Bull in a china shop - meaning. A bull in a china shop: the story of how whales showed their cards. What does the expression elephant in a china shop mean?

0 Many of us like to use various catchphrases and sayings. After all, they make the conversation brighter and more prominent. However, not many people are able to understand their meaning; usually the meaning of the phrase becomes clear only from the context. So that you can" don't lose face in the dirt", and always be on top, we recommend you our new website. Don’t forget to bookmark it, because we will have a lot more useful information. Today we will reveal the meaning of another funny expression, this is the phraseological unit Elephant V china shop you will find out the meaning a little later.
However, before I continue, I would like to show you a couple more sensible news on the topic of proverbs and sayings. For example, what does it mean to wet Corky; meaning Like two fingers on the asphalt; which means Bursting at the seams; what is Sprinkling ashes on the head, etc.
So let's continue Elephant in a china shop meaning phraseology?

Elephant in a china shop- this is the behavior of an absent-minded and clumsy person, in a place where accuracy is required

Elephant in a china shop- this is what they say about someone who inadvertently hurts the feelings of other people, breaks hearts

Synonym for the expression Elephant in a china shop: clumsy, clumsy, bumpkin, bear, clumsy, clumsy, uncultivated.


Damn bro, why did you overturn the table, you're like a bull in a china shop.

Look how the cat turned the whole apartment upside down, so small, but acts like a bull in a china shop.

A tank on the federal highway, like a bull in a china shop, rushes along without looking around.

I"m like a bull in a china shop who likes to burn things in a barbeque. (I'm like a bull in a china shop who likes to burn everything in a barbecue.)

If we try to find this turn of phrase in dictionaries, then unfortunately, the explanation for this expression cannot be found there. I usually use explanatory dictionary Ushakova(1935-1940), and imagine my surprise when I did not find this popular proverb. Then I turned my gaze to the master of literature V.I. Dahl(1863-1866), “I’ll find what I’m looking for from him,” I thought, but that was not the case, and in the book “Proverbs of the Russian People” my search was not crowned with success.

Perhaps this phrase came into everyday speech thanks to an old fable " About elephants and porcelain", which was written by the poet Nikolai Yakovlevich Agnivtsev (1888-1932).

"...The moral of this story lies ahead,
She is sharper than a pin:
If you are an elephant, then don't go
To the porcelain shops."

Recently, I became interested in German comics, and suddenly I unexpectedly discovered that this phraseological unit is found there too. From this we can conclude that this phrase is international in nature.
By the way, in English To ironically refer to a clumsy citizen, the expression " Bull in a china shop" ("

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One day, a hundred new boxes were brought from the factory into a cramped room in the Sysert Porcelain store¹. The saleswoman unpacked one after another, slowly removed the goods, and dictated under her breath, writing down the names in a thick barn book: “Candlestick on a stand, 1 piece, with gilding. Gzhel-style saucers, 10 pcs., set - her muttering began to lull everyone around, when suddenly: Elephant porcelain, 1 pc., souvenir.”

What a commotion began on the shelves!

“Mi-mi-mi,” the porcelain mice squealed in horror. - What will happen now? Bull in a china shop!

“How are we going to live with such a huge population? - the porcelain dogs yapped in despair. “What if he’s as tall as Mount Everest?”

However, Farf the elephant turned out to be much smaller than the mountain. The porcelain factory produced all toys of approximately the same size. Exactly enough so that it can fit on the glass shelf of the sideboard.

“Fi, it seems that this is a dwarf elephant,” the porcelain ballerinas giggled and whispered to each other.

The elephant noticed that the young ladies were paying attention to him, and politely greeted him: “Good afternoon! You laugh so cheerfully. Are you telling each other something funny?”

“Fi-fi, rude elephants don’t understand girls’ secrets,” the ballerinas whispered.

Nobody wanted to be friends with the elephant. Everyone looked at him with suspicion and thought something unkind. True, the saucers could not think or speak, but they still stared at the newcomer like bulging multi-colored eyes.

