A fairy tale is a true story, but there is a hint in it. A lesson to good fellows

Open educational event

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”

Target:- summarize children’s knowledge of Russian folk tales;

Introduce children to folk art;

Promote the development of thinking and cognitive activity to

Russian folk tales

Develop imagination, attention, intelligence, and speech of students;

Nurture love and careful attitude to fairy tales;

Develop good relationships among students.

    Organizational moment.

    Announcing the topic of the lesson.

I know you love games, songs, riddles. What about fairy tales?

Read the proverb.

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

How do you understand it? (A fairy tale is fictional work. What happens in it does not actually happen, but by reading them, you can learn good, good deeds.)

So, what is a fairy tale?

Who knows why we call some fairy tales author's and others Russian folk tales?

In fairy tales about animals, all characters are attributed properties of people. In them the bear is good-natured, the hare is cowardly, and the fox is cunning. The wolf is evil.

This is reflected in Russian sayings. Continue them.

Heather like...

Hungry like...

As healthy as...

Quirky as...

Dirty as...

Chatty as...

Cowardly as...

It’s like...

Stubborn as...

Command View

Team "Kukareku"

Our motto:“You can live with a book and never bother”

Team "Kolobok"

Our motto:"He who reads a lot knows a lot"

The tale is rich in wisdom,

Let's say to the fairy tale: - Come!

This is a saying, guys!

A fairy tale will come!

And, of course, various fairy tale heroes will come to visit us.

Evening would soon come,
And the long-awaited hour has come,
May I be in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.
answer: Cinderella

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name.
Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

1 “Name the fairy tale based on the illustration”

“Fox and Crane”, “Porridge from an Axe”, “Fox and Wolf”, “Zaykina’s Hut”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Cat, Fox and Rooster”.

2 “Ears on the top of your head”(use the description to determine the name of the fairy tale)

Slide 6. I read a book with Russian folk tales, but I forgot the names of these tales. I only remember that in the first fairy tale there was a grandfather, a grandmother, a granddaughter, a Bug, a cat and someone else. Well, they pulled her out. What is the name of this fairy tale? Which of the characters did I not name? And what did they pull out? (“Turnip.”)

Slide 7. I remember everyone from the second fairy tale. Grandfather was not there. The old man is only with the old woman. And also a hare, a fox, someone else and a bear. And the fox ate him. What is the name of the fairy tale? Which of the characters did I not name? Who did the fox eat? (“Kolobok.”)

Slad 8. I remember all the little animals from the third fairy tale. Here they are: a running bunny, a mouse-norushka, a little fox-sister, a top-gray barrel and a clumsy bear. The bear destroyed it. What is the name of the fairy tale? Which of the characters did I not name? What did the bear destroy? (“Teremok”, bear).)

Slide 9. But I remember the entire fourth tale exactly. In it, someone came to the hare and stayed with him. The bear, the wolf and the dog chased her, chased her and could not drive her out. But he kicked me out. What is the name of the fairy tale? Which of the characters did I not name? Who did the rooster kick out? (“Zayka’s hut.”)

3 Artist competition

– We made sure that you know the fairy tales. Do you know how to draw the heroes of your favorite fairy tales? You will find out who you will draw from the riddle:

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled…….. (bun)
- That's right, you will draw Kolobok. Blindfolded

– Now let’s see whose Kolobok turned out more beautiful.

4 “Guess the hero of fairy tales based on their cue”

1) - “...I sit high - I look far away” (Masha “Masha and the Bear”)

2) - “... I left my grandfather...” (Kolobok “Kolobok”)

3) - “...Go... pull the bug” (Granddaughter “Turnip”)

4) “...we hear, we hear. Yes, this is not a mother’s voice” (kids “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”)

5)- “...the fox carries me through the dark forests” (Rooster “Cat, Rooster and Fox”)

6) - “...catch fish, small and large” (Wolf “Fox - sister and gray wolf”)

7) - “Yes, I won’t push you aside: I’ll lie down on the bench myself, tail under the bench, chicken under the stove. ..." (“Fox with a rolling pin”)

8) - “... come, kumanek, come, dear! I’ll treat you!” (Fox "The Fox and the Crane")

5 "Animals in Fairy Tales"

1) There are many Russian folk tales about animals. But some of the animals are hidden inside these words, name them:
Baranka (ram)
Barak (cancer)
skates (horse)
Vasilisa (fox)
hiccup (cat)
dragonfly (goat)
stable (lion)
wizard (ox)
wolfhound (wolf)

2) New task: cross out the letters that appear more than once in the word. Get the name of a fairy-tale character.

6 Fizminutka

Physical exercise "Kolobok"

Grandma kneaded neither a bun nor pancakes

(Hands clasped, circular movements left - right).

Got it out of the oven


Not a pie, not a roll

(Turns the torso left - right, arms to the sides).

As I put it on the table,

(lean forward and extend your arms)

He left his grandparents.

Who runs without legs?

(Clap your hands.)

This is a yellow Kolobok!

(walking in place)

7 Captains Competition

Guys, let's continue our quiz. The next task - the game is called "Blitz survey" I will ask each team questions, and you should answer quickly.

