Glossary of MMORPG terms - jade dynasty game forum. Glossary of MMORPG terms - game forum jade dynasty What does gvg mean

This guide is intended for those who have heard that GvG is cool. However, he himself has never been to the GvG and does not really know how they go. There are enough such people (at the time of the heyday of R.A.G.E, I had to constantly explain before each GvG to someone who had never been to a GvG and did not know what to do there).

So. GvG – Guild vs Guild. Guild versus guild. It all starts with the fact that someone from the council or administration goes to the clerk in the General Staff and finds out if there is free time for the NEXT day for the General Staff. If there is such a time, then this someone challenges another guild, and the rest vote “for” or “against”. When enough people vote, 5k platinum is withdrawn from the guild account. After this, the opposing guild receives a proposal for GvG, which they have the right to reject or accept. If they accept it, then 5k platinum will also be withdrawn from their account.

In 10 minutes you receive an offer whether you will take part in the GvG or not. If you click “yes”, then when the time comes you will be automatically transferred to the GvG territory from any place where you will be at that moment. GvG territory - in the GSH everyone saw a field with markings behind the right bridge. This is it. All participants are transferred there to their gates. Each guild is a blue or red team (a flag of the appropriate color will appear above their head). The goal of the GvG is to find and score the ball into the enemy’s goal and prevent the enemy from committing the same violence against your goal. In the center of the field there are 3 small volcanoes with rings. The ball appears randomly in any of these volcanoes. The ball volcano is distinguished by a pale pink column of light extending into the sky. The player must go to the volcano, take the ball (with a space bar) and put it into the opponent's goal (also with a space bar). You cannot pick up the ball while in Mau. After the player takes the ball, a pale pink aura appears above him, he receives + to defense and - to speed, all buffs are removed from him, it is impossible to apply a debuff to him, it is impossible to fly on anti-gravity, he cannot drink bottles. At this moment, the players of the enemy team are trying to kill him, so it is necessary, if possible, to prevent them from doing this.

SHG lasts 30 minutes. If you are killed during GvG, the CPU will not be removed. The winning team receives 10k platinum to their account, and each of its players receives 2k CPU and 1 medal for GvG. Players of the losing team receive 100CP and 1 medal. If the score is equal, everyone receives 500 cp, and the platinum is returned to the guilds’ account. 7 medals are exchanged with the hero for a gift, which can contain anything (gear, stones, ore, weapons...). Many people dream that an antigraph will fall out of there, however, the chance of this happening is extremely low. Usually it drops +4 ore or some other crap (I dropped a 30-70% experience recovery capsule).

There are GvG rules that are usually followed by everyone: GvGs are held without Mau, the winning team returns the platinum to the losing team.

So, I hope this article has answered most of the questions about GvH. Now it will be enough to read it, and not pester others with numerous questions)))))

GvG - comes from the English GvG, which stands for Guild vs Guild, that is, guild against guild. What is GvG? This is a confrontation between guilds, which is expressed in the battles of their participants on the battlefield.

Guild wars are intended to clarify forces and defend interests. The battle takes place after a declaration of war in a designated location, where only members of the participating clans are present. In this case, a division occurs into two teams, each of which is assigned its own color, for example, blue and red. The ultimate goal of this could be to capture control points or flags, destroy the enemy base, or destroy all players.

Nuances you need to know

During such events, team tactics come to the fore, not the strength of your character. Regardless of the level of the hero, there will always be someone who can defeat you. Therefore, during such events, you need to follow the tactics and instructions of the coordinators who lead the troops and monitor the situation on the battlefield. At the same time, tactics depend on the type of battle, which is determined before the start of GvG.

Control points and flags are strategic objects that need to be captured. You can capture them by placing your flag or by staying in the marked place for several minutes. In any case, you will see a bar that shows the time until the capture of the control point is completed. Its color will change from neutral to blue or red, depending on your team's color. Those who have either more captured checkpoints at the end of the battle, or points awarded based on the results of occupied checkpoints, win.

If the main task is to capture the enemy’s base, then, depending on your class, you need to either defend your base or attack the enemy’s. In this case, you need to listen to the coordinators and go where you are most needed. The team that holds its base and captures the enemy's will win.

The most active form of confrontation in GvG is called "destroying all enemies." In this case, you need to destroy as many enemies from the enemy guild as possible while playing as a team. Here team tactics come to the fore, when each participant must act like clockwork, support their allies in battle and follow the instructions of the coordinators. Many players consider this mode the most interesting and “driving”, preferring it to all others.

If you manage to win such an event, then for your victory the community you are a member of (including you) will receive bonuses in the form of territories or enhancements that are valid for some time. GvG is an indicator of the strength of a guild, determining its place in the top of the most powerful communities.

GvG in the game is eagerly awaited by all guild members. The event provides an opportunity to prove yourself in battle with a large number of players and test the coherence of your allies in a global confrontation.


"GvG will start tomorrow at 12 o'clock"

“I haven’t been in the guild for long, I’ll be able to participate in GvG only in 10 days.”

“To win GvG tomorrow, we need good online”

General information

When you enter the TV, your chi is reset to zero, but the buffs remain.

There are only 80 people on TV.

You can enter the TV after the message “Your clan can start a battle...” appears. Select the “Enter the battlefield” option from the teleporter and click on terra.

TV lasts 3 hours exactly.

There are 2 types of TV. TV against mobs and TV against players.

There are 3 types of territories:

Level 3: There are 200 mobs to capture, 199 normal ones and the 200th RB (or 201, I don’t remember)). Income 10kk per week. A guild member can use a free teleport to his terra once an hour (if the teleport is open). To do this, you need to open the map, go into battle mode and select your terra. On the terrain you can craft grass from the ruler, buy lvl 80 cans, sharpen with an increased chance, and buy fireworks.

Level 2: GO, GM, GP, PM. I wasn’t at the capture, so I won’t tell you, but there are 5 RB, each with COMPLETE immunity against 4 of the 5 elements (i.e., it fights only with water, or earth, or wood, fire, metal). On this territory you can buy 90's cans.

