The most popular fictional characters. Fictional characters: list of the most famous. Scrooge McDuck. Tony Stark. National media star

13.04.18 5558 0

The richest movie characters

Become a billionaire in real life Not everyone can do it with a snap of their fingers. It's much easier to come up with a rich character and make him the hero of your film. Fictional rich people are no less interested in the Forbes list than real ones. Therefore, every year a new ranking of the richest representatives of fictional worlds is compiled.

Read which fictional characters own billions and what is the secret of their success. At the same time, choose a movie for the evening!

1st place - Scrooge McDuck

State:$65.1 billion

Source of income: mining, treasure hunting

Place of residence: Duckburg, California

2nd place - dragon Smaug

Following the rich drake comes the dragon Smaug, who has settled in the Lonely Mountain. This hero of Tolkien's work has always been attracted to gold. Having driven out the rightful owners of the wealth, he appropriated all the golden treasures of the mountain for himself.

State:$54.1 billion

Source of income: marauding

Place of residence: lonely mountain

3rd place - Carlisle Cullen

The top three is closed by the head of the Cullen family of vampires. Over the 373 years of his life, Carlisle managed to accumulate good property and get to 3rd place on the Forbes list.

State:$44 billion

Source of income: investments

Place of residence: Forks, Washington

The Twilight saga perfectly shows how beautiful you can live when you are a vampire, immortal and have a lot of money.

4th place - Tony Stark

State:$12.4 billion

Source of income: Stark Industries Corporation, defense industry

Place of residence: Malibu, California

Be careful, after watching Iron Man you may be sucked into the Marvel universe.

5th place - Bruce Wayne

Unlike previous hero comics, Bruce Wayne carefully hides his superhero career. But all of Gotham knows about his wealth. The loss of his parents not only prompted him to stand up for people, but also brought him a multi-billion dollar inheritance.

State:$9.2 billion

Source of income: inheritance, defense industry

Place of residence: Gotham City, USA

In Batman, Bruce mostly fights evil, with billions just in the background.

6th place - Christian Gray

How 27-year-old Christian built his fortune and made it onto the Forbes list remains a mystery. Either this is the incredible persistence of the billionaire, or the “red room” intervened in the matter.

State:$2.5 billion

Source of income: investments, Gray Enterprises Holding Corporation

2 August 2013, 15:53

So, in order :)


Net worth: $65.4 billion

Source of wealth: industry, treasure hunting

Fame: "DuckTales", "Uncle Scrooge"


Net worth: $54.1 billion

Source of wealth: looting

Glory: "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

The dragon, the leader of last year's rating, dropped one place in 12 months, becoming poorer by almost $8 billion. It is still difficult to predict how his film debut will affect Smaug, but on the screen the hero will have to part with his untold wealth. However, so far he has managed to maintain high positions in the rankings, not without the help of gold.


Net worth: $46 billion

Source of Wealth: Investments

Fame: "Twilight"

The 373-year-old native of London burst into the rankings in 2010, immediately taking first place. Over the past three years, despite an increase in his fortune of $12 billion, the head of the vampire clan has lost leadership to more conservative fictional characters. The popularity of Twilight itself is also at risk of declining.


Net worth: $12.4 billion

Source of Wealth: Defense Technology

Glory: " iron man»

The brilliant, vain inventor Tony Stark for recent years moved from the comic book universe to the Hollywood universe. The hero of Robert Downey Jr. collected an impressive box office (the third part of “Iron Man” received more than $1 billion at the box office) and became one of the most popular film characters of our time. In the Forbes ranking, the head and owner of Stark Industries also rose by one place. Stark's fortune grew by more than $3 billion in a year.


Net worth: $11.2 billion

Source: media

Fame: "Citizen Kane"

The hero of Orson Welles, whose prototype was media mogul William Hearst, remains a classic of world cinema to this day. In Kane's case, the approximate value of Hearst Corporation can be used to estimate wealth. In 2012, Forbes estimated the revenue of the conglomerate, which is still owned by the Hearst family, at $3.8 billion. Over the year, Kane’s fortune added almost $3 billion.

Read more on Forbes.


