Courage in the story of the captain's daughter. Arguments: “Courage and cowardice” in the story “The Captain's Daughter. “Courage and cowardice as an indicator of a person’s inner strength”

Cowardice is nothing more than human weakness, which manifests itself in a person’s inability to overcome his fear of danger, in the lack of determination, which is so necessary for making important decisions. This quality is characteristic of each of us, but it manifests itself in each of us in its own way. After all, cowardice, first of all, stems from such an inherent quality in all of us as self-love. A person cannot help but experience fear, but he can overcome it, control it - this is called courage. It, in turn, manifests itself in a person’s courage and fortitude, in the ability to take responsibility and make difficult decisions in different life situations.

In Russian fiction There are many heroes who possess these qualities. A striking example That's why - the work of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter».

Main character works, Pyotr Grinev, an honest, straightforward and sincere person, for whom honor and loyalty are above all. He has many noble and truly brave, selfless deeds to his name, which characterize him as a brave and strong in spirit. So he considered it his duty to intercede for his beloved Maria Ivanovna and accepted the challenge to a duel from Shvabrin. Defending the honor of his beloved girl, he was not afraid to risk his own life. Shvabrin acted basely: he wounded Grinev when he turned away. Shvabrin's fear and cowardice forced him to strike on the sly, in the enemy's back, when he posed no threat. But also greater feeling fear took possession of him when Pugachev captured the Belgorod fortress. Shvabrin, fearing for own life, goes over to Pugachev’s side. The hero's cowardice and cowardice pushed him to such a low and dishonest act like betrayal. Pyotr Grinev acted completely differently. He preferred death to the slightest deviation from the dictates of duty and honor, refused the oath to Pugachev and was ready to bravely accept his death. After such a brave act of the hero, there is no doubt that Pyotr Grinev is a brave and courageous man who is not afraid to face danger. Another confirmation of this is leaving Orenburg. Exposing himself to great danger, he leaves the fortified city and goes to save his beloved girl. Such a low and cowardly person as Shvabrin would never have decided on such a brave and selfless act.

Summarizing the above, we can come to the conclusion that it is courage that frees a person from the oppressive feeling of fear and fills his soul with courage and courage, giving strength for the most rejected actions. Cowardice destroys all fortitude in a person and can push him to the most vile and base acts.

Updated: 2017-12-08

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Take care of your honor from a young age...

A. S. Pushkin

One of my favorite Russian works classical literature- story by A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. The writing of the story was preceded by many years of work by the author, who studied the history of the popular uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev, listened to the songs and stories of his contemporaries. It turned out great work of art, whose main character is Pyotr Andreevich Grinev.

At the beginning of the story, this is an undergrowth, chasing pigeons with the yard boys, living carefree in the family of a landowner. Petrushenka was spoiled, he did not study science seriously, but he dreamed of serving in St. Petersburg. Contrary to his wishes, the father sends the young man not to the city on the Neva, but to the distant Orenburg province. The father, who faithfully served the Fatherland, wanted to see his son as a real man, and not a waster of life. Before leaving, Pyotr Grinev hears parting words from his parent to “preserve honor from a young age.”

Further events described by A.S. Pushkin are serious life trials that shape the hero’s personality. He shows nobility and gratitude at the inn, generously rewarding the guide for salvation in the stormy steppe. Honor and dignity do not allow Pyotr Andreevich not to pay for his loss with Zurin. In the Belogorsk fortress, having met the family of Captain Mironov, Pyotr Andreevich became a welcome guest in the commandant’s house, showing intelligence, respect and correctness. Having fallen in love with Masha Mironova, the young man goes to a duel with Shvarin, who has discredited the name of his beloved. In a peaceful, distant fortress we see how the hero changes, how he shows his best human qualities and earns our respect.

The peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev dramatically changed the lives of all participants in the events and put the young officer in front of moral choice. When I read the episodes of the story describing the behavior of the garrison after the fall of the Belogorsk fortress, I sincerely admired Grinev’s courage and his decision not to swear allegiance to the impostor. He knew perfectly well that the gallows awaited him. But he could not betray the empress and intended to remain faithful to his military duty to the end. A hare's sheepskin coat, given to the guide at the inn, saved the life of the young officer. Pugachev did not execute him because he found out.

