Masterpieces of world culture author unknown. Masterpieces of Chinese culture. Masterpieces of Chinese Architecture

Art is almost as old as humanity itself, and over all the centuries of our existence, countless unique works have been created.

It would probably be too bold to make a list of the most outstanding masterpieces, because the criteria for assessing creativity are too subjective. That is why our rating contains paintings and sculptures that are certainly the most recognizable in the world, which does not mean that they are somehow better than other brilliant works.
Which creations are the most famous? Find out now! Perhaps you don’t know everyone, and it’s time to test your erudition and horizons.

25. Bathers, by Paul Cézanne

This painting is considered a true masterpiece contemporary art. “Bathers” is one of the most famous works Paul Cezanne. The work was first presented to the general public at an exhibition in 1906. Oil painting Cézanne paved the way for artists of the future, allowing them to move away from traditional patterns, and built a bridge between Post-Impressionism and 20th century art.

24. Disco thrower, by Miron

"Discobolus" is a legendary Greek statue, executed by the famous Greek sculptor Myron of Eleutherae in the period from approximately 460 to 450 BC. e. The work was greatly admired by the Romans, and they even made several copies of this sculpture before its original disappeared without a trace. Subsequently, the Discus Thrower became a symbol of the Olympic Games.

23. Apollo and Daphne, by Bernini

Apollo and Daphne is a life-size sculpture created by Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini around 1622-1625. The masterpiece depicts a half-naked woman trying to escape from her pursuer. The sculpture clearly demonstrates the high skill of its creator, who recreated the climax famous story Ovid about Daphne and Phoebus (Daphna, Phoebus).

22. Night Watch, by Rembrandt

A masterpiece by the internationally recognized Danish artist Rembrandt, " Night watch"is one of the most famous paintings XVII century. The work was completed in 1642, and was commissioned to depict a group portrait of the rifle company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq and Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburgh (Frans Banning Cocq, Willem van Ruytenburgh). Today the painting adorns the exhibition of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

21. Massacre of the Innocents by Rubens

“The Massacre of the Innocents” is a picture that tells about the terrible order of the Jewish king Herod, by whose command all the babies of Bethlehem and its environs under the age of 2 years were killed. The tyrant believed in the prophecy that the day was coming when the King of Israel would remove him from the throne, and hoped that his future rival would be among the murdered children. A representative of the Flemish Baroque, Rubens wrote two versions of the famous biblical story 25 years apart. The first version of the painting is now in front of you, and it was painted between 1611 and 1612.

20. Campbell's Beef Onion Soup by Warhol

Painted by American artist Andy Warhol in 1962, Campbell's Beef Onion Soup is one of the most famous examples of modern art. In his work, Warhol masterfully demonstrated the monotony of the advertising industry by reproducing multiple copies of the same product on his giant canvas. Warhol also said that he ate these soups every day for 20 years. Perhaps this is why a can of onion soup became the subject of his famous work.

19. Starry Night by Van Gogh

Oil painting « Starry night"belongs to the brush of the Danish post-impressionist Vincent van Gogh, who completed this legendary work in 1889. The artist was inspired to paint the painting by looking at the night sky through the window of his room in the Saint-Paul hospital, the city of Saint-Rémy, Southern France(Saint-Paul Asylum, Saint-Remy). It was there that the famous creator at one time sought relief from the emotional suffering that haunted him until the end of his days.

18. Rock paintings of the Chauvet Cave

The drawings, discovered in the south of France in the Chauvet Cave, are among the most famous and best-preserved prehistoric masterpieces of world art. The age of these works is approximately 30,000 - 33,000 years. Hundreds of prehistoric animals are expertly depicted on the cave walls, including bears, mammoths, cave lions, panthers and hyenas.

17. The Kiss, by Rodin

“The Kiss” is a marble statue created by the famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin in 1889. The author was inspired by the plot of the masterpiece sad story Paolo and Francesca, characters from the legendary work of Dante Alighieri “The Divine Comedy” (Paolo, Francesca, Dante Alighieri). The lovers were killed by Francesca's husband, who suddenly caught the young people when the guy and girl, fascinated by each other, exchanged their first kiss.

