"sunny composer. Lesson project: "Sunlight in music - his name is Mozart!" Online broadcast stream addresses

“Eternal sunshine in music - your name is Mozart!”

  1. Acquaintance with the work of W. A. ​​Mozart.
  2. Determination of the most important stylistic features of the composer’s work (the predominance of bright, joyful moods, lively melodies) using the example of “A Little Night Serenade”.

Musical material:

  1. W. A. ​​Mozart. Small night serenade. Part IV. Fragment (listening);
  2. W. A. ​​Mozart, Russian text by A. Leikina. "Magic bells" Fragment of the chorus “Listen, how crystal clear the sounds” from the opera “The Magic Flute” (singing, playing children’s musical instruments)

Description of activities:

  1. Establish a connection between the nature of the melody and the nature of the content of the musical work.
  2. Compare the characters of melodies in musical works of different composers.
  3. Play children's musical instruments

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born and lived in Austria, but his music is known and loved by the whole world. This music is full of light, joy and beauty. This is probably why the Russian composer Anton Rubinstein called Mozart Helios - the sun god.

Mozart's fate was amazing. Many of you have probably heard the expression “talented like Mozart.” This is what they say when they want to talk about a person who is unusually gifted and outstanding. Mozart lived only 36 years. But he managed to create a lot of musical works - 50 symphonies, 19 operas, sonatas, songs and other works of various genres.

In those days, when there was no electricity, no radio, no television, no computers, people rode horses or in carriages, wore white powdered wigs, men wore camisoles and lace pantaloons, and women wore beautiful long dresses, it was in those distant times that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived and worked.

Wolfgang's father, Leopold Mozart, was a court musician in the city of Salzburg and gave music lessons.

The boy's unusual talent manifested itself very early. Already at the age of 3, he discovered an amazing and persistent interest in music: as soon as he heard sounds, Wolfgang abandoned all fun and rushed towards them.

The kid could listen for hours to how Sister Nannerl practiced the harpsichord. It was difficult to tear him away from the instrument: while pressing the keys, the child listened carefully for a long time, noisily rejoicing when he found the harmonies he liked, then he began to select the motives of songs familiar to him, entire passages from the plays he had heard.

One day, three-year-old Wolf walked up to the instrument and hit the keys with both palms. A sharp piercing sound was heard! The kid covered his ears in horror and... lost consciousness. After this incident, he treated the instrument with great care as a living being with magical properties. He talked to him, stroked him, listened to each sound for a long time and rejoiced noisily when he found harmonious consonances.

After making sure that his little son was attracted to music, the father decided to slowly start lessons with him.

When Wolfgang was six years old, the entire Mozart family went to Munich. The Elector of Munich listened to the performance of Wolfgang and his sister Nannerl and praised them. After that, returning home, young virtuosos They began to study music even more diligently, and in the fall of 1862 the children performed in Vienna in front of the imperial court.

The Mozart family visited all the largest cities in Europe - Paris, London, Geneva, Amsterdam. The trip lasted four years and turned into a triumphal procession.

Thus began the difficult creative path great composer. Already as a child, Mozart worked a lot.

The little virtuoso performer in a white wig with a pigtail and a heavy embroidered gold camisole, given to a boy at the imperial court, looked like a funny doll. Of course!

A child who masters the instrument! Hurry up to see! Hurry up to hear! The little musician will play the harpsichord according to the notes! And from memory! WITH eyes closed! And with the keyboard covered with a scarf! With two hands! With one hand! And with one finger! He will guess any note named from the audience... He will play any unfamiliar works from sight... And his musical improvisations on any topic are simply unique... Hurry! Hurry...

The concerts of the Mozart children lasted 4-5 hours and caused a storm of surprise and admiration. Wolfgang's program was especially striking in its difficulty. The little virtuoso played the harpsichord, violin and organ. He improvised musical works on a given theme and played unfamiliar works on the spot. You can’t say anything - a real child prodigy, that is, a gifted child.

Little Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a sunny boy. He almost always smiled, like a gentle spring sun. Because music lived in him... Heavenly, sunny, joyful music! Music filled his entire being. Music was his breath. Music was his vision. Music was his ear.

