Essay on the topic “What is strength of character.” OGE: arguments for the essay “What is fortitude? Strong spirit arguments from literature

One of the main characters of N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” - Grisha Dobrosklonov - is a bright personality who stands out from the background of other characters. Like Danko, the hero of the poem does not live for himself, but lives for others, lives in the struggle for the happiness of the people.

Gregory does not agree to submit to fate and lead the same sad and wretched life that is typical of most people around him. Grisha chooses a different path for himself and becomes a people's intercessor. He is not afraid that his life will not be easy.

Fate had in store for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

People's Defender,

Consumption and Siberia.

Since childhood, Grisha lived among wretched, unhappy, despised and helpless people. He absorbed all the people's troubles with his mother's milk, so he does not want and cannot live for the sake of his selfish interests. He is very smart and has a strong character. And it leads him onto a new path, does not allow him to remain indifferent to the people’s disasters. Gregory's reflections on the fate of the people testify to the liveliest compassion that makes Grisha choose such a difficult path for himself. In the soul of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the confidence is gradually maturing that his homeland will not perish, despite all the suffering and sorrows that befell it. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N.A. Dobrolyubov.

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” inspires hope in the moral and political revival of Russia, in changes in the consciousness of the ordinary Russian people.

The ending of the poem shows that people's happiness is possible. And even if it is still far from the moment when an ordinary person can call himself happy. But time will pass and everything will change. And not the least role in this will be played by Grigory Dobrosklonov and his ideas. Like Danko, the hero of the poem does not live for himself, but lives for others, lives in the struggle for the happiness of the people.

But there are bright, strong personalities in Russian literature, but they could not find application for their abilities, their “immense powers.” For example, Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, the hero of M. Yu. Lermontov’s work “Hero of Our Time”. Already in the title itself it is emphasized that we are talking about a strong, extraordinary person. Pechorin is a deep character. He combines a “sharp, cooled mind” with a thirst for activity and willpower. He feels immense strength within himself, but wastes it on trifles, on love affairs, without doing anything useful. Pechorin makes the people around him unhappy. So he interferes in the lives of smugglers, takes revenge on everyone indiscriminately, plays with the fate of Bela, the love of Vera. He defeats Grushnitsky in a duel and becomes the hero of the society he despises. He is above the environment, smart, educated. But internally devastated, disappointed. He lives “out of curiosity,” on the one hand, and on the other, he has an ineradicable thirst for life. Pechorin's character is very contradictory. He says: “I have long lived not with my heart, but with my head.” He painfully searches for a way out, thinks about the role of fate, seeks understanding among people of another circle. And he doesn’t find a sphere of activity or use for his powers.

Manifestations of fortitude include courage, bravery, respect and virtue. Strength of spirit suggests that a person will retain all these qualities in himself, no matter what the cost. Fortitude has long been glorified in literature and films. And at this time, such people exist, often we simply do not see them. Because they are modest and do not show off their virtues. Such people are clearly visible in crisis situations.

A story about a real person

The story of a real man demonstrates amazing endurance, self-control and strength of character. The pilot is shot down by an enemy plane, leaving him without legs. The action takes place above the forest. Meresyev overcomes the cold, crawls, bleeding, but does not give up. Moreover, after a while he sat at the controls of the plane again.

Vasily Terkin

Vasily Terkin is an example of incredible courage and fortitude. He received an order and will carry it out regardless of the circumstances. The hero came under fire and swam through the icy water. He knew that he was obliged to do everything that he was ordered because he was a military man.

Young Guard

Fadeev, in his work entitled “Young Guard,” raises the topic of incredible fortitude and love for his fatherland. The young people had very difficult times, but they were able to overcome their fears and defeat the enemy. Strength of spirit is the key to victory and is necessary when conducting military operations.

