Scenario of the "new generation" propaganda team. Scenario for the competition of school propaganda teams “for a healthy lifestyle”



Propaganda brigade

on topic:


Prepared by a history teacher

Class teacher of 5th grade:

Romanova V.A.


The law is harsh, but it is the law

Know your rights, and respect others!



familiarize students with the rights of minors (Convention on the Rights of the Child);

promote the formation of adolescents legal culture, universal human values, fostering respect for individual rights and freedoms, self-esteem, justice.


  1. introduce schoolchildren to the main provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in an interesting and entertaining way;

Equipment: presentation, emblems.

Scene 1


There are many states in the world

Adults and children know

I invite you, friends,

To countries you can and cannot

President of the country You can't

We know all the laws

And order is respected


  1. In our country, according to the Convention, children have the right
  2. for life.
  1. for medical care.
  2. for education.
  3. on vacation
  4. on individuality.
  5. express your views freely.
  6. for security and protection.
  7. to be cared for and raised by parents.
  8. to respect human dignity.

(sketch Recess and the right to school love)

President of the country

And we have freedom here

How they want to behave

In chorus

Until we say more

We'd better show you everything

Scene 2

(to the music “3 people come out, dance, go to the bench where the old man is sitting with his grandson or granddaughter)

Old man. Guys, turn the music down. You're stopping me from reading

1 student Grandfather, we have the right to listen to music until 11 pm

Themis And your mother didn’t tell you anything about the rights of other people

2 student . Now we'll ask herBoy, give me your cell phone to call mommy? (the boy hands over his mobile phone.)

It was yours - it became ours.(child covers his face and cries).

Grandfather And what do they only teach you at school?

3 student.

And we don't go to school. We have the right to rest.

Why are you even sitting here? The shop is our property. Get out of here.

Grandfather. Ugliness. Hooligans

Scene 3

1 student here I wouldn't go to school...

2 student Look, it's going to be funny now. (gives mobile phone to heroin)

(everyone laughs)

Scene 4

Together Hurray, there will be no lessons today!

1 student Bored,

Maybe we'll go to the cinema?

2 student. But there are no grandmothers.

3 student Right now they’ll be - There’s grandma coming. Granny, old people can’t carry such heavy bags.

(they snatch grandma’s bag and pull out her wallet)

Grandmother. Guys, return your wallet. My entire pension is there (standing, covering his face, crying)

3 student And we don’t even have a pension...

Scene 5

1 student. We're so cool. everyone fears us, which means they respect us

2 student We can build a monument to us

3 student. Let's write our names on this statue

Scene 5


We ask for help, friends

We can't live like this anymore


Punish the vandals

Detain the hooligans

3 students together Let's run away from here

(they run down the stairs, laugh)(traffic light, policeman - alcohol, doctor - detain them)

Traffic light : Stop, hooligans

1 student We are still children

2 student You have no right to touch us

Doctor Guys, know your rights, but don’t offend others!

3 student : And no one here knows the laws

Policeman: This does not relieve you of responsibility

Don't you dare humiliate anyone.

Don't you dare break the law.

Presidents You can and you can’t!

In chorus (together).

People all over the world

Let's protect human rights!

Scene 6

(Themis comes out)


Countries Can and Can't

Now united

In the new land of Law

We made friends with order.

Two boys raise the sign "Law" -

Traffic light

Do everything without objection

Traffic Laws


The one who protects health

No longer smokes or drinks


After all, drugs and vodka

The path to crime is short


Comrades, adults and children! We are all responsible for the future!

Laws Constitution. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Universal Declaration) - in chorus:

Know your rights and responsibilities

Criminal Code, Traffic Rules, School Charter.

Don't break the rules

Petrova Remember our advice - Let's say to crimes

All in chorus No

Themis, You always speak to Health and laws

All in unison - YES

They sing the song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult”

In chorus Thank you



There are many states in the world

Adults and children know

I invite you, friends,

To countries you can and cannot

President of the country You can't

We know all the laws

And order is respected

  1. President of the country

And we have freedom here

How they want to behave


Until we say more

We'd better show you everything


Heroin . And we don’t even have a pension... (they run down the stairs, laugh)(the traffic light is held by nicotine, the policeman by alcohol, the doctor by heroin)

  1. President of the country Possible (addressing the country Cannot)

We ask for help, friends

We can't live like this anymore

Banish the nicotine

Alcohol and heroin

  1. President of the country You can't

We know all the laws

And order is respected

President of the country

And we have freedom here

How they want to behave


Constitution. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Universal Declaration) - in chorus:

Don't you dare humiliate anyone.

Criminal Code, Traffic Rules. School charter.

Don't you dare break the law

People all over the world

Let's protect human rights!

Right to life.

The right to a name at birth.

Right to medical care.

Right to education.

The right to rest and leisure.

The right to individuality.

The law is harsh, but it is the law

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

To be free you must obey the laws

“There are no rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights.”

Know your rights, and respect others!

Scene 5

The State of Possible and Impossible were constantly at odds with each other. And then one day the State of Possible captured half of the State of No and established its own rules there. It's not hard to guess what started here. In the former state, permissiveness could no longer flourish. Gradually the state of Mozhno fell into decay.

Guys, what should we do?

How to find a way out of this situation?

Now listen, what decision did the states come to?

4. Pyzhyanova Sveta

The rulers of the two states deliberated for a long time and came to the decision to unite and create a new state of Law. Order was established in the state, and all the inhabitants of this country became happy and satisfied.


Why do you think the country of Law became prosperous i.e. the best?

Answer: order was established in the country of Law, i.e. residents began to live according to laws. They began to respect the rights of other people and fulfill their responsibilities.

All in unison

Comrades, adults and children!

We are all responsible for the future!

Know your rights and responsibilities

And don't break the law

In our stormy 21st century,

Be a human being!

All in unison

Comrades, adults and children!

We are all responsible for the future!

Know your rights and responsibilities

And don't break the law

In our stormy 21st century,

Be a human being!

There are many countries in the world,

Everyone knows this.

Who, tell me, in these countries

The most-most important?

Don't rush, don't try

Give an answer in one moment.

There are many main ones - choose

There is a king, here is a president!!!


About kings and leaders

We know from the cradle.

But more important, more necessary, more important

For the country - a child!

Who will he become tomorrow?

Small and delicate?

Teacher and students together:

The whole Earth has his rights -

The right to hope!

Teacher: We have prepared the Code of a worthy citizen.

Students: I am a child of Nature and the master of Nature, so I...

1 student: I love the sky, stars, sea and earth; I rejoice in the salt lick, rain, snow and wind.

Student 2: I hope to plant and grow at least one tree.

3 student: I am responsible for nature along with all humanity. I am a mind bearer, so I...

Student 1: I don’t take thoughtless actions.

Student 2: I am responsible for everything that happens to me.

Student 3: I try to resist unreasonable and base influences. I value life and that's why I...

Student 1: I feel sorry for all those who feel bad and who are offended.

Student 2: I'm helping.

Student 3: I am responsible and take care of my health. I'm among other people without whom my life has no meaning, so I...

Student 1: I realize that I am a human.

Student 2: I hear, understand, accept and perceive another person.

Student 3: I respect the right to make mistakes and do not make offensive comparisons. I am a creator and I assert myself through my work, so I...

1 student: I strive to study well.

Student 2: I will choose my profession seriously and thoroughly.

3 student: I will plant a tree, build a house, raise children. I have inner world, soul, I try to be interesting to people, that's why I...

1 student. I recognize and respect the dissimilarity of each person and I myself have the courage not to be like everyone else.

Student 2: I don’t allow myself to be offended, humiliated, or suppressed.

Student 3: I have a conscience, and it hurts when I do unworthy things. I am a citizen of my Fatherland, my country, therefore I...

1 student: I study the past, I am interested in the present of my Motherland, I am concerned about the future of my country.

2nd student: If the need arises, I will defend my Fatherland to the best of my ability.

3rd student: I am proud of my Motherland and in the future I will try to improve the life of my people with my work, my life.


Comrades, adults and children!

We are all responsible for our future!

Know all your rights and responsibilities,

You, adults, be! And you, children!

Grow up to be good people!

Your rights are in your hands! All the best to everyone!

Now we will give each of the guests a “heart”, where the wise thoughts of worthy people about life, law, rights, conscience and humanism are written down.


For everyone who likes to take a walk,

Everyone without exception -

You need to remember, you need to know the traffic rules

“There are no rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights.”

“They don’t just walk around the city, down the street.

When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.

Be attentive at all times and remember in advance:

The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.”

What children even know

Let's confirm for clarity;

The traffic light is on guard

Our safety

2nd participant.

Pedestrian! Pedestrian!

