Whispers for everything. Whispers for all occasions will help in any situation. Slanders about water

Our ancestors used ancient magic quite successfully. They were in complete harmony with themselves and nature, and therefore it was easy and simple for them to use the energy of the elements and higher powers. For most women, this happened quite naturally and imperceptibly, because they learned to use magic from childhood. Perhaps this is why our ancestors had strong families, good health, and success in business. Of course, only priests of various cults had deep magical knowledge, but everyday magic was available to anyone who wanted to make their life qualitatively better. Whispers for all occasions were ideal for this. You will rarely find reviews about them on the Internet, because few people want to reveal the secrets of their luck in love affairs, monetary success or beauty. However, anyone who has experienced the power of these affirmations will never look down on everyday magic again. Therefore, today we decided to compile for readers a small collection of whispers for all occasions and find out why they are so effective.

What are whispers?

Even if you manage to find reviews on the Internet on some specialized website about whispers for all occasions, you are unlikely to receive an intelligible explanation of what exactly these mysterious affirmations are. But in this understanding lies the deep meaning of ancient magic, on which all the whispers are based.

Without going into details, we can say that short phrases that have witchcraft power are, in fact, the same conspiracies. They are pronounced to achieve what is desired in a given specific situation. At the same time, many whispers are related to everyday life; they are read while cleaning the house, cooking or doing laundry. Therefore, such magic since ancient times has been the prerogative of women, who are the custodians of the home.

Esotericists who respect Slavic witchcraft claim that ancient whispers are still effective today for all occasions. Even modern science cannot deny the power of a word spoken in a given situation. Scientists often say that thought, and especially the word, are material. Therefore, speaking, we practically program our life, create a certain matrix. Although many do this unconsciously and therefore experience constant difficulties and problems. Whispers are nothing more than a positive attitude, which, pronounced in compliance with certain conditions, becomes a kind of door to a new and happy world.

There are quick whisper words - for all occasions and for everyone. You can use them at home, at work or on the street. With their help, they return love, achieve material well-being and prosperity in the home, and also maintain their beauty and harmony. We can safely say that by learning a few affirmations, you will completely change your life, attract good luck, success and positivity. But this is exactly what all people who turn to ancient magic dream about.

Differences between whispers and conspiracies

Many people who first experienced the power of whispers equate positive affirmations with conspiracies. In reality, there is a huge difference between them that needs to be very clearly understood.

First of all, do not forget that conspiracies inherently combine several positive statements. They have a complex structure and are often read rather than memorized. A conspiracy is not only a specific text, but also a full-fledged ritual, without which it will not work. Each situation requires attributes, a certain day of the week, hour, and even a uniform. In addition, conspiracies are usually pronounced once. If the ritual is performed correctly, it will last for quite a long time. Esotericists claim that not everyone can use ancient rituals; to do this, it is necessary to have certain knowledge and abilities.

But whispers are amazingly simple magic. To use it, you need a minimum of knowledge and a strong desire. There is no need to prepare in advance for pronouncing affirmations; just a certain situation that requires an immediate solution is enough. A person who uses whispered spells for all occasions in his daily practice knows a huge number of them by heart. After all, this is one of the secrets of everyday magic - words must be pronounced quickly. Otherwise, time will be lost and the text will not work. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew effective whispers for all occasions, and even in old age they never forgot these affirmations and successfully applied them. So try learning a few positive affirmations first to see how effective they are. And then you won’t even notice how you will begin to use them in huge quantities in any life situations.

Conditions for the effectiveness of whispers

Of course, magical whispers (for all occasions, for everyone) are very simple and do not require special rituals, but it is still necessary to fulfill a number of simple conditions for them to work effectively from your lips.

Under no circumstances should you say affirmations out loud. Few people know that there is a special whispering technique that our ancestors mastered perfectly. Before using whispers in practice, you need to practice a fair amount in front of a mirror. The secret is that you need to speak very quietly, practically without moving your lips, but at the same time clearly. At first, you will be able to achieve a kind of whistling whisper, but with a little practice, the technique will definitely yield to you. Soon you will be able to say affirmations on the street in literally a crowd of people, and no one will even suspect what is happening.

This whispering technique, invented by our ancestors, has a very deep meaning. The fact is that the Slavs believed that dark forces felt very at ease on earth. At the same time, they listen carefully to everything we say. Therefore, since ancient times, phrases such as “happiness loves silence”, “silence is golden” and the like have come down to us. Yes, you yourself may have noticed that after successes announced among friends, troubles begin to fall on you. But what is said quietly is heard not by the dark forces, but by the light ones. Therefore, whispers must be pronounced as muffled as possible. In the old days they said that you need to read them with your soul. This is the only way you will protect your desires, plans and goals from everything negative.

For affirmations to work, you must believe in them. If you doubt the power of ancient magic, then still look for reviews of whispers for all occasions. They will help you verify their effectiveness and become a motivator for further action.

Positive attitudes usually do not require the creation of special conditions, but sometimes they are still needed. For example, whispers of love and getting rid of a rival require compliance with certain rules. Please note that if you do not complete this or that point, you will not achieve the desired result.

Therefore, be very careful and try to take ancient magic seriously - only in this case will it help you solve a lot of problems and avoid various troubles.

Home magic

Cleaning the house most often falls on the shoulders of women. Our ladies who are busy at work do this work with great reluctance and even less enthusiasm and do not even think about how useful it can be for the well-being of the family.

Our ancestors knew well that it was not enough to sweep the trash out of the house, get rid of the dust and wash the dirt in the corners, because good cleaning should be done on two levels - physical and energetic.

We spend most of our time in the house, so we bring here not only positive emotions, but also negative ones. The latter settle on literally all objects and affect residents, causing failures and health problems. And if you add to them the outbursts of negativity that occur during ordinary family quarrels, then imagine how energetically polluted the space in which you live is.

Our ancestors often combined regular cleaning with energy cleaning and never neglected it. In the process, they used salt, herbal infusions and, of course, whispers for all occasions. Reviews of their effectiveness were passed down from generation to generation, and girls from a young age mastered the science of energetic cleaning of premises.

Try saying the following words while cleaning:

They will help to summon the necessary energy and cleanse the house of negativity. Usually a whisper is enough, but you can read it in each room to ensure that the space is filled with positivity and love.

If large-scale cleaning is not expected, but you are busy rearranging furniture or putting order in closets, then take into account the following phrase:

It would also be useful to use whispers regarding the brownie. Of course, you may not believe in the existence of this character from ancient legends, but if you are turning to ancient magic, then you should use it one hundred percent. Our ancestors were sure that brownies always help hardworking and zealous owners, so they often turned to them for help in order to fill their home with bright vibrations. At the same time, the women said the following words:

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, such whispers can be used daily. Each time your home will become cleaner, and being in it will become more pleasant for all family members.

The magic of cooking

Today, residents of the metropolis have become a habit of eating in cafes and restaurants. And even for dinner, many married couples take food to go, but esotericists consider such food empty and not carrying any energy. Food prepared by catering chefs and put on stream cannot serve as an energy boost for love. But before, women could solve many family problems while cooking.

For example, whispers of love are different. Some of them were pronounced precisely when the woman was preparing food for her beloved. Try saying the following whisper while cooking soup:

And then check how much warmer your husband becomes and how attentive he becomes to you. At the same time, you don’t even have to remind him about flowers and nice family dates, he will always strive to please you.

Those said by women during the cooking process work well. Since ancient times, porridge has been considered a special dish, so if your family also loves it, then use the following affirmation:

It was also customary for our great-grandmothers to whisper about material well-being when cutting cabbage.

You can charge food with positive energy no matter how lucky or successful you are. After all, none of the family members could use a little more health and love. Therefore, while stirring, for example, soup, say a whisper that will definitely help all your loved ones:

Whispers for money

Material well-being has long come to the fore in the modern world. Money determines what we eat, where we go and where we relax. However, even the most hardworking person does not always manage to earn good money, so here you can ask for help from ancient magic.

Our ancestors knew money whispers very well for all occasions and successfully applied them in practice. But even they understood that asking a higher power for material well-being is the most difficult thing to do. After all, the financial component of life is not decisive for the forces of light, and therefore is most often overlooked by them. But with some persistence, you can always make sure that money runs in your family. We have selected for you three whispers that are considered the most effective in the fight for financial stability.

Morning whispers

Today there is no person who does not know the name of the healer and fortuneteller Vanga. She also practiced whispers for all occasions, but most often she advised programming your day for good luck in the very morning. Therefore, her arsenal of advice included quite a few morning whispers.

The fact is that morning is considered by many people to be the most suitable time of day to surround oneself with positive energy. After all, the ancients often perceived the night as a small death, and the morning was considered a rebirth to life. And therefore, it is at this moment that a person is filled with the greatest amount of strength.