And from this moment the special relationship between Pugachev and Grinev begins. I think that moral qualities hero: courage, loyalty to military duty, decency, honesty - allowed him to win respect in the eyes of Emelyan Pugachev himself. A runaway Cossack and a Russian officer, of course, could not become friends, but good relations arose between them. Pugachev, at the request of Pyotr Andreevich, saves Masha from Shvabrin and sets her free. The hero is grateful to him for this, but refuses to swear allegiance. I am sure it was the officer’s honesty, uncompromisingness, and sincerity that bribed the impostor.

Having passed all the tests, risking his life, Pyotr Grinev did not sully his honor like Alexei Shvabrin. For this I deeply respect him. He followed his father's instructions and became a real Russian officer. In the story, A.S. Pushkin showed us how the personality of a young officer was formed, how his character was tempered, and his outlook on life changed. Grinev, making mistakes, gained invaluable experience, which allowed him to become brave and courageous, capable of defending both his homeland and his beloved. The author is proud of his hero and rewards him with personal happiness with Masha Mironova. What seems interesting to me is the fact that the narration of events comes from the perspective of the aged Pyotr Andreevich, leaving notes for his descendants. The notes contain a thought expressed decades ago by his father: “Take care of your honor from a young age!”

I consider A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” to be one of the works that is important and necessary for modern youth. We can find answers to many life questions in it. And the most important thing is to remember that honor must be protected from a young age!

The novel “The Captain's Daughter” (you should not read it in abbreviation if you want to feel the feelings of the characters) will tell the reader about the events described in the memoirs of the nobleman P. A. Grinev, a man fifty years old. The work tells the story of the uprising caused by the rebel Pugachev, in which Pyotr Andreevich, being a seventeen-year-old officer, unwittingly took part.

In an ironic form, A. S. Pushkin presents Grinev’s childhood memories to the reader. “The Captain's Daughter” tells the story of a young nobleman who chased pigeons and played leapfrog with local boys. Grinev recalls that when he was still in his mother’s womb, he was already registered as a sergeant in Savelich, who looked after Petrusha as a child, and was given the honor of being the boy’s uncle for his sober lifestyle.

The novel (given in the article) brief retelling) “The Captain's Daughter” tells the story that when Grinev was seventeen years old, his father decided to send his son to serve, but not in St. Petersburg, but in the regular army in Orenburg. Young Peter's dreams of a cheerful and brilliant life in the capital city are crumbling, they are replaced by the expectation of boredom in a distant and remote side.

When Grinev and Savelich approach Orenburg, a snowstorm overtakes them. The wagon wanders in a snowstorm, having lost its way. A. S. Pushkin continues his novel with the miraculous salvation of the characters. “The Captain's Daughter” tells the story of a man the travelers meet by chance, who leads them to the village. The guide is dressed very lightly, and Grinev presents him with his sheepskin coat and wine as a token of gratitude for his salvation.

From Orenburg Peter was sent to serve in the Belgorod fortress, which turns out to be a simple village. It has neither a brave garrison nor formidable artillery, but only disabled people and an old cannon.

Next, the novel “The Captain's Daughter” introduces the reader to the commandant of the fortress, Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, his wife Vasilisa Egorovna and their daughter Masha. Grinev gradually becomes “native” to them and becomes attached to a kind and honest family.

Lieutenant Shvabrin becomes close to Peter due to his education, age and occupation. But soon a conflict occurs between them, based on a common sympathy for Masha Mironova, which ends in a duel. Reading the novel “The Captain's Daughter” in abbreviation, we learn about Grinev’s injury in this battle. Masha takes care of him, and the young people confess their sympathy for each other.

Did A.S. Pushkin allow lovers to be together? The captain's daughter is without a dowry, and Grinev's father forbids them to marry. Peter becomes despondent and retires. A good emotional shock for him is the unexpected attack on the fortress of the rebels led by the rebel Pugachev Emelyan.

The fortress has fallen, the prisoners are being taken to swear an oath to the leader of the gang, Grinev is among them. The commandant and his wife are killed, Peter Pugachev pardoned. It turns out that the rebel is the tramp to whom Grinev granted the sheepskin coat.

The gang chieftain talks with Peter and, amazed by his sincerity, releases the officer. Grinev rushes to Orenburg to ask for help, since Masha remains in the fortress. What frightens Peter most of all is that his enemy Shvabrin has been appointed commandant. He wastes no time forcing the girl to marry him.

