A Soviet deputy is a servant of the people. Podolny A. Soviet deputy - servant of the people Deputy of the representative body of the municipal formation servant of the people

In the cities and villages of our great Motherland, preparations for elections to the Supreme Soviets of the Union and Autonomous Republics and local Soviets of Working People's Deputies are increasingly being developed. The election campaign is taking place in an atmosphere of unanimity and unity of the entire multimillion-dollar Soviet people.

The history of mankind has never known such a monolithic society, united in its spirit and aspirations, as our socialist society is. The wise policy of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, the great goals of building communism, united the entire Soviet people into a close fraternal family.

The Country of the Soviets is confidently moving forward towards a new flourishing of the economy and culture, towards new successes in the construction of communism. There is no force in the world that could stop the forward movement of Soviet society. The USSR's international ties have strengthened and expanded, and its authority among the working people of all countries has grown immeasurably. The Soviet Union stands at the head of the mighty camp of peace, democracy and socialism.

Implementing the majestic program outlined by the 19th Party Congress, the working people of our country are devoting all their strength and knowledge to the construction of communism and the further strengthening of the power of the socialist Motherland.

The main instrument for the construction of communism is our Soviet state, which is a new type of state - a state of the people for the people.

Advice, teaches the founder of our state V.I. Lenin, this is power, open to everyone, doing everything in full view of the masses, a direct and immediate organ of the masses and their will.

Having summarized the experience of two Russian revolutions, V.I. Lenin came to the brilliant conclusion that the Soviets are the best state form of the dictatorship of the proletariat. They are the most massive and most democratic state organization, giving all workers actual access to government.

Over the years of its existence, the Soviet social and state system has shown itself to be the most viable and invincible. It proved to be the best form of organizing economic and cultural construction, as well as strengthening the country's defense.

The source of the mighty power of the Soviets lies in the fact that the vital basis of the Soviet system is the policy of the Communist Party, which expresses the fundamental interests of the people.

V.I. Lenin taught that only by involving the masses in state building can a revolutionary transformation of society be achieved. Only with the help of the masses can a state apparatus be created, free from bureaucracy, an apparatus designed to provide the working people with all the benefits of material and spiritual culture.

To strengthen our social and state system in every possible way, to further develop the political activity and patriotism of the Soviet people - such is the task set by the 19th Party Congress.

The Soviet system provides all Soviet citizens with the broadest opportunities to participate in government through its deputies, elected on the basis of the most democratic Soviet Constitution in the world.

Their messengers to the authorities state power the Soviet people are invested with high confidence and high powers. Working people nominate and elect their best sons and daughters as deputies, those who have glorified themselves through selfless work, who have proven their boundless devotion to the Motherland, their ability and readiness to implement the policies of the Communist Party and faithfully serve the people. These are noble people of the country, advanced workers of factories, construction sites and collective farm fields, warriors Soviet Army and Navy, the best representatives of Soviet science and culture, the most prominent figures of our party and state. Thus, 52 Heroes were elected to the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in March 1954 Soviet Union, 65 Heroes Socialist Labor, 103 Stalin Prize laureates.

Of the 119 deputies of the Vologda Regional Council of Workers' Deputies, 95 people were awarded orders and medals. Among them we see the chairman of the collective farm “May 1” of the Knchmengsko-Gorodetsky district, Hero of the Soviet Union Comrade Koryakovsky, chairman of the collective farm “Udarnik” of the Gryazovets district, Hero of Socialist Labor comrade. Zyazin.

Voters entrust large and responsible tasks to their elected representatives, deputies, and Soviet deputies, with all their activities, strive to justify the trust of the people. A Soviet deputy always strives to be connected with his voters. In his daily practical activities, he proceeds from the fact that the will of the working people is the supreme law for the deputy.

The Soviet deputy is disgusted by the dual, hypocritical game with the people that bourgeois deputies in capitalist countries usually play, when during the election period they flirt with voters, fawn on them, swear allegiance, make a bunch of promises, and immediately after the elections they “forget” about These are their promises and betray the interests of the people.

“The deputy must know,” said I.V. Stalin - that he is a servant of the people, their envoy to the Supreme Council, and he must behave along the lines along which the people have given him orders.” “A deputy is a servant of the people” - these words should be a guiding star in the activities of every Soviet deputy. In constant communication with the people, with his voters, the deputy draws strength and confidence in the correctness of his chosen path and his practical activities. Therefore, a Soviet deputy must constantly meet with his voters and listen carefully to their advice and wishes. At the same time, the deputy is obliged to report to voters so that they have the opportunity to control his work. The Soviet deputy is obliged to do this by Article 142 of the Constitution.

Unlike bourgeois constitutions, our Soviet Constitution gives voters the right to recall deputies who have not lived up to their trust, that is, the trust of the people.