It is noteworthy that such a person cannot always be seen. Very often society labels people, claiming that they have a weak personality. At first glance, the hero named Sotnikov seems to be a silent and weak person. However, when the question concerned his personality, he did not reveal the whereabouts of his friends under threat of torture. Gave a decisive rebuff to the enemy.

Captain's daughter

The work “The Captain's Daughter” introduces us to Pyotr Grinev. Brave and brave man, who resolutely refused the rebel Pugachev. Remained faithful to the Fatherland and the Empress. The hero acted according to his conscience all his life, more than once exposing it to serious danger. He is a wonderful example of fortitude.

Man's destiny

Andrei Sokolov from the work “The Fate of Man” experienced many shocks and horrors during his life. In the end he was left absolutely alone, lost his entire family and it didn’t break him. Meeting an orphan, Andrei finds the strength to tell him that he is his father. The hero was never selfish, so he saved himself from lonely old age and thanks to him, Ivan found his father. As great a deed as this is, only the strong in spirit are capable of it.

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1. wording of the task;

2. definition of the meaning of the concept;

3. abstracts on the topic;

4. examples of arguments;

5. essays;

6. bank of arguments;

1. Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the combination " Strength of spirit"? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic "What is fortitude", taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second - from your life experience.

2. Working with the concept

Often the concepts of willpower and strength of human spirit are identified. But to be precise, these are completely different things. In this article we will define the power of the human spirit and consider ways to acquire and develop it.

Inner potential, second wind, reserves of the psyche and body, emotional stability, the ability to remain calm and adequate thinking in extreme situations - all this is fortitude.

We see examples of people who fully possess it every day, but sometimes we just don’t notice. Most often they are next to us - parents, grandparents. After all, few people think about how difficult it is to remain calm and be able to enjoy life in old age, fight various diseases and at the same time help children and grandchildren. In addition, it is worth paying attention and reflecting on examples successful people with physical disabilities. They overcame the problem of the strength of the human spirit through long life trials associated not only with incurable disease, but also with a heavy emotional load. Such people have learned to cope with difficulties on their own, achieve your goals and truly value time.

Fortitude- this is a person’s ability to force himself to do something through “I can’t.” It is this that is the main driving factor in achieving the goal. It is this that often becomes the reason for the last effort to achieve victory, when standard physical capabilities are already completely exhausted.

By and large, fortitude is a person’s internal energy. Every individual possesses it to a greater or lesser extent. This energy is not “disposable”, as some believe, but accumulates and is passed on from generation to generation. . WomanAdvice magazine - advice for all occasions

Will,How structural element spirituality is a person’s ability to set a goal and make all the necessary internal efforts to achieve it.

Three links:

*setting and realizing goals to satisfy your interest,

*deciding to act and

*selection of the most appropriate means and methods of implementation


The decisive moment in this chain of volitional action is

*execution of a decision, which requires so-called “willpower”.

Consciousness and will are closely related to each other: the higher the level of a person’s consciousness, the more stable his value systems are and the more freely his will operates.

3. Theses

Strength of spirit -one of the main qualities that makes a person strong not physically, but morally. Strength of spirit consists of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, and faith in the best. Strength of spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, and overcome life's adversity.

1.What is fortitude? Strength of spirit is one of the qualities that makes a person persistent and unbending. This strength comes from will and perseverance. They say about courageous people that they are made of iron and do not bend or break.

2.Fortitude (grit) - high spiritual, mental fortitude. Thanks to her, goals are achieved and peaks are conquered. This is all our internal energy, without which we cannot achieve anything in life.

3.Fortitude is the core of a person. It is mental strength that allows him to achieve life goals and overcome obstacles, makes us capable of real action.

4.Text examples.

5. Examples of essays.

Strength of spirit is one of the main qualities that makes a person strong not physically, but morally. Strength of spirit consists of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, and faith in the best. Strength of spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, and overcome life's adversity. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text by L. Ovchinnikova. Immense power spirit helped the heroines of this text survive the difficult, terrible days of the blockade during the war. How many misfortunes befell Nyura and Raya: the death of their mother, hunger, cold! But the girls did not lose heart, they found the strength not only to live, but also to engage in creativity with other children at the Palace of Pioneers, and to support the fighters going into battle with their performances. And the sailors saw the strength of spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren and felt inspired hope in them.