Grinev is refused help, and he follows to the fortress himself. Returning to the rebels, Peter meets with Pugachev and explains the reason for his trip. The rebel decides to punish Shvabrin and rescue Masha.

What ending did A.S. Pushkin prepare for the reader? The captain's daughter is released and goes to Grinev's parents as his bride. The groom himself, remaining in the army, fights with the rebels. Shvabrin accuses him of being a spy. Peter is arrested, he faces exile to eternal settlement in Siberia.

Masha saves her lover from shame by asking the queen herself for mercy for Grinev. The Empress listened to the girl and pardoned Peter.

  1. The place of heroism in a person’s life.
  2. Heroes of Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter".
  3. Moral values ​​of heroes.

When the conversation turns to true courage, one can remember not the scenes of battles, but the feat individual person. The feat can be accomplished not only during a massive battle. No less significant is the feat when a person strives to save a close and beloved being at any cost. After all, love is lasting value humanity. And to deny this would be a crime.

In Russian literature of past centuries one can find many examples of this. I would like to dedicate this work to A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”. The story allows us to get to know the past better by seeing it through the eyes of a great poet; realize serious problems relating to duty, honor, and feat.

After Pugachev’s soldiers took the Belogorsk fortress, they carried out their judgment. We see how escaped convicts spread cruelty around: innocent people die, robberies are committed. The commandant of the fortress Mironov ends up on the gallows. Almost immediately, the rebels kill his wife, the completely innocent Vasilisa Yegorovna. Scenes of murders and executions are shown by Pushkin in all their frightening frankness. It is no coincidence that Grinev later remembers the terrible gallows and victims for a long time.

The courage of Ivan Kuzmich Mironov and his faithful wife Vasilisa Egorovna seems to be imperceptible. Indeed, what else could the commandant of the fortress and his wife do but be completely faithful to the empress? But true meaning The story is not at all about showing the weakness and defenselessness of a person who is a toy in the hands of fate. In fact, Pushkin speaks about the greatness of man, about his readiness for heroism.
In the story “Katsitanskaya Daughter,” the commandant of the fortress defends his ideals to the end. Peter Grinev is faithful to the empress to the end. No matter how fate treats him, he does not lose his officer’s honor. The same cannot be said about Shvabrin, who quickly found himself on the side of the rebels.

The Empress, whom we meet at the end of the story, turns out to be very merciful. She helps Masha and frees her fiancé Pyotr Grinev. The Empress says: “... I am indebted to the daughter of Captain Mironov.” Here again it is emphasized that Captain Mironov, who died in an unequal battle with the rebels, was not forgotten. It would seem that how could the empress remember all those who died during Pugachev’s uprising. But it turns out that no. And this makes a lot of sense. After all, issues of honor, true nobility, courage, readiness for heroism were very important. And the fact that the Empress remembers Captain Mironov only shows the relevance of this topic.

The problem of honor, courage, and readiness for heroism in the story “The Captain's Daughter” is not limited to loyalty to the military oath. Everyone can take courage. Isn’t the fragile Masha Mironova courageous, who decides to turn directly to the Empress for help? Everyone in the story solves the problem of courage in different ways. For old man Grinev, honor and courage are to be faithful to the empress until the end of his life, to defend his ideals. For young Pyotr Grinev, courage is not only loyalty to the oath, it is the desire to protect loved one. Peter saves Masha, despite the fact that this act could cost him his life.

The main characters of the story “The Captain's Daughter” Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev demonstrate their courage, which for them is inextricably linked with love. They cannot leave their loved one in trouble; nothing can stop them. Their willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved one is a feat no less important and significant than a feat in battle.

It is noteworthy that neither Pyotr Grinev nor Masha Mironova seem to realize all the dangers to which they are exposed. However, this is completely justified. IN extreme conditions each person shows the strength of his character, or tries to hide, succumbs to the base instinct of self-preservation. Of course, the instinct of self-preservation has nothing to do with the sublime concept of courage, honor, and duty.

Reading his works,

Can be done in an excellent way

Raise the human being within you.

V. G. Belinsky

In any literary work, one way or another, in one form or another are put eternal questions– What is considered a moral norm? Where is the line separating morality from immorality? Are they different at all? And in almost any work, as a rule, we are talking about moral ideals.

I believe that honor ranks first among moral symbols. You can survive the collapse of the economy, even endure parting with your dearest people and with your homeland, but not a single people on earth will ever come to terms with the decay of morality. IN human society always treated dishonest people with contempt.