Remember about the transition!

Underground, above ground,


Know that only a transition

It will save you from cars.

(All participants sing a song to the melody “Yellow Leaves”)


We can't live in this world

We can't live in this world

No roads, no roads

But walking on them without rules,

You couldn't

You couldn't


The signs we need always help us

They always save people from trouble

And without signs it’s dangerous for us to be

Anything can happen on the road - 2 times

All participants:

We want everyone to laugh.

So that dreams always come true

So that children know all the traffic rules

May the journey be good to everyone without exception!

The Convention has 54 articles. Let's get to know some of them.

Slide No. 4 (on students’ desks)

List with inscriptions of the rights of the child:

Article 38. Children under 15 years of age must not participate in hostilities.

Article 40. The right to humane treatment of children if they violate the law.

Right to life.

The right to a name at birth.

Right to medical care.

Right to education.

The right to rest and leisure.

The right to individuality.

The right to freely express one's views.

The right to special protection and protection.

The right to care and education by parents.

Right to comprehensive development and respect for human dignity.

The right to protection of one’s rights and legitimate interests by parents.

Right to privacy, family life, inviolability of home, secrecy of correspondence.

Let's talk about the Convention of the Rights of the Child in a playful way.

Commander: - Vasya, you are on duty today, please stay and wash the board and water the flowers.

Vasya: - Sashka, you have no right! The Children's Convention prohibits child labor.

Vanya: -Vika, I washed and washed the board, and you painted it!

Vika: - Well, what's wrong with that! I have the right to do what I love!

Maria Stepanovna: Vanya, you’re not ready for computer science just like Monday!

Vanya: -Yesterday was Sunday. I have every right to rest.

First grader (addressing the “teacher”): - Your student, this one, offended me.

Teacher: -Calm down, don’t cry. Tell me what's wrong.

First grader: - He tripped me up.

Seryozha: - And he has no right to humiliate my dignity by showing me faces.

Conclusion: What did the children learn well?

Show on the “magic line” how each group managed

exercise the right to express their opinion (“analysts” of each

groups celebrate the success of their analysis group and the Competition program


Slide number 5

1. The rights of the child are guaranteed and depend primarily on:

1) from the child himself;

2) from his parents;

3) from the state.

Slide number 6

2. The right to choose occupations and associations is:

1) for everyone;

2) only for adults;

3) among school students.

Slide number 7

3. Every child has the right to freedom of religion if:

1) his parents agree with this;

2) it does not harm the state;

3) it does not harm the honor and dignity of other members of society.

Slide number 8

4. The right to choose one of the parents to live together is given to the child upon reaching the age of:

1) 8 years;

2) 10 years;

3) 12 years;

4) 16 years old.

Slide number 9

5. The apartment belongs to the father of a seven-year-old child. During the divorce, the child lived with his mother in another apartment. Does he have the right to his father's housing?

1) no, if the father objects;

2) yes, upon reaching the age of 16;

3) yes, if the mother does not object;

4) children have the right to residential premises, which are occupied by the owner of the property.

Slide number 10

6. The child’s father went missing and was declared dead by the court. Does the child have the right to inheritance?

1) yes, but only from the age of 16;

2) no;

3) has the right;

4) the Law on the Rights of the Child does not address this issue.

Slide number 11

7. The class teacher categorically tells the student: “You live in another microdistrict, please pick up your documents and go to the school that is located next to your house. Is she right?

1) yes, if the student does poorly;

2) yes, if the student behaves badly;

3) no, if education in schools is in different languages;

4) no, because every child has the right to choose an educational institution.

COMPETITION No. 1 Quiz “Rights of literary heroes”

Slide number 12 - 19 Rights of literary heroes

1. In which fairy tales are the rights to personal integrity, life and freedom violated?

ANSWER - “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Swan Geese”

2. Which one literary hero could complain that his right to the inviolability of his home was violated?

ANSWER - “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Three Little Pigs”

3. In which fairy tale is a person’s right to own his property violated?

ANSWER - “The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”

4. In which fairy tale does the heroine neglect her duties, and because of this a lot of trouble happens.

ANSWER - “Geese-swans”

5. In which fairy tale is the right that every person, no matter where he is, should be protected by law, violated?

ANSWER - “Aibolit”

6. In which fairy tale was the right to marry and start a family violated, regardless of one’s race, nationality and religion?

ANSWER - “By pike command, according to my desire"

7. In which fairy tale are the rights protecting motherhood and childhood violated?

ANSWER - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

8. In what fairy tale main character refused to exercise his right to education?

ANSWER – “The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio”

Slide No. 12-19 - answers to quiz questions

COMPETITION No. 2 - Crossword puzzle

Slide number 20



(On the crossword slide, teams receive the same crossword puzzle on pieces of paper. Time to solve the crossword puzzle is 3-4 minutes. Check on the slide.)

Slide number 21

Crossword answers:


Slide number 22

Situation 1.

A sixteen-year-old teenager came to apply for a job. An employment contract is drawn up with him, and a day for going to work is set.

Question. Does a minor have the right to work?

At what age can a minor be employed?

(from 16 years old: on special occasions from 14 years old)

Answer. Yes. A minor, from the age of 16, can be recognized as fully capable if he works under an employment agreement or contract. However, parents are not responsible for it. Art. 63 TK.

Question. Name the necessary conditions for hiring a 14-year-old teenager: a) reaching the age of 14:

b) consent of at least one parent:

c) doing work only in free time from school.

Slide number 23

Situation 2.

On the street, sixteen-year-old boys pester passers-by, disturbing public order and tranquility.

Question. How do you evaluate these actions and can these teenagers be punished?

Answer: Yes. This is regarded as petty hooliganism (Article 158). Obscene language in public places, offensive behavior towards passers-by and other actions that violate the order and tranquility of citizens is petty hooliganism, and is punishable by a fine of up to one minimum wage; in case of repeated violation - registration with the PDN.

Question. At what age does administrative responsibility begin? (from 16 years old)

Question. At what age does criminal responsibility begin? (from 14 years old)

Slide number 24

Situation 3.

Several schoolchildren climbed into the garage, but without taking or doing anything, they left. Someone saw them and told the police about it.

Answer: There will be no punishment: there was a voluntary renunciation of the crime (Article 31 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

CREATIVE COMPETITION No. 4 “Draw an article”

Assignment: select and draw one of the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Slide number 25

COMPETITION No. 4 Cover sketch (collage)

Sketch the cover of an important document you came across today. To do this, remember which organization adopted it? When? What is the name of the document? When the teams have prepared their sketches, the cover of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is shown on the slide.

Today we talked a lot about children's rights. Do children know how to exercise their rights? Just recently I was visiting my friend. She has twin sons, 6th grade students. According to civic vision, they were just studying their rights. And so a friend began to complain to me about them: “My children have become too literate.” The following dialogues are heard in the house:

Go to the bakery for bread!

You have no right to exploit a child.

Wash the dishes!

You have no right to use child labor.

Wash your hands!

This is personal violence!

Turn off the TV and sit down to study, otherwise I will spank you.

This is a manifestation of cruelty.

This is such a mess, a real mess.

When we say that every person has rights, we also say that every person has a responsibility to respect the rights of others.

Every right has a corresponding duty.

Slide No. 26 Let us pay attention to the words of Karl Marx - “There are no rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights.”

Our summary: every child has not only rights, but also responsibilities to society.

What right do you enjoy now when sitting at your desks at school?

It is this right - the right to education - that allowed you to become acquainted with the rights of the child.


Thanks for the work!

Three Comrades (Kurdish fairy tale)

Night overtook the three comrades, and they decided to go to the nearest village. We knocked on the first house we came across. Their owner greeted them cordially, but he could not understand which of them was the eldest.

I asked one:

Tell me, how are you related to each other and which of you is the eldest?

“These two are donkeys,” the guest replied, “they are not supposed to sit next to me.”

After some time, the owner asked the second guest:

Please tell me which of you is the eldest, so that I can give him the gift he deserves.

The footprint of my foot is more valuable than their heads,” answered the guest. - They are dogs.

Finally the owner called a third:

Dear, can you tell me who your elder is, I would like to talk.

Both of them are smarter than me and both are older for me. You can talk to any of them.

The owner liked this answer:

My dear guest, I'm sorry that I delayed you, but now I ask you to sit down at the table.

And the master ordered his servants:

Set three tables. Place hay on one table, bones on another, and everything that is required for the dear guest on the third.

The guests were surprised. And the owner says:

Eat, dear guests, don’t be shy. Who you introduced yourself to be is what you were given...

The conclusion is simple: treat people the way you want to be treated.

And one more thing: the main right of every person to remain human under all circumstances.