The legendary pilot, hero of “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, Alexey Meresyev, also has extraordinary fortitude. Due to severe injury during the Great Patriotic War both his legs were amputated. But Meresyev did not lose heart. Thanks to regular training, overcoming pain, Meresyev was not only able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The strength of spirit of this man evokes sincere admiration.

Thus, a person with fortitude will cope with any difficulties. (188 words)

Strength of spirit is one of the important human qualities, making him strong not physically, but mentally. Thanks to the strength of spirit, a person is able to survive difficult life situations, cope with difficult memories, overcome his fears, believe in a bright future and provide support to others. I will prove the truth of my words with two examples.

Let us turn to the text by G.Ya. Baklanov. , whose hero, a young lieutenant, experienced all the hardships of the war. He saw with his own eyes how his comrades died, heard shells exploding next to him. All these difficult impressions affected state of mind hero, but nevertheless he found the strength to live on and rejoice ordinary things. This example proves that strong-willed people can cope with life's difficulties.

Let us also remember the story of two sisters, Nyura and Raya, who survived the difficult, terrible days of the siege in Leningrad. Despite the death of their mother, hunger, and cold, the girls did not lose heart, they continued to live, were engaged in creativity and supported the sailors going into battle with their performances. The courage and resilience of these girls is admirable.

Thus, fortitude is the greatest human quality that helps to win victory over oneself and circumstances. (173 words)

Strength of spirit is one of the important qualities of a person, making him strong not physically, but morally. Strength of spirit helps to cope with various life difficulties. It manifests itself in perseverance and faith in a better future. I will prove my point with two examples.

Let us turn to the text of C.T. Aitmatova. It talks about a woman, a mother little boy, who managed to cope with the difficult test of fate - the death of her husband in the war. In addition, she found the strength to continue life, raise her child and even show him what a hero his father was. This testifies to the extraordinary fortitude of the woman’s spirit.

Let's remember something else work of art- “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, main character which is pilot Alexey Meresyev. During the Great Patriotic War, his plane was shot down by the Nazis. Fortunately, Meresyev remained alive, but due to frostbite, both legs were amputated. However, despite difficult rehabilitation, he learned to walk on prosthetics, and subsequently took the helm again. This suggests that Meresyev has fortitude.

Thus, fortitude is the most important quality of a person, helping to overcome difficult life circumstances. (168 words)

A strong person is one who can take the first step, who is aware of his mistakes and tries to correct them. This is a person who can ask for forgiveness, because it is easy to offend, but difficult to apologize.
In V. Astafiev’s text (sentences 21-25), the author himself makes a mistake, which he realizes and corrects. In his words about “forgiveness” lies the concept of a “strong man”.
The most great power The human spirit lies not in the desire to avoid failure, but in the ability to rise after every fall. I consider my great-grandmother to be a strong person. After her husband died, for a long time she could not let go of the past and live in the present. I hugged her and felt sorry for her, but she told me: “Self-pity, grievances against life exhaust us, emptying our souls. They keep us moving in a vicious circle, returning to the same bitter thoughts for years.”
Thus, we can summarize: it is never too late to start over. But to start new life, you need to let go of the past, no matter whether it was good or bad. You cannot live forever with a circle of bitter losses, you cannot live with regret about past happiness. All this takes away strength, depriving hope for the future. Everything is already gone, so there is no need to try to bring it back, because your strength will be wasted, and tears will not help your grief. And now, when I come to my great-grandmother, she tells me about the snake with a smile and pride. Don't get hung up on thoughts about the past, live for today. And then you can be called a strong person.

