A message on the topic of the image of Carmen in art. “The image of Carmen in different types of art. Music and theater

Our heroine was born in France in 1845, under the pen of the wonderful prose writer Prosper Merimee (1803–1870). "Carmen" was not very lucky from the very beginning. As often happens with original works, she was accused of... banality! Prose writer and literary critic Stendhal (Henri-Marie Beyle, 1783–1842) decided that Mérimée’s novella was similar to the story of the 18th century writer Abbe Prevost (Antoine-Francois Prevost d’Exiles, 1697–1783) “The History of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier des Grieux.” But it’s hard to agree with this. "Carmen" is undoubtedly an innovative work. What is his innovation?

It is not in the plot, but in the style: events that Merimee’s predecessors and contemporaries would have told in a romantic manner, the writer presented realistically. For the modern reader, already accustomed to realism, it is quite difficult to feel this novelty, but then it looked unusual. And in distant Russia, Lermontov (1814–1841) appreciated such unusualness and used a similar storytelling technique when he wrote about the life of Pechorin.

Already in 1861, Théophile Gautier published the poem “Carmen,” in which the gypsy woman appears as an expression of boundless female power over the world of men, both infernal and natural. In 1874, J. Bizet wrote the opera “Carmen” to a libretto by A. Mellac and L. Halévy, which was later recognized as one of the pinnacles of operatic art. Apparently, it is Bizet’s opera that is the first stage on the path to transforming Carmen into a transcultural image. Strong, proud, passionate Carmen Bizet (mezzo-soprano) is a free interpretation of the literary source, quite far from the heroine Merimee, whose love of freedom in passion is still not an exhaustive characteristic of her. The collision of Carmen and José acquired warmth and lyricism in Bizet's music, losing the essential unsolvability that was fundamental to the writer. The librettists of the opera removed a number of circumstances from Carmen's biography that weakened the image (for example, participation in murder). An interesting literary reminiscence in the image deserves mention. opera Carmen: the libretto uses the song “Old Husband, Terrible Husband” from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Gypsies” (1824), translated by P. Merimee, among other works of the poet. In K. Bize, a meeting of the heroine Merimee with Pushkin’s Zemfira took place. The most famous performers of the role of Carmen are M.P. Maksakova (1923) and I.K. Arkhipova (1956). K. short stories and operas left their mark on poetry: A. Blok’s cycle “Carmen” (1914), “Carmen” by M. Tsvetaeva (1917).

Today, there are more than ten film incarnations of the image of Carmen. The most famous: “Carmen” by Christian Jacques (1943) and “Carmen” by K. Saura (1983). The last movie created on the basis of the flamenco ballet by A. Hades. The paradox of Carmen's artistic fate lies in the fact that the opera heroine largely overshadowed the image of Merimee. Meanwhile in stage history opera there is a steady tendency to “return” the image to the literary source: the play by V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko (titled “Carmensita and the Soldier”, 1924), the production by V. Felsenstein (1973), the film by P. Brook (“The Tragedy of Carmen”, 1984). This same trend is partly followed by the ballet “Carmen Suite” with M.M. Plisetskaya in leading role(musical transcription by R.K. Shchedrin, choreography by A. Alonso, 1967). The image of Carmen, like any cultural symbol, is used at the most different levels: high art, pop art and even everyday behavior (fashion for the “Carmen image”).

Who will Carmen be in subsequent artistic reincarnations? One can only guess. Only one thing is clear - there will be countless more new interpretations and interpretations. There must be two types of genius image. One is when something unique is created, impossible to reproduce further, like Tolstoy’s Natasha Rostova. The other is when what is created, on the contrary, turns into a kind of universal archetype for all times. This is Carmen.

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One of the tasks modern school is learning to independently search for the necessary information. This problem can be solved using modular technology, the essence of which is that the student independently achieves the implementation of educational and cognitive goals. This technology involves the gradual development of information through a prescriptive algorithm that determines the sequence of actions. A type of modular training is frame– a special form of knowledge representation, consisting of a finite number of elements, each of which has its own name and meaning. By accumulating knowledge at each stage of the frame, students eventually come to the necessary large-scale conclusion, in this case about how a character in a realistic work achieves the status of a “world” image.

