Scenario of the event “In the land of literary heroes. Parade of fairy-tale heroes script.doc - Script «Musical parade of fairy-tale heroes

"Literary Ball"

Target: show the history of Bala using best works Russian classical literature and music.


show the beauty and variety of dances performed at balls and the durability of the waltz described in Russian classical literature;

attract high school students to reading works of Russian classical literature;

introduce students to beauty through meeting the best classical works Russian musical culture;

increase motivation for self-improvement, both aesthetically and intellectually.

Arriving guests had to show their respect, in the form of a greeting, first of all to the hosts.

(In the dark on stage with candles in hands.)

Need a light fixture.

Leading: I light the candles and remain silent.

And the wizard-evening looks into my eyes,

The hand of darkness touched my shoulder.

For the first time I light candles.

presenter: From dance to dance along an invisible road,

From crinolines and corsets to silks,

We slide through time, through great era,

Where dances appeared again and again.

Leading: What can our guests expect from the ball here?

Now we’ll tell you not the same,

So that our honor does not suffer,

We are glad to introduce you, friends,

Presenter : Ball in style golden age,

So that they soar again in everyone,

Love for the Fatherland, love for the Motherland!

(bright lights come on in the hall)

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and madams!

Leading. According to the social conditions of the ball, I present to you the guests of honor.

Presenter. Present at the ball: Countess(list official guests).

Presenter: Ball participants: (participants walk across the stage)

Couple Grinevykh, Pyotr Andreevich and Marya Ivanovna

Prince Pechorin and Bela

Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina

A.S. Pushkin and Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova

Countess Natasha Rostova, Countess Rostova and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Count Pierre Bezukhov

Marya Gavrilovna and Colonel Burmin

The participants of the ball sat on the stage and had a conversation:

Pechorin: (addressing Grinev): How long have you been in the capital, Pyotr Andreevich?

Grinev: No, sir, they just arrived, the imperial court invited them to a ball.

Pechorin: -Oh, these balls! (Pechorin, wincing)

Bela:-What is this, a ball?

Pechorin: And these, my dear, are dance festivals introduced by Tsar Peter the Great in 1717, after a year and a half stay abroad. (yawns)

Presenter: The tradition of gathering all nobles, officials, servants with their wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich.
Leading: And they were ordered to give the name to the assembly. And later they began to be called balls. The word "ball" is Old French and used to mean "dance, jump."

Presenter : At balls it was customary not only to dance and socialize, but also to organize charity markets, lotteries, perform romances, and play music.
Evgeny Onegin: It is also known that the owner of the house where the ball was held must have something to seat the guests on, something to treat them to and something to light the rooms with. Actually, as the poet said,

The ball is a real find

For young dandies and ladies;

The beauty is waiting for him with delight,

It is a holiday for gloomy fathers.

So that my daughter dresses like a doll,

An experienced mother is busy,

And so that she doesn’t stay too long,

Taking her to dance.

So let's dance! - she clapped her hands joyfullyBela.

(the polonaise sounds, all the guests dance, you can invite guests from the audience)

Leading: No dance requires such strict posture, pride and composure as the polonaise. During the procession to solemn fanfare music, guests show themselves, their attire, secular manners and nobility.

Presenter: Thank you, gentlemen, for this majestic and graceful dance.
How beautiful you looked in the solemn procession!Why is this dance called Polish?
Leading : Because “polonaise” was born in Poland. In Rus' it was called “Polish dance” or “walking conversation”.
Presenter: “Walking conversation”... So, it was customary to talk during the dance?
Leading: Yes, the main theme of the polonaise is admiration for a beautiful lady. And this dance continued for about half an hour.

Presenter: Beautiful dance, how many compliments and in general good words the lady heard addressed to her during these half an hour. It's a shame that those days are gone.

Leading:I remember the waltz's lovely sound
Late on a spring night
An unknown voice sang it,
And a wonderful song flowed.

Presenter. Yes, it was a lovely, languid waltz,
Yes, it was a wonderful waltz.

Presenter . Now it's winter, and the same ones ate,
They stand covered in darkness,
And there are snowstorms outside the window,
And the sounds of the waltz sound again! (a light waltz melody is in the background, the hall is dark, only Natasha Rostova is illuminated by a spot.)

(on stage there is a projection of the palace and grand staircases)

Before entering the stage: Natasha Rostova(excitedly, to the music): There is very little left...I feel our crew slowing down move, and the valet opens the door. Oh my God, what a long staircase ahead! Do I really have the strength to climb it and enter this solid house? God, I’m so excited... After all, this is my first appearance... And then exciting dances await me. I'm so looking forward to it!

Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky come forward.

Bezukhov : Prince! Bolkonsky! (Bolkonsky turns to him)

Bolkonsky : Count Bezukhov! My respect!

Bezukhov: Prince, you are always dancing. There is my protégé here - young Rostova. Invite her!

Bolkonsky: Where ? (turns his head)

Pierre nods his head towards Natasha.

Bolkonsky bows to Bezukhov and approaches the group of ladies.

Bolkonsky: My respects, Countess Rostova (kisses her hand)

Countess : Prince, let me introduce you to my daughter - Natasha

Bolkonsky: I have the pleasure of knowing you if the Countess remembers

me (bows, takes her hand)I ask you to go to the waltz tour.

(waltzers dance)

Leading : mon ami, I am very glad to see you all today at the 19th century social ball.

-Pechorin: Do you know, my soul (addressing Bela), that starting from the Peter the Great era in all state higher and middle educational institutions, higher schools, foreign boarding housesdance became a compulsory subject. It was studied in the royal lyceum and in modest vocational and commercial schools.

Bolkonsky: Yes, and a mistake in dancing at the ball could cost your career. It was very shameful to lose tact at the ball!

Marya Ivanovna: - I’ve only recently been to the balls, but I heard that the polka is not a Polish dance at all, as it seems from its name, but a Czech one, and its name comes from the word “half”, because the main step in the polka is half!

Presenter: The popularity of the polka was extraordinary: even weddings were postponed in order to learn how to dance the polka!

Leading: So, Polka, gentlemen! Gentlemen invite ladies!
(They dance the polka.)

Bela: -Oh, they're spinning! How ashamed were you - after all, I was at your ball for the first time, we don’t have such entertainment in the Caucasus, I almost lost my rhythm! -Bela, turning to Pechorin.

Pechorin : - Well, I’ll please you, my peri, I’ll perform your favorite romance.-Pechorin.

Bela turns all her eyes to Him.

