Soviet bards. Bards of Russia. Soviet bards Singers bards

The name of Bulat Okudzhava has firmly entered the list of the most famous bards. It was he who became the founder of this style in the USSR. While the official stage was singing cheerful and positive compositions, Okudzhava created profound works about the meaning of life, hopes and unfulfilled dreams. Each of his songs is a subtle and heartfelt text, where the music serves simply as an accompaniment. Many of Okudzhava’s songs - “Goodbye,” “And you and I, brother, are from the infantry,” “Your Honor, Lady Luck” - have become folk songs. His works are also heard in popular Soviet films of the 1950s-1980s.

Alexander Rosenbaum - doctor and poet

Despite the fact that Rosenbaum has a medical education, only his early works. His bardic lyrics highlight themes of civic duty, the fate of Russia, and philosophical issues. Some songs are imbued with gypsy motifs. A large layer of creativity illuminates the topic of post-revolutionary Russia. The theme of war - the Great Patriotic War and Afghanistan - occupies a special place in Rosenbaum's lyrics. Rosenbaum performs his works under, but at concerts he often performs solo on a twelve-string instrument.
Unlike many other bards, Rosenbaum was officially recognized in the USSR.
Vysotsky was a successful actor, poet and writer. However, most people know him as a performer. Although Vysotsky himself did not like it when his work was classified as bard, many of his motives are similar to this direction. Just like, Vysotsky paid much attention to the text, not the music. His work contains songs about war, love lyrics, satirical couplets and acute social themes. An interesting phenomenon has become dialogue songs, where Vysotsky sings, portraying various characters.
More than 170 city objects are named in honor of Vysotsky.

Yuri Vizbor - creator of the report song

Yuri Vizbor, like Bulat Okudzhava, is at the origins of the original song. Vizbor's creativity was affected by his rich life experience- he worked as a journalist, played in the theater, went in for mountaineering and football, went to. Vizbor wrote his first song while a student at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Later he became the author of the MSPI anthem. Vizbor's first songs were distributed unofficially, but since the 1960s his work has become popular. Vizbor became the founder of the genre of song reporting. These works were published in the Krugozor magazine.

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Once again, the famous Grushinskaya guitar will appear at the festival mountain, and the celebration of the unity of man, nature and song will welcome tens of thousands of participants. If you want to spend a few days in harmony with yourself and with the whole world, come to the Volga in early July.

In 2012, the Grushinsky Festival will be held from July 5th to 8th. The location of the holiday is Fedorovsky meadows in Samara region, not far from Tolyatti and the picturesque green bank of the Volga River. This is already the 39th festival. The bard song festival takes place annually on the very first weekend of July. The Grushinsky Festival began to be celebrated for the first time in 1968.

The holiday got its name in honor of Valery Grushin, who in the summer of 1967 on the Uda River in Siberia saved drowning people at the cost of his life. His friends decided to organize an annual festival in memory of the deceased; this idea was supported by many of Valery Grushin’s classmates and other lovers of outdoor recreation and songs. The very first gathering took place in Zhiguli in the Stone Bowl on September 29, 1968.

The second Grushinsky festival was held in July, since then the time of the holiday has not changed. Every year the number of visitors grew, the holiday gained its greatest popularity in the late 1970s (about 100 thousand people participated) and in the late 1990s (about 210 thousand visitors). The bardic gatherings were interrupted in the 1980s, and official authorities canceled them. The festival was revived again in 1986.

This holiday includes participants not only from Russia, but also foreigners. This festival was created for lovers of original music. Throughout the festival, there are several stages where competitions are held. Concerts are held not only during the day, but also at night. IN dark time day, participants light festival bonfires, around which old and new acquaintances and friends gather.

At the venue of the festival, a whole city quickly appears from many tents, in which the participants will live during the festival. Each visitor will have enough space for his own tent; the organizers of the rally have no problems with this. Participants do not have to take camping equipment with them; everything they need is rented or sold. There are outdoor shops and cafes on site. Fresh artesian water is delivered every day.

The festival will host not only bardic competitions, but also sports games and competitions: volleyball, football, orienteering and much more. Designed for children special area. You can get to the festival by your own car, for which a guarded parking lot is organized, or by public transport.