Only the porcelain angel with a book did not pay attention to what was happening. He seemed to be completely absorbed in reading.

“Angel, at least intercede,” the elephant trumpeted to him. “You’re literate, you know that the Lord created all animals good.”

“That’s how it is,” the angel said with dignity. If he had glasses on his nose, he would definitely adjust them with the tip of his finger. - That’s how it is, but still, a bull in a china shop is somehow unusual. Unconventional I would say. And it's unsafe."

“What if you break our porcelain theater?” - suggested one of the ballerinas.

Indeed, on the next shelf there is a whole street of porcelain buildings: temples with crosses, palaces, huts and even porcelain wells. They all had invisible lids on top. The price tag stated that these were vessels for storing holy water.

“What could happen? - the elephant was surprised. - I am porcelain and the theater is porcelain. Maybe I'd like to see a porcelain ballet. Or pray in a porcelain temple.”

But as soon as he moved his foot... Or maybe he didn’t, it just seemed like it to everyone. All the porcelain inhabitants exhaled in unison: “Nooo!”

The elephant had to stay put. Farf tried to look at the cover of the book the angel was reading.

“Listen, angel, a book with a cross. The Psalter, perhaps?” - the elephant asked.

The angel was silent. He didn’t mind, or at least he probably agreed.

“Read Psalm 103 aloud to me,” Farf asked. “Where it is said about birds, animals and cedars, how they glorify the Lord.”

The angel was still silent.

“Your pages don’t turn!” - the elephant guessed and reached out with his trunk to try to look through it.

"Hey! - the angel was offended. “I always read only one page, that’s how it’s supposed to be.”

“I thought...” the elephant justified himself.

“You think too much! Are you the smartest? We need to be simpler. Where it’s simple, there are a hundred angels.”

The porcelain angel knew what he was talking about. Behind the display case, 99 of its brothers were stored in cardboard boxes - from the same factory batch.

So they passed day after day. There were two or more of all the toys on the display, and only the elephant remained alone, unlike anyone else. Because of this, no one wanted to be friends with him.

And for some reason, buyers, although they paid attention to the unusual item, were in no hurry to purchase it. They were more interested in saucers, cups and jugs, and in extreme cases, mice and dogs.

Of course, if you give a child a mouse, he will roll it around the carpet and say “mi-mi-mi!” But what if you give a child an elephant? What sounds will the unfortunate person have to make? Buzz?

“You must do good, elephant,” the angel once turned to Farf. “To benefit people.”

“I’ll be glad!” - the elephant stated readily.

“You see, people value useful items! - the angel explained to him. “For example, if you had a round hole in your trunk...”

“Hole in the trunk? For what?"

“Don't interrupt! If you had a suitable hole in your trunk, you could stick a candle in there and light it.”

“You want me to breathe fire?” - Farf was surprised.

“I don’t want anything, I’m just explaining to you how to benefit humanity. Further. If only you had a lid on your back..."

“I have a colorful blanket on my back!”

“And if instead there was a lid with a handle, you could lift it and fill you with lamp oil.”

“Are there really no elephants? best use, as soon as you pour oil into them?

“I know,” the ballerina intervened. “People really love it when elephants in the circus do their numbers on a bicycle!”

White Farf almost blushed. Since childhood, he was embarrassed to admit to girls that he did not know how to ride a bicycle.

“Let me give you a ride like this! - he suggested. “And I read Kipling out loud.”

But the ballerina knew nothing about Kipling, because there were no ballets based on his works. Therefore, Farf only heard “fi-fi-fi” in response.

One day the floor in the china shop began to shake.

“Slo-on! Quiet! Don't move!" - all the porcelain inhabitants said in unison.

Only Farf was not to blame for anything. A whole delegation of black people entered the store. They were all in black robes, with black hoods on their heads. And their faces were black.

“Oh, we rarely have blacks here! - the saleswoman exclaimed, and was immediately afraid that she had said impolitely: - Would you like, father, to buy a little white mouse? Or a dog?

