Stas Namin is a musician. Stas Namin - biography, information, personal life. Social life and charity

Name: Stas Namin
Date of birth: 08.11.1951
Age: 66 years old
Place of birth: Moscow city, Russia
Activity: musician, composer, producer, artist, director
Marital status: married

About biography, nationality and personal life legendary musician More than one film or long series could be made about Stas Namin as the founder of the rock movement in the Soviet Union. As historians say musical styles in the open spaces Russian Federation, the man personifies a whole layer in the era of the transition of an isolated youth culture to an international one.

At the same time, to call him only a musician would be completely wrong - such is the multifaceted creative nature of the successor of the famous Armenian surname was able to realize herself in photography, directing, producing, drawing and a host of other successful projects.

Childhood years

Stas Namin, whose personal life and biography are an example of resourcefulness and dedication to his favorite work, was born in 1951. The boy's relatives were quite famous people in their circle:

Stas Namin in childhood
paternal grandfather - political functionary Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan. From 1922 to 1976 he was at the helm of power in the USSR, being a very significant figure in the Politburo of the country of the Soviets;
maternal grandfather - Arutyunov Grigory Andreevich - led Armenia from 1922 to 1957, being secretary of the Communist Party of the republic;
grandfather's brother by paternal surname - Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan. Famous aircraft designer, author of the legendary Mig helicopters;
mother – Nami Artemyevna Mikoyan (Arutyunova). Conservatory graduate in violin and piano, musicologist, art critic, writer;
stepfather - Vasily Fedosevich Kukharsky. Deputy Minister of Culture of the USSR, who was close friends with Shostakovich and Sviridov.
Stas's parents

It is not surprising that from the age of 6 the basics musical literacy Arno Babajanyan himself worked with the talented boy.

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Lyudmila Senchina appeared in the musician’s life completely unexpectedly, and the marriage could be called a telephone one. The husband lived in Moscow, the wife lived in Leningrad. At the same time, Senchina perceived all the stories about her husband’s future plans with undisguised delight. Everything changed the attitude towards creativity - the rocker could not get along with the classical singer, who did not want to accept his rebellious nature and irrepressible plans for the future.
Stas Namin with his wife Galina

The third wife of the famous artist and irrepressible admirer female beauty became Galina. He accidentally gave a lift to a woman with a child who was voting by the side of the road, and started talking along the way. His Majesty Chance gave the music rebel a chance to become happy, completely unexpectedly. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to call a woman a celebrity hunter - for a long time she refused the popularity to continue acquaintance.

Name: Stas Namin (Anastas Mikoyan)

Age: 67 years old

Activity: musician, composer, producer, artist, director

Marital status: married

Stas Namin: biography

Stas Namin is a Soviet and Russian singer, founder of the rock movement, composer, film director, producer, photographer, artist, organizer of rock festivals. Leader of the musical groups “Flowers”, “Stas Namin Group”, “Gorky Park”.

The future musician was born on November 8, 1951 in Moscow in the family of a test pilot, Hero of the Great Patriotic War Alexei Anastasovich Mikoyan and musicologist and writer Nami Artemyevna Mikoyan, who graduated from the Moscow Conservatory with a degree in piano and music theory. At birth, the boy received the name Anastas Mikoyan.

The family moved from garrison to garrison, so Stas and his parents visited Belarus, Murmansk, and Germany. After his parents' divorce, his mother was mainly involved in raising his son. At the age of 6, the boy went to Moscow school N°74, and began studying music with a composer. People visited the house often famous musicians, Mstislav Rostropovich, Alfred Schnittke. The boy's stepfather Vasily Feodosyevich Kukharsky, Deputy Minister of Culture of the USSR, was close friends with and.

Stas Namin at the Suvorov Military School

At the age of 10, to continue the military dynasty, at the insistence of his father, Stas was assigned to Suvorovskoe military school, located in Moscow. His paternal grandfather, Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan, worked in the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and raised five sons, four of whom became military men.


At the age of 13, Stas was influenced by the music of bands The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, together with his classmates, created the group “Sorcerers”, which lasted for a year. In 1967, the young man continued creative experiences in the company of his cousin Alik Mikoyan and childhood friend Grigory Ordzhonikidze. The new musical group was named “Politburo” in honor of the bust and red banner that were present in the room where the teenagers rehearsed.

After graduating from college, Stas entered the Moscow state institute foreign languages them. Maurice Thorez, but studied there only until the 2nd year. During the year, Stas managed to take part in the work of the student VIA “Bliki”, but, having become acquainted with the hippie movement, the young man decided to organize his own musical group “Flowers”.

In 1971, the young man transferred to Moscow State University to the Faculty of Philology, where he expanded his circle of acquaintances among creative youth. The musician’s friends include Anatoly Zverev, Oleg Tselkov, Anatoly Brusilovsky, Alena Basilova, Genrikh Sapgir, Yuz Aleshkovsky. While studying at Moscow State University, Stas is interested in Indian culture and joins the Harei Krishna movement.