1. In which fairy tale did the girl break the furniture? "Three Bears"

2. In what fairy tale does one hero kick another hero out of the house and begin to live there? "Zayushkina's hut"

1. In what fairy tale, the hero lured a cockerel out of the house by cunning, and then carried it away into the dark forests? "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

2. In what fairy tale did the hero eat all the porridge, but the other remained hungry? "The Fox and the Crane"

1. In what fairy tale did one hero break an entire house? "Teremok"

2. In which fairy tale did the heroes blind themselves to an icy granddaughter? "Snow Maiden"

1. In which fairy tale did the baked goods run away? "Kolobok"

Q. Guys, who can tell me what a bakery product is?

D. These are those products that are baked from flour.

V. Great. What bakery products do you know?

D. Bread, bun, loaf, bagel, bagel.

2. In what fairy tale did the birds carry away the boy? "Geese - Swans"

1. Which hero was played at the pies? (Bear) "Masha and the Bear"

2. In what fairy tale did a mutant vegetable grow up? "Turnip"

Q. How do you understand the word mutant?

D. This is something different from others or not like everyone else.

8 “Correct the mistakes”

I will say the name of the fairy tale, and you should hear whether there is a mistake or not, if you heard the name of the fairy tale with an error, you correct me. We started in order. Question to the team "Kolobok" then "Turnip"

    "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs" (kids);

    "Ducks - swans" (geese);

    “Fear has huge eyes” (large);

    “Zayushkin House” (hut);

    “Dasha and the Bear” (Masha);

    “A fox with a saucepan” (with a rolling pin).

9 Competition for parents

Restore the sequence in the fairy tale “Geese - Swans”

    The girl met the river.

    Girl in Baba Yaga's hut.

    The girl brings her brother home.

    The girl met the stove.

    The geese and swans carried away their brother.

    The mouse helps the girl.

    The girl met an apple tree.

    The girl rushed to catch up with the geese.

10 “Guess” (seven-flowered flower)

1 – What song did Kolobok sing?
2 – What did the goat sing to her kids?
3 – What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?
4 – What did the hen Ryaba say to the grandfather and woman?
5 – What words did the wolf use to help himself catch fish on his tail?
6 – What did the fox say at that time?
7 – What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?
8 – What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?

11 "Magic Items"

Oven (By pike command. Geese-swans. bun).
egg (Koschei the immortal, Ryaba chicken).
pies (Masha and the bear. geese and swans.)
sleigh (fox and wolf).

Golden key


Spoon with gilded handle

A pot of honey, a glass slipper.

12 Telegrams from heroes

1. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day from the swamp
He pulled out the hippopotamus.
He's famous, famous
This is doctor... Aibolit
2. my father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden,
But the father loved his son.
What a weird one
Wooden man
On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.
He pokes his long nose everywhere,
Who is this?...Buratino
3. The forests hide many troubles, there is a wolf, a bear and a fox!
Our animal lives in anxiety,
The trouble takes your feet away.
Well, guess quickly,

What is the animal's name? ... bunny
4. This beast lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this beast.
He has a mustache like knitting needles.
He purrs and sings a song,
Only the MOUSE is afraid of him.
Did you guess it? This is... a cat.
5. Lived in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship!
Whoever swam to the meeting,
Everyone will be swallowed... by a crocodile.
6. A cunning cheat,
red head,
The fluffy tail is a beauty.
Who is this? ... fox.
7. He slept in a fur coat all winter,
I sucked a brown paw,
And when he woke up, he began to roar.
This is a forest animal... a bear.
8. Chock, chock, snout.
There is a pink hook at the back.
There's a barrel in the middle.
The voice is thin, ringing.
Guess who it is!
This is... a pig.

Working with proverbs

And the last task sounds like this “Say the proverb.” I will also say the proverbs in order, and you will finish them. So get ready and be careful.

    For good - ... (they pay with good);

    Without difficulty - ...(you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond);

    Under a lying stone - ... (water does not flow);

    Friends - ... (known in trouble);

Feats in fairy tales

Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the action that he committed. (Sheets on the tables)
Aibolit I washed my dishes.
Sparrow Returned the sun to the sky.
The mosquito put out the sea.
Fedora Saved the Fly - Tsokotukha.
The bear ate a cockroach.
Butterfly Cured the animals.

IV. Summing up

Our journey in the world of Miracles and Magic has ended. Thanks to your knowledge of fairy tales and your friendship, we were able to walk this path. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy tale path is endless. Once you open the collection of Russian folk tales, you're off!

Did you enjoy the journey through Russian folk tales? (Children's response)
What did you like best? (Children's response)
Why do you think we need fairy tales? What do they teach? (Children's response)

Fairy tales teach you to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and brave. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love your homeland and protect the weak.

As I say goodbye to you, I want to say that you are wonderful and very talented guys.

Subject: A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

Target: Teach students to read expressively

understand the text; teach the action of content analysis and

inferences on content, develop reflexive


Develop a sense of kindness in children, aversion to such

qualities like greed and anger.

Material: drawings by students for fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, an exhibition of books for children (fairy tales, poems by Pushkin), a seven-flowered flower, telegrams, a portrait of A.S. Pushkin, “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows,” “ What a delight these fairy tales are,” crossword puzzle.

Literature: magazine "Pedagogical Council" No. 4-97, No. 11-98, " Extracurricular reading in 4th grade" textbook, A.S. Pushkin "Collected works in five volumes" volume No. 2, magazines " „ Primary school"

    Organizing children for lessons. Psychological mood of students.

    Conversation with students. A.S. Pushkin and his works.

I) Who is A.S. Pushkin?

II) How many fairy tales did A.S. Pushkin write?

III) Find out who the telegrams are from.

