The play “The Three Little Pigs. Puppet show “The Three Little Pigs The Three Little Pigs puppet show

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Svetlana Shevchenko
"The Three Little Pigs." Performance script for children preschool age

Characters: narrator, three little pigs, wolf

Narrator: Once upon a time there were piglets

Very nice guys.

These brothers are familiar to us -

In the fairy tale there were three brothers.

(Piglets run out)

Nif-Nif: I-Nif-Nif,

I'm very smart

I love swimming in a puddle.

Nuf-Nuf: I am Nuf-Nuf

No worse!

I also often bask in a puddle.

Naf-Naf: I am Naf-Naf.

And also play football.

(Piglets frolic to the music)

Narrator: The piglets were having fun -

Our nice guys.

Summer and autumn rested.

Winter is just around the corner:

Naf-Naf: Puddles of crusted ice

Everything was already covered in the morning.

Brothers! It's time to build a house

Where will we live in winter?

Brothers: We still have time, let's go for a walk!

Naf-Naf: No, sorry, I'm not with you!

First I'll build a house

And then I’ll go for a walk!

Narrator: Naf-Naf left,

And two brothers

They continued to tumble.

They didn't want to work -

But then the snowflakes flew.

Nif-Nif: I'll build a new house for myself -

And it will be all made of straw.

I'll bolt the door

It will be ready by evening.

Nuf-Nuf: I won't leave you alone

And I won’t be left homeless

I just need to collect branches -

My house will be no worse!

Narrator: So the friends decided -

And they hurried to work.

By evening the houses are ready.

Nif-Nif's is made of straw.

Nuf-Nuf has a house made of branches.

And Naf - Naf's house, where is it?

Let's go, you and I will see

What kind of house did your brother build?

The brothers go to Naf-Naf's house.

Nif-Nif: Is this a fortress or a house?

Who would live in this?

Naf-Naf: It's a brick, strong house.

I won't be afraid in it.

Nuf-Nuf: And who, I ask, are you afraid of?

Naf-Naf: There's an evil wolf walking around somewhere.

You forgot last time

He almost ate three of us.

Nif-Nif: Oh! Found someone to fear

And don't try so hard!

Nuf-Nuf: Our houses are no worse!

Naf-Naf: I'm busy, I need to finish it.

Nuf-Nuf: Well, we went for a walk.

Nif-Nif: Scare the angry wolf.

(The piglets are having fun, a wolf looks at them from behind the trees)

Narrator: The wolf noticed the piglets long ago,

He licked his lips and remarked:

Wolf: It will be a nice lunch for me -

Two fat ones. (comes out from behind a tree)

-"Hello!" (affectionately)

I see brave piglets.

Glad to see you, very glad!

You've grown bigger over the summer.

Brothers:(trembling) We haven't changed a bit.

Wolf:(rudely) Stop talking too long,

It's time for me to eat.

My stomach was churning with hunger.

Narrator: Piglets, as if replaced.

They got scared and ran.

The wolf tried to catch up with them.

Each one ran to his own house,

He closed the door and shook.

The wolf runs up to Nif-Nif's house.

Wolf: Well, why did you lock the door?

Open it quickly!

Nif-Nif: There's no way I'll open it!

Wolf: Well, then I'll arrange it for you

Hurricane! Just hold on!

Fu-fu-fu! Well, are you trembling?

Fu-fu-fu! Now from home

Only straw left!

Narrator: The pig's house shook

He tilted and fell.

Nif-Nif ran quickly

To Nuf-Nuf's house. At the door

he was already waiting for him.

He let me into the house. The wolf ran up.

Wolf:(loudly) Oh, I'm tired! I'll probably leave.

Something doesn't feel good to me.

Nif-Nif addresses Nuf-Nuf:

I heard, brother, he left us.

Nuf-Nuf:(quietly) Someone approached the house.

A wolf in sheep's clothing approaches the door

Wolf: I'm a poor sheep

Please let me into the house.

So, I strayed from the herd

Nuf-Nuf: Well, we need to let the sheep in.

(The piglets open the door and see a wolf. They close it immediately.)

Wolf:(loudly and rudely) Open up!

Brothers: We won't open!

Wolf: Well, then I’ll arrange it for two

hurricane! (blows towards the house; the piglets are shaking, huddled together)

Narrator: And it started blowing!