1. According to the convention, it is every human being until he reaches the age of 18.

2. With the consent of the parents, a teenager from the age of 16 can engage in ... activities.

3. To complete a secondary education, how many classes must each person complete?

4. From the age of 17, each young man is required to register......registered.


1. At what age does criminal liability for especially serious crimes begin?

2. From the age of 14, in free time from school and with the consent of the parents, a teenager has the right...... no more than 4 hours a day.

A shortened list of children's rights

(adapted from the Convention on the Rights of the Child)

Article 1. A child is every human being under 18 years of age.

Article 2. All children have equal rights regardless of nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs.

Article 6. Right to life, survival and free development.

Article 8. The right to preserve one's individuality.

Article 9. Right to communicate with both parents.

Article 11. The right to take measures to combat the illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad.

Articles 12 and 13. The right to freely express one's views and opinions.

Article 14. The right to profess any religion.

Article 15. Right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly.

Article 16. The right to protection from attacks on privacy, confidentiality of correspondence, honor and reputation.

Article 17. Right of access to information.

Article 19. Right to protection from all forms of violence.

Article 23. Every child, even a handicapped one, must lead a full-fledged and decent life in conditions that ensure his dignity.

Article 27. Right to a decent standard of living.

Article 28. Right to education.

Article 31. Right to rest and leisure.

Article 32. Right to protection from economic exploitation and performance of life-threatening work.

Article 37. Right to protection from cruel treatment.

Article 38. Children under 15 years of age

must not take part in hostilities.

Article 40. Right to humane treatment of children

when they violate the law.

You need to obey without arguing

Guard's instructions

Need traffic rules

Carry out without objection

And then you guys

Will never arise

No accidents, no bruises,

Not a terrible disaster

The law is harsh, but it is the law

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

To be free you must obey the laws

“There are no rights without responsibilities, no responsibilities without rights.”

Know your rights, and respect others!

Childhood should be given the greatest respect."



  1. to introduce primary schoolchildren to the main provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in an interesting and entertaining way;
  2. help children understand their rights and responsibilities in society;
  3. form a civic position;
  4. teach conflict-free discussion and the ability to work harmoniously in a team;
  5. develop cognitive, creative, communicative activity of children;
  6. cultivate a sense of justice and responsibility towards others.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, graphic projector, presentation, scoreboard with sectors, emblems.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Creating an emotional background.

The song by V. Shainsky “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting.”

– Guys, I’m very glad to see your kind faces and radiant eyes. Let's work together today to give a piece of our good mood to each other.

After listening to V. Shainsky’s song, you will probably agree that everything that is unknown is terribly interesting.

2. Introduction of new material.

So, a long time ago, thousands of years ago, as you know, people appeared on Earth. At the same time, the main questions appeared:

What can people do and what can't they do?

What are they obligated to do and what are they not obligated to do?

What are they entitled to and what are they not entitled to?

Without a clear answer to these questions, life turned into a complete nightmare and confusion.

In the end, people managed to solve the Essential Questions, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born.

Every person has rights. Therefore, the child also has rights. But the child is less able to defend himself. Therefore, over time, people realized that the child needed special protection and care. And in 1989, an international legal document was adopted. It contains the fundamental rights of children, as well as the responsibilities of those responsible for upholding children's rights.

- Who guessed what this document is called? (Convention on the Rights of the Child)

- Who created this document? (UN)

The United Nations (UN), an international organization founded in 1945, is headquartered in New York. The UN was created by the victorious Allied powers after the end of World War II. Its mission: maintaining world peace, developing good relations between countries, developing cooperation in solving world problems and promoting respect for human rights.

So guys, as I said earlier, on November 20, 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, which is necessarily implemented by those states that signed this treaty. And today I would like to introduce you to the main provisions of this document.

In preparation for our meeting with you, I wrote the texts of the main articles in advance so that you could get acquainted with them. But someone played with us cruel joke and added one more article each, but with my own text. It turns out that now there are two articles on the screen: “correct” and “incorrect”. Help me solve this problem and leave only the right articles.

3. Work in groups.

To solve this problem, you split into two teams. Each team will have its own name. Try to decipher what kind of organization you are. Which Organization will begin work first will be decided by lot.

Your task: after reading both options and time to think, you need to give an answer. If the answer is correct, then a card with your logo is inserted into the scoreboard; if the answer is incorrect, the right to answer is given to the next organization. The team that occupies as many sectors as possible on the scoreboard will win.

Teacher.The right to restore the fundamental provisions of the Convention is granted...

Texts of articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Every child has the right to everything set out in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, regardless of the wealth or poverty of his parents, the color of his skin, religious, political or other beliefs.


Everything that is set out in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child can only be counted on by:

a) excellent students;

b) children with dark color skin;

c) children who love milk with foam.


Every child from the day of his birth has the right to be a citizen of his own country and the right to his own name.


All children are born the same, so there is no need to give them names. Children should address each other by nicknames and nicknames. Citizenship, as having no meaning, is abolished.


Every child has the right to decent health care, decent housing, food and entertainment.


Only children of doctors have the right to decent medical care. For decent housing - the children of builders. For good food - children of chefs.


Every child and his parents have the right to special care from the state to protect their health.


The state must take care of healthy people. Everyone else must heal themselves.


Every child with physical or mental disabilities has the right to care, special education and medical care.


A child with physical or mental disabilities must take care of himself.


No minor child may be separated from his parents, except in exceptional cases.


A child must be separated from his parents if they:

a) prohibit him from watching television around the clock;

b) check the diary regularly;

c) forced to eat porridge.


Every child has the right to free and compulsory secondary school education.


Every child has the right to free and compulsory education via television. The only compulsory subjects are singing and physical education.


Education, games and entertainment should help a child become a cultured person. The state and, first of all, the child’s parents should take care of this.


Education, games and entertainment should help a child grow up healthy and strong. You don't have to be cultured.


Every child has the right, under any circumstances, to receive protection and assistance as a matter of priority.


Every child who is the first to run to the place of receiving protection and help is the first to receive it. Everyone else gets a slap on the head.


No child can be sold or bought.


No child can be sold or bought, but can be replaced with a more obedient and polite one.


In no case should a child engage in labor beyond his age and be involved in work and activities that are harmful to his health, mental and physical development.


In no case should a child help his parents with housework, cleaning the apartment, at his desk, etc., since this is work that is beyond his age. Reading interesting and useful books and doing homework are harmful to the health, mental and physical development of the child.


Every child should develop a sense of friendship and mutual understanding between all peoples of the Earth.


Every child should develop a sense of friendship and mutual understanding in relation to the peoples familiar to him. And you need to fight with unfamiliar peoples.

Let's summarize.

The right to voice the main provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is granted to the winning team.

4. Feedback.

- Guys, in my opinion, you have become quite seriously familiar with the rights of the child. As a test of the level of this knowledge, I propose to complete several tasks together.

1) for the task “A fairy tale is a lie...”

You must guess which episode is from which fairy tale in the illustration and explain what rights of the child were violated here.

Remember A. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. There are these words:

They put me in a barrel with my son,

They tarred and drove away

And they let me into Okiyan -

This is what Tsar Saltan ordered.

But in reality, who treated the newborn and his mother so cruelly?

What right was violated?

The main right of every person is the right to life, and little man– the child also has the right to live.

But they didn’t always think so. In ancient times there was such a state -Sparta, which was famous for its invincible warriors: strong, healthy, hardy. And in this state, every newborn boy was examined and decided: if he is strong and healthy, let him live. And if he was born weak, sick, throw him off a cliff! But a weak child, if he trains, can grow up very strong, he can become a great scientist or a talented artist. The sick need to be treated, the weak need to be helped. Each country, it saysConvention,must take care of newborns, help their mothers, build hospitals and clinics where good doctors will save and cure the little one if he is sick.

In "The Tale of dead princess» A.S. Pushkin has the following lines expressing the order:

Take the Princess into the wilderness of the forest,
And, having tied her up alive,
Leave it there under the pine tree
To be devoured by the wolves!

What was the Princess so guilty of, who and for what actions could punish a child so cruelly?

No one ever dares to insult and torture a child.

It turns out that there are still people who are ready to tease and offend children because they are of a different nationality, religion, or skin color. There are also teachers who cruelly punish for every prank, disobedience, or simply beat, using their strength. Each state having signedConvention, promises to protect his little citizen and punish those who abuse children.

2. Game "Palms".

One of the articles says that education, games and entertainment should help a child become a cultured person. The state and, first of all, the child’s parents should take care of this.

But you will agree that a cultured person is one who has many good qualities. But each of us also has bad qualities that we need to get rid of. Children trace their hand. They write their good qualities on their fingers, and on their palm is the quality that they would like to get rid of, for which they are ashamed.