Goals and objectives of the lesson: acquaintance with the work of the French realist Prosper Merimee; training in literary analysis skills; the formation of ideas about the relationship and interpenetration of romantic and realistic movements; development of the terms “critical realism”, “short story”, “literary image”, “eternal” and “world” images”, “problematics”, “composition”; clarification of cause-and-effect relationships from the hero of a literary work to the “world” image; identifying the main features of the image of Carmen and the place of this image in world art; development of thinking; nurturing a love for literature as a source of morality.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Declaration of lesson objectives.

2. Genre features of P. Merimee’s short story “Carmen”.

Teacher's word:

Until now, there is no consensus among literary theorists about the origin of this genre. Some believe that the short story originates in ancient prose, others - in the literature of the Middle Ages, and still others associate the short story with everyday jokes.

Initially, the short story complied with strict principles: it is a short prose narrative with a simple but dynamic plot, devoid of philosophical issues.

But the novella of the 11th century went through a difficult path; it was imprinted by the ideas of the Renaissance and Enlightenment, which affirmed the power of the human mind: “I think, therefore I exist.” Therefore, the short story loses its simplicity and laconicism, but acquires social, moral and philosophical issues.

In Russian literature the term “story” is more accepted, in English – “short story”. And yet the short story remains an experimental genre.

The largest short story writers are Boccaccio, Hoffmann, Merimee, E. Poe, Maupassant, D. London, T. Mann and others.

Working with the text by P. Merimee “Carmen”.

What are genre features short story “Carmen”?

3. Realistic image of the heroine in P. Merimee’s short story “Carmen”.

I. Why is the short story named after Carmen? (It is with this that the problems of the short story are connected).

II. What is the time and place of the story? (1830, Spain).

III. What are your first impressions of the heroine? (“For a woman to be beautiful...”) She is a “witch,” “the devil’s minion.”

IV. Features of portrait characteristics? (“My gypsy could not claim...”).

V. Why is Carmen not depicted as a beauty?

VI. IN portrait characteristics what heroines of Russian literature special attention focused on the eyes? (“Radiant” - Marya Bolkonskaya, “velvet” - Princess Mary).

VII. Can Carmen be called a “femme fatale”? Why? (“Didn’t I promise...?”).

VIII. What is Carmen like in the scene before her murder? (“She looked at me intently...”).

Murder only seems to be a consequence of passions. This is not a melodrama, but a tragedy. Jose says over Carmen, whom he killed: “It’s the Cales’ fault for raising her like this.” And this is where Merimee’s worldview comes into play. The author does not take anyone's side, since we're talking about not about individuals, but about peoples. This is the social problem of the novella.

In Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century there was a similar murder scene (Aleko - Zemfira). What's the difference? (This is a moral issue).

4. The romantic image of Carmen in Russian literature.

The image of Carmen also penetrates into Russian literature. In March 1914 A.A. Blok writes 10 poems combined into the “Carmen” cycle. It's dedicated to L.A. Delmas, opera singer. Even in Blok’s early poems the ringing of monists and the beating of a tambourine can be heard. Blok first saw Delmas in 1912: she performed the role of Carmen on the stage of the Musical Drama - her best role.

Students reading poems by A.A. Blok and M.I. Tsvetaeva.

Is Carmen a romantic or realistic heroine among Russian poets of the 20th century?

5. The romantic image of Carmen in opera and painting.

Carmen began to be perceived as a romantic image thanks to Georges Bizet’s opera “Carmen” (1875).

Student report “The Image of Carmen in Bizet’s Opera.”

Listening to Carmen's aria.

Report “Carmen in Shchedrin’s opera.”

Brief presentations by students “Carmen in painting”.

6. “Eternal” image of Carmen.