A Soviet deputy is a person whose social, political and industrial activities set an example for his voters. These high qualities distinguished by Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Alexandra Evgenievna Lyuskova, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate Stalin Prize. Over 23 years of work on the breeding farm of the Budyonnovets collective farm, Mezhdurechensky district, she raised 11,512 pigs. On average, from each sow A.E. Lyuskova receives 28 piglets per year. The remarkable achievements of the country's noble pig farm were demonstrated at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow in 1954 and were highly praised. A tireless worker who devotes all her strength and knowledge to strengthening her native collective farm is Deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Elizaveta Vladimirovna Korykhalova. She continues to hold the lead among milkmaids in the region in terms of milk yield. In 1951, Comrade Korykhalova received 4488 liters of milk from each cow in her group, and during three months of wintering she milked 886 liters of milk per cow.

Describing the qualities that a Soviet deputy should have, I.V. Stalin, in his speech to the voters of the Stalin constituency in Moscow on December 11, 1937, said that voters should demand from their deputies that they remain at the height of their tasks, that they do not descend to the level of political ordinary people in their work, that they remain at the level of post of political figures of the Leninist type. Comrade Stalin pointed out such traits of deputies as fearlessness and mercilessness towards the enemies of the people, ignorance of panic and slowness in making decisions complex issues, truthfulness and honesty, love for your people. The great Lenin embodied all these wonderful traits. To be like Lenin was, all deputies should strive for this.

V.I. Lenin, as the leader of the Soviet state, as the chosen one of the people, was characterized by extraordinary attentiveness, sensitivity, and responsiveness towards those around him and those who turned to him. A typical case took place in 1919, when Vladimir Ilyich, as chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, received two complaints from peasants about the improper actions of local authorities. These complaints were referred to one of the institutions for consideration. An employee of this institution sent back complaints with the inscription: “There is already so much work, there is no time to deal with trifles.” Having learned about this, Vladimir Ilyich was indignant and demanded that the worker who made this inscription be severely punished.

To be as modest, attentive, sensitive and responsive as V.I. Lenin is a necessary trait of every Soviet deputy.

The requirements of the Soviet people for the business, political and moral qualities of their state and public figures have grown especially now, when the country is implementing a program of gradual transition from socialism to communism and, along with the further development of heavy industry, is fighting for a steep rise in agriculture and a sharp increase in the production of consumer goods.

One of the most important forms of activity of deputies is participation in sessions of Councils, where the deputy takes direct part in resolving the main issues of state construction. Deputies carry out the necessary preparations for the Council session, select materials on the issues discussed, personally examine the state of affairs on the spot, and think through what measures need to be taken in order to raise the relevant area of ​​work to a new, higher level.

The most important auxiliary bodies of local Soviets and a means of attracting people to government are the permanent commissions of the Soviets, in the work of which he takes part large number activists. In the commissions, deputies, on their own initiative, develop projects for certain events and present them to the executive committee of the Council. At commission meetings, deputies consider the most important issues facing the work plan of the Soviets.

Deputies organize broad layers of their voters to implement plans for economic and cultural construction, help to further improve the material well-being and growth of the cultural level of the people. For example, deputy of the regional Council of Workers' Deputies N.F. Belyaev organized the population and, with the help of regional organizations, ensured the removal of thousands of cubic meters of sand and gravel, thanks to which it was possible to strengthen the bank of the Kubina River and thus prevent the obvious threat of the collapse of residential buildings in the village of Ustye in the Ust-Kubinsky region. Comrade Belyaev showed persistence in obtaining a locomotive and a generator, after the installation of which the regional center will be provided with electricity. Voters highly value the activities of their deputy.

The broad rights granted to the Soviet deputy are clear evidence of consistent socialist democracy in the work of the bodies of Soviet state power.

In our region, the nomination of candidates for deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR has begun. At pre-election meetings, collectives of many enterprises and institutions, collective farms and MTS nominated themselves as candidates for deputies of the Supreme Council Russian Federation leaders of the Communist Party and the Soviet government, comrades N.A. Bulganina, K.E. Voroshilova, L.M. Kaganovich, G.M. Malenkova, A.P. Mikoyan, V.M. Molotova, M.G. Pervukhina, M.Z. Saburova, N.S. Khrushchev.

Among the candidates for deputies of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR nominated by the workers of the Vologda region is the senior driver of the Vozhegodsky locomotive depot A.I. Shagalov, unit of the collective farm named after Stalin, Cherepovets district E.I. Antipina, teacher high school No. 1 Belozersk E.A. Chmutova, noble milkmaid of the collective farm "Red Banner" of the Vologda region E.V. Korykhalova, first secretary of the Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky district committee of the CPSU I.M. Tikhonov and others.