16. Manneken Pis, authorship unknown

"Manneken Pee" or "Manneken Pis" is a small bronze sculpture that has become a real attraction of the fountain in the center of Brussels. The original authorship of the work is unknown, but in 1619 it was modified by the Belgian sculptor Jerome Duquesnoy. Business card city, “Manneken Pie” was supposedly installed in memory of the events of the Grimbergen War, during which a peeing baby, according to one version, urinated on soldiers, and according to another, extinguished enemy ammunition that threatened to destroy the entire city. During the holidays, the sculpture is dressed up in themed costumes.

15. The Persistence of Memory, by Salvador Dali

Painted in 1931 by the famous Spanish artist Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory is one of the most recognizable masterpieces of surrealist art in the history of painting. The work depicts a bleak sandy beach strewn with melting clocks. Dali’s unusual plot was inspired by Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.

14. Pieta or Lamentation of Christ, by Michelangelo

"Pieta" - famous sculpture Renaissance era, created by the Florentine creator Michelangelo in the period from 1498 to 1500. The work describes a biblical scene - Mary holds in her arms the body of Jesus taken from the cross. The sculpture is now in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. "Pieta" - only job Michelangelo, which he signed.

13. Water lilies by Claude Monet

“Water Lilies” is a series of approximately 250 oil paintings by the world-famous French impressionist Claude Monet. The collection of these works is recognized as one of the most outstanding achievements art of the early 20th century. If you place all the paintings together, it creates the illusion endless landscape filled with water lilies, trees and clouds reflected in the water.

12. The Scream by Edvard Munch

The Scream is an iconic masterpiece by Norwegian expressionist Edvard Munch. He wrote 4 different versions of this plot in the period from 1893 to 1910. The artist's famous work was inspired by the artist's real-life experiences during a nature walk during which Munch was abandoned by his companions (who are also depicted in the background of the painting).

11. Moai, authorship unknown

Moai statues are massive stone monoliths discovered on Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean, Western Polynesia. The statues are also known as the Easter Island Heads, but in reality they all have bodies hidden underground. The Moai statues date back to approximately 1400 - 1650 and are believed to have been carved from stone by Aboriginal people who once lived on the island of Rapa Nui (local name for Easter Island). In total, about 1000 such gigantic masterpieces of antiquity were discovered in this area. The mystery of their movement around the island still remains unsolved, and the heaviest figure weighs about 82 tons.

10. The Thinker by Rodin

“The Thinker” is the most famous work of the French sculptor Auguste Rodin. The author completed his masterpiece in 1880 and originally called the sculpture “The Poet.” The statue was part of a composition called “The Gates of Hell” and personified Dante Alighieri himself, the author of the famous “ Divine Comedy" According to Rodin's original idea, Alighieri leans over the circles of Hell, reflecting on his work. Subsequently, the sculptor rethought the character and made him into a universal image of the creator.

9. Guernica, by Pablo Picasso

An oil painting the size of an entire fresco, Guernica is one of the most famous works of the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. The black and white painting is Picasso's reaction to the Nazi bombing of the Basque town of Guernica during civil war in Spain. The masterpiece demonstrates all the tragedy, the horrors of war and the suffering of all innocent citizens in the person of just a few characters.

8. The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

You can admire this painting today while visiting the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Legendary painting by Leonardo da Vinci, " Last Supper"is one of the most famous masterpieces in the world. The artist worked on this fresco from 1494 to 1498, and depicted a famous biblical scene on it last supper Jesus Christ surrounded by his disciples, which is described in detail in the Gospel of John.

7. Statue of Liberty by Eiffel, Bartholdi

The iconic sculpture is located on Liberty Island in New York, and was once a gift as a sign of friendship between the people of France and the United States. Today the Statue of Liberty is considered international symbol freedom and democracy. The author of the composition was the French sculptor Bartholdi, and it was designed and built by the architect Gustav Eiffel. The gift was presented on October 28, 1886.

6. Hermes with the baby Dionysus or Hermes Olympus, by Praxiteles

"Hermes with the Child Dionysus" is an ancient Greek sculpture discovered during excavations in 1877 among the ruins of the temple of the goddess Hera in Greece. Right hand Hermes is lost, but archaeologists believe that in the story, the god of trade and athletes held a grapevine in it, showing it to the infant Dionysus, the god of wine, orgies and religious ecstasy.

5. The Creation of Adam, by Michelangelo

The Creation of Adam is one of Michelangelo's most famous frescoes. It was created between 1508 and 1512 and is considered the most popular ceiling composition Sistine Chapel, a Catholic religious center located in the Vatican. The painting illustrates the moment of the biblical creation of the first man in history, described in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.