If you want to make your life more interesting, more successful and happier, then do not neglect the morning whispers.

They can be said all together every morning or alternating from day to day. Vanga claimed that after a while you will notice how much your life has changed. Moreover, these changes will always be as positive as possible.

A whisper that makes wishes come true

Many believe that Old Believers have special knowledge and power. For many years they live far from modern cities and adhere to their own rules, invented by their ancestors in ancient times. Therefore, their families retain ancient magic and power in full.

Among all the whispers for all occasions, the Old Believers are considered the most effective. However, esotericists do not advise using them too often: such incantations take a lot of energy, and an ordinary person can lose strength if he starts reciting such whispers every day.

Most often, among this group of affirmations, those that can help fulfill a cherished desire are distinguished. To do this, buy a new fabric handkerchief and say the following text on it:

After this, tie a big knot and think about your desire. You should carry the scarf with you in your bag or pocket until your wish comes true. The timing of its fulfillment will depend on how unattainable your desire is initially.

Slanders about water

It's no secret that water absorbs the energy that is put into it. Therefore, in ancient times it was often used as a magical guide, allowing one to achieve almost any goal.

For example, thanks to water you can easily get rid of illnesses, drowsiness, depression and chronic fatigue. To do this, you just need to say the following whisper while washing or any other contact with liquid:

Or try these words:

Thanks to water, you can regain your lost beauty or enhance it. Usually beauty whispers are said during morning procedures, but if there is a lack of time, this can be done in the evening. In any case, the main thing is to put all the power of desire and thought into words.

Our ancestors believed that absolutely any slander could be made about water. In the modern world, you can even make it with coffee, or these drinks also contain water. This means that she perfectly absorbs and transmits the information communicated to her.

Slanders on children

We always worry about our children the most. From the moment the baby is born, mothers and fathers worry about his health, development and mood. Therefore, our ancestors turned to household magic to protect the child and make his future as prosperous as possible.

In the first minutes after birth, read the following words over the baby:

You can also whisper every day for the baby’s health:

People have a huge number of affirmations for any occasion in life, so if you wish, you can easily master this art and be able to make yourself and your loved ones a little happier.

How wonderful it would be if a person’s life consisted only of joys. However, this is far from the case. Every day we are faced with a huge number of problems, the solution of which is not always in our power. But don’t be upset, because where human hands and minds are powerless, magic and its whispers will help for all occasions.

Whisper and its role in magic

Magical whispering for all occasions can be attributed to the traditional “grandmother’s” rituals of Slavic village magic. At a time when people believed in magical powers and knew how to control them, almost every locality had its own wise grandmother-whispers, in whose arsenal there were many whispering conspiracies. These simple ancient magical rituals of our ancestors helped resolve issues in almost all areas of human life, including work, health, love, and luck.

Whispers for all occasions helped young girls attract the attention of the guy they loved and get married successfully. Effective whispers to a rival allowed wives to get rid of insidious homewreckers who decided to take possession of other people’s husbands. Ladies who used pregnancy whispers solved problems related to childbirth, and those who wanted to get well read whispers against illnesses. Those wishing to get rich were helped by whispers of luck, wealth and success.

Sadly, not all the best ancient magic whispers for every day have been preserved in their original form. Some of them were lost, but some have survived to this day in a functioning, albeit slightly modified form. Some healers and healers, including the clairvoyant Vanga and the “Siberian” Natalya Stepanova, present their whispers for different areas of life.

Love whispers

Having figured out what a working magic whisper is for all occasions, let's move on to the most common of them - love ones. A love whisper-love spell is a quick, simple spell that allows you to make adjustments to your relationship with your partner. Using effective love spells - whispers for love - you can attract the attention of a guy or lady you like, cause melancholy and boredom in your chosen one, or make him come or at least just call.

Whisper on a photograph

For those who want to rekindle love in the heart of a gentleman or young lady, but do not have the opportunity to meet their chosen one, whispers from a distance in the photo will help. It is best to cast a love spell on a lover in a whisper on a new moon or on a waxing moon before bedtime. To do this, prepare in advance a high-quality photograph of your partner, in which he would be depicted alone, and buy a wax candle.

Before going to bed, they light a candle and take a photograph of their beloved in their hands. Then, without taking their eyes off his eyes, they read the following love spell whisper to their beloved:

“I’ll set my eyes on you and bewitch you to love. Now you will be connected to me - you will follow me like one tied. You can’t live without me day or night, you can’t eat without me, you can’t drink. Amen".

Then they put the enchanted photograph under their pillow, leave the candle to burn out and fall asleep. The next morning, they take out the photo and hide it, and take the rest of the candle out of the house and throw it away. If there is a need, then the whisper to attract love from a distance in the photo can be repeated from time to time.

Such a whisper affects both the girl and the guy.

Whisper in the back

It often happens that love flares up in a person’s heart even before meeting the object of passion. If you meet an attractive man or woman on the street and want to attract his (her) attention, you can use whispers in the back. They approach the victim as close as possible and, looking intently at her back between the shoulder blades, imagine that they are stabbing her in this place with a sharp needle. Then they quietly whisper in a commanding tone the following quick spell:

“Stop, look around. As your gaze rests on me, your heart will be filled with love for me. Amen".

The next whisper in the back will help bring back a partner whose feelings have begun to fade. As soon as the beloved begins to get ready for the journey, they wait until he turns his back and quietly whisper with his lips:

“I close the doors behind you, but I leave your heart to myself. No matter who you are with, no matter what lands you walk on, you will still come to me, here you will find your love. So be it."

Whisper in the wind

The inextricable connection of the rituals of white and black magic with the forces of nature is also visible in the whispers of our grandmothers. For example, whispering in the breeze will help make your chosen one feel sad, making him constantly think about the author of the ritual and feel bored. To do this, wait for windy weather and leave the house. They stand facing the wind, close their eyes, imagining their lover or beloved, and quietly begin to read the love plot:

“Fly like a breeze, and to my dear (darling) on ​​the threshold. Deliver news from me to him, make him think and miss me. Amen".

After the last word has been spoken, you need to immediately turn around and go home.

Whispers for kiss and sex

When analyzing the current whispers of love, one cannot help but recall quick conspiracies when kissing or during sexual games. The power of such love spells is associated with the powerful energy exchange that lovers carry out when making love or kissing. To make your partner fall in love with you even more, during each kiss you need to mentally say the following words, putting as much energy into them as possible:

“Let my love flow into your mouth, and let my heart respond to my call. Amen".

Whispers to your beloved guy in bed can make your lover experience constant sexual attraction to you. In this regard, I would like to draw attention to the conspiracy, the words of which should be pronounced every time during orgasm. At the moment of your partner’s highest pleasure, begin to barely audibly read the words of the following spell:

“Your body is in me, your seed is with me, your heart is with me, from now on you are only mine.”

Morning whispers in bed, which should be uttered while your lover or lover is still sleeping, also work great. To make a lover want to repeat the night of love, you need to lean towards him and quietly whisper:

“I will exhale - you will inhale, soon you will come to me again.”

How to whisper on food and drinks

Continuing the theme of short love spells in a hurry, I would like to draw attention to whispers about drink and food. So, when cooking in the kitchen for your chosen one, you need to constantly read prayers, and before serving the dish, say:

“I will bless this food with prayer, I will feed my dear one to the full. As his body enjoys his dishes, so his love for me will flare up in his heart.”

As for drinking, before serving your beloved tea, coffee, juice or any other drink, you need to take a sip from it, taking 3 small sips. In this case, after each sip you need to pronounce the words of a special spell:

“I drink, and you finish your drink, love me alone and suffer only for me. Amen".

Fighting infidelity

Short and simple grandmotherly whispers for love and for all occasions can help in the fight against infidelity and return a partner who has left for a rival or rival. Depending on the situation, there are several areas in which magical whispers will be useful, namely:

  1. A whisper of loyalty.
  2. Whisper to your opponent.
  3. Whispers to the melancholy of a loved one.
  4. Whispers for a quick reconciliation.
  5. Whisper-quarrel.

Whispers of allegiance

If a loved one is suspected of infidelity, you need to stop his trips to the left, call for help an effective, time-tested whisper - a conspiracy against betrayal. Before your loved one crosses the threshold leaving the house, you need to quietly say after him:

“Wherever you go, you will always return home. No matter who you are with, you will still come to me. As I said, it will happen.”

You need to say the spell very quietly, putting into it all the strength of the desire to return your lover.

