Essay on the topic “An Ordinary Guy” by Vasily Terkin. “ordinary guy” Vasily Terkin

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, truth of life and beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author organically merges with his characters, living their interests, feelings and desires. Sometimes it is difficult to understand where the poet is speaking, where his hero is, and where the mass of soldiers is. This testifies to Tvardovsky’s great skill, his ability to live by the interests of the country, its sorrows and joys. The poem “Vasily Terkin” is one of the best in his work. The work truthfully, figuratively and vividly speaks about the most difficult test for Russia - the Great Patriotic War. The author ensured that his poem became truly popular: it was read at the front and in the rear. And Vasily Terkin became the favorite of the soldiers, they imitated him, believed in the reality of such a fighter, and were afraid to hear the news of his death. Who is he? Vasily Terkin is a “grated kalach” who went through the Finnish war, skillfully and fervently fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. A typical representative of a generation that bore all the hardships of hard times. “He’s just an ordinary guy himself.” Terkin takes his work responsibly, without hiding behind the backs of his comrades. “If not me, then who?” - the principle of his life. Setting off to swim down the icy river, Terkin performs an important task: They gave him a stack and he began to live. He sat up on the bed: - Allow me to report... The platoon on the right bank is alive and well in spite of the enemy! He reported in form, as if to immediately swim back to him. “Well done,” said the colonel, “Well done!” Thank you, brother... Everywhere there is a hero among the soldiers: he jokes or conducts a “political conversation”, supports the spirit of the soldiers. Terkin, Terkin, kind fellow, What is there laughter and what is sadness. You, my friend, have made a lot of wishes. I thought far into the distance. Knowing how to do a lot, Terkin does not boast in front of his comrades, but tries to make life at the front easier for himself and those around him. He is a jack of all trades and, when there is a stop on the road, he does not force himself to ask, but plays the accordion for the soldiers, supporting their spirit: And, quickly changing his fingers, He, as if to order, here told about three tankers, three comrades story. Isn’t that what the whole song is about, word for word? And the friends in leather helmets looked down sternly. Without further ado, the author leads his readers behind the hero of the poem along front-line roads to the west. And the closer the Russian borders are, the more fun and playful the story becomes. The holiday is near, Mother Russia, Turn your gaze to the west: Vasily has gone far, Vasya Terkin, your soldier. The poem “Vasily Terkin” is an unforgettable and imaginative chronicle of the war, which has stood the test of time, remaining for us an inexhaustible source of truth about the terrible and heroic years of the war’s hard times.

Along the frontline road,

Belted, as if in ranks,

A fighter walked in a new overcoat,

I was catching up with my rifle regiment

My first company.

A. T. Tvardovsky

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, truth of life and beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author organically merges with his characters, living their interests, feelings and desires. Sometimes it is difficult to understand where the poet is speaking, where his hero is, and where the mass of soldiers is. This testifies to Tvardovsky’s great skill, his ability to live by the interests of the country, its sorrows and joys.

The poem “Vasily Terkin” is one of the best in his work. The work truthfully, figuratively and vividly speaks about the most difficult test for Russia - the Great Patriotic War. The author ensured that his poem became truly popular: it was read at the front and in the rear. And Vasily Terkin became the favorite of the soldiers, they imitated him, believed in the reality of such a fighter, and were afraid to hear the news of his death. Who is he? Vasily Terkin is a “grated kalach” who went through the Finnish war, skillfully and fervently fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. A typical representative of a generation that bore all the hardships of hard times. “He’s just an ordinary guy.” Terkin takes his work responsibly, without hiding behind the backs of his comrades. “If not me, then who?” - the principle of his life. Setting off to swim down the icy river, Terkin performs an important task:

They gave me a stack and I started to live,

He sat up on the bed:

- Allow me to report,

Platoon on the right bank

Alive and well in spite of the enemy!

Reported in form, as if

Swim him back immediately.

“Well done,” said the colonel, “

Well done! Thank you brother...

Everywhere there is a hero among the soldiers: he jokes or conducts a “political conversation”, supports the spirit of the soldiers.

Terkin, Terkin, kind fellow,

What is there laughter and what is sadness?