4. Venus de Milo, or Aphrodite from the island of Milos

The "Venus de Milo" was born approximately between 130 and 100 BC and is one of the most famous ancient greek sculptures. The marble statue was discovered in 1820 on the island of Milos, part of the Cyclades Archipelago in the Aegean Sea. The identity of the heroine has not yet been precisely established, but researchers suggest that the author of the masterpiece carved Aphrodite from the stone, greek goddess love and beauty, which was often depicted half-naked. Although there is a version that the statue was molded in the image of the sea goddess Amphitrite, who was especially revered on the island where the artifact was found.

3. Birth of Venus, by Sandro Botticelli

“Birth of Venus” – work Italian artist Sandro Botticelli painted between 1482 and 1485, and it is considered one of the most famous and valuable masterpieces of art in the world. The painting illustrates a scene from famous poem Ovid's "Metamorphoses", in which the goddess Venus first comes ashore from the foam of the sea. The work is on display at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

2. David, by Michelangelo

The legendary Renaissance sculpture was created between 1501 and 1504 by the brilliant creator Michelangelo. Today, "David" is considered the most famous statue in the world. This delightful masterpiece is the biblical hero David etched in stone. Artists and sculptors of the past traditionally depicted David during battle, the winner over the formidable Goliath, a warlike husband and hero, but Michelangelo chose for his work the image of a charming young man who had not yet learned the art of war and murder.

1. Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci

Perhaps some of the works on this list were unknown to you, but everyone knows the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci. This is the most famous, most talked about, most celebrated and most visited painting in the world. The brilliant master painted it in 1503-1506, and Lisa Gherardini, wife of silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo, posed for the canvas. Famous for its mysterious expression, the Mona Lisa is the pride of the Louvre, the oldest and richest museum in France and the world.

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    1. Introduction.

    Over the course of thousands of years, China has developed a vibrant culture.

    The culture of China was influenced by the attitude towards nature as an organic whole, living according to its own laws.

    It was nature and the laws of its development that were at the center of creative searches, which for a long time determined the features of the development of all types of art without exception. Human life in China was commensurate with the life of nature, its cycles, rhythms, states. In Greece, man was “the measure of all things,” but in China he is only a small particle of nature.

    Confucianism and Buddhism have influenced Chinese culture. Many Chinese achievements date back to the Middle Ages.

    China has surpassed all countries in the world,
    He reached the top in all arts.

    2. Masterpieces Chinese architecture.

    The peculiarity of Chinese architecture is that the architects could find the most picturesque and natural place for architecture. Monasteries rise at the top of the mountains, Chinese temples and pagodas are built in hard-to-reach places, stone steles rise along the edges of roads, and luxurious palaces of emperors are erected in the center of bustling cities.

    It stretches for 5 km along the northwestern border The Great Wall of China. Its construction dates back to the 4th-3rd centuries and was completed in the 15th century. Its purpose is to protect the Chinese state from attacks by nomadic tribes from the north. A road 5-8 meters wide was laid along its top for the advancement of troops. This structure was designed to protect the power of the Chinese state.

    One of the most common buildings has become pagoda - a memorial tower erected in honor of the deeds of great people.

    The pagoda is of enormous size and reaches a height of 50 meters Appearance The pagoda is simple, and almost no decorative elements are used. Distinctive feature pagodas are the pointed edges of the roof. This makes the building lighter and emphasizes its upward direction.

    The 64-meter Dayanta Pagoda (Great Wild Goose Pagoda) is one of the best examples of Chinese style in architecture. The name of the pagoda goes back to the legend of the famous pilgrim who, during his journey from India to China, was helped to find his way by wild geese. They indicated the place for the construction of the pagoda. Dayanta, against the backdrop of a vast mountain range, rises above the outskirts of the city of Xi'an - the former capital of the Chinese state. Seven floors, separated from each other by cornices, taper towards the top of the pagoda, emphasizing its aspiration to the sky. That is why from a distance it gives the impression of heaviness and massiveness.

    Thanks to its elongated proportions, the pagoda appears light and graceful.

    The illusion of height is created by windows rounded at the top. In the simple and straight lines of the pagoda, the architect was able to express the sublime spiritual impulse and greatness of his time.

