Satire in the fairy tale is the selfless hare. Satirical devices in the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tale "The Selfless Hare". fairy tale "The Sane Hare"

Tatiana, dear Tatiana...
...I love you so much
My dear Tatiana!..
For... that in sweet simplicity
She knows no deception
And he believes in his chosen dream.
Because... he loves without art.
Obedient to the attraction of feelings,
Why is she so trusting?
What is gifted from heaven
With a rebellious imagination,
Alive in mind and will,
And wayward head,
And with a fiery and tender heart.
A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
Pushkin... We meet his name for the first time in early childhood. My mother sits by my pillow and quietly whispers: “Lukomorye has a green oak tree...” Then I dream of heroes, mermaids, the terrible Kashchei and the kind storyteller cat.
Pushkin's fairy tales... My childhood... “...If Pushkin comes to us from childhood, we really come to him only over the years” (A. Tvardovsky). And the years go by. No matter what age you turn to Pushkin’s work, you will always find in him answers to questions that concern you, an example to follow.
And here is the new Pushkin. Pushkin is a patriot, Pushkin, calling us to heroism in the name of the Motherland.
While we are burning with freedom,
While hearts are alive for honor,
My friend, let's dedicate it to the Fatherland
Souls have wonderful impulses.
Youth is spring time human life, the time of the greatest freshness and sharpness of impressions, the time of surprises and discoveries, when the whole world is revealed to a person in all its diversity, complexity and beauty. It’s time for the formation of characters, assessments and ideals, questions to which answers need to be found, it’s time for friendship and first love. Youth has its own Pushkin. You read the novel “Eugene Onegin”, in which, on the threshold of growing up, a new, unknown life, you find consonance with your feelings and experiences.
In the novel, I am especially attracted to Tatyana, the significance and depth of her spiritual world, the beauty and poetry of her Soul, sincerity and purity. This is one of the best heroines in Russian literature, in which A.S. Pushkin “poetically reproduced the Russian woman...”
The poet loves Tatyana immensely, who his own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.
She is characterized by daydreaming, isolation, and a desire for solitude. to his moral character, she differed in spiritual interests from the people around her.
The poet's love is already manifested in what he gives to his heroine. popular name, thereby emphasizing her closeness to the people, to the customs and “traditions of the common folk of antiquity,” the national structure of her concepts and feelings, which are nurtured by the surrounding nature and village life. "Tatiana is Russian at heart." Everything about
something that is simple, Russian, and folk is truly dear to her. In this, Tatyana is close to the heroine of Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”. Pushkin shows with great warmth good attitude Tatiana to the serfs, to the nanny, whom she sincerely loves. The poet admitted that he portrayed Arina Rodionovna as Tatiana’s nanny. This is a wonderful fact. Only with Tatyana could Pushkin imagine his kind nanny. This once again confirms that the poet loves “Dear Tatyana” very much. Gently and subtly, with deep insight into the secrets of the girl’s soul, Pushkin talks about the awakening of the feeling of love in Tatyana, her hopes and dreams. She is one of those integral poetic natures who can love only once.
Long-time heartache
Her young breasts were tight;
The soul was waiting... for someone.
Tatyana could not fall in love with any of the young people around her. But Onegin was immediately noticed and singled out by her:
You barely walked in, I instantly recognized
Everything was stupefied, on fire