Proud of their great Motherland, Soviet people will elect to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and to local Soviets the best people countries that have proven themselves to be talented organizers and leaders, advanced fighters for the implementation of the policies of the Communist Party, for the further strengthening of the power of the socialist state.

On election day - February 27 - the Soviet people will come to the ballot boxes and unanimously, as one, will give their votes to the candidates of the bloc of communists and non-partisans, so that our beloved Motherland will continue to be free, powerful and independent, so that successes in the great cause of building communism will multiply .

Source: Agitator's notebook. – 1955. – No. 2. – P. 13-23.

Why do SERVANTS of the people, officials, members of the government, have material goods– real estate, large bank accounts, access to services, orders of magnitude more than the people?
After all, their duties are just servants. Obviously, THEY don't consider themselves that way.
This quite reasonable question is asked in the Rada by members of the Ukrainian government by Vasily Petrovich Goloborodko, a history teacher who became the President of Ukraine, in the film “Servant of the People.”
The plot of the serial film (it is unlikely that it was shown on Russian channels) is twisted in the style of Gaidai. I recommend everyone to watch it.
One day, Vasily Petrovich Goloborodko, a history teacher, loses his temper at the bestiality of the life around him and, in a fit of anger, obscenely expresses everything that is boiling up. A student in his class films this monologue on a mobile phone and posts it on the Internet, thus receiving millions of views.
Goloborodko becomes very popular and, succumbing to the persuasion of his students, puts forward his candidacy for the presidential election. The morning after the elections, a motorcade headed by the Prime Minister arrives at an ordinary Kyiv apartment on Darnitsa. A simple divorced history teacher living with his parents begins a completely new life.
I have never seen such an exciting series, especially on a political topic in a comedic style.
So far I've reached episode 8... The new president rides a bicycle to work, dispersed and reduced the entire government, made enemies in the form of behind-the-scenes puppeteers - oligarchs, placing people in key positions in the government... proven in decency and integrity former classmates. I wonder if he will dare to carry out complete deprivatization or will he consider it ineffective?
The new president of Ukraine even put his parents in their place, who managed to take advantage of the position of his son - the president - to freely bring Rubens' paintings into the apartment, expand the apartment at the expense of neighbors, bring in a new plasma and even exchange an old car for a brand new jeep. Why are you better than 45 million Ukrainians ?He asks a reasonable question to his parents.
And today the film actor and former member KVN Vladimir Zelensky, who played the president in the series “Servant of the People,” officially announced his intention to run for president of Ukraine.
He made an appeal to Ukrainians on the 1+1 TV channel. For this purpose, the congratulations of the current president, Petro Poroshenko, were moved on air - it sounded after the onset of the new year.
Zelensky is called a person close to one of the richest businessmen in Ukraine, Igor Kolomoisky. According to survey results, the actor ranks second in popularity after Yulia Tymoshenko.
In an interview with Dmitry Gordon, Vladimir Zelensky says that money does not play a role in his life main role. After Russia's conflict with Ukraine, he was offered hundreds of thousands of dollars to take the side of Russia's ideological propaganda against Ukraine. He refused. Login to Russian television he is strictly prohibited today.

For the skinny 22% for housing and communal services, both for the rich and for the poor, is only the regional administration to blame?

The answer came to open letter, entitled “Emptiness. All that remains is, as in a fairy tale, to wait for the good Tsar-Father” (ArsVest No. 11 of this year), signed by acting. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Sergei Kuzmenko.

Let me remind you that the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Alexander Ivanovich Rolik, was confronted with the serious problem of the increasingly poor residents of the Primorsky Territory, who, after paying for housing and communal services, are left with nothing to live on from the total family income.

With a pension of 8-12 thousand rubles, or, for example, even 15 thousand rubles, what will be left? It's easy to calculate.

In addition, housing companies, such as Housing Company LLC under the leadership of L.N. Gorovoy in the city of Dalnerechensk, they manage to cram services into the receipt as a separate line. So, the maintenance of a common house meter is not included in the tariff, and no one will subsidize these costs for us! And this is on average 60-100 rubles monthly. And there is no government for this housing campaign!

Here, LLC “Housing Company” even managed, I think, fraudulently to adjust to itself the resolution of the administration of the Primorsky Territory, which established minimum size contribution to major renovation common property per square meter 7 rubles 38 kopecks per month. But under the leadership of Gorovaya, this amount increased to 7 rubles 41 kopecks!

And here, too, Housing Company LLC has no control from law enforcement officers, various inspections, or government bodies. And the amount corresponding to this resolution will be subsidized! So it turns out that a person will pay not 22%, but more.

And if you don’t pay this extra tariff, then you are already considered a debtor, and you can’t even dream of a subsidy. Housing and communal services swindlers cleverly take advantage of this, and people are forced to silently pay more than 22%! Few people will want to get involved, go to court, proving that you are not a debtor.

