Does Russian romance exist in the modern world? The position of romance in modern Russian culture. Interview with Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. Theater of Modern Romance

When we hear the word “romance,” many imagine ancient grandmothers with brightly pomaded lips, dryly declaring or singing in operetta voices. The picture is quite comical. In fact, good romances are a special genre of art that invariably touches both men and women, both young and old.

A few facts about the history of romance

There are genres that do not die or grow old. They touch the hidden strings of the soul, awakening the kindest and brightest in every person. Listening to romance, we all become better people.

  • The historical roots of romance go back to gallant times. Once upon a time it was a simple, unpretentious genre that helped lovers confess their feelings. The romance was written in verse, and then sung with a guitar or mandolin under the windows of the betrothed, like serenades.
  • Later the romance reached the peasants. Not knowing how to read, they memorized and passed on from generation to generation beautiful texts about love, fidelity and death - the main themes present in the works of this genre. Moreover, the melody, and sometimes the melody, varied significantly and was transformed from performance to performance.
  • Professional performance of the romance appeared a little later. They began to sing it from theatrical stage And concert halls. Performers of romances began to gather large audiences of listeners. At the end of the nineteenth century, the wealthy merchant Efimov gave a luxurious mansion to the artist Sofya Lungina for the performance of his favorite romance.
  • Today, romance is not only a full-fledged song genre, but also a way to earn money. Anyone can order the writing of a romance addressed, for example, to the woman they love. The author will take into account the characteristics of the recipient’s biography, character, and preferences and compose a work that is sometimes not inferior to classic examples of the genre.

We firmly believe that romance has firmly entered Russian culture, where it will live for many centuries to come!

It is believed that romance originally appeared in Spain, in the 15th-16th centuries. Then the Spaniards called any poem written in a Romanesque “non-Latin” language a romance. The poem was not necessarily lyrical, it could talk about historical events and military exploits of heroes. In countries neighboring Spain, such poems were called ballads. They were born from them musical works called "romances". Set to music, they turned into small songs - usually with a four-line stanza without a refrain.

In the 18th century, romance reached France and Germany, and then to Russia. For us, “romance” meant a little musical composition, but exclusively of lyrical content, performed by voice and accompanying instrument. The greatest influence on the development of romance in Europe was exerted by the work of poets Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Heinrich Heine, composers Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Jules Massenet and Charles Gounod.

The genre of Russian romance took shape at the beginning of the 19th century in the wake of the wave that swept the domestic music world romanticism. The most famous romances of that period belonged to Alexander Varlamov. Then the romance took its rightful place in the works of the most famous Russian composers -,.

Many of the most popular romances of our time were written at the beginning of the 20th century. They are classified as urban, gypsy, “cruel romance”. At that time, romances were written by amateur composers such as Boris Fomin, Boris Prozorovsky, and Marie Poiret. And it was precisely this period that can be called the golden age of Russian romance: performances by Nadezhda Plevitskaya, Anastasia Vyaltseva, and Vera Panina filled the halls.

In the post-revolutionary years, romance was persecuted as a bourgeois relic that was corrupting the proletariat and the peasantry. But even during this difficult period for romance, Isabella Yuryeva, Alexander Vertinsky, and Tamara Tsereteli continued to perform it with success. Many of these musicians emigrated to Europe, taking with them Russian romance, which was able to conquer even the public who did not understand the Russian language. For example, Boris Fomin’s romance “The Long Road,” “exported” by Alexander Vertinsky, was so loved by Europeans that a new, English text arose to Fomin’s music, and the British are to this day confident that the song was written on the shores of Foggy Albion.

Years later, Alla Bayanova, Alexander Vertinsky, Isabella Yuryeva returned to Russia and incredible success continued their career in our country. Romance has forever remained one of the most beloved musical genres in Russia, both among listeners and performers.

Target: acquaintance with the modern development of the romance genre.

educational: teach how to apply existing knowledge to modern music; introduce examples of modern romance;

developmental: development of independent thinking and creative activity of students;

educational: education of aesthetic taste and cognitive interest.

Equipment: stereo, CD, computer, piano.

Lesson structure:

Organizational moment;


New material;



Listening to music;

Analytical work;

Listening to music;


Problem-search situation;



Performing a song.

Types of activities: thinking, interviewing, analytical, creative, listening, vocal and choral.

Teaching methods: retrospective method, emotional dramaturgy, reproductive, problem presentation, partial search, generalization method.

