Shepelev biography personal life. Dmitry Shepelev became the first in his family. The romantic story of Dmitry and Zhanna

The words of relatives and friends are confirmed by their family’s personal driver. “Let's be honest - Dima is not the only one.” – quotes Andrei Medvedev from the portal He openly stated that Shepelev is a two-faced type.

From the very beginning, all of Zhanna’s relatives were against Dmitry, they tried in every possible way to dissuade her from the wedding. But Friske truly loved Dima and did not want to listen to anyone.

Andrei Medvedev had to take Dmitry home many times because he did not want to stay with his sick wife. It was difficult for Shepelev to be in Zhanna’s house, because he did not immediately develop a relationship with the singer’s parents.

Zhanna Friske's father kept asking Dmitry for his daughter's medical history because he hoped to cure her. But the son-in-law did not give the papers, because he believed that nothing could save his wife.

“One day such a scandal broke out that Dima, realizing that things were bad, fell to his knees in front of Zhanna’s dad with the words: “I love your daughter!” Vladimir Borisovich melted,” Medvedev said.

The driver also said that for the New Year 2015, Friske’s parents invited Shepelev’s father and mother to their house, but they could not find common language. “When I was taking Andrei Viktorovich and Natalya Alexandrovna back to the airport, Shepelev explained to them that yes, Vladimir Borisovich and Olga Vladimirovna are fools, but the main thing is Zhanna... And these can be tolerated. He also could not find a common language with Natasha. Zhanna’s sister once heard Dima call her scary,” admitted the former driver of the Friske family.

According to Medvedev, Shepelev was very nice to Zhanna, because he understood perfectly well that his career depended on her. Friske introduced young man With the right people, tried to push it on television.

At first, Bear liked Dmitry, he partly understood him. But everything changed when one day Shepelev spoke badly about his co-host Yuri Nikolaev, who was fighting cancer at that time. He said something like “Old goat.” Then the man realized that this was a two-faced guy.

The man is sure that it was not without reason that Dmitry proposed to Zhanna in Latvia, because he understood that she did not have long left and needed to take advantage of the situation. After all, if a marriage is officially registered, then he receives houses, apartments and cars as an inheritance. Moreover, Shepelev paid for the construction of their joint country house with Friske’s money. And besides, the singer often paid for both of them in the restaurant where the couple dined.

This summer the singer would have celebrated her 43rd birthday. The son Plato was left without a mother. After Zhanna's death, a real scandal broke out between her family and her husband, which has not subsided to this day.

Even now they cannot find a common language, even for the sake of little boy Plato, who is not to blame for anything...

Dmitry Shepelev is a handsome man and a favorite of millions of women, a popular TV presenter, born in the capital of Belarus, Minsk on January 25, 1983.


The boy’s parents had nothing to do with show business and worked as ordinary engineers. The family had little wealth, and the boy was not particularly pampered. Therefore, already in high school In order to have his own pocket money, he worked part-time during the holidays at the post office.

Dmitry was fond of sports - he loved to swim, played water polo and was seriously involved in tennis since childhood. He could have made a good sports career, as he even entered the TOP 10 juniors at school. However, he had other plans.

It's interesting that in school years Dmitry was not too sociable. He avoided all school parties and concerts. He could rarely be seen in a crowd of classmates on the street. He loved to read and preferred humanities subjects; he studied exact sciences with great reluctance.

He dreamed of a career as a journalist, but, not being sure of own strength, didn’t tell anyone about this, trying to somehow make his way towards his goal on his own. His dream led him to the casting of an entertainment show on local television “5x5”. He was hoping for at least a place in the crowd, but he got the role of the presenter. This immediately made Dima a school star and attracted the attention of all the girls to him.


Having received the certificate, Dmitry enters the Faculty of Journalism at Minsk University. By this time, his face had already become recognizable, and even in stores he was often skipped in line. Naturally, this greatly flattered his pride and stimulated him to develop his career.