And in my thoughts I said: here he is!
Pushkin sympathizes with Tatyana’s love and experiences it with her.
Tatiana, dear Tatiana!
Now I'm shedding tears with you...
Her love for Onegin is a pure, deep feeling.
Tatyana loves in earnest.
And he surrenders unconditionally
Love like a sweet child.
Only Tatyana could be the first to confess her love to Onegin. You had to love very much to decide to write to him. What mental anguish she went through before she sent the letter to Eugene! This letter is imbued with “a living mind and will,” “and a fiery and tender heart.”
I am writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?
Many girls repeated these lines to themselves. Unrequited love. Everyone probably went through it.
Not every girl in our time will decide to be the first to confess her love. What was it like for Tatiana? Confess and hear words that reject her love, taking away hope for reciprocity and happiness. Love became for Tatyana “the greatest disaster of life,” because she combined all the best impulses of her soul with this love. How worried about Tatyana Pushkin, seeing that
Love's mad suffering
Haven't stopped worrying
Young soul...
How the poet sympathizes with her!
And dear Tanya’s youth fades...
Alas, Tatyana is fading,
It turns pale, goes dark and is silent!
The duel between Onegin and Lensky, Lensky's death, Onegin's departure... Tatyana is alone.
And in cruel loneliness
Her passion burns stronger
And about distant Onegin
Her heart speaks louder.
We see how dear Pushkin is to Tatyana’s desire to visit Onegin’s house, thanks to which she realized that “there are interests for a person, there are suffering and sorrows, except for the interest of suffering and the sorrow of love.” But this understanding did not change anything. For Tatyana, love for Onegin is the greatest treasure, because Eugene is spiritually close to her.
It’s hard for Tatyana, and in difficult times for her, the poet does not leave her for a minute: he goes to Moscow with the Larins, and he’s in Moscow with Tatyana.
Pushkin is worried about Tatyana’s fate (“Not noticed by anyone...”), rejoices for her (“... let us congratulate my dear Tatyana on her victory”). The poet is proud of Tatyana, who, having become unapproachable goddess
The luxurious royal Neva,
She didn’t change herself, she remained true to her life principles.
Depth of feeling, striving for ideal, moral purity, integrity of nature, noble simplicity of character, loyalty to duty - all this attracts Tatyana. Therefore, the author does not hide his sympathy for her.
Forgive me: I love my dear Tatyana so much!
And it’s impossible not to love Tatiana! This is the most captivating image of our literature, which begins a gallery of beautiful characters of Russian women, seeking deep meaning in life, morally impeccable, striking us with the depth and integrity of nature, the ability to devotedly love and feel deeply. Such are Olga Ilyinskaya from Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”, “Turgenev’s girls”, who see the meaning of life in serving people, truth, - truly “saints”, the wives of the Decembrists from Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women”, Natasha Rostova.
For Pushkin, Tatyana is the ideal of a Russian woman (“my true ideal”). She becomes a “sweet ideal” for everyone who read the novel, just as she became the ideal woman for Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who expressed Tatyana’s poetic nature in music. She became an ideal for me too.
I am seventeen years old, and I really want to be like Tatyana with a serious attitude towards life and people, a deep sense of responsibility, and enormous moral strength.
Thanks to Pushkin for Tatyana, his “sweet ideal”, over whom time has no power. This eternal image, because chaste purity, sincerity and depth of feelings, readiness for self-sacrifice, and high spiritual nobility will forever be valued in a woman.