- After this, the children name good qualities. It's great that you have so many good qualities. And what is written on your palm, you will make every effort to get rid of them.

5. Summary of the lesson.

- Guys, we talked a lot today about rights. Where there are rights, there are always responsibilities. And the older you get, the more responsibilities you will have. You can get acquainted with your responsibilities in the brochure that I will give you.


1) What international document secures and protects the rights of the child?

(Convention on the Rights of the Child)

2) Which organization adopted this document? (UN)

3) What right did you exercise at this event? (The right to education.)


  1. S.V. Kopylova “Human Rights. The child and his rights"
  2. Convention on the Rights of the Child
  3. Constitution of the Russian Federation

Extracurricular activity "Journey to the land of rights"

Fominykh Maria Anatolyevna, Deputy Director

Age of participants: 8-11 grades.

Goal: to familiarize teenagers with the basics of Russian legislation, as well as analyze typical offenses among minors, find out the cause of these offenses and indicate ways of behavior in critical situations.

Visual aids: selected articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, illustrations to the articles; markers; sheets of paper; collections of codes.

To play the game, two teams are formed. Each team has 5-6 people. The remaining participants in the game make up the support group or reserve teams.


Host: Today we will go on a journey through the Land of Rights. Two teams will take part in our journey. (The teams are introduced, the participants take their places).

Presenter: A competent jury will evaluate the performances of our teams. (Members of the jury introduce themselves.)

First station. "Understand me"

The teams line up in a row. The presenter calls the captains one of the typical legal terms. The captain explains the term to the player standing next, using facial expressions, gestures, without words. So, in turn, each player learns the legal term, and as a result, the jury compares the legal term itself and the answer of the last player. 1 point for the correct answer.

Terms that can be used: right, child, freedom, law, leader, president, elections, constitution.

Second station. "Interesting pictures"

Host: Now we will find out whether our teams know how to work with legal documents. So, dear players, on your tables there are three pictures and some articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. You need to determine which article goes with each of the pictures and report your decision. You have three minutes. 1 point for the correct answer.

Third station. "Who's right and who's wrong"

Host: Now I will give each team an envelope containing 2 situations. You will be given time to discuss each of them and figure out who is right and who is wrong. You have five minutes. 1 point for a correct, well-founded answer.

Situation 1. A teenager, late for work, runs into the workshop. The boss reprimands him. The teenager snaps: “Well, just think. Nothing will happen anyway!”

Question: Is he right?

Answer: Art. 192 of the Labor Code states that for violation of labor discipline the administration applies the following penalties: 1) reprimand; 2) reprimand; 3) severe reprimand; 4) dismissal.

Situation 2. Oleg, who is 10 years old, brags to a friend: “I’m only 10 years old, but I’m already earning money, I have pocket money. And my friend Seryoga is also involved in entrepreneurial activities and has a considerable income. Just don’t be lazy!”

Question: do Oleg, 10 years old, and Sergey, 17 years old, have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity?

Answer: With the consent of the parents, a teenager from the age of 16 can engage in entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, parents are responsible for it (Article 27 of the Civil Code); children from 6 to 14 years old can independently carry out only small household transactions (without money). Parents do everything else for them and are responsible for their children’s transactions (Article 28 of the Civil Code).

Situation 3. A teenager is 16 years old, he came to get a job. An employment contract is drawn up with him, and a day for going to work is set.

Question: Does a minor have the right to work?

Answer: Yes. A minor over the age of 16 can be recognized as fully capable if he works under an employment agreement or contract. At the same time, parents do not bear responsibility for it (Article 63 of the Labor Code).

Situation 4. Several schoolchildren climbed into the garage, but without taking or doing anything, they left. Someone saw them and told the police about it.

Question: Will the guys be punished?

Answer: There will be no punishment: there was a voluntary renunciation of the crime (Article 31 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

Fourth station. "Literary"

Presenter: Each team will receive objects, pictures or names of objects. You need to guess which hero they belong to.

1 – cane, pipe, violin, magnifying glass. (Sherlock Holmes)

2 – bowler hat, vest, cane. (Hercule Poirot)

1 – tablet, cap. (Aniskin)

2 – bowler hat, cane, gloves, travel bag. (Dr. Watson)

Fifth station. "Song"

Presenter: A song is played for each team. Players must say what rights it refers to.

"Song Bremen Town Musicians"(right to freedom of movement, peaceful assembly).

“What they teach in school” (right to education).

“How far progress has come” from the film “Adventures of Electronics” (the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological progress).

“On a steep bank” from the film “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” (right to rest).

Sixth station. "My rights"

Presenter: The teams are given a list of possible human rights and freedoms.

Assignment: Determine what rights children and adolescents enjoy in accordance with Russian legislation. The task is given 2 minutes. Points are calculated based on the number of correct answers.

List of rights:

Right to life.

Right to a name.

Right to citizenship.

No discrimination.

The right to freedom of conscience and religious beliefs.

The right to live with parents.

Right to work.

The right to rest.

The right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly.

The right to protection of life and health.

Right to education.

The right to freedom from slavery.

Right to housing.

Freedom of speech.

Right to information.

The right to enjoy cultural achievements.

The right to elect and be elected to bodies state power and local government.

The right to make requests, appeals and proposals to any government body.

The right to start a family.

The right to participate in scientific, technical and artistic creativity.

The jury members sum up the results and award the winners.

Host: Our game has come to an end. We hope and sincerely wish that your life will have as few legal problems as possible.

Scenario for presentation of the school club "Teenager and the Law"

Tretyakov Nikolay Valerievich, history teacher

The article belongs to the section: Extracurricular activities

Participants: members of the “Teenager and the Law” club

Performance time is 5-7 minutes.

Music from the film is playing. “The investigation is being conducted by experts”

The guys come out to the music and bring out the decorations: a table, three chairs, books, a sign “Club Teenager and the Law.” Four guys remain on stage (Marina, Sergey, Lyuba) and the presenter.

The student comes out.

Student (Lesha):

There's an hour before class, what should I do now?

Let's read the announcements,

Club “Teenager and the Law”.

Invites all the guys

Visit this club.


The guys are sitting at the table

Who reads, who is silent,

Emotionally two people argue

The work is really in full swing here.


Lyosha approached the group

And he interrupted their arguments.


I want to contact you about the law.

Club member (Sergey):

You guy explain to us, in order, clearly,


Tell me, is there such a law “On the rights of the child”,

Club member (Lena):

Responsibilities and rights, you should know

Like twice is two.

In our turbulent 21st century, cultural,

A sane person should comprehend

Why has he been living on Earth for a long time?

Let's imagine you are growing...

You start studying at the age of six

Let's say you graduate from the Lyceum,

There are a hundred paths before you

And right, what should you do?

You can choose to try.


We argued with the guys many times,

After all, there is a law to support us.

Hey, Arthur and Marina, come here...

Two students come out.

The question is - how to protect your rights?


Yes, there are many ways: mutual assistance, self-defense, negotiations, turning to teachers... many examples can be given here, but the bell is coming soon, we have to go.


Now, explain what freedom is?

In our lyceum and for the people.

Club member (Lena):

Rivkin makes us understand that a Free world is one in which when you feel good, no one bothers you, and when you feel bad, no one interferes.


Now, I am a person, right?


Yes! After all, you and I should all have a psychological space in which we are our own masters.

As Schwebel said: “The greater the personality, the greater the sphere of the personal.”

Club member (Lyuba), junior high school student:

I was listening to all of you here,

About laws and rights,

Responsibilities at school

And much more.

It’s impossible to count everything here

Is there a right to rest in their books?

You forgot to say about respect,

So that children do not be rude to their parents,

Teachers were respected by all

And they didn’t interfere in class,


Yes, there has been an accumulation of unsolvable problems,

Difficulties must be solved together

Analyze, collect thoughts,

Put forward new ideas

Help each other with something.


But, interestingly, a question for you guys, where is the line between poor and rich?


Nekrasov in his poem,

Gives us an explanation at the end.


Rushing to a party along a dirty street,

Yesterday I was amazed by the ugly scene,

The merchant from whom the kalach was stolen,

Shuddering and turning pale, he suddenly began howling and crying.

And rushing from the tray, he shouted: “Stop the thief,”

And the thief was surrounded and stopped soon.

The bitten roll trembled in his hand,

He had no boots and a frock coat with holes.

The face showed a trace of a recent illness,

Shame, despair, prayer and fear.

A policeman came and sometimes called,

Point by point, the interrogation was extremely strict,

And the thief was solemnly led into the quarter.