Now he worked part-time not at the post office, but as a DJ or presenter at local radio stations, which attracted girls even more to his person. Dmitry gradually formed a circle of fans. Later he switches to the Unistar channel, where he interviews famous musicians.

In 2004, he was accidentally noticed by the management of the M1 music channel. They liked the presenter’s relaxed communication style, and he was invited to work in Kyiv for the Guten Morgen program. For some time, Dmitry had to constantly shuttle between Kiev and Minsk, which is why he almost dropped out of the university. But he still received his diploma, with honors.

Dmitry’s career in Ukraine developed much more successfully and rapidly than in his native Minsk, and in 2008, having become the host of the second “Star Factory,” he makes a fateful decision and finally moves to Kyiv. He immediately receives new offers, and he is already hosting several entertainment programs at once.

Literally a year later he was lured to Moscow by himself, who offered him a place on Channel One. Now Dmitry again lives in two countries: he flies between Russia and Ukraine, where he begins to work closely with the “95th Quarter” in the “Make a Comedian Laugh” program.

In 2009, Dmitry took a prestigious place in the Green Room, becoming one of the Russian representatives at Eurovision. There, in just a few days, he had to conduct more than 80 interviews and press conferences. It was difficult, but it made him recognizable and even earned him a TEFI award.

Subsequently, Dmitry became the host of several popular music programs, as well as the show project “Ice and Fire”. His career is on Russian television continues to actively develop, but Dmitry has no plans to move to Moscow yet. Moreover, he is in great demand on Ukrainian television.

Personal life of Dmitry Shepelev

At school, for a long time, girls did not pay any attention to the modest and quiet boy. Until he became a TV presenter. But now Dmitry himself was not interested in novels, but in developing his own career. Therefore, although he was flattered by the attention, he did not start a serious relationship.

However, one of the girls still managed to win his heart. He dated Anna Startseva for more than seven years, and in the end they finally got married. But after three years they officially divorced, since Dmitry was only busy with his own career.

With Anna Startseva

Dmitry met his second wife, Zhanna Friske, in Miami. However, most likely this happened much earlier, since they had already celebrated Zhanna’s 39th birthday there. And then, having officially appeared in public as a couple, they celebrated the New Year together.

In 2012, he literally glowed with happiness, and the press considered one of the most beautiful couples Russian show business. A year later, Jeanne’s fans learned about her pregnancy. In April 2013, their long-awaited son Plato was born in one of the most prestigious clinics in Miami.

And a year later, Zhanna’s fans were shocked by another news - the singer was diagnosed with brain cancer. The fight for her life began, and Dmitry supported Zhanna, constantly being close to her and his son. For some time he even practically abandoned his career. However, they failed to defeat death - in June 2015, Zhanna died.

They never officially registered their marriage. Having learned about the illness, Zhanna wanted to have a wedding after her recovery, but she did not live to see it. Her relatives began vying with each other to accuse Dmitry of pursuing selfish goals in this union, and because of him, Zhanna could not receive normal treatment. They did not even allow him to see his son.

But gradually the passions subsided, although the pain remained. Dmitry often takes the boy in and continues to build a career. He tries to keep himself in shape and likes to go to the swimming pool in his free time.

The singer’s younger sister told the details of the scandal with her ex-son-in-law

Today, information appeared in the media about a huge scandal between the family of Zhanna Friske and her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev. It was reported that Jeanne's father was for not allowing him to see his grandson Plato. We talked to the sister of the singer Natalia, who died of cancer. She told us that Dmitry more than once allowed himself to insult his sick wife, her parents, and Natalya herself.

The first time I heard him shouting at Zhanna was back in Jurmala,” says Natalya. “You are scary and no one needs you anymore except me. “You’ll just die without me,” he shouted at her. I then asked Zhanna whether he often allows himself to do this. She said yes, it happens. But she immediately began to take the blame on herself: “Maybe I said or did something wrong. I got him there."