Listen to one of the most charming opera excerpts - the chorus from the fairy-tale opera "The Magic Flute". It’s called “Listen to how crystal clear the sounds are”; you will immediately feel the lightness and naturalness of the melody. This is probably why such music is easily remembered by both adults and children.

Do you know what other music the composer W. A. ​​Mozart created? We are all familiar with Mozart's music without even realizing it.

Listen to the Lullaby “Sleep, my joy, sleep” (sings):

Sleep, my joy, sleep.
The lights in the house went out.
The birds fell silent in the garden.
The fish fell asleep in the pond.

The moon is shining in the sky,
The moon is looking out the window.
Close your eyes quickly
Sleep, my joy, sleep!

Everything in the house has been quiet for a long time,
It's dark in the cellar and kitchen.
Not a single door creaks,
The mouse is sleeping behind the stove.

Someone sighed behind the wall,
What do we care, dear?
Close your eyes quickly
Sleep, my joy, sleep!

My little bird lives sweetly.
There are no worries, no hassles.
Plenty of toys, sweets,
Lots of fun things to do.

You’ll hurry to get everything,
If only the baby didn't cry.
If only it were like this all day!
Sleep, my joy, sleep.

At one time this song was a musical theme song television program « Good night, kids! But its music was written by Mozart. But that's not all. Do you know this children's song (sings):

Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother,
That's how, that's how, little gray goat,
That's it, that's how it is, little gray goat.

Grandma loved the goat very much,
Grandma loved the goat very much,
That's how, that's how, I loved you very much,
That's how, that's how, I loved it very much.

The goat decided to take a walk in the forest,
That's how, that's how, take a walk in the forest,
That's how, that's how, take a walk in the forest.

Gray wolves attacked the goat,
That's how, that's how gray wolves are,
That's how, that's how gray wolves are.

All that's left of the goat are the horns and legs,
That's how, that's how, horns and legs,
That's how, that's how, horns and legs.

This song is also Mozart's music. It turns out that Mozart, who lived more than 200 years ago, wrote music for songs that, in their popularity and longevity, beat all existing world songs. music records. It turns out that each of us knew them from infancy.

In the unusually musical city of Vienna, day and night one could hear either wonderful singing or violin playing. Listen to Mozart's "Little Night Serenade" and you will understand what kind of music it is. Even the most simple music was extraordinarily beautiful. After all, Mozart wrote it!

Serenade. Silence, the heat of the day has gone, a clear, warm evening is coming.
“Sereno... that's what they called the warm evening weather. It was on such an evening that “serenades” were heard - evening songs of gentlemen in love, which they brought under the windows of their beloved. Serenades were performed in the open air by small orchestras.

  1. Did you like the music of W. A. ​​Mozart?
  2. What kind of Mozart music did you listen to today?
  3. Is it possible to distinguish the music of W. A. ​​Mozart from the music of other composers?
  4. What characterizes his music? (Joyful beginning, major key, melody, grace.)
  5. Remember the names of W. A. ​​Mozart's songs.
  6. What was the nature of the music?

Time will pass, but the name of Mozart will still be on the lips of grateful listeners. He is the author of unforgettable musical works. Mozart was sincerely convinced that music should give people pleasure, and he always followed this rule, composing melodies to which our hearts still respond with warmth and delight today.


1. Presentation, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
Once upon a time there lived a little gray goat with my grandmother (a nursery rhyme), mp3;
Mozart. Magic bells, mp3;
Mozart. Little night serenade, mp3;
Mozart. Sleep, my joy, sleep , mp3;
3. Accompanying article, docx.

Academic music of the 20th century in faces

Sergei Prokofiev could have become not only a recognized composer, but also a writer. Despite difficult circumstances, both his character and his work remained optimistic. Without a doubt, his works are an important element of academic music of the 20th century. Concepture continues to highlight the most prominent composers of this period.

Perhaps you didn't know:

Child of the Sun From 1916 to 1921, Prokofiev collected an album of autographs from his friends who answered the question: “What do you think about the sun?” Later it will be called “Wooden Book”. Among those who responded were K. Petrov-Vodkin, A. Dostoevskaya, F. Chaliapin, A. Rubinstein, V. Burliuk, V. Mayakovsky, K. Balmont. Prokofiev's work is often called sunny, optimistic, and cheerful. He even called his place of birth (the village of Sontsovka) in the Little Russian manner - So(l)tsevka.

