The most popular dances for girls. Dance styles: list and description

A person uses oral and written language to express thoughts and feelings. But there are other ways to express yourself. One of the options for conveying experiences is dance. Through body movements accompanied by music or rhythm, a person shares his emotional state. Due to the variety of styles, it is necessary to review the list dance styles and currents.

Everyone who studies dance theme, faces the question of what styles and trends exist. For a holistic understanding of what dance movements there are, it is necessary to consider dance from a retrospective point of view.

Choreographic art has very ancient origins. Initially, the movements contained exclusively sacred meaning. Rhythmic movements served to achieve a specific goal.

People tried to make it rain or show interest in opposite sex. Over time, the dance acquired greater beauty and sophistication. The importance of musical accompaniment has increased.

The choreographic image of a particular nationality had characteristic features. Colorfulness was determined not only by movements, but also by unusual rhythmic sketches.

Each era has its own current dance styles. It is quite difficult to come across folk choreography in everyday performance. It has been preserved in its original form only on stage. Popular trends of our time include a variety of street and club dances. The main thing that unites existing fashion trends is a new vision of body language.

Styles and directions

Study the topic dance styles and directions, it is advisable to start with a source such as Wikipedia. Among the dance styles, Wikipedia lists the following directions:


Involves competition between competing athletes. Parameters for judging are technical skill and expressiveness of performance, taking into account the musical accompaniment.

The basis is particularly complex dance and acrobatic elements.


The essence is a combination of movements in the form theatrical performance. The basis of the performance is the expression of the artist’s thoughts, emotions and feelings through plasticity, facial expressions, movements and gestures. The parameters for audience evaluation are expressiveness and grace. The target audience is the viewer and his reaction to what he saw.

Includes three categories: modern, romantic and classical. Basis for modern ballet- classical ballet direction. Feature- lack of strict requirements and standards. Subcategories of modern ballet are contemporary, modern, postmodern and jazz-modern. The main requirement is the dancer's self-expression.


The target audience is the performing dancers themselves. Types of ballroom programs - standard and Latin. The standard includes tango, Viennese waltz, slow waltz, slow foxtrot, quickstep (or fast foxtrot). Latin includes rumba, samba, jive, cha-cha-cha, paso doble.

Required condition- paired performance of movements by a man and a woman. The ballroom movement includes ballroom sports (known as dance sports).


A general name for dance styles of past centuries, present in the programs of modern dancers. The direction includes the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, 19th and 20th centuries:

  • Medieval movements - estampi, sarabande, bergamasca, saltarello.
  • Renaissance - moreska, bass dances, cascades, country dances.
  • Baroque and Rococo - passier, minuet, bourre.
  • 19th century - Krakowiak, waltz, polka.
  • 20th century - foxtrot, tango, Lindy hall.

Folk (folklore)

The essence is a reflection of the traditions, character and customs of a certain nationality. Takes into account the rhythms, movements, and costumes characteristic of a particular area. The target audience is dancers and spectators. The basis of the movements is the imitation of animal behavior with the adoption of the movements of the labor process in humans.

Related props - household accessories, musical instruments, weapon. Folklore direction includes:

  • polka,
  • lezginka,
  • gypsy girl
  • Czardas and others.

Latin American

Includes Argentine tango, bachata, mambo, lambada, merengue, salsa, flamenco, bolero, capoeira. The basis of bachata is a pair performance. Capoeira - Brazilian martial art, including acrobatic elements and leg swings to musical accompaniment.

The essence of flamenco is a combination of hand clapping and foot stomping using castanets.


The original meaning is the transfer of sacred meaning, and not the receipt of practical benefits. Percussion instruments were used as musical accompaniment.