Stas Namin and the group "Flowers"

In 1972, the group "Flowers" received first prize at the Moscow student festival in the Luzhniki Palace of Culture and recorded a flexible disc at the Melodiya studio with the compositions “My Clear Little Star”, “Flowers Have Eyes” and “Don’t”. The circulation of the records is 7 million copies. A year later, the record was repeated with the second disc, which included the songs “Honestly speaking,” “Lullaby” and “ More life" On the wave of success, the group goes on an all-Union tour. But, since the musicians’ creativity was not approved ruling circles, the team is disbanded on charges of promoting Western ideology.

In 1977, Stas Namin received a diploma as a teacher of literature and the Russian language, but did not go to work at school, but created a new musical group, the Stas Namin Group. Over the course of several years, the rock group released the albums “Hymn to the Sun”, “Reggae-Disco-Rock”, “Surprise for Monsieur Legrand”, “We wish you happiness” with the hits “It’s too early to say goodbye”, “Summer Evening”, “Jurmala”, “Nostalgia for the Present”, which are distributed throughout the Soviet Union in 40 million copies.

In 1981, in the wake of the easing of censorship in connection with the Olympics held in Moscow, Stas Namin organized the largest pop and rock festival in the USSR at that time in Yerevan. The venue chosen is a cycling track that can accommodate 70 thousand spectators. The American edition of Time and the German magazine Stern responded positively to the event, calling it “Yerevan Woodstock.” After the festival, regulatory authorities find out the musician’s biography and prohibit Stas Namin from giving concerts in big cities of the country.

Unable to work with a rock band, Stas enters the Higher Courses for Directors in the hope of gaining freedom of expression through cinema. The teachers of the disgraced musician are: In 1982, Stas filmed the first video clip in the USSR, “Old New Year” into poetry, but work in the USSR is immediately prohibited. The video was shown only in 1986 on the MTV channel. In the early 80s, Stas Namin wrote music for the films “Fantasy on the Theme of Love” and “Hourglass”.

In 1983, after completing directing courses, Stas returned to musical activity and already in 1984, together with own group performs at the television competition “Song of the Year”. A year later, the group illegally participates in the international program of the Moscow Student Festival, for which the musicians are accused of supporting the American government.

With the advent of perestroika, the situation changes. In 1986, the Stas Namin Group was the first of the Soviet rock bands to go on tour to the USA. Soon the musicians are going on concerts all over the world. In 1987, Namin created the first production center in the USSR on the basis of the Green Theater of Gorky Park to help young musicians, artists, and poets - the Stas Namin Center (SNS).

At first, the organization was non-profit in nature and provided support music groups“Gorky Park”, “Moral Code”, “Kalinov Bridge”, “Spleen”. At the same time, Namin organized the first non-state Moscow Symphony Orchestra under the direction of conductor Konstantin Krimets.

In 1989, Stas held the first International music festival in Russia, where Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, Scorpions, Cinderella, as well as Namin’s brainchild, the rock group Gorky Park, perform. The event was broadcast in 59 countries around the world. All proceeds from the concerts went to the fight against drug addiction.

Group "Gorky Park"

In the early 90s, Namin organized a touring concert at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex foreign star Iron Maden bypassing the State Concert. Across the country, SNS is holding a series of festivals called “One World”; in Moscow, the “Rock from the Kremlin” festival is being organized. In 1992, at the invitation of Stas Namin, the rock group Scorpions arrived in Moscow to meet with the only president of the USSR, after which the song “Wind of Change” was born.

For 20 years, the composition of the group has constantly changed; A. Slizunov, Yu. Fokin, A. Sapunov worked in Namin’s team at different times. With the fall of the USSR, the Stas Namin Group disintegrated due to ideological differences.

The musician switches to other activities. Stas goes to trip around the world s and , after which he creates a series of documentaries “International Geographic”. As part of the author's project, films about Jerusalem, Thailand, New York, New Mexico, Easter Islands, Tahiti and Bora Bora were released in the 90s. In the 2000s, the cycles “Countries of Africa and South America” and “Amazonia” appeared.

In the early 90s, Stas began to engage in aeronautics and designed the “Yellow Submarine” balloon project, which was among the best balloons peace. Under the leadership of Namin, in 1991, the first balloon festival in the USSR was held on Red Square.

At the end of the 90s in the Big Manege, Central house artist and personal exhibitions of artistic photographs by Stas Namin are starting at the St. Petersburg Russian Museum. Later musician will engage in painting and graphics and exhibit his works for the first time at the Bakhrushin Theater Museum in 2006.

In 1999, the group “Flowers” ​​gathers to hold a concert dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of its creation. In 2001, the songs performed at the performance - “After the Rain”, “It’s Early to Say Goodbye”, “Heroic Strength” - were released as a separate disc “Nostalgia for the Present”. Without finally returning to show business, the musical group begins to collaborate with the Stas Namin Theater.

