Sergei Bezrukov: “I come from a peasant family - I’m used to working and plowing. Sergei Bezrukov: “What will I leave behind in this life?”

Write it like this: I just found my director - that’s all. It happens that an actor lives his whole life and, unfortunately, never finds him. This is what happened to me at the age of 42... Moreover, Anya is not just a director, she is also a screenwriter - she combines everything! An amazing sense of proportion, taste and an absolute sense of truth.

The new joint film was not just magic, connecting the creative and personal paths of Anna and Sergei, it also revealed their attitude to divorce and to love in general. As Mathieson admitted, sometimes divorce is what is needed to save a relationship and not traumatize children, if any. But Bezrukov expressed a slightly different point of view, especially.

I'll just keep quiet here. Because everyone has their own experience. It's different for everyone. Our picture is about finding happiness. Whether it will work out or not. Everyone wants love. Someone, it turns out, has it. And for some, it happens that they no longer have it. And then we need to look for it. The film is really about finding love. And for everyone, I think, there will be their own answer in this picture.

And if, without hiding herself behind seven locks, then Anna Matison admitted that for her relationships are purely personal, which in no case is brought into the public sphere. The director hopes that fans will be interested in her work first and foremost, and not in her personal life.

Successful in everything he does. He is one of the most popular and sought-after theater and film actors, as well as the artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Theater. This year, Sergei revealed himself in one more way - by creating a rock band called “ Godfather ».

It's hard to believe, but this year the national favorite turns 45 years old. Despite his busy work schedule, Bezrukov agreed to let Channel One operators into his life for two weeks, who followed him on his heels. Moscow, Irkutsk, Kaluga, St. Petersburg, concert rehearsals, rehearsals in the theater - this is only a small part of where the film crew managed to visit with the actor. As a result, the project “ And again from scratch", which will air on October 21.

Sergey Bezrukov

In a frank interview, Sergei Bezrukov spoke not only about his old and new roles, but also about back side his glory, but also about the happiest moments of his new life. For example, about how he fell in love at the age of 42, about being present at his wife’s birth and almost dying of happiness there. And only after he took little Masha in his arms did he feel like a real father. That he and his wife are expecting their second child. Viewers will see exclusive footage for the first time - a home video of Sergei with his little daughter Masha.

Anna Matison also took part in the filming of the project. For the first time since her life together with Sergei Bezrukov, the director decided to make a public confession and openly spoke about her marriage to the famous actor.

Anna Matison and Sergei Bezrukov

Sergei Bezrukov with his daughter Masha

Bezrukov's father, Vitaly Sergeevich, was also involved in the filming. He remembered his son's marriage and revealed real reasons their divorce. Moreover, Vitaly Bezrukov for the first time spoke in detail about Sergei’s illegitimate children and what kind of relationship his son’s senior heirs had with Anna Matison. Bezrukov himself says little about illegitimate children. The creators of the docufilm managed to find out that they now live with their mother, but the actor communicates with them regularly.

Viewers will also be able to look behind the scenes of the Gubernsky Theater and watch the work of Sergei Bezrukov with other actors, see exclusive footage from the filming of the new Channel One film “ Ilyinsky line", and from the rehearsal of the group "The Godfather". In addition to family members, colleagues in the workshop will also speak about the famous actor:

Antenna-Telesem, 11/28/2018

Material on the publication's website The end of the year for the couple is filled with pleasant expectations - recently they became parents for the second time, and on December 6 their third joint film, “The Reserve,” will be released. “Reserve” is a film adaptation of the story of the same name by Sergei Dovlatov, but the action is moved to modern times, and main character- not the writer Boris, but the musician Konstantin (Sergei Bezrukov). His car...

Our radio, 10/5/2018

Delighting your listeners is the most important mission of OUR Radio! Today, October 5, 2018, an absolutely fantastic guest arrived on the air of the morning show “Lifts” - People's Artist Russia Sergei Bezrukov! For lately The artist’s boundless talent rushed into a new, but, according to Sergei himself, expected creative side: Bezrukov tried himself as a rock artist...

TV channel Mir24, Cult personalities, 10/4/2018

People's Artist of Russia Sergei Bezrukov in exclusive interview in the “Cult Personalities” program on the “MIR” TV channel, he told what the viewer likes today, why the film based on the story “Reserve” by Sergei Dovlatov changed its name, how the Provincial Theater headed by him will celebrate its fifth anniversary, and also what he wanted to become as a child. - This year the Provincial Theater is five years old. How will you celebrate..., 06.17.2018

In an interview with, spouses Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison spoke about the difficulties of working in cinema, their new film “Reserve”, as well as about children, love and their more than active lifestyle. A week ago, the country's main film festival, Kinotavr, ended. The film “Reserve” directed by Anna Matison took part in the main film competition. The main role in the film was played by Sergei Bez...