3. "The Tale of Tsar Saltan."

I) Crossword based on a fairy tale

II) Questions about the fairy tale.

4. Work on the content of "Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish."

I) Vocabulary work

II) Answers to questions

III) Game "Flower - seven flowers"

    Lesson summary. The instructive meaning of the fairy tale.

I.- Hello children!

Children: - Every day, always, everywhere, In classes, in games, We speak boldly, clearly And sit quietly.

Today our teachers came to visit us. Together with
We will also be guests of the fairy tale.

So, friends, let's start the lesson on Inventions, we have a large supply! And who are they for? For you!

We know you love games, songs, riddles and dances, but there is nothing more interesting than our fairy tales!

Guys, tell me, whose anniversary is approaching?

(Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)

Who is he?

(poet, writer)

    How many days are left until the anniversary?

    How old is A.S. Pushkin? (1799-1837)

    Yes, that's how many years poet-writer. For more than one hundred and fifty years people have been reading his poems, poems and fairy tales.

    Did he write fairy tales for children too? How many fairy tales did A.S. Pushkin write?

(5 and one unfinished)

    Is there Baba Yaga in Pushkin's fairy tales? Is there Kashchei the Immortal? (No)

    Name the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin?

(“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”) “The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", the unfinished "Tale of the Bear".

    I invited all the heroes of Pushkin's fairy tales. They sent us telegrams. Find out who the telegrams came from.

    (I distribute telegrams, children read them loudly, guess who the telegram is from)

    Let's continue the lesson. If they don’t have time to arrive today, then you will definitely meet with them tomorrow morning.

III. You already know some of Pushkin's fairy tales, you have read them. I made a crossword puzzle based on Pushkin's fairy tale.

Let's solve it together.

    Swan is .

    And the nuts are not simple, all the shells are golden, the kernels are pure

    3. He only approaches the sea
    It’s like he hears a groan...
    Apparently the sea is not quiet,
    He looks and sees things well
    A swan beats among the swells
    Kite hovering over her.

    Be one of them -

    and the other -

    If I were a queen, says her sister, I’d be alone for the whole feast.

    I wove... -

    What word is inside? (Pushkin)

These words are from which fairy tale?.... ("The Tale of the Tsar

Words, work.

What is an emerald? (precious transparent stone
bright green)

The kite is a large bird of prey of the hawk family with long wings and a curved beak.

2. - Remember the fairy tale, how does it begin?

1) (“Three girls under the window
Spinning late in the evening")

2) What word does it end with?

("I was there, honey, drank beer-

And he just wet his mustache ")

    Whose nose was stung by a bumblebee in a fairy tale? (Babarikh)

    Who did the swan princess turn Guidon into?

(in bumblebee, fly, mosquito)

5) What miracles did the merchants (shipmen) see on the island?

(New city with palaces, a tame squirrel, 33 heroes and uncle Chernomor, the Swan Princess)

Well done, you remember the fairy tale well.

Let us also remember together “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

Guys, Pushkin wrote these fairy tales a long time ago, more than 150
years ago. Therefore, in the fairy tale there are outdated

1.1) Older - let me go older (old man) Who says that? (fish)

2) Click - remember the sentence.

The old man began to call the fish (call)

    The old woman scolded the old man even more - even more - (more strongly, worse)

    izba - would beg for an izba (house)

    tower - high house

    seine - The old man caught fish with a seine (large fishing net)

    henbane - Have you eaten too much henbane (a poisonous plant), lost your mind, gone crazy?

If you eat henbane, people will lose their minds, nothing

They don’t understand.

2. a) - What words does the fairy tale begin with?

(An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea)

b) What words does the old man use to address the fish?

(Have mercy, lady fish)

c) What did the fish ask for when the old man caught him?

(let me go, old man, to the sea)

d) How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue one?
sea ​​before meeting the fish?

(thirty years and three years)

e) How many of the old man’s requests did the fish fulfill?

(four: trough, hut, noblewoman, queen)

f) What words did the old woman scold the old man with?

(You fool, simpleton) 3. The next task is to read the words of the old man, old woman and fish with the correct intonation, Game “Flower-seven-flowered.”

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, having made a circle,
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Have... read the words to us expressively
old man... (7 petals)

Game "Flower-seven-flowered"

1) "You, elder, let me go to sea,
Dear, I'll give you a ransom for yourself
I’ll pay you back in any way you can.”

2) "God be with you, goldfish!

I don’t need your ransom; Go to the blue sea, Walk there in the open space."

3) You fool, you simpleton! You begged for a trough, you fool! Is there a lot of self-interest in the trough? Turn back, you fool, to the fish, bow to it, and beg for a hut."

"I" Today I caught a fish, a goldfish, not an ordinary one; In our opinion, the fish said, It asked to go home to the blue sea, It bought itself at a high price..."

“You fool, you simpleton; You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish! If only you could take a trough from it, Ours is completely split.”

b) Have mercy, lady fish, My old woman scolded me, Does not give me peace: She needs a new trough; Ours is completely split"

T\“Don’t be sad, go with God, You will have a new trough.”

4. - When the old man went to the blue sea, to the fish in
the first time the sea was what (find from the text_)

    the sea got a little rough

    the second time - the blue sea became clouded,

    the third time - the blue sea is not calm,

    the fourth time - the blue sea turned black,

    fifth time - black storm at sea

So the angry waves swelled, they move, they howl and howl.

