A script about a small homeland. Scenario “Big Russia, a small corner”


September has come, summer has ended,

The holiday of knowledge, learning, and grades has arrived!

The summer has blazed away with hot heat,

The happiest days are behind...

And again, as before, you and I

They arrived on an early autumn morning.

And everything will start all over again.

At school from bell to bell...

Again from the September pier

The school river will carry us...

- Hello, dear guys. I am very glad to see you in our spacious and cozy classroom. What is school? (children’s answers)

School is a special world!

School is a unique state!

School is a place of joy and sorrow.

School is a place of wonders and traditions.

School is our second home, where we spend most of our time with you.

A school is a small country with its own rules and laws.

What does the word country mean to you? (children's answers)

Yes, a country is the state in which we live, our homeland.

Now look at the map, compare our country in size with other countries. Which country occupies the largest area?
- What country do we live in?
— What country are you a citizen of?
— What is the name of the capital of our Motherland?
— We all live in a huge country called Russia.
Russia is the most big country in the world.
Russia's borders run both by land and sea.
Our country is very beautiful and rich. All this is our Motherland.

— What does each of you consider to be your small homeland?
What does mine mean? What does small mean? What does homeland mean?

MINE - because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school...
SMALL - because it is a small part of my vast country.
HOMELAND - because people dear to my heart live here.
What is HOMELAND for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where you were born; a birch tree on your native threshold; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.
- Homeland begins with the fact that you suddenly understand: Russia will not live without you, and you will not live without it. You need her, and she needs you - that’s the whole secret. And no other country can replace it, because Russia is native to you, and all the rest are foreign lands, even the most beautiful ones, with evergreen palm trees and colorful orchids. You are not needed there, they will live there without you, but here, where your Homeland is, you are always welcome, understood and loved.
The homeland is the land, the state where a person is born.
The word "Motherland" comes from ancient word“Kin”, which denotes a group of people united by blood (Kinship).

“Almost every word is dear and close to our hearts and marks the beginning of all life on earth: family, fatherland, stream, sea. My family, my home, this is where my small homeland begins.
A person is born to live, and the main place in his life is occupied by family, work, and service to the Fatherland. Your own mother, the house where you were born and raised, childhood friends, favorite books and games, nature - so simple, warm, human values become the basis true love to the Motherland. They belong to each of us, it is impossible to take them away under any circumstances, because they are stored in the very heart.

- But there is a place in our country where we were born and grow - this is our native land, this is our small Motherland.

Teacher's story about the Lipetsk region .

The territory of the Lipetsk Territory was formed in 1954 by annexing neighboring lands: Voronezh, Ryazan, Kursk and Oryol regions. It is located in the central part of European Russia, 450 km south of Moscow, with the administrative center being Lipetsk. The variety of its natural attractions - rocky river banks, vast areas of forests, lakes, diversity of flora and fauna, and several protected areas are amazing.

The cultural heritage of the Lipetsk region is of great value, the history of the Motherland and its identity.

The land of Lipetsk remembers and honors the names of many world-famous writers, poets, musicians, scientists, historical figures, saints. Remembers historical events and heroes - fellow countrymen.

The Lipetsk region today is the territory where the large number various modern industrial and agricultural enterprises equipped with the latest advanced technologies.

— Why is this place dear to you, besides the fact that you were born there and your relatives live with you?

— Do you know famous fellow countrymen?
— What history of your region can you tell?

Teacher's story about the Izmalkovsky region .

In the hilly forest-steppe expanses of the fertile Black Earth Region, in the west of the Lipetsk region, 131 km from Lipetsk, is the Izmalkovsky district. Its history, according to archeology, dates back toXIcenturies, since the time of the first settlers. Its name, Izmalkovo, which was formed inXVIIcentury.

The main river is Pine, rivers and streams, ponds and springs, exotic representatives of some species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book are the wealth of the Izmalkovsky region.

In ancient times, this land was famous for its craftsmen - craftsmen skilled in pottery. And now the pride of the region is its people, outstanding fellow countrymen who have glorified the land of Izmalkovo with their achievements. This is Saint Theophan the Recluse, N.Ya. Danilevsky is a thinker and publicist, A.M. Izmalkov is a sculptor, P. Shubin is a front-line poet, A. Stakhanov is an innovator in the coal industry, N. Melgunov is a composer.

Izmalkovites honor the memory of their fellow countrymen - everyone who did not return from the battlefields during the Second World War.

- Russia, Motherland, small homeland. Such painfully familiar words.
Life scatters people to many corners of the Earth.
But no matter where we are, your native land will always be that bright light for us, which will call us to our native land with its bright light.
Any self-respecting person, any citizen of Russia should know the history of his country and his family.
Feel proud of the people who glorify your country
Be proud that you are a citizen of the great multinational Russia!