Level 1: GD and GI. Capture is different from lvl 2 lock, I don’t even know what exactly. You can craft 90-grade pills from the ruler, which are very useful in battle, but more on that below.

Well, accordingly, when capturing a terra from another clan, the terras give 4, 6 or 8 catapults (for attacks on 3, 2 and 1 lvl terres, respectively), but the crystal’s HP is also higher.

To attack a lvl 2 terra, you must have 2 lvl 3 terras, and one must necessarily border on a lvl 2 terra. To attack a lvl 1 terra, you must have 2 lvl 3 terras and 1 lvl 2 terra.

You cannot have 2 tier FIRST lvl. Or GI or GD.

Training in battle

But theory is theory, it can also be found on bourgeois sites, important point TV - preparation for it.

Secondly, you need to divide into groups.

Thirdly, you need to get dressed and prepare the chemistry.

You already understand the first point, let's talk about gathering a party and chemistry.

Each TV commander collects a party as is customary in his guild, but I’ll tell you how we see it in our guilds Faith and Insane.

Groups of cathodes + priests are made. These are the main TV parties, so the priests and catovods are the best in their class and the best dressed.

Stan groups. Those. warriors and tigers who will stop the passages, massive crowds of noobs from the enemy and sometimes nimble tanks.

DD group. They are divided into 2 types. Bows and magicians/foxes. The first are usually on the attack, the second - on the defensive.

Def is a separate unit of TV, it must have its own commander and its own channel in the ventra (if you don’t have a ventra or TS, then you will capture territories using your own raised chips, but not at the office).

Buffs and reconnaissance. This is the second most important party on TV after catwalks. If you have a deaf-blind-mute idiot in your intelligence service, consider that you have already lost TV, at least to an imaginary smart and equal enemy. The same applies to buffs, 2 buffers on the respawn for those who have died and are eager to fight are required. Here's a note right away: after dying on TV, all buffs disappear and you can't do anything for 30 seconds except using chemistry, calling pets and moving. Those. Even priests need to be buffed on respawn.

Each class and group will be discussed further below while I give the structure.

Territory plan

We take into account only GvG TV, when they beat not cute mobs, but the impudent faces of the enemy.

The territory of the war is always the same, does not depend on the position of the attacked terrain, there are no mobs, shops, leftist noobs and access to space.

The TV map looks like this.

Since I was too lazy to screenshot it or look it up on the Internet, I took it with additional drawings from the Eternal guild, who thought they could defeat us by finishing a couple of key points on the roads. If we find a proofreader, then perhaps he will muddy up the normal picture of the TV plan and everything will be just fine, but for now be content with this disgrace.

The task on TV with the enemy is as simple as 5 kopecks in Chinese yen.

You need to either hold out for 3 hours in defense or break the enemy's crystal.

I advise you to hit crystals and other structures (except pillars) only with catapults, otherwise you will end up in the plot of “noobs are filmed by a hidden camera” of some humorous program. Let us remember, people beat people, animals, and punches in the chest, and catwalkers with katas hit buildings.

The buildings are shown at points 1,2,3..10 and there are also several towers inside the castle around the chip. There are 3 types of towers. 1st - fast shooters, 2 such towers drain 90+ warriors like a kitten, 2nd - stun tower, 3rd - AoE.

To build a tower you need to go up and “take the quest”, then the tower is built in 30 seconds. Moreover, the def of the tower during construction is 0 and even people can hit it, this is a rare exception.

To take a cata (a bomb cart) driven by tigers (any class can, but I recommend a tiger) you need a catapult control scroll. Purchased on the territory itself (from the territory administrator). After purchasing a scroll (I recommend 10-20 pieces at once, they cost 20k each), you need to highlight the cata in the sight and use the scroll.

When you received the katu - in the right top corner A green rectangle will appear. You are fast and agile, you want to jump to the enemy and stab him in the back, but the kata were built by drunken Estonian carpenters and she moves a little faster than a tiger on 2 legs. So if you run far away from it or fly away, the rectangle will turn yellow, then turn red, and eventually the kata will turn on the emo mode and give you a turn-turn. At the same time, her health will begin to noticeably decrease. You need to tell your GM “man, I’m an idiot and fucked up the kata” and run to put her on time.

Kata with a living driver (even if the driver is shit on the occasion of Hanukkah) is absolutely invulnerable. You only need to hit her with aoes.

On the territory at the indicated points on roads A, B and C there are posts that you can tie to. We approach and take the quest. Now, after respawning at your base and receiving buffs, jump to the right into the yellow circle and appear at the column. After the teleport, you need to bind again, this is if the enemy has slacked and still has not demolished the posts.

The pillars are vulnerable to attack by humans, plus it's easy to get chi on them. But the kata blows them away faster than ever.

If the katovod intercepted the kata of a knocked out comrade (enemy katas are stolen by anyone, otherwise they would have hidden them), then her HP will regenerate. The chip and towers also have regen. I won’t say how long, but in an hour the crystal will definitely regenerate to 100%, and in 30 minutes the tower will replenish its HP. Therefore, it is better to hit all the buildings one by one and all together (I’m talking about cathodes)

More statistics: 4 kats demolish a tower in a minute, and a crystal in 2 (approximately). A player on a panther reaches the enemy along the central road in about twenty minutes, and a catwalker with a kata in 2.

Stantowers fire once every 5 seconds at 3 players (enemies only). Therefore, the warriors run forward and give way to the catwalkers. Unless, of course, the TV commander had a desire to repeat Gerostat’s experiment and destroy these same towers.

Chemistry on TV

If you want not just to be on TV, but to win, then you simply need to use the gifts of nature and the Chui Valley. Pills on TV are the basis of victory; a “turtle” caught in time will give an extra 8 seconds of immunity to the cathode under the tower. In fact, taking into account the damage, it will take 12-15 seconds, and the turret is drained with one cathode in just 4 minutes (240 seconds). Or maybe in these fifteen seconds your attack will wake up and destroy the enemy in your area.