You, my friend, have made a lot of wishes.

I thought far into the distance.

Knowing how to do a lot, Terkin does not boast in front of his comrades, but tries to make life at the front easier for himself and those around him. He is a jack of all trades and, when there is a stop on the road, he does not force himself to ask, but plays the accordion for the soldiers, supporting their spirit:

And, quickly changing fingers,

It's like it's made to order

Here I told about three tank crews,

A story for three comrades.

Isn’t it about them word for word,

Isn't that what the song is all about?

And they looked down sternly

Friends in leather helmets.

The holiday is near, Mother Russia,

Turn your gaze to the west:

Vasily has gone far,

Vasya Terkin, your soldier.

The poem “Vasily Terkin” is an unforgettable and imaginative chronicle of the war, which has stood the test of time, remaining for us an inexhaustible source of truth about the terrible and heroic years of the war’s hard times.

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  2. The great Russian poet A. T. Tvardovsky was always interested in the fate of his country at turning points in history. Back in the early 30s, he created a poetic picture of the difficult era of collectivization in the poem “Country...
  3. A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” became one of the most popular works about the Great Patriotic War. The poem, the author later wrote, was “my lyrics, my journalism, song and teaching, anecdote and...
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  5. The poem “Vasily Terkin” was written by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky during the Great Patriotic War and was published in various newspapers in chapters. The poem was delivered to the soldiers on the front line, brought to them in the trenches...
  6. A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” is a folk, or rather a soldier’s poem. Her main idea is to show the struggle of people for the sake of peace, for the sake of life. It represents a whole encyclopedia of a fighter's life....
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The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, truth of life and beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author organically merges with his characters, living their interests, feelings and desires. Sometimes it is difficult to understand where the poet is speaking, where his hero is, and where the mass of soldiers is. This testifies to Tvardovsky’s great skill, his ability to live by the interests of the country, its sorrows and joys.

The poem “Vasily Terkin” is one of the best in his work. The work truthfully and vividly speaks about the most difficult test for Russia - the Great Patriotic War. The author ensured that his poem became truly popularly known: it was read at the front and in the rear. And Vasily Terkin became the favorite of the soldiers, they imitated him, they believed in the reality of such a fighter, they were afraid to hear the news of his death.

Who is he? Vasily Terkin is a “grated kalach” who went through the Finnish war, skillfully and fervently fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. A typical representative of a generation that bore on its shoulders all the hardships of hard times. “He’s just an ordinary guy himself.” Terkin takes his work responsibly, without hiding behind the backs of his comrades. “If not me, then who?” - the principle of his life. Setting off to swim down the icy river, Terkin performs an important task:

Dali stack— started live, Got up on beds:

Allow me report...
Alive and wellout of spiteto the enemy!
ReportedByform,as if
Immediatelyswimto himback.

Well done, said colonel,
Well done!Thank you brother...
Everywhere there is a hero among the soldiers: he dances or conducts a “political conversation”, supports the spirit of the soldiers.

Terkin, Terkin, Kind small,

What here laughter, A What sadness.

Made a wish You, Friend, a lot.

Made a wish far into the distance.

Knowing how to do a lot, Terkin does not boast in front of his comrades, but tries to make life at the front easier for himself and those around him. He is a jack of all trades and, when there is a stop on the road, he does not force himself to ask, but plays the accordion for the soldiers, supporting their spirit:

AND, replacing fingers fast,

He, How as if on order,

Here led O three tank crews,

Three comrades story.

Not about them whether word V word,

Not O volume whether song all.

AND looked down harshly

IN helmets leather Friends.

Holiday close, mother Russia,

Oberni on west sight:

Far left Vasily,

Vasya Terkin, your soldier.

The poem “Vasily Terkin” is an unforgettable and imaginative chronicle of the war, which has stood the test of time, remaining for us an inexhaustible source of truth about the terrible and heroic years of the war’s hard times.