A strong person, in my opinion, is someone who has great physical strength, powerful. Another meaning of the word is a person of strong will, persistent and, I think, smart. The text by V. Oseeva describes the story of Pavlik and how he made friends with relatives with whom he could not find common language. The boy at first wanted to use force for this: to fight with his sister, to steal the oars from the boat from his brother... But this was the wrong path: force would not have helped Pavlik improve relations with his elders. An old man whom the boy meets in the park comes to the rescue. He says the magic word to Pavlik, after which he approaches his sister, looks into her eyes and, pronouncing his request, adds the word “please” (sentence 40). And this word makes the boy stronger!

Once I watched how the boys started a fight on the street: everyone tried to prove their strength with their fists. But suddenly one of them exclaimed: “Why are we fighting? Let's go to the horizontal bar! The one who pulls himself up the most is the stronger!”

I can conclude that a strong person is not always pumped up muscles, but more often a strong will and mind. (167 words)


What kind of person can be considered strong? In my understanding, a strong person is one who will not offend the weak, who does not give up, even if the situation seems hopeless. A strong person is a person who tries to achieve everything on his own and can go against his principles or habits.

In the text In Oseyeva we see a boy who, after listening to the old man, was able to find a way to make peace with everyone he offended (sentences 30-33). A person, even if he is still very young, who was able to overcome himself is a strong person.

In life we ​​also meet strong people. For example, these are people with disabilities. I know the story wonderful person- Nick Vujicic. This strong man was born without arms or hands. As a child, Nick was worried about this, but he was able to overcome his fears and was able to accept himself for who he is. He achieved a lot in his life. Nick is the most famous motivational speaker. He is invited to universities and various other institutions so that he can guide people on the path of finding the meaning of life. His illness did not prevent him from getting married.

With Nick’s example, I wanted to say that a person, no matter what kind of person he is, disabled or not, must be strong, because everyone must have meaning in life. Even if you think that everything is over, there is no way out, you cannot give up. You need to believe in yourself. You need to stay strong.


Strength of spirit is one of the main qualities that makes a person strong not physically, but morally. Strength of spirit consists of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, and faith in the best. Strength of spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, and overcome life's adversity. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text by L. Ovchinnikova. Tremendous fortitude helped the heroines of this text survive the difficult, terrible days of the blockade during the war. How many misfortunes befell Nyura and Raya: the death of their mother, hunger, cold! But the girls did not lose heart, they found the strength not only to live, but also to engage in creativity with other children at the Palace of Pioneers, and to support the fighters going into battle with their performances. And the sailors saw the strength of spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren and felt inspired hope in them.

The legendary pilot, hero of “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, Alexey Meresyev, also has extraordinary fortitude. Due to severe wounds during the Great Patriotic War, both legs were amputated. But Meresyev did not lose heart. Thanks to regular training, overcoming pain, Meresyev was not only able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The fortitude of this man is truly admirable!

Thus, a person with fortitude will cope with any difficulties. (188 words)


A strong person is a person who is not afraid of anything. In any situation, he will know how to act. A strong person will not offend a weak one and will never give up.
We can read about a strong person in the text of the famous writer M. Gorky. The main character is the grandmother, thanks to whom the fire was stopped. She was not afraid and went straight into the fire to pick up the bottle of vitriol. If not for her courage, the bottle would have ignited and the fire would have spread further. And this would lead to the fire of other buildings. She also saved a horse that was three times her size. The heroine was not afraid and acted like a truly strong person.
There are many examples of strong human heroes on earth today. One of them is the girl Yulia Korol, who lives in Karelia. When two boats with children capsized during a storm, Julia pulled them out of the water, thus saving their lives. Julia is a strong person, because she did not pass by and did not abandon her neighbor in trouble.
Thus, a strong person is a person who does not give up and, despite the circumstances, helps in a difficult situation. A strong person never puts himself above others.