  • Grushinsky Festival in 2019

The term "bard" first appeared in medieval Europe. This was the name given to wandering singers who performed both their own songs and folk ballads. In the middle of the 20th century in the USSR, performers of original songs began to be called bards, i.e. the meaning of this word has hardly changed.

Art song clubs

During the “thaw”, i.e. in the mid-50s, original or amateur song clubs (KSP) appeared in the USSR. For lovers of this genre, premises were allocated in the Houses of Culture, Officers' Houses and other centers of culture. They were supervised by cultural departments and were islands of free thought among the sea of ​​official ideology. From time to time, clubs got into trouble if they went beyond the permitted limits. KSP often balanced on the verge of closure, but, nevertheless, existed relatively safely until the end of perestroika, as a valve for releasing superheated steam. After perestroika and the establishment of a market economy, the KSP fell on difficult times, since local authorities often simply do not have the desire or means to pay rent for premises for bards. However, in many settlements, PCBs have been preserved. You can find out their addresses on the Internet on city websites or in the municipality’s cultural department.

Travel clubs

The author's song is inextricably linked with classical tourism: mountain, water, hiking. All famous Soviet people either engaged in tourism themselves or wrote about tourists: about the romance of long roads, about dangerous river rapids, about climbers and mountaineering... These songs have been sung by several generations of tourists in the post-Soviet space. Songs with a guitar or a cappella around the fire at a rest stop are an essential part of a successful hike. If there is no club in the city, bards can meet in tourist clubs.

Bard song festivals

Most bards gather at art song festivals. The most famous of them is Grushinsky, which has been held annually since 1968 at the end of June in Togliatti, Samara region. Currently, the festival is divided into 2. The second festival takes place at the same time on the Mastryukovsky Lakes of the Samara Region.

In addition, in every region of Russia, in the warm season, regional bard festivals are held: “Sail of Hope” in Voronezh region, “Oskol Lyre” in Belgorodskaya, “Autograph of August” in Lipetskaya, “Robinsonade” in Leningradskaya, etc. Information about festivals in each region is posted on the Internet. On official pages festivals, the time and place of their holding and the most convenient route to get there are indicated.


  • Art song festivals

Bard songs are a unique genre, both close to souls and far from the everyday life of big cities.

The bard appears to us as a traveler who exchanged comfort and constancy for romance: a fire in the forest, a tent, old guitar and the night starry sky.
Bards cannot live as expected in society, because the song presses on them from within. They continue the long tradition of minstrels, troubadours, traveling musicians who walked the world for centuries to bring people a song about real feeling, about true beauty, O pure love and about real, hard, but wonderful life.

Deep meanings, attentiveness to truly valuable moments in life - this is what distinguishes this genre of song. Author's songs are always deeply touching, natural and sincere. This is music that evokes awe, awakens memory, and cleanses a person from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Every person who has once touched the bottomless wisdom and eternal kindness of this musical direction dreams of attending the bard song festival.

Russian bards are a powerful style movement, an independent unique group of musicians that even influence global trends.
Representatives of this group formed their own unique genre, combining the breadth of the Russian soul with love for the greatness of Russian nature, the strength of feelings and experiences that only our soul can encounter. Russian bards create songs that instantly become folk songs, music that remains forever playing in the soul. They tell stories about the forgotten side of life to which we are drawn with all our being. They restore peace and the ability to love the world, no matter what obstacles it puts in our way.

The songs of bards seem to be devoid of an author. They are created by the soul, they reflect the fate of an entire generation, an entire era. This is smart and subtle music that awakens the best traits in a person. Every day you are surrounded by a world where defeat awaits the weak, and the strong are forced to fight every minute. In these circumstances, it is very important to find support from those who know how to love this difficult life and share their love for it with listeners.

High-quality music performed by Russian bards is a decoration for any holiday or event. This is a piece of soulfulness that we so lack in modern fast life. The author's song shares philosophy and strength with listeners, energizes and calms.

We offer the organization concert programs with the participation of participants in the project "Songs of Our Century": V. Berkovsky, Dmitry Bogdanov, A. Mirzayan, L. Sergeev, G. Khomchik, Lydia Cheboksarova, Konstantin Tarasov, Dmitry Sukharev, Sergey Nikitin, Alexey Ivashchenko, Vadim and Valery Mishchuki, Sergey Khutas, Evgeny Bykov, the ensemble "Songs of Our Century", the MISiS choir and others.