It is better to collect grass with the whole clan, it is better to craft pills within the party and everyone for themselves. I will list those tablets that are effective to use, full list The pharmacist has it.

Tablets for 0.5,1,1.5,2 chi are a must have, even the rest is not so important.

Spring Tea (30+) (50 Rage)

Elderberry (15)
Nectar (10)

Gold with jade (60+) (100 rage)

Green plum (15)

Heavenly Tea (75+) (150 Rage)

Jasmine Orange (25)
Tulip (20)

Silver Pekoe (90+) (Gives 200 rage. Crafted only in GI or GD)

Beetle of Nine Flavors (25)
Jasmine Orange (20)

Mdef and fdef, as well as damage cutters, are useful both when there is no fish and when your backpack is full of chemistry.

Stone Powder (60+) (Significantly reduces physical damage for 20 sec)

Show U(15)
Tree butterfly (20)

Syrup of the Four Emperors (60+) (Significantly reduces magic damage for 20 sec)

Heady Dew of Immortality (20)
Eagle Tree (15)

Protective syrup of starlight (75+) (reduces physical and magical damage for 20 sec)

White plum (25)
Stick insect (20)

Stone Turtle Tablet (75+) (reduces damage by 50%, lasts 16 sec)

Beetle of Nine Flavors (25)
Red plum (20)

I have no idea how “significantly” differs from “50%”, so test it yourself.

There is also armor powder for lvl 45, but it sucks compared to those listed above.

Damage absorption - lukari and priests will be saved by such a tablet more than once per TV. Absorbing 3k damage is a must-have
Guardian Spirit Protective Syrup(60+) (Absorbs 3000 damage)

Red plum (20)
Belena (15)

There is also the Protective Syrup of the Holy Beast, for 2k damage, but of course the first one is better. Essentially, for 30 seconds you have, in theory, some kind of buffer for 3k damage.

Invulnerability - immunity to all damage

Snake Turtle Pill (45+) (8 seconds of immunity, but cannot move or hit)

Snake grass (20)
Burdock (15)

Steel body pill (90+) (Crafted in GI and GD from the city ruler, you must have GI or GD. 6 seconds of immunity, but there is no ban on movement and skills)

Gambler's Herb (25)
Essence of Enlightenment (20)

The first are suitable for tanks under towers, the second for all characters, but require lvl 90.

Antistan - under such tablets, the first catwalk will easily guide the train past the enemy and the towers. Unless, of course, it is drained by damage.

Secret Medicine (60+) (Antistan/slip/slow for 12 sec)

Tiger Ear Herb (20)
Bezoar (15)

Medicine without extremes (75+) (Astistan, etc. for 20 sec)

Essence of Enlightenment (25)
Tulip (20)

All tablets have one common cooldown of 2 minutes. It won’t be possible to devour everything at once, so the chi is eaten at the respawn, and damage absorption is only at the moment of the ass itself.

In addition to earthly chemistry, there is also chemistry on the terra itself, which is sold during TV from the terra administrator. It's called a detoxifier. The rollback does not depend on the rollback of the main chemistry, which is definitely a plus.

Detoxifier pills
- Nine detoxifier pills

One detoxifier gives a 50% reduction in the dots on you for 30 seconds, and the second instantly removes all dots. Helps a lot against phoenixes. Cooldown 1 minute.

I’ll also classify attack signs as chemistry; they are created from stones obtained by scrapping clothes (preferably 2-star ones)
- for physics
- on the m.attack
- -33% elemental damage
- -33% damage from physics

“Nipples” for attack must be inserted into the cell above the gun (keychain), for defense - must be used before each blow to you (gimor)

Grade 5 grass grows only on terra 89+, so 75+ chemistry can only be collected by having people with light or dark side(without a side he won’t let you in).

How to behave in battle

1) Select the character under the bird - via ALT

2) Everyone should carry decorative birds with them. They really make it difficult to single you out.

3) Those who beat with physics beat those who are dressed in a robe. Those who use magic are militia and light fighters.

4) Everyone use ventril.

5) Place the “Attack Assistance” button on the panel. If this is the “1” button, and the assist is controlled by the PartyLeader, then the combination Shift+1, and then 1 will highlight the PL, and then take the assist on it. An assist is the most important thing on TV.

6) Don't die for as long as possible. Fly to the side if they hit you, drag the enemy along with you.

7) If there is a command to hit a tank with a kata, we demolish everything at his command. Everything except tanks and bowmen. Tanks and lukari are hitting the priests in the area so that they don’t get healed. Warriors will stun all damage dealers in the area. If a terrible heal assist went to the tank. We listen to the command in the ventrue - we immediately begin to beat the other, while the tanks and lukari demolish the priests. Tank demolition begins with fox removal of buffs and wounds. Foxes don't sleep.

8) Buildings and roller coasters with a driver are invulnerable. Buildings are hit by catapults. People beat people.

9) ACTIVELY use walls and air.

10) We move in groups. Don't run away. In one group you are as survivable as possible. You grab the enemy's assist - to the side. A group of you takes out the enemy.

11) Always anchor to posts. If we are on the attack, go to the distant ones. If we defy ourselves, we go to our neighbors. Katas without a specific task, take out the columns.

12) Light up AoE when you need it or when you can’t single out a tank in a kata, ask for a healer in the party if you light it. Take down the AOE players FIRST. Even before the priests. It's not necessary to kill. The main thing is to remove the AoE. This is best done by camp.

13) If you can’t kill a running tank, slow down, throw a slip, remove buffs, stand.

14) Use a barrier of feathers, spikes, tablets at critical moments. For example, if your ejector is standing under the tower/chip.

15) Tanks with katas, try to stand so that your figures climb into each other. So it's hard to single you out. And if there’s also an ottoman flying above you, it’s generally unrealistic for honest players. Use the tablets and hit the crystal/tower/enemies with regular blows, use the “presence of a tiger” once every 15 seconds. Also try to use the rage gain buff. Accumulate 2 chi - immediately a veil of darkness.