Natalya is in tears. The family has not yet recovered from the death of their beloved Jeanne. The singer's son Plato is the only outlet for everyone. After all, the boy grew up in the arms of his mother Zhanna and Natalya. Until the last day of Zhanna's life, he lived with the Friske family.

Mom did not leave a single step from either Plato or her sister. Yes, during this time she aged 10 years from her worries,” Natalya cries. - And now this! He constantly annoys our dad. He deliberately provoked this whole conversation, made a recording and immediately sold it to journalists. We did not expect such meanness from him. Although he is far from being as white and fluffy as he wants to seem. We understood this immediately.

According to the singer’s sister, Dmitry more than once allowed himself to insult his sick wife, her parents and Natalya herself.

The first time I heard him shouting at Zhanna was back in Jurmala,” says Natalya. - “You’re scary and no one needs you anymore except me. “You’ll just die without me,” he shouted at her. I then asked Zhanna if he often allows himself to do this. She said yes, it happens. But she immediately began to take the blame on herself: “Maybe I said or did something wrong. I got him there." Zhanna's friends also told me that Dima often allows himself to do this.

Zhanna Plato's son was raised by the Friske family until his mother's death. Natalya herself, who does not yet have children of her own, constantly bathed him, read him bedtime stories and put him to bed. Shepelev's parents rarely came to their daughter-in-law's house. And when they were there, they didn’t even take care of the child.

Now he won’t let me near the boy for a cannon shot,” Natalya sobs. - He says that I don’t care about the boy and I’m promoting myself at his expense. But it seems to me that he is afraid that Plato will take me for Jeanne. She and I are very similar. The only thing is that he called our mother to Bulgaria to look after the baby while his parents went somewhere. And not out of pity for her, but because it was convenient for him. And then he strictly forbade her to take pictures with Platosha. He put forward so many conditions, it was just a nightmare. And he himself sold photos with his son left and right.

It turns out that the villa on the Bulgarian coast, where Shepelev rested and recovered after the death of his wife, belongs to.

Philip Bedrosovich actually invited my parents to relax there, who miraculously survived Zhanna’s death. But we gave way to Dima and Plato.

Didn’t Zhanna herself leave any instructions about her son? Who did she want him to stay with?

Before her death, Zhanna could no longer speak at all, but only blinked her eyes “yes” or “no.” We asked her: do you want Plato to live with Shepelev? She didn't answer. And when they asked if she wanted the boy to stay with us, she blinked. But this, of course, is not proof for anyone now. We thought that we would agree on everything peacefully with Dima. That Plato will visit both us and them. But you see how he behaves now. Although we were in vain hoping for his decency. Yes, his last words were when he left us two days before Zhanna’s death: “If only she had died already, I would have taken my son and never seen you all again!” Now, according to the Friske family, Dima lives alone. The child is looked after by his parents.

Do you know what he asked the priest at the wake? He asked when he would be able to live with another woman. I hope everything comes back to this man.

It is clear that Natalya said a lot out of emotion. In the heat of family scandals, they don’t choose expressions and don’t dig into their pockets for words. But, leaving careless accusations aside, is it manly to glorify a grief-stricken father-in-law to the whole world? Even if he went beyond the bounds of decency... MK is ready to provide a platform to Dmitry Shepelev and present his position to readers. I would just really like to hope that both sides of the conflict will find the strength to resolve the problems peacefully. For the sake of Jeanne's memory and for the sake of her son's future.


Rating 5

Dmitry Shepelev is a famous television and radio presenter in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev that his fate lies in constantly flowing along the waves of life. It is quite difficult for him to resist life, and the moment when he decides to start resisting the waves can drown him under them. HE was born on January 25, 1983 and is an Aquarius..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Dmitry Shepelev is a famous television and radio presenter in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev that his fate lies in constantly flowing along the waves of life. It is quite difficult for him to resist life, and the moment when he decides to start resisting the waves can drown him under them. HE was born on January 25, 1983 and is an Aquarius by zodiac sign. His elements are Water and Air. This is a man of a rather subtle soul, ironic, intelligent, greedy for everything beautiful. He does not have the physical strength that can withstand the powers that be, and also has a certain amount of cowardice. All these qualities don't make him bad people, it’s just that the feminine principle is quite strongly developed in him.