Bard song performers:

IVASI (Alexey Ivashchenko and Georgy Vasiliev)
Vyacheslav Kovalev (St. Petersburg)

Kukin Yuri
Bokov Valery
Alexander Heinz and Sergey Danilov

Leonid Sergeev
Galich Alexander

Mischuki Vadim and Valery
Boldyreva Ekaterina

Starchenkov Nikolay
Danskoy Grigory
Zakharchenko Lyubov
Vysotsky Vladimir
Makarenkov Alexander
Okudzhava Bulat

Vizbor Yuri
Klyachkin Evgeniy
Lanzberg Vladimir

Sukhanov Alexander
Kozlovsky Andrey
Grandmaster group
Smekhov Veniamin
Krupp Aron
Tretyakov Victor
Shcherbakov Mikhail
Matveenko Sergey
Dudkina Natalya
Kim Yuliy
Panshin Vladimir (Snezhinsk)
Anatoly Kireev
Baranov Andrey
Kalachev Victor
Rozanov Vladimir
Bokhantsev Sergey
Naumov Sergey

Yuri Vizbor

Yuri Vizbor is the author and performer of songs that people have long loved. “My dear forest sun”, “When a star burns” and other Vizbor songs are known to everyone. His songs have always been distinguished by melody and tenderness, which was so rare in the 60-70s of the last century.

Alexander Galich

Alexander Galich- one of the founders of the art song. He created his own signature style in his own song. A rebel and enemy of the Soviet system, he was forced to emigrate abroad, where he was killed by KGB agents. During his life he wrote large number songs that were especially popular in the 70s.

Bulat Okudzhava

Bulat Okudzhava - A prominent representative of the bard movement. Very popular and famous poet- songbook. In addition to performing original songs, he was involved in writing scripts and historical novels. “Your Honor, Lady Luck”, “Song of the Street Child”, “Let’s Talk” and many more works have literally become “folk”.

Vladimir Vysotsky

Vladimir Vysotsky- The most beloved bard by the people. His songs touch the human soul. Very patriotic songs about war, humorous songs with double meaning, songs about nature and serious professions. In addition to songs, he acted in films and worked in the theater.

Victor Berkovsky

Victor Berkovsky- Russian scientist and prominent representative of the bard movement of the seventies. “Forties Fatal”, “To the Music of Vivaldi”, “Grenada” and more than 200 songs written by Berkovsky are very popular among the people.

Sergey Nikitin

Sergey Nikitin - Soviet composer and bard. Lyricist of the Soviet era. Wrote a lot of songs for films. His “Alexandra” from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” received the status of a folk song. He performed a lot of songs in a duet with his wife Tatyana Nikitina. Sergei Nikitin was in great demand in the 70s and 80s of the last century.

Alexander Gorodnitsky

Alexander Gorodnitsky- One of the founders of the original song. Song " Chistye Prudy", performed by Talkov, was written and performed for the first time by him. He is still actively working. He hosts a television program and writes poetry and songs.

Yuri Kukin

Yuri Kukin - In his youth he was fond of mountaineering and went hiking. Therefore, the main direction in Kukin’s work is given to themes about mountains and nature. The songs are very melodic and popular. They are good to sing around the fire. The author's most famous hits are “Behind the Fog” and “Paris”.

Alexander Sukhanov

Alexander Sukhanov- Songwriter and performer. One of the founders of an informal amateur song club. His main profession is mathematician, but he is known for his songs (more than 150 songs). He wrote based on his own poems and those of famous classical poets. He still performs to this day.

Veronica Dolina

Veronica Dolina- The most popular author among women performers of art songs. Veronica Arkadyevna is a very prolific author. She wrote more than 500 songs, many of which are widely known. At first they didn’t want to accept her into the amateur song club, but with her perseverance, Dolina proved her worth.

Mikhail Shcherbakov

Mikhail Shcherbakov- Popular author and performer. Peak of popularity - 90 years. He sings both with a guitar and with an ensemble in a modern arrangement. He wrote a large number of songs, including many popular ones. He still performs at concerts to this day.

Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander Rosenbaum- The second most popular author and performer after Vladimir Vysotsky. In the past, the emergency doctor, thanks to his special style of performance, gained all-Union fame. His “Boston Waltz” and “Gop-Stop” are truly considered folk. Alexander Yakovlevich was a member of the State Duma. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Bards of Russia are representatives of a vast layer of Russian musical and song culture, which has developed since the early 50s of the last century.

A bard and a song performer rolled into one, consistent in his work. The songs of bards in Russia are distinguished by a variety of genres and styles. Some sing humorous ditties, others try to touch the romantic feelings of listeners with their songs. Many Russian bards use the themes of their songs to achieve a satirical effect.

Vladimir Vysotsky - People's Artist, Russian bard

There is an author's song, whose work certainly belongs to high art song genre. There are only a few such bards, the most famous of them is Vladimir Vysotsky, who is deservedly considered consummate master author's song. Vysotsky had a unique gift of transformation; many of his songs were written as if from the point of view of a character - it could be any inanimate object, airplane or submarine, microphone on stage or echo in the mountains.

The song begins and the character comes to life. The Yak is a fighter, lives its own life, participates in air combat as if on its own, and the pilot only interferes with it. And such bright examples, there are many unique songs written in the first person.

Vysotsky's original songs are divided according to their plot. He has “yard”, “lyrical”, “sports”, “military”. Each song is a masterpiece of poetry, set to a simple melody. The talent of the great Russian bard Vladimir Vysotsky is limitless, which is why he was given national recognition, and his work is immortal.

Bulat Okudzhava

Bulat Okudzhava is another outstanding Russian bard, poet and performer of original songs. He is a prominent representative of Russia's literary elite, composer and director. But the red thread running through Okudzhava’s entire work was the author’s song, which was part of the poet’s life, a way of his self-expression. Bulat Okudzhava has several brilliant works in the genre of art songs, the main one of which is considered to be the recitative “We need one victory” from the film “Belarusian Station”.

Bulat Okudzhava was the first Russian bard who was allowed to perform his original songs. This event took place in 1961. The following year, Bulat Shalvovich was accepted as a member of Union B. During his trip to France, the bard recorded twenty songs that were published in Paris under the title Le Soldat en Papier. In the seventies, records with songs by Bulat Okudzhava began to be released in the USSR.

The best bards of Russia

Alexander Rosenbaum is an outstanding Russian bard, a resuscitator by training, graduated from the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. He began writing original songs in 1968 for skit performances and student performances. Currently, he is one of the most popular Russian bards with an extensive repertoire, and is included in the list of Russian bards - in the top five. In 2005, Alexander Rosenbaum combined parliamentary duties with concert activities.

Vizbor Yuri is a teacher by profession, a bard by vocation, a mountaineer, skier and journalist. Author of numerous songs about mountain peaks, climbing and rafting on mountain rivers. From the pen of Yuri Vizbor came the cult song of students and all youth of the 60s, “You’re the only one I have.” The community "Bards of Russia" arose on the initiative of Vizbor.

Evgeny Klyachkin, civil engineer, poet, bard, romantic, author of three hundred songs. In 1961, at the age of 17, he wrote his first song “Fog” based on poems by Konstantin Kuzminsky. Started from this day creative path Russian bard Evgeny Klyachkin. At first he wrote songs based on poems by Joseph Brodsky and Andrei Voznesensky. The cycle of songs, collected from romances performed by the characters of the poem "Procession" by I. Brodsky, is still considered the pinnacle of the author's song.

Zhanna Bichevskaya, star of the original song

Zhanna Bichevskaya is a singer who is called the star of the original song. In her work, she adheres to the themes of Russian patriotism and the Orthodox faith. In the early seventies, Bichevskaya's repertoire included Russian folk songs, which she performed in a bard style, accompanied by an acoustic seven-string guitar. In 1973, Zhanna became a prize-winner All-Russian competition stage, and in subsequent years she toured all the countries of the socialist camp with concerts. Later she performed repeatedly at the Olympia Hall in Paris to sold-out crowds.