According to the text by L. Ovchinnikova

Strength of spirit is a person’s ability to force himself to do something through “I can’t.” It is this that is the main driving factor in achieving the goal.



human internal energy

What is fortitude? Strength of spirit is one of the qualities that makes a person persistent and unbending. This strength comes from will and perseverance. They say about courageous people that they are made of iron and do not bend or break.

The legendary pilot also has extraordinary fortitude, hero of "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy Alexey Meresyev. Due to severe wounds during the Great Patriotic War, both legs were amputated. But Meresyev did not lose heart. Thanks to regular training, overcoming pain, Meresyev was not only able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The strength of spirit of this man is truly admirable!

Based on the text by G.Ya.Baklanov

Strength of spirit is one of the important qualities of a person, making him strong not physically, but morally. Thanks to the strength of spirit, a person is able to survive difficult life situations, cope with difficult memories, overcome his fears, believe in a bright future and provide support to others.

Strength of spirit is the core of a person. It is mental strength that allows him to achieve life goals and overcome obstacles, makes us capable of real action.

Let us also remember the story of two sisters, Nyura and Raya, who survived the difficult, terrible days of the siege in Leningrad. Despite the death of their mother, hunger, and cold, the girls did not lose heart, they continued to live, were engaged in creativity and supported the sailors going into battle with their performances. The courage and resilience of these girls is admirable.

Based on the text by Ch. Aitmatov about Avalbek

Fortitude (grit) - high spiritual and mental fortitude. Thanks to her, goals are achieved and peaks are conquered. This is all our internal energy, without which we cannot achieve anything in life.

Strength of spirit is one of the important qualities of a person, making him strong not physically, but morally. Strength of spirit helps to cope with various life difficulties. It manifests itself in perseverance and faith in a better future.

Let us recall another work of art - “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, the main character of which is the pilot Alexei Meresyev. During the Great Patriotic War, his plane was shot down by the Nazis. Fortunately, Meresyev remained alive, but due to frostbite, both legs were amputated. However, despite difficult rehabilitation, he learned to walk on prosthetics, and subsequently took the helm again. This suggests that Meresyev has fortitude.

Examples from life

They achieved success only through willpower.

Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - we have heard these names since childhood. But few people know what trials they had to go through. They achieved success only through willpower.

Bright Sidepresents the stories of people who showed the world that there are no barriers for those who believe in themselves.

Having been deaf since she was one and a half years old, she made her credo the phrase “The only thing I can’t do is hear.” As a child, despite the advice of doctors, her parents sent the girl to a regular school (instead of an institution for the deaf), and with the help special programs she adapted over time. This made her the first and only deaf actress to win an Oscar. Marley often says, "I try to make sure people understand what my parents taught me, that deaf people deserve not only respect, but to be heard."

“I don't need arms and legs. I need life. And never give up!” - this credo helped him become one of the most famous motivational speakers, get an economics education, get married and have two children. Nick Vujicic received willpower from his mother. In an interview, he said that her words set the tone for the rest of his life: “Nicholas,” she said, “you should play with normal children, because you are normal. Yes, you are missing something, but it’s nothing.”

He writes books, sings, surfs and plays golf. He often travels around the world giving lectures to help young people find the meaning of life, realize and develop their abilities and talents.

IN student years Stephen began to show signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The disease progressed, and after a few years he became completely immobile, and after throat surgery he lost the ability to speak. However, this did not stop him from marrying twice, raising three children, and becoming one of the most outstanding scientists of our time by the age of 74.

He is now one of the most influential theoretical physicists today. According to him, he achieved success largely thanks to his illness: “Before, life seemed boring. I'm definitely happier now. The prospect of dying early made me realize that life is worth living. There is so much that can be done, everyone can do so much!”

Frida Kahlo is an outstanding Mexican artist who became famous for her extraordinary paintings. At age 6, she became seriously ill with polio, causing one of her legs to become thinner than the other. At this moment, her iron character began to form. To get rid of the ridicule of her peers, who teased her “Frida is a wooden leg,” the girl took up swimming, dancing, football and boxing.