Think about why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin?

Tatyana's choice was determined by many factors: her young age and expectation of love, her character traits (dreamy, romantic), the impression made by the hero on others. This choice was also influenced by the heroine’s passion for “fashionable” novels. Researchers have repeatedly noted that Tatyana’s feelings manifested themselves “in a bookish way”; she appropriated to herself “someone else’s delight”, “someone else’s sadness”. Onegin seems to her to be a bright, extraordinary person, the hero of the novel.

Lover of Julia Volmar,

Malek-Adele and de Linard,

And Werther, the rebellious martyr,

And the incomparable Grandison,

Which makes us sleep, -

Everything for the tender dreamer Were clothed in a single image,

Merged into one Onegin.

Onegin's inner world is still closed to her, inaccessible, he is a mystery to her. That is why his image is so attractive to Tatyana.

Revealing the feelings of the heroine, the poet uses various tropes and stylistic figures: inversion (“Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance at the Larins made a great impression on everyone...”), anaphora and syntactic parallelism (“And the sounds of affectionate speeches, And the gaze of a caring servant”), metaphor ( “With what living charm does seductive deception drink”), an extended metaphorical comparison:

And a thought sank into my heart;

The time has come, she fell in love.

So the grain fell into the ground

Spring is animated by fire.

The author treats his heroine with tenderness and love. He carefully monitors the emergence in her soul of her first love feeling. These pages of the novel are permeated with Pushkin’s sympathy for Tatyana, caring attitude to her inner world.

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  • why did Tatyana fall in love with Onegin
  • why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin
  • why Tatyana fell in love with Onegin essay

After three years of travel, Onegin returns to St. Petersburg, where he learns that Tatyana has gotten married. After visiting her home, he falls in love with her and confesses his feelings, despite Tatiana's marriage. What struck him about Tatiana and why did the happiness of Tatiana and Onegin not work out?

Tatyana, remembering Onegin’s lesson, learned to “control herself”, hide her feelings, and this strikes Eugene Onegin most of all.

Why does Onegin fall in love with Tatyana? One of the main signs is that Onegin opens his soul to Tatiana, talks about his true feelings, the whole meaning of his life is tied to Tatyana. True love ready to be content with little. He is ready to give all his thoughts, all his soul, all his destiny to his beloved. Love overshadows reason, deprives the ability to reason logically. The soul opens to new feelings and impressions (Onegin began to read novels). Love suffering causes a painful state.

Possible close happiness did not work out, despite the mutual love of the heroes, the integrity of Tatyana’s nature, her moral purity, spiritual harmony are incompatible with lies, treason, and betrayal. Alexander Pushkin embodied the sweet ideal of a Russian woman in the image of Tatyana Larina.

Updated: 2017-03-31

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Tatyana felt Onegin, felt that this was exactly the one she needed, that he had qualities that brought them together. No matter how reserved Onegin was, Tatyana managed to guess his individuality.

For some time, our heroine, with great difficulty and suffering, tried to keep her feelings silently. The poor girl, who alone was waiting for at least something from her lover, could not resist, her feelings were strong, and she could not wait any longer. Tatyana Larina decided to write a letter to Evgeny Onegin. In the letter, Tatyana openly told Onegin about her feelings; she did not hide a single sound, not a single tear of her heart. In the letter, she gave him all her soul and heart, exhausted by love and suffering.

What a pity.. . What a pity.. . Why.. .

Why didn't our Onegin understand? Why didn’t he immediately understand all the honesty and sincerity of this feeling? Tatyana loves him so openly, so tenderly. But he doesn't understand, and this horrifies the reader. All the muscles in your body shake when you read...

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Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" can rightfully be considered one of the best literary works nineteenth century. On its pages, the author introduces us to the main characters - Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina. Both characters are definitely worth watching. To answer the question of why Onegin fell in love with Tatiana, let’s first try to understand what Eugene is like.

The character traits of the hero, his feelings, disposition and thoughts are revealed to us gradually.

Eugene Onegin is a typical aristocrat of his time, a nobleman. He “little by little” learned something from French teachers and tutors, which gave him the opportunity to talk about everything superficially, with “the air of an expert.”

In society, Eugene was popular with the ladies. At first he was pleased that he knew how to impress representatives of high society, but gradually indifference took possession of him, and the blues attacked him.

The hero is trying to find something interesting in life. He starts to write, but how...

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Main character works by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is a modest provincial girl who falls in love with the capital's dandy. The author, as you know, has always been interested in secular beauties, but would hardly have paid attention to such a modest woman. However, Pushkin writes about her in such a way that we involuntarily feel sympathy for the main character and ask the question: “Why did Tatyana fall in love with Onegin?”

Unique individuality

It would seem that the main characters are completely different people: he is brilliant socialite, she is a provincial girl. However, they have a lot in common with each other.