In the early 2000s, Stas Namin tried his hand at writing symphonic music. The suite “Autumn in St. Petersburg” appears, which premiered at a concert at the Moscow House of Music in 2007.

In 2009, at Abbey Road Studios, where The Beatles, Duran Duran previously worked, Pink Floyd, U2, the group “Flowers” ​​is recording a retro album “Back in the USSR”. The album includes the compositions “Light and Joy”, “Tell Me Yes”, “White Ice Floes”, “Let It Be So”. At the same time, as part of the author’s project One World Freedom, Stas Namin, together with Djivan Gasparyan, Sergei Starostin, Vladimir Volkov, ethnic musicians from Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East releases a disc of ethnomusic.

A year after the anniversary concert at Crocus City Hall, “Flowers” ​​are recording the disc “Open Your Window,” which includes tracks from the unreleased repertoire of the 80s. In 2013, two concert records appeared - “Homo sapiens” and “Flower Power”. A year later, the group goes on a big tour of Russia and neighboring countries “Flowers - 45”. All photo and video material of the group can be found on the official website of the “Flowers” ​​group.


In 1999, Stas Namin assembled the first theater troupe in Russia called the Stas Namin Theater of Music and Drama, which specializes in performing musicals. In the early 2000s, the group's repertoire included the plays "Hair", the comedy "Ivan Chonkin" by V. Voinovich, the tragedy based on "Four Stories", the drama "The House of Bernarda Alba" by F. G. Lorca, the musicals "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Randy Bowser. and "Penelope, or 2+2", children's musicals " Bremen Town Musicians", "The Three Musketeers", "Alice in Wonderland", "Beatlemania", " Snow Queen" and "The Little Prince". The Stas Namin Group participates in the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” by E. Webber, which was first staged in Russia at the Theater of Music and Drama.

In 2014, two performances started on the theater stage: a production of “Cosmos” based on short stories and a reconstruction of the avant-garde opera “Victory over the Sun.” Later, the team began work on the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”, on the opera-ballet by A. Khvostenko based on the poems by V. Khlebnikov “Dweller of the Peaks” and on the play “My Heart is in the Mountains” based on W. Saroyan.

In 2008, Stas Namin was invited to teach acting at the department of the Faculty of Cultural Studies and musical art Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. . Two years later, the musician receives the title of professor of the department musical theater and the GITIS musical.

Personal life

Stas Namin married Anna Isaeva in the mid-70s, with whom he had a daughter, Maria, in 1977. When the girl was 2 years old, the family broke up, but Stas and Anna maintained friendly relations. Now the ex-wife works as a commercial director at the Stas Namin Center. The rocker's second wife was the singer.

But, since the wife lived in St. Petersburg and did not intend to move to Moscow, the union did not last long. In the mid-80s, Stas Namin met Galina, whose son Roman was growing up at that time. After a long courtship, the girl agreed to Namin’s proposal to become his wife.

Since then, the singer’s personal life has not changed. In 1993, his wife gave Stas a son, Artem, who is now seriously engaged in painting. Roman graduated from medical school, but did not work in his specialty. From his eldest daughter Maria, Stas Namin has a granddaughter Asya.

Stas Namin now

Currently, Stas Namin has completely moved away from public life and devoted himself to creativity. At the end of 2016, the musician completed work on the one-movement symphony Centuria S-Quark.


  • "Hymn to the Sun" - 1980
  • "Reggae-Disco-Rock" - 1982
  • "Surprise for Monsieur Legrand" - 1983
  • “We wish you happiness” - 1985
  • "Nostalgia for the Present" - 2001
  • “Back to the USSR” - 2009
  • “Open your window” - 2011
  • “Old Russian village songs” - 2012
  • "Homo sapiens" - 2013
  • "Flower Power" - 2013

In Moscow.

His grandfather, Anastas Mikoyan, was a famous political and statesman in the USSR. Sibling grandfather Artem Mikoyan is a famous aircraft designer, creator of the MiG aircraft. Father is a lieutenant general, an honored military pilot. Mother, Nami Mikoyan, graduated from the conservatory and graduate school in piano and music theory, and is a historian and musicologist.

At the age of ten, Stas, according to family tradition, was.

After graduating from college, he entered the Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, then transferred to the philological faculty of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1978. In 1983 he graduated from the Higher Professional Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors at the USSR State Cinema Committee.

In the 1960s, Stas Mikoyan became interested in rock music. In 1964 he created the rock group "Sorcerers", and in 1967 - the group "Politburo". In 1969, inspired by the legendary hippie rock festival Woodstock, the musician created a new group, Flowers, where he became the author of most of the songs.

For performances on stage, Mikoyan took the pseudonym Stas Namin (after his mother’s name).

