Contemporary art in English. Fine arts. Crafts – names of crafts in English

Publishing house, Moscow. Founded in 1930. Fine art products (reproductions, albums, postcards, etc.), art books... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

FINE ARTS- “FINE ART”, publishing house, Moscow. Founded in 1930. Fine art products (reproductions, albums, postcards, etc.), art books... Encyclopedic Dictionary

fine arts- This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

fine arts- ▲ plastic art image, valid fine arts a group of arts based on the reproduction of specific life phenomena in their visible objective form. art painting... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

FINE ARTS- a group of types of art. creativity that reproduces visually perceived reality. Prod. I. and. have an objective form that does not change in time and space. K I. and. include: painting, sculpture, graphics, monumental art and... ... Aesthetics: Vocabulary

FINE ARTS- at school, educational system and extracurricular artist student activities; in the narrow sense subject (until 1964 “Drawing”). I. and. an important link in the system of general and aesthetic. education, one of the types and means of art. education of schoolchildren. Classes I. and. called... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

"Fine Arts"- Publishing house of the State Press Committee of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Founded in 1930. Fine art products (reproductions, albums, postcards, etc.), art books... Encyclopedic Dictionary

fine arts- FINE ARTS. During the war years, the masters of the owls. The lawsuits sought with their creativity to contribute to the defeat of the enemy. The experience accumulated by Sov. will depict claim vom during the periods of Oct. revolution, Civil. war, socialist construction in the USSR compare... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

Fine arts of Bashkortostan- an article about the fine arts of the Republic of Bashkortostan - painting, graphics, sculpture and decorative arts. Rock paintings in Kapova Cave Painting of Bashkortostan can rightfully claim a special place in art: ... ... Wikipedia

FINE ARTS AND MYTHOLOGY- The problem of the relationship between fine art (I. and.) and mythology covers wide circle issues related to both the genesis of I. and. and the characteristics of the language of I. and. and his ability to adequately convey the content of mythological texts,... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Fine arts of Azerbaijan- This article may contain original research. Add links to sources, otherwise it may be set for deletion. More information may be on the talk page. (May 25, 2011) ... Wikipedia


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  • Fine arts, . The Erudite series is a universal reference publication in which the main achievements of all fields of knowledge are conveniently and clearly presented. Thematic material presented in a fascinating and accessible way...

Art is translated into English as art [art] - art, painting
I like art very much [Ay lai kart very much] – I like art very much.

If you want to say that you are engaged in art, then it would be correct to use the following phrase:
to practice art [that practice art] – do art

My girlfriend have been practicing art since she was fifteen [My girlfriend has been practicing art since she was fifteen] – My girlfriend has been practicing art since she was fifteen.

There are many directions:
abstract art [abstract art] - abstract art

Sam saw several pictures of abstract art in a gallery that he liked - Sam saw several pictures of abstract art in a gallery that he liked.

classical art [klasik art] - classical art
modern art [modern art] - contemporary art
folk art [fok art] - folk art
applied art [eplide art] — applied arts

I like modern art, but my grandma likes folk art [Ay like modern, bat may grandma likes folk art] - I like modern art, and my grandmother likes folk art.
Painting occupies an important place in art. Translated into English as: pictorial art [pichinol art] or painting [painting].

If we want to say that the picture was painted by an artist, then we must use the following phrase:
painter [painter] – artist
artist [artist] - artist
picture [picture] – picture

This picture was made my famous painter [Zis Picture Voz Made by Famous Painter] – This picture was painted famous artist.

Before creating his painting, every artist must make a sketch:
sketch [sketch] - sketch, sketch

I will be happy to see the sketch of your painting [I will be happy to see the sketch of your painting] - I will be happy to look at the sketch of your painting.

There are many different artistic genres:

battle piece [betel piece] - battle painting
ortrait [waste] - portrait
self-portrait [self-trait] - self-portrait

When Albrecht Dürer was twenty-nine years old, he made his self-portrait [Van Albert Dürer twenty-nine, hey made his self-trait] - When Albert Dürer was 29 years old, he painted his self-portrait.

wall / mural painting [wall/mural painting] - wall painting
water-colour [water-calor] - watercolor painting
engraving [engraving] - engraving, printmaking

Today Kate saw a lot of beautiful engravings on the church`s ceiling [Today Kate saw a lot of beautiful engravings on Church's ceiling] - Today Kate saw a lot of beautiful engravings on the ceiling in the church.

family group [family group] - family portrait
landscape [landscape] - landscape
oil painting [oil painting] - oil painting
seascape [seascape] - seascape

My brother painted several seascapes last summer, when we were on vacation [My brother painted several seascapes last summer, when we were on vacation.

Dialogue about art in English

  • I heard you have been to a Museum yesterday.
  • Yes, I was there. I really like classical art and several seascapes.
  • That is great, but I like modern art and landscapes. I am even trying to paint myself.
  • Good to hear I hope I will see some of your sketches soon.
  • You visited the exhibition of paintings by Serov in the Tretyakov gallery?
  • Yes, there was great excitement, more than the exhibition of van Gogh.

The purpose of art is to give life form.

Jean Anouilh, French playwright

There are dozens of arts and crafts and related professions. In this article we will talk about the most popular of them. You will learn new English words on the topic of Arts and Crafts and learn 10 colorful idioms on this topic.

