Surgut Palace of Arts Oilman poster. Palace of Arts "Neftyanik"'s Photos in @dineftyanik Instagram Account. The construction was scandalous and, thank God, it was completed

Hemispherical building shapes, high-quality acoustics, unique stages, many halls and studios for a variety of purposes. The multimedia façade, transforming stage and state-of-the-art equipment are the largest in the Ural Federal District, one of the largest in the country; in terms of its technical capabilities, the new theater theater "Neftyanik" is not inferior in technical capabilities to the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters. The stage adjusts to the artist in just a few seconds, and the orchestra pit can accommodate over fifty musicians. Here you can put concert program any degree of complexity.

The area of ​​the Palace is ~50 thousand square meters. m., building height 40 meters. The area of ​​the plot allocated for construction is 2 hectares. Only half of them are occupied by the Palace itself. The rest is park area and parking lots. "Neftyanik" includes a concert and theater hall at 1127 visual seats, two large and two small classes for choreography, three vocal classes, a theater studio, an animation studio and four rooms for individual lessons.

The technical equipment of the entire building is not inferior to such Russian concert and theater complexes as Bolshoi Theater, Mariinsky Theater and Helikon Opera.

The Neftyanik Palace of Arts is a new, powerful cultural and educational platform for Surgut and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In anticipation of the opening of the new building, the Neftyanik DI team is working to expand existing and create new areas of activity, such as exhibitions, performances, performances, lectures, concerts and master classes by experts in different areas science, culture and art aimed at a wide audience. The Neftyanik Palace of Arts is a place of comfortable leisure, work, communication and creative realization for citizens. Multifunctional concert and theater complex, built using latest technologies, will become an educational platform, a place for the implementation of cultural and social projects, a place of unity and spiritual enrichment for the residents of Ugra.

Let us note that the technical equipment of the complex has no analogues in Russia; it is equipped with the latest technology. The stage of the concert and theater hall is unique: it is ready to accept projects various types, including tours of theatre, opera, ballet, and circus. It is equipped with a multi-level movable orchestra pit, five lifting and lowering platforms, a turntable for technically complex productions, rod lifting mechanisms, several hatches, a flight device, a unique audiovisual complex and a stage lighting complex. The power of mechanisms hidden under the stage. An orchestra pit for fifty musicians. Movement of the structure - and a hundred seats are added to the hall. The mobile scene is moving. 40 thousand cubic meters of concrete were poured into the walls and base and hundreds of kilometers of pipes and communications were laid.

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For vocal and choreographic ensembles, creative studios in the building of the Palace of Arts provide 2 small and 2 large choreographic classes, 3 classes for vocal classes, theater studio, animation studio, 4 rooms for individual lessons for artists. Rehearsal rooms are equipped with pianos, mirrors and choreographic machines, and special flooring for ballroom, folk, and pop choreography. The new building will feature large and small recording studios, which will allow synchronous recording of various musical groups. There is a video studio with professional equipment, it is possible to record solo parts, instruments and vocals, as well as large ensembles of orchestras and choirs. Only the Mariinsky Theater has a studio complex of this level in Russia. The art cafe has a stage area, sound and lighting equipment, and good acoustics, which makes it possible to hold creative evenings, chamber concerts of both amateur and professional groups.

The exhibition space is located in the third floor hall, where there is a lot of light from a large panoramic window. The premises are designed specifically for holding various exhibitions, vernissages, expositions, and salons. Thanks to the prefabricated parquet flooring, it is possible to host various dance performances and choreographic competitions. In addition, the Neftyanik premises include a multifunctional hall with 270 seats. The main advantage of the hall is a mobile stage that can be installed in various parts hall Provided banquet hall with 300 seats and a conference room with 54 seats. The appearance of the Palace of Arts in Surgut will allow Ugra to take part in the large tour project of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The Neftyanik Palace of Arts opened in Surgut on October 1. A lot was said at the opening ceremony good words about “contribution to human capital”, “new opportunities for creative self-realization”, “a bright page in the history of the region’s development”, etc. But “” decided to leave all the pathos aside and explain why the opening of “Neftyanik” is actually a big event for the whole of Ugra.