Namin is married for the third time to Galina Mikoyan. His first wife, Anna Isaeva, is the commercial director of his SNC center. Namin's second wife was singer Lyudmila Senchina. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Maria, and from his third, sons Artem and Roman.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Stas Namin (b. 1951) – Russian musician, producer, composer, photographer, artist and director. He created the group “Flowers” ​​and has been part of it for almost half a century permanent leader. Organized the first independent production center, which paved the way for many Russian stars pop and rock music (“Kalinov Bridge”, “Moral Code”, “Spleen”, “Gorky Park”, “Brigade S”). In 1989 he became the organizer of the country's first international rock festival in Luzhniki.

Birth and family

Stas was born on November 8, 1951. His real name is Mikoyan Anastas Alekseevich. The family into which the future musician was born was very famous in the Soviet Union.

His father, Alexey Anastasovich Mikoyan, is an Honored Military Pilot of the USSR, he went through the Great Patriotic War, had the military rank of lieutenant general of aviation. Mother, Mikoyan Nami Artemyevna ( maiden name Arutyunova), journalist, writer, author of numerous publications. After graduating from the conservatory and graduate school, she worked as a historian and musicologist.

My paternal grandfather, Mikoyan Anastas Ivanovich, was a Soviet party leader, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, began his career in politics under V.I. Lenin, and retired under L.I. Brezhnev. Grandfather’s brother, Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan, was a famous aircraft designer who created MiG aircraft.

With such relatives, little Anastas was guaranteed a great and bright future, a political or diplomatic career. At the very least, it was impossible to assume that the boy would grow up to be a rock musician.

Parents of Stas Namin

Childhood years

As a child, Stas was, to put it mildly, a naughty boy and caused his mom and dad a lot of trouble. The Mikoyan family spent the years until their parents divorced in military garrisons and towns where their father was sent for service - in Belarus, in East Germany, near Murmansk.

When we lived in a Belarusian village, Stas’s life was quite free. He often went for walks far from home. He wandered along a country road, and then took off his shoes and went into the fields. At the same time, he did not take his shoes with him, but carefully placed them on the road, as if he had entered the house from the street. Sometimes I had to return to the village barefoot, because the sandals did not wait for their little owner.

In the Belarusian garrison, many were engaged in subsistence farming. Mom, like the other officers' wives, kept chickens. Only, with her conservatory education, she could not learn to distinguish between an ordinary chicken and a laying hen, every time she bought the wrong ones at the market. Stas remembered this moment well from childhood - everyone’s chickens laid eggs, but theirs didn’t. The boy considered such a thing unfair, so he often made his way into the common chicken coop and laid out all the eggs equally. And then I listened to the bewilderment of the neighbors - what happened to their pests. But one time he was caught in the act of a crime. True, they didn’t scold him much, because everyone laughed at the boy’s resourcefulness.

But when we lived in a German town, it was no longer a laughing matter. With other boys, Stas liked to run to the training ground to collect unexploded shells there. During training flights, pilots fired them from airplanes, and those that remained intact attracted the boys. But this was an extremely dangerous idea; in the hands of a child, the shell could explode at any moment. Dad strongly scolded me for such entertainment, held conversations, explained how it could all end, sometimes punished and forbade walks. But as soon as the sentence ended, Stas ran to the training ground again.

One day, dad noticed him during a flight from the cockpit of an airplane. His patience ran out, and Alexey Anastasovich decided to teach his son a lesson. He dived so low that he flew right over Stas’s head, at least that’s what it seemed to the boy at the time. From the horror that a supersonic fighter was rushing over you, the boy’s soul was stupefied.

In the end, in order to channel this irrepressible character into the mainstream of order and discipline, his father and grandfather decided to send Stas to the Suvorov School.

Suvorov School

It is unlikely that the older Mikoyans then thought about a military future for the boy. They just wanted to discipline ten-year-old Stas. Although there was family tradition: Grandfather had five sons in total and four of them chose the military life path.

At first my mother was against it, but then she agreed with this decision. Stas himself was absolutely not worried about this and never in his life regretted his years of study at the Suvorov Military School. After all, the best guys from all over were accepted there Soviet Union.

At the military training institution they had a real men's team, something like the “Republic of SHKID”. The guys proudly called themselves cadets, not Suvorovites, and wore their beautiful red and black uniform with pleasure. In those days, they did not know about the concept of hazing, although at first it was not easy for Stas: he missed his parents very much, and it was not immediately possible for him to find a team common language because I didn’t yet know how to take into account people’s different tastes and interests. But over time, everything got better, and Stas became friends with the guys.

For diligent behavior and excellent academic performance, they were given leave once a week. Since Stas was not an excellent student either in his studies or in his behavior, he rarely appeared at home. Mom missed her boy a lot, so she came often and brought milk, which her son adored. Through the openings in the fence she handed him triangular milk cartons.

Behind the fence with reverse side school there was a children's amusement park. One of the Suvorov students came up with the idea of ​​adding two letters “Ka” in front and the name “Cadet Park” came out. Boys often ran there AWOL in the evenings to visit the girls. There were real fights with local boys who didn’t like Suvorov’s guys because of the mere fact of their existence. Often they waylaid the cadets one by one and beat them. But the Suvorovites quickly understood this tactic, so they dealt with each other “wall to wall” several times, like adults, with belts wrapped around their hands.