    Why has the sea changed so much? (the fish was angry)

    How many times did the old man see the fish? Who counted? Who's attentive? (six times)

5. Lesson summary.

Did you like the fairy tale?

What old woman? (stingy, greedy, insidious, stupid, evil) What kind of old man? - (kind, good, hardworking,)

What a fish - he can do everything, and does not brag, he punished the old woman for her greed.

Kind, fair. If you got a goldfish, what would you ask it for? What does this fairy tale teach?

    Don't be greedy, stingy, evil, stupid, treacherous.

    You need to love work, be kind and fair.

    Yes guys

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

Good fellows lesson. Today we participated very well in the lesson and showed our knowledge...

They will receive prizes as a reminder of today's lesson. The lesson is over. Everyone is free.

Oksana Ryazantseva
Consultation “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”

« The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint!

A lesson to good fellows!”

Everyone knows fairy tales. At least a few fairy tales each of us can remember. AND "Turnip", And "Kolobok", and about Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf, and... And yet, I dare say, we don't know fairy tales. Well, though would: who remembers the tale of Ruff Ershovich? Or fairy tales"Gorshenya", "Seven Years"? Great number fairy tales(Scientists number many hundreds of them, but we usually hear no more than a dozen.

Not only the number of memorized fairy tales is a testament to their knowledge. After all a fairy tale is not a story, not a story, not a poem or poem that we read in books... How many of us can tell stories? After all, to know fairy tales- this means performing them in such a way that they listen to us with bated breath, so that they cry or laugh!

And many more questions arise when it comes to folk fairy tale.

So what is it fairy tale?

To put it into words « fairy tale» , words with the same root, then we get a series of words that will, to a certain extent, reveal it to us meaning: fairy tale - tell - tell. That is a fairy tale is that, What is told, it's oral story about something interesting both for the performer and for his listeners.

But is everyone interesting? the story is a fairy tale? You can answer this with confidence question: No! The people themselves, in their proverbs and sayings, noted another characteristic feature fairy tales. We have probably all heard or told ourselves more than once to those who talks about something, what is difficult believe: "Not tell stories, "All this - fairy tales There are proverbs that fairy tale compared with song: « Fairy tale - fold, and the song is reality", « A fairy tale is a lie, but the song is true". What does all this mean? About what fairy tale tells about events that cannot happen in life, they are incredible, fantastic.

And in fact, is it possible to believe that the fox taught the wolf to catch fish from an ice hole with its tail? It’s hard to imagine in life what tells a fairy tale"The Frog Princess": Ivan the prince marries a frog who performs unimaginable miracles.

IN everything is unusual in a fairy tale, everything is made up from beginning to end. The ax cuts down the forest itself, the stove talks; a carpet - an airplane - soars into the sky. In entertaining fabulous In stories, animals - fox, wolf, bear, hare, rooster, goat - talk to each other, help each other or deceive each other, cry and laugh, grieve and rejoice. People, if there are any in these fairy tales, do not notice the unusualness of what is happening.

IN fairy tales come to life inanimate objects. Here's a funny bun. Grandmother had just baked him when he suddenly jumped off the windowsill, rolled along the road and sang his boastful song.

It is also impossible to believe in the cruel actions of the characters fairy tales, in terrible events. This is all fiction, too.

So what fairy tales tell about, what didn't happen? In that case, why is she? Is it really just to spark the imagination of the listener or reader? A. S. Pushkin ignorance fairy tales regarded it as a shortcoming of his "damned" teacher! They belong to him words: « A fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint! A lesson to good fellows! So he finished his famous« The Tale of the Cockerel» .

It will probably amaze many stylistic diversity fairy tales; some fairy tales so different from those already read! But this is their beauty. How unusual and how wonderful they talk to each other in fairy tale"Svetlana the Beautiful" Voron Voronovich and his beauty wife: “Is it that you smell of Russian spirit?” She smiled and speaks: “You probably flew across Russian soil and picked up the Russian spirit!”

In many fairy tales have a happy ending: the villain is punished, and goodie- a good fellow or a beautiful maiden - receives a reward. This is not surprising. After all, fairy tales arose a very long time ago. When a person dreamed of learning to control the forces of nature, to understand everything that was happening in the world, he dreamed of free work, of happiness. IN fairy tales He affirmed faith in goodness, in the triumph of justice. Therefore, the kind stepdaughter from fairy tales"Morozko" the harsh Frost rewards with gold and silver, and leaves the lazy, rude daughter with nothing.

A fairy tale is a lie renders the most genuine true: she tells us about extremely important things in life, it teaches us to be kind and fair, to resist evil, to despise cunning and flatterers, to hate villains and enemies. She claims folk life: honesty, devotion, courage, collectivism. About what tells, for example, such a seemingly childish fairy tale"Turnip"? Of course, it’s not about how best to pull a turnip - alone, two, three or four. A fairy tale is about something else; about the strength of the team, that the smallest value in a team is important, teaches us to value the work of everyone.

Fairy tales there are a great many in the world. From them we learn about life different nations, their customs, traditions, beliefs. Folk fairy tales passed down from generation to generation. They were collected in separate books. Several volumes of Russian fairy tales collected and processed by A. N. Afanasyev.

Fairy tales Many writers have also written. You know and love well « The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish» , « fairy tale about the priest and worker Balda" A. S. Pushkina, "Humpbacked Horse" P. P. Ershova, « Scarlet flower» S. G. Aksakova. It is difficult to list everyone who wrote and collected fairy tales. These are K.I. Chukovsky, and S.Ya. Marshak and many others.