Song about Izmalkovo “Izmalkovsky region”.



primary classes

Key supervisor: Pchelintseva Irina Vyacheslavovna


to contribute to the formation of an active civic position of students, the education of Russian civic identity, respect for their small homeland, for the Fatherland, the past and present of the multinational people of Russia.


    Teach children to see and feel the beauty of their native land.

    To cultivate respect for the moral experience of representatives of the older generation.

    Create a need for the preservation of historical and cultural monuments native land.

    Develop an interest in reading documentary historical literature.

    Promote children's moral development.


What do we call Motherland? The house we live in!”

Dear guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia - huge country! It spreads freely from the snow and ice of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located in both Europe and Asia.


We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Small Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, their small homeland is a small town or village, for others it is a city street and a cozy green courtyard with a swing, a sandbox and a wooden slide.
In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!


Small Motherland -
An island of land.
There are currants under the window,
The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,
And under it there is a bench -
Affectionate little one
My homeland!


Take a walk around the Penza region,
When he's all dressed in green,
When the bird cherry bathes
Sura has its own fragrant color.

Gardens in snow-white clothes,
The earth is in green velvet.
No wonder Lermontov is so tender
Loved my native fields...

(as our poetess Matryona Smirnova wrote about the Penza region)

The city's anthem sounds...



Penza land... It has its own history, its own glory, its own present and future.

This was in the seventeenth century. A man came here. Came out to a steep cliff. And he stood up enchanted by the beauty. In front of him, beyond the winding ribbon of the river, stretched a green valley. The man looked around the area in a businesslike manner, took stock and said:

- Here stand the fortresses of the Moscow state.

Thus, Penza arose on the southeastern border of the Moscow state in 1663. For more than three hundred years it has stood here on the banks of the Sura. And around for hundreds of kilometers is her land. And her people.


The sound of axes from the darkness of centuries

I often hear in my dreams,

How were these walls built?

A city was born on Sura.

They cut down the forest, it smelled of resin,

The resin rolled down like a tear.

Burnt with youthful daring

City planners eyes.

From afar they galloped

To fulfill the king's order.

A place was chosen for the hail

And we met a high hill -

He is taller than anyone else in our region.

And they liked the place

Near two beautiful quiet rivers.

The bird cherry blossomed - the bride,

It was as if the first snow was falling.

And a hill with a wooded crown

It rustled in the spring breeze.

And the nightingale argued with the cuckoo

About something close and dear.

Here we will build a new city, -

The warriors decided then.


Was many, many years ago

A city was founded on this land,

Enclosed by a high wall.

That city was named Penza.


Here above the Sur wave

The native city has grown,

And people

And handsome in deeds.

We were all born here

In the middle of the country

Near the very heart of Russia.


Penza land has seen a lot in its history! From mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, people pass on the glorious people of the Penza region.

What are they talking about? One tells how a detachment of the Don Cossack Kharitonov came here from near Simbirsk from Stepan Razin, how the townspeople and servicemen, seeing him as their savior, opened the fortress gates of Penza to him in 1670.

Another is about how Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev set up his camp seven kilometers from Penza in the small village of Ukhtinka. He spent three days of August 1774 here. Here Penza peasants brought their tormentors, the landowners, to him for trial.


And how many glorious names the land of Penza is proud of! World-famous scientists: the creator of the “Russian sun” - the electric candle - P. N. Yablochkov, the botanist A. N. Beketov and his brother - the pioneer of physical chemistry - N. N. Beketov, the outstanding surgeon N. N. Burdenko, the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky. Writers: the founder of Russian historical novel M. N. Ogarev, A. I. Kuprin, Alexander Malyshkin, Fyodor Gladkov. Artists: academician of painting K. A. Gorbunov, I. S. Goryushkin - Sorokopudov; prominent military leaders: commissar of the Volga flotilla of the period civil war N. G. Markin, marshals Soviet Union M. N. Tukhachevsky and N. I. Krylov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General V. A. Glazunov.

And two more great names: Belinsky and Lermontov... They left us an unquenchable light of reason and talent.


And if somehow for a moment I manage

Forget yourself - in memory of recent times

I fly as a free, free bird;


All native places: tall manor house

And a garden with a destroyed greenhouse;

The sleeping pond is covered with a green network of grasses,

And beyond the pond the village is smoking - and they get up

In the distance there are fogs over the fields.

I enter a dark alley; through the bushes

The evening ray looks and the yellow sheets

They make noise under timid steps.