Net worth: $9.2 billion

Source: legacy, defense technology

Glory: "Batman"


Net worth: $5.8 billion

Source: inheritance, industry

Fame: "Richie Richie"


Net worth: $2.5 billion

Source: investments, industry

Fame: "50 Shades of Gray"

The hero of the main book bestseller of the year “50 Shades of Gray” E. L. James is a newcomer to the Forbes rating. Gray is a young billionaire whose secret hobbies he understands main character novel by Anastasia Steele.


Net worth: $1.8 billion

Source: inheritance

Fame: A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones

The head of the House of Lannister became $300 million poorer in a year. If we rely on the chronology of the film adaptation of George Martin's books, then the reason for the decline in Lord Casterly Rock's fortune is apparently the protracted war with the House of Stark.


Net worth: $1.5 billion

Source: nuclear energy

Fame: "The Simpsons"

The main rich man from the universe of the popular animated series Burns has lost more than $10 billion of his fortune since 2006. The reason for this dynamics, apparently, lies in the problems of nuclear energy, which is the basis of the capital of the hero of The Simpsons.


Net worth: $1.3 billion

Source: technology

Fame: "Two and a Half Men"

Internet billionaire with broken hearted from the extremely popular sitcom in the USA recently changed the performer: instead of the Hollywood “enfant terrible” Charlie Sheen, the role of Schmidt is now played by Ashton Kutcher, and he himself last man in Silicon Valley.

Net worth: $1.3 billion

When Dan Harris turned 25, he was able to realize the dream of probably many film school students: he shot his own film, that is, he directed it and wrote the script for it. And it doesn’t matter that the film went virtually unnoticed, despite the fact that it starred Sigourney Weaver, Jeff Daniels, Emile Hirsch and Michelle Williams, and with a budget of 10 million, the film grossed less than 300 thousand dollars worldwide, that is, mere pennies. But the viewing audience, which has a good attitude towards philosophical drama family type, quite positively assessed the work of Dan Harris: on IMDb the average score of “Fictional Heroes” is 7.3, on KP it is only one tenth of a point less. Well, a young filmmaker by all standards began to make a name for himself, however, “Fictional Heroes” still remains Harris’s only directorial work. An interesting fact is that Harris himself began in big cinema with adaptations of comic books about the Isk People, and then worked on The Return of Superman.

Weaver, Daniels, Hirsch and Williams are an average American family that lives according to all the canons of society, without standing out from the crowd of other similar families. But one day she is broken by a terrible misfortune: her eldest son cums suicide… His motives are unclear, everyone is shocked by what happened, meanwhile, numerous injuries are found on the body of the middle son, but he stubbornly remains silent, where do all these bruises and abrasions come from? His mother cannot reach him either, although she is at least trying to do something in the current situation, but his father stubbornly does not notice that loneliness and division reign in his family - few people care about anyone, and the father of the family himself seems to have fenced himself off from other members of the social unit. Meanwhile, the middle son, who has withdrawn into himself, begins to learn the secrets of his family, which were carefully kept in the farthest closet and covered with centuries-old dust, but still skeletons began to fall and the very last, largest skeleton can plunge the guy into shock, closing him from everyone else forever .

This is the kind of heavy, serious plot that Dan Harris succeeded in. You need to watch what is happening carefully. Perhaps at first not all the scenes will be clear, the question will arise “Why is all this here?”, but in the future everything will be sorted out so that the viewer can form a complete picture of the attitude towards the family around and within which all this dramatic action is taking place. Dan Harris tried to very clearly balance between the development of the picture and its dialogue basis. I can say that he did not always succeed. But this mistake can be attributed to his youth and inexperience. To ensure that the episodes of the film do not sag and do not fall out of the general series, the actors tried very hard. In some places they even tried too hard. And this is not something that seemed false, rather, it was too deeply tragic, and there were scenes that did not seem to require this. And after some time, this excessive saturation with the tragic emotionality and fragmentation of the characters leads to outright rage from these suffering individuals.