Technologies: cooperation, formation of listening and performing culture, health preservation.

UUD: personal, cognitive, regulatory.

On the board: topic of the lesson.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment: musical greeting, announcement of the topic of the lesson.

U: One of the genres of music related to romanticism is romance. Remember what romance is?

Student answers. View the presentation.

U: The history of this genre is as follows: romance is a Spanish term. The era of the emergence of Spanish R. is difficult to determine. The oldest poems known to us date back to the 15th, rarely to the 14th centuries. Initially, the term R. denoted a secular song in the Romance, that is, Spanish, language.

This term came to Russia from France and initially denoted works written specifically in French text. Such romances, following fashion, were composed in large numbers by Russian composers of the late 18th and 18th centuries. early XIX century. Works written in Russian text were called Russian songs. Over time, the meaning of the word romance expanded and the term began to mean a work for voice with accompaniment, written in a more complex form than a song.

The beginning of the heyday of romance --- the first half of the 19th century, a period generally characterized by a special interest in lyrical art, expressing inner world human personality. At this time, Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Alyabyev, Varlamov created their works. In the second half XIX century and at the beginning of the 20th century, the names of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Rimsky - Korsakov, Rachmaninov were added to the names of the first classics of romance. The romances they created are still constantly heard in concert programs, enjoying the unflagging love of listeners.

Romance, like song, by its very nature is associated with poetry.

Good poems seem to “ask to be set to music.” The Russian romance, in essence, reflects the entire history of Russian poetry, from Pushkin and even from his predecessors to the present day.

In the 20th century, before the revolution, romance largely gave way to the so-called. “thieves” songs; the latter are widely found among the bourgeoisie, and through it penetrate into the villages, competing with ditties related to them in theme (“suffering”).

In the post-revolutionary period, romance and “thieves’ songs are still partly preserved in urban and rural environments as a kind of street folklore (“Murka”, songs of street children, etc.). Often their themes are influenced by low-grade pop production (“Gop with a bow”, “Black eyes”, “At the samovar, me and my Masha”).

In the post-October era, romance is gradually being introduced into the life of not only the common intelligentsia, but also the working class. The “face” of the romance, its content and richness are changing, becoming more appropriate to our era.

W: Do you think romances are created by our modern poets and composers?

Student answers (usually mixed).

T: Based on the definition of romance, try to find and give examples of modern romance.

Student answers.

W: Then let's listen to the recording.

One of M. Tariverdiev’s romances from the film “The Irony of Fate” is playing.

W: A familiar piece, isn’t it? Do you know who the authors are and who performs this romance?

Answers. Teacher's resume.

U: Let's listen to another fragment from the same movie. Find out the artist, you know well who it is. (A. Pugacheva)

U: This film contains romances based on poems by M. Tsvetaeva and B. Akhmadullina, the most famous poetesses of the 20th century. Here's another romance. Do you remember him and where he is from? (The romance “And finally, I’ll say” from the movie “Dowry” is played).


Micro-generalization: the romance genre exists in our time, integrated with the art of cinema.

U: It would be wrong to think that in our time romances are written only for films. Modern romances are also performed in concerts. In the repertoire of many famous performers there are romances written in our time. Guess which one famous singers performs a new, modern romance?

Problem-search situation. (A. Malinin, V. Tsyganova, Zh. Bichevskaya, G. Besedina, E. Otradnaya... Fragments of the romances “Vain Words”, “You told my fortune by my hand”) are heard.

U: Romance, by nature, can be different, depending on the text. Do you remember the stormy nature of the romance “Spring Waters” by S. Rachmaninov and his calm “Island”? Now I offer you relaxation to the sound of a calm romance performed by Zhenya Otradnaya. Take 3 deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth (breathing exercises, “Flower” exercise). Sit back and immerse yourself in the music...

Listening to “Romance” in Spanish. E. Otradnaya.

Conclusion: modern romance exists and is in demand; he preserved the basics of classical romance. It is performed by famous contemporary singers.


What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you like?

What didn't you like?

U: Romances are usually performed solo. I hope you sing solo at home. And here we will all perform together a modern bard song “Spring Tango”. Lyrics and guitar are the two unifying genres of romance and bard song.

Performing a song.

Homework: create a presentation “Modern Romance”.

Exit from the classroom to the sound of the romance “I asked the ash tree” performed by S. Nikitin.