(This is what M.Yu. Lermontov wrote about his small Motherland)


Penza land is a land of hardworking, courageous people. There were the years of five-year plans, there was the Great Patriotic War. Penza did not stand at the crossroads of front-line roads, was not subjected to shelling and raids by enemy aircraft, but being a rear city, it also brought Victory Day closer on collective and state farm fields, in the workshops of factories. The Penza land sent its best sons and daughters to the front, who courageously fought near Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Warsaw, stormed Berlin, leaving the inscription on the column of the smoky, defeated Reichstag: “And we are from Penza!”

These are the lines the Penza poetess Larisa Yashina wrote about the harsh war years.


And sometimes it’s harsh

The city has come into its own,

Even though it was a rear town.

And shells to the front,

And Katyushas to the front,

And the boys go to the front with their fathers.

Oh, native land!

Wounds, hospitals...

People have learned grief in abundance.

Here's another plane

The tank will go to Berlin,

The world has rebelled against the enemy!

And fireworks lights!

They are so similar

To the courage burning in the heart.

And like a sign of eternity,

Our fellow countryman drew:

“We are from Penza!” - on the walls of the Reichstag.


At any time of the year, the Penza land enchants us with its unique, primordially Russian beauty. In spring, like a bride, she is decorated with flowers. Everywhere you look, there is a white boil of gardens everywhere. And the blue ribbon of rivers especially suits her at this time. In the summer - he dresses in a sultry haze, calls, beckons under the shady crowns of oak trees, to the picturesque banks of rivers. In autumn - the noise of a crimson snowstorm, the ringing of hammered gold foliage. And in winter, it suddenly turns white from frost and sparkles with frost.


In my native places the wind smells like chamomile
And down to the blade of grass the whole earth is ours,
In my native places the sun shines brighter,
And a silvery voice by the stream.
In my native places the sky is blue,
In my native places there are more spacious meadows,
Birch trunks are straighter and slimmer
And the rainbow-arc is colorful.
Everything is better and more beautiful in our native places,
From the stars of the night to the dawn,
In native places on drops of dewdrops
The cheerful lights of the dawn are burning.

The song is performed by Ans. "Domisolki" (My native city)


Today Penza is home to almost half a million people...

The peaceful sky turns blue over the city. Merry weddings are held here and beautiful names children, listen to their laughter, give flowers to loved ones... This is the youth of the city on Sura, glorified in songs. It is in its people, who create wonderful new things, build a bright future, increase the glory of their fathers and grandfathers, decorate and transform their native land. Grateful descendants named the streets of the city and villages of the region after the names of their glorious countrymen, and built monuments.

V. Ogarev's song “About Penza” is playing

My small homeland is the village of Dubrovka. (screen saver)

Bryansk region is our region, our Motherland.Where does it begin?(against the background of the song “Where does the Motherland begin?”).

Student: Where does the Motherland begin?It begins with reverent and careful th relationship to nature, to the first lily of the valley that you did not dare to pick, to to the spring that you cleaned with your ru kami.

Student: Where does the Motherland begin? She begins with pride in one's ancestors, whom this land watered and nourished...

Student: Where does the Motherland begin?It starts with a memory, with a broken helmet, with the last name bezy mystical soldier, who was brought to Kni gu memory...

Leading: We'll turn the pageshistory of the village of Dubrovka, its heroic pastth and present. You will learn about what and how the village lives - our small Motherland. So sing let's go to my land.


Let's go to my land, to the fields, to the meadows of the Bryansk region,

I have never seen a better place anywhere.

I’m on first-name terms with any stream or grove,

This is the beginning of everything for me...


1 There are such places in vast Russia

What you won't find on big maps

There's a special way the sky seems blue there

Cherries have a special smell there

This is the place where you were born

Often called a province

Only the edges are dearer and more beautiful

He will always be the only one for us

2 I am happy: my homeland is a village.
It gave me the joy of creativity.
And I draw strength from the earth,
Which the fathers were able to save

I am glad that my native land exists in life.
I can’t count my favorite places in it.
And if they ask where my soul is,
I will answer: “The house where I was born!”

The word "Motherland" comes from the ancient word "clan", which denotes a group of people united by blood and each of us is a descendant of some ancient ancient family.