And everything would be right if they suffered from the loss of a person close to them, but here it is noticeable that all the heroes of “Fictional Heroes” are maximally focused on themselves. For example, Sigourney Weaver is a high-flying actress, she carries the lion's share of the picture, but only in places you can see that she restrains her charisma a little and provides space for other actors. But Weaver played the scenes with his middle son, played by Emile Hirsch, really superbly. Emile Hirsch himself looks good against the backdrop of Weaver, but when the scenes are given to his hero, then he seems to bite into them with his teeth, trying to prove that he is worthy of something next to Weaver and Daniels. We know, Emil, that you are a good actor, but your character’s excessive emotionality sometimes gave no reason to believe in your image. But sad as a mattress, Jeff Daniels looked like the most prosaic character, but at the same time the most natural. Although I wanted to slap him and say: “Look around: your family is collapsing, and you’re sitting in a chair!”

This is what happens while watching the family drama “Fictional Heroes”: in places what happens touches you, takes you to the quick, and these scenes leave behind memorable episodes, so they are staged very competently. But there were also moments when it was not clear that the actors constituted a common, integral team; it was as if they existed separately with their images. Although in any case the performers deserve praise. And we can attribute the flaws in the film to the youth and inexperience of director and screenwriter Dan Harris.

Even fictional people can influence our world in amazing ways. But we decided to tell you about those invented people who have achieved considerable success in our world, about which many of us real people all that remains is to dream.

1. Director

Not every film can become a blockbuster - for every “Avengers” there will certainly be its own “Fantastic Four”. When a film doesn't get high ratings, directors can go to great lengths to whitewash themselves - for example, they attribute authorship to Alan Smithee. Over the years, Alan Smithee has managed to be a director, writer and even an actor, despite obvious obstacles such as the lack of a face.

In fact, his IMDB profile is filled with movie roles and books he has written, and he has even received several nominations. It should be noted that while Smithy is used to blame someone else for a failed film, his name sometimes also serves as a form of protest if a director or writer feels that outside interference has ruined their original vision for the film.

2. One of the most popular models on Earth

Chris Brown

Manti Te'o's career is essentially the exact opposite of Chris Brown's. He probably once tried to recover from a blow and therefore invented a girlfriend for himself. However, the popularity of this friend is growing - dedicated to her huge amount magazine articles.

True, her career ended after she was recognized as one of the hottest women in the world according to Maxim magazine - she was awarded the “69” nomination. The creator of the imaginary girl should be pitied because even the imaginary girl suddenly turned out to be too hot for him.

3. Letters from fans

Sherlock Holmes is a global phenomenon. He wrote books, songs and even starred in feature films. In addition, he is a completely fictional character, although the author who first created him made a mistake when he gave him a very real address.

The apartment at 221b Baker Street is considered Holmes' official residence. Today this apartment has been turned into a Sherlock Holmes museum, but before that it was a huge problem for the British bank Abbey National. When one of the branches moved to a new address, which by chance turned out to be the notorious Baker Street, 221b, the employees were immediately inundated with thousands of letters from fans of Sherlock Holmes - letters to an invented person who had also acted a hundred years ago.

So even if fans didn't know the man wasn't real, they could at least assume he would have died by now.

4. On Twitter, fictional characters have more followers than celebrities.

Let's talk about Twitter. The number of your followers directly depends on how famous you are, which in turn means you have some influence on people. Don't laugh, but this is why Justin Bieber can be called one of the most influential people on earth. And the sheer effect of what followers can do is somewhat staggering: when 20,000 people “retweet” the word “Thank you” you wrote without any coercion, you truly have the kind of influence you can only dream of.

But don't forget that there are hundreds of accounts of fictional people on Twitter with thousands of followers. One of the most famous examples- Batman, read by almost half a million people. The Queen of England's version of Twitter, where she allegedly swears, has more than a million followers. And the most amazing case is Lord Voldemort himself, about two million people read it.

5. A book based on a fictional life

Mrs Stephen Fry is a Twitter account and the person who runs it claims to be the unhappy wife of British writer Stephen Fry. Although she has fewer followers than Batman, Mrs. Fry has earned fame by publishing two books, one of which is a literal catalog of her tweets.

Of course, there are other people who have created online new identity, radically different from their own. But Mrs. Fry is a unique phenomenon: she blogs, writes on Twitter and gives interviews, without ever revealing her incognito identity.

It’s strange, of course, that the fictional, tormented wife of a gay man has gained such popularity among the people, simply by constantly adding one made-up story after another. But let's talk about the guy who...