The house shook a little

And then suddenly he leaned over,

It crackled and fell apart.

(the piglets run to Naf-Naf's house)

Narrator: The piglets ran

to Naf-Naf's house. Under the bed

They got in right away. Reproach,

he didn't take them. Locked the door.

The wolf was already standing behind her.

Wolf:(joyfully) Three at once! Ha ha ha!

Such nice things!

My dear friends,

You can't hide from me!

Narrator: The wolf began to blow

Not so!

I started scratching - I couldn't do it!

He raised his head higher -

I saw a pipe on the roof.

Wolf: That's luck, that's luck!

My problem is solved!

I’ll crawl into the house through the pipe.

Narrator: And he climbed onto the roof.

But Naf-Naf was very smart,

He understood what the wolf was up to.

Naf-Naf: You're welcome, my friend.

Narrator: The wolf fell straight into boiling water.

Yelled and hurry up

He rushed through the open door.

Piglets:(joyfully) Never a wolf, never

Will not come back to us here!

(Piglets dance to cheerful music)

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The Three Little Pigs is a bright and cheerful children's puppet show with a plot that is well known to everyone. This production tells the story of three cheerful pigs who loved to do nothing and play all day long. But later they had to build a house, because winter was soon to come. And, since the wolf wanted to feast on the little piglets, they realized that in order to save them, the house must be a real fortress.

The basis for the production of The Three Little Pigs was famous fairy tale with the same name. Initially, it was a world-famous folk English history, which Soviet children were able to get acquainted with thanks to the talented translation and retelling of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. More than one generation of domestic children has grown up on this magnificent, fascinating and funny fairy tale. It has more than once become the basis for theatrical productions, and also animated films, which enjoyed stable popularity among young viewers. By the way, famous story and today it seems quite modern and interesting to today's children.

And all children in the capital, whose parents wish to buy tickets to the play The Three Little Pigs, can easily be convinced of this this season. Featured here puppet show based on the famous playwright Elena Obraztsova's adaptation fairy tale story. The result is an incredibly colorful and vibrant performance that will appeal not only to young spectators, but also to their parents, who will want to remember their childhood and laugh heartily at the funny antics of the little pigs.

This is a classic screen puppet show based on English fairy tale about three unlucky piglets, whose names were Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.
In the production you will hear a lot musical fragments. The heroes of the fairy tale sing and joke, so the performance is perceived easily and cheerfully.
Once upon a time there were three pig brothers: Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf. All summer they played, ran and frolicked. Autumn came, it began to get colder, and there was a need to build warm housing.
Nif-Nif decided to build a hut from straw, Nuf-Nuf began to make a dwelling from branches and thin twigs, and Naf-Naf began to build a house from stones and clay.
The younger brothers laughed at the thoroughness of their older brother, believing that they did not need a stone fortress. But when the evil and treacherous one came from the forest Gray Wolf, he easily broke the huts of Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf, and only the house of Naf-Naf became a reliable refuge from a dangerous predator.
Bright decorations and cheerful pig brothers will make the holiday exciting and unforgettable!

Current characters:

  • Nif-Nif
  • Naf-Naf
  • Nuf-Nuf
  • Frog
  • Crow

The outdoor puppet show “The Three Little Pigs” is designed for children from 1 to 6 years old.

There are two actors in the play.

Features of the puppet show “The Three Little Pigs”:

  • The brightness of the images. Each doll is the result painstaking work a whole group of people - prop artists, designers and fashion designers. This made it possible to make the images very bright and charming, accurately expressing the characters’ personalities.
  • Author's script based on the classic fairy tale.
  • Professional staging. The production of the play was carried out by the author of the script himself, so it is interesting for young viewers to follow the lives of the characters, worry about them, sympathize with them and, of course, laugh at them. Little spectators watch what is happening with their mouths open, not being distracted for a second from the fascinating action.
  • Sound quality. The sound of the performance was recorded on professional equipment, which ensures depth and richness of sound, as well as clear audibility of music and dialogue even from distant rows.
  • Kindness and wisdom. The traveling performance “The Three Little Pigs” is interesting, instructive, gives joy and, as we believe, makes our little viewers kinder, more tolerant and, of course, wiser.

Premises requirements:

  • Availability of 1 220 volt outlet
  • Availability of free space for the screen - at least 4 meters
  • Table and 2 chairs