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, truth of life and beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author organically merges with his characters, living their interests, feelings and desires. Sometimes it is difficult to understand where the poet is speaking, where his hero is, and where the mass of soldiers is. This testifies to Tvardovsky’s great skill, his ability to live by the interests of the country, its sorrows and joys. The poem “Vasily Terkin” is one of the best in his work. The work truthfully, figuratively and vividly speaks about the most difficult test for Russia - the Great Patriotic War. The author ensured that his poem became truly popular: it was read at the front and in the rear. And Vasily Terkin became the favorite of the soldiers, they imitated him, believed in the reality of such a fighter, and were afraid to hear the news of his death. Who is he? Vasily Terkin is a “grated kalach” who went through the Finnish war, skillfully and fervently fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. A typical representative of a generation that bore all the hardships of hard times. “He’s just an ordinary guy himself.” Terkin takes his work responsibly, without hiding behind the backs of his comrades. “If not me, then who?” - the principle of his life. Setting off to swim down the icy river, Terkin performs an important task: They gave him a stack and he began to live. He sat up on the bed: - Allow me to report... The platoon on the right bank is alive and well in spite of the enemy! He reported in form, as if to immediately swim back to him. “Well done,” said the colonel, “Well done!” Thank you, brother... Everywhere there is a hero among the soldiers: he jokes or conducts a “political conversation”, supports the spirit of the soldiers. Terkin, Terkin, kind fellow, What is there laughter and what is sadness. You, my friend, have made a lot of wishes. I thought far into the distance. Knowing how to do a lot, Terkin does not boast in front of his comrades, but tries to make life at the front easier for himself and those around him. He is a jack of all trades and, when there is a stop on the road, he does not force himself to ask, but plays the accordion for the soldiers, supporting their spirit: And, quickly changing his fingers, He, as if to order, here told about three tankers, three comrades story. Isn’t that what the whole song is about, word for word? And the friends in leather helmets looked down sternly. Without further ado, the author leads his readers behind the hero of the poem along front-line roads to the west. And the closer the Russian borders are, the more fun and playful the story becomes. The holiday is near, Mother Russia, Turn your gaze to the west: Vasily has gone far, Vasya Terkin, your soldier. The poem “Vasily Terkin” is an unforgettable and imaginative chronicle of the war, which has stood the test of time, remaining for us an inexhaustible source of truth about the terrible and heroic years of the war’s hard times.

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    Vasily Terkin. Alexander Tvardovsky

    A.T. Tvardovsky. Poem "Vasily Terkin"

    Vasily Terkin - Crossing (Verse and Me)