What is the Motherland for a person? The country he lives in? The house where I was born and raised. Or maybe a birch tree on your own doorstep? Probably, all this taken together is the Motherland, that is, the dearest and dearest place to the heart, about which so many poems and songs have been written. “For most people, the feeling of the Motherland, the Fatherland is complemented by a feeling of a small, original homeland, homeland in the sense of native places, fatherland,” wrote the poet A. Tvardovsky. Every person should have a feeling of love for their country, for their Motherland, for their land. Everyone should love their homeland and be proud that they have it. It is not without reason that many people who went abroad were never able to get rid of the nagging feeling of longing for their homeland until the end of their days. And this despite the fact that for the majority, life in a foreign land turned out well. Homeland, parents, home, family - these are the roots of every person, this is something without which it is impossible to live in the world. Here the water is clearer, the sky is bluer, and the sun is brighter. The biography of every person begins with a small homeland.

Scenario for Village Day “With love for people and land”Galya: Under the big tentBlue skies -I see the distance of the steppesTurns green.And on their edges,Above the dark cloudsThe chains of mountains standGiants.Lera: From the steppes to the seasThe rivers are rollingAnd there are pathsIn all directions.I'll look south:Mature fields,That the reeds are thick,They move quietly;Ant of meadowsIt spreads like a carpet,Grapes in the gardensIt's pouring.Galya: I’ll look to the north:There, in the wilderness of the desert,Snow is like white fluff,Spins quickly;Raises the chestThe sea is blue,And mountains of iceWalks on the sea;And the sky is on fireBright glowLights up the darknessImpenetrable...Lera: You are mineSovereign Rus',My homelandOrthodox!Wide are you, Rus',In royal beautyTurned around!(the Eagle anthem sounds, children sing)18-00 Bell ringing, meeting the regatta with bread and salt, blessing of the priest, Sudarushka, corridor, inviting guests.Galya: Good afternoon.Guests are invited and welcome!People old and young!Married and single!You are welcome to our holiday!For the holiday of the village of Orel!!Fanfare soundsGalya: Small Motherland or big - it’s all Motherland, whatever you call it.It gives strength and inspires hope, it quenches pain and teaches love.A small homeland or a large one - there is only one homeland.At a moment when everything collapses and decays, she is the only one who keeps the world alive...Lera: I know there are big citiesWhere life is busy and whirling.But no matter where I am, I always giveI prefer the village to my native one.Galya: And our village is small, discreetI can’t forget where I can’t go...The years are flying by. Like drops of wax from a candle,All this is life, my story..Lera: The streets and alleys are lively,And the looks radiate a kind light.And the village celebrates its birthdayAnd many happy and long years to him!Galya: Good afternoon, dear Orlyans and guests of our holiday!Lera: (both together) Hello!!!Galya: Where does the homeland begin... big or small?... with simple word"Hello"!Lera: Hello, then be healthy.Galya: Hello, then be rich in labor successes, new houses and streets, children and grandchildren!Lera: Hello, then be happy every resident of Orlan, every family individually and a large family of fellow countrymen together.Galya: Today is a holiday in our village, which means it’s our holiday too.Lera: Happy birthday, dear village and dear fellow countrymen! (beat)Galya: Orlyan residents and guests of the holiday are greeted by the chairman of the village council, Sergei Petrovich Yushkov.The exemplary group “Sudarushka” performs for you.Center Slavic culture invites you to watch “Exhibition Fight”Lera: There is one folk wisdom“Where he was born, he was useful.”...Among trials and labors, a person always found a small homeland that he needed. And which needs him himself... with his talent, his deeds, actions, thoughts.Galya: How often in life do we say the phrase “My home is my village.” These words conceal love for your small homeland, where you were born and raised, where you began your career... For many, our village has become family and friends, especially for people of the older generation. Here they spent their youth and working maturity, their children grew up here and their grandchildren are growing up... and maybe they will not betray their small homeland and will live and work here, celebrate weddings and raise children...Lera: I’m walking through the village - smiles greet me,Familiar, kind faces,Hearts of gold - gold bars,Which you can be proud of.Galya: And everyone - Hello, and how are you,I have known many of them since childhood. I studied with some, I grew up with others,I grew up with others, or lived next door.Lera: All Uncle Vanya and Aunt Dasha,According to childhood habit, no middle name.And all our dear, dear ones.And I really want to hug everyone.