    Buddhist cave temples located in the mountains have become an extraordinary phenomenon in architecture. Cave Buddhist

    Monastery Yungang belongs to the masterpieces of world architecture. A 60 m high cliff stretches for almost 2 km, in which there are over 20 caves at various heights. Some of them reach a height of 15 m. And are deepened into the rock by 9-10 m. Each of the caves is dedicated to a specific Buddhist god. Inside there are many images of sculptures and reliefs on themes of Buddhist tales and legends. Outside, the rock is decorated with sculptural monuments, bas-reliefs, and statues. The cave temple amazes with its grandeur.

    The main form of religious and residential buildings in China is a rectangular pavilion, the main feature of which is carved brackets supporting the roof. A high 2-, 3-, 4-slope roof is a characteristic element of Chinese Architecture. Inside, the building is divided into 2 or 3 naves, and outside it has a gallery with pillars that also support the roof.

    Such a roof protected from snow and rain. The roof slopes had a strictly curved shape, its ends bent upward. Ceramic figurines depicting fantastic animals and dragons were mounted on the roof ridges, and later bells were hung.

    The emblem of China has become Temple of Heaven in Beijing. 2-tier conical roof, glazed blue tiles conical roofs represent like a dazzling mountain peak.

    The grandiose complex is dedicated to ancient religious cults associated with harvesting. In which heaven and earth were revered. It was this circumstance that determined the originality of the architectural design. Enclosed by walls, it includes 3 main shrines: a round wooden temple of Prayers for the Harvest, a temple of the Firmament and a white marble altar where sacrifices were made to the spirits of Heaven. There is a lot of symbolism in this architectural temple: the square area of ​​the palace symbolizes the Earth, the temple buildings and the altar. Framed by a round terrace - the sign of the Sun, the pointed peaks of the conical roofs represent

    A continuous cycle of movements of natural elements. The viewer slowly walks between the arches, climbing numerous steps, gradually getting used to the rhythm of the ensemble, comprehending its beauty and grandeur.

    Chinese gardening art has gained worldwide fame.

    A true masterpiece of landscape art - Benhai complex in Beijing.

    The symmetrical layout of the Imperial Garden includes slides made of massive stone blocks, bamboo groves, plantings of rare trees and shrubs. Elegant gazebos and pavilions with a fancy pattern of golden roofs along the banks of the

    milking with goldfish. The names of the pavilions reflect the most important periods of the agricultural cycle (ten thousand autumns, ten thousand springs) - plowing and harvesting. About 700 mosaic panels made of multi-colored stones decorate the garden and park complex. They depict picturesque landscapes, exquisite plants, mythological heroes, scenes from theater and opera productions.

    In the Imperial Garden there is a collection of stones of the most bizarre shapes, brought from different parts of China.

    Next to these unusual exhibits, in winter, pine trees turn green and unfading bamboo rustles, and in spring, wild meihua plum and white-pink peonies bloom luxuriantly. At the beginning of autumn, the cinnamon tree exudes its aroma, and chrysanthemums captivate with their beauty.

    3. Sculpture of China.

    The sculpture has always been popular in China. It expressed the idea of ​​power and unlimited power, back in the 3rd century. BC, when the state of Qin was formed.

    During archaeological excavations in the province of Shaanxi, in the underground corridors of burial complexes, a 10-thousand-strong army made of terracotta was discovered. Life-size soldiers and officers, archers and infantrymen, charioteers and horsemen, with full military equipment, demonstrated the power of the emperor who created the first Chinese power.

    All figures are full of expression, verisimilitude and variety of movements. Military leaders are depicted frozen in solemn poses, archers pull a tight bowstring, soldiers kneeling on one knee are preparing to defeat an invisible enemy. A hierarchy of ranks emerged in the coloring book. 130 clay chariots and 500 sculpted horses were also discovered. The clay army, built in battle formation, faithfully guarded the peace of its ruler.

    Funerary sculpture was further developed in the art of the 7th-13th centuries. The funeral ensemble near Xi'an, the capital of the Chinese Empire, was decorated with sculptural works, in which scenes of court life are reproduced. Graceful dancers in the rhythms of dance, fashionistas in bright clothes, jugglers and musicians, servants and nomads.