The first sign of the scale of the event is arriving at it large quantity VIPs. IN in this case These were the Presidential Envoy to the Urals Federal District Igor Kholmanskikh, the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak, and the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Sergei Obryvalin. Of course, there were also the hosts of the celebration - the Governor of Yugra Natalya Komarova and the head of Surgutneftegaz Vladimir Bogdanov. In addition, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko and Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky sent congratulations. Such a composition of those involved indicates, at a minimum, that a truly large and labor-intensive project has been completed.

The construction was scandalous and, thank God, it was completed

The Neftyanik Palace of Arts became widely known throughout the country long before its opening. Unfortunately, its construction, which lasted five years, was accompanied by serious troubles. The largest incident was the collapse of scaffolding that occurred on August 6, 2015 due to the fault of the contractor. Two workers were killed and 17 more were injured. And shortly before this, two electricians died from electric shock at a construction site. All this indicates not only that there were safety problems at the construction site, but also the technical complexity of the facility itself.

The Neftyanik building itself is impressive in its scale - it is the largest concert and theater complex in the entire Ural Federal District. The height is 40 meters, the total area is about 50 thousand square meters. The cost of construction is 14.5 billion rubles. Interior space The palace is even more impressive than its appearance. Just look at the gigantic foyer alone. There is no point in describing it, and a photograph is unlikely to convey the grandeur of the realized plan. Of course, you need to visit there.

Featured main stage

Possibilities main stage“Neftyanik” puts him on a par with such grandees of Russian concert and theater art as the Bolshoi Theater, Mariinsky Theater, and Helikon Opera. And the technical equipment of the Palace has no analogues in Russia. There is a multi-level orchestra pit, five lifting and lowering platforms, a turntable, sinkholes, rod lifting mechanisms, a device for flying artists, as well as an audiovisual complex and a staging lighting system. 1,127 spectators can simultaneously watch all this splendor. "Neftyanik" is capable of fully hosting dramatic, opera, ballet productions of any complexity and even circus performances. All this will give Ugra the opportunity to take part in the large tour project of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. And from October 15, the “Week of Culture and Art in Surgut” starts at Neftyanik - on new stage the best will perform creative teams KHMAO.

“Neftyanik” is properly tailored not only for concerts and performances, but also for creative education- both children and adults. There are only four choreographic classes in the Palace: two large and two small. Each one has a piano, mirrors, choreographic machines and special flooring – separate for “ballroom performers”, “populists” and “variety performers”. There are three vocal classes, a theater studio, an animation studio, and rooms for individual lessons.

Full stuffing

And in “Neftyanik” there is: - an additional multifunctional hall for 270 seats with a moving stage; - two recording studios where you can record both individual artists and entire orchestras or choirs. In Russia, so far only the Mariinsky Theater had such opportunities; - exhibition space with a large panoramic window and prefabricated parquet. Any exhibitions, vernissages and performances can be held there; - art cafe, banquet hall, conference room.

Well, and a little pathos (where would we be without it?)

Natalya Komarova, Governor of Ugra:“Talent is obtained through hard work. In this case, this is a fact. This palace was produced by Surgutneftegaz. You can count how many oil reservoirs there are, but you can’t, otherwise we’ll lose count, count how much of a fatherly attitude Vladimir Leonidovich (Bogdanov - ed.) has towards Surgut, Ugra and Russia, how much talent and labor of artists, designers, architects, builders, manufacturers is here equipment and those who washed every square centimeter of this temple clean. What can I say - this is Surgut, this is Ugra, this is Russia! Congratulations to everyone! I am sure this event will become a bright page in the history of the region’s development.”

Vladimir Bogdanov, general manager"Surgutneftegaz":“I remember how we came to the capital on a business trip and after a working day we were looking for tickets to the theater. And often without success, because during the shortage, even in Moscow it was impossible to get into the theaters. And many of my colleagues and I believed that the time would come when after work we could go to a theater premiere or a concert at home. We were confident that this day would come. That in the North people will be able to enjoy all the benefits of civilization. And today, thanks to the team of architects, planners, builders, designers and everyone who took part in the construction of this grandiose building, our dreams have come true.”