We are familiar with the concept of an “eternal” image. The sources of “eternal” images (students give examples) are:

Mythological characters;

Legendary historical figures;

Biblical images;

Literary characters.

An “eternal” image can be impersonal: “Turgenev’s girl”, “a woman of Balzac’s age”, some literary types.

In the previous stages of the lesson, we have already proven that Carmen, without a doubt, is an “eternal” image.

7. “World” image of Carmen.

But the image of Carmen is not only “eternal”, but also “worldwide”.

There are three “world” images in art: Carmen, Don Quixote, Hamlet.

What do these “world” images symbolize?

8. Summing up.

Thus, Carmen is the bearer of gypsy ideology, a type of “femme fatale”, an “eternal” and “world” image. Despite the fact that the heroine Merimee is a realistic character, in world culture she appears as a romantic image.

9. Homework.

Essay (student's choice):

- “...Carmen’s temper is like the weather in our area”;

- “I wear wool, but I am not a sheep.”


1. In music lessons we were introduced to the opera “Carmen” by Georges Bizet and the ballet “Carmen Suite” by Rodion Shchedrin. Bright, catchy music sounded. I had a desire to find out if there are other types of art in which the image of the gypsy Carmen is embodied and why everyone is attracted to this image. This is how it appearedresearch topic"The Image of Carmen in Art."

2. I set before myself target : to systematize ideas about the integrity of the artistic image of Carmen.

Solve problems:

  • reveal the concept " artistic image»;
  • analyze the artistic image of Carmen in various types art;
  • carry out experimental work to identify color associations of the image of Carmen;
  • introduce comparative analysis color representations of the artistic image of Carmen.

Practical significanceThe research is that the work examines the ways of perceiving the image of Carmen through the means of literature, music, fine art, and choreography.

3. On Wikipedia we read that “An artistic image is any phenomenon creatively recreated in work of art". An artistic image is created on the basis of one of the means of an art form or a combination of several. Under the artistic image in art withwith the help of means and techniques, an idea of ​​the hero, the phenomenon of a work of art, is created.

In literature, an artistic image is created on the basis of words, in music - through sound, in fine arts– based on paints, in choreography – using movements, etc.

4. The image of Carmen originated in literature. The character was created by Prosper Merimee. The writer tells the love story of a young gypsy woman and a soldier, full of passion and drama. Carmencita has a hypnotic effect on Jose. Because of her, he breaks the law and deserts the army. She draws him into a gang of smugglers, and their life becomes full of dangers and unforeseen situations. Carmen is not used to limiting herself in anything, and anyone who tries to fit her life into a strictly established framework becomes her enemy.

The image of Carmen is presented in the words of three men.

The narrator-traveler sees in her something exotic, alien to his world. He does not understand her extravagant behavior, but he is amazed by her “strange and wild” beauty. Carmen simultaneously frightens and fascinates the respectable scientist; he compares her either to a wolf or to a chameleon.

The second narrator, the robber and smuggler Jose Navarro, portrays Carmen as a witch, the devil himself, or even a “pretty girl.” But the irresistibly attractive, criminal, unpredictable and mysterious gypsy is still alien to him.

The third person from whose words we draw a portrait of Carmen is the author. He does not describe or express his attitude towards her, allowing the reader to draw his own conclusions.

In the novel, Carmen is a freedom-loving, cruel, unfaithful girl with a hot temper, for whom deception and cunning are part of life.

5. World fame Prosper Mérimée's novella received thanks to the immortal opera "Carmen" by Georges Bizet and is still one of the most popular in the world.In the opera, Carmen is ennobled. The composer also portrays her as freedom-loving, cruel, independent, and temperamental, but the librettists excluded her cunning, thievery, and everything petty and ordinary.

6. The first performer of the role of Carmen in the opera was Galli-Marie.

The audience liked the image of the young beautiful gypsy; it was happily picked up by artists, choreographers, and directors and made it a collective one. Over time, Carmen “penetrated” many areas of art.