Favorite of the authorities In the 30s, the USSR authorities called him home and promised him the status of “first composer”, better conditions, despite the fact that in general the repatriates are treated rather poorly (calling them “defectors”). He was given a huge apartment in a house on Zemlyanoy Val, 14, where the pilot V. Chkalov, the poet S. Marshak and others lived. He was allowed to bring a blue Ford and get a personal driver. After the war, Prokofiev mainly lived at his dacha in the village of Nikolina Gora near Moscow (bought with the Stalin Prize).

Musical prodigy A love of music was instilled in little Sergei by his mother Maria Grigorievna, who was a good pianist. At the age of five he composed his first work - the play "Indian Gallop". By the age of ten, he would have already written the opera “The Giant” and the first act of the second opera “On the Deserted Islands.”

What would our life be like without music? For many years, people have asked themselves this question and come to the conclusion that without the beautiful sounds of music, the world would be a very different place. Music helps us feel joy more fully, find our inner self and cope with difficulties. Composers, working on their works, were inspired by a variety of things: love, nature, war, happiness, sadness and much more. Some of the ones they created musical compositions, will forever remain in the hearts and memories of people. Here is a list of ten of the greatest and most talented composers of all time. Under each composer you will find a link to one of his most famous works.


Franz Peter Schubert was an Austrian composer who lived only 32 years, but his music will live on for a very long time. Schubert wrote nine symphonies, about 600 vocal compositions, and large number chamber and solo piano music.

"Evening Serenade"

German composer and pianist, author of two serenades, four symphonies, as well as concerts for violin, piano and cello. He performed at concerts from the age of ten, performing for the first time with solo concert at 14 years old. During his lifetime, he gained popularity primarily due to the waltzes and Hungarian dances he wrote.

"Hungarian Dance No. 5".

George Frideric Handel is a German and English composer of the Baroque era, he wrote about 40 operas, many organ concerts, and also chamber music. Handel's music has been played at the coronations of English kings since 973, it is also heard at royal wedding ceremonies and is even used as the anthem of the UEFA Champions League (with a small arrangement).

"Music on the water"

Joseph Haydn is a famous and prolific Austrian composer of the classical era, he is called the father of the symphony, as he made significant contributions to the development of this musical genre. Joseph Haydn is the author of 104 symphonies, 50 piano sonatas, 24 operas and 36 concertos

"Symphony No. 45".

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is the most famous Russian composer, author of more than 80 works, including 10 operas, 3 ballets and 7 symphonies. He was very popular and known as a composer during his lifetime, and performed in Russia and abroad as a conductor.

"Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

Frédéric François Chopin is a Polish composer who is also considered one of the best pianists of all time. He wrote many pieces of music for piano, including 3 sonatas and 17 waltzes.

"Waltz of Rain"

Venetian composer and virtuoso violinist Antonio Lucio Vivaldi is the author of more than 500 concertos and 90 operas. He had a huge influence on the development of Italian and world violin art.

"Elf Song"

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an Austrian composer who amazed the world with his talent with early childhood. Already at the age of five, Mozart was composing short plays. In total, he wrote 626 works, including 50 symphonies and 55 concertos. 9.Beethoven 10.Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and organist of the Baroque era, known as a master of polyphony. He is the author of more than 1000 works, which include almost everything significant genres of that time.

"Musical joke"

The aria of the Queen of the Night by W.A. Mozart sounds.

Who wrote this piece of music?

What's it called?

Look what interesting portraits The queens of the night were drawn by the guys.

Which composers is W.A. Mozart?

Who else relates to this musical direction?

Why are these composers called Viennese classics?

Guys, the creativity of each of them Viennese classics has its own striking features, but only one composer is called the “sunshine” of music. Name of this musical genius– W.A.Mozart.

Do you know in which city Mozart was born? Who was his first teacher? How many works did he create?

What do you think is the purpose of our lesson today?

Absolutely right. Today we will continue to study the work of the “sunny” composer. A child prodigy - a "miracle child", Mozart became the pinnacle of European culture in the 18th century.

We get acquainted with Mozart's music from the very beginning early age– from the moment we start watching the re-

dacha “Good night, kids!”

The teacher hums the melody of a lullaby.

We all know the lullaby “Sleep, my joy, fall asleep...”