Both heroes are lonely: he is bored secular society, while her closest people do not understand her. Both Tatyana and Evgeniy feel misunderstood in their surroundings. It’s hard for them to be at the provincial ball. Eugene Onegin, like our heroine, understands the emptiness of metropolitan and provincial society. This makes them related to each other. The commonality of views on the lives of the main characters helps...

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The relationship between Tatiana and Onegin (the evolution of the relationship between Tatiana and Onegin). Why did Tatyana choose Onegin (based on Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin”)

The poem "Eugene Onegin" talks about how important it is to do right choice timely. Pushkin was able to describe with all realism cruel joke fate, when the roles of the heroes change exactly the opposite.

At first, Tatyana was inflamed with passionate feelings for Evgeniy. The young girl saw in him the personification of the image of the long-awaited romantic hero. But Larina’s confession was rejected by Onegin. He read an instructive sermon to Tatiana and disappeared from her life. Time passed, and the relationships of the main characters changed radically. At the second meeting, Larina takes on the role of an unapproachable listener. Now Onegin reveals his feelings, but his beloved, unfortunately, has already made her choice. Tatyana turned out to be too honest to betray her husband.

Onegin suffers when he hears a refusal, but nothing can be fixed. Fate...

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/ Works / Pushkin A.S. / Evgeny Onegin / Tatyana Larina

Tatyana Larina

"Eugene Onegin" - the first realistic novel in the history of literature. Belinsky called it “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” A.S. Pushkin wanted to write a work whose main characters would be his contemporaries. Indeed, characters play a huge role in expressing the poet’s thoughts and feelings. Belinsky wrote: “He was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce Russian society of that time and in the person of Onegin and Lensky showed his main, that is, male, side; but our author’s almost greater feat is that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.”
Tatyana Larina is the poet’s favorite heroine, the most famous female character in Russian literature. Pushkin lovingly describes her appearance, “sweet simplicity,” the strength of her feelings, character, and way of thinking:
So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,

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Tatiana's birthday has arrived. Many guests arrived. Including Onegin. He was seated opposite the girl. And what does it matter to her that it was very awkward and very unpleasant for him to look at each other. Everyone began to have fun, but they were not in the mood for fun. Onegin wanted to quickly get rid of this society, as he believed ordinary people. But he also really wanted to take revenge on Lensky, who forced him to come to this holiday. And because of this, he invites Olga to dance and whispers vulgarities in her ear. Vladimir Lensky did not like this situation very much and therefore he challenged Evgeniy to a duel. Lensky quickly disappeared from Tatyana's birthday and Olga did not understand what was going on. Tatyana was wondering why Onegin behaved this way with Olga. But Lensky completely wanted to stop loving Olga.

Tatyana waited for an answer, but there was no answer. When Lensky came to visit them, the girl asked him Onegin. He said that he wanted to come, but something prevented him. Finally Onegin appeared in...

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Why did Onegin and Tatiana’s happiness “not happen”? It seems that the reader of “Eugene Onegin” more than once wondered why the main characters were not happy, which led Tatyana and Eugene far from each other in life?

The development of the conflict we are talking about begins in the third chapter, when Onegin meets the Larin family and Tatyana falls in love with him, suffers, writes a letter and waits for an answer to it. The heroine saw Eugene only once and fell in love with him for the rest of her life. This is explained by the fact that dreamy, endowed with a passionate imagination and a wayward soul, she recognized in Onegin the ideal that she compiled from sentimental novels. On the other hand, she perceived similarities with herself in the young man and believed that they were created for each other. Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin, suffering and counting on his nobility:

I am writing to you - what more?

What more can I say?

Now I know it's in your will

Punish me with contempt.

But Onegin could not appreciate and...

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In the novel “Eugene Onegin,” Pushkin created the image of his contemporary Tatiana and called her “sweet ideal,” that is, Tatiana is the bearer of all those qualities that, according to the poet, make a woman perfect. What are these qualities and why Tatyana is Pushkin’s ideal, we will try to figure it out.