When Stas graduated from the Suvorov School, he faced difficulties with choosing a future profession. He couldn't decide who he wanted to be.


As a result, Namin decided to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the Faculty of Translation. However, his studies did not interest him at all. I neglected my training to such an extent that I was constantly experiencing failures and failures. After studying two courses, I realized that in this higher educational institution his damaged reputation could no longer be corrected and he transferred to Moscow State University. There he already behaved smarter, albeit somehow, but he learned.

The turbulent youth of the 1970s era included three main components - drugs, rock and roll and sex. Namin had no weakness only for drugs; the rest of his student life was fully present and greatly interfered with his studies. Stas formed his own company of ten people, all of whom lived not far from Gorky Street. Their get-togethers took place in the Sever cafe, sometimes they fought and hooliganized, in general, they did everything that young people of this age do. Sometimes they ended up in the 102nd police station, but the guys were soon released.

During such events, Namin had no time at all to study, while he could strum rock and roll on the guitar from early morning until late evening, or even for days on end. But he still graduated from the university and in 1978 received a diploma as a teacher of Russian and English languages.

The beginning of a musical journey

Stas was accustomed to music since childhood. When his parents divorced, his mother married for the second time a musicologist, member of the Union of Composers of the USSR V.F. Kukharsky. Babajanyan, Rostropovich, Shostakovich, Schnittke, Khachaturian often visited their home.

Stas created his first musical group while still at the Suvorov Military School with classmates. The guys called the group “Sorcerers” and lasted exactly a year.

When I was already studying at the institute, together with Ordzhonikidze’s friend Grisha and cousin Alik Mikoyan Namin organized new team. They came to rehearse in the red corner, where, as was customary at that time, there was a red banner hanging on the wall, and a white bust of Lenin stood on the stage. Among such scenery they played the compositions “ Rolling Stones", Jimi Hendrix, and "Vladimir Ilyich listened attentively." The guys decided that with such a composition it would be quite logical to give the group the name “Politburo”. They weren’t afraid to shock anyone, anyway, practically no one knew about their existence, and the musicians didn’t perform on television.

Group "Flowers"

But when Stas created the group “Flowers” ​​in 1969, it immediately became clear that for the authorities they were “people from another sanatorium”; the group was often closed. To record records, perform on radio and television, it was necessary to undergo a strict selection process at the artistic councils. Sometimes “Flowers” ​​succeeded, and in some places the group performed, for example, in television program"Song-84".

But the group was not allowed to go on tours abroad. The Deputy Minister of Culture of the USSR suggested that Namin leave music and work in his specialty. Inspections from the prosecutor's office began, Stas was threatened with criminal cases. The prosecutor's people followed the "Flowers" team on all tours and looked for what kind of case could be brought against their leader.

But there really were clues. All groups received the necessary equipment from the Ministry of Culture. But Stas Namin’s team was openly ignored and nothing was given to them. But they performed, which means musical instruments they obtained it illegally with some unaccounted funds.

Creative activity

All these events affected Namin’s health and mood, and he began to experience terrible depression. He saw no brightness ahead and really decided to change his profession. Stas entered the higher directing and screenwriting courses at the USSR State Committee for Cinematography. It seemed to him that only rock music was banned in the country, but everything would be fine in the cinema. But that was not the case, his first course work for non-compliance with Soviet standards, she was given a “two”.

With his vision of cinema, Namin’s career in this field of art also did not work out. But he is grateful to fate that during the directing courses he had the opportunity to meet and communicate with such masters national cinema, like Lev Gumilyov, Alexander Mitta, Paola Volkova. Stas learned a lot from them.

Despite depression and the decision to change his occupation, Namin did not leave his musical group. In 1985 they even took part in the Moscow international festival youth and students. And then perestroika came to the country and the group “Flowers” ​​went on their first tour to America.

Now the team could safely record albums that were distributed throughout the country in huge quantities:

  • "Hymn to the Sun";
  • “We wish you happiness”;
  • "Reggae-Disco-Rock";
  • "A surprise for Monsieur Legrand."

And in 1989, Namin organized the first rock festival in the Soviet Union. There were about 200 thousand spectators at the Luzhniki Stadium, world stars came - Scorpions, Ozzy Osbourne, Bon Jovi. For that time it was considered science fiction. Stas was afraid that people in civilian clothes would come in and stop everything - some would be sent to America, others would go home. But the concert was successful, it was broadcast in 59 countries. All collected cash were transferred to the fund to combat drug addiction.

Now Stas Namin has a production center and still remains the leader in his group “Flowers”. The most famous compositions the band is still heard at concerts, and listeners, as before, perceive them with delight and love:

  • “My clear little star”;
  • "Jurmala";
  • "Honestly";
  • "More than life";
  • “It’s too early to say goodbye”;
  • "No need";
  • "Heroic strength";
  • "Summer Evening";
  • “Flowers have eyes”;
  • "After the Rain";
  • "Lullaby";
  • "We wish you happiness."