Acting Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Kuzmenko reports that the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory has considered an appeal on the issue of reducing in the territory of the Primorsky Territory the established standard for the maximum permissible share of citizens’ own expenses for housing and utilities in the total family income.

Article 7 of the Law of the Primorsky Territory “On the protection of citizens’ rights in the housing and communal services sector” determines the size of the regional standard for the standard area of ​​residential premises used to calculate subsidies in the Primorsky Territory.

Other regional standards for payment for residential premises and utilities, provided for in Article 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, have been approved by the Administration of the Primorsky Territory.

The regional standard for the maximum allowable share of citizens' own expenses for housing and utilities in total family income is set at 22 percent, similar to the federal standard.

And since the regional standard is established by a decree of the Administration of the Primorsky Territory, the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory does not have the right to make any changes to this resolution, Kuzmenko reports.

These are the times! Aren’t deputies obliged to protect people and actively solve the problem of ever-increasing poverty of the population? In a word, deputies are held accountable for this suffocating 22% and for the impoverishment of the people, like “water off a duck’s back”...

But locally, various LLCs, such as the “Housing Company” managed by Mrs. Gorova, only have to “blink an eye,” and here you are, gentlemen, consumers of bad services, over-tariff services! And I wanted to sneeze local government to these same regional standards with resolutions signed by Acting Governor Tarasenko himself?

So who will protect us from these damned 22% or more, if even the deputies of the Legislative Assembly turned out to be helpless before the officials of the regional administration to put on the agenda of their meetings consideration of a more flexible approach to the distribution of these percentages, as is done in many regions of the Russian Federation?

Dear sirs, judging by the reality, you are quite satisfied that from Akhoyan, and now from the newly-minted billionaire Legislative Assembly deputy Slepchenko, 22%, and from the poor, who have an income with a “gulkin’s nose”, also 22%?

From the reports on your income, dear legislators, one might think that you are completely far from the increasingly poorer residents of Primorye, helpless in the face of self-dealing decisions of officials of the regional administration, but why?..

Yes, because we are getting poorer, and they are getting richer and prospering! Below is information from PrimaMediia about the income of our beloved rulers, and see for yourself.

Far Eastern Plenipotentiary Yuri Trutnev is the third in terms of income in the Russian government

The Deputy Prime Minister earned 20 times more than Putin and 44 times more than Medvedev in a year.

April 14, PrimaMedia. The Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Far Eastern Federal District, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev, reported on income and property for 2017. Judging by the declaration, during the year he earned 377.28 million rubles, or a little more than a million a day. Compared to 2016, the plenipotentiary’s income increased by 20 million rubles, reports PrimaMedia news agency.

Yuri Trutnev, jointly with his wife, owns a plot of land with an area of ​​37 acres, two residential buildings - 345 and 170 square meters. m, as well as a share in non-residential premises with an area of ​​1952 sq. m. m.

All the plenipotentiary's cars are also owned jointly with his wife. These are the BMW X6, Porsche Cayenne Turbo, Mercedes-Benz ML 350 and Nissan Patrol.

Chairman of the United Russia faction Sergei Slepchenko became the richest deputy in Primorye

The “poorest” deputy is communist Alexander Tyuterev.

In general, income declarations demonstrated a colossal stratification among deputies, where the incomes of the “rich” from the “poor” differ by 2,630 times, but almost all deputies in 2017 earned significantly more than the year before, reports PrimaMedia news agency.

Majority faction

Deputy, chairman of the United Russia faction and head of the Aquatechnologies company Sergei Slepchenko declared 1.289 billion rubles in 2017 (in 2016 - 10.42 million rubles). He owns two cars: Lexus LX570 and BMW X5. Of the real estate, the deputy owns three land plots - 900, 600 and 239 sq.m., as well as two apartments with an area of ​​132 and 81 sq.m. In 2017, Sergei Slepchenko declared a large sum expenses - he spent 50 million rubles on the purchase of two bonds (which ones were not specified), the source of funds for such spending was the sale of a stake in Aquatechnologies LLC.

According to documents, Sergei Slepchenko is the only billionaire among his colleagues, and in 2017 the incomes of other parliamentarians were tens of times lower.

Thus, Galust Akhoyan declared an annual income of 27.26 million rubles. Last year, the chairman of the budget committee was the richest among his colleagues with an income of 72.48 million rubles. And a year earlier, he broke all records by selling “Central” and earning 3.3 billion rubles in 2015. Galust Akhoyan is still the owner of three Lexus - GX 460, GX 570 and GX 350. The parliamentarian owns three land plots with a total area of ​​1726 sq.m., five apartments from 18.9 to 88.7 sq.m. and one non-residential premises.

