Event sequence in the play The Cherry Orchard. Features of the composition of the play “The Cherry Orchard. literary dramatic education of the Czechs

As Skalozub

Colonel Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub- one of the characters in A. S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”.

It should be noted that he entered the service only in 1809, but at the same time he was not happy that he was “led behind the regiment for two years”; Moreover, he is already aiming to become a general: I have been serving since eight hundred and nine; // Yes, to get ranks, there are many channels; // I judge them as a true philosopher: // I just wish I could become a general. It is important that he received his order not for military merit - on the mentioned day, August 3 (15), there were no military operations, the parties sat down at the negotiating table. In honor of this event, many soldiers were given medals. Phrase Given to him with a bow, around my neck gives reason to assume that Skalozub’s brother received the Order of St. Vladimir IV with a bow, and he himself probably received the Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd degree, or the Order of St. Anna, II degree, “on the neck.”

He is boastful and advances in his career at the expense of his comrades: I am quite happy in my comrades, // Vacancies are just open; // Then the elders will turn off others, // Others, you see, are interrupted. Skalozub is straightforward in a military way, which, however, does not harm him in society. So, for example, when in the third act Princess Tugoukhovskaya complains to him that her nephew Fyodor, who studied at the Pedagogical Institute, officials don't want to know, the colonel with frank joy informs his interlocutors: I will make you happy: the general rumor is // That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums; // There they will only teach in our own way: one, two; // And the books will be saved like this: for big occasions. Famusov is even more intolerant of freethinking: Sergey Sergeich, no! If only evil could be stopped: // Take all the books and burn them .


Skalozub is first mentioned in the first act, where the maid Liza hints to Sophia about him as a profitable match: For example, Colonel Skalozub: // And a golden bag, and aims to become a general. In this respect, in the eyes of Famusov, he compares favorably with Molchalin and Chatsky. And in the second act, Famusov very openly hints at his marriage after Skalozub receives a general ( And judge gloriously, God bless you // And the rank of general; and then // Why put it off further // Start talking about the general’s wife?), to which he straightforwardly responds with consent ( Marry? I don't mind at all) .

In contrast to Famusov, his sister-in-law Khlestova treats Skalozub very coldly and says about him to Sophia: Wow! I definitely got rid of the noose; // After all, your father is crazy: // He was given three fathoms of daring, - // He introduces us without asking, is it pleasant for us, isn’t it?

But Chatsky is also partly jealous of Sophia for Skalozub; so in Act III after talking about Molchalin, he asks her: But Skalozub? here's a treat; // He stands for the army like a mountain, // And with the straightness of his figure, // With his face and voice, a hero..., to which she answers him: Not my novel Then the conversation is interrupted, and Chatsky remains "with its own mystery".

In Act IV, Skalozub accidentally meets his friend Repetilov. He calls him to another spree with Prince Gregory: And we ask with me, now without excuses: // Prince Gregory now has a ton of people, // You’ll see, there are forty of us, // Phew! what a lot of brains there are, brother! // They talk all night, they won’t get bored, // Firstly, they’ll give you enough champagne to drink, // And secondly, they’ll teach you such things, // Which, of course, you and I can’t invent., to which he responds with a sharp refusal: Spare me. You won’t faint me with your learning, // Call others, and if you want, // I will give Prince Gregory and you // A sergeant-major to Voltaire, // He will line you up in three ranks, // And make a sound, and he’ll instantly calm you down.. He clearly condemns this riotous image life, preferring military order. Skalozub uses flattery, servility, and voluptuousness to achieve higher ranks. Believes that it is important to be in right time in the right place.

The image of Skalozub in literature

No less remarkable is the fourth type: the stupid front-line soldier Skalozub, who understood service only in the ability to distinguish uniform differences, but for all that, retained some kind of special philosophical-liberal view of ranks, admitting openly that he considers them as necessary channels to to become a general, and then at least he won’t be able to grow grass; He doesn’t care about all other worries, and the circumstances of the time and century are not a puzzling science for him: he is sincerely confident that the whole world can be calmed down by giving him a sergeant major as Voltaire.

Napoleon married his soldiers in the same way that our landowners marry courtyard people - without really caring about love and inclinations. He wanted to bring the gunpowder nobility closer to the old nobility through marriages; he wanted to fool his Skalozubs with their wives. Accustomed to blind obedience, they married unquestioningly, but soon abandoned their wives, finding them too prim for barracks and bivouac parties.

Herzen wrote in Past and Thoughts that the English Club is least of all English. In it, the Sobakevichs shout against liberation and the Nozdryovs make noise for the natural and inalienable rights of the nobles...


  • Bogolyubov, Nikolai Ivanovich
  • Varlamov, Konstantin Alexandrovich - Alexandrinsky Theater, 1885
  • S. A. Golovin - Maly Theater, 1915
  • Grigoriev, Pyotr Ivanovich (the very first performer) - Alexandrinsky Theater, January 26, 1831
  • Kiselevsky, Ivan Platonovich - Korsh Theater, 1886
  • Ershov, Vladimir Lvovich - Moscow Art Theater, 1925
  • Leonidov, Leonid Mironovich - Moscow Art Theater, 1906
  • Malyutin, Yakov Osipovich - Alexandrinsky Theater, 1921
  • Michurin, Gennady Mikhailovich - Alexandrinsky Theater, 1947
  • Nemchinov, Ivan Ivanovich - Maly Theater
  • Rybakov, Konstantin Nikolaevich - Maly Theater, 1887
  • Sagal, Daniil Lvovich - Meyerhold Theater (GosTIM), 1928
  • Chekaevsky. Alexander - Alexandrinsky Theater, 1941


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