6. Became one of the most famous photographers in the world

Robert Kincaid is the character played by Clint Eastwood in the film The Bridges of Madison County. In the film, Kincaid worked as a photographer for National Geographic magazine, and although most of During his time, he took intimate photographs of Lady Meryl Streep, but still took several photographs of the bridge.

Film buffs loved this enigmatic, stone-faced photographer so much that many of them contacted National Geographic directly to see his actual work. The unfortunate editors of the magazine were forced to tell them over and over again that Kincaid did not really exist, that he was just a fictional character in the film, but this did not stop anyone. Even after it was officially announced that Kincaid was not and never was, fans continued to send in their letters.

7. War Hero

George P. Bardell was born out of a prank by a bored student at Georgia Teachers College who was accidentally given two admissions forms. Instead of sending one form back or throwing it away, he filled out both - one under his own name and the other under the name of one George P. Bardell. Both people, real and fictitious, entered college, and during their studies the student completed all assignments in double volume - for himself and for Bardell.

However, this apparently was not enough for George, as he decided to take part in the Second World War. By "getting involved" we mean he's been literally everywhere: on the flight crew of a B-17, served in Africa, and even attended Harvard as part of the Navy unit. We are surprised that for some reason the story has not been corrected to say that George personally killed Hitler.

Later, George became even more famous and was even nominated for the “Person of the Year” award.

8. National media star

Cody Kennings was allegedly the eight-year-old daughter of an American soldier serving in Iraq. But you can probably guess that Cody didn't actually exist - she was the creation of one Jamie Reynolds, who made up Cody and her story to impress all the readers of the student newspaper.

The story quickly gained momentum and eventually attracted the attention of the world community. Reynolds, in an attempt to earn an air-conditioned seat in hell, went so far as to hire a girl to impersonate Cody Kennings during public appearances, telling her that she would later play Kennings in a movie. Then, for added effect, Reynolds announced that Cody's father had been killed and a memorial service would be held in his honor.

The service actually took place, and it was there that the deception was revealed.

9. A popular drink was created thanks to a fictitious personality.

You may have heard about Tom Collins - this drink is drunk by older people, ordering it from TV stores. But who is this Tom Collins really? The answer is simple - it doesn't exist.

This short answer was part of a large and complex joke. They say that back in 1874, quite a lot of people jointly decided that they wanted to watch random people fight on the street. To do this, they casually told one of their acquaintances that a mysterious stranger who called himself Tom Collins was saying all sorts of nasty things about him.

The calculation was based on the fact that the offended person would try to find Tom Collins to punch him in the face. The hoax was so successful that Tom was mentioned in several news reports of the time, which cheerfully decided to perpetuate the hoax by mentioning that an unknown foul-mouthed man had been spotted in various parts America. Two years later, the Tom Collins cocktail appeared, and the name ensured its double popularity among those who were aware of the hoax.

10. Pop star

All characters on our list have one distinctive feature- none of them have a face. As a rule, only real celebrities have their own face, known to fans around the world. However, we hasten to introduce you to Japanese superstar Aimi Iguchi.

Aimi appeared in the video declaring herself a member of AKB48, which Wikipedia describes as a "cult girl group" featuring young girls who dress in school uniforms. Almost immediately after Aimi's appearance, fans went crazy trying to figure out who she really was. They were disappointed: in the end it turned out that Aimi was simply an “assembly” of the traits of the six other members of the group.

Although you've probably never heard of AKB48, the group is nonetheless considered one of the highest paid. youth groups in the world, which makes Aimi a double record holder, since “AKB48” is also the most numerous musical group on the planet: it consists of 90 people.


So the next time you're feeling sad, just remember that the fictional Japanese schoolgirl instantly gained legions of fans, won awards in the music world, and appeared in adult magazines (well, this is Japan).

If a fictional character can achieve so much without any effort, imagine what you yourself are capable of - you, unlike all those we told you about, are quite real.

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    36. Lucille Bluth – $1 billion

    Rich, dishonest and always drunk, Mrs. Bluth is the mother of the family from the TV series Arrested Development. While her husband sits in prison, Lucille poses as an innocent lamb, but in reality she is the invisible hand that moves illegal earnings around the world.

