Anatoly show. Anatoly Evdokimov: the best actresses are actors. No problems with stage shoes

New Year's skit

I never thought that I would do parody. Everything happened by chance. Once upon a time, more than ten years ago, I worked as a bartender in a club, and my colleagues and I decided to make a surprise at the New Year's skit party. I was involved in choosing costumes and directing. The performance, where the three of us (with a chef and an administrator) portrayed Tina Turner, Liza Minnelli, Barbra Streisand and other Hollywood divas, was seen by the director of a new Moscow club. Since then, our performances have become regular, and later I organized my own Evdokimov Show.

The art of transformation

I nurture each of the characters for a long time: I watch recordings, try on the characters for myself, notice the features, and then - rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals. There are very emotional, very unique artists, for example Tina Turner, who are easy to parody, and there are those who are not easy. You have to “catch” them at a more subtle level. For the audience to believe you, you need to work hard. And I get used to the role of everyone I play on stage, because if I don’t believe myself, then the audience definitely won’t believe it.

Themselves with a mustache

For all performances I do my own makeup. It's not so easy to put makeup on a man so that he looks like a woman from the stage. Different facial structure, everything is different. But in any case, you can learn how to paint, you only need experience. Moreover, nowadays there are many opportunities: you can go to a professional makeup artist, look at magazines, the Internet...


View from the outside

On women, I like natural and discreet makeup that harmonizes with the face, and not bright make-up a la pluck out your eyes. I think, main task makeup - to “continue” the beauty of a woman, highlight and hide some flaws, if any.

Work on mistakes

I don't look at women to identify flaws in their makeup. But if some mistakes are obvious, of course, it’s difficult not to notice them. The most common mistake girls make is wearing bright red lipstick, which doesn’t suit everyone. Secondly, sloppy makeup, when everything is fuzzy, uneven... Or low-quality cosmetics that crumble and are not absorbed... It’s better not to waste money and buy a good one. After all, investing in yourself is the right one and will definitely pay off.

Text: Irina Bagaeva
Photo: artist’s press service

25.05.2006 , Mark Kamtarinov, specially for Best For

Interview with the creator and main star of the drag queen show Divas Show Anatoly Evdokimov before the group’s three-year anniversary.

Monday, 21:00. With a bronze tan blue eyes and a short, stylish haircut, Anatoly appeared in “Traffic.” It was impossible to approach the bar, and the tables on two floors were occupied. “I don’t know a place where you can eat normally,” he explained his choice. “You can, of course, go to another club, but I know that I’ll get enough here.” The drag queen star had to wait ten minutes until the waiter invited him to a vacant table. Anatoly did not have to be bored; at this time he was sending air kisses to his friends, who actually occupied all the tables...

Three years

Do you know that our birthday is coming soon? On May 28 we turn three years old. We’ve never celebrated it before, but here we decided to put on a grand show at Treshka. All my thoughts are about this now, because by this date we are making new program. A big, expensive theatrical performance with lots of special effects. There will be a lot of unexpected surprises. The highlight of the evening is the presentation of a photograph with an interesting person. Moreover, everything will happen once - this will never happen again.


There is one more surprise! This evening I will be on the same stage with Zaza Napoli. In life I call him Vlad, for me he is no Zaza. Despite the fact that we have known each other for a long time, this will be our first time performing together. What it took to persuade him to perform in “Monkeys”! Friends say: well, there will be two monsters on stage! I think that this party will become a serious event in the Russian gay scene.


Oh, they react differently to my performances! I have no goal to make fun of anyone; on the contrary, I take the merits of a particular star and enhance them. And I only use images that I really like. My parodies were seen by Laima, Piekha, Gurchenko. “VIA-Gra” was simply sitting down behind the scenes when I was parodying them. Vaikula liked it too, but the feature with the severed head, i.e. “the face of a drowned cabin boy,” somehow offended her. But she likes the team, we are even friends. In general, we support many stars good relationship– our guys have worked for everyone: Meladze, Varvara, Leshchenko, Moiseev...