In 1999, the musician organized the first “Stas Namin Theater of Music and Drama” in Russia, where celebrity guests often come, for example, actor Robert de Niro.

Personal life

Stas is interested in aeronautics, photography, painting, graphics, and traveling around the world.

Namin married three times. In 1977, a daughter, Masha, was born from her first marriage to Anna Isaeva. Two years later, the couple divorced, but kept good relationship. Anna is now the commercial director at the Stas Namin Center.

The musician's second wife was singer Lyudmila Senchina.

The third and last time Stas married a girl named Galina. Namin raised her son Roman from a previous relationship as his own. In 1993, Stas and Galina had a son, Artyom.

Stas Namin. Real name - Anastas Alekseevich Mikoyan. Born on November 8, 1951 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian musician, composer, producer, artist, photographer, director, teacher. Creator and leader of the group "Flowers".

Anastas Alekseevich Mikoyan, who became widely known as Stas Namin, was born on November 8, 1951 in Moscow.

Father - Alexey Anastasovich Mikoyan (1925-1986), military man, lieutenant general, honored military pilot of the USSR.

Mother - Nami Artemyevna Mikoyan (nee Geurkova-Arutyunova; born 1928), historian-musicologist, writer, author of the book “With My Own Eyes”.

Paternal grandfather - Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Soviet statesman and party leader, member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee.

Maternal grandfather - Grigory Artemyevich Arutyunov (1900-1957), Soviet party and statesman, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia.

Maternal grandmother - Ksenia Anatolyevna Priklonskaya (1909-1988), from the noble family of the Priklonskys, who are related to the noble families of the Venevitinovs and Pushkins.

He received his name in honor of his famous grandfather. After a couple of decades, Anastas Alekseevich Mikoyan will shorten his name to a short one - Stas. A famous surname will replace her with a stage name formed on behalf of her beloved mother - Nami Artemyevna.

As the musician recalled, his father introduced him to rock music: “My father was a military man, a pilot, he had a reel-to-reel tape recorder. He loved Okudzhava, Galich and, oddly enough, early rock and roll, like Elvis Presley. That’s all samizdat, of course, came across, copied from each other.”

At the age of ten, Stas’s parents sent him to the Suvorov Military School, where he studied for seven years. Participated in the parade on Red Square seven times. He later said that he did not regret his military childhood: “Because I acquired a certain internal discipline and responsibility. And unpretentiousness.”

It was while studying at the Suvorov School that he became interested in rock music and in 1964 created his first rock band, “Sorcerers.” In 1967, the Politburo group appeared, the members of which were his brother Alik and neighbor Grigory Ordzhonikidze. “Two Mikoyans and Ordzhonikidze, and then Uborevich joined. We rehearsed in this entrance. In the basement. Right under the bust of Lenin and the velvet banner. And under this bust we sandaled Jimi Hendrix and the Rolling Stones...”, Stas shared Namin.

After graduating from the Suvorov School, he entered the Institute of Foreign Languages. While studying at the translation department of the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, he became the lead guitarist of the Bliki team. And in the same year, inspired by the work of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and the Flower Children hippie movement, he created VIA "Flowers".

Then he transferred to Moscow state university to the Faculty of Philology (taking with him his team “Flowers”), where he studied literature and philosophy. In 1972, the Melodiya company released the first VIA record “Flowers”; the EP sold out in a matter of days with a gigantic circulation of 7 million copies.

In 1974, VIA “Flowers” ​​released the hits “Honestly speaking”, “Lullaby”, “You and I”, “More than life”. The fashionable group was accepted into the Moscow Philharmonic, but a year later they were kicked out - they did not fit into the official framework. And the Soviet Ministry of Culture went even further: it banned both the group and its very name as “propaganda of Western ideology and hippie ideas.” Namin himself recalled: “At that time it was necessary to sing Komsomol songs Soviet composers. Only under this condition was it possible to include 1-2 songs from the compositions that we composed in the repertoire. We weren't happy with that."

Stas Namin and the group "Flowers"

In 1978 he graduated from Moscow State University.

On the eve of New Year 1977, Stas created a group named after himself, recorded several new songs with it, which also became very popular. In 1980, the solo album “Hymn to the Sun” was released. Then for five whole years, right up to the Moscow Festival of Youth and Students, the group again found itself in disgrace, all opportunities to be heard were blocked.

Famous song Namina, written in 1982, “We wish you happiness,” appears in the public domain only at the end of 1984 due to censorship. In 1986, with the beginning of perestroika, the group began new life. VIA “Flowers” ​​travels to the West for the first time and makes a world tour in four years, almost without working in the USSR. In the 1990s, the group stopped its activities for 10 years.