And finally, the last thing. You can't approach the poetic world fairy tales with our, largely rational thinking. In what they talk about so interestingly fairy tales, you have to believe. They have their own artistic truth. And therefore, oddly enough, but, for example, in fairy tales they take water from the sea for drinking, they travel across the sea in a boat, on the sea - in Okiyan you can build a bridge... That is why it is possible in fairy tales connection seemingly incompatible.

In a word, fairy tales are fairy tales. And I want to believe. That after such a great, largely new acquaintance with them, we will love them more folk art, our history, let's become a little kinder and a little cleaner.

Publications on the topic:

Parent meeting “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for parents” 2015 - year Russian literature! We decided to dedicate a parent meeting on the topic: “A fairy tale is a lie, but it contains a hint for parents.”

Integrated direct educational activity “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” in the senior group GCD theme: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” Integration educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, artistically.

Part 2 Educational project “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.” Goal: Moral education of children using the example of fairy tales. Project objectives: 1.

Educational project “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it” Part 1 Goal: Moral education of children using the example of fairy tales. Project objectives: 1. Help children understand that friendship helps in life. 2.

Pedagogical project “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” Pedagogical project “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” Relevance. Speech development is very important topic in child development. Poor speakers.

“Lie” among the Slavs was the name given to incomplete, superficial Truth. For example, you can say: “Here is a whole puddle of gasoline,” or you can say that this is a puddle of dirty water covered with a film of gasoline on top. In the second statement - True, in the first, what is said is not entirely True, i.e. Lie. “Lie” and “bed”, “bed” have the same root origin. Those. something that lies on the surface, or on the surface of which one can lie, or - a superficial judgment about an object.

And yet, why is the word “lie” applied to the Tales, in the sense of superficial truth, incomplete truth? The fact is that a Fairy Tale is really a Lie, but only for the Explicit, Manifested World, in which our consciousness now resides. For other Worlds: Navi, Slavi, Rule, the same fairy tale characters, their interaction, are true Truth. Thus, we can say that a Fairy Tale is still a True Story, but for a certain World, for a certain Reality. If a Fairy Tale evokes some Images in your imagination, it means that these Images came from somewhere before your imagination gave them to you. There is no fantasy divorced from reality. All fantasy is as real as our real life. Our subconscious, reacting to the signals of the second signaling system (per word), “pulls out” Images from the collective field - one of the billions of realities among which we live. In the imagination there is not just one thing, around which so many are twisted. fairy tales: “Go There, we don’t know Where, Bring That, we don’t know What.” Can your imagination imagine anything like this? - For the time being, no. Although, our Many-Wise Ancestors had a completely adequate answer to this question.

“Lesson” among the Slavs means something that stands at Rock, i.e. some fatality of Being, Fate, Mission, which any person embodied on Earth has. A lesson is something that must be learned before your evolutionary Path continues further and higher. Thus, a Fairy Tale is a Lie, but it always contains a Hint of the Lesson that each of the people will have to learn during their Life.


He asked Ras Deva: “Bake me a Kolobok.” The Virgin swept the barns of Svarog, scraped the bottom of the barrel and baked Kolobok. Kolobok rolled along the Path. It rolls and rolls, and the Swan meets him: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” And he plucked a piece from Kolobok with his beak. Kolobok rolls on. Towards him - Raven: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I will eat you! He pecked Kolobok's barrel and ate another piece. Kolobok rolled further along the Path. Then the Bear meets him: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” He grabbed Kolobok across the stomach, crushed his sides, and forcibly took Kolobok’s legs away from the Bear. Kolobok is rolling, rolling along the Svarog Path, and then the Wolf meets him: - Kolobok-Kolobok, I will eat you! He grabbed Kolobok with his teeth and barely rolled away from the Wolf. But his Path is not over yet. He rolls on: a very small piece of Kolobok remains. And then the Fox comes out to meet Kolobok: “Kolobok-Kolobok, I’ll eat you!” “Don’t eat me, Foxy,” was all Kolobok managed to say, and the Fox said “am” and ate him whole.
A fairy tale, familiar to everyone since childhood, takes on a completely different meaning and a much deeper essence when we discover the Wisdom of the Ancestors. Kolobok among the Slavs has never been a pie, a bun, or “almost a cheesecake,” as they sing in modern fairy tales and cartoons of the most varied bakery products that are passed off to us as Kolobok. People's thought is much more figurative and sacred than they try to imagine. Kolobok is a metaphor, like almost all images of heroes of Russian fairy tales. It is not for nothing that the Russian people were famous everywhere for their imaginative thinking.
The Tale of Kolobok is an astronomical observation by the Ancestors of the movement of the Moon across the sky: from the full moon (in the Hall of the Race) to the new moon (the Hall of the Fox). Kolobok’s “Kneading” - the full moon, in this tale, takes place in the Hall of Virgo and Ras (roughly corresponds to the modern constellations Virgo and Leo). Further, starting from the Hall of the Boar, the Month begins to decline, i.e. each of the encountered Halls (Swan, Raven, Bear, Wolf) “eats” part of the Month. By the Fox's Hall there is nothing left of Kolobok - Midgard-Earth (in modern terms - planet Earth) completely covers the Moon from the Sun.
We find confirmation of precisely this interpretation of Kolobok in Russian folk riddles(from the collection of V. Dahl): Blue scarf, red bun: rolls around on the scarf, grins at people. - This is about Heaven and Yarilo-Sun. I wonder how modern fairy-tale remakes would portray the red Kolobok? Did you mix blush into the dough?
There are a couple more riddles for the kids: A white-headed cow is looking into the gateway. (Month) He was young - he looked like a fine fellow, in his old age he became tired - he began to fade, a new one was born - he became cheerful again. (Month) The spinner, the golden bobbin, is spinning, no one can get it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden. (Sun) Who is the richest in the world? (Earth)
It should be borne in mind that Slavic constellations do not correspond exactly to modern constellations. In the Slavic Circle there are 16 Halls (constellations), and they had different configurations than the modern 12 Signs of the Zodiac. The palace of Ras (the cat family) can roughly be correlated with
zodiac sign Leo.