There is not a single concert without some incident happening. Either the heel will break, or the wig will fly away God knows where, or something else cooler! For such a case, we have our own techniques, this is all a kitchen in which we cook normally. In most cases, the viewer does not see or realize that our rubber band has burst or there are some technical problems. We discuss all aspects of equipment and music in our rider.


There is no need to prove that we have the most expensive costumes of all the drag queen shows existing in Russia. Yes, that's right! And here it is impossible to say: a boa costs so much, and a hat costs so much. Creating a separate costume is a whole epic. Day and night, Zaza and our costume designer Andrei Ostrosev pore over them with a needle in their hands. They have already created more than two hundred masterpieces - that’s all handmade! If we talk about price, the stones alone cost a fortune. We don't use simple glass, we use everything from Swarovski. One suit costs about $3,000. Now calculate how much just one number costs in three minutes. And there may be fifteen such exits!


If earlier, about four years ago, when leaving home, I would take two suitcases with me and get into a taxi, but now I have to return home four times. And more and more suitcases are bought. This trend scares me! When we go to a three-hour performance, we have to buy a whole compartment - we fill it to the top with costumes. I see the loss of any suitcase as bad dream. If for a taxi driver who inadvertently takes away one of the bags with suits, the contents turn out to be pleasantly surprising, but will not be of any value, then for me this is the loss of a whole fortune. Each suitcase contains thousands of dollars and many hours of work by the creators.


It got to the point where we managed to perform in six places in one evening. They started at five in the evening and finished almost in the morning. Thirty seconds to change clothes between acts, the show itself and an hour to travel. Such non-stop work was physically difficult and required rest.


I went there at the beginning of the year and still live under these impressions. Broke the hearts of half of Thailand (laughs). And to be honest, my heart was broken. I had an active holiday there. I went on all kinds of tours and excursions. I went diving, rode elephants, climbed mountains, visited caves...

Local drag queen

Oh, I don't like that! These are not drag queens, but transvestites. For Thais, the main thing is to make breasts and effectively transform into a woman. Wear a crown and please the client. They do not attach importance to theatricality: the main task is to get as close to the woman as possible. I don't find any charm in this.


We cannot appreciate bad qualities in a person. The properties of men and women are the same, universal. IN lately I fell in love with decency and honesty because I had to face betrayal. Kindness, intelligence and sincerity are also important to me. And I also don’t like ordinary people who simply approach everything in this life, simplify it - relationships, work. I like those who know how to work at everything, who know how to find their own meaning and philosophy.


I have not been influenced by the images that I present on stage. In theory, I could have been carried away in the feminine direction - I would have grown my hair, had plastic surgery, and used feminine manners in life. In fact, I didn't even think about it. Smells like some kind of illness. The female image is only on stage, that’s my job. I can abstract myself from any image, no matter how hard it was to create it. IN everyday life I'm the most ordinary guy. I retained my masculinity and I like myself in this capacity.


I know that as a woman I can please any straight guy. I can use my energy - and I will succeed, and he will like it. This is a theater with its own specific task. And if the room has the image of a “fucking chick”, I will be it! I can come out as Masha Rasputina - and everyone, literally everyone, will want me! But immediately after this image I will come out as an old, broken old woman with shaking hands. By the way, for me this is more interesting, since this role is more difficult to play than “a stunning blonde with boobs.” I also like to combine extremes in one number. For example, depravity and holiness, youth and old age. Now I’m looking for male roles that can be wisely used in our show, so that it doesn’t get spoiled.

Cost of performance

from 150 000 to 500 000 rubles

The show's pricing policy is very flexible. Artists are always ready to discuss.
From 150,000 rub. – average cost.