The Russian performer of original songs of his own composition, playwright, screenwriter and poet, was an active member of the “Bards of Russia” community. His plays early period were staged in Moscow theaters, and "Sailor's Silence", written by Galich in 1958 for the Sovremennik Theater, saw the light only in 1988, directed by Oleg Tabakov. At the same time, Alexander Galich began writing songs and performing them to his own accompaniment on a seven-string guitar. He took the performing traditions of Alexander Vertinsky as the basis for his work - romance and poetic storytelling with a guitar. Galich's poems in their structure and literary value put him on a par with Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava. Russian art song has become the main direction in the work of Alexander Galich.

Family duet

The Nikitins, Sergei and Tatyana are a family duet of bards, their music is heard in many films and theater performances. Most famous song- “Alexandra” - was heard in the popular film directed by Vladimir Menshov “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” Nikitin is a physicist by education, graduated from Moscow State University in 1968, and is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. He has been writing songs since 1962 based on poems by Pasternak, Shpalikov, Bagritsky, Voznesensky, Yevtushenko and other Russian poets. IN student years Nikitin led a quartet of physicists at Moscow State University, and later became the artistic director of the quintet of the physics department, where he met Tatyana Sadykova, who later became his wife.

All Russian bards of the sixties and seventies can be called "Soviet" because they lived and worked under Soviet power. However, this epithet says little; the performers of the original song cannot be characterized by either the social system or political conditions - these are people of art, free in their creativity.




Extracurricular activity

on the topic:

"Bard's Song"

5th year student

Part-time study

Faculty of Philology

Liseytseva K.V.

Target: Introducing the bard's song.


Educational: to acquaint students with the history of bard song, with the best representatives of this song genre.

Developmental: stimulate the development of an artistic worldview, aesthetic and moral consciousness students.

Educational: use the power of influence of a bard's song on the formation of students' personalities, their moral beliefs, patriotism, negative attitude towards low-quality examples of mass musical culture.

Methods and techniques: verbal and illustration, slide presentation, conversation, musical accompaniment, literary story.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, music center.

Musical arrangement:

B. Okudzhava “Let’s join hands, friends”

S. Nikitin “Everyone chooses for himself”

V. Vysotsky. "I don't like"

B. Okudzhava “Georgian song”

O. Mityaev “How cool”

Visual aids, equipment: usage computer program"Power Point" for displaying portraits of famous bards; recordings of songs performed by the author.

/Bulat Okudzhava’s song “Let’s join hands, friends” sounds/


I tell you - Good afternoon!

I want to see your smiles.

So that the shadow disappears from the face,

And our meeting was warm.

Let's try to forget, at least for a while, everything sad that happened to you today: someone got a bad grade, someone was offended with an unkind word, someone simply had Bad mood. Now you are here among like-minded people. We are all different, but we all have one thing in common - the guitar. And she is the most reliable and devoted friend for each of us. She always helps us in difficult times. When we take it in our hands, press it to our heart, play or sing our favorite songs, our soul becomes lighter, and we look at the world with different eyes.

/Slide No. 1 “Bard Song”/

Today we will talk about bard song and get acquainted with representatives of this genre. Some names you already know. Some of you yourself perform songs of famous bards. We'll try to figure it out characteristic features these songs. And I think that the words spoken by the famous Russian bard Yuri Vizbor, to some extent, will help us in this.

/Slide No. 2 Words by Yu. Vizbor/

“And the guitar does not play by itself, but is given to a person as the voice of the soul...”

Bard song.

Please tell me, do you know any famous bards?

To understand the essence of the bard's song, let's turn to the origin of this word. There is a well-known parable. Long before the birth of Christ, people called Celts lived on earth. They called their wise teachers Druids. Before knowledge of material and spiritual worlds The Druids were worshiped by many peoples who then inhabited the Earth. To receive the title of initial degree of druids, the chosen ones had to study for 20 years with a priest - a druid. Having passed the tests, training and initiation, the chosen one was called BARD.

Now he had the moral right to go to the people and sing, instilling LIGHT and TRUTH in people with his song, forming images with words that heal the soul.

/Slide No. 3 A bard song is.../

A bard's song, like no other song, promotes the work of the soul, and therefore its healing. A bard's song can only be perceived when the listener's attention is not distracted by anything. The listener is presented only with a soulful melody and the images that the song creates. You need to completely immerse yourself in the sensory-imaginative world of the song, you need to create your own figurative pictures, thoughts, experiences, respond to the song with your heart, and this requires just work, the work of thought, feelings, memory, heart. This is the work of the soul.