In music there are many genres, forms and varieties of vocal and instrumental pieces. Know the characteristics of each musical element Only a professional in this field is obliged, but it is advisable for everyone to understand what the most common ones are. Therefore, in this article we will look at what romance is, how long ago it was born and in what area of ​​creativity it can be found.

Origin of the term

The word "romance" itself has Spanish roots and means a song performed by a voice accompanied by one or more instruments. In this country in past centuries, this genre was more like serenades that men in love sang under the windows of their beloved. In the Middle Ages, when romance had just established itself in the world of art as an independent genre, it had a pronounced text, the text was drawn-out, its meaning concerned exclusively love themes. It was also characteristic that plays of such content were performed only with the national Spanish instrument - the guitar.

What is romance from a musical point of view?

It is believed that this vocal-instrumental genre is the most harmonious among all its analogues. This is due to the fact that in a romance, every word, every sung syllable is emphasized by its corresponding note. That's why professional musician can immediately distinguish whether a simple tune sounds or whether the words, as a rule, are placed above the musical text, and as a result they can be sung or played on some instrument, and then combine both processes.

What is romance in the broad sense of the word?

These works gained wide popularity in the second half of the 18th century, and by the 19th century entire schools of romances had already formed. This happened because, firstly, the end of the 18th century was the Golden Period in Russian literature, and an equally significant period of time in the history of development European art. In those years, such authors as Lermontov, Pushkin, Goethe, Fet and many others wrote their masterpieces. Their poems were so melodic that they became the text for musical works.

Secondly, the romance gradually ceased to be considered an exclusively Spanish love song and acquired a broader, secular meaning. Russian romances appeared, written by such composers as Sviridov, Mussorgsky, Varlamov and so on. Along with them, German, French, and Italian vocal and instrumental pieces arose, which were performed at social events and receptions.

Modern romances

Nowadays, it is rare to hear such a melody at any event, and even performed talented singer(or singers). However, every child who studies at school knows very well what romance is. music school. Children who are naturally gifted in a beautiful voice and can perform in front of an audience, they always perform such works. As a rule, you have to choose from the classics, so students sing compositions written by Prokofiev, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, with poetry no less famous geniuses pen.

Most famous singer From Kazan in the world, without exaggeration, one can name Yulia Ziganshina, performer of ancient and modern Russian romances, domestic and foreign songs, Honored Artist of Tatarstan. She has been developing and supporting such a unique genre as “Russian romance” for many years, visiting various parts of the planet with concerts and maintaining hometown Salon "Kazan Romance" “Russian Planet” talked with the singer about what changes the genre has undergone over the past few centuries, and what it can give to modern man.

- Julia, how has Russian romance changed over the course of its history?

Romance came to Russia at the end of the 18th century from Spain, where street musicians began to sing not in Latin and not about the love of God, but in their native Romance language and about love for a woman. In our country, romance fell on fertile soil; society felt the need for sentimental personal experiences. The romances fell into the reliable hands of the great poets and composers of the Golden Age - Pushkin, Glinka, Lermontov, Dargomyzhsky. Next splash - turn of XIX-XX centuries, then the salon is born everyday romance. It is interesting that during this period, romances, with some exceptions, were written based on poems by semi-professional poets. High poetry Silver Age ahead of its time, it was sometimes incomprehensible to the average person. And romance is a human genre, earthly in every sense of the word. Romances began to be written based on Silver Age poems at the end of the 20th century. AND important role Cinema played a role in the history of romance at this time. In the 1920s, the government decided that romance was an alien, bourgeois genre; performing and writing it was life-threatening. And he returned to the masses only along with the poetry of the Silver Age through such films as “The Irony of Fate”, “ Cruel romance».

- What happened to the romance in terms of plots and the range of feelings it expresses?

Musically, intonationally, of course, something changes. Human thinking develops and vocabulary expands. We began to think more complexly, although this is not always necessary. Romances today are often performed with orchestras, previously mostly with guitar and piano. The range of feelings in the romance - from categorical hatred to deep love. Moreover, we're talking about about earthly love in all its nuances - the expectation of love, love as a memory, bright or sad, love in the process.

- What kind of sensory experience and what technique should a romance performer have?

All genres require labor and work from the performer. But I'm sure that romance is the most complex genre with its apparent simplicity. There is still an opinion that romance is a trinket that is easy to perform. Many dramatic, opera and jazz artists think that singing a romance is very simple: “If I sing an opera, won’t I really sing a romance?” But you won’t sleep! There are catastrophically few real romance singers.