Shepelev today

Shepelev today is a man who has faced a number of problems. At the moment when his only consolation in life should be his child and family, he stumbles upon large number life troubles associated with the inheritance of his wife, the beautiful Zhanna Friske.

If during the singer’s life he was next to her, raising his own son Plato, starred in a TV show, and was happy, handsome and successful, then a dark streak overwhelmed him the moment he learned about Jeanne’s illness. You can read more about the life of the ex-soloist of the group Blestyaschiye and the wife of Dmitry Shepelev in this article.

Zhanna Friske gave birth to a healthy boy, who was named Platon Dmitrievich Shepelev. Almost immediately it became known about Zhanna’s illness; problems began immediately after giving birth, and she had to go to the clinic. All this time Dmitry was next to the child. Zhanna had to undergo a lot of treatment and be transported to different clinics.

Her diagnosis was cancer, and psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev that a man of his nature could suffer from this even more, even to some extent feeling sorry for himself more than his wife dying before his eyes. Zhanna - strong personality, who was more of a leader in their relationship than Dmitry. Rumor has it that she even supported Shepelev, which is quite funny, considering that Dmitry is a famous and sought-after person.

Dmitry Shepelev was not present at the time of Zhanna’s death - he was with his child Plato in Bulgaria with his parents. I just took him there for the summer. Psychics say that Plato’s parents did not want the baby to see his mother melting before his eyes.

Zhanna remained with her parents, who did not like Dmitry for personal reasons. She died surrounded by her family, but after her death, feuds began over money. There are two sources of finance - the first was the 25 million collected by Zhanna’s fans, and the other was Zhanna Friske’s own inheritance, which was recently divided between the son (his representative Dmitry), Zhanna’s father and mother.

Psychics about Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske say that the situation that arose after the girl’s death was not the most pleasant. They believe that the problem on both sides is the pain that both sides experience. Each has made her own decision and is trying to follow it in order to restore balance in her own heart.

Parents of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

Friske's parents want to see Plato's grandson so that he reminds them of Zhanna. They are ready to tell him for hours about what his mother was like. But they hadn’t even decided to tell him about his mother’s death.

Dmitry Shepelev, in turn, wants to make his son forget about Zhanna; he hopes that the child will quickly forget his mother, and he will not have to cause pain by explaining her death. He hopes that time will be able to banish the pain in the child's heart, and is afraid of the consequences that may occur due to frequent meetings between parents.

The parents of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev also cannot communicate with each other. They want Dmitry to show his pain, to prove that he loved his daughter, at least with tears, but he acts coldly, trying to save face, and this invariably unbalances Zhanna Friske’s father.

A hot man makes rash decisions that cause pain to the baby, which is why the whole fuss caught fire: in front of the child, the grandfather threatens his beloved father. When the baby is small, Friske's father arranges an attack on Shepelev. In front of a child, they beat their father and break the fingers of their personal driver!

Dmitry Shepelev was silent for a long time, even putting up with Father Friske’s performances on various shows, like “Let Them Talk.” After the attack on him and his son, he nevertheless broke his silence and posted a video message in which he says that he does not consider all these actions normal and for the very reason that he forbids Friske’s parents to see their son, that they do not behave adequately and need in psychological treatment. You can watch the video message from Dmitry Shepelev here:

Olga Orlova and Dmitry Shepelev

The situation is reaching the point of absurdity. Zhanna Friske’s many friends, who are trying to bask a little more in her rays, are not helping either. Friske’s best friend Olga Orlova, also a soloist from the group “Brilliant,” believes that the fact that she is Plato’s godmother gives her the right to take custody of the child. She is against Dmitry Shepelev, she believes that he had no right to call journalists to take pictures with Zhanna during her illness, when she did not take a single photo with her friend.