As a teenager, Frida was involved in a car accident, which left her with severe pain in her spine all her life. After the accident, the girl could not get out of bed for several months. At this time, she constantly painted pictures, most of them self-portraits. Now Frida Kahlo's works are worth millions of dollars.

Ray Charles - legendary American musician, who received 12 Grammy awards. As a child, he began to lose his sight, and by the age of 7 he was completely blind. When Ray was 15 years old, his mother died. The young man could not sleep, eat or speak for many days. He was sure he would go crazy. When he came out of depression, he realized that having survived this tragedy, he could cope with anything.

At the age of 17, the musician began recording his first singles in the styles of soul, jazz and rhythm and blues. Now many people think Ray Charles a legendary man: his works were even included in the US Library of Congress. In 2004, after the musician's death, Rolling Stone magazine included Ray Charles at number 10 on its list of the 100 greatest artists of all time.

At the age of 39, he fell ill with polio. Years of treatment did not help, and the future president remained confined to a wheelchair. After he realized how serious the illness was, no one heard him complain. Gathering his will into a fist, Roosevelt tried unsuccessfully to learn to walk using crutches and heavy orthopedic devices. Despite his illness, he became President of the United States. “The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow can be our doubts today,” said Roosevelt.

At 1.5 years old, after suffering from an illness, Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing. But this did not break her spirit; she managed to realize her dream of becoming a writer: several books and more than 400 articles were published under her name. She became the first deafblind person to receive a bachelor's degree fine arts. In addition, Keller was actively involved in politics: she fought for the rights of women and workers.

Helen Keller achieved success thanks to her strong character and curiosity. She often said: “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door.” At 26, Ludwig began to lose his hearing. But this circumstance did not stop him from composing music. When he almost stopped hearing, he wrote the “Moonlight Sonata”, and being completely deaf, the bagatelle piece “Fur Elise” (the one that sounds from music boxes).

Thanks to his persistent character and talent, he learned to listen to the music within, and after writing the 9th Symphony, he himself conducted a concert. After his triumphant performance, he burst into tears. “There are no barriers for a person with talent and love of work,” Beethoven repeated.

When Einstein was a small child, it was difficult to imagine that he would achieve success in life. Until the age of three, Albert could not speak and suffered from autism and dyslexia. While studying at the gymnasium, he often missed classes, which is why he never received a certificate. To prove to his parents what he was really worth, Einstein prepared himself and entered the Polytechnic in Zurich the second time.

Strength of spirit is courage, kindness, respect, and love, which a person retains within himself, no matter what. This, in my opinion, is human nature as it should be. This topic has been covered quite often in both literature and cinema; in addition, strong-willed people live among us.