Whisper to your rival

This ritual is suitable for those who know their rival by sight. Since this whisper is read when meeting, you will need to try to cross paths with the homewrecker somewhere. At the same time, it is not necessary to talk to a woman; you just need to quietly go behind her back and quietly whisper:

“For the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) you are a disgusting toad, and I am a sweet raspberry for him. He should love and kiss me, but drive you away with a filthy broom. Key. Lock. Language".

Whisper to sadness and melancholy

Many people are familiar with the situation when a man, under the influence of temporary love madness, leaves his once beloved wife, completely forgets that he has a son or daughter and goes to his mistress. Often, representatives of the injured party simply erase the vile deceiver from their lives and move on, but there are families for which the return of their head becomes a matter of honor or is vital. To bring a loved one home, you need to make him yearn for his old life. A whisper for melancholy can provide magical assistance in this regard.

To do this, on the day of the ritual, buy 2 candles from the church; change should not be taken from the church minister. They place one candle at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, read a prayer and ask her for help. The second candle is brought home and lit before bed. Then they pick up some thing of the departed husband and whisper:

“Like the fire of a candle burns brightly, so let your heart ache and ache for your home. Let sadness and melancholy eat you up, and let your soul know no peace. Key. Lock. Language".

Whispers for a quick reconciliation

If there is a quarrel in a couple, a loved one has left, does not answer calls, it seems that family happiness has been shattered, there is no need to be sad, because there is a special whisper that can help in reconciliation with a lover. As a rule, conspiracies and whispers for quick reconciliation are read during the phase of the new or waxing Moon. It is better to do this in the morning at dawn. They light a black candle and, looking at its fire, say:

“The quarrel flared up brightly, burning hot with flames. Like the fire of a candle, I will extinguish the love in the heart of the Servant of God (name of the man) I will resurrect. Amen".

Then the candle is blown out forcefully.


One of the most effective ways to get rid of a loved one’s new “passion” is to quarrel between lovers. Whispering with salt will help with this. To begin with, they buy a pack of ordinary table salt, but they don’t take change for it. Then they light a black or white candle, pour a handful of salt into a saucer and, stirring it with their hands, whisper the following incantation:

“I whisper strong words, I want to quarrel between the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) and the Servant of God (the name of the homewrecker). Just as this salt is salty, so may your life be full of strife. Fight, scream, swear, fight, turn your back on each other forever. Key. Lock. Language".

Whispers for a quick marriage

When considering magical whispers for love and for all occasions in life, one cannot ignore the topic of loneliness. Yes, this is not surprising, because a person’s desire to find personal family happiness, as well as the experiences that a mother or father experiences for a single son or unmarried daughter, is quite natural and understandable to everyone. Special whispers against loneliness help solve this problem. Young ladies who cannot persuade their lover to marry will find marriage whispers useful.

Whispers of loneliness

If you can’t find your soulmate, a whisper of melancholy and loneliness will help you find family happiness. So, a girl who dreams of meeting a life partner needs to go to the store and buy a beautiful pair of men's slippers. Having brought the purchased shoes home, they place the slippers heel to heel and, taking them by the socks, hit them three times on the threshold of the house or apartment. After each blow you need to say the following words:

“My betrothed, mummer, come to me as soon as possible, lead me down the aisle.”

If a suitable candidate for husband appears on the horizon, you need to let him wear the enchanted slippers.

Whispers for a quick marriage

It happens that a guy just can’t decide to propose, but the girl really wants to marry him. Knitting and whispering will help to nudge the unlucky groom a little towards a quick and successful marriage. To do this, take 2 red woolen threads and tie them together in several places, tightening the knots well. At work you need to sentence:

“I’m not weaving threads together, I’m connecting the fate of the Servant of God (the guy’s name) with the fate of the Servant of God (the young lady’s name).”

Then the tied threads need to be thrown into the pocket of the lover’s clothes.

Whispers to children

Among the huge mass of whispers for all occasions, whispers for children occupy a special place. These short magic spells provide assistance to parents and their children in the fight against childhood diseases, learning and behavior problems. Special children's whispering amulets will protect the child from the influence of evil people, damage, the evil eye and other evils.

Childhood diseases

If a child is in poor health and often gets sick, you need to go into the forest and bring a small oak twig, cutting it from a young healthy oak tree. At home, you should give it to the baby in the hand or simply touch his body with a twig, not forgetting to read the following “strengthening” whisper to children:

“There is an oak tree standing in the forest, young, strong and tall. Share the strength of your oak tree, touch the baby with your twig. Help, little oak, to overcome all illnesses so that my baby doesn’t get sick anymore. Amen".

The charmed twig is left at home so that the child can pick it up from time to time.

For appetite and sleep

If a child does not eat well, special whispers for children will come to the rescue. To do this, while cooking, stirring the food well, you need to whisper:

“Let this concoction be sweet and tasty for my baby. Spoon after spoon hurries, the baby grows and grows.”

To ensure that the child sleeps well, when putting him to bed, read the following plot:

“Sonya-Sonyushka come, put my daughter (son) to sleep. Close your baby's eyes and tell her stories. Let the baby sleep peacefully, may the Lord protect him.”

From unkind people

The child’s fragile biofield especially needs good protection from damage, the evil eye, curses and the influence of evil people. Special protective magic whispers can help with this, creating an energy shield between the child and the ill-wisher, repelling all kinds of harm from the baby. On Holy Week, before Easter, on Maundy Thursday, early in the morning, pour clean spring water or water blessed in the church into a basin, put any object made of pure silver into it, read the spell:

“Mother Voditsa, help, bestow your miraculous power on the Servant of God (baby’s name). Protect him from the eyes of a dashing person and from an evil person. From black envy and from human hatred. Take away, O water, from the Servant of God (the name of the baby) evil, both simple and feigned and brought by the wind. My word is firm, but my deed is moldable.”

Then the child must be bathed in the charmed water.

Whispers for wealth and good luck

Among the huge number of magical whispers for every day, there are also those with the help of which you can significantly improve your life. Whispers for work and sales, and conspiracies to attract wealth to the family and wallet work well in this regard. Whispers to grant wishes and spells against bad luck are quite in demand.

Money Spells

To attract wealth, you can use a whisper on your wallet. On the night of the full moon, they place a wallet with money on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it. Then they say in a whisper:

“As you, Mother Moon, are round and full, may my wallet always be full.”

If everything is done correctly, in the near future you will be able to receive unexpected profits.

To attract money, take the simplest needle and thread a white thread into it, preferably cotton or wool. Then they hem the hem of the clothing with a thread, reciting:

“Just as a thread is pulled by a needle, so wealth will be drawn to me.”

Whispers on the ceiling will help improve your material well-being. When visiting neighbors or friends who live better financially, you need to look at the ceiling and quietly say:

“Like yours, I want it to be ours too.”

To attract money into the house, take a white bird feather and, sweeping it around your wallet, say:

“Just as a bird has feathers without an account, so the money in my wallet will not be transferred.”

Whispers for good luck

To attract winnings in the lottery or some material benefit that you need to get for free, you need to go to the shore of a body of standing water and throw a coin into it. At the same time they say:

“I pay with gold and silver - I want to attract good luck.”

You can also use this whisper to sell something, before an interview for a new job, before important negotiations with important clients, as well as before taking tests and exams.

Whispering at work will help you find mutual understanding in the team, win over your boss and increase your salary. To do this, they buy homemade milk, collect the cream from it and eat it, not forgetting to say:

“Cream in my mouth is a lucky turn in fate. Let everything go smoothly in my business, but at work everything will work out.”

So that the boss does not find fault, before entering his office, you need to quietly whisper:

“Just as a dead man should remain silent, so should you not shout at me.”

Whispers for the fulfillment of what you want

To receive the favor of fate in fulfilling your cherished desire, you can perform the following ritual. Buy a white candle and write a wish on a piece of paper, then burn the piece of paper on the fire of the candle, while reading the whisper for the wish to come true:

“As what is written turns into ashes, so what I planned will come true.”

Whispers for a happy journey will help you not to go astray. In the morning before a long journey, you should stand on your right foot, saying:

“Just as my right foot goes forward and my left foot follows, so good luck will be with me.”

To meet the right person, when getting ready to travel, they read a whisper for a pleasant meeting:

“Carry me, feet, along the straight road. Don’t go astray, bring the Servant of God (name) to me.”

Whispers for health

It happens that even the best medications are powerless against a serious illness. Finding themselves face to face with an illness, people seek help in the ancient healing rituals of distant ancestors who know how to heal with words. Traditional medicine cannot be considered as an alternative to modern medical methods, but as an additional help it is fully justified.