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    35. Joe Bennett – $1 billion

    Jolene “Jo” Bennett, played by Kathy Bates, turned a small computer parts company into a major supplier of printers, faxes and scanners, and also managed to acquire the Dunder Mifflin paper company and become the queen of “The Office.”

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    34. Jeffrey Lebowski – $1 billion

    An elderly veteran of the Korean War, confined to a wheelchair, married to a young beauty - the same “Big Lebowski” from the film of the same name, loved by millions. He manages a family charitable foundation, thanks to which he made such a fortune.

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    33. Chuck Bass – $1.1 billion

    The former main villain of Gossip Girl, the smug heir to the late real estate tycoon Bart Bass. He loves everything good and not so good in life - booze, women and gossip.

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    32. Mary Crowley – $1.1 billion

    The eldest daughter of the Earl of Grantham from Downton Abbey knows a lot about running a business, even though she is a woman in a man's world. In addition to the capital of one of Britain's oldest families, Mary also inherited a substantial sum upon her husband's death.

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    31. Mr. Monopoly - $1.2 billion

    A real estate tycoon who owns entire streets, hotels and railways. He is the face of a board game that has ruined the relationships of hundreds of thousands of families around the world.

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    30. Lara Croft – $1.3 billion

    Fabulously rich, beautiful, smart and athletic - and most importantly, she has an amazing superpower to maintain a perfect hairstyle in any mess. She inherited her fortune after the death of her aristocratic parents from London.

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    29. Walden Schmidt – $1.3 billion

    Ashton Kutcher's character appeared in the sitcom Two and a Half Men after Charlie Sheen, who played main role. The brilliant Internet entrepreneur made a fortune selling an application with a music algorithm to Microsoft, but in the first episode he tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love.

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    28. Charles Montgomery Burns – $1.5 billion

    The owner of the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, where Homer Simpson unsuccessfully tries to work. The most powerful and wealthy resident of Springfield is focused on only one thing - increasing his wealth. Although throughout the series he managed to lose his fortune twice (!), the money always magically returns to him.

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    27. Lucius Malfoy – $1.6 billion

    One of the most hated characters in the Harry Potter universe is also the richest in magical world. Like the blond one from real world Donald Trump, Lucius Malfoy became rich through inheritance and investments.

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    26. Tywin Lannister – $1.8 billion

    "Lannisters always pay their debts." Why? Yes, because they have an almost inexhaustible supply of money. The Lannister family's main source of income is gold mining, and Tywin is so rich that he can easily afford to loan the crown 3 million gold pieces.

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    25. Willy Wonka – $1.9 billion

    Everyone in childhood dreamed of growing up like Willy Wonka - a billionaire who made his fortune from sweets. Although, if you think about it, his innovative inventions, like the flying elevator or teleportation, do not justify his abuse of children and the organization of slave labor.

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    24. Gomez Addams – $2 billion

    This eccentric billionaire has been very lucky in life. The father of the Addams family once accidentally bought a swamp that turned out to be filled with oil, another time he bought a mummy's hand that turned out to belong to a pharaoh, and so on. Gomez owns salt mines, an insurance company, a tombstone company and a vulture farm. He is also a descendant of the Castile royal family and British aristocrats.

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    23. Lisbeth Salander – $2.4 billion

    The genius "girl with the dragon tattoo" is the fifth woman to make the list. Lisbeth, a world-class hacker with a difficult childhood, managed to steal billions of dollars, which she used to fight crime.

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    22. Christian Gray – $2.5 billion

    The most fresh face Christian Gray, a giant of investment, production and other things that have little to do with the topic of this list, entered the Forbes ranking. The 27-year-old businessman is the protagonist of the notorious novel “50 Shades of Gray” and is known for his manner of pacifying competitors using the whip method.

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    21. Terry Benedict – $2.5 billion

    The owner of the largest casinos in Las Vegas in the Ocean's 11 universe. Insightful, serious and resourceful, Benedict takes everything from life: beautiful women, expensive suits and sweet revenge.

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    20. Forrest Gump – $5.7 billion

    Low IQ did not prevent this good-natured cutie from becoming fabulously rich. A successful shrimp company and an investment in “some fruit company” from Apple provided Forrest and his true friend Lieutenant Dan has a comfortable existence.