Olga Orlova and Dmitry Shepelev did not have an open conflict, although the show business star considers Dmitry a dishonest person who is also hiding Plato from her. “The godmother should be close to her child,” she believes.

“I do everything in my power for this. Certainly, . But I would like to give him my love, help, be there,” Orlova said.

Dmitry Shepelev and Rusfond money

In addition to all these feuds with the child, there is another wave of conflicts related to money. The fact is that 20 million rubles were lost from the money that Rusfond allocated for Zhanna’s treatment. In total, her fans collected about 25 million rubles, which they transferred to her personal account.

Dmitry Shepelev managed these expenses, hiring doctors and paying for operations, however, he was only able to provide a report for 4 million of this money. The remaining 20 disappeared somewhere. Friske's parents, who had the card lately, they also don’t know where this money was spent. Dmitry Shepelev cannot explain their disappearance either.

Psychics are talking about this money and Dmitry Shepelev. that people like him are not used to counting money and live to the fullest. What is considered wasteful for ordinary people, for example, a flight in business class for 50 thousand rubles, when you can go by train for two thousand, is considered commonplace among media people. In fact, the money hardly disappeared somewhere, but was wasted by the star family on various needs and organizational issues related to Zhanna's treatment. For example, Olga Orlova, Zhanna’s friend and Plato’s godmother, finds it funny, offensive and provocative that the press suggested that she and Zhanna could live in New York with their friend Oksana, as if they “can’t afford their own housing.” " Most likely, a huge sum of 20 million for us was spent on various bribes and such trifles,

  • like your own home,
  • dear ward,
  • VIP service
  • and all sorts of joys of life that could brighten up last days the fading star of Jeanne. That is why there are no checks for these amounts - the money was managed without thinking about its account.

Dmitry Shepelev is not Plato's father?

Unfortunately, for many, the legacy of Zhanna Friske is country house and an apartment in Moscow is a tasty morsel. It is known that little Platon has priority in owning property, which is why so many people want to become his guardians. Recently, another lover of profit named Radik Gushchin appeared, who composed a legend that he was the father of Plato, and Dmitry Shepelev had nothing to do with it. The statement was not only made to the press, but actually a statement was written to the court with a proposal to do a DNA paternity test. It is unknown what Radik Gushchin hopes for. Psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev and Platon Shepelev that these are undoubtedly two kindred souls. In addition, even in appearance, the baby already has his father’s ears, his cheekbones and the oval of his face, although he is slightly plump, as happens with babies who have not become haggard due to the death of a loved one.

Olga Orlova - Plato's godmother

Psychics absolutely confirm that Plato is the son of Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske.

Dmitry Shepelev and personal life after Zhanna

After Friske, Dmitry Shepelev did not officially confirm his relationship with anyone, focusing mainly on his son and work.

Journalists, based on a tip from Zhanna Friske’s parents, suspected Dmitry of having a relationship with Oksana Stepanova. They say that she devotes a lot of time to both Dmitry and Plato. During her wife’s illness, Oksana Stepanova helped and took care of Zhanna a lot, and now she switched to Dmitry. Parents even say that it was she who gave Dmitry the Signal when Zhanna began to fade away, so that he would take his son to Bulgaria, and then defect to him. In fact, this is unconfirmed information, besides, nothing

the bad thing is to to the young father helped take care of the child - no.

Psychics see Dmitry Shepelev’s sexual aura as inferior. The line of his fate is on at the moment torn, this means that he has not had any sexual or astral intercourse for the last 9 months.

Dmitry Shepelev and his son

From the point of view of the judiciary, only the father and mother primarily have the right to decide the fate of the child, unless they are deprived of parental rights. That is why Dmitry Shepelev can do whatever he wants or considers necessary to take care of his own son. Grandmothers, grandfathers, and even more so godmothers should not interfere in this situation and organize PR and circus performance from the death of someone dear to them. It seems that they all forgot that the dispute arose from pain, everyone is trying to insist on their own, using brute force, and thereby scaring Dmitry Shepelev from cooperation.