Everyone probably remembers the text of the fairy tale from childhood. Let us analyze the esotericism of the fairy tale and those gross distortions of imagery and logic that were imposed on us.
Reading this, like most other supposedly “folk” (i.e. pagan: “language” - “people”) fairy tales, we pay attention to the obsessive absence of parents. That is, children are presented with single-parent families, which instills in them from childhood the idea that an incomplete family is normal, “everyone lives like this.” Only grandparents raise children. Even in intact families, it has become a tradition to “hand over” a child to be raised by old people. Perhaps this tradition was established during serfdom, as a necessity. Many will tell me that times are no better now, because... democracy is the same slave-owning system. “Demos”, in Greek, is not just “the people”, but a wealthy people, the “top” of society, “kratos” - “power”. So it turns out that democracy is the power of the ruling elite, i.e. the same slavery, only having an erased manifestation in the modern political system. In addition, religion is also the power of the elite for the people, and is also actively involved in the education of the flock (that is, the herd), for its own and the state elite. What do we bring up in children by telling them fairy tales to someone else’s tune? Do we continue to “prepare” more and more serfs for the demos? Or the servants of God?
From an esoteric point of view, what picture appears in the modern “Turnip”? — The line of generations has been interrupted, joint good work has been disrupted, there is a total destruction of the harmony of the Family, the Family,
prosperity and joy of family relationships. What kind of people grow up in dysfunctional families?.. And this is what recent fairy tales teach us.
Specifically, according to “TURNIP”. The two most important heroes for the child, father and mother, are missing. Let's consider what Images make up the essence of the fairy tale, and what exactly was removed from the fairy tale on the symbolic plane. So, characters: 1) Turnip - symbolizes the Roots of the Family. She's planted
Ancestor, the most ancient and wise. Without him, there would be no Turnip, and no joint, joyful work for the benefit of the Family. 2) Grandfather - symbolizes Ancient Wisdom 3) Grandmother - Tradition, Home 4) Father - protection and support of the Family - removed from the fairy tale along with figurative meaning 5) Mother - Love and Care - removed from the fairy tale 6) Granddaughter (daughter) - Offspring, continuation of the Family 7) Bug - protection of wealth in the Family 8) Cat - good environment of the House 9) Mouse - symbolizes the well-being of the House. Mice only appear where there is an abundance, where every crumb is not counted. These figurative meanings are interconnected, like a nesting doll - one without the other no longer has meaning and completeness.
So think about it later, whether Russian fairy tales have been changed, whether known or unknown, and who they “work” for now.


It seems - well, what stupidity: they beat and beat, and then a mouse, bang - and the end of the fairy tale. Why all this? Indeed, only tell foolish children...
This tale is about Wisdom, about the Image of Universal Wisdom contained in the Golden Egg. Not everyone and not at all times is given the opportunity to cognize this Wisdom. Not everyone can handle it. Sometimes you have to settle for the simple wisdom contained in the Simple Egg.

When you tell this or that fairy tale to your child, knowing its hidden meaning, the Ancient WISDOM contained in this fairy tale is absorbed “with mother’s milk”, on a subtle level, on a subconscious level. Such a child will understand many things and relationships without unnecessary explanations and logical confirmations, figuratively, with the right hemisphere, as modern psychologists say.


In the book written based on the lectures of P.P. Globa, we find interesting information about the classical heroes of Russian fairy tales: “The name “Koshchey” comes from the name of the sacred books of the ancient Slavs “koschun”. These were wooden tied tablets with unique knowledge written on them. The guardian of this immortal inheritance was called “koschei.” His books were passed down from generation to generation, but it is unlikely that he was truly immortal, as in the fairy tale. (...) And into a terrible villain, a sorcerer, heartless, cruel, but powerful... Koschey turned relatively recently - during the introduction of Orthodoxy, when everyone positive characters the Slavic pantheon was turned into negative ones. At the same time, the word “blasphemy” arose, that is, following ancient, non-Christian customs. (...) And Baba Yaga is a popular person among us... But they could not completely denigrate her in fairy tales. Not just anywhere, but precisely to her, all the Tsarevich Ivans and Fool Ivans came to her in difficult times. And she fed and watered them, heated the bathhouse for them and put them to sleep on the stove in order to show them the right path in the morning, helped to unravel their most complex problems, gave them a magic ball that itself leads to the desired goal. The role of the “Russian Ariadne” makes our granny surprisingly similar to one Avestan deity,... Chistu. This woman-cleaner, sweeping the road with her hair, driving away dirt and all evil spirits from it, clearing the road of fate from stones and debris, was depicted with a broom in one hand and a ball in the other. ... It is clear that with such a position she cannot be ragged and dirty. Moreover, we have our own bathhouse.” (Man is the Tree of Life. Avestan tradition. Mn.: Arctida, 1996)