He performs a romance from Lermontov’s poems “I Go Out Alone on the Road” (with guitar)

Presenter : later, various games and tricks began to be held at balls. Ladies and gentlemen, now each of you will receive a note with wishes. It will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.
Trays with notes are brought in. Each guest in the hall takes a note.

The host and presenter, as well as the ladies (Marya Ivanovna, Natasha Rostova, Countess Rostova) spread wishes..
Wishes texts:
. “Find happiness in today!”
. “Know that the clouds will clear and the peak will appear!”
. “Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!”
. “Knowing moderation, you will have plenty of everything!”
. Today is the best day for you! Just like everyone else!
. “What awaits you will be wonderful!”
. “Happiness is just around the corner, move in the same direction!”
. “Your future is wonderful, everything is in pink color
. “Happiness will come to you, appreciate the joys of life!”

“When you choose a road, don’t turn off!”

“Look into your soul, ask your heart!”

“Believe in yourself, because for those who believe, nothing is impossible!”

"Don't forget about yourself!"

“Remember, an arrow fired does not return!”

“Find happiness in today!”

“Know that the clouds will clear and the peak will appear!”

“Knowing moderation, you will have plenty of everything!”

“Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!”

“Remember - all good things come from man!”

“Blame against a person is necessary, but praise is even more necessary for him and, most likely, more useful than blasphemy.”

“Enjoy life, there is only one!” “Remember: good begets good

Leading : Yes, the ball is famous for its meeting opportunities.

And who wouldn’t call it a big event?

At first glance, such an ordinary evening,

Which will probably bring everyone

Dating, joy, relaxation for our senses.

And, most importantly, it will give a reason to show

All the beauty of dance art.

Leading : It turns out that relationships were also sorted out at the balls.
Presenter: and I was only thinking about declarations of love! Although no. Now look here; those two over there seem to be embarrassed by each other, although it seems that the young officer is about to fall at her feet and open his heart.
A scene from the story “Blizzard” is being performed.
Burmin: I have been married for four years now and I don’t know who my wife is and where she is, and whether I should ever meet her!
Maria Gavrilovna: What are you saying? How strange! Continue; but go ahead, do me a favor.

Burmin: At the beginning of 1812, I hurried to Vilna, where our regiment was located. Arriving one day at the station late in the evening, I ordered the horses to be laid as quickly as possible, when suddenly a terrible snowstorm arose, and the caretaker and the coachmen advised me to wait it out. I obeyed them, but an incomprehensible anxiety took possession of me; it seemed like someone was pushing me like that. Meanwhile, the snowstorm did not subside; I couldn’t bear it, ordered the laying again and rode into the storm. The coachman decided to go along the river. The banks were covered; The driver drove past the place where we entered the road, and thus we found ourselves in an unfamiliar direction. The storm did not subside; I saw a light and ordered to go there. We arrived at the village; there was a fire in the wooden church. The church was open, several sleighs stood outside the fence; people were walking around the porch. "Here! here!" - several voices shouted. I told the coachman to drive up. “For mercy, where did you stop? - someone told me, - the bride has fainted; the priest doesn't know what to do; We were already ready to go back. Come out quickly." I silently jumped out of the sleigh and entered the church. “Thank God,” said the maid, “you came by force. You almost killed the young lady.” The old priest came up to me with the question: “Will you order us to begin?” “Begin, begin, father,” I answered absentmindedly. The girl was raised. She seemed pretty good to me... An incomprehensible, unforgivable frivolity... I stood next to her; the priest was in a hurry; three men and a maid supported the bride and were busy only with her. We were married. “Kiss,” we were told. My wife turned her pale face to me. I wanted to kiss her... She screamed: “Oh, not him! not him! - and fell unconscious. The witnesses looked at me with frightened eyes. I turned around, left the church without any obstacles, rushed into the wagon and shouted: “Let’s go!”
The music of G. Sviridov “Blizzard” begins to sound.
The scene continues.
Marya Gavrilovna: My God! And you don’t know what happened to your poor wife?
Burmin: I don’t know, I don’t know the name of the village where I got married; I don’t remember which station I left from... The servant who was with me then died on the campaign, so I have no hope of finding the one on whom I played such a cruel joke.

Marya Gavrilovna: My God, my God! So it was you! And you don't recognize me?

Burmin turned pale... and threw himself at her feet...

Loud music.
I'm so glad that everything ends so well.
Tatyana Larina: Ah mon senor, (addresses Evgeny Onegin), it’s time to rest. Give me that fan, please. I wish them refreshment.

Evgeny Onegin enters: : in his hands is a small lorgnette, constantly points it at T. Larina and says:


Is she really? But definitely... No...

How! From the wilderness of steppe villages...

Is it really the same Tatyana?

which I'm alone with

Did you give lessons in silence?

That girl... is this a dream?...

The girl I am

Neglected in humble fate,

Is she really with me now?

So indifferent, so brave?...

(sits on her knee next to her, takes her hand, kisses her hand. Tatyana says:)

I got married

you must, I beg you,

leave me;

I know it's in your heart

And pride, and direct honor.

I love you (why lie),

But I was given to someone else

I will be faithful to him forever.

(Tatiana leaves)

Presenter: Previously, at balls it was not customary to talk directly about feelings for each other. The ladies' emotions were expressed by a certain object - a fan. And besides, it is impossible to imagine the 19th century Coquette without a fan. Every beauty knew the rules for handling a fan.
Presenter: Although the fan was in the hands of a woman, know all the subtleties

men had to have a secret language.

The presenters conduct parlor game “The Secret Language of the Fan”

Presenter: COMPETITION “FAN LANGUAGE” try to guess what they mean
in the fan language the following phrases:
- “Yes” - apply the fan with your left hand to your right cheek.
- “I love you” - right hand point the closed fan at your heart.
- “My thoughts are always with you” - open the fan halfway and lightly pass it across your forehead several times.
- “I want to dance with you” - wave an open fan several times towards you, i.e. entice.

— “Be careful, we are being watched” - touch your left ear with an open fan.

Marya Ivanovna: -mon ami, is there any uniform order in dancing? Or at the discretion of the ball hosts?

Peter Grinev:- Yes, my darling, in the 18th century it was customary to open a ball Polish dance or polonaise, this dance replaced the minuet, the second dance at the ball was the waltz. The culmination of the ball was the mazurka, and the cotillion concluded the balls. Gentlemen at balls signed up in advance, inviting ladies to various dances. In the second half of the 18th-19th centuries, nobles went to balls with pleasure.