    79 Alexander Tvardovsky Vasily Terkin

    Vasily Terkin summary(A. Tvardovsky). 11th grade


    Friends, if you do not have the opportunity to read Alexander Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin,” watch this video. This is a collection of stories about one soldier during the Great Patriotic War. Tvardovsky wrote the poem in 1945. Another name for the poem is “The Book about a Fighter.” The poem consists of 30 chapters. Each chapter is a separate story from Tyorkin’s front-line life. During the war, Tvardovsky (who himself fought at the front) read to them individual chapters from the poem to maintain the morale of the soldiers. So... The author writes that in war it is very important to have water and food. But humor is needed just as much in war. After all, without it you can go completely crazy. That’s why the soldiers valued Vaska Tyorkin, a guy who could cheer everyone up. And Tvardovsky himself thanks his hero for helping him become a popular writer. Vaska, a newcomer to the infantry company, tells the guys that this is already his second war. Explains to them what the word “sabantuy” means. In general, when the battlefield is a complete mess, when there are a lot of German tanks, this is the main sabantuy. And when they shoot a little, it’s like that... a light sabantuy. The soldiers immediately liked Vaska. Vaska Terkin was a very ordinary guy. The first story is about how Vaska and the guys made their way from the rear of the German side to their own at the front. The guys were thin and barefoot. There were about 10 of them, led by a commander. (Let me remind you that during the first two years of the war, Soviet troops were mostly retreating). And of course this bothered the soldiers. But Vaska constantly insisted that they would return to their lands. The commander told him that his native village would be on the way. - What's the question? - Vaska answered. - Let's go in. The detachment arrived in the village late at night. The commander brought the guys to his house. His wife fed everyone and put everyone to bed. But the commander wants this with his wife... And there are so many guys nearby. Everyone seemed to have fallen asleep. Vaska couldn’t sleep, he understood everything and went out into the street so as not to disturb the commander... In the morning, the commander cut firewood for his wife, waited until his children woke up, and the soldiers moved on, realizing that today the Germans could come to this village. It was in November. The soldiers approached the crossing. At night, having broken off the ice, the first platoon boarded the pontoons. Then the second one. Then the third. The Germans opened fire. Many guys died then. Some managed to get across, some didn’t. Those who did not make it in time waited for dawn, and with it, help. Two watchmen saw that someone was swimming towards them. - Come on. This cannot be, said one. - In such cold water? - Maybe this is the body of one of ours? – thought the second one. We looked closer and saw someone alive swimming. It was Vaska Terkin. They immediately took him to the hut and rubbed him with alcohol. “Let’s go inside, not on the skin,” Vaska asked. Dali. Vaska drank and began to talk. He said that their platoon on the right bank was ready to help with the crossing. We just need covering fire from this shore. He said, drank more and swam back. Another time, Terkin established telephone communications. He followed his company with a coil of wires. On the phone he asked the guys from Tula to help them fire at the Germans. Suddenly a shell fell next to him. Vaska fell to the ground and waited for the explosion. But for some reason there was no explosion. I looked, realized that it would not explode and pissed on this shell. And then Vaska saw a German officer approaching him. The German did not see him. Then Vaska pierced him with a bayonet. The German managed to wound Vaska. And so the guy lay there, bleeding and saw how Tula began to fire at the position where he himself was lying. It would be a shame to die from your own people. Lucky. Our tanks arrived. The tank guys saw Vaska and helped him. Otherwise Vaska would have died. Vaska thinks that it would be great to get a medal. He would then come home and brag about her in the village council. And then he would go to any party, and all the girls would be his. “That’s why I need a medal, guys,” Vaska told the guys. “I don’t even need an order, I agree to a medal.” Lonely Terkin walked along the front-line winter road. He was catching up with his rifle regiment. A truck overtook him. The driver looked out: “Get in, infantry.” I'll give you a ride. They drive, smoke, chat. They see a convoy of vehicles blocking the road ahead. It's cold for everyone. Vaska asks if anyone has an accordion. “Yes, there is,” the tanker answers. -Whose is she? - The killed commander. The guys gave Vaska an accordion. He started with a sad melody. And suddenly, it was as if everyone felt warmer from the music. Immediately other guys began to follow the sounds of the accordion. Vaska sang about three tanker friends. And then somehow it became more fun. Two tank crews took a closer look at Vaska: “Listen, did we then find you covered in blood and take you to the medical battalion?” “Maybe me too,” Vaska answered. And then the guys told him to take the accordion for himself and entertain his friends with it. In winter, an old woman lay on the stove in the hut. Fighting was heard three miles away. The grandfather-owner was sitting by the window. Then he took a saw and began to sharpen it, so as not to be idle. - Grandfather, she’s normal. We need to break it up. “Get the wiring,” Vaska Tyorkin told his grandfather. I did everything as needed. I gave the saw to my grandfather. I saw a non-working clock on the wall. Removed and repaired. - Do you want me to tell you, grandma, where your lard is hidden? – Vaska suddenly asked. The grandmother blew herself up and fried the soldier lard and eggs. Vaska sat down with his grandfather, drank, talked about life, about the war. Grandfather also once fought, was also a soldier. - You tell me, guy: are we going to beat the German? “We’ll beat you, father,” Vaska answered and went to fight. One bearded soldier lost his pouch. (A tobacco pouch is a pouch for tobacco). The man was upset. First I lost my family, and now I lost my pouch. Terkin saw all this and, to cheer up the bearded man, told his story about the fur hat. I took it out of the bag as proof. And there is another one on the head. “Once they brought me, wounded, to the medical battalion. The hat fell off somewhere. What can I do in winter without a hat? No way. I tell the girl who bandaged me that I feel bad without a hat. So she gave me hers. I keep it as a memory. The soldiers thought that in war it was better to be single. He doesn't think about his wife and children that way. Vaska gave the bearded man his pouch. “The fact that you lost your family is not your fault,” said Vaska. – And you can also survive the loss of your pouch. Although, I agree, it’s a shame. But the loss of the Motherland cannot be allowed. One day Vaska went on reconnaissance, and he had the chance to