The strongest whispers for health work best on Maundy Thursday and Palm Sunday. So, for example, Maundy Thursday is the day when you can read the whisper on the water:

“Black disease, go away, go to distant lands. I conjure you with a strong word and drive you away from the Servant of God (the name of the one being treated). For fast rivers, for high mountains, to distant countries, for wide open spaces. Go away, get away and don’t return to the Servant of God (name). Amen".

The patient should drink the spoken water several sips a day.

Whispers on the Feast of the Annunciation will help a woman dreaming of having a child to become pregnant. In order for this plan to come true, before having sex, a woman must say:

“Mother Most Holy Theotokos, help me, reward me with a child.”

New Year and Easter whispers will bring health and well-being to household members. So, when kneading the dough for Easter cake, you need to say:

“I knead the fluffy dough - I ask for happiness and health to everyone,”

With the first strike of the clock on New Year's Eve, you can read a whisper for happiness and health:

“Last year I left all the bad things, but in the coming year I take away all the good things.”

Protective whispers

To neutralize the so-called “black whispers” that cause harm and to punish the offender, in response to his curse they say:

A spell against laziness will help make a lazy daughter-in-law, wife or daughter more homely. To do this, you need to pick dry grass from the cemetery, set it on fire and say:

“Just as this smoke goes up and not down, so you (daughter-in-law’s name) stick to your home.”

Find out the most effective whispers for all occasions. They are designed for daily use in frequent everyday situations. Goals can be different - getting rid of fatigue, good luck, gaining beauty and much more.

In the article:

Whispers for all occasions - it all depends on the situation

Our great-grandmothers knew whispers for all occasions. Magic often helped them in everyday affairs. In the old days, a woman could turn to otherworldly forces during the most ordinary household chores- cooking, cleaning and even weeding the garden. Our ancestors almost always managed to create strong families, have enviable health even in old age, receive good incomes and help their children and grandchildren with money. Their secret is knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Almost every person drinks tea or coffee in the morning. Even if you prefer milk or juice, you can whisper special words on them. They will give you strength and vigor, no matter how early your morning starts and how much sleep you managed to get:

I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.

Many people prefer to shower or bathe in the evening. True, not everyone thinks about the fact that a shower washes away not only physical dirt, but also fatigue, bad emotions and negative energy. In order to get rid of the stress and bad energy accumulated during the day, whisper while bathing:

I wash away the negativity, I erase the grievances, I wash away the melancholy.

You can say this while washing your hands. These magic words improve your mood and help you relax. You will quickly forget about such a problem as being in a bad mood for the whole day after a bad day at work.

Household chores - helpers in witchcraft

Cleaning is an important activity. By removing physical waste, you can also deal with energy pollution. For this, housewives used salt, holy water, decoctions of cleansing herbs and much more. Whispers that are read while cleaning the house have survived to this day:

I cleanse my house, fill it with luck, money and love.

During rearrangements and simply putting small things in their places, you can whisper like this:

I’m putting the house in order so that happiness (money, joy, love - depending on what you lack) lives in it.

While sweeping, you can hum a song for the brownie:

A broom walks across the carpet, walks from corner to corner, like an old brownie, you won’t be offended by me!

The brownie will be very happy with this display of attention and will definitely please you with something.

Not only cleaning can be a magical activity. This also applies to cooking. For example, when cutting cabbage you can:

I chop cabbage and add more money. Chopping cabbage, leaving money in my wallet.

In soups, while stirring and chopping the components of the dish, you can whisper for happiness, wealth and health:

I cook soup so that everyone can eat, become healthy and rich, so that whoever eats my soup will know happiness and love.

Porridge has always been considered a money dish, so it’s better to whisper to it while stirring:

The porridge is boiling, the money is going on, multiplying, adding.

Everyone knows the sign about spilled salt - this means a scandal. To avoid such problems, folk signs recommend many different manipulations. You can also do the following - take a pinch of spilled salt with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder. In this case, you need to whisper like this:

Salt, salt, salt, pain, pain, pain, but I don’t care. Amen.

A bad omen after such a whisper of salt will not come true. You don’t have to be nervous in anticipation of a scandal or showdown.

Whispers for weight loss and beauty

Every girl knows how important a beautiful hairstyle is in creating an image. However, if your hair grows slowly and medications either don’t help or are too expensive, you can try to do what women did a couple of hundred years ago. It is known that girls used to have very long and thick braids, and the secret of such luxurious hair is simple.

On the waxing moon, you need to cut off a small strand of hair and throw it into any fast stream of water. It could be a river or stream, but if there is nothing similar to such a body of water nearby, even a toilet will do - it can provide a fast flow of water, you just need to immediately press the flush button. At the same time, you need to whisper the following words:

Grow my hair as fast as this water flows.

Angel of water, give beauty, health, vigor, remove wrinkles.

And this is how you can whisper into the washing water to smooth out wrinkles and look much younger than your age:

My smooth, delicate skin is only similar to the skin of a baby.

Weight loss tips can turn any woman into a top model. But that doesn't mean you don't have to put in any effort. Magic will not do everything for you; you will still have to stick to a diet and exercise. However, thanks to such witchcraft, the desired result can be achieved much faster.

If you have the opportunity to pour at least a glass of water on the ground where pigs walk, the whispering for weight loss, which is still used in villages, is suitable for you. During the waning moon, try to take a bath more often, and whisper to the water:

It's the pig who gets fat, not me. It's not for me to get fat, it's for the pig. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After bathing, pour any remaining water where the pigs are. You need to pour it out immediately after bathing, do not delay this process, otherwise it will not work.

Of course, not everyone who wants to lose weight is familiar with pig owners. There is another whisper about losing weight; it is said during the waning moon. In this case, you need to look at the moon. Whisper three times:

As you decrease, so do I decrease. The fat goes away and goes onto the pig. Amen.

The more often the whispers about losing weight are repeated, the better the result will be. Ideally, you need to whisper such words every day, but only on the waning moon.

Whisper to fall asleep quickly and have good dreams

It is difficult to find a person who would not like to get rid of bad dreams forever. Every person dreams of them from time to time, and we don’t always see such dreams as a sign of something bad. There is an old trick that will help you get rid of such dreams that can greatly ruin your mood. When you make a new clean bed, whisper to it:

No nightmares!

Just two simple words can provide only pleasant dreams. There is also a special whisper to quickly fall asleep and see only pleasant dreams. As soon as you put your head on the pillow, whisper:

Pillow-pillow, warm my ear. Send me a good dream, like a fairy tale.

If you suffer from insomnia, before going to bed, place your slippers in different corners of the room and whisper to them:

You stand in these corners, but I don’t wake up to sleep until dawn. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a small child does not want to sleep, whisper in his ear:

Little sleepyheads, come here, little howler monkeys, come away.

Whispers for fatigue and good health

Health is a truly important part of our life. Preserving it until old age is not so easy, especially taking into account modern ecology and the rhythm of life. However, even in the distant past, people seemed to need magic words to improve health and increase vitality.

Every time you wash your hands or wash your face, you can whisper the following words:

Dew of Solomonia, water of Iritsa, wash away the sickness from God’s servant. Amen.

Likewise, while washing your face, washing your hands or showering, you can get rid of fatigue from illness with the following words:

Water-water, God's sister. Wash off me what you know.

Another whisper for fatigue and to increase vital energy levels:

I wash my face with clean water and gain strength!

Whispering at the enemy - how to protect yourself from ill-wishers

Whispering at the enemy will protect you from the possible evil eye, someone else's negative energy, which is inevitably released into the world around us during quarrels and scandals. Do you need such negativity? It can be returned to the person who is the “author” of such energy. There are also special whispers that protect against more material problems that ill-wishers may cause.

So, if the enemy expressed a bad wish, read the following whisper in the back of the departing ill-wisher:

Whatever you want for me, take it for yourself.

Almost every person knows that turning your back on the enemy is dangerous. Don't do this, it's better to wait until the enemy makes such a mistake and whisper in his back. You can also use the following text to protect against bad wishes and negativity:

Your speeches are on your shoulders.

In public places you often meet people whose goal is to be rude and thereby improve their mood. By the way, most of them are energy vampires who feed on the energy of other people. If a lot of verbal slop has been poured on you, use this whisper:

Your negativity, you have to live with it, but I don’t need someone else’s.

Have no doubt, if a boor really deserves punishment, he will definitely receive it. What else can you say after an unpleasant conversation or quarrel with neighbors, colleagues and other people? Here are some examples of strong whispers of negativity. For example, this will cool emotions and prevent the quarrel from continuing. Whisper, looking at the base of the enemy’s neck from behind:

Go in peace and I will go.

And this is how you can whisper to get rid of the negative energy of the evil eye or quarrel:

I’m giving away what you gave me for free. There is no need for someone else's evil.