In 1983 he graduated from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors at the USSR State Committee for Cinematography.

In 1987 it was created Stas Namin Center(SNC) - in the Green Theater of Gorky Park. The center became one of the first non-governmental organizations in the country. A production center and an independent recording studio were organized, where they took their first steps and developed new ones. musical groups, such as “Brigade S”, “Moral Code”, “Kalinov Bridge”, “Night Prospect”, “Nicholas Copernicus”, “Megapolis”, “Gorky Park”, “Spleen” and many others, as well as young artists, poets , designers.

After his first trips to the West with concerts, Namin decided to start producing on a global scale, for which he created a musical project, giving it a name after his “place of birth” - "Gorky Park". Namin selected the musicians, and as a result of two years of work in his SNC studio, he created an image and demo recordings new group, signed a contract with Polygram Records, inviting president Dick Asher to Moscow for this, attracted the Bon Jovi group to the project, as a result of which the Gorky Park group became popular in the West. The main “springboard” in the career of Gorky Park was their participation in the anti-drug rock festival organized by Namin in 1989 at Luzhniki. The festival was broadcast in 59 countries around the world.

In the late 1980s, the Stas Namin Center became an iconic place in Moscow, where one could meet, among others, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Gabriel, U-2, Annie Lennox, Pink Floyd, Robert De Niro, Quincy Jones and many others. Frank Zappa, a frequent guest of Namin, made a film about the Center.

In the early 1990s, Namin divided his projects into two holdings. Those related to art were included in the SNC holding, and projects related to business and commercial activities were included in the Stanbet holding (in 1989 he created the Stanbet company, which became a pioneer in different areas business in Russia).

Having become interested in ballooning in 1992, Namin created his first hot air balloon and organized Russia's first hot air balloon festival on Red Square in Moscow. In 1994, the first Russian hot air balloon was designed by his order. unusual shape- “Yellow Submarine”, which was recognized as one of the most popular balloons in the world at the largest hot air balloon festival in New Mexico (USA) and was included in the encyclopedia of the best balloons in the world.

In 1997, Stas Namin teamed up with, and made a trip around the world through Easter Island. The team covered 40,000 km, visiting Europe, Africa, South America, New Zealand and Japan. During the trip, 3 films were shot: Yuri Senkevich and Andrei Makarevich created films for their television programs, and Stas Namin created films for his series of International Geographic documentaries.

Based on the results of numerous trips to Africa, South America, Europe and other parts of the world, he created documentaries, included in his author’s series International Geographic, where he acted as a director, cameraman and producer. He also created a series of travel documentaries: “Amazing Cuba”, “Northern India”, “Ancient Temples of Armenia”, various video clips, documentary films and an interview film with Ernst Neizvestny. Produced the film Free to Rock (USA) - its presentation took place in Washington: at Georgetown University and the Capitol.

Realized himself as a photographer(he began to get interested in photography as a child). In the 1990s, Stas Namin took photographs during expeditions around the world, and also began working in a photo studio. In the 2000s he began to study fine arts, painting and graphics, and this influenced his worldview in photography. In 2013, at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the State Russian Museum presented Namin’s author’s album of photographs, “The Magic of Venus.” In 2014, Namin’s works participated in an exhibition at the Gallery of Classical Photography along with the best photographers of the country.

In 2006, at the Theater Museum. Bakhrushin's works were presented for the first time - graphics, painting, mixed media, where he experimented with modern computer and other technologies. His artwork exhibited in various collections, galleries and museums in Russia and abroad.

In 1999, he reassembled the group “Flowers”. The team celebrated its 30th anniversary with an anniversary concert. Subsequently, the musicians take part in theatrical productions Namina. In 2010, the anniversary album “Flowers 40 Years” was released and the group began to be active again creative life: for the first time in more than 20 years, the musicians took to the big stage and resumed regular touring activities.

In 2009-2010, the group recorded double albums at Abbey Road Studios in London, Back to the USSR, which included all their songs from the 1970s, and Open Your Window, which included their banned songs from the 1980s.

In 2011, he acted as a symphonic composer - his symphonic suite"Autumn in St. Petersburg". The first album created by Namin Moskovsky symphony orchestra included four movements from Namin’s suite “Autumn in St. Petersburg” and three symphonic interpretations of songs by Jimi Hendrix, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. The album was recorded in Great hall Moscow State Conservatory. In 2016, a piano version of Namin's suite was created and recorded in Germany.

In 1999 he created Stas Namin Theater. This happened after, at the invitation of the producer of the cult Broadway hippie rock musical “Hair” Michael Butler, Namin attended a Hollywood production of the musical, which made a great impression on him and served as an incentive to create his own theater. The theater was named the Stas Namin Moscow Theater of Music and Drama. His distinctive feature is that both traditional musicals and rock operas become deep in it dramatic works. The theater does not focus on show effects, but on the drama of actors and productions, thus combining the tradition of Russian drama theater With international tradition musical.