    A characteristic feature is the connection of the sculpture with the Buddhist religion. Here you can see terrible guards of the entrance, trampling dragons, Buddhist saints, a monumental image of Buddha. One of the most perfect sculptures is a 25-meter statue Buddha Vairocanna.(Lords of Cosmic Light), carved into the mountains in Lunmen Cave.

    4. Genres of Chinese painting.

    The desire to comprehend through particulars the universal laws of existence and the interrelation of phenomena is a characteristic feature of Chinese painting. It is mainly represented by vertical and horizontal scrolls made of silk and paper. Vertical scrolls were hung on the walls and did not exceed 3 m. Horizontal scrolls were intended for long-term viewing and reached several meters .Unfolding such a scroll, the viewer seemed to go on a journey.

    Pictures were usually painted in ink or mineral paints, accompanied by calligraphic inscriptions.

    The artist either quoted poetry or composed poetry himself.

    Chinese painting is represented by various genres: landscape, everyday life, portrait, historical and everyday life. Of particular interest are images such as “mountains-water”, “flowers-birds”. Chinese artists knew how to express the idea of ​​the boundlessness of the world. In the majestic image of the world of mountains, forests and rivers you can see small figures of travelers. They are not in a hurry, they are simply contemplating the beauty.

    On a mountain top
    I spend the night in an abandoned temple.
    I can touch the twinkling stars with my hand.
    I'm afraid to speak loudly:
    With earthly words
    I am the inhabitants of the sky
    I don't dare disturb the peace
    Li Bo. “Temple on the top of the mountain.”

    This is how the Chinese poet Li Bo expressed the harmony between man and nature.

    Landscape painting in China is not rich in colors. Often it is monochrome, but there are so many shades and combinations in it. The artists have achieved enormous skill in conveying aerial perspective. The format and compositional solution of the painting was carefully thought out. To depict a chain of mountains, a horizontal format of the scroll was chosen, for a mountainous area with pointed peaks of pine trees, a vertical format was chosen.

    “You cannot give trees without number: it is more important to show how slender and lovely the mountains are. Among the rocks, overhanging and dangerous cliffs, it would be nice to shelter a strange tree. Distant mountains should be lowered and laid out, while nearby groves should be allowed to emerge sharply.”

    There are many symbols in the landscapes of Chinese artists: a pair of ducks symbolized family happiness, a pheasant - a successful career, a lotus flower - a symbol of purity, flexible bamboo - wisdom and resistance to life's adversities, a pine tree - an allegory of longevity, a blooming meihua plum - a symbol of nobility and perseverance.

    One of the soulful artists of lyrical landscape is Guo Xi. It is in the variability of nature that its beauty lies.

    Ma Yun’s monochrome painting “Ducks, Rocks and Meihua” is exquisitely simple and laconic.

    The portrait genre is one of the oldest in Chinese painting. It has been known since the 5th century. BC e., associated with the cult of ancestors. The image of the poet Li Bo is embodied in the portrait of Liang Kai.


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    Educational and methodological complex. Work program

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    Tyumen state university


    Shweibelman of world culture. Educational and methodological complex. Work program for students of direction 020400.62 “Biology” (full-time study) Tyumen, 2011, 30 pages.

    The work program is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, taking into account the recommendations and ProOOP of Higher Professional Education in the direction and profile of training.

    EDITOR IN CHARGE:head of the department of foreign

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    © Tyumen State University, 2011.

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    Optional course Masterpieces of world culture in essence, it is a course that synthesizes material from a wide range of humanities disciplines: history, art history, cultural studies, philosophy, psychology, literature. It is informational, educational, panoramic, and instructive in nature. This course gives an idea of ​​the general trends of world culture and of specific works (monuments, masterpieces) of culture, which in different centuries and in the context of different national cultural traditions embodied these general trends and patterns. Culture, closely connected not only with everyday practical necessity, but also demonstrating the level of emotional and intellectual development of humanity, reflects the entire range of diverse life phenomena, specifically indicates fundamental transformations in human society at a certain stage of its development. Special attention is devoted to the study of phenomena that played a significant role in the formation and development of the main genre forms artistic creativity, as well as leading aesthetic systems and artistic movements.

    The lecture course focuses on a step-by-step study of the main periods of the development of world culture: from antiquity to the present day (mainly in its European model). Principle of organization lecture material– chronological. Characteristics of the cultural achievements of a particular era are associated with an analysis of the creativity of its most prominent representatives. Artistic dominant of each era allows us to shift the emphasis from history to the history of philosophical thought, the history of culture, to psychology, literature, theater, painting, etc. The dominant feature of the lecture course, which allows us to more or less purposefully structure such extensive material, is the concept of man.