Leading: Oh, what a wonderful time it is to be young!

And first love and first losses...

He runs up to those sitting and says:

Lady1:: Gentlemen! We heard the news! Pushkin is getting married!

Lady2: What a passage! After so many hobbies and cupids!

Lady3: But who is she?

Lady1: Mademoiselle Nathalie, the youngest of the 3 Goncharov sisters.

Lady2: Marriage for a poet is such prose!

Lady3: No, no, don't say it. This is very interesting alliance. Natalie is the first beauty. The king himself noted it with his attention. And Pushkin is the first poet of Russia. Ah, Pushkin, you are here, forgive our curiosity. Tell us where you met Natalya Nikolaevna*

PUSHKIN . My meeting with Natalya Goncharova, my sweet, lovely, gentle Natalie, took place winter evening at the dance master Iogel's ball. I didn’t even intend to go anywhere that day, but Vyazemsky persuaded me...

Moonlight flooded the street and fluffy snow fell.

And from the mansion came the sounds of a mazurka. And the silhouettes of elegant ladies and gentlemen flashed through the large windows.

Never before have I come to a ball with such a sad feeling. A secret presentiment tormented me and worried my soul. Peter said something to me and pointed to the young ladies who first appeared in secular society. And suddenly some force made me turn around. I saw her - in a transparent cloud of flounces and lace, in a crowd of young fans, surrounded by numerous relatives and acquaintances... I stepped towards my fate

PUSHKIN. Have you looked in the mirror and are you convinced that nothing in the world can be compared to your face - and I love your soul even more than your face...

NATALIE. I love you, my angel, so much that I can’t express it, since I’ve been here all I’ve been thinking about is how to escape to St. Petersburg to see you... Apart from you, I have no consolation in my life...


My wishes came true. Creator

Sent you to me, my Madonna,

The purest beauty, the purest example.(kisses hand)

(mazurka dance)

Leading: It's time for the mazurka, gentlemen! In the mazurka, ladies could flirt to their heart's content, gentlemen could show off their daring. The gentleman tapped his spurs, knelt down, walked the lady around him and kissed her hand. The Mazurka has always been at the center of every holiday, they were waiting for it, preparing for it!...

Everyone is dancing the mazurka.

Presenter : What a pity that he’s so cheerfuland the fiery dance will soon be forgotten.

Leading: : few people know that this dance also came to us from Poland.
Presenter : There is a region of Mazovia there, and the people living in it were called Masurians. And the dance got its name from the name of the local residents: mazury - mazurka.

Leading:. After the ball, when the guests leave, it often happens that the servants find a lot of lost things, for example, one of the kings spent a long time looking for a girl who lost her shoe at the ball. We would like to find out who owns the lost things. (game with the audience)

Lady1: This pen belongs to a nobleman who studied in both Russia and Germany, and most of lived his life in Paris, danced at a ball with Pushkin’s daughter, although he was very fond of Russian nature and hunting. (Turgenev)

Lady2: E that literary heroine she lived in the village, after the tragic death of her groom she got married quite quickly, and this is her doll. (Olga Larina)

Lady3. A bouquet of violets... it became the reason for the meeting of two young people, but their love was unhappy. (" Poor Lisa»)

Lady1: This is a book by Voltaire, it was brought from abroad by a young nobleman, he traveled abroad for three years, and then returned to Moscow to arrange his personal affairs. (Chatsky)

Lady2: Mademoiselle dropped this object into the river and suffered for a long time, trying to get it out of there (Tanya's Ball. A. Barto).

Lady3:. And this is a chest, it was carried by one very famous nobleman, he worked both in the construction of government buildings and at customs, however, it later turned out that he was a famous swindler, but he almost married the governor’s daughter, but one fairly tipsy landowner, Arriving at the ball and seeing the swindler, he exposed him. (Chichikov)

Lady1: . This pistol... probably the owner was not very pleased to remember it, because he killed a friend with it in a duel... (Onegin)

Lady2: This is a thick notebook... there are some notes in it... In my opinion, these are notes from an officer... What was his name? (Pechorin)

Presenter And our ball continues. By the way, upon entering, each of you received your own number. I think you guessed that this is for the game of “mail”. You can invite the person you like to dance, because at balls you met, fell in love and wrote letters to each other.

Leading : Poets, ladies, tailcoats. Ball
He brought us here today.
The bright lights are burning here,
And you and I are not alone.

Presenter : Ah, this ball cannot be forgotten!
Around me are my friends,
With dawn - bright fireworks,
The carriage has arrived. There was a century...

Leading: : Ladies and gentlemen! We sincerely thank all participants

and the guests of today's ball. We hope that you, having plunged

into the past, felt the spirit of that time. We were glad

see you! To new meeting at the literary ball!

Sounds background music, participants are invited to a fruit buffet.

Svetlana Didenko
"Parade fairy-tale heroes K.I. Chukovsky." Scenario for a literary competition of readers and storytellers

Target. Involve in participation in literary competitions and quizzes; develop interest in the works of K. I. Chukovsky; improve the expressiveness of speech (intonation, tempo, rhythm); create a positive self-image.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance with the work of K.I. Chukovsky (reading and telling his fairy tales and poems); production of costumes and character paraphernalia literary works poet; holding competitions for readers and storytellers in groups. Material. Tape recorder, recordings of cheerful melody and melodies of fairy tale characters; costumes of fairy tale characters (Aibolit, Fedora, Mukha-Tsokotukha, Moidodyr, telephone; two tit bird costumes; notebook, Miracle Tree, rainbow fragments (according to the number of children).

Actors. Two tit birds (girls, two teachers (presenters, children - participants of the competition.

Progress of the competition

Two tit birds fly into the hall to the sound of a spring melody.

1st titmouse. Have you heard? Have you heard? IN kindergarten contest!

2nd titmouse. Literary competition!

1st titmouse. Hurry here!

b]2nd titmouse. Hurry here!

Presenter.“All children aged two to five years believe that life is created only for joy, for unceremonious happiness, and this belief is one of the most important conditions for their normal psychological growth,” these words belong to Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. And indeed: when children hear the works of their favorite writer, they laugh. This means that at this moment they are happy.

1st titmouse. The children have learned many poems and fairy tales by Chukovsky and will now read them to you.

2nd titmouse. And you, dear guests, after listening to the children’s performances, write on the feathers that we have prepared for you who you want

I liked it.

1st titmouse. Shh! Quiet!

2nd titmouse. Let's begin!