I shouted to the coachman: “Go on your way…”

And he hastened to offer prayers to God

Because I have a hereditary one.

The presenter reads the text, and the guys act out a skit based on the text of the poem.

So why did he steal?


Why, he was starving.


So how can you improve your life, guys?

Where there will be no rich and poor.


There must be some kind of law

The law is that a person should always be full.


I won't answer your question,

But I can only give advice.


Alger once gave advice,

Now I remember the lines:

We give advice in buckets and receive it in drops.


Yes, guys, there are unsolved problems

There is still a lot

There are even more laws, you need to know them,

And constantly, throughout life

Observe these laws.


We read a lot of interesting books,

About our culture, about our morals,

And I want to tell the guys everything

What did the club manage to find out today?

Feel free to come to our club!

Introduce new laws.

Those who want to argue about everything

We are looking forward to it at the club!

The guys sing the final song. Music from the film. “The investigation is being conducted by experts.”


Our life is sometimes dangerous and difficult,

And studying always helps us,

If “Society” is carefully taught,

Rules, laws,

Then you can always protect yourself,

To achieve what is right, to win an argument,

Knowledge will help.

If you get into trouble in life,

Remember those who are constantly on duty.

After all, they will help us not to lose heart,

Everyone knows this.

Everyone must be aware and understand

Do not get lost in difficult times and trust

To those who help.

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Intellectual marathon "Experts of Law"

Bazan Tatyana Aleksandrovna, social teacher

The article belongs to the section: Extracurricular activities, Social pedagogy


formation of the legal culture of the younger generation; legal knowledge systems;

developing the ability to determine one’s personal position;

raising children respectful attitude to the history of your country and your people

Progress of the game

I. Organizational moment:

presentation of teams (students of grades 8-11, parents), jury (history teachers, school director).

II. Leader's word

“Whoever decides to study all the laws will not have time to break them.”

I.V. Goethe

Even in ancient times, people had a need to defend their rights. Right ancient man conquered by force, the weak had no rights. It was not so quickly that people realized that the state could be a strong protector. What rights can a person have? How can a person be protected? This is what we will talk about today at our game.

Two teams take part in the intellectual marathon “Experts of Law”: “Clever” and “Desperate”. Greet each other. 4 nominations will be offered to your attention: “Symbols of Russia”, “Children’s Rights”, “About the Passport” and “Law”. The first to choose a nomination will be the team that correctly continues the proverb: “Better the bitter truth than... (a beautiful lie)”, “Don’t consider someone who has fallen... (as lost).” The time to answer the question is 30 seconds. We wish you good luck.


The tradition of the tricolor flag came from Peter I. Since 1918, the flag of our country has been red. When did the Russian National Flag become tricolor again?

What does the word "coat of arms" mean?

In Rus', long before the adoption of Christianity, in addition to the double-headed eagle, there was another symbol on the coat of arms. His image is still present on Russian coat of arms. What are we talking about?

What do the two heads of the coat of arms symbolize?

Three crowns, a scepter and an orb were the attributes of the monarch’s power. What is their significance on the modern coat of arms?

When do we celebrate National Flag Day?

When did a single national flag first appear in Rus'?

From which country did the double-headed eagle come to Muscovite Rus' and why?

What is the name of the science that establishes and studies the rules for drawing up designs on coats of arms?


The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN in 1989. When was it ratified in our country?

Is there a privacy law and does it apply to children?

What basic rights do you have as students?

Who is responsible for obtaining secondary education – parents or school?

For what offenses can they be expelled from school, and at what age?

At what age can you be held administratively liable?

What international documents on children's rights do you know?

What labor rights are guaranteed to a child?

In addition to rights, do schoolchildren have responsibilities?

In what year was the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted?


How many pages are there in a passport?

From what age is a passport valid indefinitely?

What is written on the first page of the passport?

On which page is the personal signature of the passport holder placed?

What information is on the page next to the photo?

How many pages of the passport have the number on it?

In what cases is a passport required?

What notes can be made in the passport by health care institutions at the request of a citizen?

Is a note about the citizen’s religion made in the passport?

Does the passport indicate nationality?


Who currently holds the post of Prime Minister?

Who is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

Legislative power in the Russian Federation belongs to parliament. What is it called and what chambers does it consist of?

This normative act is adopted by the highest government body. What kind of act is this?

When laws are broken, a form of liability inevitably arises. What type of liability will occur if an offense is committed? What document defines it?

What is a crime? How is it different from a crime?

Teenagers aged 12 and 13 brutally beat their friend. What action will be taken against them? At what age does criminal responsibility begin?

It's no secret that it is very common in lately An offense among teenagers is extortion of money. What code determines the punishment for it, and what?

Another scourge among young people: the use of obscene language and “strong” expressions.” What is this - an offense or a crime? And is there any punishment for it?

Very often, offenders and criminals say in their defense that they did not know what would happen to them for this, i.e. didn't know the law. Is punishment applied to them in this case?



Erudite help


In 1991 On August 22, 1991, during the days of the putsch of the State Emergency Committee, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted a resolution “On the official recognition and use of the national flag of the RSFSR.” But from a legal point of view, the returned white-blue-red flag was not official. Until December 25, 1991, the country was called the RSFSR, and the 1954 flag was retained.

On April 21, 1992, the Sixth Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation adopted a law amending the Constitution. Article 181 began to sound like this: “The state flag of the RSFSR is a rectangular panel with equal horizontal stripes: the top stripe white, the middle one is azure and the bottom one is scarlet. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1:2.”

By Decree of President B.N. Yeltsin dated December 11, 1993, the Regulations on the State Flag of the Russian Federation were approved. The decree clarified the proportions of the flag; they became equal not 1:2, but 2:3, which was more consistent with the pre-revolutionary Russian flag. Colors began to be called by more familiar words: white, blue, red.

Coat of arms is a word of Polish (herb) and German (erbe) origin. Literally translated as “inheritance.” IN " Explanatory dictionary Russian language" by S.I. Ozhegov, the word "coat of arms" is defined as "the emblem of a state, city, class, clan, depicted on flags, coins, seals, state and other documents."

A horseman slaying a dragon with a spear. This traditional image for Rus' has been known since the 18th century. The fighting horseman was called the Rider. It is interpreted as generalized image defender of the Russian land and fights with the dragon (serpent) - the personification of evil. Later, in early XVIII century, through the efforts of the church, Ezdets turned into St. George the Victorious. Before the reform of 1543, the horseman was also depicted on Russian coins (they received the name “kopecks” from the spear with which the horseman kills the dragon).

The double-headed eagle is a symbol of the eternity of Russia, a symbol of the preservation of the Orthodox faith among the Russian people. Two eagle heads remind of historical fate Russia, connecting East and West, speaks of the dual unity of Europe and Asia.

In the eagle's paws are a scepter and an orb. The authors of the coat of arms attached the importance of protecting the sovereignty and integrity of the state to these monarchical attributes. The three crowns represent the three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial.

On August 20, 1994, B. Yeltsin, by his Decree, decided to consider the day August 21 national holiday– Russian Flag Day.

On January 20, 1705, by personal decree of Peter I, a white-blue-red flag was introduced. Peter I used the white-blue-red flag with a golden double-headed eagle in the center “as the flag of the Tsar of Moscow” since 1693. At first it was a military flag, but in 1705, by his decree, Peter I granted it to the merchant fleet and all commercial ships sailing along the Moscow River, Volga and Dvina.

Historians put forward two versions of his “coming to Rus'”. Supporters of the Byzantine version associate the appearance of the eagle with the marriage of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III to the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine VII - Sophia Paleologus. Before this, the double-headed eagle was the coat of arms of the Byzantine Empire. Supporters of the imperial version see in the double-headed eagle of Ivan III an imitation of the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Emperor. Thus, Ivan III wanted to liken his power to the greatness of the emperor of this power.


Words by S.V. Mikhalkov, music by A.V. Alexandrova


The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by resolution 44/25 of the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, and on September 2, 1990, after ratification by 20 states, the Convention entered into force.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted at the third session of the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948). Article No. 3 states: Every person has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Children and adults have the same rights.

The rights of the child are a set of children’s rights enshrined in international documents on the rights of the child. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is a person under 18 years of age. The state has committed itself to protecting children, so they have the same rights as adults.

The child has the right to a family.

The child has the right to care and protection from the state if there is no temporary or permanent protection from the parents.

The child has the right to attend school and learn.

The child has the right to equality.

The child has the right to freely express his thoughts.

The child has the right to his own opinion.

The child has the right to a name and citizenship.

The child has the right to receive information.

A child has the right to protection from violence and abuse.

The child has the right to medical care.

The child has the right to rest and leisure.