Arguments from literature

  1. (49 words) The first work that came to mind, revealing the theme of the power of the human spirit, is “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy. The story of an ordinary person, an ordinary Soviet soldier who was able to overcome not only cold, hunger, inhuman pain, but also himself. Having lost his legs, Meresyev overcame despair and doubt, proving that he was capable of anything.
  2. (38 words) Alexander Tvardovsky in the poem “Vasily Terkin” describes a simple Russian guy, a soldier fighting for his country. Using the example of Tyorkin, the author shows the strength of spirit of the entire Russian people. For example, in the chapter “Crossing” the hero swims across an icy river under fire to carry out an order.
  3. (38 words) “The Young Guard” by A. Fadeev is another work that talks about strength human character, about love for the Motherland, about principles and about unbending will. Despite their young age, the Young Guards did not retreat either from their own fear or from the enemy.
  4. (54 words) A strong-willed person is not always visible at first sight. From his modesty and calmness one may get the feeling that we are facing, rather, a weak personality. The gloomy and silent hero of V. Bykov Sotnikov, in fact, is an example of courage, perseverance, devotion and, of course, strength of character. While undergoing torture, he does not surrender his comrades and does not agree to serve the enemy.
  5. (62 words) Pyotr Grinev, the main character of A. S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter,” can be called a strong-willed person. Grinev found himself in front of difficult choice: on the one hand - service under the leadership of Pugachev, betrayal; on the other hand, death and loyalty to oneself and duty. To preserve his honor, the young man strained all his strength and chose execution over treason. Even having saved his life, he still risked it more than once in order to act according to his conscience.
  6. (44 words) A strong-willed and strong-willed man is the hero of Nikolai Leskov’s work “The Enchanted Wanderer.” The strength of the human spirit here is manifested in the ability to overcome life’s difficulties, not give up, forgive and admit one’s mistakes. Trying to atone for his sins, Flyagin becomes a recruit instead of the son of poor strangers and accomplishes a feat.
  7. (53 words) Compassion is one of the the most important qualities a strong man, according to M. Gorky. Strength of spirit is revealed, according to the writer, not only in firmness of character, but also in love for people, the ability to sacrifice oneself for others, and to bring light. This is the hero of the story “The Old Woman Izergil” - Danko, who led his people out of the deadly thicket at the cost of his life.
  8. (45 words) M. Yu. Lermontov describes a strong-willed person in his work “Mtsyri”. A persistent character helps the prisoner fight the circumstances in which he finds himself, the difficulties that stand in his way, and go towards his dream. The young man escapes from the monastery and gains short-term, but passionately desired freedom.
  9. (46 words) “Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.” This is what E. Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea” is about. External circumstances: age, lack of strength, condemnation - nothing compared to inner strength person. Old man Santiago fought against the elements, despite pain and fatigue. Having lost his prey, he still remained the winner.
  10. (53 words) A. Dumas in the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo shows eternal struggle good and evil, there is in reality a very thin line between them. It would seem that the main character, taking revenge on his offenders, unable to forgive, - negative character, but, having got out of the Chateau d'If, he remains generous and kind, helping those who deserve it - these are the qualities of a person with a strong spirit.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (46 words) There are many examples of strong-willed people in the sports environment. Sport builds character and teaches you to never give up. A striking example may serve as the fate of a Soviet athlete, a champion Olympic Games, Valery Brumel. Having received a serious injury incompatible with sports, he found the strength to return and achieve high results.
    2. (31 words) Hockey player Valery Kharlamov, whose story was shown in N. Lebedev’s film “Legend No. 17,” had a strong character. Going ahead, despite the pain, achieving the goal is the quality of a strong-willed person brought up by sports.
    3. (49 words) Strength of spirit is also manifested in the ability to enjoy life, no matter what. In the film by O. Nakash “1+1. "Untouchable" main characters help each other reveal their best qualities, preferring not to go with the flow, but to overcome obstacles. A disabled person gains fullness of life, and a poor African American gets an incentive to develop and become better.
    4. (56 words) Strong-willed people are among us. This is confirmed by the romantic comedy “Amelie” by J. Jeunet. Main character- a girl with oddities, but with strong character. She strives to help people, starting with her own father, ending with a complete stranger to her, a man who lived in her apartment before her. In this pursuit, she forgets about herself, sacrificing her desires for the happiness of others.
    5. (54 words) In Grigory Chukhrai’s film “The Ballad of a Soldier,” the main character is a young soldier who received leave to see his mother. Despite the goal - to see the person closest to him - Alyosha Skvortsov cannot pass by people in need of help. For example, he helps a disabled war veteran find family happiness. In this desire for active good, true strength of spirit is expressed.
    6. (45 words) An example of fortitude is Admiral Pyotr Stepanovich Nakhimov, who has not lost a single battle in his entire life. A man of exceptional willpower who sacrificed his own health for the sake of his country. Carrying out orders that seemed impossible, he never complained or grumbled about fate, but silently fulfilled his duty.
    7. (30 words) History of M.V. Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist, is known to many. Thanks to his fortitude and loyalty to his ideals, he walked towards his dream on foot from a remote village to become an outstanding world-class scientist.
    8. (51 words) Sometimes nature complicates a person’s life so much that it seems there is no way out at all. Only thanks to the strength of his character, Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs, became known throughout the world. Nick not only gives motivational lectures and writes books, but also leads an active lifestyle: surfing, playing golf and football.
    9. (45 words) JK Rowling is a British writer who gave children all over the world faith in fairy tales and magic. On the path to success, J. Rowling had to face numerous obstacles: no one wanted to publish her novel. However, willpower allowed the woman to follow her dream and make it come true.
    10. (47 words) A person with a strong spirit does not necessarily have to accomplish feats or become famous. My friend is a strong-willed person. She is not afraid of difficulties, believes that they are necessary for character to be formed, tries to help people and animals if she sees that help is needed, does not remember the bad and sees only the good in people.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Only weak people, constantly in need of compensation for their insufficiency, usually weave intrigues, build intrigues, and secretly strike. Great power is always generous.


