of the Motherland, whose lives are turned upside down during the War of 1812, whose “personal interest” is directly related to the “general course of affairs.” This is the old Prince Bolkonsky, gathering a militia, preparing to defend the Bald Mountains from the French, the Rostovs, giving up their carts for the wounded, Petya, Nikolai, Andrei, Pierre, who see the goal of their life in participating in the Patriotic War.

The second half includes those whose lives do not change with the beginning of the war and do not depend on it in any way. These are pseudo-patriots from the St. Petersburg salon A.P. Scherer and visitors to Helen’s house, sympathizing with Napoleon and the French, Berg, preoccupied with the purchase of a wardrobe while the residents of Moscow were leaving, Boris, interested only in promotion. All of them are condemned by the author precisely for their indifference to the common cause. The ideal person becomes Kutuzov, who understands deep meaning what's happening.

In the epic, an important place is given to discussions about general character development of life. When talking about this part of the novel’s historical and philosophical digressions, the term “fatalism” is often used. The laws of history are not yet available to people, so the concept of fate, fate, arises, which replaces the entire set of unknown causes.

Secular society in the novel "War and Peace".

In the novel “War and Peace” Tolstoy created a true and complete picture Russian life first quarter of the XIX century. During this period in Russia, the main social role was played by the nobles, so a significant place in the novel is given to the description of secular society. The high society at that time was represented mainly by two metropolitan societies, quite different from each other: St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Petersburg - the capital, a cold, inhospitable city, standing on a par with European cities. St. Petersburg high society - special world with its own laws, customs, morals, the intellectual center of the country, oriented towards Europe. But the first thing that catches your eye when describing relationships in this society is unnaturalness. All representatives of high society are accustomed to playing roles imposed on them by society or taken by them voluntarily; it is not for nothing that Prince Vasily is compared to an actor in the novel.

One of the main types of pastime for members of high society were social receptions at which news, the situation in Europe and much more were discussed. It seemed to the new person that everything being discussed was important, and all those present were very smart and thoughtful people, seriously interested in the subject of the conversation. In fact, there is something mechanical and indifferent in these techniques, and Tolstoy compares those present in Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s salon to a talking machine. An intelligent, serious, inquisitive person cannot be satisfied with such communication, and he quickly becomes disillusioned with the world. However, the basis of a secular society is made up of those who like such communication and for whom it is necessary. Such people develop a certain stereotype of behavior, which they transfer to their personal, family life. Therefore, in their relationships in the family there is little cordiality, more practicality and calculation. A typical St. Petersburg family is the Kuragin family.
It appears to us completely differently Moscow secular society , which, however, is still somewhat similar to the St. Petersburg one. The first image of Moscow light in the novel is the description of the name day in the Rostov house. The morning reception of guests is reminiscent of social receptions in St. Petersburg: discussion of news, although not on a global scale, but local, feigned feelings of surprise or indignation, but the impression immediately changes with the appearance of children, who bring spontaneity, happiness, and causeless fun into the living room. At dinner with the Rostovs, all the qualities inherent in the Moscow nobility are manifested: hospitality, cordiality, nepotism. Moscow society in many ways resembles one big family, where everyone knows everything, where they forgive each other’s small weaknesses and can publicly scold each other for mischief. Only in such a society A figure like Akhrosimova could appear, and Natasha’s outburst would be condescendingly assessed. Unlike St. Petersburg, Moscow nobility closer to the Russian people, their traditions and customs. In general, Tolstoy’s sympathies, apparently, are on the side of the Moscow nobility; it is not for nothing that his favorite heroes, the Rostovs, live in Moscow. And although the writer cannot approve of many of the traits and morals of Muscovites (gossiping, for example), he does not focus on them. In depicting secular society, Tolstoy actively uses the technique of “detachment,” which allows him to look at events and characters from an unexpected point of view. So , when describing an evening at Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s, the writer compares the salon with a spinning workshop, illuminating the social reception from an unexpected angle and allowing the reader to penetrate into the essence of the relationships at it. French in the speech of the heroes is also a technique of “detachment,” making it possible to more fully create the image of a secular society that at that time spoke mainly French.