fight hand-to-hand with a German. Strong, dexterous and well-fed. Vaska understood that the advantage was on the German side. They hit each other, be healthy! They approached. And the German's breath stinks of garlic. - Oh, you fascist bitch! And Vaska hit him with an unloaded grenade. The German fell, but was alive. Vaska understood that it was better not to kill the German, but to bring him to his own people to interrogate him. The author writes that in war a soldier must do what he is ordered. He can’t even fall in love without permission, he can’t even change his footcloths. Our guys were sitting in the trenches. And then they hear: a German plane is flying. The guys crouched to the ground. Except for one thing. The soldier took out a rifle, took aim at the plane and hit it! The plane went to the ground. The general from headquarters immediately called with the question: “Who shot?” This is how Vaska Tyorkin received the order. He was the one who shot. Once Tyorkin had a chance to stay in the hospital for several days. And he saw there the most ordinary boy. And already a hero. Vaska asked where the guy was from. I thought, maybe a fellow countryman. “I’m from near Tambov,” the guy said. And Vaska was from Smolensk. And he felt so offended that there was no hero in his native Smolensk. And then Vaska firmly decided to receive the order. And I got it! “But all these awards are nonsense,” Vaska thought. “The main thing is to have a homeland.” The war was already in its second year. Terkin was washing his clothes by the river and lay down on the grass. Good for him! They called to the general. The general awarded Tyorkin an order, praised him for the downed plane and allowed him to go home on vacation for a week. - Yes, a week is not enough for me, Comrade General. The Germans are where my village is. But I know the area well. - It's clear. So I need you. And you’ll go on vacation another time. The village of Borki stood behind the swamp. And in this swamp there was a battle in the summer. The guys felt bad, but Terkin joked and encouraged the guys. There, many of our guys died for the unknown Borki. But the main thing is that these Borks were part of the Motherland. Every soldier was accompanied to war by at least one woman - mother, sister, wife, girlfriend or daughter. Letters from them always warmed the soldier’s soul and reminded him for whom they should fight. And the wives became so good during the war. Although before that they could have been damn witches. Soldiers escaped from such people during the war. It’s better to have bullets whistling overhead than to have such a wife at your side. The war will end sooner or later, and then the soldier will return to his women. But Vaska Terkin did not have a woman who would love him. And the author appeals to the girls so that they fall in love with this nice guy like Vaska. In war, every soldier dreams of a good night's sleep. And when he finds himself at home on vacation, it’s like he’s in heaven. There you can sleep on a clean, warm bed, in only underwear, and you can eat there 4 times a day. And from the table, not from your knee. And without a rifle, always lying nearby. And you don’t have to hide the spoon in your boot. And so our Vaska Terkin found himself in such a paradise. But somehow Vaska can’t sleep in such a bed. I put on my combat cap and immediately fell asleep. And the next day Vaska decided to return to his comrades. I boarded a passing truck and arrived at the company. - Well, guys, how are you here without me? Winter. Another battle near the village. The lieutenant led the boys into the attack. But very soon he was shot. And then Vaska Terkin led the guys behind him. The village was taken. And Vaska was seriously wounded. He lay in the snow, and death came to him. - Well, my friend, did you fight back? “Come with me,” she told him. - Fuck you! “I’m still alive,” Vaska answered her. Death began to persuade him to give up and submit to it. But Terkin refused to die and continued to hold on. - They won’t find you anymore. Give up. And you will immediately feel warm. Chesslovo. - Nope. I haven't lived long enough. I want more. I still need to defeat the German. But hope was leaving, and then Vaska asked death to allow him to be among the living on Victory Day over the Germans. - On this condition, take me. - Not. “It won’t work,” answered death. - Then get the fuck out! And then Vaska saw the guys from the funeral team walking. Vaska shouted to them, the boys were surprised that he was still alive and carried him to the medical battalion. Death walked side by side for some time, and then realized that she had nothing to catch here and left to look for other victims. From the hospital, Vaska writes a letter to the guys from his company. He writes that he misses him and wants to join them again as soon as possible. When Tyorkin returned to his people, something changed: new people appeared. And among them was Terkin. But not Vaska, but Ivan, the red one. And also a joker, and also a hero, and also with an order, and also knew how to play the accordion. Then the foreman said that each company would have its own Terkin. Remember the village where Vaska repaired a saw and a clock in the house of his grandfather and old woman? The German took that clock off the wall and took it with him. Our intelligence guys approached this hut. The grandfather with an ax was ready to defend his house, but he heard Russian speech and was happy about the guys. And then I recognized Vaska Tyorkin in one of them. Already an officer! Vaska promised to bring his grandfather and grandmother two new watches from Berlin. The time came when Soviet troops began to recapture previously given lands. Vaska and the guys were approaching their native Smolensk region. And this made his heart ache. The Dnieper was ahead. The guys crossed the river. And Vaska’s native village was left behind. Vaska tells a story about a cheerful soldier with whom he served. He used to be cheerful until he found out that he no longer had a family - neither a wife nor a small son. When our detachments passed near Smolensk, that guy asked the commander to go home on a short vacation. But the soldiers of his village did not recognize him - he was wiped off the face of the earth. He returned to the detachment already homeless. I cried all the time. But he was not the only one in this situation - many soldiers had the same situation. And they got up and moved on to Berlin. On the way we met an old woman who was walking home from abroad. Vaska said that it was not right for a soldier’s mother to go such a distance. And he gave her a horse, a cow, a sheep. - What if on the way they ask where I got my cattle from? - asked the old woman. - Tell me that Vaska Terkin supplied it. They will let you through everywhere. And now Soviet troops are already in Germany. Our guys washed themselves in the bathhouse. One soldier had a good steam bath and went to get dressed. He had orders and medals on his gymnast. - Did you buy it at a military store? - the guys are trolling him. “That’s not all,” he answered them. These, friends, are war stories about an ordinary Soviet soldier Vasily Tyorkin.