But this melody was composed by Mozart. But that's not all.

The teacher plays a children's song.

This children's song is familiar to us from childhood: “Once upon a time

Grandma has a gray goat.” This is also Mozart's music.

The music of an 18th century composer continues

make us happy today.

Speaking modern language, these are hits that have broken all existing world records in popularity and longevity. Let's turn to some pages of W.A. Mozart's biography. I suggest you watch a video presentation about life genius composer.

After viewing, you will need to answer the following questions:

    In what city, in what year was W.A. Mozart born?

    What was the name of Mozart's father?

    What was the name of Mozart's wife?

    How long did Mozart live and how many works did he create during his life?

Video presentation “Eternal sunlight - your name is Mozart” (Appendix 5).

The teacher asks questions.

Guys, Mozart was a universal composer.

He left rich heritage in all musical genres. But the composer’s lyrical images. Why do we unmistakably guess: the music of Mozart sounds? The answer to this question is encrypted on the board. What remedy musical expressiveness is the main thing in Mozart's music?


Please read in your textbooks on page 52 what Mozart himself wrote about this.

To understand how beautiful the music of W.A. Mozart is, we will begin to learn a fragment of his vocal work.

Mozart's canon “Dona nobis pacem” sounds

(“Give us peace” Appendix 2).

What was the mood in the music?

Was the work sounded in Russian?

The work contains only three words: Latin“Dona nobis pacem”, which translates into Russian as “Give us peace.” We will learn it in Latin.

This is amazingly beautiful vocal piece. The performance should be sublime, divine, as if angels were performing their song.

Learning a fragment (period) of the canon by V.A. Mozart.

Attention to clear pronunciation, flexible phrasing, covered vowels o, a, e. Vocalized singing starting with "a". Learning with words. Working with strokes, building the dynamic development of the work.

Guys, let's take a little rest. Imagine that you are members of a symphony orchestra. Now you will play the instruments that I will name.

(Sounds by W.A. Mozart “The Marriage of Figaro” Overture).

In this lesson we will get acquainted with another outstanding work by Mozart, known throughout the world.

Symphony No. 40 (fragment) sounds.

What is the mood in the work?

Who performs?

What genre do you think this music belongs to, which flourished in the 18th century?

Let's read what a symphony is in textbooks on page 52.

What Greek word does the word symphony come from?

How many movements does the symphony consist of?

Who performs the symphony?

It is noteworthy that the classical composition of the symphony orchestra was formed in the 18th century, in the work of J. Haydn.

What other orchestras do you know?

Of all the orchestras existing today symphony orchestra- the largest in composition and the most powerful in sound. But we see that thanks to the composer genius of W.A. Mozart, even the most powerful orchestra can sound like a beautiful stream or source. Symphony No. 40 or the fortieth symphony is sublime, exciting, amazing in its beauty, makes us rise above our worries and think about something bright, pure and beautiful. Who runs the orchestra?

And now you will have the opportunity to become conductors for a few minutes and perform a fragment of Mozart’s fortieth symphony.

Symphony No. 40 is played again.

Well done! You were excellent conductors.

So, what composers does W.A. Mozart belong to?

What means of musical expression defines the essence of Mozart's music?

Mozart's music is a miracle!

I would like Mozart’s music to sound everywhere, and maybe then our world would become cleaner, brighter and kinder.

Performing the song “Music Lives Everywhere.” Lyrics by V. Suslov, music. Ya.Dubravina.

Our musical journey has come to an end. Please tell me what you remember most?

Which musical fragments did you like it?

Why? Would you like to learn more about Mozart's life and listen to his works?

Today all the guys worked great and get a “5” rating.

The music of W.A. Mozart sounds.

Here is a list of 10 composers you should know. Of each of them it can be said with certainty that he is the greatest composer who ever lived, although in fact it is impossible, and indeed impossible, to compare music written over several centuries. However, all of these composers stand out among their contemporaries as composers who composed music of the highest caliber and strived to push boundaries classical music to new limits. The list does not contain any order, such as importance or personal preference. Just 10 great composers you should know.

Each composer is accompanied by a quotable fact of his life, remembering which you will look like an expert. And by clicking on the link to the last name, you will recognize him full biography. And of course, you can listen to one of the significant works of each master.