Let me explain. Opera, in my opinion, is about vocals. Jazz is freedom. An author's song is a text. Folklore is a state. Rock music is about rhythm. Pop music is show and exterior. But romance is a sense of proportion. And with this feeling, as you know, the greatest tension is not only in music. A romance also requires vocals, and competent and delivered ones, however, if there is too much of it, then, as a rule, the text disappears. When there are few vocals, this is also bad, because romance is still vocal genre, without vocals it turns out to be an amateur performance. The text should also be in moderation: you can’t have enough: romance is dramatic work, and you can’t do too much - there is a danger of going into the author’s song.
The state is necessary, but just enough so that in three or even two verses you have time to immerse yourself in the work, immerse the listener, and come out of there together - impressed, inspired. Show and exterior are necessary. A concert costume, and not a simple one, but an appropriate one, is an integral part of the romance program. A show, or better yet, a mini-theater, is the basis of a romance concert, but again in moderation so that the spectacle does not overshadow the romance itself; after all, romance is a fragile genre, easily vulnerable, and the “interior” in it is no less important than the exterior.

Russian romance is a brand, it is unique, says Yulia Ziganshina. Photo: from personal archive

Regarding personal experience, it is just not required. The singer must be observant and imaginative, able to arouse feelings - from his past, present and imaginary life, from the memory of ancestors, and so on. This is called memory of the heart.

- WhatAre you a fan of romance today?

This is a man who just has life experience. Of course, these are mostly people who are... How much? It's hard to say. I sang romances to a children's audience, and the children listened with interest. Who didn’t fall in love in the first grade or experience feelings in the seventh? Experience that is beyond the control of years, which can be gained at 7, and at 25, and at 70. There is a person who has lived his whole life and has not understood anything. Listeners belong to different social strata. It happens at concerts more women: I think because they are not afraid to show their feelings, men tend to be reserved.

- What does romance give to modern man?

An opportunity to feel like a person, to remember your feelings. Many people say that romance heals their soul. What kind of treatment is this? Tension is relieved, feelings and thoughts come into harmony, and the heart is cleansed.

- How is Russian romance received in the world?

I often perform abroad - not only for Russian audiences, but also for foreigners. For example, I recently returned from Italy, there was a concert in Parma for an Italian audience, there we worked with translators of Russian literature: before each romance, I talked a little about the romance itself, conveyed it summary, so that the audience understands where to direct their feelings. And it works.

Russian romance is a brand. He is unique. There is no analogue to this genre anywhere. Everything that is sung with a guitar abroad is more like an art song than a romance. The genre of everyday salon romance cannot be found in any other country. However, as often happens with us, we treat our loved ones badly.

- In romanceIs continuity important?

Now there are a number of singers who have taken the style of performers of the early 20th century and joyfully sit on it. I think this is unacceptable. When they tell me that this is the same as Vertinsky or Piaf, I answer that I’d rather listen to the original. Singers who copy achieve some success, they have fans, but they do not need fresh experiences, but the past, memories, antiques.

Eat reverse side question - a complete denial of what was done before you. As they say, nothing is sacred. And again, the viewer can be attracted by such “innovation”, but, alas, not for long, because this speaks more of the artist’s stupidity than of originality: without taking into account the experience accumulated over centuries, he shows either lack of education or laziness. Here again the question arises about a great sense of proportion - where is the line so as not to fall into copying, but also not to leave the source? And here it is important to find guidelines.

- Why did you choose romance in your life?

Professionally, it all started when I became a laureate of the 1998 Romansiada competition. But long before that, I was interested in this genre; in my early youth I tried to sing romances, but I couldn’t learn the words by heart - I didn’t see the point in them. I was attracted to romances by their melody, a kind of languid melancholy, which, of course, was familiar to me, but I could not understand what they were about. And suddenly - the film “Cruel Romance”! An exact hit on me with an incredible combination of words, melody, guitars, keys, matching my condition, modernity of sound with the general surroundings of the 19th century! And most importantly - the voice! A voice where the text and experience were in the foreground. I can’t even say that it was the voice that struck me: real romance singers do not have a voice in its pure form - it is always a combination of sound, words, meaning and feeling. Then it was bought vinyl record, heard to the point of stumbling and scratching. And a strange thing - after some time, through the modern romances that were heard in the film, there came an understanding and awareness of what was being done in old romances- they acquired meaning, they contained logic, development, and an idea!