Of course, it is better to protect yourself from evil people in advance, right at the exit from the house. For this, our ancestors called upon a guardian angel:

My angel, come with me, you go ahead, I will follow you.

These are strong protective words, they will protect you from any troubles.

If you are afraid of thieves, whisper anti-theft whispers at your front door:

Take away the arms and legs of the thief on my doorstep.

These simple words will protect your property from attacks by people who make a living by stealing. But if you are leaving for a long time and are worried about the safety of your things, whisper to the brownie:

The owner is a brownie! Don’t be a fuss in the night, lie down on the stove, take care, house-house, I’ll put the dishes, I’ll arrive soon. Rotok key lock. Amen.

Whispers for every day of the week - in accordance with the calendar

There are many different whispers. Not every person is able to learn their texts and remember the situations in which such witchcraft is used. There are whispers for every day of the week, and if you repeat them regularly, you can whisper yourself away from all problems and troubles, gain wealth and find love. Start using them on any Monday.

On Monday they make a wish while still lying in bed in the morning, and then get out of bed on their right foot with the following whisper:

It will come true, I believe it will come true. So be it!

On Tuesday, you are supposed to invoke good luck by leaving the house with the following words:

Tuesday for good luck, I won't pay. Amen! Amen! Amen!

On Wednesday, while washing your face in the morning, they whisper about luck:

I wash my face and call on good luck. It will come true!

On Thursday you need to get out of bed and immediately turn to the east to whisper to yourself from problems and troubles:

Thursday Thursday, grant me no bitterness!

On Friday, when you put on your clothes, invoke joy:

Holy Friday has come and brought me joy.

Saturday is a day of protection from enemies and requests for retribution for enemies. When combing your hair and putting yourself in order in front of the mirror in the morning, whisper to all your enemies:

Saturday, Saturday, may all enemies die.

Sunday is a great day for fulfilling wishes and the magic of luck. When you open the front door for the first time in the morning, whisper three times:

Lady of the week - Sunday, let me live this day according to my wishes.

In general, whispers for all occasions are not too difficult to remember. They can be used in almost any everyday situation where magical help is needed. Using such folk wisdom is not too difficult, but it can seriously improve life, attract good luck and wealth, help you feel better, preserve beauty and youth for many years.


Whispers are special conspiracies with which you can attract good luck and protect yourself from troubles. But unlike conspiracies, whispers can be pronounced at any time in any place, or rather when the situation requires it. This is a kind of magical ambulance that will always help in difficult times.

Whispers for good luck

If you want to attract good luck, then, when crossing the threshold of your home, whisper: “The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength.”

If you want to protect yourself from the wrath of your boss: “I’m on the left bank, you’re on the right. Scream or don’t scream, you still won’t finish shouting.” This whisper should be said before talking to your boss if he is not happy with something.

If you want your day to go well, get up on your right foot in the morning and say: “Where your right foot goes, your left foot goes. Where I go, my luck goes.”

Whispers for money

When receiving money, whisper: “Money in your pocket, soon there will be a whole suitcase.”

Whisper to your wallet: “My wallet is ringing, money is making me fat. Every day my luck gets greener.”

If you give money: “I’m giving money, but I’m waiting for it back.”

Whispers in the back

Whispers in the back are spoken in order to punish the offender or protect himself from his evil intentions.

If they wish you something bad, then say: “What you wish for me, take it for yourself.”

If you are rude in a public place: “Your negativity, you have to live with it, but I don’t need someone else’s.”

Whisper at the enemy’s back: “Your speeches are on your shoulders.”

Whispers for love

If you want to attract a person’s attention, say a loving whisper after him: “As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will spread before me.”

If you want to discourage your loved one from another woman, discreetly put a head of garlic in his pocket and say: “If you throw away the garlic, you’ll throw (the name of your rival) out of your heart.” Naturally, if a man finds garlic in his pocket, he will take it out and throw it away.

If your husband leaves, say after him: “Just as water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me.”

These conspiracies will help in difficult situations, put you in the right mood and attract good luck. Remember that when pronouncing any whisper or conspiracy, it is important to put all the energy and strength into your words.

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A long time ago, people noticed that timely and correctly spoken words help to recover from illnesses, calm anger, and arouse love. Healers and sorcerers collected them and passed them on to their students. This is how different whispers developed for all occasions.

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They were supposed to minimize damage or bring good luck; for each case there was a conspiracy that attracted the help of the forces of nature. Nowadays, a sufficient number of quick words, incantations and whispers have been preserved from antiquity and have been restored by enthusiasts to help in any life situations.

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    The magic of words and sounds (verbal magic) was possessed by different peoples. Hinduism uses mantras, Japanese masters used spells - jumon, the ancient Scandinavians composed magical poems - vis and nida. In the Slavic tradition, ancient prayers, whispers and verbal spells were and are used in three forms:

    • Quick word. It is said when an unexpected event occurs and consists of one or two words. For example, the well-known “bless you” after sneezing or “good luck” when breaking a plate.
    • CONSPIRACY. A full-fledged and labor-intensive spell, for ease of memorization, often dressed in poetic form. The spell is read on any medium: water, salt, food, giving it new properties. It takes a lot of life force from the caster.
    • Whisper. A type of conspiracy that should be spoken in a whisper. Like a quick word, it is often said during an event, for example, when planting a garden, and can be used to talk about food. The peculiarity of whispers is that they can be pronounced in front of strangers without being noticed by others. In addition, they take less strength from the caster than loud conspiracies.

    Conspiracies and whispers should be read without errors; mixed up words can completely change the effect of the spell. Therefore, it is advisable to learn all texts by heart. They are used depending on the desired effect by day of the week:

    • Monday - conspiracies against the husband;
    • Tuesday - love whispers to a lover;
    • Wednesday - whispers aimed at women, medicinal, for pregnancy;
    • Thursday - hexes for men's health, protection from damage and love spells;
    • Friday - removing negativity from women, turning away from a mistress;
    • Saturday - amulets for the house, household, livestock;
    • Sunday is a day for prayer; it is not advisable to cast magic.

    Depending on how loud the spell is, different rules for casting apply to it. The plot is read, causing vibration in one’s chest. In this case, you need to imagine a warm glowing ball in the center of your chest. Next, you need to feel how, together with the words through your hands, the energy from this ball penetrates into the object being charmed.

    The whisper reads differently. Without straining your vocal cords, you need to relax and feel unity with the object being whispered to. If a whisper is read in response to an event, you need to feel the whole world and imagine how the words penetrate it and dissolve in the Universe.

    For help with housekeeping

    Folk spells that are useful for everyday life belong to white magic. With their help, they protected livestock from predators and diseases, the house from natural disasters, and also lured prey during hunting and fishing.

    Often the grains intended for sowing, or the field itself during plowing and sowing, were slandered. Thanks to this, the harvest increased and domestic animals multiplied.

    To keep the work going

    On Monday morning, before starting homework, leaving the house, you should read in a whisper:

    "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, all reverend fathers and martyrs, save, bless, save from every evil eye: from the envious, from your evil thoughts, from a simple-haired girl, from a rolling woman, from little guys, from thirty winds, from twelve weathers, from twelve whirlwinds. And whoever knows this prayer and reads it every day, the disease disappears, poverty leaves him. wealth comes. Amen.

    The same plot is used when starting any new business, starting to build a house, or before plowing the land. The work will not be jinxed, the matter will be smooth, all housework and household chores will be completed efficiently and on time.

    From pests

    A conspiracy to get rid of any household pests: bedbugs, cockroaches, woodworms, moths. Read it using the water that will be used to wash the floor:

    “I’m bringing cleanliness, I’ll lay down my word: let the bug, the Prussian, and the moth and any beetle from this house go to the dirty and unwashed, who doesn’t groom the house, doesn’t scrub the floor, and there’s no way back to a clean house forever and ever. Amen.” .

    After wet cleaning with medicated water, the house will be completely cleansed of harmful insects. For prevention, the plot is repeated every month.

    To protect the crop

    To protect the harvest from the evil eye and damage, as well as from other unfavorable factors, they drive a peg in the center of the field and whisper the words to it:

    “I bow to Christ, the Heavenly King. Lord, save, preserve my land. From every evil word, every evil look. From locust and khrushchev, from dry land and hail. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

    After this, you can start planting. You should carefully monitor the condition of the spoken peg. If it was accidentally plowed or pulled out during weeding, the hex should be updated by driving in a new piece of wood.

    So that the bull can wing the cows better

    Before leading a bull to a cow for mating, they take a piece of an old spear and pass it along the bull’s back with the words:

    “As your family rode before you, your father looked for your mother. So you too, twist your horns, ride on every cow. Forever and ever. Amen.”

    Conception will be successful and the calves will be born strong and healthy.