Let’s also add here the rule of having a pack of portals to the city with you and, when akhtung in def, port, and not run on foot.

What does the TV itself look like?

We accept the fight! (c) m/f Mowgli
And now, actually, about the TV itself, dessert, so to speak.

If some smart guy tells you that the zerg decides on TV, spit in his face, this bastard is 90% right. If you do not have the opportunity to defeat the crowd of the enemy, which is rushing at full speed along the central road so that not even half reaches the crystal, then there is nothing you can do, you will literally be crushed. Go swing and lift online.

If the difference in power is not so great, then battle tactics will have to be taken into account.

We figured out how to divide players into parties, but how do groups move? In Malaysia, where many have trained guides, you cannot fly on TV and therefore warriors rule. Especially in the absence of phoenixes. In Russia everything is through ****, but in the same vein.

Def moves on the ground, his task is to drain the cathode, and from the air the damage on the ground is significantly reduced. In the defence, there are foxes and magicians (that's why cat guides with mdef rule), a couple of warriors for stun and dragon, lukari and priests for stun/slip and catching support. Def plays a decisive role in victory, because if there are empty spots or bad performers in the defense, it means that at the moment of finishing off the enemy’s chip, you can catch a loss, since the defense could not take down the hero catwalker who took your crystal. When gathering parties on TV, first of all, staff the def and catovods, then the top parties, and the rest according to your taste.

In defense, a lot depends on DD and foxes. Foxes should remove buffs and throw a wound, a dark fox with a 20% chance with the dark skill Swarm of Iron Rocks will remove the entire def of the cathode to 0. A couple of these foxes, a couple of these blows and goodbye tiger.

At the same time, the demolition of the tank should begin with the demolition of the priest who is healing it. This should be taught to bows in def, as well as tigers/warriors who currently do not have a specific task. You fly up to the priest (they are usually in the air) and constantly stop if you can’t kill him. If a tiger is standing under a hill, consider it 4 times thicker, although if the entire clan is defending itself from just cathodes and no one really bothers, it’s easy to demolish the tiger, but if the enemy is not sleeping, then as long as you take out at least 1 tank under the hill, your entire They'll take the gi out already. The tiger is usually killed first if he ran far away from the support, or if the support was sent to the camp (the warrior in the jump will become not only in area, but up and down, that is, like a sphere).

Our def also likes to show Kuzkin’s mother to the enemy chip and goes on the attack. What if the girls, that is, the enemy’s catwalkers, made their way to the base unnoticed? Stimorol will not help. The reconnaissance piston and the portal to the city, which costs 5 silver, will save you. Ports to respawn within 10 seconds (the teleport rune will throw you out of the terrain). The portal is now stunned, you have to run away from the thick of the enemies.

Our attack warriors don’t climb into corners, but for the buff they run into the party, but convert two stun groups of 4-5 warriors and a tank. This is how it is effective to lay out the perimeter and give way to the katas. The stun group is also engaged in analyzing the enemy’s lone top damage dealers. You come running and hang on it. It is a mistake to think that a warrior’s task is to get frags. The warrior must help other groups. Don't imagine yourself as a meat grinder. I saw the target - into the camp and further forward to the embrasure. A warrior is meat, his task is always to be tied to a post and always be the first to fly into a crowd of enemies, where he can grab an assist and die, and so on. Axemen are a priority, but all warriors are good.

DD group of bowmen. This is 3 bows and approx. Sometimes there's also a tank. 3 bows will drain anyone, if they don’t drain anyone, it means the neighboring party is smoking and there are no wounds or dragon/def debuff hanging on this one. A priest in such a party is needed for buffs and res, as well as healing. Because 2 bows are already two times less effective. Therefore, the third one must be resuscitated quickly. The 4th bow in such a party is like a fifth wheel, a spare wheel is not needed so often, and it is better to make another party from free bows. The party of bows has the task of merging foxes and priests. Mainly operate in the air. Remember, air dominance is half the victory. In this case, the speed of picking up an assist, the accuracy of the party and a competent square plays a big role. Bows should run (and actually fly) like shuttles. Shot - killed - caught by the enemy's assist - ran away behind the backs of his comrades.

Catalysts are selected from among the smartest and thickest-skinned idiots. They are required to clearly understand and execute commands. Know how to use jars, chemicals and the veil of darkness. Tanks are most effective when supported by warriors, but they often have to run on their own, so the best priests are selected to lead the catwalks. Also in Faith, I suggested having 6 catalytic cables for 4 cables. Therefore, if one cable guide goes down, his cable is grabbed by “spare” tanks. And before rushing to the cata, these tanks throw the presence of a tiger and distract towers/enemies. If the catalyzer has lost the kata, then you need to assess the situation, or stand as backup for your comrades while the “spare” tank is chasing the kata, or return and go into battle/assembly again.

The task of the catwalkers in a head-on attack is to demolish the nearby posts and stay behind their backs. There are different situations possible here:
1) Your troops are sucking on the candy - you need to change the attack path as soon as possible and go along the flank. This will cause the enemy to have to go and meet you, which means the wave that rushes towards your chip will weaken by a couple of top packs.
2) Your troops are losing, but very little, and perhaps after the “exchange” there will not be so many enemies. Then it is better to break through in a straight line. The enemy, stunned, will begin to assist you, try to stun you, etc., which will lead to a breakdown in order and an arrow in the back. At the same time, there is really a chance that this will decide the outcome of the collision, because killing in the back is pleasant and effective.
3) Nice!!! - We stand and wait in the rear for an opportune moment. If we’ve been waiting for a long time and someone’s snoring can be heard from the microphone, we need to act. Standing and looking at idiots who can’t kick each other for 5 minutes is a stupid thing to do.
4) Your troops bend the enemy - we wait for an opportune moment, ask for the support of the stun group and forward to the towers/crystal.