About the product

The coincidence of the name of the main character with the name of the hero of the novel by the 19th-century writer P. D. Boborykin turned out to be accidental.

The Red Army soldier Tyorkin had already begun to enjoy a certain popularity among readers of the district newspaper, and Tvardovsky decided that the topic was promising and needed to be developed within the framework of a large-scale work.

June 22, 1941 Tvardovsky ends the peace literary activity and the next day he leaves for the front. He becomes a war correspondent for the Southwestern and then the 3rd Belorussian Front. In 1941-1942, together with the editorial staff, Tvardovsky found himself in the hottest spots of the war. Retreats, finds himself surrounded and leaves it.

In the spring of 1942, Tvardovsky returned to Moscow. Having collected scattered notes and sketches, he again sits down to work on the poem. “War is serious, and poetry must be serious”- he writes in his diary. On September 4, 1942, the publication of the first chapters of the poem (introductory “From the Author” and “At a Rest”) began in the newspaper Western Front"Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda".

The poem gains fame, it is reprinted by the central publications “Pravda”, “Izvestia”, “Znamya”. Excerpts from the poem are read on the radio by Orlov and Levitan. Then they began to appear famous illustrations, created by the artist Orest Vereisky. Tvardovsky himself reads his work, meets with soldiers, visits with creative evenings hospitals and work collectives.

The work was a great success among readers. When Tvardovsky wanted to finish the poem in 1943, he received many letters in which readers demanded a continuation. In 1942-1943, the poet experienced a difficult creative crisis. In the army and in the civilian readership, “The Book about a Fighter” was received with a bang, but the party leadership criticized it for pessimism and the lack of mention of leadership role parties. Secretary of the Union of Writers of the USSR Alexander Fadeev admitted: "the poem answers his heart", But “...we must follow not the inclinations of the heart, but the party guidelines”. Nevertheless, Tvardovsky continues to work, extremely reluctantly agreeing to censorship edits and cuts of the text. As a result, the poem was completed in 1945 along with the end of the war. The last chapter (“In the Bath”) was completed in March 1945. Even before finishing work on the work, Tvardovsky was awarded Stalin Prize.