United Russia member Igor Schaufler is not the richest deputy, although with a solid income of 26.7 million rubles per year (in 2016 - 15.87 million rubles).

However, his declaration is impressive huge amount owned movable and immovable property. Thus, he owns 15 land plots with a total area of ​​3.3 hectares, four apartments of 50-55 square meters each, two schools - 250 and 646 square meters, buildings for a boiler room, an office, a railway track, a restroom (yes, that’s all true - editor's note), garage, shops, warehouses, workshop, fruit storage and other objects - a total of 25 non-residential premises.

Igor Schaufler owns eight mid-level passenger cars, of which only the Toyota Land Cruiser and Mercedes-Benz CLS 40 stand out, as well as 18 trucks. Let us remind you that Schaufler is the general director of OJSC Wholesale and Production Trade Center of Artyom.

Another wealthy United Russia member is Viktor Milush. His annual income amounted to 25.48 million rubles (in 2016 - 19.99 million rubles). The deputy's only real estate is a land plot with an area of ​​1,800 sq.m. and a house of 320 sq.m.

Meanwhile, the parliamentarian owns two Toyota Land Cruiser Prado and Lexus GX460 cars, a Dodge Ram 2500 truck, an all-terrain vehicle, an all-terrain vehicle, a Badger 390 small motor vessel, a Yamaha VX 1100 jet ski and several trailers.

Also among the leading deputies in terms of income is Eduard Tsoi, with 21.21 million rubles earned during the year (7.64 million rubles in 2016). The general director of LLC National Itelmen Society “ALYK” owns 18 land plots, six residential buildings from 253 sq.m. up to 28 hectares, five residential buildings with an area of ​​30.7 to 59 sq.m., part of a residential building with an area of ​​449 sq.m., an apartment with an area of ​​64.4 sq.m.

The remaining members of the faction " United Russia» have significantly lower incomes. Thus, Gennady Lazarev declared 11.37 million rubles for the year (948 thousand rubles per month), Efim Zvenyatsky - 7.56 million rubles (625 thousand rubles per month), Sergey Ishchenko - 5.53 million rubles (460 thousand rubles per month ), Igor Chemeris - 5.35 million rubles (446 thousand rubles per month), Dzhambulat Tekiev - 3.68 million rubles (306 thousand rubles per month), Valery Kan - 3.43 million rubles (288 thousand rubles per month), Alexander Los - 3.06 million rubles (255 thousand rubles per month). The least amount from the faction was declared by deputy and general director of JSC AKSO Yuri Korsakov - 972 thousand rubles (81 thousand rubles per month).


The richest representative of other factions turned out to be member of the LDPR and general director of Vostok LLC Evgeniy Tkachenko. His annual income is the second in ZSPK after Sergei Slepchenko and amounts to 129.47 million rubles.

The parliamentarian owns a residential building with an area of ​​37.8 sq.m., an apartment with an area of ​​409.4 sq.m., as well as non-residential premises with an area of ​​715 sq.m. Movable property includes ten trucks and various trailers. It is worth noting that in 2016, Tkachenko’s income was only 34 million rubles.

The head of the LDPR faction, Yevgeny Zotov, had an annual income of 2.43 million rubles. The rest of the liberal democrats earned from one to two million rubles last year. Which, however, does not prevent them from affording themselves quite expensive vehicles. Thus, deputy Alexander Petukhov has a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, Vyachelav Drozhzhin has a Toyota Land Cruiser.

The faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation turned out to be the “poorest” in the Primorye parliament. Vladimir Bespalov declared the most among communists in 2017 - 2.66 million rubles (in 2016 - 2.12 million rubles). He does not own any real estate, but he does have a Suzuki Escudo jeep.

Last year, the chairman of the faction, Anatoly Dolgachev, managed to receive an income of 2.36 million rubles. The communist does not have a car, but he has an apartment with an area of ​​52 sq.m.

Artavazd Oganesyan, who declared only 68 thousand rubles in 2016, reported significantly more in 2017 - one million rubles. At the same time, the young deputy has an apartment with an area of ​​108 sq.m. and two luxury cars - Mercedes-Benz S600 and Mercedes-Benz ML55.

Other deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation earned less than a million rubles in 2017. Vladimir Khmelev - 897 thousand rubles (81 thousand rubles per month), Andrey Ishchenko - 807 thousand rubles (67 thousand rubles per month), Vladimir Grishukov - 677 thousand rubles (56 thousand rubles per month), Artem Samsonov - 561 thousand rubles (46 thousand rubles per month).

Communist Alexander Tyuterev declared the least amount to the ZSPK for 2017 - 490 thousand rubles (40 thousand rubles per month). The deputy does not have his own property, but he owns a Toyota Corolla Rumion car.