The creative path of Anatoly Evdokimov began long before the artist created his own show. At first, the artist’s performances were solo, creating on stage images of popular artists: Toni Brackstone, Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, whose beautiful voices broke hundreds of hearts of viewers around the world. Then there was work in the Dream Factory team. And four years ago Evdokimov created a show where he and artistic director, and a stylist, and a costume designer - in general, everything. At first, Anatoly didn’t even think that he would make parodies of Rasputin or others domestic stars show business. But after Rasputina, Gurchenko, Piekha, Rotaru appeared. That's how the Divas Show was born.

In 2010, the cast of the show's artists was updated, and two girls appeared in the men's team - not just professional dancers, but winners of many beauty contests. This decision turned out to be very correct - the show became even more vibrant and spectacular, and the male audience appreciated the beauty of the girls. Currently, Anatoly and his show have long stepped beyond the club stage - performances are held in large concert halls with a constant full house.


Anatoly Evdokimov’s repertoire includes parodies, productions, performances both domestic (from Lyudmila Gurchenko and the Mirage group to Sofia Rotaru) and foreign performers(from Tina Turner to Lady Gaga).

Duration of the program

from 20 minutes to 2 hours


8 people:
7 dancers (5 boys and 2 girls)


corporate party, anniversary, festive event, concert

The show "Lights of Anatolia" is a musical and dance interpretation of the historical process of development of the Anatolia region in Asia Minor. "Fires of Anatolia" is a synthesis modern choreography, folk dance and classical ballet. While watching, viewers will see the hypnotic whirling dervishes, the mesmerizing power and strength of the Lezginka dance, the rhythmic halai and others oriental dancing. During the show, the origin and development of the culture of Anatolia is shown, which gradually absorbed many cultures - the disappeared Hittites, Turkic nomads, Greek and Roman civilizations and, of course, absorbed elements original culture Seljuks and Ottomans. This show is shown at the Gloria Aspendos Arena near Aspendos in Mediterranean Turkey on Tuesdays. In turn, the show "Troy" is a dance and musical variation famous poem Homer, created back in 1180 BC. This show is shown at the Gloria Aspendos Arena in Turkey on Thursdays. In addition, the troupe rarely shows the show "Gates of the East" about history ancient city Erzurum - a kind of gate ancient East, former center of many diverse cultures. I’m planning an excursion, I need to check the current schedule of performances. After watching the show, you will understand that Turkish culture is not only the hackneyed tracks of songs by the singer Tarkan or the rather boring TV series “Magnificent Century”.

Statistics figures for the show "Lights of Anatolia"

The first performances of the program were shown in 2001. Since then, the show has been watched by more than 20 million viewers in more than 85 countries. The artists performed at the Kremlin Palace in Moscow and Madison Square Garden in New York, the Eurovision Song Contest and the opening of the Universiade, the Formula 1 racing stage and in front of the pyramids of Egypt. The performances "Lights of Anatolia" as well as "Troy" were appreciated by royalty, presidents and prime ministers of different countries. The show "Lights of Anatolia" has long been included in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest audience and performance of dances with more than 200 steps in one minute. The troupe includes more than 250 artists, which makes it possible to hold three concerts simultaneously with an equal level of quality in solo and group dance training of the artists, scenery, costumes, audio and visual accompaniment.

Unfortunately, luxurious performances are a thing of the past dance group ensemble "Lights of Anatolia" in Turkey on the stage of an ancient theater built in the once famous ancient city of Aspendos. The splendor of the architecture of the Greek architects, stunning acoustics and a special authentic setting gave this show a special atmosphere, of which now no trace remains. Relatively recently, in 2008. For the performance of the group "Lights of Anatolia", a new stage was built, Gloria Aspendos Arena, located approximately one kilometer from the old theater. A gaudy modern structure of plaster and concrete, bearing little resemblance to Greek and Roman theatres, now serves as a performance arena for a renowned group. The hall can barely accommodate 5 thousand people, so the cost of tickets for the tour has skyrocketed. Judge for yourself, a regular seat for the show costs “Lights of Anatolia” about 90 TL. Tourists complain about the uncomfortable hard plastic seats and, most importantly, the stage is a fair distance away from the audience. The acoustics in the hall are not much different from modern stage venues. Now the “Lights of Anatolia” performances have forever lost their special aura of unity between artists and spectators.