7. There is a “Carmen Suite” - one act ballet usmusic by Georges Bizet, orchestrated by Rodion Shchedrin. Carmen in ballet is a beautiful girl, charming, searching true love. She strives for mutual understanding with people, but the people around her are hostile to her.

8. The first performer of the role of Carmen in Rodion Shchedrin’s ballet was his wife Maya Plisetskaya.

9. Alexander Blok has a cycle of 10 poems of the same name. Nikolai Gumilev and Marina Tsvetaeva wrote about the gypsy. Blok's image of Carmen is endowed with divine features that raise her to the level of an ideal. Marina Tsvetaeva's perception of Carmen is more human, feminine and passionate.

10. Artists were interested not only in the image of the passionate Carmen, they eagerly depicted the actresses playing her role. For example, Vrubel has “Portrait of Tatyana Lyubatovich as Carmen”,

11. And Edouard Manet has Emilia Ambre.

Each artist “sees” Carmen in his own way, but in not a single portrait does she look like a “villain”. The artists painted Carmen with a sad, slightly tired look, the colors of her clothes are not flashy, but eye-catching.

12. Polish surrealist Rafal Olbinski depicted Carmen on opera posters in an original, expressive and abstract way.

13. Today, there are more than ten film incarnations of the image of Carmen.

14. There are several film productions in Russia and abroad.

15. And also film adaptations of opera and ballet, and even cartoons.

16.V unusual technique works by Polish animator Alexandra Koreiwo – sand animation, in which the design is created with colored salt (bright iridescent and abstract images).

Having analyzed the features of the image of Carmen in various forms of art, we can say that a desire has been identified to improve and elevate it.

17. An asteroid discovered in 1905 was named after the heroine.

18. The second part of my work is an experimental one, which was carried out at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3 of the urban settlement. Smyshlyaevka m.r. Volzhsky Samara region in 7th grade in three stages: ascertaining, formative and final. The method used was a survey.

Progress of the experiment.

At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, its participants were identified - students of grades 7A and 7B in the amount of 50 people.

At the formative stage of the experimental work, color associations of the image of Carmen in different types art.

During a music lesson, a survey was conducted with the teacher.

Students were given questionnaires with excerpts from P. Merimee's short story and poems by A. Blok and M. Tsvetaeva. After reading the relevant passages, the children were asked to choose the colors that, in their opinion, were most suitable for the image of Carmen based on the text they read.

Then excerpts from the opera Carmen by Georges Bizet and the ballet Carmen Suite by Rodion Shchedrin were offered. It was proposed to again select several colors with which the image of Carmen was associated.

19. A reflection of Carmen’s image is presented in a bar graph.

The diagram shows that there is a dynamic of “raising the image of Carmen to the ideal” in Blok’s poetry and Shchedrin’s “Carmen Suite”.

On final stage was held detailed analysis the data obtained and conclusions drawn:

the color associations of the image of Carmen become lighter as they move away from the short story “Carmen” by Prosper Merimee;

the main colors indicated by the students are red, yellow, black;

the most light colors noted in Blok’s poetry (the image of Carmen becomes sublime) and in Rodion Shchedrin’s ballet “Carmen Suite” (more yellow and red, less black);

girls have a wider range of colors than boys (schoolchildren chose a wide range of colors (purple was considered blue, brown was considered black, orange was considered yellow, pink was considered red).

20. The ballet was created by Shchedrin for his beloved wife Maya Plisetskaya. Perhaps this is why negative traits (cunning, thieving efficiency) are eliminated, and the image is ennobled. Alexander Blok elevates the image to the level of a deity intuitively, using the genre of poetry, which brings the image of Carmen closer to perfection. They have Carmen - the goddess of love, beauty, freedom.

The completed research shows the solution to the problem of embodying the image of a gypsy in various types of art and its integrity.

During the work, I realized that Carmen, a bright representative of her people, is depicted as the embodiment of vice. Her image attracts everyone with her courage and strength of character.