This knowledge partly confirms the Slavic idea of ​​​​Kashchei and Baba Yaga. But let us draw the reader’s attention to the significant difference in the spelling of the names “Koshchey” and “Kashchey”. These are two fundamentally different heroes. That negative character that is used in fairy tales, with whom all the characters, led by Baba Yaga, struggle, and whose Death is “in the egg” is KASHCHEY. The first rune in the writing of this ancient Slavic word-image is “Ka,” meaning “gathering within oneself, union, unification.” For example, the runic word-image “KARA” does not mean punishment as such, but means something that does not radiate, has ceased to shine, has turned black because it has collected all the radiance (“RA”) inside itself. Hence the word KARAKUM - “KUM” - a relative or a set of something related (grains of sand, for example), and “KARA” - those who have collected radiance: “a collection of shining particles.” This has a slightly different meaning than the previous word “punishment”.

Slavic runic images are unusually deep and capacious, ambiguous and difficult for the average reader. Only the Priests owned these images in their entirety, because... writing and reading a runic image is a serious and very responsible matter, requiring great accuracy and absolute purity of thought and heart.
Baba Yoga (Yogin-Mother) is the Eternally Beautiful, Loving, Kind-hearted Goddess-Patroness of orphans and children in general. She wandered around Midgard-Earth, either on the Fire Celestial Chariot, or on horseback through the lands where the Clans lived Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Family, collecting homeless orphans in towns and villages. In every Slavic-Aryan Vesi, even in every populous city or settlement, the Patron Goddess was recognized by her radiating kindness, tenderness, meekness, love and her elegant boots, decorated with gold patterns, and they showed Her where orphans lived. Ordinary people they called the Goddess differently, but always with tenderness. Some - Grandma Yoga Golden Leg, and some, quite simply - Yogini-Mother.


The Yogini delivered the orphans to her foothill monastery, which was located in the thicket of the forest, at the foot of the Irian Mountains (Altai). She did this in order to save the last representatives of the most ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans from imminent death. In the foothill Skete, where the Yogini-Mother conducted the children through the Fiery Rite of Initiation to the Ancient High Gods, there was a Temple of the God of the Family, carved inside the mountain. Near the mountain Temple of Rod, there was a special depression in the rock, which the Priests called the Cave of Ra. From it extended a stone platform, divided by a ledge into two equal recesses, called Lapata. In one recess, which was closer to the Cave of Ra, Yogini-Mother laid sleeping children in white clothes. Dry brushwood was placed in the second cavity, after which LapatA moved back into the Cave of Ra, and the Yogini set fire to the brushwood. For all those present at the Fire Rite, this meant that the orphans were dedicated to the Ancient High Gods and no one would see them again in the worldly life of the Clans. Foreigners who sometimes attended the Fire Rites very colorfully told in their lands that they witnessed with their own eyes how small children were sacrificed to the Ancient Gods, thrown alive into the Fiery Furnace, and Baba Yoga did this. The strangers did not know that when the lapata platform moved into the Cave of Ra, a special mechanism lowered the stone slab onto the ledge of the lapata and separated the recess with the children from the Fire. When the Fire lit up in the Cave of Ra, the Priests of the Family transferred the children from the lapata to the premises of the Temple of the Family. Subsequently, Priests and Priestesses were raised from orphans, and when they became adults, the boys and girls created families and continued their lineage. The foreigners knew none of this and continued to spread tales that the wild Priests of the Slavic and Aryan peoples, and especially the bloodthirsty Baba Yoga, orphans are sacrificed to the Gods. These foreign tales influenced the Image of the Yogini-Mother, especially after the Christianization of Rus', when the Image of the beautiful young Goddess was replaced by the Image of an old, angry and hunchbacked old woman with matted hair who steals children. roasts them in an oven in a forest hut, and then eats them. Even the Name of Yogini-Mother was distorted and they began to scare all children with the Goddess.

Very interesting, from an esoteric point of view, is the fabulous Instruction-Lesson that accompanies more than one Russian folk tale:
Go There, we don’t know Where, Bring That, we don’t know What.

It turns out that not only fairy tales were taught such a Lesson. This instruction was received by every descendant from the Clans of the Holy Race that ascended the Golden Path Spiritual Development(in particular, mastering the Steps of Faith - the “science of imagery”). A person begins the Second Lesson of the First Stage of Faith by looking inside himself to see all the diversity of colors and sounds within himself, as well as to experience the Ancient Ancestral Wisdom that he received at his birth on Midgard-Earth. The key to this great storehouse of Wisdom is known to every person from the Clans of the Great Race; it is contained in the ancient instruction: Go There, not knowing Where, Know That, you do not know What.

This Slavic Lesson is echoed by more than one folk wisdom world: To seek wisdom outside oneself is the height of stupidity. (Chan saying) Look inside yourself and you will discover the whole world. (Indian wisdom)
Russian fairy tales have undergone many distortions, but, nevertheless, in many of them the Essence of the Lesson embedded in the fable has remained. It is a fable in our reality, but it is a reality in another reality, no less real than the one in which we live. For a child, the concept of reality is expanded. Children see and feel much more energy fields and flows than adults. It is necessary to respect each other's realities. What is Fable for us is Fact for the baby. That is why it is so important to initiate a child into “correct” fairy tales, with truthful, original Images, without layers of politics and history.