The only representative of the A Just Russia party in the ZSPK, Alexey Kozitsky, declared 2.27 million rubles for 2017 (in 2016 - 6.45 million rubles). The ex-director of the OTV-Prim TV channel owns four land plots, some of which are 90 hectares in area, four apartments ranging from 29 to 217 sq.m., part of a residential building with an area of ​​121 sq.m., as well as a garage and vegetable storage , two utility rooms, a store, a greenhouse, a boiler room and three non-residential premises.

Yulia Tolmacheva, a deputy from the Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice, earned 2.96 million rubles in 2017 (1.29 million rubles in 2016). The chairman of the PRAVO bar association does not own any real estate, but he does have two cars - a Toyota Lexus GX 460 and a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado.


The declaration of the chairman of ZSPK Alexander Rolik looks very modest: 4.673 million annual income (about 390 thousand rubles per month) and an apartment with an area of ​​137 sq.m. owned. Apparently, the speaker does not have a car. In 2016, Alexander Rolik declared almost the same amount - 4.42 million rubles.

His deputy, Sergei Kuzmenko, has an annual income of 2.786 million rubles (1.11 million rubles in 2016), and does not own any real estate. But the wife has two plots of land with an area of ​​11 and 20 acres, and a residential building with an area of ​​45 sq.m. and an apartment of 60 sq.m.

Our poor, poor deputies...

Alexandra Nabokova


Figure Kprf26.ru

First of all, I would like to thank the voters for the trust they have placed in me. I was put forward as a candidate for deputy, and the election commission of the Stalin district of the Soviet capital registered me as a candidate for deputy. This, comrades, is a great trust. Allow me to express to you my deep Bolshevik gratitude for the trust that you have placed in the Bolshevik Party, of which I am a member, and in me personally as a representative of this party. I know what trust means. It naturally imposes on me new, additional responsibilities and, therefore, new, additional responsibility. Well, among us Bolsheviks it is not customary to refuse responsibility. I accept it willingly. For my part, I would like to assure you, comrades, that you can confidently rely on Comrade Stalin. You can count on the fact that Comrade Stalin will be able to fulfill his duty to the people, to the working class, to the peasantry, to the intelligentsia.

Next, I would like, comrades, to congratulate you on the upcoming national holiday, on the day of elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. The upcoming elections are not just elections, comrades. This is truly a national holiday of our workers, our peasants, our intelligentsia. Never before have there been such truly free and truly democratic elections in the world, never! History knows no other such example. The point is not that we will have general, equal, secret and direct elections, although this in itself has great value. The point is that our general elections will be held as the freest elections and the most democratic in comparison with the elections of any other country in the world. General elections also take place in some capitalist countries, the so-called democracies. But in what conditions are elections taking place there?

In a situation of class clashes, in a situation of class enmity, in a situation of pressure on voters from capitalists, landowners, bankers and other sharks of capitalism. It is impossible to call such elections, even if they are general, equal, secret and direct, completely free and completely democratic elections. In our country, on the contrary, elections are held in a completely different environment.

We have no capitalists, no landowners, and therefore no pressure from the propertied classes on the have-nots. Our elections are held in an atmosphere of cooperation between workers, peasants, and intelligentsia, in an atmosphere of mutual trust, in an atmosphere of, I would say, mutual friendship, because we have no capitalists, no landowners, no exploitation and, in fact, there is no one to put pressure on the people for in order to distort his will. This is why our elections are the only truly free and truly democratic in the whole world. Such free and truly democratic elections could arise only on the basis of the triumph of the socialist order, only on the basis of the fact that in our country socialism is not just being built, but has already entered into everyday life, into the everyday life of the people.

About 10 years ago it would have been possible to debate whether it was possible to build socialism in our country or not. Now this is no longer a debatable issue. Now this is a question of facts, a question of living life, a question of everyday life that permeates the entire life of the people. Our factories and factories operate without capitalists. The work is led by people from among the people. This is what we call socialism in practice. Toilers of the land work in our fields without landowners, without fists. This work is led by people from the people. This is what we call socialism in everyday life, this is what we call free, socialist life.

It is on this basis that we have new, truly free and truly democratic elections - elections that have no example in the history of mankind. After this, how can we not congratulate you on the day of national celebration, on the day of elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union! Next, comrades, I would like to give you advice, advice from a candidate for deputy to his voters. If we take capitalist countries, there are some peculiar, I would say rather strange, relationships between deputies and voters. While elections are going on, deputies are flirting with voters, fawning over them, swearing allegiance, making a bunch of all sorts of promises. It turns out that deputies are completely dependent on voters. As soon as the elections took place and the candidates became deputies, relations changed radically.

Instead of dependence of deputies on voters, the result is their complete independence. For 4 or 5 years, that is, until new elections, the deputy feels completely free, independent from the people, from his voters. He can move from one camp to another, he can turn from the right road to the wrong one, he can get entangled in some machinations of a not entirely necessary nature, he can tumble around as he pleases - he is independent.