Tatyana Larina - Pushkin's ideal

Where did those spiritual qualities come from that made Tatyana Pushkin’s sweet ideal? Already from the first pages of the novel, dedicated to Tatiana, we notice that Pushkin especially distinguishes her from other noblewomen, who at that time were carriers of French culture rather than Russian. Tatyana, despite the fact that she “expressed herself with difficulty in her native language,” is described by the poet as “Russian in soul.” She loves nature, the snowy Russian winter, folk songs. Obviously, this was facilitated by the observance of Russian customs in the family of Tatiana, the nanny's fairy tale. Tatyana is a very impressionable girl, she believes in ancient legends, card fortune-telling, prophetic dreams...

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“Eugene Onegin” is a well-known work by A.S. Pushkin. Here the writer realized the main idea and desire - to give an image of a hero of the time, a portrait of his contemporary - a man XIX century.

Onegin's portrait is an ambiguous and complex combination of many positive qualities and big shortcomings. The image of Tatiana is the most significant and important female image in the novel. Main romantic storyline Pushkin's novel in verse consists of the relationship between Onegin and Tatyana.

Tatiana fell in love with Eugene Onegin because, as the poet says, the time has come for her to love. At the same time, Tatyana fell in love with him, not by chance. Like Onegin, who “seems like a stranger to everyone” (letter to Tatyana), so “she seemed like a stranger in her own family.”

But there were differences between them. If you compare the childhood, adolescence and youth of Tatyana and Evgeny, it becomes clear that they are directly opposite to each other. Evgeniy has foreign tutors; Tatyana's is a simple Russian...

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Tests, coursework, diploma, abstracts, as well as preparation of reports, drawings, laboratory work, presentations and much more. Inexpensive and fast.

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Essay Pushkin A.S. - Evgeny Onegin

Topic: - Why is Tatyana the “sweet ideal” of A. S. Pushkin?

Many critics, in particular Belinsky, wondered why Pushkin’s novel was called “Eugene Onegin” and not “Tatyana Larina,” because the poet more than once calls Tatyana his favorite heroine, “a sweet ideal.” Pushkin identifies her with his “affectionate muse, who appeared to him in the garden as a district young lady with a sad thought in her eyes, with a French book in her hands.” It was this heroine who inspired the poet and became the embodiment of Pushkin’s ideal female image. Pushkin endows Tatyana with many of his own inherent traits: love for Russian nature, the special beauty and poetry of which Pushkin, like his heroine, subtly felt, understanding his spiritual connection with nature; superstitions, interest in legends...

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Essay on the topic “Love in the life of Onegin, Tatiana and the author”
Pushkin Onegin novel love
The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a novel about love. The theme of love runs through almost all pages of the novel. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his novel very well depicted three different loves - this is Tatyana’s love for Onegin, belated love, Onegin for Tatyana, as well as the author’s love for the heroes.
Tatyana Larina is the eldest daughter in the Larin family. Her traits included: dreaminess, thoughtfulness, silence. These traits set her apart from other people. She lived “in the wilderness of a forgotten village.” Love appeared in her life when it was time for her to love. Tatyana fell in love with Onegin and continued to love him all her life. The naturalness and humanity inherent in Tatyana, at the first collision with life, began to move, making her courageous and independent. The eldest Larina fell in love with Onegin because with her heart, and not with her mind, she immediately felt a kindred spirit in him. She wrote a letter...

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Sorry! And if it's fate -
We are destined to forgive forever!
Having read A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", I can answer the question: why did Tatyana Larina reject Eugene Onegin at the end of the eighth chapter?
Tatyana, according to the author, represents the ideal of the “Russian soul.” They are easy to communicate, open, trusting, like a child, which is what the girl is at the beginning of the novel. For the heroine, everything is new and fresh. Tatyana and Vladimir Lensky, a friend of the Larin family, are close in spirit - they are both romantics. The heroine is thoughtful, dreamy and quiet, compared to her sister Olga, who is lively and sociable since childhood.
The Larin family represents a certain category of society - the patriarchal nobility. They honored the customs of their ancestors and observed religious fasts. In general, Tatyana represented the ideal of a Russian girl early XIX century.
The heroine lived a measured and smooth life until Evgeny Onegin moved to the village. He became her first and last love in life. Larina is with him...