The most truthful, relatively free from distortion, in my opinion, are some of Bazhov’s fairy tales, the fairy tales of Pushkin’s nanny - Arina Rodionovna, recorded by the poet almost verbatim, the tales of Ershov, Aristov, Ivanov, Lomonosov, Afanasyev... The purest, in their pristine completeness of Images, to me Tales seem to be from book 4 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas: “The Tale of Ratibor”, “The Tale of the Clear Falcon”, given with comments and explanations on words that have fallen out of Russian everyday use, but have remained unchanged in fairy tales.
From the Internet

"Do we understand and interpret fairy tales correctly? Maybe in fairy tales there is some hidden meaning, the meaning of which we have no idea? “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” From time immemorial, fairy tales have been passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. The “age” of many fairy tales is estimated at thousands of years! But the fairy tales still retain the unique meaning that was laid down by the ancient storytellers. Unfortunately, we do not always understand the hidden meaning of a fairy tale; we do not know how it was born. What did ancient people mean when they told these stories? fairy tales? What lessons did they want to teach the children?

In ancient folklore collections, the events of fairy tales familiar to us often unfold differently.


Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. Grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out! Grandfather called grandma:
grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out! The grandmother called her granddaughter, and the granddaughter called Zhuchka... The ending turned out to be completely different old fairy tale: “Bug called the cat. They pulled and pulled, but they couldn’t pull it out. They got tired, went to bed. And at night a mouse came and gnawed the whole turnip!”

Modern version- this is a story about mutual assistance, and the ancient one is about the fact that every task must be completed.

Fairy tale "Kolobok".

The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, broomed it along the bottom, and collected about two handfuls of flour. She kneaded it with sour cream, fried it in oil and put it on the window to let it sit. The gingerbread man lay there and lay there, and suddenly he rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, along the floor and to the doors, jumped over the threshold into the entryway, from the entryway to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard to the gate, on and on.

The ruddy little bun boasts about his dexterity. So, it seems, the condemnation of frivolous carelessness and boasting is ready. And in ancient fairy tale contains information about... the moon. Yes, yes! About the moon. It turns out that the bun symbolized the Moon. In the ancient version of this tale, each animal encountered by the kolobok took a bite from the kolobok. So the round “moon” became smaller and smaller, turning into a month. When it was the fox’s turn, only one small piece of the moon remained. "Gum!" - and she disappeared...

And in a fairy tale "Cockerel - Golden Comb" It speaks not only about the excessive gullibility of the cockerel, but also an encrypted parable about how day comes to replace night. The cockerel plays another role in this story - the role of the sun. The image of a fox is a symbolic representation of the night. The night fox lures the sun cockerel out of the house, and then grabs it and carries it very far: “over the high mountains, beyond dense forests, beyond the blue seas." And the cockerel - the cat - comes to the rescue. The cat in this fairy tale means morning.

The heroes of another fairy tale beloved by children, “Zayushkina’s Hut,” were originally intended to tell children about the change of seasons. The cunning fox is winter, and the kind little bunny is summer. When the fox lured the bunny out of his home, the cockerel, the sun, came to his rescue again, although at first the bunny turns for help to other animals who could easily defeat the fox.

Ryabka hen. Its interpretation is not at all simple.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had Ryaba chicken. The hen laid an egg, not an ordinary one - a golden one. Grandfather beat and beat, but did not break. The woman beat and beat, but did not break. The mouse was running, its tail touched it, the egg fell and broke. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and the chicken is clucking:
- Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman: I will lay you an egg, not a golden one - a simple one!

After all, this fairy tale was previously intended for adults, but in Ancient Rus' even the children understood it symbolic meaning. The golden egg is a symbol of death that old people receive. Speckled chicken V ancient mythology- a mediator between the world of the living and the world of the dead. That is why the grandfather and woman try to break the golden egg, and the simple egg promised to the old men by Ryaba is a symbol of new life. The fairy tale was intended to cheer up old people, to prevent them from grieving too much because of inevitable old age, symbolizing the victory of life over death.

Baba Yaga. Scary. He lives in a dark forest, flies in a mortar, and is always trying to fry and eat someone! Why then do Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful often come to Baba Yaga for advice? But because there was such a custom - to turn to your ancestors for any knowledge. A distant ancestors, of course, are in the other world, where entry to the living is prohibited. And Baba Yaga served as an intermediary, a guide to the other world. And her home is a hut on chicken legs - a prototype of the houses that people of the past built. And so that the foundation of the house did not rot, it was fumigated with resin.

"Baba" is mother main woman in ancient cultures. "Yaga" - fire. There was a verb "yagat". “Yagat” meant “to scream with all your might. Hunters and women in labor were yagali. It turns out that Baba Yaga was the main mother, a wise woman who knew everything. And she was not as terrible as it seems. After all, there is not a single fairy tale, Where would Baba Yaga fry people, she just wants to do it. Where did this come from in the fairy tale? It turns out that there was such a ritual - baking a sick child. The midwife spoke bread dough, wrapped the baby in it, put it on a shovel and put it in the oven. Then she took it out, unfolded it, and gave the dough to the dogs. The child, from such warming, often recovered. So, if we interpret the fairy tale from the point of view of cultural history, then Baba Yaga is not a villain at all, but a folk healer.