__________ congratulates youGalya: There is such a folk wisdom: “That generation is good - where the old people are respected and honored... and that holiday is glorious, where they have the main place.Lera: At our celebration today we cannot help but talk about our anniversaries. They left a bright mark on the history of the village._________________________________ Galya: We wish our anniversaries health, prosperity, goodness and peace.Galya: Glory to people who are in love with work,Inspired, inspired,People of conscience and honor,Whose work is visible to everyone?So let's get together todayLet's remember these names!Presentation letters of thanks village residentsLera: Let's remember yesterday,Today let's look aroundYour success, your happiness -It's all your doing.Around the result of hard work,And life goes on, and life is in full swing,And how many works are not made by hands?You still have to do.Galya: Can you name everyone who is famous among us?Who is busy with big and serious work.To all those who achieved these glorious victories,Our deepest bow and heartfelt greetings! (bowed)Lera: And as a gift, accept a dance performed by _________________Lera: The village of Orel. You won’t see it on the world map, but it means so much to us. We live here, work, celebrate weddings, hold our first-born children in our arms, then lead them by the hand to school, and there are grandchildren and great-grandchildren. That's life.Galya: And our children are visible and invisible! You don't know who is the youngest. While you consider one the smallest, lo and behold, another has already been born, even smaller. It’s downright impossible to keep statistics!Lera: Today we have 13 smallest people in the villageGalya: Wait, dears, I want to ask you. The child will soon start talking, asking different questions, have you even read books on pedagogy? But I'll check it now. Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar? (little bear)It happens in the river, in the lake, in the ear, but it doesn’t happen in compote. What is this? (fish)What do small children call a bad, nasty thing? (kaka)Okay, we can say we're ready. Here's a gift from us to keep poop out of the house - babies don't like that (a pack of OMO powder). Do you, mistress, even know why this powder is called that? No? Listen here, “My Shoes Separately,” got it? Well, go withGalya: Orlyan’s life is multifaceted: someone writes poetry and music, someone makes things with their own hands, and someone becomes a champion, and someone sets records. And today, on the day of the village, I propose that we all start writing a new book of records. But let's call it not the Guinness Book of Records, but the “Orlinsky Record”! and now everyone present at today’s celebration has a wonderful opportunity to make their dreams come true and place their names in our book. I think it's worth starting small. Well, for example, with a wasp waist. Anyone who wants to receive the title “Wasp Waist” and compete for the status of “Miss Grace” 2010, please come to me on our impromptu stage.There is a competition for the thinnest and thickest Eagle waist. Measured in centimeters.Lera: The most important thing is that there is a beginning. Attention, attention! Whoever has the largest foot size among those present will receive our prize and the title “World Standard Legs – 2010”.The winner is chosen from among those present based on the largest foot size.Galya: No, not a powerful handWithout a big fist!Let's find out which of the residents of our village has the biggest fist. You receive the title "Kulachishche 2010".Using the same principle, “The most powerful torso”, “Long braid”, “Graceful leg” are selected.Galya: And now, I announce fun family starts and invite three sports families to our stage. Come on, kids, grab your parents and come here immediately. (if parents don’t come out, create two teams of 7 people).Stage 1:the first participant runs to the mark, returning, takes the hand of the second participant. The two of them run, etc.Stage 2:- The first participant puts on a hoop, runs to the mark and back. Another participant joins him in the hoop, then a third, etc.Stage 3:- The first participant runs to a piece of Whatman paper and draws a detail on the proposed topic (bicycle). He returns to the start, passes the felt-tip pen, who draws the next detail and passes it to the third, etc.Stage 4:- The first participant overcomes the stage on one leg, the second runs with the ball, pushing it in front of him, the third rolls the ball without lifting it from the ground, the fourth passes the stage with a hoop. (The winners are awarded prizes)Galya: Dear fellow countrymen, dear Orlyans! Let's remain as we are, kind, sympathetic, with strong character, with great hard work and respect for ourselves and our neighbors.Lera: Let jokes and songs live with us, let the birthdays of our fathers and grandfathers, our children and grandchildren live, and therefore the birthdays of the village where we were born, where we live and work.Galya: Our small Motherland is alive, and that means we are with it.Lera: We learned so many good things about our fellow countrymen today.They smiled at them, congratulated them, and gave them a sea of ​​kind words.Galya: We live as one family, we have been here for the second hundred yearsTelmanites are proud of any nationality.Lera: The peoples of our land are friendly, we have seen this more than once.It was not days that connected us, but years; the earth itself connected us.Galya: May all people, fathers, be happy. Children, old people.We were, are, and will forever be our dear fellow countrymen.Galya: Our holiday does not end here, but we say goodbye to you, goodbye, friends, see you again!Lera: What are you saying, who says goodbye like that?!Galya: How?Lera: That's it! In honor of the holiday, let's have some fun today, friends? Do we swear?AUDIENCE: We swear!Lera: But will we go back to work tomorrow morning? Do we swear?SPECTATORS:Lera: When we meet acquaintances and friends, will we smile? Do we swear?SPECTATORS:Lera: Shall we drink for a good reason today? Do we swear?SPECTATORS:Lera: To our great joy, shall we go our separate ways without fighting? Do we swear?SPECTATORS:Lera: Don’t forget this oath!Raise cups for our village!