Human personality is multifaceted, and, of course, limiting people to two categories is difficult and strange, but sometimes such a limitation justifies itself and introduces a motive for some kind of confrontation. IN this text B.M. Bim-Bad invites us to think about the question: “What is the manifestation of a person’s strength and weakness?”

Turning to the topic, the author brings us to the idea of ​​what qualities a strong person has and what qualities a weak one has - and gives the example of a “super strongman”, a person who is strong not only physically, but also morally and spiritually. He never harmed anyone in his entire life, although he had the opportunity to do so. This “hero” impresses B.M. Bim-Badu, because it is precisely such individuals who are capable of selflessly doing good and helping people, using their power with honor and dignity. And in contrast to him, the author cites collective image a person against whom education and culture as such are aimed. Weak people, due to their “narrow-mindedness,” selfishness, cruelty, and “spiritual defectiveness,” will never think of doing noble deeds - but it is on nobility that strength of spirit is based, and vice versa. The author emphasizes that this is why weak people rarely achieve success - to create something, others are needed moral guidelines, it is easier for strong people to stay afloat - “nobility of spirit” helps them in this - “in intelligence and honor.”

B.M. Bim-Bad believes that human weakness is manifested in aggression, in the desire for destruction, and strength is in generosity and nobility.

I completely agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that it is much more difficult to create something good, help people, maintain honor and dignity under any circumstances - this, undoubtedly, is the privilege of strong individuals. Everything else aimed at destruction and negativity is a sign of spiritually inferior people, weak people.

Roman F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” clearly and accurately shows how strength and weakness are reflected in the human condition. Sonya Marmeladova is truly strong - she was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of her family, to take the “yellow ticket” - and even after that the girl retained her nobility of spirit. The heroine was able to sacrifice herself for the sake of others and instill in people strength, faith and hope - it was she who saved Rodion Raskolnikov from complete spiritual death and led him to enlightenment. In contrast to the girl, Svidrigailov is presented: he mocks morality, proudly admits his sins and, in general, is a low, vile, selfish and cynical person. This hero is truly weak: he is incapable of virtue and even rejects it; in Svidrigailov’s interests there is only constant idleness and complacency.

The problem of human strength and weakness is also presented in M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”. Danko is a strong and courageous altruist, whose goal and purpose is selfless, sincere help to people. He killed himself, tearing out a flaming heart from his chest in order to light the way for other people through the entire forest. Unfortunately, the crowd of people themselves mostly consisted of weak, insignificant individuals. Due to their cowardice and spiritual poverty, they were not capable of banal gratitude - at first these people accused Danko of not being able to lead them out of the forest, and later, having got out with his help to freedom, they trampled on the hero’s heart, being afraid of him power and nobility.

Thus, we can conclude that a person’s strength is manifested in the wealth of his soul, and weakness - in his moral poverty. Of course, throughout your life it is important to strive to be strong personality– otherwise life turns into an insignificant existence.