The main thing is not to run back and forth and not die ahead of the rest. Sometimes it’s better to wait for the road to be cleared and destroy the chip in 5 minutes than to spend half the time in respawn waiting for a cata.

Now let's look at standard situations on TV from the inside.

First you need to get involved in a serious battle, and then you’ll see. (c) Napoleon

1) They give you a lyulei.
1a) They give the Lyuli catwalks + a little support - you need to assess the danger of the situation and send one or more nimble groups of bowmen/dams from attack to defense.
1b) The enemy comes down in a straight line (usually along the central road) and stopping him in the center is unrealistic (and it’s better to meet the enemy right away at his base =)), then regroup at the entrance to the arch, if there are no towers, or a little ahead, if there are towers . NEVER CATCH UP WITH AN ENEMY, ESPECIALLY A KATA. If you fucked up a crowd of catwalkers and can’t keep up with them, overtake them and meet them face to face, otherwise the only thing you can do is look at the tails of the catwalkers. The catalytic cathode is fast and you can catch up with it without a hitch.

In this case, it is very helpful to separate the catwalkers from the main mass of the enemy. Katovods under anti-stun fly into your back, where they are taken down by magicians, and bows and stun groups do not allow support to keep up with them. As a result, the cathodes rest against the stagnating towers (if they still exist) and merge without healing into 3 damage dealers. The priority for draining is always simple - first the deadest cathodes, then the fattest ones. Because even with the thickest cathode the damage output is standard.

But sometimes the vile enemy, knowing that they will beat the weak and disadvantaged, sends forward the fattest tiger, which must drag the entire brigade with carts behind it. And here, if he overestimated his strength and ran far, far away from the support, you can drain him with an assist in 1-2 parties, and then fold the remaining stripes like kittens.

1c) The enemy is falling in the center, the catwalks are running along the flank. It’s simple, we send the most nimble people from the defense to intercept the cathodes, and keep the zerg in the center with our attacking forces. The main thing here is to have time for all the catwalks, since often in such cases the catwalks are launched either in pairs or 3 and 1, with 1-2 catwalks running with the main zerg. But such a situation is easily dealt with by a competent commander. The center will stand and try to stack the tanks, and the singles will catch the DD on the flank.

In any case, your catwalks must constantly run, even if the enemy comes close to the crystal, you need to at least demolish the posts along the central road, otherwise the enemy will constantly respawn and eventually crush your clan.

Sometimes there is such a trick at the base that it is unrealistic to select a catalytic conductor - we select a cata and light up AoE on it (first of all magicians and if it doesn’t work out to kill the tank - also bows), we constantly name a specific target, because it’s easier for everyone to demolish the tank than to hit everyone at once. Dragons from warriors and as many AoEs as possible should fly into the crowd of catwalkers.

Also, do not forget that a killed katovod can be revived and take the kat again - for this, the kat (usually the kats are all nearby) must be guarded by a warrior who will constantly use the stun. If a tank is timing out a kata and goes through a stun, you have to time it again, but the kata breaks quite quickly.

If there are no kata guides in the area, you don’t need to hit the katas with the whole crowd - take the next position. The kata can easily be disassembled by a warrior or a tiger, and if an enemy driver comes running, he will be sent to the camp and will not be released until the kata dies.

Sometimes it’s easier to kill the catwalkers than to destroy the enemy’s formations at your base. But the cathode may snap or someone else will run up. If you managed to demolish the tanks, and the enemy is still hanging in the air, you have 2 minutes to get the cathode to your chip. If your cat guides didn’t slack and managed to demolish the enemy’s posts, there is a very high chance of throwing the enemy back to a new regroup already on the distant posts. And this is some recovery of the % of the chip and towers + extra minutes minus 3 hours if you defer.

2) There is a protracted battle going on, there is no superiority of a specific force - we are constantly chasing the catwalks along different roads, trying to catch the enemy. Having moved a little in the center, occupy the points with columns, sending the stun group a little forward. Remember, whoever owns the columns and knows how to get attached to them has a huge chance of at least not losing. Gradually clear the passages to the enemy base, destroying their towers.

3) You entered the enemy’s “trahenzypopen” mode and came to his base (or to the towers at the entrance). Try to light up the AoE on the enemy's chip/towers, surround the catalyzers with a ring of warriors and occupy the perimeter between the crystal and the enemy's spawn. For 30 seconds the enemy can’t do anything, it’s easy to catch him with an assist and take down the lukewarm one. But be careful, 2 towers near the spawn are stacked instantly. The optimal place is right along the crystal line. This will cover tanks and bowmen with AoE.

It is very important to maintain formation and occupy the entire air area; good order is very difficult to destroy, and it only takes 3 minutes to demolish a chip.

If you hit the towers at the entrance, the stun group should settle in the arch and around the cathodes. No one should run freely through the arch. The stun around your cathodes is needed to remove the AoE mage, who will certainly run into the crowd of tanks and set it on fire. Tanks need to evaluate the damage and perhaps should disperse so that the AoE does not reach at least one of the two pairs of cathodes.

In any case, a lot depends on the work of the archers; if they click the enemy in 3 seconds without dying, your advantage will grow.

What did we get in this guide? Yes, almost everything you need.

Now any commander can gather people, create groups, distribute goals and fight against other guilds in order to glorify his family and earn money from the territory.

Briefly, the success of TV depends on:
1) Online, lvl and items (but only at first)
2) From a competent leader (no way without this)
3) From competent fighters. Especially PLov. From the ability of the party to work at 100, and not alone.
4) Proper division into parties and elaboration of a tactical scheme. And also from competent adjustments to tactics during the battle.
5) From the staffing of fighters with chemistry, cans and chemistry (sometimes it costs 3 gold coins per HP for TV), using the advantages of the class and the game terrain (pillars, towers, trees, narrow passages, air, castle walls)
6) Intelligence and buffs.

If you fail to win, you must definitely evaluate your weak points and work on them. Sometimes even a victory on TV is accompanied by terrible mistakes from individuals or even groups. We need to train everyone. Discipline and diligence (which begins with the fact that after receiving an order you need to report by voice on its implementation) are the key to victory.