Arts – types of art in English

Among existing species arts we can highlight architecture ( architecture), arts and crafts ( decorative and applied arts), design ( design), fine arts ( visual arts), music ( music), landscape design ( landscape design), theater ( theater) and literature ( literature). Of course, each of these species, in turn, is divided into a lot of subspecies, but the number and all the details of the classification are not so important for us. Our task is to study the names of the main types of arts in English. Well, let's try it.

Art form Professions Corresponding Verbs
Architecture– architecture. Architect- architect.

Engineer- engineer.

Designer- designer.

To design- design, construct.

To project- design, develop, draft.

Sculpture– sculpture. Sculptor– sculptor. To sculpture/sculpt- sculpt, sculpt, carve.
Painting– painting. Painter/artist- artist. To paint (in watercolors/gouache /ɡuˈɑːʃ/) – draw (watercolor/gouache).

To draw from life- draw from life.

To draw in pencil- draw in pencil.

Acting- acting skills.

Cinema- cinematography.

Theater- theater.

Actor– actor.

Director- director.

Stunt man/woman (person) - stuntman.

Dramatist– playwright.

Prompter- prompter.

To act- play.

To play a role/part (of) – to play a role.

To appear on stage- perform on stage.

To direct (a play) – stage (play, performance), direct.

To adapt a novel for the stage- stage a play based on the novel.

To make one's debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/ – perform for the first time, make a debut.

Literature– literature.

Poetry– poetry.

Writer- writer.

Poet- poet.

To write- write.
Music- music.

Dancing- dancing.

Ballet /ˈbæleɪ/ – ballet.

Musician- musician.

Dancer- dancer.

Ballerina / ballet dancer– ballerina/ballet dancer.

Singer– singer.

Conductor- conductor.

Choreographer /ˌkɒriˈɒɡrəfə(r)/ – choreographer.

To play a musical instrument- play a musical instrument.

To perform a piece of music- perform a piece of music.

To perform on stage- perform on stage.

To sing a song- sing a song.

To dance- dance.

Crafts – names of crafts in English

Unlike arts, crafts involve the creation of certain objects by hand ( by hand). Of course, they also require talent ( talent), creativity (creativity) and imagination ( imagination). However, crafts are not just an expression of the author’s thoughts ( author), this is the creation of quite practical things. Here are the types of crafts:

  • carpentry– carpentry ( carpenter– carpenter, joiner);
  • blacksmithing– blacksmithing ( blacksmith– blacksmith);
  • pottery– pottery ( potter– potter);
  • carving wooden / stone carving– wood/stone carving ( carver– carver);
  • knitting– knitting ( knitter– knitter);
  • embroidery– embroidery ( embroiderer– embroiderer);
  • sewing /ˈsəʊɪŋ/ – sewing ( seamstress /ˈsemstrɪs/ – seamstress);
  • shoemaking– shoe making ( shoemaker– shoemaker);
  • jeweler's art– jewelry making ( jeweler– jeweler).
  • Crafts often become people's favorite hobbies, so we also advise you to read our article "".

English idioms about arts and crafts

In any language there are a lot of stable expressions, one way or another related to art or crafts: “to be the smith of your own happiness”, “a shoemaker without boots”, “to play on your nerves” and many others. We offer you 10 English idioms on this topic:

  1. To be the architect of one's own fortune- be the architect of your own happiness.

    He has always known his wishes and been the architect of his own fortune. “He always knew his desires and was the architect of his own happiness.

  2. The shoemaker's wife is the worst shod- a shoemaker without boots.

    He’s the best car mechanic in town but his own car has been broken for a year already – the shoemaker's wife is the worst shod. - He is the best auto mechanic in the city, but his own car has been broken for a year - shoemaker without boots.

  3. To jangle on someone's nerves- play on your nerves.

    Please don't jangle on my nerves. I’m the most hot-tempered person in the world. - Please, don't get on my nerves, I am the most hot-tempered person on earth.

  4. To sing like a nightingale- sing like a nightingale.

    She's got a wonderful voice and sings like a nightingale. - She has a wonderful voice, she sings like a nightingale.

  5. To face the music– face criticism or difficulties courageously.

    It’s a virtue to be able to face the music and overcome life obstacles. - Be capable face difficulties courageously and overcoming life's obstacles is a great virtue.

  • Read more about the history of the origin of this idiom in the article “10 popular “musical” idioms in English"
  • To sing low– show restraint in expressing your views, do not impose your views.

    Everybody likes him because he always sings low. - Everyone loves him, because he never does not impose his views.

  • To sing another tune- sing another song.

    Yesterday you promised to help me but today you're singing another tune. - Yesterday you promised to help me, but today sing another song.

  • To lay it on thick- exaggerate.

    Don't lay it on thick. It's not that serious. – Don't exaggerate. It's not that serious.

  • To draw a line– draw a line, put a limit/end.

    When their relationship reached a deadlock, they had to draw a line. – When their relationship reached a dead end, they were forced draw a line.

  • To paint sb/sth black– to denigrate someone/something, to portray someone/something in gloomy colors.

    Personally, I hate people who like to paint others black. – Personally, I hate people who love denigrate others.

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