    If the animals are sick

    In order for the cattle to get better, they take a bucket of warm water and slander it:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the sea-on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there stands a white birch tree with its branches down and its roots up.

    Mother birch, turn around, and on my (the name of the animal), the illness, in the name of Christ, calm down. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    The animal should be given this water until it recovers.

    To make it easy for a cow to calve

    Calving will be easy if you speak to a piece of sugar in a special whisper. His words are:

    “O Lord, bless the ore, speak, O God, to the aches. Open, O God, all the doors for my (cow’s name).

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Sugar should be given to a pregnant cow. Calving will be easy and the calf will be born healthy.

    From grassing the garden by livestock and chickens

    To prevent livestock or poultry from spoiling the garden, walk around its perimeter clockwise, reading the plot:

    “A blind man was walking across a bridge, lost his staff, and stood up. Just as he couldn’t find the road without his staff, so none of the cattle would enter my garden.

    A rooster and a hen don’t see their own ass, so they wouldn’t ripen my garden forever and ever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    These words are repeated over and over again, all the time the round lasts. Neither chickens nor cows will enter the garden after this.

    So that the brownie does not harm and helps

    Making friends with the home guard - the brownie - is very important. Being angry, this little spirit will not allow you to sleep peacefully and will cause work in the house to stall, dishes to break, and porridge to burn. If you make friends with him, he will help with the housework, drive away pests and protect from thieves. In the evening they place a saucer of milk for the brownie, on which they whisper:

    “House owner, enjoy and eat, listen to me, let’s live side by side, peacefully and well, guard the house, don’t run away, good to you! Live!”

    Once a month they provide a treat: honey, milk, a piece of homemade cake with the same incantation.

    Appeal to Veles

    For a good life, they read a whisper to Veles - the Slavic guardian god. Its text is:

    "Veles is the patron God! Guardian of the courtyard! And we glorify you all dearly, for you are our spade and support. And do not leave us without a guardian, and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our granaries with good, so that we may be united with you . Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it!

    For love and well-being in the family

    In the modern world, love spells and to improve family relationships are still in great demand. With their help, you can make your husband more generous and affectionate, reconcile with relatives, bind your loved one to you, make children more obedient, and much more.

    Such spells are cast on food, photography, various personal belongings and household items. If there is a choice, preference should be given to those conspiracies in which there is no strict compulsion to take any action.

    Those whispers where there is a wish that the victim suffer if he does not fulfill what was agreed upon, negatively affect the psyche and health of the fortuneteller.

    Appeal to a loved one

    In order for a loved one to come, they invite a candle: they light it and look into the fire, imagining the guy’s face. Then they say quietly:

    “The wax of a candle melts - it melts, it toils from the fire. So you, the servant of God (name), cannot find a place without me, you long to appear to me. You will come, and I will welcome you. Amen. Amen. Amen.”

    After this the fire is blown out. The candle should be kept. Each time the invitation made to her will have a stronger effect.

    Get rid of your husband

    Sometimes there is no strength to live with a person, and it is necessary for the husband to leave. To do this, when he is not at home, put a small pan of water on the water, bring it to a boil, dip a kitchen knife into the boiling water and, making cross-shaped movements with it, say:

    “Forget about me, don’t look for any more connection; move away from me and don’t come closer; walk away from me along the long road that winds like a snake; walk away from me (name) and your foot will never return to my house.”

    Soon to get married

    To get married sooner, read the smoke and mirrors plot. For it you will need:

    • mirror;
    • incense sticks.

    They hold the mirror so that incense smoke falls on it and read the spell:

    My brother, smoke, dear relative. I ask you to help in my matter. Decorate me with your decorations. Dress up in your colored dresses. Endowed with your eloquence. Give my image to my beloved (name). Make me a magic fairy for him. So that I could float above him in his fantasies. So that I can be with him in his reality. So that I could live with him in his life.

    For this I swear to honor your elder brother - God Vizardas. Serve Him and extol Him among other gods with all your heart. Let my plot work in the shortest possible time, and I will become (name)’s wife for life. Take my wish to the sky, smoke. Khantaa ular.

    The spell is very powerful, has minimal side effects, and does not harm a man’s health. The marriage will be concluded very soon.

    For kiss and sex

    Looking at the object of your claims, quietly, so that no one hears, you need to whisper:

    “I, the servant of God (name), dream of your kiss, servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, servant of God (name). Our meeting was not accidental, we are destined to be friends friend by fate. I want to give you pleasure, and you will not be able to refuse my gaze, my touch, my lips. I will attract you, I will fill your heart with passion. You will be mine, servant of God (name). , you will say “yes” to me when I wish it. May it come true, Amen.”

    This whisper causes in the one to whom it is read a sudden passion, a desire to kiss and indulge in bed pleasures with the one who has bewitched him.

    To not be alone

    To avoid loneliness, you should whisper on your bed before going to bed:

    “Just as the bed is not empty, full of blankets and pillows, so I will always be not alone in it.”

    Anyone who has read the plot will begin to like a large number of gentlemen, and whether to allow them into bed will have to be decided independently.

    For a gift

    Love spell for a gift: buy a good thing for a loved one and read for the purchase:

    “As long as this (name the item) is with you, from that time you will be with me, as I say, it will come true. Amen.”

    The enchanted item must be handed over to the future owner within 24 hours.

    If the husband makes a scandal

    If the husband raises his hand to the household members, constantly throws scandals, they read a conspiracy on the open stove door. When the fire has almost gone out, you should whisper directly into the throat:

    “You are pacified by ashes, fierce fire. You, too, are pacified, servant of God (name). As long as the name of Christ is known on earth, Until then there will be no end to my speeches. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.”

    The conspiracy calms a violent person, eliminates assault, and helps establish peace in the family. If you don’t have a stove at home, you can simply whisper behind your husband’s back:

    “Remember, Lord, the violent winds, fierce hurricanes and all the meekness of King David. Calm, Lord, the servant of God (name) and bless him for meekness and kindness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    Make peace quickly

    For quick reconciliation, read the conspiracy in the photo of the person with whom you quarreled. You should lay down a white cloth, put a photograph on it and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say quietly:

    “May joy illuminate your face, (person’s name), may it whiten your bright soul, may it open your deep mind. May all disagreements and quarrels turn into light. May my will illuminate your life and give you long and faithful friendship. Let it be so ! Amen."

    The plot is read nine times. When pronouncing the last words, they describe a circle with candle fire three times, above the face of the person depicted in the photo.

    For daughter-in-law

    In order for your daughter-in-law to be a caring housewife and a faithful wife, you need to take a bunch of dry grass from the cemetery, set it on fire in the stove at home and whisper into the smoke:

    “Just as this smoke goes up and not down, so my daughter-in-law, the servant of God (daughter-in-law’s name), hold on to her home. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

    Then run your finger over the remaining ash from the grass, first towards yourself, then away from you. Smear the threshold with ashes and read the second whisper:

    “Just as this soot of a stove brow holds up, so would the servant of God (name of daughter-in-law) hold on to her home and not hang out in other people’s huts. Amen to my words. Amen to my speeches.”

    From male greed

    In order for a man to give money himself, you need to prepare him dinner. Among the dishes there must be a bone with meat. The following words are read for this food and drink:

    “Just as a good mother does not spare for her children neither bread, nor honey, nor hard money, nor strength, nor time, so my husband, the servant of God (name), would not be stingy, would never spare anything for me, everywhere and always. So my words will come true and be accomplished.”

    You should feed a man with spoken food and drink, and he will become much more generous.

    From treason

    “Just as wax melts and doesn’t hold its shape, so the slave (name) has no oud for anyone but me. As she said, she tied it. Amen.”

    Then they read into the open window into the wind:

    “The wind blew, carried the word, together with the word he grabbed the slave (name of his mistress), behind dark forests, behind high mountains, far away from (name of husband). Amen.”

    This method works well at a distance and protects against betrayal for life. It is impossible to remove such an impact.

    For a strong family

    In order for a husband and wife to live well and love each other, they take two candles and weave them, like a braid, into one. From time to time they light it and whisper:

    “I don’t burn candles, but connect two hearts for bread and salt at the table, for a good life, for family happiness. Amen.”

    The candles must not be allowed to burn out completely. When they are almost burnt out, new ones are woven, and the cinders from the old ones are stuck to them from below.

    For peace and prosperity for all family members

    They gather all the household members at the festive table, and after dinner they collect all the crumbs and take them out to the birds. When they start pecking, you need to quietly say:

    “God’s birds will eat God’s bread, and (so, to list everyone) will bring peace to God’s servants. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.”

    For children's health

    To keep the children healthy, in the bathhouse, after steam, they are doused with water with the words:

    “As water is off a duck’s back, so is (name) all thinness.”