Can such relationships be considered normal? No way, comrades. Our Constitution took this circumstance into account, and it passed a law by virtue of which voters have the right to early recall their deputies if they begin to feint, if they deviate from the road, if they forget about their dependence on the people, on the voters. This is a wonderful law, comrades.

A deputy must know that he is a servant of the people, their envoy to the Supreme Council, and he must behave along the lines along which the people have given him orders. Turned off the road - voters have the right to demand the calling of new elections and the deputy who turned off the road, they have the right to give him a ride on a black one.

This is a wonderful law. My advice, the advice of a candidate for deputy to his voters, is to remember this right of voters - the right to early recall of deputies, to monitor your deputies, control them and, if they decide to deviate from the right path, brush them off your shoulders and demand the calling of new elections. The government is obliged to call new elections.

My advice is to remember this law and use it when necessary. Finally, one more piece of advice from the parliamentary candidate to his constituents. What should you generally demand from your deputies, if we take the most elementary requirements from all possible demands?

Voters and the people must demand from their deputies that they remain at the height of their tasks, that in their work they do not descend to the level of political ordinary people, that they remain in the post of political figures of the Leninist type, that they be as clear and definite figures as Lenin; so that they would be as fearless in battle and merciless towards the enemies of the people as Lenin was; that they should be free from any panic, from any semblance of panic, when things begin to get complicated and some danger looms on the horizon, so that they are as free from any semblance of panic as Lenin was free; so that they should be as wise and unhurried when solving complex issues where a comprehensive orientation and comprehensive consideration of all the pros and cons is needed, as Lenin was; so that they would be as truthful and honest as Lenin was; so that they love their people as much as Lenin loved them. Can we say that all parliamentary candidates are exactly this kind of figure? I wouldn't say that.

There are all kinds of people in the world, all kinds of figures in the world. There are people about whom you cannot say who he is, whether he is good, or he is bad, or courageous, or a coward, or he is for the people to the end, or he is for the enemies of the people. There are such people, and there are such figures. We also have them, among the Bolsheviks.

You know yourself, comrades, the family is not without its black sheep. The great Russian writer Gogol quite aptly said about such people of an indefinite type, about people who resemble political ordinary people rather than political figures, about people of such an indefinite, unformed type: “People,” he says, “are indefinite, neither this nor that, not you will understand what kind of people they are, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.” Our people also quite aptly say about such vague people and figures: “a so-so person - neither fish nor fowl”, “not a candle for God, not a poker for the devil.” I cannot say with complete confidence that among the candidates for deputies (I very much apologize to them, of course) and among our leaders there are no people who most likely resemble political ordinary people, who in their character, in their physiognomy, resemble people of this type, about which people say: “not a candle for God, not a poker for the devil.”

I would like, comrades, for you to systematically influence your deputies, to instill in them what they should have in front of them great image the great Lenin and imitate Lenin in everything. The functions of voters do not end with elections. They continue for the entire period of existence of the Supreme Council of this convocation. I have already spoken about the law giving voters the right to early recall of their deputies if they deviate from the right road. Therefore, the duty and right of the voters is that they keep their deputies under control at all times and that they inspire them in no case to descend to the level of political philistines, so that they, the voters, inspire their deputies to be like the great Lenin.

This, comrades, is my second advice to you, the advice of a candidate for deputy to his voters.

“How far are the “servants of the people” from us - Salaries and pensions of deputies” Published: November 10, 2017
“Ask yourself a question: Why is a deputy’s salary 13-14 times higher than the national average? Why do they have a pension, how much does an ordinary pensioner need to save for 1 year and 3 months? Why is it that even in countries with developed economies, for example, the USA or Germany, the ratio of deputies’ salaries to the average salary is several times lower? In October, “servants of the people” increased their salaries for 2018. Why do they have such privileges? Maybe they work better than US senators or members of the Bundestag in Germany? Judging by the results, no."

“The salaries of deputies are 11.4 times higher than the national average”

From the comments: “the legislative power was actually bought - the deputies pass laws needed by a “narrow circle of famous people”, and the executive power - judges, whose salaries were also raised to a very high level of 140-200 thousand rubles.. For fear of losing such income both do what their masters order, and not their conscience or the law.”

“Average income per month: Minister - 5,300,000 rubles. Senator - 2,500,000 rubles. State Duma deputy - 1,600,000 rubles. For mere mortals, these fuckers have established: The minimum wage is 7,800 rubles. The cost of living is 10,329 rubles.”

“Getting money for nothing is not wages, it is theft. Brazen theft with special cynicism. All these parasites will go to hell, perhaps even during their lifetime."