21. The last slide of the presentation shows the sources that I used.

Thank you all for your attention!

References and sources

Prosper Merimee. Novels (translated from French) [Text]. - Fiction, 1978. 371 p.

Bizet, J. Opera "Carmen" production Mariinsky Theater. [Video]

Shchedrin, R. K. Ballet “Carmen Suite” [Video]

Block A. Cycle “Carmen”. [Website]. -http://er3ed.qrz.ru/index.htm?blok-carmen.htm

Illustrations of portraits of Carmen. [Website]. -http://arts-all.ru/otechestvennye-xudozhniki/vrubel-karmen.html

Tsvetaeva M. Poems about love. Poetry Library. [Site].- hyyp://cvetaeva.ouc.ru/karmen.html

Development of a music lesson in 7th grade on the topic:

The opera “Carmen” by J. Bizet is the most popular opera in the world. Image of Carmen.


    Introducing schoolchildren to J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen”.

    Development of an educational mini-project “The Image of Carmen”.


Educational: introduce creativity to students brilliant musician and help to understand and feel that the music of J. Bizet is diverse, diverse and multifaceted. Pay attention to features musical style J. Bizet, working in groups, complete creative tasks- learn and perform on musical instruments“Habanera from the opera Carmen by J. Bizet”; create a poster for J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen”, compose verbal portrait Carmen.

Developmental: contribute to the development of self-expression of students through worldview and perception of the musical work, through various forms of activity.

Educators: contribute to the development of a culture of thinking and language culture of students; personal interest in participating in creative process, the formation of a sustainable interest in music, the cultivation of emotional responsiveness to music.

Corrective tasks:

    Development of the psychological basis of speech: auditory attention, visual memory.

    Development of ensemble and solo singing skills.

    Development of a dialogical form of speech (question-answer).

    Enriching the vocabulary of nouns in practical activities.

Subject competencies:

    Give an idea of ​​the features of musical terms: recitative, mezzo-soprano;

    Develop a listening and performing culture;

    To teach to understand meta-subject connections in the art of music;

    To foster a culture of speech and language culture, to bring students closer to understanding the specific language of music.

Social competencies:

    Ability to listen, hear and understand the opinions of others

    Develop a culture of thinking and feeling

Communication competence:

Culture of monologue, dialogue and polylogue.

Personal competencies:

    Mastering different forms artistic activity in the direction of spiritual self-expression and self-development.

    Choosing an independent route in communication with art.

Regulatory UUD: provide the ability to manage cognitive and educational activities through goal setting, planning, control, correction of one’s actions and evaluation of the success of assimilation.

Cognitive UUD:

Schoolchild learns to learn and explore the world around us. The student masters not only general educational activities (the ability to set a goal, work with information, simulate a situation), but also logical operations.

Communicative UUD:

Provide opportunities for cooperation - the ability to hear, listen and understand a partner, plan and coordinately carry out joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other’s actions, the ability to negotiate, conduct a discussion, correctly express one’s thoughts in speech, respect the partner and oneself in communication and cooperation .

Personal UUD:

By mastering personal universal skills, the student more successfully accepts the norms of behavior in a team, society, and learns to correctly evaluate himself and his actions. The student begins to realize his involvement in the country in which he lives, and as a result, he develops a sense of patriotism, and the need arises to study the history of his state. This contains a moral aspect: the ability to empathize, provide mutual assistance, and show responsiveness to your loved ones.

Lesson type: mini-project lesson.

Lesson equipment:

Textbook “Music” for grade 7, ed. E.D. Kritskaya, creative notebook for the textbook “Music” for grade 7, blank for a poster, blank for a verbal portrait, overture to the opera “Carmen”, Habanera, fortune telling scene from the opera, minus the song “Together we are a great force”, multimedia, synthesizer.

Form of work:

Work in creative groups(type of groups: musicians, artists, writers)

Teaching methods: teacher's word problematic issues, group work, product manufacturing, product presentation.