If it is possible to record video, especially panoramic (for example, recorded by scouts over your and enemy bases) - use it and carefully analyze it. If you have the desire, you will definitely win, and with a competent leader and decent results, people will go to the guild with regular TV, everyone wants to be on TV, no matter how anyone denies that he is a PvE fan, it’s possible

(The design is not so simple, which is immediately obvious, it was made by some unprecedented web couturier of antiquity; I haven’t seen so many tables, in tables, in tables, in tables for a long time in the vastness of the Internet steppes. I had to rewrite everything.)

In the first round...

Well, of course, we’ll try, although the lion’s share of players decided that GvG is simple, why is the author of these lines still in his stash of unexchanged medals and half-eaten capsules from those times (and there’s so much ore, you can build a small ore palace from it ). Among other things, if you successfully win all week (and when you have the same windows in both guilds, this is a very big plus), you can seize power in one of the colonies and mine there at a special drill, to the delight of yourself and your fellow guilds, the same ore +4 .

But again, that’s not the point, let’s look at the mechanics of the event itself.

Preparing for the "Battle of the Circle"

"Battle for the Circle" - This is a duel between two guilds, so it begins with a challenge.

(I will insert lines from the old guide, everything else from it is problematic to insert, the rest will be assembled as the play progresses)

Step one “Challenge”.

Here is a thematic picture with an example of the guild leader interface during the appointment process.

Challenges can be made by the GL or his appointed managers (yellow in the list).

    The guild you are challenging must be at least level two and, of course, the lice race, you need to unscrew it in this window.

    You can choose the start time of the battle, this is free time in the 24-hour schedule, the start of the battle is the beginning of every hour of the day. Here you need to be quick, good time can quickly take up, so it is advisable to deal with this issue right at 0:00 after all statistics are rolled back. They chose in advance and right at the time of H they threw out a challenge and quickly accepted. The time is set for the next day; just in case, the current day has already started at 0:00 exactly when you set it. That is, what you scheduled will not be in an hour at one in the morning, but tomorrow at one in the morning. :)

    You can choose the number of participants, but this generally does not affect anything, so always choose 50, even if you only have two characters from two guilds, and this is for both sides. :)

    You can choose a card, but for 10 years there was only one card left, this is your General Staff.

    Payment: Payment for participation in the Battle. Each guild is charged 5,000 platinum. Money is withdrawn from the general guild account, so check if your guild has enough money. (The winning guild receives 10,000 platinum) And then you can again divide these 10,000 platinum in half and assign GvG again and so on until you get tired.

After selecting the time and other “important” points, click on the [Accept] button and that’s it, no voting, the GL is the boss, the GL of another guild will receive an invitation and if he is quick enough or your window then you will have time to take the time you need, I almost always He was busy, he was very fast, because he chose everything in advance, all that remained was to catch the window on the character GL of the second guild.

After confirmation, 5,000 platinum will be withdrawn from the accounts of both guilds as a guarantee of future victories, that is, in order for the process to proceed continuously, you need 20,000 platinum, received, divided, assigned.

Make sure that the accounts of both guilds have at least 5000 platinum, otherwise nothing will work out.

In the second Circle, that is, Step two.

Information about the “War for the Circle”. (who is for what, but we are fighting for the circle!)

After you receive a flag that says everything is successful, you can find yourself in the schedule, right there with the Clerk. If you see what is in the picture, then everything is OK, your GvG has been assigned.

And if the flag simply disappeared without a trace, it means it was not assigned, someone most likely got ahead of you, show miracles of dexterity and look for another free time.

There at the clerk you can see the number of points and the rank of the guild, but keep in mind that if you are in first place, this is not a guarantee that you will occupy the colony; if your competitor, for example, has been winning all week and on the last day he “got too full”, then he can even knock you out being in 3-4 place, this happened with large guilds, for example, when pouring OS into future lamps for voting a race.

Yes, the place of your guild in the weekly ranking is affected by both victories in GvG and the OS gained by the guild participants, and its loss is also affected. If someone with a lot of OS hasn’t logged into the game for a long time and suddenly comes in, then losing the OS in 30 days of absence will greatly reduce your rating and chances of occupying a colony. (this is why guilds rule with non-player characters - windows) + (this is probably why there is no point in including GvG back)

The rank is updated once a day before 0:00 of the next day.

In the third, final circle.

Start of the battle:

10 minutes before the start, a message appears asking you to agree to participate in the battle. To confirm participation, click the [OK] button. 1 minute before the start, a countdown begins, upon completion of which your character is automatically transferred to the “battlefield”

In case you suddenly selected a finite number of participants.


The order of participation is determined depending on the number of participants in the Battle. If the number of participants is filled to the limit, then even by clicking on the [OK] button you will not be able to take part in the Battle.

That's it, the battle has finally begun!

Let's look at the interface:

This interface appears only for those who participate in the Battle; for the rest, it is normal.

Description of the competition

Basic rule: the one with the most points wins. Points can be earned in 2 ways.

30 seconds after the start of the competition, a Gravity Ball will randomly appear in one of three places. The team of the one who brings it to the opponent's Gate will receive 100 points. After the “goal” everyone is forcibly transferred to their Gate, 30 seconds after that the Ball appears. If someone grabs the ball and fails to reach the goal within 2 minutes, the ball disappears and reappears in one of the ball zones.

The numbers indicate the distance from the points to the center on each side and do not affect anything.

Kick the ball into the goal, that is, bring it to the luminous obelisk, which is a distance of 10 on the opposite side of the louse.

We scored the ball! Point Down!

Ball capture:

Here's the ball:

Well, we’ll call it that, it’s gravitational after all.

The Gravity Ball can be picked up just like any other item (press X or Spacebar) or you can simply run towards it or stand at the hole where it may appear. The player who takes possession of the ball will experience a red glow effect, as well as the following difficulties:

    Ban on the use of all potions except HP.

    The delay for using all HP is 3.5 seconds.