The child has the right to additional assistance from the state if there are special needs (for example, children with disabilities).

Law “On Education” Article 52 Rights and responsibilities of parents (legal representatives) clause 5: Parents (legal representatives) of students and pupils are responsible for their upbringing and their receipt of secondary general education.

By decision of the governing body of an educational institution, students who have reached the age of fourteen years may be expelled from the educational institution for committing illegal actions, gross and repeated violations of the charter of the educational institution. The school administration is obliged to inform local government authorities about the exclusion of a student from the educational institution within three days. (Clause 4 – 7 of Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Article 2.3. Code of the Russian Federation “On Administrative Responsibility” A person who has reached the age of 16 at the time of committing an administrative offense is subject to administrative responsibility.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by resolution 44/25 of the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989; Declaration of the Rights of the Child (Proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 1386 (XIV) of November 20, 1959).

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Art. 63. The conclusion of an employment contract is allowed with persons who have reached the age of 16 years.

Art. 91. Normal working hours cannot exceed 40 hours. per week.

Art. 92. For workers under 16 years of age – no more than 24 hours. per week. For workers aged 16 to 18 years – no more than 36 hours. per week.

Working hours for students educational institutions under the age of 18, working during the academic year in their free time, cannot exceed half of the above norms. The parties to the employment contract are the employer and the employee.

Art. 94. Duration of daily work:

from 15 to 16 years old – no more than 5 hours;

from 16 to 18 years old – no more than 7 hours;

when combined with study: from 14 to 16 years old – no more than 2.5 hours; from 16 to 18 years old – no more than 3.5 hours;

with a 36-hour week – no more than 8 hours;

for a 30-hour week or less – no more than 6 hours.

In accordance with clause 57 of the Model Regulations “On General Educational Institutions”, approved. Government Decree Russian Federation dated March 19, 2001 No. 196, teachers are obliged to - comply with the charter of the educational institution, - study conscientiously, - take care of the institution’s property, - respect the honor and dignity of other students of the institution, - fulfill the requirements of the institution’s employees to comply with internal regulations.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by resolution 44/25 of the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989.



From 45 years old.

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

On page 2.

Last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, place of birth.

At 10.

When applying for a job, when buying a train or plane ticket, when receiving money from a savings bank, when enrolling in a library, etc.

Note on blood group and Rh factor.




V.V. Putin.

YES. Medvedev.

Parliament is federal assembly. Consists of two chambers: 1. The Federation Council, which is appointed from each subject of the Federation. 2. The State Duma, which includes elected deputies from electoral districts or party lists.

This normative act is called a law.

If an offense is suddenly committed, administrative liability arises. It is determined by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

A crime is an act committed with guilt, characterized by a particular danger to society, prohibited by criminal law or the threat of punishment. Differences: special danger, guilty act.

Sending to a special school. Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that criminal liability begins at the age of 16, but for dangerous crimes - at the age of 14.

The punishment is determined by the Criminal Code, i.e. - this is a crime. If there is a threat - up to 3 years in prison, with repeated extortion - up to 7 years, especially dangerous - racketeering, up to 15 years.

This is still a crime, which is punishable by either a fine of 500 rubles or imprisonment for up to 3 years.

Remember: ignorance of the law never exempts you from responsibility.


© 2003-2010 Publishing house “First of September”

Address: 121165, st. Kyiv, 24, Moscow, Publishing House "First of September", Organizing Committee of the festival "Open Lesson"

Article 1. “A child is every human being under the age of 18, if, according to the law applicable to this child, he does not reach adulthood earlier.”

Article 6. “Every child has the right to life.”

Article 7. “From the moment of birth, the child has the right to a name and acquisition of citizenship.”

Article 13. “The child has the right to freely express his opinion.”

Article 14. “The child has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”

Article 16 “No child shall be the subject of arbitrary or unlawful interference with his right to privacy, home or correspondence, or unlawful attack on his honor or reputation.”

Article 28 “The child has the right to education”

Article 31 “Every child has the right to rest and leisure.”

Article 37. “No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”...

Teacher: Now let’s watch some short skits that the guys will present.

3. Theatrical scenes

Scene "Someone else's letter"

The bell rings for class, 2 girls are left with their briefcases in the foyer.

1 girl: Julia, are you going to physical education?

Girl 2: No, I'm released.

1 girl: Me too. Keep my briefcase on guard for now. I'll be right back. (She leaves).

Girl 2: Oh, the phone rang.

He opens his girlfriend’s briefcase and starts reading the message. At this time, 1 girl enters.

1 girl: Why did you open my briefcase? Who gave you permission to read my message?

Girl 2: What's wrong? I didn’t steal anything, I just looked. Isn't it possible?..

Teacher: What is your opinion, guys?

Scene “Loud Music”

Teacher: One evening Kolya came to visit his friend Misha.

Kolya: Hello! Come in! I have a cool new disc. Let's listen!

Misha: Let’s put the speakers on the balcony, the songs are cool, let everyone listen! The boys put on the tape recorder, turn the music up loud, and then go into another room, forgetting to turn off the tape recorder.

Teacher: Are the guys doing the right thing?

(Students discuss this situation).

– Well, now let’s take you back to childhood for a few minutes and try to answer the questions of the fairytale quiz!

4. Quiz

The policeman from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”, having forcibly burst into Papa Carlo’s closet, violated his rights to ... (inviolability of the home).

Pinocchio, by grabbing the rat Shumaru by the tail, violated her right to... (personal integrity).

The frog from V. Garshin’s fairy tale “The Frog is a Traveler” went on a journey, taking advantage of her right to ... (free movement).

Balda from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda,” having hired himself to work for the priest, exercised his right to ... (labor).

Is Mowgli, from R. Kipling's fairy tale, living in the forest with wild animals, a child with rights? (Yes, article 1).

The stepmother forces Cinderella to work from morning to night, forbidding her to play and rest. What rights of Cinderella were violated? (Article 31, right to rest and leisure).

Baba Yaga takes brother Ivanushka away from sister Alyonushka to distant lands to the Thirtieth Kingdom. What article does she violate? (Article 16)

5. Teacher: And now... express survey (multimedia).


"Rights, duties, responsibilities"

A hooligan-looking student appears, looks around, takes a can of spray paint out of his pocket and is just about to write when the soundtrack of the song “Ay-ay-ay, you can’t go there!” comes on. and guys appear from different sides of the stage (slightly showing themselves) and shake their fingers at him

the student tries to draw in different parts of the stage, then out of grief he stuffs the spray can into his pocket and sits on the edge of the stage.

They won't let me take a step

They'll look after everything, they'll look after everything

Just think I would paint the wall

Liked... everyone... maybe... definitely

He gets up and takes out a spray can and writes


Sounds very proud!

And it looks cool!

2-3 guys come out with a bucket and a rag

Now someone will have to wash everything!

But that's not true, but wait

You better bend your fingers quickly

Every time he speaks, the guys take a step towards him.

1. I have the right to a personal name

I wrote it in very large letters!

2. I have the right to self-expression

And here in front of you is talent (points to himself) and creation (to the picture)

3.I have the right to freedom of movement

I want to go for a walk, let’s continue communicating

4. Wait, wait, you’ll get more -

People, relatives (to the audience) protect me

I have the right to defend myself from you

Who thinks the same as me - let's unite!

Students take turns approaching the bully and taking the canister and handing him a bucket and a rag.

Of course, you have the right to a name

But just let's think very sensibly

I painted the front wall of the school

(bends his first finger) Public order is certainly disrupted

Look at the clock, it's already night outside

You should have been home by ten o'clock

(bends second finger)

You must obey your dad and mom

They will turn gray with you very early

(bends third finger)

You took the can from the artist Nastya

And what will Nastya paint her yard with now?

And most importantly, Vasya, you didn’t study well

You were very lazy to go to school

But you had to attend school

Then you wouldn’t have made mistakes right away

(points to the mistake in the word champion)

For all these wrongdoings of yours

We are waiting for your correction

The bully sighs, takes the bucket and goes into the background, under the excerpt “I want, I want,” a girl appears in a short skirt, in heels, she shows that she wants to do ballet, draw, jump, read (choose what is easier to show)

Only the song ends, guys dressed as mom, dad, grandfather and grandmother appear from different sides and the soundtrack “Ay-ay-ay, you can’t go there!” starts playing. They put on her a hat, mittens, felt boots, sit her on her knees and don’t let her go anywhere, but stroke her head.

Well it's not fair, I want to learn

Fly up to the clouds, fly there like a bird

Learn languages, visit different countries

I want to become a singer, but I...


Well, what are you talking about! It's too early for you!

I have the right to education

For self-development and world knowledge

I would like to participate in the youth movement

I make any decisions myself

But don’t worry, I’m ready with you (to my parents)

Meet and communicate again and again.