Lyubov Egorova, Metro, 06/17/2018

Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison presented at Kinotavr the film “Reserve” based on the story of the same name by Sergei Dovlatov, which will be released in wide release on December 6. Alas, the film was left without awards. Bezrukov not only performed main role, but also acted as a producer of the film. The Metro newspaper spoke with the actor about how difficult it was to film the film without government support. It's a shame that you...

Olga Galitskaya, Russian newspaper, 28.05.2018

New movie Anna Matison, where Sergei Bezrukov played the main role, changed the name, and on June 9, in the Kinotavr competition, instead of the previously announced film “Pushkin. Whiskey. Rock and Roll”, “Reserve” will appear. What is correct: it’s Dovlatov, it’s him story of the same name transferred to the screen - however, on new way. Sergei Bezrukov, artist and producer, told RG about the upcoming premiere. Fo...

Interfax, 11/17/2017

Material on the website of the publication The actor told how much his image in the released comedy “Myths” corresponds to the reality of Moscow. November 17. INTERFAX.RU - Russian actor, director, screenwriter, artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Theater Sergei Bezrukov played one of the key roles in the comedy “Myths” by Alexander Molochnikov. The film tells about the heroes of secular Moscow, including...

April 26, 2018

Famous actor in an interview with TV Program he spoke about filming on credit, education without a whip and his childhood behind the scenes of the theater.

Photo: Ekaterina TSVETKOVA/

One of the brightest and most versatile Russian artists traditionally manages to do everything and everywhere. Now, for example, he acts as a member of the jury of the television competition for young talents “” on the “Russia” channel.

“The greatest punishment is when the father is offended”

- Sergey, admit it honestly - is it difficult to evaluate children?

- Difficult. Because I want to praise everyone and stand up for everyone. Every child is worthy of attention, everyone is beautiful in their own way. The fact that they are participating in this competition is already a big victory. Now they are recognized throughout the country. On the other hand, this is the first test for them. Those same copper pipes...

— Do you think children generally need this test?

“I think everyone should go through something like this.” Children need both attention and encouragement. Some teachers believe that you shouldn’t praise too much so that children don’t become arrogant. But I think that for a new artist, encouragement provides an important incentive to improve.

In the film “Pushkin. Whiskey. Rock and Roll" Sergei is an actor and producer, and his wife Anna Matison is a director. Photo: Personal archive

- But there is also a selection, someone will have to say no. Will this cause psychological trauma?

— I think that we in the jury work very softly. For us, all the children are great. Yes, some people hear refusals, but in this competition the winner will be given the opportunity to act in a movie, in the continuation of the film “”. And this leaves a certain imprint, because cinema, first of all, requires artistry. Elena Yakovleva and I are responsible for this on the jury. Our assessment is based on the acting direction.

— Many artists claim that they would not want an acting career for their children.

- Why? I don't think so…

— They say that this is a difficult profession, which is very dependent on other people and circumstances.

- Like everything in this life! Everything always depends on the circumstances. And everyone has their own difficulties in life, in any profession - be it creative or technical. I wouldn't say our work is that exceptional. And that there is a special amount of difficulties in it. Everything, of course, depends on upbringing. The acting profession is labor multiplied by labor. When I see children reading at a competition, I really want them to have good teachers. This is what I had. My father taught me since childhood, took care of me. I was about seven years old, I think.

Sergei’s love for the profession was instilled in him by his father, actor and director Vitaly Bezrukov, who worked with him a lot as a child (in the photo in the center is his mother, Natalya Mikhailovna). Photo: Personal archive

— In your life, too, there was probably the first test copper pipes? Did you have to deal with star fever?

- No no. I say again: “Labor multiplied by labor.” It is very important who is next to you at this moment.

- And who helped you return to earth?

— My teachers and my father, who was always there.

— You are an actor, a theater director, your wife is a director. It can be said that life path Is your daughter already predestined?

— I won’t say that for now (smiles).

Elena Yakovleva and Sergei Bezrukov in “The Blue Bird” evaluate the acting abilities of children (pictured with presenter Daria Zlatopolskaya). Photo: Russia 1 Channel

- Often. But we don’t make any plans yet. As it will be, so it will be...

“And then years will pass and she will say: “I grew up behind the scenes of the theater where my dad stood on stage.”

— I myself grew up behind the scenes of the theater. And that's wonderful. But I didn’t imagine that I would immediately become an artist. When I was five years old, I went to see my father at the Pushkin Theater and watched many performances, both for adults and for children. I liked it, but I didn’t think about such a future.

— Did you do well at school?

- Yes. Exact sciences were probably more difficult, but I tried to study and was good at it. There were different assessments. Sometimes unsatisfactory. But in the end I got four B’s in my certificate. The rest are five.