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    19. Richie Rich – $5.8 billion

    In fact, “Rich Richie” does not have his own personal fortune, but he does have fabulously rich parents. The most pleasant thing about his character is that he does not behave like one of the many members of the Kardashian family, but destroys all stereotypes about children of rich parents and is distinguished by kindness and modesty.

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    18. Adrian Veidt – $7 billion

    You'd rather know him as Ozymandias from Watchmen - the smart person on Earth. At the age of 17, he inherited a large inheritance after the death of his parents, but gave it to charity and went on a spiritual journey. He then became a crime fighter and, with the help of his brilliant intellect, earned a new multi-billion dollar fortune, building an entire empire engaged in developments in the field of genetics and advanced technologies.

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    17. Carter Pewterschmidt – $7.2 billion

    Greedy Carter Pewterschmidt from "Family Guy" spends her time in the company of serious guys - playing cards with Bill Gates, Michael Eisner and Ted Turner. Prefers hedonism to philanthropy. Loves ascot ties, booze and humiliating his son-in-law.

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    16. Thurston Howell III – $8 billion

    Unfortunately, he remained missing along with other unfortunates from Gilligan's Island. Before he ended up on the island, he was a millionaire playboy who inherited Howell Industries. Known for his habit of lighting cigars with burnt banknotes.

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    15. Jabba the Hutt – $8.4 billion

    Jabba Desilijic Tiure made his cosmic fortune through dishonest means. This gangster from " Star Wars"Is involved in both politics and crime. Jabba knows how to enjoy money and leads an extremely hedonistic lifestyle - betting on podracing, feeding enemies to his pet rancor and having fun with human women.

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    14. Gordon Gekko – $8.5 billion

    The filthy rich investor and corporate raider from the movie "Wall Street" is not only one of the richest fictional characters, but has also been repeatedly voted one of the best villains of all time. He was the one who did

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    13. Bruce Wayne – $9.2 billion

    The heir to Wayne Enterprises and a billionaire superhero is a frequent guest in the Forbes ranking. The fictional corporation ranks 8th on the list of the largest international conglomerates in the DC comics universe and is a leading defense contractor. It's no surprise that Batman is always perfectly armed.

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    12. Jed Clampett – $9.8 billion

    Rags to riches is the story told by the 1960s sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies and the 1993 film of the same name. Practically impoverished Jed Clampett discovered huge oil reserves in a swamp while hunting, after which he sold the land for equally huge money and moved his family to Beverly Hills. Clampett Oil went public in 1984, but the family remained in management.

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    11. Lex Luthor – $10.1 billion

    One of the most iconic comic book villains needs no introduction. His megacorporation LexCorp owns companies and organizations in the most different areas, ranging from hotels to robotics. When Luther is not busy trying to destroy Superman, he is involved in charity work and donates huge sums of money to the good of Metropolis. He even managed to be President of the United States.

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    10. Jay Gatsby – $11.2 billion

    This unbridled romantic became famous for his noisy parties, where champagne flows like a river and beauties dance until the morning. Gatsby is very secretive when it comes to his condition, which gives rise to rumors about his involvement in organized crime.

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    9. Charles Foster Kane – $11.2 billion

    The main character in the critically acclaimed film Citizen Kane is perhaps the most depressed billionaire on this list. Charles Kane was loosely based on William Randolph Hearst, newspaper magnate and founder of yellow journalism.

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    8. Tony Stark – $12.4 billion

    Perhaps the most popular billionaire on this list returned to his former glory after the release of the Iron Man film franchise. Genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist Tony Stark inherited his father Howard Stark's company after he and his wife died in a car accident. Besides being half man, half machine and a brilliant inventor, Tony's other superpower is his incredible wealth.

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    1. Scrooge McDuck – $65.4 billion

    The first place is deservedly taken by Scrooge McDuck - a true representative American dream. As an immigrant from Scotland, McDuck climbed career ladder honest labor from the very bottom, without any education. When he was just a boy, he shined shoes in his hometown Glasgow, until one day at the age of 13 he went to the USA with the dream of becoming rich. Although one episode of DuckTales mentions that Scrooge's safe contains “607 trillion 386 billion 947 trillion 522 billion dollars and 36 cents,” in reality Forbes estimated his net worth at almost $65 billion.