Details of visiting the shows "Lights of Anatolia" and "Troy"

The minimum prices for a tour are traditionally offered at street travel agencies. In addition, the cost of visiting the "Lights of Anatolia" show, as well as "Troy", will be the lowest at resorts located near the city of Serik, where the Gloria Aspendos Arena stage is located. The most expensive tour to the “Lights of Anatolia” and “Troy” shows will be from the distant villages of Kemer, especially Tekirova. In 2016, the cost of the tour will range from 55 to 70 US dollars per person. Given the long transfer time, tourists are usually picked up from hotels at 6-7 pm and brought back only after midnight. Before the concert, the tour group is taken to a very modest dinner at a roadside cafe. The show starts at 20:00 and ends at 23:00. Each of the two sections lasts about one hour. For the "Lights of Anatolia" show, as well as "Troy", it is advisable to take extra clothes (it gets cold in the evening), a towel (the seats are hard), bottled water from the hotel minibar and a non-professional camera. It is difficult to get to the show with video cameras.

The creator and artistic director of the only drag queen show in Russia, “Evdokimov Show,” Anatoly Evdokimov is confident that no one can portray a woman as brilliantly as a man, especially if he is helped by lush costumes, choreography and his favorite music. He told the chief editor of Pravda.Ru, Inna Novikova, about his creative discoveries, successes and fears.

Anatoly Evdokimov: My grandmother ate a wolf

— Anatoly, your show is called the best drag queen show in Europe - who called you that?

- Naturally, we didn’t call ourselves - we had several awards where we were announced as such when we came abroad. Then articles came out with exactly these headings.

— Are your programs performances with some kind of script or is it just beautiful dancing, beautiful outfits? Who are they for?

- For absolutely everyone. One of our best programs is based on the work of foreign divas such as Madonna, Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, Cher, Lady Gaga. In 40 minutes, about 15 artists pass in front of you. Real divas, at very high speed, with constant changes of costumes. Each number lasts two to two and a half minutes. Change of costumes - 30 seconds. It is better not to see what is happening behind the scenes, and most importantly, not to hear. This is a real show: a kaleidoscope of images plus wonderful music, choreography, professional ballet - all with theatrical miniatures. Very expensive, rhinestone-studded costumes or light-up costumes. Plus, of course, it is similar to the image that is being created.

- What are the similarities? The artists sing in their own voices, and they wear clothes that neither Madonna nor Houston have ever performed in...

— In order to create an image, you basically need what we are used to seeing, for example, the same Tina Turner. Short dress, open legs, same wig.

In fact, I very rarely made parodies that made fun of artists, I tried to create images. I needed people to believe that this or that character was in front of them.

Now it’s important to me that it be a spectacular show. It is built initially on the stars, but the set design, the choreography, the way it surprises people within the same 40 minutes is more important to me. I am more interested in the images that were created by me and the team.

For example, The Swan Princess, where I am not parodying anyone, I simply took an image from a Vrubel painting, to the music of Tchaikovsky, with a stunning costume. I am not praising myself at this moment, but the tailor who created the masterpiece. This Swan Princess Vrubelevskaya swims...

Or, let’s say, we are now creating a large-scale project - Cleopatra, where the costumes are simply works of art that can be exhibited in a museum. In addition to Cleopatra, all the gods of Egypt are present there, and paradise... And everything was studied: what attributes they had, decorations, who the main god was, how to correctly distribute them on the stage. My girls turn out to be goddesses, cats, the way they should look. This colossus that stands crazy money, which people worked on for six months, will only last four minutes.

Or, let’s say, Lady Gaga looks like a Venetian carnival for me. The best Venetian costumes that exist were studied, crinolines, masks, huge headdresses, etc. were sewn. Such a black and silver sparkling procession comes out - and all in order to show Lady Gaga’s number, which also lasts only four minutes.