Finishing work on the poem, Tvardovsky, back in 1944, simultaneously began the next poem, “Terkin in the Other World.” He originally planned to write it as last chapter poem, but the idea grew into independent work, which also included some uncensored excerpts from Vasily Terkin. “Terkin in the Next World” was prepared for publication in the mid-1950s and became another programmatic work of Tvardovsky - a vivid anti-Stalin pamphlet. On July 23, the Secretariat of the Central Committee, chaired by N. S. Khrushchev, adopted a resolution condemning Tvardovsky for the poem “Terkin in the Next World” prepared for publication. During the campaign to “expose Stalin,” on August 17, 1963, the poem was first published in the newspaper Izvestia. During wartime, the poem (more precisely, its excerpts) was memorized by heart, newspaper clippings were passed on to each other, considering its main character a role model.

Criticism and artistic features

There is no plot as such in the poem ( “There is no plot in war”), but it is built around a connecting idea military road, according to which Tyorkin, together with everyone Soviet army goes to the goal. It is not for nothing that most critics consider the chapter “The Crossing” to be the central chapter. At the beginning of the poem, the continuity with Tvardovsky’s previous work is clearly visible - the utopian poem “The Country of Ant,” which also begins with a story about the road along which the hero has to go. The role of authorial digressions in the narrative is also very important. The peculiar dialogue between the author and the main character occupies a significant place in the text of the poem.

Terkin appears in the poem as collective image, embodying the best traits inherent in a Soviet soldier. The heroes surrounding Tyorkin are nameless and abstract: the soldier’s colleagues, the general, the old man and the old woman, Death - as if borrowed from a folk tale ( in fact, this is a complete rethinking of the poem “Anika the Warrior” with the opposite outcome: even the angels serving Death - who took on the everyday appearance of a funeral team - are on the side of the Warrior [ ]). The language of the poem, despite its apparent simplicity, is an example recognizable style poet. He eats from the people, oral speech. The intonationally rich text of the work is interspersed with phrases that sound like sayings and lines of ditties (“It’s good when someone lies cheerfully and smoothly”, “Well done, but there will be a lot - two at once. - So there are two ends ...”). The author conveys in an accurate and balanced style Tyorkin’s speech, a lyrically sublime description of nature and the harsh truth of war.

The choice of trochaic tetrameter as the size of the poem is not accidental. This is the meter that is characteristic of the Russian ditty and fits well with the narrative rhythm of the poem. Critics also believe that in the poem “Vasily Terkin” the influence of Russians is clearly felt folk tales, in particular, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Ershov.

Distinctive feature work reminiscent of the legend of folk hero, there was a lack of ideological beginning. The poem does not contain the usual glorifications of Stalin for works of those years. The author himself noted that a ritual mention of the leading and guiding role of the party “would destroy both the concept and the figurative structure of the poem about people's war" This circumstance subsequently created big problems for publication and delayed publication final version poems

The secret of Tvardovsky’s work is not only in the ease of rhythm and masterly use of spoken language, but also in the writer’s unmistakable instinct, which allowed him to stay on the right side in the propaganda war, without succumbing to the temptation of lies. The book tells as much truth as circumstances allowed.

Original text(English)

The secret of Tvardovsky's, besides his easy rhythms is his virtuosic command of colloquial Russian and his unerring tact in staying on the “right” side of the propaganda line of the moment without telling outright lie, while also propounding as much of the truth as was at all possible under the current circumstances.

Cultural significance

The poem "Vasily Terkin" is one of the most famous works, created during the Great Patriotic War, glorifying the feat of an unnamed Russian soldier. The poem was published in large numbers, translated into many languages, and was included in school curriculum USSR and Russia and was well known to any schoolchild.

Tvardovsky, who himself went through the front, absorbed sharp and accurate soldier observations, phrases and sayings into the language of the poem. Phrases from the poem became catchphrases and entered oral speech.

He spoke highly of Tvardovsky’s work