- Were you scolded for getting bad grades?

- No. They scolded, of course, but never punished. They trusted me. So I solved my school problems myself.

— Do you think it is necessary to have both carrots and sticks in education?

— I didn’t have whips as a child - neither directly nor in figuratively. They loved me, they trusted me. If I behaved differently, they were offended. This was the biggest punishment for me - when my father was offended.

In the series “Godunov” Svetlana Khodchenkova plays Boris’s wife. Photo: Russia 1 Channel

— Now there is a scandal in the news, where they are discussing the methods of raising Yana Rudkovskaya. She believes that without a whip it is impossible to raise a child athlete.

— To be honest, I don’t presume to judge. Each case is probably individual. Maybe it’s important for athletes to force it, because it’s physical activity. Let's say I judge from rehearsals. When people are already practically exhausted, this sometimes works as a plus: a certain tension goes away, the person loosens up faster. He is truly free because he has no strength to play. At this moment he is who he is - he lives on stage. And this is exactly what is required of an artist.

“We can’t talk about the truth”

— Now you are filming a large historical series “,” which will be shown on the “Russia” channel. How do you like immersing yourself in the era?

- It's nice! Because the 16th century is an absolutely amazing time in history Russian state. However, it is not fully disclosed. I managed to read a lot of things from real sources. Well, how can I say, real ones? I haven't read the chronicles. But I learned a lot scientific literature, which is dedicated specifically to this time. The images of Boris Godunov, Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich, on the one hand, are well-known, on the other hand, they are confusing, and scientists cannot fully agree on them. We are being advised on this project by Nikolai Borisov, an absolutely amazing historian. And the script for “Godunov” is not easy literary work and the invention of the wonderful, by the way, screenwriter Ilya Tilkin, but also serious historical research.

- Will everything be true?

“We cannot speak with certainty about the truth. Let's say: did Ivan the Terrible kill his son or not? We all know Repin's painting. But he lived in a different time and couldn’t say for sure either. The fact of his son’s murder has not been proven by historians. There is only Western evidence on this matter, and I don’t really want to believe them. Even then, Russia was not presented in the best way in the eyes of foreigners.

- How is everything now?

- Now, maybe even flowers! You can’t imagine how they tried to imagine Russia back then and what they said about it when they left for their homeland. In general, many historians argue that there was no murder. But poisoning is quite possible. Which version in in this case we choose and you will see for yourself how it will be shown in the film.

Photo: Personal archive

“Took out a loan, borrowed”

- Do you have another one? new project“Pushkin. Whiskey. Rock and roll" - what is this movie about?

— In this story, I am the producer and leading actor. The film is based on “The Reserve” by Sergei Donatovich Dovlatov. True, this is already modern history. We received permission from the heirs of Dovlatov’s work for a modern version, but we tried to preserve the Dovlatov spirit, Dovlatov mood and Dovlatov intonation. Anya is the director and screenwriter in this project. I'm talking about my wife Anya Bezrukova.

“It turns out she took your last name after all?”

— In life she is Anya Bezrukova. Her creative pseudonym is . In general, together with Timur Egzubaya they wrote a script that would be interesting for young people to watch. This is not a 1970s reenactment. The scene of action is transferred to our modern “Reserve”, which, by and large, has not changed.

— It seems to me—I’m already speaking as a producer—we have assembled a very good team. Anya Mikhalkova amazingly played the director of the reserve Galina. The wonderful Sasha Semchev played Mitrofanov, and Markov. Many people know the “reserve” practically by heart. And therefore, it seems to me that the images, despite the fact that this is a modern story, will be guessed. And most importantly, the very idea of ​​the book remained - love, love, love.

— The film has already been shot?

- Yes, and it was a difficult test, because we filmed it without any support. I had to invest my own money and the money of friends. Take loans, credits. As the main producer, I naturally went to the end. It was important for me that this film take place. It's been a difficult year for everyone. Sanctions. When, say, an investor fails on the first day, you realize that you either go all the way or lose everything.

- And you went to take out a loan?

- And I went to the end. I took out a loan, yes. I borrowed. And it was important for me to reach the final. Plus there was crowdfunding (project financing based on voluntary contributions. - Ed.) - thanks to it, another part of the funds was raised, albeit a small one. But for cinema, all the money is important. Now the picture is almost ready. I hope that we will appear at festivals. I don’t know where exactly yet. And then - at the box office. So wait.

"Theater is a tough business"

— Were there moments when fame and fame weighed on you?

- No, I’m just by nature a person who works more than rests. If I were constantly, as it is now fashionable to say, partying, then it would probably be a minus. I enjoy going to premieres. We need to watch more performances and films. But I miss various celebrations and festival openings - I just don’t have enough time. I come from a peasant family - I’m used to working and plowing. I find some special pleasure in this.