Moms and dads all over the country

You should already understand

All children have rights

For example, reading books.

The bully comes up and says:

Also for care, affection

And to life, as if in a fairy tale (they also hug him, stroke him on the head, he moves aside)

Your right to be happy

We have this right.

Got sick when it happened -

Everyone has the right to receive treatment.

If someone suddenly wants

Ban you from going to school

Know right away - he is wrong -

You are not given such rights.

I have no right to spin you

To hurt, to offend.

You will remember one thing -

Hitting people is prohibited.

Grandfather approaches the hooligan who wanted to smoke in the corner and brings him to the center

But no one has repealed the laws of the state here.

To show respect for the traditions of the people

So that you value our culture and respect the work of others

You definitely have to learn and develop - don’t forget!

The soundtrack of the song “What They Teach at School” is turned on and the children sing:

Us laws to study
And the right to remember
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
We need to know them for sure
Firmly apply from life
studying, relaxing, going to school

You have the right to study

And you have the right to rest

You also have the right to love and care

Love your homeland deeply

And value culture

Knowing responsibilities is no fun!

Municipal educational institution

average secondary school No. 6 named after. I.T.Sidorenko

Ust-Labinsk municipality

Ust-Labinsky district

Scenario of the propaganda team's speech

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU Secondary School No. 6 named after. I.T.Sidorenko


Krasnodar region

Speech by the propaganda team “WE ARE RUSSIANS!”

The composition opens with the song “We are the loudest word in the world.”

The literary roll call continues.

LEADING. Where? And who are “WE”?

1. We are from the vast forests.

2. We are from the darkness of the siege.

3. We are from the burned poems.

4.We are from lead rods

They fell into the snow with a running start.

5.But they rose in height,

Sounds like victory!

6.As a continuation of the day,

They walked hard and powerfully...

7.You can kill me

It is impossible to kill us!

LEADING. What is “WE”?

1. We are from low huts,

Song omnipotence.

2. We are from immortality,

From your flesh, Russia!

3. Just think about it,

Listen carefully

In the name - “Russia”!

There is dew in it,

And the radiance

THE SONG SOUNDS “Look how beautiful everything is!”

LEADING. What is Russia like?

4. Our steppe with blue forget-me-nots, wheat fields with scarlet poppies.

LEADING. Is this Russia?

5.This is Russia. You walk along mountain paths to Lago-Naki, sit on the shore of our lake.

LEADING. Is this Russia?

6.Yes, this is Russia. The sparkle of the domes over the churches, mother’s hands, fragrant bread baked by grandmother, cheerful dance, without which Russia is unthinkable.


7. Singing about Russia - why striving to go to church

Through forested mountains, field carpets...

To sing about Russia - to welcome spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother...

LEADING. Do you know Russian songs? (addresses the hall)

Yes, a broad Russian song

Suddenly from some paths and paths

Can immediately splash into the sky

In native, Russian, avidly.

THE FOLK SONG SOUNDS “And I’m in the meadow...”

5th grade students are replaced by 9th graders.

1.And in the hour of testing

Bow to the Fatherland

In Russian,

And tell her:

“You are my life.

You are more precious to me than life!

To live with you

Die with you!

2. Be faithful to the Fatherland

And no matter how long

A difficult day of war,

If you are a plowman,

Give her everything, like Minin,

Be her Suvorov,

If you are a warrior.

3. I will love Russia.

I swear, like our grandfathers

Stand up like a mountain

For her life and honor.

To say

At the desired hour of Victory:

“And my drop is here!”

LEADING. Where? And who are “WE”?

1.I am Russian! Thank you, Lord!

I am the field, grandmother's cross!

I am a hut in the Ryazan region.

I am Trinity and Blagovest!

2. I am Russian to the very neck!

Forever and ever! Through!

I am a white feathered swan.

I am a fallen warrior.

3. In today's squabble and meanness

To spite all your troubles:

I am Russian! Thank you, Lord!

I am not given anything else.



Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 6

Krasnodar region


Engels street, 71



Prepared and carried out:

senior manager Zapara G.V.,

students of grades 5 “B” and 9 “B”.

2008-2009 academic year



Slide No. 1-3.

The composition opens with the song “We are the loudest word in the world.”

The literary roll call continues.

1. We are from the vast forests.

2. We are from the darkness of the siege.

3. We are from the burned poems.

4.We are from lead rods

They fell into the snow with a running start.

5. But they rose in height,

Sounds like victory!

6.As a continuation of the day,

They walked hard and powerfully...

7.You can kill me

It is impossible to kill us!

Slide No. 4.5.

LEADING. What is “WE”?

1. We are from low huts,

Song omnipotence.

2. We are from immortality,

From your flesh, Russia!

3. Just think about it,

Listen carefully

In the name - “Russia”!

There is dew in it,

And blue,

And the radiance

And strength...

Slide No. 6-8.

THE SONG SOUNDS “Look how beautiful everything is!”

LEADING. What is Russia like?

4. Our steppe with blue forget-me-nots, wheat fields with scarlet poppies.

LEADING. Is this Russia?

5.This is Russia. You walk along mountain paths to Lago-Naki, sit on the shore of our lake.

LEADING. Is this Russia?

6.Yes, this is Russia. The sparkle of the domes over the churches, mother’s hands, fragrant bread baked by grandmother, cheerful dance, without which Russia is unthinkable.

Slide No. 9-11.


7. Singing about Russia - why striving to go to church

Through forested mountains, field carpets...

To sing about Russia - to welcome spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother...

LEADING. Do you know Russian songs? (addresses the hall)

Yes, a broad Russian song

Suddenly from some paths and paths

Can immediately splash into the sky

In native, Russian, avidly.

Slide number 12.

THE FOLK SONG SOUNDS “And I’m in the meadow...”

5th grade students are replaced by 9th graders.

1.And in the hour of testing

Bow to the Fatherland

In Russian,

At your feet,

And tell her:

“You are my life.

You are more precious to me than life!

To live with you

Die with you!

Slide number 13.

2. Be faithful to the Fatherland

And no matter how long

A difficult day of war,

If you are a plowman,

Give her everything, like Minin,

Be her Suvorov,

If you are a warrior.

Slide number 14.

3. I will love Russia.

I swear, like our grandfathers

Stand up like a mountain

For her life and honor.

To say

At the desired hour of Victory:

“And my drop is here!”

Slide number 15.

HOST.Where from? And who are “WE”?

1.I am Russian! Thank you, Lord!

Viktor Vladimirovich Lysenko
Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team “I raise the flag of my state”

I I raise the flag of my State

/Scenario of the propaganda team's speech"Donbassovets"/

Call signs sound. “My native country is wide”. On stage screen, on which a presentation of Lugansk is projected.

Speaker. We are the younger generation.

Hope, the future of the country.

And for fathers there is a replenishment,

Worthy sons are growing up.

Us price Andrienko Mark with the song “Where the Motherland Begins. Presentation of Lugansk on the screen

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your ABC book,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any test

No one can take it away from us.

Andrienko Mark leaves stage. Participants at a stretched white screen

Valchuk Ilya. I glorify our Donbass!

That land is wonderful and I won’t hide it,

That region has become for many of us

A huge house and destiny!

Shishkin Dmitry. Glory to my mining land...

May you prosper Lugansk my city...

In my soul you are the island of Paradise...

You are, as always, beautiful and young...

A girl with a violin comes in and starts playing 20 second pieces of music on the projection screen.

Shadow sketch (Projection on screen)

Valchuk Ilya. Seventy-four years ago

The houses were boiling with fire and noise.

And the soldiers walked through this hell,

Irresistible - to a higher goal.

Shishkin Dmitry. And suddenly, above the fury of attacks,

The last, frenzied delirium -

Not red over the Reichstag flag,

And the red sun of Victory!

Valchuk Ilya. Donbass is my Fatherland, Donbass!

The centuries have tested your strength!

You have shown your power more than once

The warmth of coal, the elastic shine of steel!

Shishkin Dmitry. Donbass! My Fatherland is Donbass!

Mighty land of my native state!

For centuries this layer will not become scarce

Workers' Honor, Courage and Glory!

Screen readers leave stage

Soldier's dance

1st. Time affects days and events,

Presses, dictates formats and styles,

2nd. We are on the verge of a big discovery

Strong, free, rich Donbass.

3rd. Time to change obstinate promises,

But it was done here and now.

4th. People are free, ambitious,

Tomorrow of Donbass depends on us.

5th. Who, if not us, is the strength of the generation.

Who, if not us, scientific thinking,

6th. Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,

Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.