A deputy is a servant of the people!
Far from the owner?
Like a slave in the galleys?
Serving his time there?

If you get to them, try them!
They have no time: always!
Why - yes because!
Their conscience is not clear!
I remember in Soviet era I was at a reception with a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. First, I signed up, and then I came! Workers and peasants easily came to see Lenin in the Kremlin. But will you be able to get an appointment with Putin? Or to the governor? Hardly. Why? Yes, because Russia is not a democratic country at all. And an oligarchic, clan, feudal, criminal, caste empire! The population for a civil servant is a Shudra, from the untouchable caste! An ownerless animal that has no human rights, and is not even recognized by this government as a person at all! In Russia there is an Orthodox-imperial, third-Roman consciousness! Tsar - President: at the top of the pyramid. Next to him is the patriarch. And so on.

Look how he lives Orthodox Church! The priest is in a cassock, but the “layman” is not! The priest is the “holy father,” and the “parishioner” is the serf who kisses the priest’s hand! Do they stand next to each other at “worship”? The priest stands at the altar, and the “flock” is outside! The shepherd is separated from the flock. He lives in another world. He is inaccessible for communication: he is too holy, and he always “has no time”!

Likewise, the official and the deputy: they “have no time”, and most importantly, there is no need to communicate with the “common people”, with the people, the herd, the slaves. They have everything. They are inaccessible to the people. They have their own social circle, their own caste! In fact, Russia is an anti-Christian, inhuman, cannibalistic state! Because it’s Orthodox! Here the people are deprived of civic consciousness, and are reduced to the role of powerless cattle! This was the case before the revolution. The serfs paid tribute to the master - “rent”. And the master lived in the capital, or abroad, where his offspring studied at universities. In Russia, they held balls in bars, went to theaters, played cards, flirted with young ladies, and fought duels. And the powerless people vegetated in need, in poverty, in disease. “You are our fathers, we are your children!” Yes, no one cared about the people. Although everyone was “Orthodox,” they were far from being “brothers” and “sisters” in Jesus Christ, but only “co-religionists.” This is very convenient for the criminal authorities. This is why the ruling elite in modern Russia relies not on the law, but on its original Orthodox “spiritual bond”! An Orthodox Christian has no rights, including the right to “judge.” He just has to beat his forehead, blister his knees, endure, humble himself, and give thanks for everything! And this is in the 21st century? Do you and your children need this? Remember: Jesus Christ was betrayed to death by church hucksters, religious hucksters!

A short story from a State Duma deputy about how people live in the outback of the country: but did they live worse under the Nazis?
A legend about what kind of pension the deputies of the consecrated State Duma of the Russian Federation have, and how they treat people in general!
A legend about the everyday life of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, who were shown in the USA: does a sacred country really know its heroes?
The legend about the beginning of the check of Mr. Palkin, the richest deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: he is, of course, from United Russia!
A tale of the return of speech etiquette Russian Empire to the State Duma of the Russian Federation: utopia, or is it possible?
The legend about the shakers sect in the State Duma of the Russian Federation: does that mean there are at least two religious sects in the consecrated Parliament?
Question: is there a sect of deputies - Tsarebozhniks in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, or not - give an Orthodox answer!
Question: do the deputies of the hallowed State Duma of the Russian Federation believe in miracles, and do they want a monarchy in Russia?

Question: did I do the right thing by filing a complaint with the State Duma committees of the Russian Federation - 2 at once, or was it a mistake?
Question: will I file a complaint in court against the State Duma of the Russian Federation, because it handed over my complaint to the enemy, the Russian Orthodox Church?
Question: will the State Duma of the Russian Federation recognize me as a victim of the Russian Orthodox Church, and will it initiate criminal cases against the Russian Orthodox Church?
Question: should I demand the initiation of a criminal case under Art. 293 of the Criminal Code, since there is no answer to my complaints?
The statement of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: “we are sanctified, we cannot decide for ourselves, and we are handing over the complaint to the hands of Legoyda and the Russian Orthodox Church!”

Question: will the Russian Federation and the Russian Orthodox Church - 2 monsters rolled into one - be declared insolvent, incompetent and toxic?
A tale about the children of the elite of a toxic country + question: are they healthy or are their parents mentally ill?
Question: did the king symbolize Saudi Arabia the President of the United States, because he will seize the accounts of the Russian elite?
Question: did Trump actually sign a decree on the liquidation of the sacred regime of Rome No. 3, or is this the fruit of slander?
A legend is a confession: how will the new sanctions affect the Kremlin elite, their accounts, their children and their homes!
A legend about the bright future of the people, the country, and the Kremlin: but what will the Russian Orthodox Church say - the strength of the spirit, and your mother?
Question: will the inhabitants of a special country invite the Varangians to rule, because they themselves are mentally ill?