The basis of the repertoire of the Stas Namin Theater is musical performances, but other genres are also practiced. Constantly in the repertoire - both classics (the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” by E. L. Weber, the musical “Hair” by G. McDermott, “The Town Musicians of Bremen” by G. Gladkov, “The Three Musketeers” by M. Dunaevsky), and original musical performances- “Alice in Wonderland” by V. Vysotsky, “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by R. Bowser, musical graffiti “Beatlemania”, musical for children “The Snow Queen” by S. Namin, etc.

In 2014, on its fifteenth anniversary, the theater in its development moved away from the traditional form of the musical, moving on to complex musical and dramatic performances. Mozart’s opera based on Beaumarchais’s play “The Marriage of Figaro”, the opera-ballet “The Dweller of the Peaks” with lyrics by Velimir Khlebnikov and music by A. Khvostenko and the group “Auktsion”, and the play “My Heart in the Mountains” based on W. Saroyan were staged. The Stas Namin Theater, in collaboration with the State Russian Museum, reconstructed the first ever avant-garde futurist opera, “Victory over the Sun.”

In June 2015, the theater was invited to the international fair contemporary art“Art Basel”, and in October 2015, at the invitation of the Louis Vuitton Foundation, the Stas Namin Theater presented the opera “Victory over the Sun” at the annual Paris FIAC fair.

Social activities of Stas Namin

In 2000-2003 - member of the Cultural Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, he was a member of the business council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Since 2007 - Professor at Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M. A. Sholokhov.

In 2008, the full-time faculty of culture and musical art was opened - joint project Moscow State University for the Humanities and the Stas Namin Center.

In 2010 he became a professor and artistic director musical theater course of the musical theater faculty in Russian Academy theatrical arts(GITIS).

In 2011 he created a children's room theater studio at the Theater of Music and Drama. The training takes place in a playful way and allows children to master the basic fundamentals of the acting profession. Among the disciplines: acting skills, speech technique, stage movement, vocals, dance. Classes are taught by leading theater artists and professional teachers GITIS.

In 2012, he initiated the humanitarian project “Light and Joy”, which is presented at UNESCO headquarters (Paris) and is part of the humanitarian education program of children’s centers artistic creativity at UNESCO in Russia.

Since 2014 - honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Stas Namin's height: 163 centimeters.

Personal life of Stas Namin:

Was married three times.

First wife- Anna Isaeva. They got married in the mid-1970s.

In 1977, the couple had a daughter, Maria.

In 1979, the marriage broke up. After the divorce, Stas and Anna maintained friendly relations. Later, the ex-wife became the commercial director at the Stas Namin Center.

From his eldest daughter Maria, Stas Namin has a granddaughter Asya.

Second wife- (1950-2018), Soviet and Russian singer and actress, People's Artist Russia. We met in 1980. The romance began with collaboration: Stas Namin invited her to make two parts and perform in one concert with his group “Flowers”. As the singer later recalled, Namin opened her eyes to completely different music - thanks to him, she fell in love with Pink Floyd, Blondie, Peter Gabriel, and personally met many amazing people, including John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono.

The marriage lasted 7 years. Senchina later recalled: “Stas – wonderful person, very interesting. I couldn’t talk to anyone else like I did with him. We talked all night long. With him I learned different music, different literature. It was something extraordinary, really.” According to Senchina, the marriage collapsed due to Namin’s overly temperamental character: “Stas’s character is terrible. It happened that I received a face from him. Yes! He could have lifted his hand at me, he could have turned the table over. Such a temperamental person! I understood that I would not have life, that I would die. And I decided to leave it all far, far away."

However, they maintained friendly relations. On January 29, 2001, Lyudmila Senchina took part in anniversary concert group of Stas Namin “Flowers”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the creation of the group, which took place in concert hall"Russia" in Moscow.

Third wife- Galina Anatolyevna Mikoyan. We met in the mid-1980s. At that time, Galina had a son, Roman, from a previous relationship. They got married in the late 1980s.

In 1993, the couple had a son, Artem, who is seriously involved in painting.

Stepson Roman graduated from medical school, but did not work in his specialty.

Filmography of Stas Namin:

1980 - Fantasia on the Theme of Love - episode
1988 - Sickle and guitar (From Russia with rock / Sirppi ja kitara) (documentary)
2008 - Cinderella of Union significance. Lyudmila Senchina (documentary)
2008 - Living history. Russian rock (documentary)
2009 - Vladimir Spivakov. Without a tailcoat (documentary)

Stas Namin's works in cinema as a composer:

1980 - Fantasia on the Theme of Love
1984 - Hourglass
1980 - Melodies and rhythms of youth (short film)
1986 - Meetings on Saturday evening (short film) - song “Nostalgia” based on poems by Andrei Voznesensky

Awards of Stas Namin:

Russian Order of Friendship (November 17, 2011) - for great services in development national culture and art, many years of fruitful activity;
Armenian Order of Friendship (December 17, 2016)