7th. Who, if not us, is a single team,

Who, if not us, is science propaganda,

8th. Who, if not us, will make the strong beat,

Who, if not us, is free Donbass!

9th. This is our land, we were born on it,

To increase her wealth,

10th. We are responsible for the well-being of the country,

Children of the good, peaceful kingdom!

My country, my destiny, my dream, my war,

My love, my spring, and I am the wall.

The son of the fatherland, the country of soldiers, so it was a hundred centuries ago,

For a friend, a friend, for a brother, a brother, the world is holy for this.

And each one lights his own hearth,

And each one is his own raises the flag,

And our souls and hearts are bonfires

Like a beacon in the darkness.

I'm taking a step again, I'm I raise my flag,

Through the evil winds of anxiety and unbelief of the kingdom,

In this battle I am in the ranks, I believe in my truth

I I raise my flag of my state.

Propaganda brigade"Donbassovets" leaves stage

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for a speech by a school environmental propaganda team 1. Good day to the sun and birds! Good afternoon To all of you smiling faces! 2. The propaganda team of the Bashkir gymnasium No. 102 welcomes you. 3. This one.

Goal: develop creativity child through visual activities. Objectives: - expand children's horizons about the symbols of the city of Domodedovo;

Summary of the speech of the environmental propaganda team “Meeting the Birds” for senior preschool age Goal: formation of an ecological worldview and active life position children preschool age for bird protection. Tasks: reveal.

Script of a creative performance by the environmental propaganda team "Globus" SP GBOU Secondary School No. 1 "Educational Center" p. Kinel-Cherkasy kindergarten"Cornflower" Script for a creative performance by an environmentalist.

Scenario of an extracurricular event on traffic rules in the form of a speech by a propaganda team Performance of the “Romantics” team of students of grade 2 “B” of school No. 34 in the municipal review-competition of propaganda teams on road safety.

Scenario of an educational conversation with students of the cadet corps “Symbols of the State” State educational institution Voronezh region“City Cossack Cadet Corps” Symbols of the state: Coat of Arms, Flag.

Scenario for the speech of the propaganda team “Svetoforchik” (senior group) Scenario for the speech of the propaganda team “Svetoforchik” senior group Children march into the hall accompanied by lively music. stand in front of the audience.

Poletaeva Oksana Yurievna,
biology and chemistry teacher
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 100 Kirovsky district Vologograd

Propaganda team scenario

“I love you, life!”

Goal: To form an idea of ​​a person’s life values. Objectives: Reveal positive and negative factors influencing a person’s lifestyle; contribute to the development of the ability to speak in front of an audience and interact with other participants in the performance.
The song “Anthem of Youth” is played, to which members of the propaganda team appear on stage (first verse and chorus).
- Good afternoon!
- We are glad to see you in the hall.
- Hello, nice to see you!
- How many beautiful words have they told you?
- How much more do we want to say?
- Hello!!!
- Healthy
- Kind
- Joyful
- Active
- Funny
- Cute
- Creative
- Polite
- Dear
- Good afternoon! Welcome again

ALL: School No.... propaganda team “(name)”!
- We present the oral magazine “Live with Pleasure”
- Life is a blessing, it is a gift that is given to a person only once.
- Life is a value in itself.
- How we think is how we live.
- Take care of your valuables, because with them life becomes bright and interesting,
- complete and necessary.
- Life values- this is what a person should value in life,
what he should value
- something to which he must treat responsibly.
- Do you know what the most important values ​​are for us?
-This is: labor.
- family.
- health.
- creation.
- happiness, - goodness.
Participants of the propaganda team are reorganized, their speech is accompanied by a presentation.
- Page No. 1 GOOD (raises a balloon with the inscription “Good”)
- It’s easy to find a rhyme,
Write poems about goodness.
Try it for real
The kindness of the heart captivates.

It’s not in vain that they say when we meet
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".
- And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wish "B" good hour».
- Kindness is from time immemorial
Human decoration.
- good people, as always, not enough...
There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.
- Kind people are not always understood
The hearts of the kind hurt more.
- Kind - they generously help the sick,
Kind ones give warmth and comfort,
- The good ones walk in step with the weak
And no thanks are expected.
- All people need kindness
Let there be more good deeds.
(A candle appears in the hands of one of the speakers)

Reader 1. Hurry to do good deeds,
Hurry to extend your hand to those who have fallen,
So that for those who are in the wilds at night
Now he's wandering, losing direction
The dawn flashed...and the first ray
He gave them hope and salvation!
Reader 2. Look, in your palm there is a ray of light,
Let us carry its warmth,
We are the youth of Russia, remember this,
And bring your goodness into her life.

Page No. 2 LOVE (raises a balloon with the inscription “Love”)
- When a person is in pain, someone should caress him,
- Someone must be
just there to hug and kiss.
- When a person feels bad... and the whole world in half,
There must be someone other than God to give one’s soul.
- When a person is lost... and doesn’t know what to do,
Someone should be wiser, advise, but not teach.
- When a person is scared... he has his head under the pillow,
Someone must say quietly: “Don’t be afraid, because I am with you.”
- When a person is upset... and doesn’t know how to continue to live,
Someone just needs to be there
EVERYONE: Someone has to LOVE him!

Members of the propaganda team are reorganizing.

Page No. 3 HEALTH (raises a balloon with the inscription “Health”)
- We chose health and, we think, not in vain:
Any healthy beggar is happier than a sick king
- Not for a minute are we all together,
We don't sit still
Stadium, gym, nature,
Everything for us, at any time of the year.
- Our health is a gift of nature
So stay healthy man
In the era of technology and fashion
Dedicate your life to health.
- We swim in pools, run in stadiums,
A healthy lifestyle beats in the hearts of millions!
- Sport is good for health!
Stadium, pool and court,
The hall, the skating rink - we are welcome everywhere.
- Reward for effort
Our muscles will become hard,
There will be cups and records.
- Strengthen your health with sports,
Go hiking and watch the sunrises,
The secret of success in life, know for sure -
Your health, remember this.
- Strive to the top of unidentified pages,
Open your readings
Know, man, your health is life!
Life without illness, grief and sadness.

READER One, two!
Breathe deeper (in chorus)
Three, four!
Stand up straighter (in unison)
Let it be in our school
Happy health day every day.
ALL: Do with us! Do as we do! Do better than us!
(Participants of the propaganda team perform sports exercises to the music)
Page No. 4 Family and love for parents. (raises a balloon with the inscription “Family”)
- Family, home is a place where we spend a lot of time, there are no trifles here.
- The family must be preserved reverently, with love!
- Family is happiness, love and luck,
- Family means trips to the country in the summer.
- Family is a holiday, family dates,
- Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
- Family is work, caring for each other,
- Family is a lot homework.
- Family is important!
- Family is difficult!
- But it’s impossible to live happily alone!
- Always be together, take care of love,
- Drive away grievances and quarrels,
- I want my friends to say about us:
How nice your family is!
(A propaganda team member reads poetry to music)
Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky!
Page No. 5 Creativity (raises a balloon with the inscription “Creativity”)
- If I don't burn,
- If you don't burn,
- If we don't burn,

CHORUS: Who will dispel the darkness then?
- Ask yourself, ask others,
- What did you do to make the city richer?
- And what is the scale of the application of forces,
- And what is the specific return?
- Ask yourself!
- Ask now, immediately and immediately!
In chorus: Ask yourself!
Don’t wait for change, but try to change everything yourself!
- Live and give joy to people
Not tomorrow, not today, but now.
- And don’t waste a single minute...
After all, youth is given only once.
(Members of the propaganda team perform a dance)
- You can live in different ways in life,
It is possible in sorrow and in joy.
Eat on time, drink on time,
Do nasty things on time.
- Or you can do this: get up at dawn
And, thinking about a miracle,
With a burnt hand, reach for the sun
And give it to people!
- Life is me, it’s you and me.
Live and be proud of your destiny.
- To give people both happiness and joy
You need to live in such a way that you shine brightly.
(Participants of the propaganda team gather from balloons heart)
- The earth is surrounded by rays,
The earth is surrounded by flowers,
- Walk on clear roads,
Fly high routes
- Orbit of love and greetings
Let our entire planet rush.
- Strive to open at least once
The star of humanity in everyone.
ALL: Love life! And live with pleasure!
(Members of the propaganda team perform the final song)
Song based on "Light Up"
It lit up, sparkled, like the brightest star.
As if born again
at least still young.
And the soul did not rust,
the heart beats in the chest.
So, do your thing
everything is still ahead.
It's not fun
this is not a game.
Do you want to be happy
And always love
Choose! Live so that it’s not in vain
Choose, it will immediately become clear.
Look at the stars in the blue sky
Know and believe, Russia needs you!