    For children to respect and obey

    In order for children to honor their parents, you need to brew six hop cones and read the plot against disobedience:

    “As hops twine on a stamen, so twinkle with me, my children, everything according to my word, and not against, as I say, do so.”

    Each child should be given at least a sip of the prescribed decoction. You can add a little to soup or tea.

    On the seriousness of intentions

    So that the partner does not just want to play and quit, but wants a long-term relationship, they wrap hair around their finger and say:

    “As long as hair is, so long is the love of a slave (name), not for a day, not for a night, but for the rest of his life. Amen.”

    The hair is rolled up and carried with you, in your pocket or in your bosom.

    From unhappy love

    To get rid of the pangs of unrequited love, you need to read the whisper on salt:

    “On the sea, on the ocean, on the island on Buyan, there is a pillar. On that pillar a tomb hangs on chains, in it Mara the maiden, the melancholy enchantress, lies. Her heart is not crushed, does not flutter, her blood does not flare up - but the veins flow calmly, the soul does not languish with love. Just as God’s sister, Marena the Maiden, does not have a heart ache, her mind is not filled with love and passion, so (name)’s heart would not be crushed, the blood would not flare up, it would not kill itself, in I didn’t feel sad.

    She is calm in heart, cold in soul to men’s words, to men’s eyes, to men’s deeds. Words are covered with the maiden’s tomb, deeds are entwined with grave chains.”

    You need to wash your face with this salt as if you were washing with ordinary water. Repeat this procedure until relief occurs.

    For health

    For various diseases they read when starting to eat: “Not for fat, but for health, not for the belly, but for life, bless the Lord, eat.”

    From fatigue

    If you constantly have no strength, you need to wait for the waxing moon and whisper:

    “The moon grows tirelessly, so I will live without toiling.”

    For good appetite and baby's sleep

    In order for the child to eat well and sleep peacefully, you need to say in a low voice about the food for him:

    “Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Baby (child’s name), through the words of God, feed yourself like a pouring apple, sleep soundly, get enough sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

    They don’t throw away the leftover food: they either eat it themselves or give it to their pets. This whisper is also suitable for an older child, so that he does not become capricious and eats everything that is given.

    For a sound sleep

    To quickly fall asleep and have good dreams, say something to your pillow before going to bed:

    "Be soft, may your sleep be sweet."

    For pregnancy

    To get rid of infertility, for a successful pregnancy and the health of newborns, from the first day of the waxing moon, one knot is tied every day for nine days in a row with the words:

    “As the moon grows, so must I carry, bear and give birth to a healthy, healthy and glorious child. Amen.”

    A thread with nine knots is hidden until the baby is born, and after birth it is buried near the house.

    For those who do massage

    Rubbing their hands before starting the massage, they whisper:

    “Holy healer Panteleimon, by the mercy of our Lord, give my hands healing power, help me alleviate the suffering of the sick and drive away pain and illness. Amen.”

    To get rid of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction

    They say about the water:

    “The water flowed, it took away all the cravings, for mash and alcohol, tobacco and dope, just as the water went away, so did the craving go away.”

    The patient is washed with this water, and the remainder is thrown out of the house.

    For weight loss, beauty and youth

    On the waning moon on its last day, they undress and stand under its light. They read in a whisper:

    “As the moon is slender, so I will become, as the moon is alone, so there is no one more beautiful than me, just as the moon does not grow old, so I will not grow old. So be it!”

    Words for protection

    Protective incantations and rituals protect against the forces of nature, evil emanating from unkind people: robbery, evil eye and damage. They are read in the same way as any other conspiracies. The most suitable day for reading protective incantations is Thursday.

    Whisper for Dazhdbog

    Protects from the evil eye, damage, and any energy influence. Read at a flying flock of birds:

    "Dazhdbog, in a good hour! Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Dazhdbog's helper, you helped our ancestors, so help us, good people, from damage, from the evil eye! Dazhdbog, in a good hour! Go!"

    To Yarila

    Read at sunrise, looking at it:

    "Sun-Yarila, burn the enemy with fire, drive away the demon with light, warm me in the cold, feed me in hunger, and thank you! Go!"

    From spilled salt

    If you accidentally spill salt, you need to urgently whisper:

    “Keep me away, keep me away from quarrels, from anger, from any damage.”

    After that, take one pinch and throw it behind your back.

    From the evil eye

    In order not to jinx yourself, knowing that there is such a problem, at the first signs of the self-evil eye, quickly whisper:

    “I gaped at myself, I croaked at myself, I’ll help myself.”

    Then you need to cross yourself and spit over your left shoulder three times.

    From the thunderstorm

    Read out the window if a thunderstorm begins:

    “Father Perun, take your anger away from here and into the distance, where people don’t live, cattle don’t walk, bread doesn’t grow. Goy!”

    For a new or someone else's thing

    If you had to put on a new or someone else’s item, you need to pull one thread out of it or pull it through with a needle, tie a knot in it, and then pull it out with the words:

    “If you tied it yourself, you untied it yourself. Get rid of it, you crazy life.”

    Before leaving home

    The larger the crowd a person is in, the more dangers he faces in the form of damage and the evil eye. When going to a crowded place, before leaving the house, you need to whisper:

    “God is in heaven, God is on earth, God is everywhere, and my amulet is on me, God’s servant (name). Just as living people do not gnaw a dead bone, so no one’s evil eyes will take me. To my words, the key, the key in the sea, the lock locked. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever, Amen."

    In case of danger

    If you feel in danger, you should urgently read the whisper about salvation:

    “I will go, blessed, from door to door, from gate to gate, under the red sun, into an open field. In an open field stands the holy church of God, the doors themselves dissolve, the servant of God (name) himself is charmed from sorcerers, from witches, from witches , from the witches. Whoever thinks daringly about me, count the forest in the forest, the sand in the sea, and the stars in the sky, Amen forever.”

    Against fire

    Stand in the center of the house and read:

    “My house is in the sea and ocean, in the middle of a lake, a river flows around it, there is no way for fire here, neither through the ceiling, nor through the walls, nor through the underground. So be it!”

    From the inspectors

    So that when checking a store or work performed, the commission does not see any flaws, read the conspiracy indoors:

    “She dizzy, lured, clouded her head, all the good in the eyes, and the flaws out of sight.”

    From the revenge of evil people

    If it is known for certain that there are ill-wishers, overwhelmed by a sense of revenge, to protect against them, they get up, barely waking up, from the bed on the right foot and read a whisper of evil vengeance:

    “On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, among the waves, there is a boat, in this boat sits, crying ardent revenge. She groans, suffers, curses sinners. Revenge screams: “I will go into the world to break people’s bones, torture them, kill them.” Lord came into the world to drive away vengeance, to reconcile people among themselves. Reconcile me, O God, with the servant of God (name) too. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.”

    God bless you from the accident

    They whisper, lying face down on the ground:

    “Kolo-Dazhdbozhe, take away the inevitable misfortune from your offspring, whether on the road at work, in rest, in sleep and in fun, deliver Dazhdbozh from death and damage from rain, rivers, seas and lakes, from the fire of lightning and hail, from protect Goy from cold and hunger, from crevasses and rockfalls, from beasts and people!

    From bad friends

    To protect a child from dangerous friends, sending him out for a walk with them, you need to quietly whisper after him:

    “Protect the Mother of God, Virgin Mary, my child from the kiss of Judas, from unrighteous friends, from all harm and damage both on the road and on vacation.”

    If evil people offend you

    To protect yourself from ill-wishers, offenders, evil people, the following conspiracy is read against enemies:

    “Go all the evil where it came from, your swing is yours, your blow is yours, your harm is yours and the answer.”

    They read it in a whisper, looking at the enemy’s back every time they meet him.

    From any troubles

    Whatever problems arise, you need to quietly say to yourself:

    “According to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, let this cup pass away from me.”

    Surprisingly, troubles will pass by, the harm from them will be minimal.

    From envious people

    To protect yourself from human envy, when buying a new beautiful thing - a car, an apartment, any item that may be envied and jinxed - you need to quickly whisper:

    “My eye sees, someone else’s tooth numbs.”

    Envious people simply will not notice the new acquisition and, accordingly, will not be jealous.

    Another conspiracy will come in handy if you need to protect a loved one from stupid and envious people. Looking at him, they whisper three times, each time spitting over their shoulder:

    “I will lie down, (name), blessing myself, I will get up, praying to my native gods. I will go from the hut by the doors, from the gates by the gates, into an open field under the heart-rending side. There is an ocean-sea at the source. There is a pike fish in the ocean-sea, it walks and digs . forever carries on my shoulders. May my words be strong and sculpted!