The Negro archimandrite carefully examined the display case.

“Tembo! Mfalme wa msitu!” - he nodded to his assistant.

“Ngombe nzuri,” he agreed.

“Poso kani ta elefanta?” - the archimandrite switched from Swahili to Greek, for such is the language Orthodox Church in Africa.

“Oh, do you want to buy an elephant? - the saleswoman guessed. - Should I wrap it up?

The elephant was packed in a gift box, and he went where he was supposed to, to the Dark Continent.

And in Russia it was a rainy summer. The inhabitants of the porcelain shop spent days watching the drops crawling down the window glass. They would be glad if the drops fell on them, because over time both the shelves of the display case and they themselves began to become covered with dust.

All porcelain conversations were repeated many times. And even the angel got tired of looking at the same page of an unturned book.

“It’s the rainy season in Kenya,” the ballerina sighed. “Some people are lucky... with business trips abroad.”

“Once he went abroad, that means he owns foreign languages, - one of the dogs guessed. “Wasn’t he a spy?”

But no one supported her. Even if he’s a spy, he’s still a friend, it’s boring without him.

Oh, if only porcelain elephants could write porcelain letters, and if only there was a mailbox in the china shop to receive postcards!

¹The enterprise belongs to the Yekaterinburg Metropolitanate (ed.)

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The boy from the Zoo was very sad. He remembered his happy childhood, when his home was clean and warm, and the food was plentiful and tasty. A lot has changed since then. Life for animals has become much harder. The elephant had not eaten enough for a long time, and cold was blowing from the many cracks of his house. People - Zoo workers who brought food to the animals and put things in order in their homes - now rarely appeared and always said a mysterious and incomprehensible phrase: “There is no money for maintenance.” And one of the cooks once said: “No one will bring anything on a silver platter.”

The elephant thought for a long time what these words meant, because they brought him food only in large dishes. “Probably only those who have a silver platter are fed well,” the Elephant decided. But where can you get such a plate? “Well, of course, in a china shop!” - it dawned on the giant.

The next morning the Elephant washed, shaved, combed his hair and went to the china shop.

Where are you going? - the Watchman asked him sternly.

“For a plate with a blue border,” the Elephant answered seriously and went in search of a china shop.

After some time, a big commotion began in the Zoo: an African elephant disappeared from its cage in broad daylight. The watchman was urgently called to the Director, who shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow from anger and resentment.

Why, tell me, did you let him go alone to the City, in which he has absolutely no bearings and, most likely, will get lost? - he scolded the Watchman.

But I thought it was you who sent him on an errand to the china shop! - the poor old man justified himself, - The elephant walked so confidently and purposefully...

Seeing the Watchman’s despair, the Director calmed down a little and said:

OK. Now at least we know where he's going. But what could he need in a china shop?

I thought that it was you who sent him on an errand, I already spoke about this...

Okay, go to work and don't worry. We will invite the detective on duty to search. And if the Elephant gets to the china shop himself and can clearly explain what he needed there, then I will express my gratitude to everyone!

The elephant wandered around the city for a very long time. He was embarrassed to ask directions to the china shop, and passers-by were afraid of him and avoided him. At first the Elephant was very surprised by this, then he was confused, then he got angry. But he calmed down when he remembered the fairy tale about the little Raccoon, which one aunt told her daughter. This was last year at the Zoo. The girl was afraid of a large predator and began to cry, and her mother told her this fairy tale. Little Raccoon was at first afraid of the one sitting in the pond, but then he smiled at him and they became friends.

The elephant decided to do the same. He approached the little girl who was walking towards him, smiled and said affectionately:

Hello, sweet girl! Do you know how to get to the china shop?

Hello, Elephant! I saw you at the Zoo and recognized you immediately. You need a kitchenware store. It's around the corner, in the blue house.

The kitchenware store was quiet because it was lunchtime. The seller was so surprised by such an unexpected visitor that he promised to give him any dishes of his choice. The elephant chose a small bowl with a blue rim. More precisely, it was a basin of impressive size, but the buyer was not small!