Educational technologies: personal-oriented, project activities, cognitive-creative project, ICT technologies, elements of gaming technology, health-saving technology (transition from one type of activity to another)

Lesson progress

Organizational moment

    Greeting in the form of vocalization of the teacher and students;

    Definition of absentees;

    Checking students' readiness for the lesson

Emotional mood

The school bell is ringing,

An interesting and useful lesson awaits us.

May you be in a good mood.

And the teaching is given to you with joy.

And to make the mood joyful, smile at each other, give smiles to our guests and give a smile to me. We begin our lesson on such a joyful note.

Motivation and updating of knowledge

Let's close our eyes and imagine ourselves in musical theater. Theater is a world of fairy tales, amazing adventures and transformations. We will listen to the opera. This word translated from Italian, as you already know, means “work”, “deed”, “composition”. Every opera performance– this is the inspired work of... who?(Composer, singers, choir and orchestra, conductor) .

Opera is musical performance, in it characters sing accompanied by an orchestra.

Introductory information from the teacher and formation of the lesson goal:

Our lesson will be held in the form of a lesson - a project. This lesson will give you the opportunity to do something interesting. To do this, we will divide into groups, and we will see what we get at the end of the lesson.

The epigraph to our lesson sounds like this: “The mind consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice” (Aristotle)

How do you understand this?(knowing something and not telling anyone is bad, you need to share your knowledge with others).

We will return to this epigraph later, and you yourself will be able to explain why I chose it for our lesson.

Today we will go to France, where at the end of the 19th century he lived and created his musical works J. Bizet, and his opera “Carmen” is one of the most popular in the world. What opera is popular?(famous, best, favorite opera) .

As you understand, the topic of the lesson... Maybe someone has already guessed?(Opera by J. Bizet “Carmen”) .

The topic of our lesson: “ Carmen" is the most popular opera in the world. And the topic of today’s mini-project is “The Image of Carmen.”

So let's formulate togetherThe purpose of our lesson - project:

(Get acquainted with J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen” and the image of Carmen.)

Immersion in the project

The first performance of the opera "Carmen" in Paris was not successful; the author was accused of immorality. Free expressions of the characters' feelings - ordinary people from the people - were prohibited at that time. One of the first among Bizet’s great contemporaries to appreciate the music of “Carmen” was P.I. Tchaikovsky.

“In ten years, Carmen will be the most popular opera in the world,” wrote the Russian composer. What made Bizet's opera so beloved and famous? It had everything that was needed for the work to become truly popular - the truth of life, strong feelings, music full of excitement, expressiveness, beauty.

So what is this opera about?

The plot is based on the story French writer Prospera Merimee. It tells the story of love and the tragic death of its main characters. These are people from the people: the soldier Jose and the gypsy Carmen. Because of his love for Carmen, Jose forgot his duty and became a robber. Out of jealousy and grief, he killed Carmen when she betrayed his love and fell in love with a bullfighter. The image of the strong-willed, courageous bullfighter Escamillo received a vivid description. Guys, who is a bullfighter? (This is a brave, strong man, he fights with bulls in the arena).

The events in the opera develop against the backdrop of Spanish life, full of bright colors, on streets and squares filled with people. The orchestra in opera not only enhances the beauty of the vocal parts, but often speaks for the characters.

Getting to know something new musical material

The opera has 4 acts. It opens with an overture. You know what this is, right?(This is a discovery, a beginning. By its character we get an idea of ​​the opera as a whole)

The overture juxtaposes images of sunny Spain, a jubilant folk festival and tragic fate Carmen. Let's listen carefully to the overture.

*Listening to the overture to J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen”*

Beautiful music? How many themes do you think were heard in the overture, or rather, how many themes did you hear?(2 themes. 1 theme: powerful, bright, temperamental, dance, 2 theme: song and march).

This is correct, these two themes make up the jubilant part of the overture, but we have also heard music of a different nature, what kind?(tragic, gloomy, sad, alarming).