All events – event. To all gifts - a gift. OJSC "Surgutneftegas" solemnly opened the new palace of arts "Neftyanik" in the largest municipality of Ugra. Russian Presidential Envoy to the Urals Federal District Igor Kholmanskikh, Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Yugra Governor Natalya Komarova and other high-ranking guests personally came to congratulate the company and residents of the city and region.
The ceremony was hosted by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, artistic director Moscow regional theater young viewer Nona Grishaeva and presenter of the Neftyanik Children's Society Nikita Frantsukov. Among those who were the first to test the new Surgut stage: the finalists of the show “Russian Tenors” - the group VIVA, the winner of the second season of the show “The Voice” Sergei Volchkov, as well as People's Artist Georgia and Russia Tamara Gverdtsiteli. In addition to their main program, they performed songs about Surgut, the labor feats of oil workers, and the Siberian expanses. Of course, the artists of the Palace of Arts itself shone that evening.
The artistic director of Maly sent their video congratulations drama theater Lev Dodin, artistic director of the Moscow Musical Theater Mikhail Shvydkoy, artist Valery Syutkin and other famous cultural figures. All of them emphasized the significance of the Surgut event for the development of the cultural sphere of the entire country and expressed their desire to come to Surgut in the near future to perform on the stage of the new art theater “Neftyanik”. By the way, Nona Grishaeva managed to announce that she would bring productions of the Moscow Regional Youth Theater to the city in the spring.
Residents of Surgut and Ugra will be able to appreciate the temple of art in just two weeks - from October 15, the Neftyanik Art Institute will launch the project “Ugra Culture Week in Surgut”, within the framework of which renowned groups of the Autonomous Okrug will show their creative performances. This was reported by the head of the region, Natalya Komarova.
- They say that talent is obtained through hard work. This palace was produced by Surgutneftegaz. You can calculate how much oil is in this “reservoir”, but it is impossible, otherwise we will lose count, to calculate how much paternal attitude Vladimir Leonidovich had towards the city and Ugra, how much work was invested by architects, builders, equipment manufacturers and those who washed every square centimeter clean this temple. What can I say - this is Surgut, this is Ugra, this is Russia! – the governor emphasized in her congratulatory speech.
The largest in the Ural Federal District, one of the largest in the country, in its technical capabilities the new theater theater "Neftyanik" is not inferior in technical capabilities to the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters.
- Today's Surgut is not only a production center, but also a scientific, cultural and educational center. A discerning viewer and listener has already grown and formed here, striving to become familiar with the best examples of domestic and world culture. This is the kind of audience this palace is designed for. I am convinced that he will always be in demand. DI "Neftyanik" is not just a gift from the city-forming enterprise, it is an investment in a person, a favorable social and cultural environment. This is exactly what serious, strategically thinking industrialists do, Igor Kholmanskikh is convinced.
- What I saw impresses me. There are few of this level in the country today cultural centers. I would like to separately thank Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov; I know that the Surgutneftegaz company has invested more than 100 billion rubles in the social sphere over the past ten years,” Alexander Novak shared his impressions.
Next year, Surgutneftegaz will celebrate its 40th anniversary. The Neftyanik Palace of Arts is one of the company’s gifts to the city on the eve of the anniversary.
- I remember how we came to the capital on a business trip and after a working day we were looking for a ticket to the theater. And often without success. Because during the shortage, even in Moscow, it was also impossible to get into the theater. And many colleagues and I - A.V. Usoltsev, N.P. Zakharchenko, M.B Nazargaleev, R.I. Kuzovatkin, G.M. Kukuevitsky, V.S. Deshura - and many other comrades-in-arms believed that the time would come when it would be possible to go to a theater premiere, a concert at home, in Surgut. We always talked about this and were sure that sooner or later this day would come. That in the North, residents should enjoy all the benefits of civilization, like residents of big cities. And today, thanks to the team of architects, builders, planners, designers, suppliers - thanks to all those who took part in the construction of this grandiose building, our dreams have come true,” Vladimir Bogdanov, General Director of Surgutneftegaz OJSC, shared at the opening ceremony.