— Why is Lady Gaga at the Venice Carnival?

- She's a mask, freak. But I didn’t want to make some kind of monsters, but something more sophisticated, more beautiful.

— And your act with Pannochka lying in a coffin, who suddenly sits up and starts singing a song in the voice of Sofia Rotaru: “I loved you, I forgot you”?... When I saw it, it was such a shock! But, probably, the cost of the suit is so economical: just a snow-white nightgown and a wreath on the head.

— Yes, it’s cheap, but the team mentally prepared for this for a very long time. I had to urgently make a Halloween program for 40 minutes, and we only had three suitable numbers. I immediately had an image of the lady: dead people, ghouls...

—And how did you convince people to lie in the coffin?

- This is a theatrical task. Costumers, dancers, my friends said: “Are you crazy?” There were stories that it was a bad sign to lie in a coffin, that it could somehow have a bad effect. Actors are superstitious. I explained to them that, guys, I don’t know a single actress who doesn’t lie in a coffin in films.

In every second film someone is killed and buried. True, it was very difficult to work in front of my mother. She wanted to come to this program. I say: “Mom, get ready, your son will lie there in a coffin.” Well, I came and looked. He says: “Yes, of course, it’s not very pleasant, but...”

Do you know what the story was? We had five clubs, and we said that we would not carry a coffin to them: “Do you want to work for this number? Order a coffin.” Some ordered luxurious coffins from Mosfilm, and some knocked them down themselves - and it was simply impossible to get out of these. It’s good that I play sports - it takes a lot of physical exertion to get out at all.

We still had to get out smoothly. Ibid. mythical creature somehow, it cannot make sudden movements. And I almost pulled my shoulder after the next climb out. My father is a jack of all trades. I call my mother: “Mom, I need to make a comfortable coffin. The only one who can make it for me is my father. But I don’t know how to approach him with this, what kind of goat to ride up on: “Dad, can you put together a coffin for your son? “And here my mother and I are from afar: they say, we need to make decorations for this number. He says: “Do you want a coffin?” Well, let me put it together." Now I have a very convenient coffin, the front panel of which is made of fabric, so when I cross my legs, it bends under me. It is assembled, we even take it with us on tour.

— The fact is that I’m not portraying Rotaru there. I'm performing Pannochka. But even in Sofia Mikhailovna herself, in her look, in her behavior, there is something... from the lady, right? She's such a witcher. Beautiful, but dangerous. The fact that she is so old, and she looks like this, is actually something... This is just a gift to a woman who looks so wonderful. I really like it.

- Here’s a question... You graduated from school, went to a decent university, received a decent diploma. And after that you go to work in a night bar as a bartender. God bless him. But the fact that you then created a travesty show... Was it probably difficult for parents who want to be proud of their son, to show off to their friends? On the one hand, the whole country knows, but on the other hand, they gave birth to a boy and it turned out to be a girl. How did you say to your parents for the first time: “Well, Mom, I’m going to go and dress up in a beautiful outfit”?

- Firstly, I didn’t have the attitude at all that “Mom, I’m going to go and dress up in a beautiful outfit.” I am a person who was well raised in art by the same mother. Let's go back to the fact that travesties are what the whole theater originally began with. In the Kabuki theater and in the Roman Colosseum, all the actors were played by men; women were not allowed there. This is one of the most difficult branches in the theater profession: not every actor can portray a woman well. He receives great attention in theater universities. Therefore, for most male actors who played women, these roles became star roles. Moreover, this applies not only to men, but also to women.

Alisa Freindlich, when she plays the Kid in Carlson, is a drag queen. Or Sarah Bernhardt, who played Hamlet. Or now the film “The Mysterious Albert Nobbs” is coming out with my favorite actress Glenn Close - she plays a man, and an absolutely impartial one, very ugly, with a rude face. But now the whole world is talking about it. It’s just that for women, the role of a travesty is a serious role, some kind of tragic. And men are better at comedic roles. These star roles need not even be listed. Ask anyone: Dustin Hoffman - Tootsie, Mrs. Doubtfire - Robin Williams, of course, Kalyagin and his aunt...