To the sound of cheerful music, the titmice fly away. Behind the door, pitiful lamentations are heard: “Oh, you, my poor orphans!” Fedora appears. After greeting the audience, he reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief.” 1st titmouse represents the girl who played the role of Fedora.

2nd titmouse(addressing the audience). In which of Chukovsky’s fairy tales do the heroes like to indulge in tea? (answers). Now (says the child’s name) will tell you about it. A child comes out and reads an excerpt from K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Fly Tsokotukha”

1st titmouse. Dear guests, tell me, how does Chukovsky advise you to take care of your health?


1. You need to, you need to wash your face

In the mornings and evenings.

2. Long live scented soap

And the towel is fluffy!

3. Let's wash and splash

Swim, dive, tumble.

1st titmouse. Well done!

Music is playing. Moidodyr appears (a child with a towel around his neck, soap, a basin, brushes). Reads an excerpt from K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”.

The phone rings. 2nd titmouse picks up the phone: “Hello! Hello!". He shrugs. 2nd titmouse. And such rubbish All day long, Day-di-lazy,


A boy appears with a telephone and reads an excerpt from K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Telephone”

2nd titmouse. He read an excerpt from this fairy tale to us (says the child’s name).

Music is playing. Doctor Aibolit (boy) appears.

1st titmouse. I read an excerpt from the fairy tale “Aibolit” (says the child’s name).

Question for the audience. What poems of this writer do you know? (answers)

2nd titmouse. Listen to Chukovsky's poems performed by our competitors.

The titmice, taking turns, call the names of the children who read the poems “Miracle Tree”, “Tadpoles”, “Zakalyaka”, “Turtle”.

Leading. While you, dear guests, are deciding which performer you liked best, and the titmice are collecting feathers, I invite everyone to come into the hall.

To the music, children enter the hall, a dynamic pause “Joy” is held. Children stand in the center of the hall in random order. Two adults stand to their left and right. Boys stand, girls crouch. The girls' arms are raised above their heads, palms together.


Glad, glad, glad

Light birch trees (raise their arms up to the sides, depicting trees)


And on them with joy

Roses grow (slowly stand up and spread their arms to the sides, depicting blossoming flowers).

All together.

Glad, glad, glad

Dark aspens,

And on them with joy

Oranges are growing (after saying the last line, the children puff out their cheeks, depicting round oranges).

1st child.

It was not rain that came from a cloud,

And not hail.

2nd child.

It fell from the cloud


3rd child.

And the crows over the fields

Suddenly the nightingales began to sing.

4th child.

And streams from underground

Sweet honey flowed.

5th child.

The chickens became peahens,

Bald - curly.

6th child.

Even the mill is the same

She danced near the bridge.

7and child.

So run after me

To green meadows,

Where above the blue river

A rainbow-arc appeared.

Raise half-bent arms, depicting a rainbow.

Children(in unison)

We're on the rainbow

Let's climb up

Let's play in the clouds

And from there down the rainbow -

On sleds, on skates!

Children imitate skating from a rainbow


From this joy

We grew up in our group.


Don't be shy, help yourself,

Our kids!

They bring in a basket of fruit or sweets.

Leading. Dear children! You all read the poems and fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky very well. We prepared for a long time, tried hard, well done! All the feathers gathered in this basket, and it turned out (names the winners in the categories “For bright image", "For expressiveness", "For performing skills"). For the excellent performance of the leading role, the two tit birds are also awarded a prize. The competition is over! I wish you new victories in new competitions.

Target: To form in students a sustainable interest and love for reading and books.


    Introduce students to oral folk art.

    Develop the creative and intellectual abilities of students through active participation in the game process.

    Develop imagination, intelligence, thinking, and speech of students.

    Develop intuition, erudition, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

    Foster mutual respect between students.

    Develop the ability to communicate and work in a team.

Proposed Scenario literary game is educational and developmental in nature. The development of cognitive interest is based on a quiz in its most diverse forms.

Participation in the game allows students to remember their favorite fairy-tale characters, authors of fairy tales and the works themselves. The game broadens the horizons of students, promotes the development of thinking, oral coherent speech skills, enrichment of vocabulary, attention, imagination of children, and their communication abilities. For the game, not only fairy tales that are well known to students were selected, but also those that are not yet known to them, which gives each participant the opportunity to show their individual creativity, ingenuity, erudition.

Competitiveness and being part of a team make the game fun. Throughout the game, children work in groups and teams of varying composition, which helps develop their communication and teamwork skills, as well as a friendly attitude towards each other.

It is advisable to decorate the room in which the game will take place with illustrations for fairy tales made by children.

The exhibition of books of Russian folk tales and fairy tales by Russian writers will also arouse children's interest.

Progress of the game

The phonogram of the song “There are many fairy tales in the world” sounds (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

A fairy tale goes through the forest -
Leads the tale by the hand,
A fairy tale comes out of the river!
From the tram! Out of the gate!
What kind of round dance is this?
This is a round dance of fairy tales!
Fairy tale - clever and charming
Lives next to us!
And for me and for you
Fairy tales run around in a crowd.
We love fairy tales
Sweeter than any berry.
In a fairy tale, the sun is burning,
Justice reigns in it.
The fairy tale is clever and charming!
We can't live without a fairy tale!
(Yu. Moritz.)


Friends! Visit a fairy tale today
You will have a hard time getting:
There are riddles prepared for everyone,
They will need to be guessed.
These riddles are not simple,
And to find the answer to them,
You have to work hard:
Everyone think together, don’t be lazy
And hold advice together.
Ingenuity, dexterity, intelligence and friendship
They will help you overcome everything.
Riddles the right solution
You will be encouraged. C'mon, don't be timid!
You have an envelope with an assignment in your hands.
Open it quickly
Yes, get ready for the road
And go quickly.
Put you through trials
The time has come a long time ago.
Sit down together on the road
And off we go! No fluff, no feather!
(N. Denisova.)

Children open the envelope and read the task: “Gather in five minutes in the Small Hall!”

Fairy tales give us miracles,
And without miracles it is impossible.
They live everywhere
And they are our friends.
Yu. Polukhin “Miracle Tales”.

Conducted didactic game“A ball of fairy tales.”

Once I was leafing through a book,
I read a fairy tale to my son.
Only in that fairy tale, friends,
I didn't understand anything.
Fairy tales are tangled up.
I can't understand it at all:
Who, where and where?..
My head is spinning!
Help me unravel the tangle,
Fairy tales, children, name them!

“The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool.”