The two themes are a colorful world of life, celebration and light. He is opposed by another world of dark passions, tragic fate Carmen, the motif of “fatal passion” that haunts Carmen like a shadow throughout the opera.

You already know how to use musical terms. Let's intelligently think about the means of musical expression.(1 topic: the melody takes off, fickle, its character changes, okay – major key, life-affirming music, emotional. Register – medium and high, rhythm – both smooth and intermittent, pace - fast, dynamics – changes (loud – quiet).

(topic 2: character is decisive, courageous. Melody – smooth, without ups and downs).

Lad – major,register - average,rhythm – smooth, clear,pace - average,dynamics – not loudly.

The melody was constantly changing, the volume, tempo and rhythm were changing, which kept us on edge, that is, the music was unpredictable. The music of the overture created the image of a free gypsy and a jubilant procession of people.

Now let's talk about the main character.

Carmen is a gypsy, a cigar factory worker. How did she seem to you while listening to the overture?(She is beautiful, passionate, loves freedom). Carmen in the opera - embodiment female beauty and charm, passion and courage. J. Bizet masterfully conveys the fiery temperament of the gypsy, her indomitable character, beauty and enthusiasm. Carmen's vocal part is full of intonations and rhythms of Spanish folk songs and dances. Performs the role of Carmen in the operamezzo-soprano (low female voice).

Carmen's entrance is preceded by the sound of an orchestra. Musical characteristic freedom-loving Carmen - habanera, contains the rhythms of this folk dance.

*Listening to “Habanera” from J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen”*

Habanera is a free love song that sounds like a challenge to Jose. At the end of the scene, Carmen throws a flower to Jose, the young soldier, thereby recognizing him as her chosen one, and promises love.

In Act 3, another characteristic of Carmen appears. The difference between Jose and Carmen is too great. Jose dreams of peaceful life peasant, and Carmen no longer loves him. A gap between them is inevitable. She and her friends are telling fortunes with cards. What will they tell her? Only fate does not promise anything good for Carmen; she saw her death sentence in the cards. With deep sorrow she reflects on the future.

INrecitative Carmen great value acquires the motif of “fatal passion”.

Recitative - this is a genus vocal music, based on speech intonations, it is constructed freely, close to speech.

*Listening to Fortune Telling Scenes from J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen”*

(“If the cards gave me the wrong answer”)

We got acquainted with the overture to the opera "Carmen" and the image main character, listening to her entrance with Habanera and the Fortune Telling Scene with the motif of “fatal passion”.

Work on the mini-project “Image of Carmen”.

Let's divide into three creative groups (optional).

Musicians: Bobrova M., Kharkin D., Vorontsov V., Ovchinnikov A.

Artists: Khasanov R., Gurchenok D., Kuznetsova T.

Writers: Kuznetsova M., Kolodochkin V., Pozdnyakov R., Basagin A.

Now you will begin to work in creative groups, using the materials that I will distribute to each group. You must work quickly to have time to showcase your creative products. If you have any questions or difficulties, I will help you.

The writers will begin , they make up a verbal portrait of Carmen. The guys will read to us a poem by A. Blok, which he dedicated to the scene of Carmen’s entrance. Compare your impressions with the poet’s opinion.

How the ocean changes color

When in a heaped cloud

Suddenly a flashing light blazes, -

So the heart is under a singing thunderstorm

Changes the system, afraid to breathe,

And the blood rushes to the cheeks,

And tears of happiness choke my chest

Before the appearance of Carmencita.

What is your characteristic of Carmen?(Carmen is a very beautiful, proud, free, passionate gypsy) . Do your impressions coincide with the opinion of A. Blok?(Yes, Bizet’s music helped us understand this).

Artists create a poster for the opera.

The musicians learn the Habanera melody and perform it.

Well done guys! You worked very well in groups and showed us the results of your creativity.

For the next lesson we will continue our acquaintance with J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen”.

Now let's get down to vocal and choral work.

Let's do the exercises:

    To develop breathing (inhale-exhale). Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Starting position – main stance. On the strong beat, inhale through the nose, on the weak beat, exhale through the mouth.