    The historiographical aspect of the lecture course is further developed in practical classes. Having received in a lecture course general idea about the metamorphoses of the concept of man in previous eras, the student has the opportunity to speak more thoroughly, from a historical point of view, about the concept of man in culture XX centuries (painting, literature, theater, cinema, virtual world). To the phenomena artistic culture a holistic, typological approach is used, which allows us to give a picture of the development of art in the unity of its leading artistic trends, manifested in different directions, genres and styles of art and literature.

    Targetcourse “Masterpieces of World Culture” – to form a system of guiding knowledge among students about the main trends in the development of world culture using the example of its most significant phenomena (architecture, painting, cinema, literature, sculpture, theater). The Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education provides graduates with knowledge of the main stages of cultural history, based on the consistent study of outstanding achievements in the field of artistic creativity in various regions of the world and national schools.

    Main tasks– study of cultural history different countries and regions of the world, in-depth knowledge of historical processes in these national cultures, their interpretation by domestic and foreign art historians, philosophers, historians, cultural experts; identifying patterns of interaction between general trends in art; formation of ideas about the development of the concept of man in different eras and its artistic embodiment; development of the main body of the world artistic heritage; systematization of general humanities knowledge.

    Basic didactic units : author, norm, tradition, innovation, continuity, theory and history of culture, theory and history of art, artistic movements and directions, system of basic concepts of art criticism, aesthetic categories, patterns of interaction of general trends in the field of culture and, in particular, in the artistic sphere, successive features in the evolution of styles, artistic methods, masterpieces, language of culture.

    Course material serve works of art, research literature, monographs and articles on problems of the development of world culture. Proposed list of scientific-critical research literature should help the student become more deeply and systematically familiar with the general trends in the development of world culture.

    The course “Masterpieces of World Culture” is taught during the 1st semester. An integral part The subject is the history of aesthetic teachings and artistic criticism, representing the methodological and theoretical foundations of the discipline. This course is an important element in the system of developing humanitarian disciplines, allowing us to get an idea of ​​the general patterns of development of the world cultural process.

    Exam awarded based on the results of work in practical classes, writing a semester paper written work(abstract on ODO, test work on ODO), providing a glossary and summaries of scientific works on current problems cultural development.


    The discipline “Masterpieces of World Culture” is included in the section “Humanitarian and social cycle. Variative part (disciplines of the student’s choice).” Developing and deepening the humanitarian element in the education of a student acquiring a non-humanitarian specialty, this discipline is in its own way a necessary element vocational training, because it broadens the general cultural horizons. This course forms a system of knowledge that contributes to the development of basic humanitarian subjects (“History”, etc.). Mastering this material allows you to get an idea of ​​the general patterns of development of world artistic culture. Outstanding phenomena of the aesthetic sphere, which have enduring cultural and historical value, are studied in close connection with the history of philosophy, literature and language, and problems of socio-political structure. The proposed course helps to develop the skills of independent study of the most significant phenomena in the history of the artistic worldview, and, if possible, learn to use the acquired knowledge to improve one’s personality.

    1.3. Competencies of a graduate of a bachelor's degree program, formed as a result of mastering this discipline.

    As a result of mastering the discipline "Masterpieces of World Culture" The graduate must have the following general cultural competencies:

    the ability to improve and develop one’s intellectual, general cultural and moral-psychological level (OK-1).

    As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

    Know: basic concepts and terms of the theory and history of culture; understand the essence and significance of information in the development of the modern information society.

    Be able to: apply basic skills in collecting specialized facts using traditional methods and modern information technologies.

    own: basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, skills in working with a computer as a means of information management; skills of working with information in global computer networks.



    Table 1.1

    Thematic plan for full-time study


    weeks of the semester

    Types of educational work and independent work, per hour.

    Total hours on topic

    Of which in interactive form, per hour

    Total points


    Practical exercises

    Independent work










    Masterpieces of world culture

    Module 1

    Culture is a world of meanings


    Culture ancient world (Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome)


    Culture of the Middle Ages


    Renaissance culture










    Module 2

    Artistic culture 17th century



    Features of European culture XVIII century



    19th century culture