IN far away kingdom, in the thirtieth state there lived Ivanushka the Fool. He lived with his old mother in a dugout near the blue sea for exactly thirty years and three years. Ivanushka once heard that whoever makes the crying princess laugh will be given half his kingdom by the Tsar-Sovereign. Without hesitation for a long time, he packed his knapsack and set off on his journey. How long did it take, or how short... Copper, silver, golden kingdom passed. Along the way, he helped three old men share three wonders from their father’s inheritance: one got an invisibility hat, the second got a flying carpet, the third got walking boots. He rescued the crane from the net, for which he himself received magical gifts: a self-assembled tablecloth, a lamb and a bag.

He came to the city to the royal court, opened the bag and said: “Come on, two from the bag, make the princess laugh!” Two people jumped out of the bag and made the princess laugh. That’s why the Tsar Father was happy! Ivanushka and the princess were married. The table was covered with a large self-assembled tablecloth, and a rich feast was celebrated. They put the lamb in a spacious, warm pen and gave him fragrant hay. Our Ivanushka was a fool - he became Ivan Tsarevich. And to this day he and the young princess live, get along and make good.

It's a fairy tale, you can't say more.

(“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, A.S. Pushkin;
“Princess Nesmeyana”, Russian folk tale;
“Three Kingdoms – Copper, Silver and Gold”, Russian folk tale;
“Prophetic Dream”, Russian folk tale;
“Tablecloth, Ram and Bag”, Russian folk tale.)

Presenter: Amazing tales! And how many miracles happen in them! And the main miracle is the poetic language of fairy tales. Unhurried, melodious, proverbs and sayings decorate it. And there are a lot of them about fairy-tale proverbs and sayings themselves.

Let's remember them!

Conducted didactic game “Add a proverb!”

Children are divided into groups of 3–5 people. Each group is invited to read proverbs and sayings about fairy tales in which the endings are mixed up.

The guys must correctly “add up” the beginnings and endings of all proverbs and sayings.

    Listen to the story, / don’t give up.
    Listen to the fairy tale, and listen to the saying.

    Having not finished reading the fairy tale, / he doesn’t interrupt in the middle.
    Before you finish reading a fairy tale, don’t give up.

    It’s easy to listen to a fairy tale, / use your mind and mind to shake it off.
    It is easy to listen to a fairy tale, but difficult to tell a fairy tale.

    The tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, / and listen to the saying.
    A fairy tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, and is not interrupted in the middle..

    Eat the porridge and listen to the story: / but telling a story is hard.
    Eat the porridge, and listen to the fairy tale: figure it out with your mind and mind.

Presenter: Isn’t it time, friends, for you and me to refresh ourselves?!

Conducted Quiz “Apple Tree of Fairy Tales”.

A drawing of an apple tree with apples (cut out of cardboard) hanging on it is attached to the stand.

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives an empty basket.

Then team members take turns picking apples from the tree and reading excerpts from fairy tales.

For each correct answer, the team receives a dummy apple.

The team with the most apples in its basket wins.

    “A hare was walking through the forest with a sack, looking for mushrooms and berries for his little hares, but, as luck would have it,
    He didn’t come across anything: no mushrooms, no berries.
    And suddenly, in the middle of a green clearing, he saw a wild apple tree...”
    (“Sack of apples”, V.G. Suteev.)

    “She moved on. He sees an apple tree standing, and it’s full of apples.
    The girl shook the apple tree, and the apples began to fall like hail. She shook off every last apple, piled them up and moved on.”
    (“Mistress Blizzard”, Brothers Grimm.)
    “The girl did everything that the cow bequeathed to her: she was hungry, she did not take meat into her mouth, she watered her seeds every morning in the garden, and an apple tree of extraordinary beauty grew from them: apples hang on it, golden leaves rustle, silver branches bend…” (“Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, Russian folk tale.)

    “... There is an apple tree.
    - Apple tree, mother, hide me!
    - Eat my forest apple.
    The girl quickly ate it and said thank you. The apple tree shaded it with branches and covered it with leaves.” (“Geese-swans”, Russian folk tale.)

    “...she retreated into a secret little room, into which no one but her entered, and
    There she made a poisonous apple. In appearance, the apple was wonderful, plump, with ruddy barrels, so that everyone, looking at it, wanted to taste it, but just take a bite and you will die.
    When the apple was made, the queen painted her face, dressed as a peasant and went beyond the seven mountains...” (“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Brothers Grimm.)

    “The sisters laughed and grabbed their sides:
    - Oh, yes, Masha, oh, yes, you fool!
    Yes, we have a garden full of apples, take any, but what do you need a saucer for? Should I feed the ducklings?
    (“Silver saucer and present apple”, Russian folk tale.)

    The old woman caught the bread;
    “Thank you,” she said. –
    God bless you;
    Here’s to you, catch it!”
    And to the princess a liquid,
    Young, golden
    The apple is flying straight...
    (“The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes”, A.S. Pushkin.)

    “Tsarevich Ivan dismounts from his horse, enters the garden and sees an apple tree with silver
    leaves, golden apples, and under the apple tree there is a well. Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more, and scooped up a jug with twelve stigmas from the well of living water.” (“The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”, Russian folk tale.)

Conducted didactic game “Fairy Tale Test”.

Children are divided into groups of 3–5 people. Each group receives a test.

Presenter: Guys, you have to solve one fabulous riddle.

You will remember the fairy tales of Russian writers, which will be discussed in the Fairy Tale Test.

Carefully read all the questions and the suggested answers, from which you must choose only one. Each answer corresponds to a specific letter. By guessing all the letters, you will be able to create a word that will help you find out what is in our fabulous malachite box.

Is the task clear? Then get to work!

    A passerby was walking through the forest and dropped the box. I dropped it and didn’t catch it, and the box was left by the road.
    A fly was flying, saw it, and thought: “Let me look to see if there’s anything edible.” And in the lid there is just enough hole for a large fly to get through. (“Forest mansions”, M.L. Mikhailov.)
    And this fly's name was...
    A - The clattering fly,
    K - Thunderfly,
    I am a burning fly.

    The man found an expensive stone and took it to the king. He came to the palace and began to ask the king’s servants: how to see the king.
    One of the king's servants promised to report to the king about the man's find with the understanding that the man would give him half of what the king would give. (“Reward”, L.N. Tolstoy.)
    The king took the stone, listened to the man’s story, laughed and drove the servant away, and gave it to the man...
    Oh - a thousand rubles,
    B - fifty lashes,
    Z – bag of wheat.