Psychics say about Dmitry Shepelev that his mission now is to take care of the child. He inherited from Jeanne own house, which they bought together with Zhanna three years ago. That’s where he plans to live with his son later; he’s currently making renovations to the house at a cost of 25 million rubles. For now they live in a rented apartment; in addition to Dmitry Shepelev and Platon, Plato’s nanny, a security guard and several other servants are always in the apartment. Among them is cosmetologist Oksana, whom Zhanna’s father suspected of love relationships with Dmitry Shepelev. parents are going crazy because the child lives in a rented apartment, even though it’s not a two-room apartment in Otradnoe with a shared bathroom, but a luxurious mansion that many people dream of.

Shepelev does not skimp on his son; psychics say about Dmitry that he should make a good father-friend who could not raise, but only support the child, play with him and protect him from his mother’s instructions. He is not very suitable for the role of a person who forbids something, so psychics consider it a good step that Shepelev often hires psychologists and teachers for the child, the main thing is that they complement and do not replace the father’s attention.

Dmitry Shepelev is a Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian television and radio presenter who, thanks to his eccentricity and ability to attract the eyes of millions of television viewers, became famous. His TV shows appear on Russia's main TV channel during prime time and enjoy public interest. No less interesting privacy Shepelev, because it was he who became last love and the father of everyone's favorite pop star's child.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on January 25, 1983 in the capital of Belarus - Minsk. The family of the future celebrity was far from the world of art and cinema; his mother and father had a technical education and worked in their specialty. As a child, Dima was fond of sports - water polo and tennis. In the latter, he achieved considerable success, entering the top ten best junior tennis players in Belarus. At school, the guy preferred humanities subjects.

Even in his youth, Shepelev’s biography was enriched by his participation in the filming of the program as an extra. The future TV presenter was greatly impressed by the magic of TV. When his friend and classmate Denis Kuryan offered to try himself at the casting of TV presenters for a youth talk show, Dmitry immediately agreed. The guys passed the casting and in 1999 began hosting the “5x5” program.

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In February 2017, Dmitry took the place of the TV host of the talk show “Live” after leaving. Not all TV viewers were satisfied with the choice of the channel’s management, but Shepelev managed to show skill and convince the public of the opposite.

A little later, Dmitry became the TV presenter of the Channel One project. The talk show deals with family conflicts, the participants of which undergo a lie detector test right in the studio. The program is popular, so this project remains the main one for the showman.

Personal life

Shepelev married while still a student at the Belarusian State University state university. His wife was Anna Startseva, with whom the presenter had been dating for 7 years at that time.

The personal life of the spouses did not work out. Dmitry spent no more than 3 weeks as a married man, after which he packed his things and moved away from his wife.

In 2011, the first rumors appeared about a romance between the TV presenter and popular singer Zhanna Friske, former member groups . She was 9 years older than Shepelev. Zhanna and Dmitry met during the filming of the program “Property of the Republic” in 2009. Relations between them did not improve immediately. The singer managed to get pregnant from Dmitry. In April 2013, their son Plato was born.

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Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

Soon Friske was diagnosed with cancer. An official statement about the artist’s serious illness (inoperable brain tumor) came only in January 2014. Shepelev took upon himself all the difficulties associated with organizing treatment. The singer was placed in a New York clinic, and after a course of chemotherapy, the family moved to Jurmala. The remission turned out to be short-lived. On June 15, 2015, the performer died.

Zhanna's death came as a real shock to everyone. Only 2 years later Shepelev openly spoke about his experiences due to the death of his wife. He shared this with TV presenter Andrei Malakhov in a program where he passed a lie detector test.

After the death of the artist, Shepelev began to have conflicts with her relatives. According to Dmitry, Vladimir Friske repeatedly threatened him with physical harm, which is why the journalist was forced to contact the police.

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