The loss of honor is a decline in moral principles, followed by inevitable punishment: entire states disappear from the map of the earth, peoples disappear into the black hole of history, and individuals die.

Russian writers have always addressed the problem of honor in their works. Today, in our difficult times, it sounds especially poignant.

The concept of honor is brought up in a person from childhood. The example of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” clearly shows how this happens in life and what results it leads to. The main character of the story, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, was brought up in an environment of high morality from childhood. On the first pages of the story, Pushkin, through the mouth of Savelich, introduces readers to the moral principles of the Grinev family: “It seems that neither the father nor the grandfather were drunkards; there’s nothing to say about mother...” With these words the old servant brings up his ward Pyotr Grinev, who got drunk for the first time and behaved unsightly. And before leaving for service, Grinev receives a behest from his father: “Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.” This folk proverb is also an epigraph to the work. All further history Grineva represents the fulfillment, despite all the difficulties and mistakes, of this father's covenant. But honor is a broadly understood term. If for Grinev the father, honor is, first of all, the honor of a nobleman and an officer, then Grinev the son, without abandoning this understanding, was able to expand the concept of honor to its human and civil meaning.

He seemed to combine the kind, loving heart of his mother with honesty, directness, courage - qualities that are inherent in his father.

The first time Grinev acted honorably, returning the gambling debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to evade payment. But nobility prevailed.

A man of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and selfless in his interactions with others. These qualities were manifested in a generous gift to a “little man” unknown to him, who showed the way during a snowstorm and who later played a decisive role in all his life. future fate. And how, risking everything, he rushed to the rescue of the captured Savelich.

Tests awaited Grinev in the fortress where he served. By his behavior here, Pyotr Andreevich proved his loyalty to his father’s behests, and did not betray what he considered his duty and his honor. Shvabrin interferes with Grinev’s love for Masha Mironova and weaves intrigues. In the end it comes down to a duel. The complete opposite of the honest and straightforward Grinev is his rival Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin. He is a selfish and ungrateful person. For the sake of his personal goals, Shvabrin is ready to commit any dishonorable act. He slanderes Masha Mironova and casts a shadow on her mother. He inflicts a treacherous blow on Grinev in a duel and, in addition, writes a false denunciation of him to Grinev’s father. Shvabrin goes over to Pugachev’s side not out of ideological convictions: he expects to save his life, hopes to make a career with him if Pugachev succeeds, and most importantly, he wants, having dealt with his rival, to forcefully marry a girl who does not love him.

Honesty and decency occupy a special place in the characteristics of the heroes. It’s amazing how honest Masha and Grinev are with each other. Between them it is natural to understand, save, and feel sorry for each other. Mutual devotion helps them overcome life's difficulties and find happiness.

During the riot, the moral qualities of some heroes and the baseness of others were especially clearly demonstrated. For example, Captain Mironov and his wife chose to die rather than surrender to the mercy of the rebels. Grinev did the same, not wanting to swear allegiance to Pugachev, but was pardoned. It seems to me that the author made it clear to the reader that Pugachev showed generosity towards the young officer not only out of a feeling of gratitude for the old favor. He equally, it seemed to me, appreciated Grinev as a man of honor. The leader of the uprising himself was not alien to the concepts of honor. In addition, thanks to him, Grinev and Masha found each other forever.

Shvabrin, too, turned out to be powerless in implementing his selfish plans, since Pugachev not only did not support him, but also clearly made it clear that he was dishonest and therefore not a competitor to Grinev.

The ending of the story is also interesting: Grinev is arrested following a denunciation for his connection with the rebel chieftain. He faces the death penalty, but Grinev decides, for reasons of honor, not to name his beloved. If he had told the whole truth about Masha, he would probably have been acquitted. And at the very last moment, justice triumphed: Masha asks the lady, who turns out to be the empress, to pardon Grinev. And the fate of Masha’s beloved was decided for the better.

Grinev remained a man of honor to the end. He was present at the execution of Pugachev, to whom he owed his happiness. Pugachev recognized him and nodded his head from the scaffold.

Unfortunately, now there are very few people like Pyotr Grinev, honest, kind and selfless. Modern society has almost lost these qualities. And I really want the proverb “take care of your honor from a young age” to have the meaning of a life talisman for everyone, helping to overcome harsh life obstacles.