    We sing according to the notes do-re-mi-fa-sol, sol-fa-mi-re-do

Here I go up

Here I go down

Children live together in our school, and their teachers true friends. Together we are a great force, and we will sing about this with you now.

Performance of the song “Together we are a great force”

Lesson summary.

Our lesson is coming to an end. Today we took a fascinating trip to musical theater and got acquainted with J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen”: listened to the overture, the Habanera, the Fortune Telling Scene from the opera “Carmen”, and completed a mini-project “The Image of Carmen”.


Let's remember the goal we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson? (Get acquainted with J. Bizet’s opera “Carmen” and the image of Carmen).

Answer the questions:

    Have we achieved this goal?(Yes)

    What do you consider significant and interesting when completing a project?(That we split up and worked in groups)

    What are your feelings and impressions of participating in the project?(It was interesting to listen to guys from other groups and perform myself)

    What experience have you gained? (Experience working in a group, ability to listen to classical music)

    Where will the knowledge you gain be useful?(In other lessons, in life)

The knowledge gained will expand our understanding of the world musical culture, will be useful to us in the future life. Let us turn to our epigraph, which expresses the idea that knowledge must be able to be applied in practice. And our project today is proof of this. Isn't it true, guys?(Yes)

Assessing students' work in class.


I am giving you homework sheets on the topic of today's lesson. Try it at home. If something doesn't work out, we'll do it together in class.

Musical chant:

Goodbye children!


French was born on October 25, 1838 composer Georges Bizet, forever gone down in history thanks to his famous opera"Carmen" However, the audience liked the image of the young freedom-loving gypsy beauty so much that Carmen eventually “penetrated” many areas of art - and not only art: even an asteroid discovered in 1905 was named after the heroine.

Georges Bizet. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org


It was in literature that the image of Carmen arose - Carmencita was the name of a rebellious gypsy who refused to submit to the man who loved her and paid for it with her life. I came up with a character Prosper Merimee- there is an assumption that he was inspired to do this by Pushkin’s poem “Gypsies”.

Galli-Marie is the first performer of the role of Carmen. Photo by Nadar Studio Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

However, the image of the heroine was happily picked up by other artists - painters, directors, composers. U Alexandra Blok There is a cycle of 10 poems of the same name.

Snowy spring is raging.

I take my eyes off the book...

Oh, the terrible hour when she

Reading Zuniga's hand,

A glance flashed into Jose's eyes!

The eyes lit up with mockery,

A row of pearl teeth flashed,

And I forgot all the days, all the nights,

And my heart began to bleed,

Washing away the memory of the fatherland...

And the voice sang: At the cost of life

You will pay me for my love!

They also wrote about the gypsy Nikolay Gumilyov And Marina Tsvetaeva.

Music and theater

The immortal opera by Georges Bizet is still one of the most popular in the world: only in Russia it was successfully performed at the Mariinsky Theater and the Bolshoi Theater, in Opera House Stanislavsky and the Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Kirov.

Diana Vishneva in a habanera from the ballet "Carmen Suite" to the music of Georges Bizet and Rodion Shchedrin during the gala concert dedicated to the opening of " New scene» Mariinsky Theater. Photo: www.russianlook.com

There is also "Carmen Suite" - a one-act ballet to the music of Bizet in orchestration Rodion Shchedrin, and numerous interpretations on the theme of Mérimée's novel.


The artists were interested not only in the image of Carmen herself, passionate and vicious, but they also willingly depicted the actresses performing her part. For example, at Vrubel there is “Portrait of T. S. Lyubatovich in the role of Carmen”, and Edouard ManetEmilia Ambre.

Edouard Manet. Emilia Ambre as Carmen Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org


Cinematography is also not was able to bypass the gypsy: there are feature films about her, as well as film adaptations of opera and ballet and even a cartoon. And the production of “Carmen Suite” was filmed twice in the Soviet Union (both times starring the brilliant Maya Plisetskaya).