— What if someone asks you to take a photo on the street?

“I think it’s part of the profession, so I don’t refuse.” And if they ask for an autograph, I always give it.

— You began managing the theater not long ago. In this position it is impossible to be good to everyone. Sometimes, like in a children's television competition, you also have to say no.

— Since I am an artist myself, I know acting psychology. I understand at what point you need to be attentive and at what point you need to be tough. In the theater you are like your own father. You must be stern and strict, and at the same time affectionate and loving. I looked at Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, my master, who was exactly like that in the theater.

— You’ve probably already had to fire someone, say goodbye to someone, refuse someone?

- Yes. Theater is a tough business. On the one hand, this is a big family. On the other hand, if you don’t care about the team, if you get bored, then it’s better to leave. Family is a voluntary matter. You need to be in it for love. Need to live common problems. We must, strictly speaking, develop in the theater. And sometimes it happens that an artist does not find himself, there is no development, they are not given roles. Or it does not correspond to the wishes of the artistic director. The reasons for separation may be different. Theater is a living organism; it is very important here that people are connected together. This is the only way to create successful projects with a united team. Now, for example, we are preparing to hold Summer Festival provincial theaters "Stanislavsky Factory" from May 22 to 31. Within its framework, performances by groups from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod, classes will be held for students theater universities countries, lectures on the history of Russian theater. Carrying out such projects is only possible with a good team. We have it in our theater, although creating it was not an easy task.

— When was the last time you were on vacation?

- Probably last year. My vacation is short-lived. We usually go somewhere. If the weather is good, we spend time outside the city. This year there are many projects - on television and in cinema. Therefore, I had to give up rest. Because there is simply not enough time.

— Do you mean the whole of 2018?

- Yes, it is already scheduled. I don’t know, maybe I’ll be able to grab a few days? Let's see... Just good projects, interesting. And it would be stupid to refuse them.

Personal matter

Sergei Bezrukov was born on October 18, 1973 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. People's Artist of Russia. He played more than 30 roles in various plays and more than 60 roles in films. In particular, he starred in such popular films and TV series as “Brigada”, “Plot”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Yesenin”, “Pushkin. The Last Duel", "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” “Match,” etc. Since 2014 artistic director Moscow Provincial drama theater. He is married to director Anna Matison and has a daughter, Maria, who is 1.5 years old.

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Sundays/18.30, Russia 1

A film in which the surnames of director Anna Matison and actor Sergei Bezrukov will appear side by side in the credits for the first time, Sergei and Anna told 7 Days magazine about their first meeting, about their trip to Baikal to film the film “Milky Way,” about the appearance of a young actress with the surname Bezrukova in Russian cinema, and also shared their plans for the future.

- Sergey, in Anna Matison’s film “The Milky Way” you played the main role. How did you two meet?

Bezrukov: In February of this year, my long-time friend, producer Alexey Kublitsky, with whom we worked together on the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” he suggested reading Anna Matison’s script. I liked it, very sincere, unlike standard New Year's films. There was something from the auteur cinema that I always wanted to act in. But for some reason I had never been offered this before. Maybe they're afraid of me. They probably think Sergey Bezrukov, then he only stars in blockbusters. “Okay,” I said to Alexei. “Let’s meet with the director, get to know each other, and discuss.”

- Were you surprised when you found out that the scriptwriter and director was a young woman?

Bezrukov: My very first director in 1993 in the film “Nocturne for Drum and Motorcycle” was Karine Foliyants. I have no prejudices in this regard at all; I do not believe that films should be made exclusively by men.

- Does the age of the director matter?

Bezrukov: None! I starred with Alyosha Sidorov in “Brigade”. This was his first film work. It would seem that this is a very complex story, a gangster saga that can only be completed by an experienced person who has already gone through fire and water. But Lesha is from Severodvinsk; by that time, despite his very young age, he had probably experienced a lot in life. And he made an amazing big movie. And Anya, in comparison with him then, is already an experienced director, she has several documentaries and the film “Satisfaction” with Evgeniy Grishkovets. This picture made a very strong impression on me at one time.

- Anna, did it help that Bezrukov liked your first film?

Mathison: I didn’t know whether Sergei had seen “Satisfaction” or not. Therefore, there was some uncertainty. Whatever they say, at the first meeting there is almost always some bias towards the female director. Therefore, I always prefer that they first look at my work, and then get acquainted with it in person. I remember well - on the day when Sergei made an appointment for us in Moscow Provincial Theater, the same producer Alexey Kublitsky and I were at first in other negotiations. And between these meetings, I asked Alexey to take me home to change clothes. He asked: “Why? You look good." And I just wanted to avoid attracting attention as much as possible.