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Help please! Very necessary!
You need to answer questions about Eugene Onegin.
1) Why did Tatyana Larina fall in love with Evgeny Onegin? What role did the books she read play in her love?
2) Why does Tatyana talk about her love with the nanny?
3) How do stanzas 22-25 explain Tatyana’s courageous act?
4) Find the stanzas that tell how Tatyana expected an answer. 5) Why does chapter 4 (31 stanzas) end at the most unexpected place?

1) Tatyana lived locked up, her only entertainment was the books she read, and Onegin, so mysterious and new, won the heart of a young girl :)
2) Although the nanny is stupid, she is the most close friend Tatyana, she couldn’t share it with her sister or her mother, because they simply didn’t understand her
3) She despaired of writing to Evgenia, because that’s what the heroines of her books would have done
4) Look for it yourself
5) This too, everything is clear there based on the last lines

I hope it helped ;)

Home > Literature > Help...

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Everything was quiet, it was just there...

A. S. Pushkin

At first glance, it is not clear why Pushkin, who fell in love with brilliant society beauties all his life, calls the modest and serious Tatyana Larina his ideal. Probably, like any person, he wanted reliability, fidelity, devotion, which were easier to find in an unspoiled village girl who valued books and nature more than secular amusements. This is exactly what he expected in vain from Natalya Goncharova, a young lady from the Linen Factory.

Let's take a closer look at Tatiana. This is how she appears before Onegin:

So, she was called Tatyana. Neither her sister’s beauty, nor the freshness of her rosy cheeks would have attracted her eyes. Wild, sad, silent, Like a forest deer, fearful, She seemed like a stranger in her own family.

Already in childhood, it was not games with other girls, not dolls, but nature that attracted her:

She loved to be on the balcony to warn the dawn of the sunrise, When the round dance disappears on the pale horizon of the stars, And quietly the edge of the earth...

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This page contains an essay on the topic

"Eugene Onegin" is the main work of A.S. Pushkin. In it, the writer embodied the poet’s main idea - to give an image of a hero of the time, a portrait of his contemporary - person XIX centuries.
The image of Onegin is a complex and contradictory combination of many positive qualities and many shortcomings. Along with him, the image of Tatyana is the most significant and important in the novel....

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Lonely, “she seemed like a stranger to the girl,” she did not like children’s games and could sit silently all day by the window, immersed in dreams. But outwardly motionless and cold, Tatyana lived a strong inner life. “The Nanny's Scary Stories” made her a dreamer, a child “out of this world.”

Shunning naive village entertainment, round dances and games, Tatyana devoted herself wholeheartedly to folk mysticism, her penchant for fantasy directly attracted her to this:

Tatyana believed the legends
Common folk antiquity:
And dreams, and card fortune-telling,
And the predictions of the moon.
She was worried about signs.
All objects are mysterious to her
They proclaimed something
Premonitions pressed in my chest.

Suddenly seeing
The young two-horned face of the moon
In the sky on the left side,
She trembled and turned pale.
Well? the beauty found the secret
And in the most horror she:
This is how nature created you,
Inclined to contradiction.

From her nanny's fairy tales, Tatyana switched early to novels.

They replaced everything for her
She fell in love with novels
And Richardson and Russo...

From a dreamy girl, Tatyana Larina became a “dreamy girl” who lived in her own special world: she surrounded herself with the heroes of her favorite novels and was alien to village reality.

Her imagination has long been
Burning with bliss and melancholy,
Hungry for fatal food.
Long-time heartache
Her young breasts were tight.
The soul was waiting for someone.

Tatyana Larina. Artist M. Klodt, 1886