    When the plot is read, you should blow with all your might on the person being charmed.

    From evil spirits

    To protect yourself and your home, whisper into the salt:

    “Oh, Cyprian, holy, strong, deliver and save from unclean demons, the sorcerer and the witch, the whispering grandmother, the words of others and other harm. Amen.”

    The salt is carried in a bag in the bosom so that no one will be offended, and a little is placed in the corners of the house to protect the home.

    For a crime witness

    They talk about any subject:

    “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, neither the strong, nor the brave, nor the thief, nor the kat will touch me. And whatever he thinks of me, then out of my mind!”

    They always carry what they say with them.

    Perunov whisper-amulet

    Read it in a thunderstorm, you need to speak out the open window:

    "Cut, Perune, the heavy forges, disperse, Perune, the enemy forces, amulet, Perune, the salted stake, and reward, Perune, the enemy has had enough! Go!"

    Protects both from sorcerers and from physical attacks from enemies.

    For money, career, trade

    There are whispers for career advancement, gaining wealth, successful trading. They can be read on coins, wallets, grains and seeds, stars, flocks of birds and much more. Witchcraft helps to quickly improve your financial situation.

    For your birthday

    On your birthday, in order to avoid poverty for a whole year, you need to find out the time when the person was born, and at that hour whisper:

    “I was born and new wealth was born, as I lived and grew, so my money will grow with me. Amen.”

    Before meeting with a client

    To force a person to make a purchase or enter into an agreement, they whisper to themselves, looking at the client:

    “The angel is coming, leading the client, let him leave the money and invite his friends.”

    For sugar

    To prevent customers from being transferred in the store, they slander sugar:

    “Just like flies and bees fly to sugar, everyone wants to get into my store, they buy up the goods, they keep the money, for their own joy, for my prosperity. Amen.”

    Sugar should be scattered little by little throughout the store. Any product will sell well.

    To wallet

    Having bought a new wallet, do not use it until the full moon appears, then lay it out under the moonlight and read:

    “Just as the moon is full in the sky, so you will never be empty. Amen.”

    To the ceiling

    When you come to visit wealthy people, you need to look at the ceiling and quietly whisper to yourself:

    “What you have, so do we, as much as you have, so much for us, almost equally!”

    Soon the one who whispered will receive the same wealth that they had.

    For pumpkin seeds

    They take a pumpkin and take out all the seeds from it, they fry them with the words:

    “How many seeds are in a pumpkin, so much money will be, one money will come, a hundred girlfriends will come, both the seed is in me and the money is with me.”

    Every seven days they eat one seed, every day wealth will increase.

    For cabbage

    When they begin to cut the cabbage for pickling, you must say:

    “I chop the cabbage into dozens of pieces, put a hundred pounds of gold in my purse, let the cabbage ferment, but the good stuff comes.”

    For milk

    They pour fresh milk into a bowl, bring it to their house and read it as many times as there are people living at home:

    “Whoever drinks milk will live in abundance, there is a cow in the meadow, money in our house, the cow has grass, and our whole family will get rich.”

    After this, everyone drinks a sip and for three days after that they do not eat any food made from milk, and on the fourth day, on the contrary, they eat only dairy and fermented milk products.

    To a flock of birds

    When you see flying birds, you should whisper: To successfully pass the exam

    “I walk on the right foot, I bring luck with me, like the sun is bright, so is my mind bright, like fluff is soft, my teacher is soft, so be it!”

    The threshold must be crossed with the right foot.

    Whispers to Srecha (Dole)

    The ancient Slavic goddess Srecha is approached with a request for the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, they go out at dawn barefoot and, turning their face to the sun, read:

    “My share, my share, do it according to my will, let whatever I think happen, let everyone bow before me, do as it is said, everything as I ordered. Goy, Goy, Goy!”

    They bow seven times and leave silently.

    To take revenge on the thief

    To punish someone who has stolen something, they go out to the river and read the plot:

    “On the sea-on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest, in the chest there are whips, damask knives, sharp needles. Go, you, damask knives, sharp needles, rawhide whips, to the one who stole, so as not to hide, not to conceal and did not sell what you stole. Be you, thief, cursed by my strong conspiracy into boiling tar, into flammable ash, into swamp mud, into a mill dam, into a bottomless house, into a bathhouse jug.

    Nailed to the lintel with an aspen stake, dried out more than grass, frozen more than ice. At my word you will become crooked and lame, you will become stupefied and stupefied, you will become numb and disempowered. With my words, become hungry and thin, burst into tears, roll in the mud, do not associate with people and die a death that is not your own. Amen".

    Ritual for relieving fear in a child

    They take three birch twigs, put them in the child’s fist and cut the air with the words:

    "Here's a scare for you, here's a demon for you! Here's an enemy for you! Get away from us!"

    The whisper is repeated three times, then the branches are burned and the coals are poured into a mug, filled with spring water, filtered and the baby is allowed to take exactly three sips.

    From Vanga for good luck

    This conspiracy from the clairvoyant Vanga ensures the fulfillment of any desire and increases luck. They read it, thinking about their cherished desire, for the water prepared for washing:

    “Water-water, my sister. You flowed through the mountains, underground paths, dark forests, wide fields, where there are lowlands and meadows, steep banks, pebbles and sands, mother earth and clear skies. You met dawns, saw off nights, washed your face with dawns, I wiped myself with the sun, I was cleansed with white light. Cleanse me too, with some water, wash away the dirt and filth, wash my soul, fill it with purity, so that my deeds will be pure, glow with light, be filled with goodness, be successful, be filled with success.”

    After washing, you cannot dry yourself; the water drops must dry on their own. After the plan has been fulfilled, the reading of the plot can be repeated to fulfill the next wish.

    For purchase

    In order for a thing to serve for a long time, after purchasing it, you need to whisper:

    “Don’t rush, don’t break, stay with me.”

    Out of melancholy

    If your soul is heavy, in order to get rid of melancholy and bad thoughts, take the finest salt and read on it:

    “Salt, salt, salt, wash away all the pain from your soul, give peace and sleep, let life become joyful.”

    Scoop up the crystals with your palms and wash them three times, rinse off the remaining salt from the skin with plain water.

    This whisper also helps with causeless fear.

    Safe whisper in the back of the judge

    “As our Lord Jesus was merciful to everyone, so you, to whom I whisper, be merciful to me from this day and forever. Amen.”

    The judge will decide fairly and give the most lenient punishment.

    To attract people

    To make people reach out, you need to say something about a gold or silver chain:

    “As link to link, so do people love me, just as people love gold (silver), so I am loved by everyone and everyone needs and desires. As I say, so it will be. Amen.”

    The chain is always worn on oneself.

    From last year's negativity

    To forgive last year’s grievances and to get rid of everything unnecessary that has accumulated in the energy sector over the year, take a piece of paper and write on it all the bad things that you can remember. Then they set this sheet on fire and, while it burns, they whisper:

    “Pain burns, melancholy burns, shame and resentment fly away, evil and envy, fear and anger, I will begin to live without them all.”

    The ashes are rubbed in the palms and blown into the wind, hands are washed thoroughly.

    To start the day

    At the very beginning of the day, morning whispers are read:

    • Getting out of bed on the right foot: “As I get up on the right, so will the day be glorious.”
    • Washing: “I will wash away the sleep and regain vigor, I will take all the joy from life today.”
    • Before leaving the house, looking in the mirror: “The mirror sees everyone, so do I today.”
    • Closing the door: “Word, deed, key, lock, a thief will not set foot outside the threshold.”

    For funeral rites

    They salt a piece of bread and place it next to the deceased, whispering:

    “Here’s bread and salt for you, (name) - don’t stand at the table, don’t look out the window, don’t go to the living! Go!”

    Holiday whispers

    On church holidays different whispers are read:

    • On the Annunciation - from infertility: “Mother Most Holy Theotokos. Grant me your mercy. Send me a son, a falcon, and a daughter, a swallow.”
    • On Palm Sunday - to the water from damage: “I wash away everything that they said about me. What the heart and soul are tormented with is washed away with living water on Maundy Thursday.”
    • On Clean Thursday, water is used to cure various diseases: “Clean water - help. Take troubles and illnesses away from me. Remove the evil eye and damage from me, give me health and strength.”
    • Before Easter, as they begin to knead the dough for Easter cake, they read the amulet against any troubles: “A dove flew in and brought holy water. The bird pecked the grains and drove away all diseases. She flapped her wings, driving away evil and evil spirits. I will bow to the dove and ask her for some water. I will wash my face with that water, holy water.”
    • On the New Year to get rid of failures: “The old year will go away - it will take all the troubles with it. He will give good luck to the New Year, and the New Year will give them to me.”

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure; problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...