A bard's song is the language of the heart, the soul. The performer of a bard song must convey, first of all, the meaning of the song, its feelings. Convey beautifully, elegantly, intelligibly. Each author has his own intonation. It is recognizable among other songs. These songs are not for entertainment. You can't listen to them casually.

Bard songs are not written to order. These are songs written in a state of high emotional highs. These can be emotions of enthusiastic contemplation of nature, feelings of pride, respect, hope, tenderness, gratitude and many other aspects of mental tension. The main thing is what the song itself is.

Bard song is a holistic art. The author writes poems, comes up with music for them and performs his work himself. Therefore, very often a bard’s song is called an author’s song. The advantage of this genre is that it puts poetry and poetic text at the forefront.

“What to sing, and not how to sing – that is the essence of the author’s performance.”

/The song performed by Sergei Nikitin “Everyone chooses for himself”/

Many people compose, many sing, but only a few can be called bards.

/Slide No. 4 with portraits of bards/

To correspond to the true destiny of a bard, the author-performer must be a good poet, musician, singer. He must be a comprehensively developed, educated, cultured, literate person. He must have rich life experience, a rich spiritual world.

Mikhail Leonidovich Ancharov is one of the founders of bard song, writer, poet, playwright, translator, architect, painter, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1967).

Gorodnitsky Alexander Moiseevich - geologist, oceanologist, poet. Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Academician Russian Academy natural sciences. Author of more than 230 scientific works, articles in magazines. Member of the Moscow Union of Writers (1972), Laureate of the 1st All-Union competition for the best tourist song in 1965. Famous songs: “Atlantas”, “Rolls”, “Snow”, “Betrayal”.

Bulat Okudzhava is a whole era in the history of art song. One of the founders of the bard song genre. Born in Moscow, lived on Arbat. In 1934 he moved with his parents to Nizhny Tagil. In 1937, the parents were arrested, the father was shot, the mother was exiled to a camp. He returned to Moscow, where he and his brother were raised by their grandmother. In 1940 he moved to relatives in Tbilisi. In 1942, at the age of 17, he volunteered to go to war. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Tbilisi state university, worked as a teacher, editor at the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house, then as head of the poetry department at Literaturnaya Gazeta. In 1956, he began performing as the author of poetry and song music and performing them with a guitar. In 1961 Okudzhava made his debut as a prose writer. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR, since 1992 - member of the commission on pardons under the President of the Russian Federation, since 1994 - member of the commission on State Prizes of the Russian Federation. Famous songs: “Georgian Song”, “Let’s Exclaim”, “Ah, War”, “Arbat”, “Birds Don’t Sing Here”, etc.

/Sounds “Georgian song” by Bulat Okudzhava/

Bulat Okudzhava and Mikhail Ancharov were the first. They came for them:

Viktor Berkovsky - metallurgist, candidate of technical sciences (1967), associate professor at the Institute of Steel and Alloys. He composed songs based on poems by M. Svetlov, E. Bagritsky, N. Matveeva, R. Rozhdestvensky, B. Okudzhava, D. Sukharev and other Russian and foreign poets. Famous songs “Grenada”, “On the distant Amazon”, “Remember, guys”, etc. He was one of the leaders of the project “Songs of our century” (1999).

Yuliy Kim. By education - teacher. After graduating from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, he worked in Kamchatka for five years, then in Moscow at a physics and mathematics boarding school. Left in 1968 pedagogical activity and professionally writes plays and songs for theater and cinema. Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR (1987).

Yuri Vizbor is one of the most brilliant and gifted representatives of the older generation of bards who stood at the origins of the original song. Born in Moscow, graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Journalist, creator of the radio station “Yunost”, the magazine “Krugozor” with flexible records. The artist is a playwright who has written several plays and film scripts. Cinematographer, author documentaries, actor who has played more than 15 roles in feature films. Was interested in traveling and mountain hikes. The poet was engaged in mountaineering, participated in expeditions to the Caucasus, Pamir and Tien Shan, and was a ski instructor. Poet and singer, author of more than three hundred songs. Famous songs “Pass”, “Forest Sun”, “Dombay Waltz”, “Serega Sanin”, “Let’s fill our hearts with music”, etc. Member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Cinematographers. Records, cassettes, books of poetry and prose were published.

