Sexologists have given scandalous actor Alexei Panin a new diagnosis. The psychiatrist made an unexpected verdict on Panin. Tattoo with his naked wife.

Hee hee hee, yes ha ha ha! The whole country laughs when discussing actor Alexei Panin. A long time ago, not in the context of his roles in films, but his life background in the form of endless alcoholic (and maybe not only alcoholic) adventures. Meanwhile, there is little funny here. It's more like it's not funny at all.

I remember there was a sensational incident with the actor, when in 2015 he was urgently taken to one of the capital’s clinics with another serious alcoholic incident. Then many publications wrote “Panin was hospitalized with delirium tremens.” However, this is most likely a common misconception. “He drank for over a week, so the whole city heard him chasing the devils.”- remember at Spleen's? So, many (not doctors) are really convinced that a person drinks and drinks and drinks until he gradually begins to have visions in the form of devils and all that other stuff. This is both true and not true.

Indeed, an episode of alcoholic delirium (or other metal-alcohol psychosis - hallucinosis, paranoid) occurs as a result of prolonged massive consumption of alcoholic beverages. But... Exceptional with a sharp break in the binge approximately on the third day after the end. And not while intoxicated. In other words, delirium tremens can be considered as highest point hangover-withdrawal syndrome. In all its glory, so to speak. All this with many aggravating predisposing factors. And the prognosis here is usually unfavorable. It is unlikely that Panin had exactly such a situation, although I could be wrong because I don’t know all the details of that story.

In this regard, a slightly different development of alcoholic events suggests itself, however, no more pleasant for the actor. The fact that he suffers from alcohol addiction (at least from alcohol) is a fact. Most likely for a long time, and most likely with almost one hundred percent burden of concomitant pathology (organic brain damage, psychopathy or at least pronounced accentuation, earlier initiation of alcohol intake, its combination with other psychoactive substances, and so on). And in this case, the patient very quickly begins to experience the so-called altered forms of intoxication. These are such unpleasant things when, under the influence of alcohol, a patient discovers hidden ordinary life bad personality traits. The euphoric component of alcohol intoxication quickly disappears and they come to the fore. Many times amplified, often distorted as if in a distorting mirror, in short, very unsightly.

For example, with an explosive version of intoxication, a drunkard begins to fight, destroy furniture, and start all sorts of brawls. They say that he is dangerous to society. In the hysterical variant, excessively demonstrative behavior is observed (playing for the public), self-harm may occur, including unrealized suicide, and absurd performances, recitations, and so on are not uncommon. With depression - vital despondency, tearfulness and unkindness of everything white light. In general, there are many options here, and there are also different classifications, but this is for specialists. Be that as it may, roughly speaking, if ordinary person(not an alcoholic) take him, give him a good drink - he will have fun, get high, vomit, and even fall asleep without all these stories. And when Panin drinks alcohol, at least a changed picture of intoxication emerges. So strongly changed.

By the way, there is also morbid intoxication- a separate completely unique psychiatric phenomenon, however, occurring quite rarely. In essence, this is a rapidly occurring transient psychosis, manifested by a twilight-type clouding of consciousness, even from small amounts of alcohol, that is, the performance develops not at all due to the fact that the person simply “drank too much.” The patient at this moment is disoriented, restless, motorally excited, and the entire episode is usually completely amnesic (forgotten), ending in a sound, healthy sleep.

To be fair, I’ll make a reservation that these are just my colleagues and I’s assumptions and reasoning, because we don’t have a medical history of Alexei Panin. In any case, one thing can be said with absolute confidence - this case is very sad. And so that this still actor, or even just a person, has a chance to stop the disease, the first step is complete abstinence from alcohol. Without this step, at some point it will be possible to give up on a person.

Well, so as not to get up twice, I’ll note that the Russian media sphere, in in this case, television - is much sicker than Panin. It hurts NTV showing a porn scene with a dog to the whole country, where among the viewers huge amount minors. The society that creates the demand for such television content is sick. The state in general and the justice system in particular are sick, they did not react in any way to this disgrace, but at one time they imprisoned those who danced for a couple of minutes in the temple.

Main photo

Panin is actually a talented theater and film actor, winner of many awards, but his name is in recent years mentioned mainly in the news about strange scandalous antics, loud statements and police arrests.

Naked wife tattoo

The actor had a very hard time with his divorce from his third wife Lyusya (Lyudmila Grigorieva). It was so hard that he even took too many sleeping pills while on tour, after which, by his own admission, he almost went to the next world, but it passed. By the way, the marriage of Panin and Grigorieva lasted only a year. Some time after the breakup, the actor got a tattoo depicting a naked Lucy. History is silent about how Panin’s new darling feels about the picture. By the way, Panin has a lot of tattoos, and he often shows them off. He tattooed one of them - in the shape of a lotus - directly above the causal area, and then posted the photo on the Internet, adding a comment that said there used to be another tattoo there, and he had long wanted to remove it, and the lotus is a symbol of purification and rebirth.

Alexey against bad service

Panin often gets rowdy in restaurants and hotels. In 2013, several criminal cases were brought against him for breaking furniture in hotels. There were some fights, and in one of the cafes Vladimir region the actor filled the dishes with 10,000 rubles because he didn’t like the macaroni and cheese.

On Far East Panin once destroyed a hotel room. After a conversation with the arriving policemen, he calmed down, but not for long: the very next day, in his mother’s clothes, he went for a walk around the hotel, mothering everyone he met and destroying everything in his path.

Video with a dog

Perhaps the most scandalous story, overgrown with a lot of speculation and gossip. Last year, a video circulated on the Internet in which a man very similar to Panin had an intimate relationship with a dog. The actor denied it as best he could, assuring that it was not him, and even declared his readiness to take a lie detector test (many also considered this idea very strange) - and he passed!
Panin has already stated: “I won’t argue, the person in this video is very similar to me. But the truth lies in the details. These nuances may not be so visible to a simple viewer, but my friends drew attention to two inconsistencies. First of all, there are no tattoos on the back of the person in the video. And I have three of them. The man in the video has gray hair. And 10 years ago (at the time I got my first tattoo) I didn’t have gray hair. It's obvious that I wasn't invited to the studio because I would have pointed out those details."
The actor suggested that the video could have been published by him ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva to deprive him of parental rights. “She cannot forgive me for the fact that our common daughter ran away from her and now lives with me. Therefore, prohibited methods are used: lies, slander.”

Alexey Panin presents a video in memory of Vladislav Galkin. But none of his star colleagues came to support the actor. As the “” program found out, show business boycotted Panin.

Russian stars, like the whole country, are shocked by the new video of the actor’s “performance.” It was filmed on a mobile phone camera in the lobby of one of the hotels in Belogorsk Amur region. IN leading role Alexey Panin. What he does cannot be shown on air. And all this in the presence of spectators, hotel staff and police officers.

This behavior horrifies even experienced sexologists. Experts make a diagnosis: Panin has a mental and sexual deviation - exhibitionism (deriving pleasure from displaying his genitals). Experts advise the actor to begin treatment as quickly as possible, because the disease is progressing every day and can lead him to a psychiatric hospital.

And show business colleagues once again warn Alexei Panin: it’s time to stop. After all, because of his actions, he may lose his job, the love of the audience, his daughter and, perhaps, even his life.

Margarita Sukhankina, singer: “The triumphal march of this “artist” will end simply tragically: either someone will kill him, or he will kill someone.”

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