    One morning in the forest, just as dawn began to break, a rooster cried: “Ku-ku-re-ku!” The fox heard the rooster; She wanted to eat rooster meat. So she went up to the tree and began praising the rooster and inviting him to the housewarming party.
    “Okay,” says the rooster, “but I can’t go alone: ​​I have a comrade with me.”
    -Where is your comrade? she asks. - I’ll invite him to visit too.
    (“Rooster and Dog”, K.D. Ushinsky.)
    Who was the rooster's mate?
    U is a cat,
    F – ram,
    L – dog.

    “Come on, little little mouse, let’s make a nest for ourselves—I’m under the eaves, you’re in hiding—and we’ll live and be and eat the master’s handouts, and we’ll have everything together, everything in half.”
    The mouse agreed. So the two of them lived together; They live for a year, they live for another, and on the third the barn began to deteriorate, there was little grain left in it. The little mouse understood this matter, spread its mind and decided that if she took all the grain alone, she would get more than half with... (“About the toothy mouse and about the rich sparrow,” V.I. Dal.)
    Who didn’t the little mouse want to share with?
    And - with the owner,
    b - with a sparrow,
    Ш - with a bat.

    Pudik did not believe his mother; He didn’t yet know that if he didn’t trust his mother, it would end badly.
    He sat on the very edge of the nest and sang poems of his own composition at the top of his lungs:
    Eh, wingless man,
    You have two legs
    Even though you are very great,
    The midges are eating you!
    And I very small,
    But I eat midges myself. (“Sparrow”, M. Gorky.)
    Who was Pudik?
    C - yellow-throated sparrow,
    Yu - little raven,
    N - small swift.

    So Kokovan took the orphan to live with him. He is big and bearded, but she is tiny and has a button nose. They walk down the street, and a tattered cat jumps after them.
    So grandfather Kokovanya, the orphan Darenka and the cat Murenka began to live together.
    The old man was a master at telling tales. Darenka loved to listen to those fairy tales, and the cat Murenka lies and purrs: “He says it right. R-right.”
    Only after every fairy tale will Darenka remind you:
    - Dedo, tell me about the goat. What is he like? (“Silver Hoof”, P.P. Bazhov.)
    What kind of goat did Darenka ask you to tell about?
    R - about the kid from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”,
    And - about the goat from the fairy tale “You have your own mind”,
    About - about the goat Silver Hoof.

Children make up the word RING.

Conducted game “Malachite Box”.

Presenter: “Nastasya, Stepanova’s widow, still has a malachite box. With every feminine device. There are rings, earrings and other things according to women's rites. The Mistress herself Copper Mountain gave Stepan this box when he was still planning to get married.”

“Malachite Box” P.P. Bazhov

The presenter invites the children to guess from the description which fairy tale heroes the jewelry from the box belongs to.

    Gold ring

– belonged to the Beast of the Forest, a miracle of the sea from the fairy tale “ Scarlet flower” S.T. Aksakova.
“... You have my gold ring, put it on your right little finger and you will find yourself in the house of your dear father...”

Treasured ring

– belonged to Vasilisa the Wise, the royal daughter from the Russian folk tale “Sivka-Burka”.
“No one had time to gasp when Ivan flew to Vasilisa on a horse, kissed her scarlet lips, took off the treasured ring and rode off. They only saw him.”

Miracle ring

– belonged to the king of the underground kingdom from the Russian folk tale “The Magic Ring”.
“... He will reward you for my salvation; you ask him for a ring from his little finger. That ring is not simple, but miraculous: if you throw it from hand to hand, twelve young men will immediately appear, and whatever they are ordered to do, they will do everything.”

Ring of the Tsar Maiden

– belonged to the young princess from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P.P. Ershov.
The princess tells him:
“If you want to take me,
Then deliver it to me in three days
My ring is made of okiyan.”

Treasured ring

- belonged to the prophetic Finn from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A.S. Pushkin.
...Take the treasured ring,
Touch Lyudmila’s brow with it,
And the powers of secret spells will disappear,
Your enemies will be confused by your face,
Peace will come, anger will perish.

Ring as a keepsake

– belonged to the month of April from the dramatic fairy tale “The Twelve Months” by S.Ya. Marshak.
“... And so that you really don’t forget, here’s a ring for you as a souvenir.
look at him and remember me. If trouble happens, throw it on
ground, water or snowdrift and say:
You roll, roll, little ring,
On the spring porch,
In the summer canopy,
In the autumn teremok
Yes on the winter carpet
To the New Year's bonfire!
We will come to your rescue - all twelve of us will come as one -
with a thunderstorm, with a blizzard, with a spring drop!..”

Presenter: Well done! You have solved all the fairy tale riddles and answered all the quiz questions. And you did it all together, together, helping each other, like Brothers Months.

We end our game with wonderful poems by Yu. Entin.


There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
Aladdin's lamp,
Lead us into a fairy tale
Crystal slipper,
Help along the way!
Boy Cipollino,
Winnie the Pooh Bear –
Everyone is on our way
A true friend.
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth
May goodness forever
Evil wins!

Calm music sounds.


    “Russians folk tales""Tales of Russian Writers" Moscow: "Pravda", 1987.

To International Day

Children's book

Pismareva N.V.,

Teacher of the highest category

Literary holiday dedicated to International Children's Book Day - April 2.




Exhibition of children's books, children's drawings and creative works by reading;

Costumes of the Queen of the Country of Literature, heroes: Mary Poppins, postman Pechkin, Munchausen, Old Man Hottabych, Alice, Queen of Shamakhan, Pippi Longstocking,

Shapoklyak, Kolobok, Tsokotukhi flies.

Phonogram of the songs “Smile”, “I’m Lying in the Sun”, music for the dance “Polonaise”;

Visual material for the tournament;

Prizes and awards for tournament participants.

Heroes: queen of the country Literature,children as book inhabitants of thiscountries, Petya Lentyaykin, Galya Zabyvalkina, Fedya Nekhochukhin, children in the role literary heroes.

Jury for the literary tournament.

Holding a holiday.

1. Word to the presenter.

Dear guys, there are two wonderful dates in our calendar: March 3 - World Writer's Day and April 2 - International Children's Book Day.

I invite you to a celebration dedicated to these wonderful dates.

Books... Our faithful and wise friends, our good advisers. They live next to us in closets and on shelves. We just have to want to extend our hand, and they will lead us through forests, seas and different countries, they will tell amazing stories, will tell wonderful secrets...

Welcome to the wonderful country of Literature!

2. Theatrical performance

(students on stage in the role of book-residents of the country of Literature)

Student 1

Since time immemorial there has been a land of books.