- But tell me, Anatoly, what’s the point? When was this in Ancient Japan, China, in Rome, even here in XVII-XVIII centuries When the theater arose, it was a social, political history... Decent women could not play in the theater. Now this is not the case. Why do men play women now?

“There’s no need to dig into the meaning here.” For me, the most important thing is to create for the audience good mood, take you into a beautiful, unreal world full of music. I spent all the money on the first show, gathered people in advance, assigned roles, made complex soundtracks and costumes. The show immediately attracted attention back in those shaggy years. I immediately wanted to do everything so that it was on the level. I had other tasks in life.

I wanted to go on stage, I wanted to sing, dance. But I absolutely did not think that this would become my profession. And after this first incident, they put me on salary, gave me two days a week, they wanted there to be new numbers, the whole elite of Moscow began to come there, we - me and two dancers - immediately became popular, the three of us made a huge program in a year. We didn’t cover ourselves up, we didn’t have false breasts or anything like that back then. Initially, everything was like Roman Viktyuk’s: masks, makeup, like in “The Maids,” a pumped-up male body. And with some hints, in presentation, in energy, in complex dances, we portrayed stars. Over time, it all turned into what it is now.

- But now, when you perform, even if you have a woman’s dress, very beautiful makeup, very beautiful hairstyles, it is still clear that this is a man...

- Yes, I absolutely do not hide it. I don't leave the gym. It doesn't matter at all here. The moment of recognition and transformation is important. For example, I don’t like to work solo numbers, one number in the program at most, because this is not my condition. It’s just that my task and my interest in performing on stage is to be Tina Turner here, the Wolf here, the Swan Princess here, Edith Piaf here, and someone else here.

- Why did you say that you would never parody some unknown singer?

“There’s absolutely nothing to grab onto.” There is no charisma, no own plasticity, no presentation, no idea why you are on stage, for what. It’s one thing to parody Dalida, who has the voice, costumes, and style of presentation, or Edith Piaf, or Marilyn Monroe, or Madonna.

- And of ours - Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Edita Piekha, Laima Vaikule?...

— We really like the Russian program, although they scold me for it, they like to order it. We have a problem with show business in general, you just can’t imagine anything worse. What is happening now is just such degradation that I don’t know when we will get out of this, but it is very sad. The last thing I liked was Dima Bilan. When finally a guy appeared who has energy, who sings wonderfully live, charismatic, handsome, etc., I thought: “Well, finally, something professional, absolutely at the Western level.” I don't know any more.

- And Kirkorov?

— We showed Kirkorov in our program. He did a lot in this life. Kirkorov is a truly wonderful singer, very professional, he is a workaholic. He sometimes creates amazing music. But if he put more effort into creating his own music, rather than covering someone else’s repertoire, it would be much more interesting. Everything that he creates himself, is written for him by composers, that he sings himself is the aerobatics of the stage, and the world at that.

- It seems to me that he had some numbers about five to ten years ago, when he also came out in outfits like for a drag queen show, when there were masks and feathers.

- Yes. He took this, in my opinion, from Farinelli, from the opera about the castrato. But he didn’t fall into travesty, he didn’t need it. I think the presence of the Diva would have prevented him from doing this. Even if he had such a desire, she would probably rein him in.

- Why?

- Because it takes away what comes naturally to him. A man singing on stage must please women, that's why he sells. Here is Stas Mikhailov: at his concerts there are only women, from 30 to 45, crazy concerts. This is a boom, people are ready to go and go to it. Besides music, everything is based on desire, on attractiveness. The singer and producer must think about what audience everything is intended for.

- Listen, Kobzon sang successfully, strikingly, effectively all his life, and for some reason he probably didn’t have any idea of ​​somehow specifically pleasing women. The country liked him, the Central Committee liked him...