/Yuri Vizbor’s song “My Darling” sounds/

In the late 60s and early 70s, professional song made a qualitative leap. VIA became popular. The song addressed issues that concern young people, and new forms of presenting the song appeared. The original song also changed. New authors and performers also appeared:

/Slide No. 5 with portraits of Vadim Egorov, Novella Matveeva, Alexander Sukhanov, Alexander Dolsky, Yuri Kukin/

A prominent representative of the bard song of this time is Vladimir Vysotsky.

/Slide No. 6 with a portrait of Vysotsky/

Born in Moscow. In 1955 he entered the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. From the first semester he leaves the institute. From 1956 to 1960 Vysotsky is a student in the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School. In 1960-1964 worked (with breaks) in Moscow drama theater them. A. S. Pushkin. In 1964, Vysotsky created his first songs for films and went to work at the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater, where he worked until the end of his life. In 1968, his first original gramophone record, “Songs from the film “Vertical,” was released. Author of several film scripts. Together with the actors of the Taganka Theater he went on tour abroad - to Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, France, Germany, Poland. He recorded about 10 radio plays and gave more than 1000 concerts in the USSR and abroad.

Let's listen to the song “I Don’t Love” performed by the author.

/Vladimir Vysotsky’s song “I Don’t Love” is performed/

It was Vysotsky who coined the term “art song”. This is what he said about this: “There is no real art without suffering. And a person who has not suffered cannot create. It is not necessary that they oppress him or shoot him, torture him or threaten him with prison; it is enough that in his soul, even without external influences, a person experiences a feeling of suffering for people, loved ones, and for the situation in general. An author's song - there is no deception here, here one person with a guitar will stand in front of you all evening, eye to eye. And the author’s song relies on only one thing - that you are worried just like me, by the same problems, human destinies, by the same thoughts. And just like me, injustice and human grief tear your soul and scratch your nerves. In short, everything is based on trust, that’s what you need for an original song: your eyes and ears and my desire to tell you something, and your desire to hear something.”

In the 70-80s, the self-affirmation of bard and author's songs continued. Bard song is becoming one of the most popular and democratic forms of art. This is evidenced by the numerous audiences of bard song festivals that take place all year round in all corners of the country.

The most famous of them is the Grushinsky Festival.

/Slide No. 7 from the Grushinsky Festival/

It traditionally takes place on the first weekend of July in Samara. The idea of ​​the Grushin Festival arose in 1967 after a student at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute and performer of tourist songs, Valery Grushin, tragically died on the Uda River while rescuing children from an overturned boat.

In the 90s, the number of concerts with the participation of bards increased. The content of the original song changes. She responds to the most current events of the era, and her level of guitar proficiency has increased significantly. Many singer-songwriters became participants famous project"Songs of our century".

/Slide No. 8 “Songs of our century”/

These are Sergey Nikitin, Alexey Ivashchenko, Georgy Vasilyev, Vadim and Valery Mishchuki, Sergey Leonidov, Galina Khomchik, Lidia Cheboksarova.

Probably the most popular and famous bard of our time can be considered Oleg Mityaev.

/Slide No. 9 Oleg Mityaev/

He graduated from the Chelyabinsk Assembly College with a degree in electrical engineering, served in the army, entered and graduated with honors from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Physical Education. Specialty: swimming coach. From 1986 to 1991 he graduated from GITIS. Lunacharsky. Starred in several films. The most famous songs: “Neighbor”, “How cool”, “Let’s talk to you”, “Summer is a small life”, “Be strong, people, summer is coming!” The artist’s work was appreciated by residents of Germany, France, Italy, South Africa, Israel and America.

Let’s all sing Oleg Mityaev’s song “How Great” together now.

/Slide No. 9 with the lyrics of the song, the song performed by Oleg Mityaev “How cool”/

So, what is a “bardic song”?

Bard song is an independent phenomenon of our national culture.

The genre of bard song is one of the most popular forms of creativity.

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