The detective on duty, invited by the Director of the Zoo to search for the Elephant, was very tired. He had to go around all the shops in the City that sold tableware. Of course, a big Elephant is much easier to find than a needle in a haystack. But there were also many shops in the City. But still they met and both were very pleased with it.

All's well that ends well. The fame of the smart Elephant, who not only found his way to the china shop, but also received a beautiful bowl as a gift, spread throughout the city. Now many more visitors came to the Zoo than before. Guests came from abroad with gifts. Now the Director of the Zoo did not complain that the Zoo did not have enough money. With the help of wealthy sponsors, new comfortable premises were built for all the Zoo's animals. And the animals began to eat tasty and satisfying.

And recently a film by the famous director “Elephant in a China Shop” was released on cinema screens. If you hurry, you will still have time to buy yourself a ticket for the last show.

And so I came home happy, and then this friend came to visit me and began to tell me what problems he had in his family with children, with an apartment, and his wife didn’t work, and was deeply in debt... And so my joy gradually disappears, and I feel like a complete idiot and guiltlessly guilty.

From that moment it all started - I behave like a bull in a china shop. Wherever I turn and whatever I do, I leave behind the wreckage of someone's dream. And then there was such a streak in life that I got everything, no matter what I thought of, as if on a plate, but always with an additional amount - I see exactly at whose expense I get everything.

I feel bad. I can’t understand why fate is punishing me this way. I look at other people and envy. They don't have such problems. They live for themselves, not thinking about anything, they take everything they can get their hands on and do not make any calculations with their conscience.

This went on for quite some time, but one day it finally got to me. I had never played lotto, but then the devil pulled me - I went to the kiosk and bought a ticket, and also told the seller that I needed to check how lucky I was at least once in my life. I rubbed the paint without leaving the window, and the numbers looked out... You guessed it.

I was very happy, and then an elderly man who was standing nearby said quietly and sadly that he had been regularly for several years now. lottery tickets buys, hopes everything a large sum win. And then, of course, a man came and grabbed the jackpot right away. I don’t know, maybe someone else would immediately hide behind the difference between luck and failure, but it hit me hard. I immediately imagined how many people had invested money so that I could win this amount just like that, in passing.

And I decided to take serious steps and change my life. But in which direction? Or give up everything in life, or change your character and become like other people, and use what floats into your hands, without looking back at anyone?

I chose the first one. I wouldn’t go for the second option, I realized that right away. I have read and seen films about yogis. This is necessary, a person has frozen for centuries, and he doesn’t need anything, and his head doesn’t hurt about anything. Everyone is running, fussing, looking for something, pushing each other away from the feeder, grunting, squealing, but he froze in thought about eternity, calm and happy.

I decided to become a yogi. No, I didn’t go to India, I found myself a teacher right here, on the spot. His name is Rama, but before he was Roma. So, this guy mastered yoga for five years in India.

I came to his house based on an ad on the Internet, I looked, and he was so thin, his head was shaved, his eyes looked straight at him and didn’t blink. I felt uneasy from such a look, but I didn’t show it, I gathered my courage and said that I also want to become a yogi.

I told him about my ordeals, and he grinned knowingly and said: “Listen, my friend, leave me, this is not for you. I had one like that - I wanted to find peace in contemplation and meditation. Well, I worked with him for about a year. He turned out to be capable - he grasped everything on the fly, and began to quickly develop his body.

But suddenly one day he says to me: what is the meaning of life, in general? I explained to him that it is necessary to stop the flame of desires, free the mind from everything material in order to focus on developing awareness, awakening spiritual potential.

He left, and I swore off dealing with those who, instead of immersing themselves in themselves, think about how to save humanity, how they can be helped so that there is less suffering on Earth. As if he could do it. Go look elsewhere, I’m sure there will be people like you.”

That's what I'm looking for to this day. Would you happen to tell me how I can learn to live and at least not bother anyone?