In chorus

It's called literature!

(Queen Literature comes out while dancing the polonaise.)

Queen Literature

We hear the Latin language in the name of my country.

"Litera" means letter,

Remember, student!

Student 2

We made words from letters

Lines were collected from words.

And it turned out to be a country of books

For little ones and adults.

Student 3

Stories, fairy tales, fables and poems,

Epics, stories and myths,

And many different books by others

Open to readers.


Dear friends, Books! We need your help! Look what's happening in the Land of Unlearned Lessons!


Petya Lentyaykin, Galya Zabyvalkina and Fedya Nekhochukhin met.

Petya: Fedya:

I'm lazy! Too lazy to study! I would also instead of reading

I rest all day! I kicked the ball until I was blue in the face!

I don't want to know the letters!

Sing a song (song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle)

1We are sitting reading, 2. We would like to read a comic book,

We look at the book for a long time. Play, draw.

We all sit and look, Well, we still sit,

We really want to go for a walk! And we look at everything in the textbook.

3. Instead of books, everyone would have long ago

It would be better if they made a movie...

I would be an excellent student.

I would teach everything on TV.


Guys, Literature - fairyland. Anyone who gets into it will immediately become friends with the book. I invite you, Petya, Galya and Fedya, to visit the books. (Takes them by the hands and leads them into a circle to the students in the role of books) (Books begin to convince Petya, Galya and Fedya)

Student 4

Just imagine for a moment how you would live without books.

If everything disappeared at once, what was written for children:

From magical good fairy tales, to funny stories...

You wanted to dispel boredom, to find an answer to a question,

I reached out for the book, but it wasn’t on the shelf!

Student 1

No, it’s impossible to imagine that such a moment would arise, And all the heroes of children’s books could leave you!


The parade is about to start here!

They will appear on stage in full formation

Those with whom you are always glad to meet -

Literary heroes...

Parade of literary heroes. (Children in costumes talk about themselves, and the audience guesses the name of a literary character)

I am a brave traveler. Been to the Moon, flown on a cannonball, pulled himself out of a swamp by his hair. ( Munchausen.)

I live in the Chicken Villa. My friends are Tommy and Anika. (Pippi Longstocking)

I sat in the jug for a long time until Volka saved me. (Old Man Hottabych)

I visited Wonderland.(Alice)

I work as a postman in the village of Prostokvashino.(Pochtaln Pechkin)

I am the best nanny in the world. Who am I, children?(Mary Poppins)

King Dodon fell in love with me.(Shamakhan Queen)

I’m an old lady no matter what: I’m both smart and young.

With me is my rat named Lariska. (Old woman Shapoklyak)

- I'm mixed with sour cream, I'm cold at the window. ( Kolobok)

I walked across the field and found the money.

I went to the market and bought a samovar. ( Fly-Tsokotuha)

And now the game with the audience “Name the name of a literary hero”

All residents of Literature take turns naming the hero, and the audience adds his name in chorus.

doctor...(Aibolit) dad...(Carlo) king. ..(Saltan)

Ole...(Lukoye) crocodile...(Gena) tiny...(Khavroshechka)

Ilya...(Muromets) Tom...(Sawyer) Urfin...(Deuce)

postman...(Pechkin) Mary...(Poppins) Harry...(Potter)

Petya, Galya and Fedya:

We understand that those who read a lot know a lot.

Reading is the best teaching!

The book is good and alive.

She works miracles!

He knows about everything in the world!

And he talks to me.

Queen . I appeal to you, comrades children:

There is nothing more useful than books in the world.

Let books come into your home as friends!

Read for the rest of your life, gain your mind!

Appeal from residents of the country of Literature to readers:

I am a book. I am your comrade.

Be careful with me, schoolboy!

My clean look is always nice!

Protect me from stains!

Leave the bad habit:

While browsing, don’t slobber on your fingers!

Cover me up!

Where you found me, return me there.

Don't bend my sheets.

Do you remember about the bookmark?

Remember! I'm your best friend

But not for dirty hands!

The song is the anthem of the country of Literature.(To the tune of the song “Smile”)

(Performed by all participants.)

A book makes a gloomy day brighter.

Different books will be useful to us in life.

So grab the book quickly

And you will be called a reader.

And then, for sure, it’s always in your head

There will be knowledge, and you will strive

After all, you can learn everything from books.

Everyone in this world will become warmer,

If books are close friends.

Take care of the book and be sorry.

This is a faithful friend, he will always be with us!

3. Literary tournament “Through the pages of your favorite books.”

(Conducted by the presenter) Children are divided into teams and come up with team names.

1. Confusion. Read and correct the mixed up book titles.

"The Snow Princess" ("The Snow Queen")

"Ilya Tsarevich and Gray wolf"("Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf")

"The Steadfast Iron Soldier" ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

"The Tale of the Lost Hours" ("The Tale of Lost Time")

“Uncle Petya, dog and cat” (“Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”)

2 . What book is this item from? Who might it belong to?

(Team home preparation)

Each team shows an item, the other teams guess which book it could be in. (For example: a mirror, a golden key, a jar of jam, a seven-flowered flower, a telephone, a samovar, soap, a thermometer, etc.)

3. Collect a proverb about books and reading.

(Children make up a proverb from the scattered words)

Your, life, all, good, friend, book, on

The best, reading, studying, here

Bridge, in, book, knowledge, world

Reads, who, knows, a lot, a lot

4. Literary pantomime.

Teams are invited to portray a literary character of their choice.

Points are counted if the other guys can find out who it is.

5. Seven-flowered flower.

Teams have a set of colored cards. Children must show a card of the color that is in the title of the work.

A. Kuprin “….. poodle” (white)

D. Mamin-Sibiryak “...neck” (gray)

C. Perrault “... beard” (blue); "...cap" (red)

A. Pogorelsky “... chicken, or underground inhabitants"(black)

V. Bianchi “...neck” (orange)

B. Zakhoder “... asterisk” (gray)

G. Gorbovsky “... elephant” (pink)

V. Oseeva “... leaves” (blue)

6. Young poets.

Teams are offered 2 lines from a poem by I. Tokmakova. Children must come up with a continuation.

A stream ran over the pebbles

He ran, he ran, he ran...

4. Summing up the tournament. Rewarding children.

Self-analysis of the event.

The holiday was held in grade 3 and was dedicated to two important calendar dates: March 3 - World Writer's Day and April 2 - International Children's Book Day.