    Prohibition on the use of attacks/strengths/skills.

    Other players cannot apply skills/power to the person holding the ball (debuff class)

    Prohibition on calling animuses and using MAUs (summoned animuses and MAUs are forced to collapse)

    A ban on all skills/powers associated with summoning a summon (when attempting, the message “the character holding the ball cannot be summoned” appears)

    At the moment the ball is picked up, all permanent powers/skills are canceled. (including debuff class)

    The ball owner gains additional resistance to stuns.

    If the ball owner fails to bring the ball to the Goal within 2 minutes, the ball automatically disappears and appears in one of 3 ball spawn spots.

    Limit movement speed to 3.0.

The location of the opponent with the ball on the territory can be determined by the red lines going into the sky from him on the field. If the player holding the ball dies, the ball remains on the ground, not far from the place where the character died, where others can pick it up.

For killing an opponent you will be given +10 points. Victory, as you already understood, is given for the maximum number of points.

Competitions provide an opportunity for members of the same race to attack each other. You can get points for this. For suppressing one opponent you can get 10 points. If you are not resurrected by a player who has the resurrection skill, then after 15 seconds you will automatically be brought back to life and reborn at your team's Gate. So, direct all your strength, skill and skills to suppress the enemy.

Well, or after throwing one ball, stand and wait for the end of the GvG, in general, act according to the circumstances. It’s clear that if someone who doesn’t know from the window guild scores more points without scoring a single goal, the window guild will win, take this into account. :)

If your character dies, neither status points nor experience are reduced, so compete/play your heart out.

(or at least try, yes, this is also a line from the original description)

Completion of the competition.

After the completion of the competition, everyone returns to the General Staff, where an appropriate reward awaits them. GL awaits a well-deserved 10 platinum if your guild wins.

For everyone else, even if they rushed into GvG at the last second, medals and OS await them.

<Победившая Команда >- Reward: 10,000 platinum to the guild account. - Status points: Each participant receives 2,000 OS (in the absence of a winner/loser, 500 OS each) - Military merit: + 1 victory. - Guild honor points: GvG Medal: if you collect 7 medals, then from them you can collect a “Box of Honor” with a 100% chance for the hero.

(the token is the same medal)

<Проигравшая Команда>- Status points: Each participant receives 100 OS (in the absence of a winner/loser, 500 OS each) - Military merits: + 1 defeat and also one medal.

Don't forget to cheer on your opponent after the competition, because these are your brothers. In this way you will achieve success for your race.

(I always do this)

At the end of the week, the first 5 guilds in the ranking table have the opportunity to take ownership of the colony. If you want your guild to take over the city, conduct a “Battle for the Circle”.

(we'll try)

In general, the whole Guide ended up having to be rewritten almost entirely.

It was not easy, but it was possible to rewrite it from the archives of the site using ancient scrolls.

AC - abbr. Armor Class. Designation of relative armor indicator.
Add - an additional monster that joined in battle.
AFK - abbr. Away from Keyboard. Literally means “stepped away from the keyboard.”
Aggro - the degree of hostility of the monster towards the player. The monster attacks the one who has more aggro in relation to this monster.
Aggro radius is the area around the monster, upon crossing which it will notice you and begin to attack.
AH - abbr. Auction House. Auction.
Alt - abbr. Alternative. The character you play in parallel with the main one (Alternate character).
AoE - abbr. Area of ​​Effect Damage. A spell that affects an area.
Armor - Armor. Often used as a synonym for AC.
Assist - Help in killing a specific target, i.e. when several people hit the same target (mob, player)
Assist Train - see Train in 1 meaning.

Bind - Binding something to something. Most often, the item is sent to the player, i.e. The item becomes Soulbound.
BoE - abbr. Bind On Equip. Binds when used, causing the item to become Soulbound.
BoP - abbr. Bind On Pickup. Binds when picked up, causing the item to become Soulbound.
Bot is a character controlled by AI (Artificial Intelligence), and not by a living person.
BRB - abbr. Be Right Back. I'll be back soon.
Buff is a spell that increases a character's parameters. Most often they mean spells that can be cast on any character.
Buffer - prod. Buff. The character who applies Buffs.
Build - Sharpening a character for a specific play style.

Cap - The upper limit of something.
Carebear is a player who attacks monsters while others are fighting in PvP battles. A derogatory name for PvE players.
Cast - (n) Any spell. (verb) to cast a spell, to cast a spell
Caster - prod. Cast. A player who casts spells.
Combat Pets are NPC animals that help you in battle.
CR - abbr. Combat Ressurect. Resurrection in battle.
Craft - (n) craft. (verb) To produce something related to a given craft.
Creep is a regular monster.
Creep Jacking - an attack by the player when he is already involved in a battle with monsters.
Critters are peaceful creatures that do not attack anyone (rabbits, cows, sheep).

DD - abbr. Damage Dealer. The player's role involves applying large quantity damage
De-Buff (Debuff) - a spell used like Buff, but aimed at weakening the enemy.
DMG - abbr. Damage. Damage.
DOT - abbr. Damage Over Time. Damage over time.
DPS - abbr. Damage Per Second. Damage per second. Amount to measure the speed of damage dealt. "Performance" of the weapon/character.
Drop - drop a lot of objects received from a game object.

Event - an event, some kind of event held on a given GM realm, be it a pvp tournament, or some kind of global quest.
Experience - Experience. An abstract value showing the degree of character level.

Farm - Performing repetitive actions for a long time in order to get something.

Ganker is a player who attacks a obviously weaker player or a player engaged in a fight with a monster.
GM - abbr. Game Master. A person tasked with monitoring the game and helping players with technical issues. There is also an Event-GM - the GM running the Event.
Griefer is a person who tries to upset or anger other players.
Grinding is a method of leveling up or farming, in which you stay in one place all the time and kill the same monsters that appear near you.
GvG - abbr. Guild versus Guild. Guild versus Guild. For us, this is an Alliance versus Alliance fight.