The most important figure in world classical music. One of the most performed and respected composers in the world. He created in all genres that existed in his time, including opera, ballet, music for dramatic performances, and choral works. The most significant in his legacy are considered instrumental works: piano, violin and cello sonatas, concertos for piano, violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies. The founder of the romantic period in classical music.

Interesting fact.

Beethoven first wanted to dedicate his third symphony (1804) to Napoleon; the composer was captivated by the personality of this man, who seemed to many at the beginning of his reign a real hero. But when Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor, Beethoven crossed out his dedication on the title page and wrote only one word - “Heroic”.

"Moonlight Sonata" by L. Beethoven, listen:

2. (1685-1750)

German composer and organist, representative of the Baroque era. One of greatest composers in the history of music. During his life, Bach wrote more than 1000 works. His work represents all the significant genres of that time, except opera; he summarized the achievements musical art Baroque period. The founder of the most famous musical dynasty.

Interesting fact.

During his lifetime, Bach was so underrated that less than a dozen of his works were published.

Toccata and Fugue in D minor by J. S. Bach, listen:

3. (1756-1791)

The great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor, representative of the Vienna Classical School, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor, he had a phenomenal musical ear, memory and ability to improvise. As a composer who excelled in any genre, he is rightfully considered one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

Interesting fact.

While still a child, Mozart memorized and recorded the Miserere (cat. chant on the text of the 50th Psalm of David) by the Italian Gregorio Allegri, having listened to it only once.

"Little Night Serenade" by W.A. Mozart, listen:

4. (1813-1883)

German composer, conductor, playwright, philosopher. Had a significant impact on European culture turn of XIX-XX centuries, especially modernism. Wagner's operas are stunning in their grandiose scale and eternal human values.

Interesting fact.

Wagner took part in the failed revolution of 1848-1849 in Germany and was forced to hide from arrest by Franz Liszt.

"Ride of the Valkyries" from R. Wagner's opera "Walkyrie", listen

5. (1840-1893)

Italian composer, central figure Italian opera school. Verdi had a sense of the stage, temperament and impeccable skill. He did not deny operatic traditions (unlike Wagner), but on the contrary developed them (the traditions of Italian opera), he transformed Italian opera, filled it with realism, and gave it the unity of the whole.

Interesting fact.

Verdi was an Italian nationalist and was elected to the first Italian parliament in 1860, following the declaration of Italian independence from Austria.

Overture to D. Verdi's opera "La Traviata", listen:

7. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Russian (American - after emigration) composer, conductor, pianist. One of the most important composers twentieth century. Stravinsky's creativity is consistent throughout his entire career, although the style of his works was different in different periods, but the core and Russian roots remained, which were evident in all his works; he is considered one of the leading innovators of the twentieth century. His innovative use of rhythm and harmony has inspired and continues to inspire many musicians, not just in classical music.

Interesting fact.

During World War I, Roman customs officers confiscated Pablo Picasso's portrait of Stravinsky as the composer was leaving Italy. The portrait was painted in a futuristic manner, and customs officers mistook these circles and lines for some kind of encrypted secret materials.

Suite from the ballet by I.F. Stravinsky " Firebird", listen:

8. Johann Strauss (1825-1899)

Austrian composer of light music, conductor and violinist. "King of Waltzes", he worked in the genre dance music and operettas. In his musical heritage more than 500 waltzes, polkas, quadrilles and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas and ballets. Thanks to him, the waltz became extremely popular in Vienna in the 19th century.

Interesting fact.

Johann Strauss's father is also Johann and also famous musician, which is why the “Waltz King” is called the youngest or son; his brothers Joseph and Eduard were also famous composers.

Waltz by J. Strauss "On the Beautiful Blue Danube", listen:

9. Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov (1873-1943)

Austrian composer, one of the outstanding representatives of Viennese classical music school and one of the founders of romanticism in music. For my short life Schubert made significant contributions to orchestral, chamber and piano music, which influenced an entire generation of composers. However, his most striking contribution was to the development of German romances, of which he created more than 600.

Interesting fact.

Schubert's friends and fellow musicians would get together and perform Schubert's music. These meetings were called "Schubertiads". Some first fan club!

"Ave Maria" by F.P.Schubert, listen:

Continuing the theme of great composers you should know, new material.