- Why? I liked him. Any singer is a sex object, that's normal.

- You say that, apart from the show, you are a completely ordinary guy. Don't you want to please women?

- Believe me, women really like me in this form, just like that. In this show, everything is presented exactly like theater; at the end of the show, all the masks are necessarily torn off. Then, besides me female images, in every program huge amount men's For example, a shirtless guy or Michael Jackson...

- But tell me, your profession, your image somehow interferes with your ordinary life?

- No. This is absolute theater. My dancers come, they have two children at home, girls come. We sit down, do make-up, put on costumes, practice, take off the make-up, everyone puts on jeans and goes about our business. Some people go to their families, others to a club, I go to the gym or somewhere else. Theater is theater, it’s work.

- You say this is a theater. Here’s a poster on your website: mostly nightclubs, one, two, three o’clock in the morning. Do you perform where the concert starts at 19:00, at 18:00?

— We gave concerts for three years in a row in concert halls. Now we will have concerts at the Variety Theater on April 25-26. I was just waiting for the crisis to pass, because it was impossible to do something so grandiose.

— I really liked your medley shows from famous films, with humor, with a good knowledge of cinema... For example, " Office romance", into which you mixed "Love and Doves" and added something else... It's really very witty.

— So the idea came to make a soundtrack program. For the first time I decided to release a turnkey program and show it in Moscow big show. It was very difficult, but I somehow kept a picture in my head of what should go after what, what characters. It took us a long time to edit the music.

- Tell me, do you have any ideals, who do you look up to? World stars?

- Madonna. I can honestly say. I used to be embarrassed by this, but no, I’ve been a fan of this singer for many years - 15, probably, if not 20. What she does is unique: unique stage presence, physical fitness, ability to present herself on stage. The same Whitney Houston, the same Barbra Streisand, our famous actresses. Of course, I love Neelova, I go to her performances, and Alisa Freindlich.

— For some reason I thought about a cabaret, “Moulin Rouge” - something like that...

- No, I don’t like Lido at all, I don’t like Moulin Rouge. It is important for me that the show has energy, presentation, that there is some kind of charisma, that it immediately blows away.

- What then? The public watched it. When she sees you, does she think about something eternal, about her relationship with her loved ones? What does your show leave with people who watch you?

- I have a Mylene Farmer number where people cry. There is a number where they cry even at the part where at the end the grandmother kills the wolf. We are now talking about what I want to achieve from the public. I'm glad I'm achieving this. Let's say Mylene Farmer is an absolutely serious number that we very rarely work with. I'm playing a prostitute there. First, a sailor with whom she has a la such sex comes out to me (to her) and gives her money. Then S&M comes out and gives her money. Then a young man appears who, it seems to her, might treat her differently. The music changes, the story changes, but in reality he’s just stealing money from her. The finale of the issue - she takes out a pistol and shoots herself. There are numbers that make people absolutely serious. There are beautiful numbers, it’s like a ballet, like the Swan Princess. There is a number where the whole ballet comes out, saxophones shoot and very energetic dancing. There is a number where “Modern Talking” replaces Sabrina, “Boney M”. Everyone goes to dance, everyone is happy. It’s better to watch us live and the entire program.

- You have already done a lot, and your show is famous. What are your creative plans?

— The level of the show is growing. I have high hopes for our solo concerts, so I’m making a foreign program. I just want to work. I am satisfied with everything in my profession. What I do, my team does, no one does. I am glad that every time we evoke a storm of emotions and a good mood in people. Even when I have hard times, I tell myself: “Look, it’s still great! You’re doing what you love, the public likes it, just move on, create something new, improve the level, raise the bar not for someone else, but for himself."

- Do you have any big dream, maybe even difficult to accomplish, which lives secretly somewhere?

“Dreams are already a thing of the past. I have become a more realistic person. So my goal is just not to stop. Any theater that has stopped at least once is dead theater. I try to move forward all the time.