Heal - A skill that heals other players.
Healer - prod. Heal. A player who heals other players.
Healbot is a dismissively sarcastic name for a healer. Comes from an abbreviation of two words heal and bot, indicating the same type of actions of the healer player.
High - prod. High-Level. High level character.
High-Level - high-level
HOT - abbr. Heal Over Time. Treatment over time (restoration of health).
HP - abbr. Health Points. Health units.

Imba - abbr. Imbalance. Mega cool character for his level.
Imbalance - unbalance (imbalance) of something.
Inc - abbr. Incoming.
Incoming - an exclamation into the chat channel from a player friendly to you, informing about the imminent approach of aggressive monsters. It is used mainly among foreign audiences; it is almost impossible to find here.
Inst - see Instance
Instance - a “dungeon” for passage by a group or raid.

KOS - abbr. Kill On Sight. Killing on sight is a characteristic of all “red” mobs. Can also be used to refer to a player of the opposite faction.
KS - abbr. Kill Steal - an attempt to steal a “monster” from another player.

Level - player/monster level.
Level-cap - the upper limit of the character's level.
Level-up - increasing the level, usually after accumulating a certain amount of Experience.
LFG - abbr. Looking For Group. "I'm looking for a group."
LFM - abbr. Looking for member. Literally means “Looking for a member” - for example, LF1M BRD - we are looking for one (last) participant to complete the BRD instance (dungeon).
Log - 1) Text that carries information about events that occurred with an object over a certain period of time. Chat-Log (text of chat correspondence), Error-Log (text of errors that occurred), etc. are often found. 2) same as Logoff.
Logoff - exit the game. More precisely, log out of this account.
Logout is the same as Logoff.
Loot - (translated from English as jewel) items that can be obtained from a game object (from the body of a monster/player, from a chest)
LOS - abbr. Line of Sight. Line of sight.
Low-Level - low-level
LvL - abbr. Level.

MA - abbr. Main Assist
Main Assist - the person in command of the train, who selects a target to beat and gives instructions.
Melee - Relating to close combat. Melee Damage - damage inflicted in melee combat.
MMO - abbr. Massive Multiplayer Online...
MMORPG - abbr. Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.
Mob - Monster, i.e. hostile NPC.
Mult - see Alt
Munchkin - (literally munchkin). A player whose goal in the game is to create the most powerful character possible.

Nerf - weakening something by updating the code. Those. changes that weaken something introduced by an update.
Newb - abbr. Newbie.
Newbie is a newbie who is still playing poorly. Often used as a swear word.
Noob - see Newbie.
Nuker - prod. Nuke. A player hitting several targets at once.
NPC - abbr. Non-Player Character. A non-player controlled character. In MMORPGs this is often called “peaceful” characters.

OMW - abbr. On My Way. The player is on the way to something.
OOM - abbr. Out Of Mana. The player has run out of mana (as a result, the player cannot cast spells)

PC - abbr. Player Character, player character.
Pet - NPC subordinate to the player.
Perk is the same as Feature. Character's special ability.
PK - abbr. Player Killer. Player killer.
PST - abbr. Please Send Tell. This is what they say when they ask you to send a private message.
Puller is a player who “pulls” monsters from the crowd. Accordingly, the player’s role involves “pulling” monsters from the heap.
Pulling - prod. Puller. The process of pulling monsters out of the crowd.
PvE - abbr. Player versus Environment. A style of play that involves the player battling the environment (monsters).
PvP - abbr. Player versus Player. Player vs Player.
Pwn - to defeat someone (more precisely, to make someone a loser), from own (came from 1337 (leet)).
Raid – A large group of players gathered to complete the most difficult Instances.
Range - 1) Distance (usually meaning radius). 2) Related to ranged combat. Range Damage - damage inflicted in ranged combat.
Rates - coefficients of the resulting values. Most often, when talking about rates, they mean the coefficient of experience gained. So, for example, increased drop rates or simply increased drops mean that the likelihood of receiving items from a monster is higher and their number is increased in accordance with the specified rate value.
Realm - 1) the same as a logical server. 2) Kingdom. DAoC is the side of the conflict.
Re-Spawn - Independent revival of monsters or players.
Res - 1) abbr. Ressure. Revive 2) abbr. Resistance. Resistance.
RP - abbr. Role-Play. Literally acting out. Often used in relation to servers, meaning that wagering is required on that server.
RvR - abbr. Realm versus Realm. Kingdom vs. Kingdom, Faction vs. Faction, a type of PvP game in which battles between players of opposing factions are one of the most important elements of gameplay.

Set - a set of any pieces of equipment. Having several items from a set, much less a complete set, often gives a bonus.
Shard is the same as a logical server.
Skillcap is the upper limit of skill development.
Soulbound - Bound to the soul. It means that the item is “attached” to the character, that is, only he can use it, but it can be sold to Vendor.
SP - abbr. Spell Points. Units of Mana.
Stack is a bunch of something that has the LIFO (Last In, First Out) property. Most often in MMORPGs it means a bunch of identical objects that together occupy the same amount of space as a single copy.
Stun is an effect that causes a character to remain inactive and not react to the player's actions for some time. (literal translation - stunning).
Split - see Split Train
Split Train - A command that means splitting a steam locomotive for the purpose of interlocking casters, i.e. Each participant chooses an individual goal.

Tame - to tame an animal.
Tank is the player's role, which involves holding back the onslaught of monsters and taking all the damage upon oneself. Most often, they are players with good defense and great health, as well as abilities that allow them to increase Aggro.
Threat is the same as Aggro.
TP - abbreviation Teleport. Either please set up a portal or teleport.
Train - People who are part of the group that provides the assist.
Twink - Not the main player character, well dressed for his level.

Vendor - NPC merchant
Vendor Trash is an item that only Vendor will buy (that is, no one needs it).

Wipe - 1) a situation in Instance when the entire group dies. 2)cleaning server databases.
WTB - abbr. Want To Buy. I want to buy.
WTS - abbr. Want to Sell. I want to sell.