1. Justification of the chosen topic.

Sociologists view reading as “a sensitive, reliable indicator of the state of society.”Only a reading society is a society thinking.

It is obvious to everyone that computers and television have replaced communication with books for many children. More and more often we, teachers, complain that it is growingnon-reading generationand this leads to spiritual poverty of the children, to a decrease general culture, speech culture. This is a very alarming symptom. That's why I think turning to books important means educational work V elementary school. Such forms of work shape children’s reading horizons, reading preferences, reading culture, and the habit of reading regularly and with pleasure.

2. Preliminary preparatory work.

Children are announced in advance about this holiday. They are invited to bring their favorite book to the exhibition and draw an illustration of what they read.

The children are given words to memorize the role in the theatrical performance, and the task is to prepare a costume appropriate for the role. Children are also encouraged to think about

homework for the second competition in the literary tournament. The children are being divided into groups for the tournament.

At this stage, children's independence, activity, and initiative are encouraged.

We also ask parents for help in preparing costumes and recording soundtracks.

3 The purpose of the educational event:

Enrichment spiritual world the child by introducing him into the circle of true literature;

Tasks: 1. cultivate a reading culture in children, a love of reading, careful attitude to books;

2. develop students’ intellectual skills, horizons, and cognitive interest;

3. develop children’s creativity, imagination, and acting talent;

4. develop students’ communication skills.

The holiday is part of a systematic effort to educate children with the help of books. The content of the holiday corresponds to the age characteristics of the children.

4. Self-esteem.

The holiday has become a collective one creative work 3 quarters. I strove to organize business creative cooperation between children. The guys met my expectations. They took the preparation and holding of the holiday responsibly. We rehearsed with enthusiasm and interest, tried on costumes, and proposed new ideas for the script. My parents provided great assistance in preparation.

The assigned tasks were completed. Feedback from students and parents showed that they liked the holiday. The exhibition of books and creative works of children also played an important role. The exhibition and celebration helped attract children who are not interested in reading and do not have books at home to books.

The guys and I decided to organize exhibitions regularly, and also together expand our classroom library.

Of course, all educational problems cannot be solved with one holiday, so I will continue systematic work to solve the assigned problems.

Scenario of the evening “Ball of Literary Heroes”

(A waltz sounds, participants and participants in ballroom dresses enter the hall and take their seats)

Leading: When these sounds tremble,

And the aching bow teases,

With your hands folded on your knees,

I sit down in a forgotten corner.

And a distant blush like dawn

Or the silent speech of bygone days,

I am captivated by the ballroom whirlwind

And the flickering of candles stirs.

ABOUT! How indomitable by anything

Takes you back to your former youth

Up close fluttering by

Young couple whirling!

Monotonous and crazy

Like a young whirlwind of life,

A noisy whirlwind swirls around the waltz;

Couple flashes after couple.

Leading: Good evening, dear guys!

Today we gathered at the ball of literary heroes. It’s a pity that you, children of the 21st century, haven’t seen a real ball. And I really want to find myself in a festive hall, in a light white dress, to catch admiring glances on myself, to listen to the uniform rush of voices and greetings, to find myself in the light and splendor of a cheerful society. Let's travel back to the era of the 19th century and visit the ball of literary heroes.

(Polonaise music sounds, everyone is spinning in a waltz whirlwind)

Leading: The ball has opened

We flew in circles

Young couple after couple,

The clothes glittered with luxury,

And the faces are of fresh beauty.

Leading: And now the hall is full of people:

The music is already tired of thundering:

And all passions at the forefront

Polonaise couples dance.

Leading: We invite our lovely girls and boys, straight from the pages of literary works, to the stage. (8th grade team).

All ages are submissive to love:

But to young, virgin hearts

Her impulses are beneficial,

Like spring storms across the fields

And yet in this whole world

There is no sadder story in the world,

What is the story of Romeo and Juliet...

(Girls read poems about love)

Leading: Music is heard again

The pianist stood up and called the dance

And in front of everyone

I'm coming across the hall to you now

I want to invite you and only you to dance

And of course this Waltz dance

(Everyone is dancing)

Leading: Today at our ball there are heroes of the studied works. Guys, let's guess them:

1. Dika, sad and silent

Like a forest deer is timid,

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger... (Eugene Onegin)

2. She was a very prudent girl. Her mother loved her deeply. And grandma is even bigger. And then one day she went to her grandmother... (“Little Red Riding Hood”)

3. Three inseparable friends are ready to do the most desperate things in the name of love (“The Three Musketeers”)

4. An evil sorcerer whose death is hidden in several nested animals and objects. ("The Frog Princess")

5. Cut in the latest fashion,

How dandy London is dressed-

He's completely French

Could express himself and wrote

I danced the mazurka easily

And bowed casually

And the light decided

That he is smart and very nice. ("Eugene Onegin")

6. She was 17 years old. Black eyes enlivened her dark and very pleasant face. She was an only and spoiled child. (“The Young Lady is a Peasant”)

7. She was round, like a plump, and elastic. Like a ball. She laughed so loudly. She always had these on beautiful dresses, and every day the maid wove a scarlet ribbon into her dark braids. ("Children of the Dungeon")

So we met with literary heroes. We are pleased to note that you have demonstrated good knowledge of the texts of the works. I would like to wish you further success in gaining knowledge of literature. Let books become for you true friends in life!

Leading: Now guys, look at this box. It contains things related to literary heroes. You have to guess who they belonged to.

(the presenter takes out things, students guess)

Presenter: “On literary places.” You must name which writers these places are associated with?

1. Yasnaya Polyana

3. Mikhailovskoye village

4. Spasskoye Lutovinovo

5. Taganrog city

6. The village of Greshnevo on the Volga

7. The village of Konstantinovo in Ryazan

Host: “Find your other half.” In many works main theme is the theme of love. The feeling of love inspired many heroes and inspired them to heroic deeds. In the name of love, heroes performed heroic deeds. But love is not always mutual and happy. It sometimes brings unbearable suffering and pain. Despite this, people do not stop falling in love... Let's remember the loving couples of their works.

1. Romeo and…………..

2. Evgeny Onegin and…………..

3. Vladimir Lensky and……………

4. Master and …………..

5. Pechorin and …………..

6. Grigory Melekhov and …………

7. Petr Grinev and ………………..

8. Vladimir Dubrovsky and …………….

9. Blacksmith Vakula and ………………

10. Evgeny Bazarov and ………………..

Leading: We wish you pure, sublime and strong love. Love and be loved.

The ball continues, “White Dance” sounds for you. Ladies invite gentlemen……..