There are several other common directions:

  1. Street. Area of ​​origin: dance parties, streets, schoolyards, parks, nightclubs. The essence is mass recreation within the city. The basis is an improvisational element combined with social interaction between dancers and the audience. Currents - popping, hip-hop, locking, breakdancing.
  2. Erotic. The main parameters for assessment are plasticity, expressiveness, self-expression. Currents are striptease and belly dancing.
  3. Variety. The essence is a stage performance. A special feature is a short performance in the form of a miniature.
  4. Swing. The basis is West African and African American traditions. The peculiarity is the rhythm of syncopation and jazz. Includes jive, Charleston, boogie-woogie, blues, rock and roll and other movements.
  5. Modern (or contemporary). The essence is the denial of traditions classical ballet. Represents a type of stage choreographic performance.
  6. Hustle. The essence is the performance of dance movements in pairs to the musical accompaniment of disco style. Includes jack-n-jill, freestyle, ladies hustle, sports hustle, show hustle, double hustle.

Styles for girls

The variety of trends prompts the question of which styles are suitable for girls.

Existing dance styles are in demand among both the stronger and fairer sexes. The main criteria for dancing for women and girls is learning plastic movements and losing excess weight. The combination of these parameters allows you to create the following list of currents for girls:

  • Belly dancing (or belly dancing). Eastern direction, any woman can be a performer, regardless of age or body size. Classes develop femininity, inner beauty and harmony, improve figure and grace. It is considered extremely beneficial for health.
  • Strip plasticity refers to explicit dance styles, designed to eliminate stiffness and increase the plasticity of the female body. Feature - there is no need to undress. Allows you to get rid of complexes and overcome internal fears.
  • Go-go. Feature - during the performance, elements of eroticism are demonstrated without nudity of the dancer. It is similar to strip plastic, the difference is high degree aggressiveness and tempo during dance movements. Required condition - perfect figure at the dancer's.
  • Pole dancing is a combination of acrobatic and gymnastic elements and is considered difficult dance art. Required good preparation, physical fitness and endurance.
  • Electrodance. A special feature is the musical accompaniment of electronic music. The condition is high frequency, speed and amplitude of movement execution.
  • Tectonic is considered a combination of hip-hop, techno, popping and electrodance, and includes movements with arms and legs, and jumping.

Pay attention! The presented trends are not exclusively female. The distinction between dances is arbitrary and determined by the performer himself.

Popular destinations

New styles appear every day. It is important to understand that it is impossible to know all the names in the world and remember their descriptions. This is due to the rapid development of dance art.

Despite the significant diversity, all styles have characteristic features. Due to this feature, it is possible to give them a brief description.

The list of current areas includes:

  • Booty dance ( Booty Dance). Performers - female audience. The peculiarity is frankness and eroticism in the performance. Origins - ancient Africa. The creators of the performance technique are strippers from New Orleans. Includes rotations, kicks and figure eights with the hips, and vibration with the buttocks.
  • Divided into Hip rolling, Rump Shaking (Booty Shake), Twerk (Twerking). The requirements for a dancer are developed muscles of the buttocks and legs. The advantages of the course are working out the back muscles, improving the shape of the female body. Clothing requirements - comfortable shorts or leggings with an emphasis on the buttocks and thighs, sneakers, accessories.
  • Break Dance includes a low and high break. It is considered a combination of elements of hip-hop and DupStep music. The technical element is torque from any point of support, including on the head. Feature: increased risk of injury. There is an acrobatic variety.
  • Club dance is a common name for many movements; it includes the direction of straight and broken rhythm.
  • The flow of a straight rhythm - musical accompaniment from Techno, Disco House, Progressive, the flow of a broken rhythm - hip-hop, breaks, break beat, R&B.
  • Contemporary Dance. The basis is elements of choreography. It is a combination of flexibility and technical freedom.
  • C-walk. A special feature is jumping and active swings to the musical accompaniment of a direct rhythm. The difficulty is the lack of significant space for mass performance.

Let's list a few more existing varieties:

  • Dance Mix,
  • Dancehall,
  • Disco
  • Dub step (Dup Step),
  • Electric Boogie,
  • Electro (Electro),
  • Electrobit,
  • Electrodance,
  • Frame up strip,
  • Free style.

Important! For a detailed study of styles, in addition to the compiled list, it is recommended to watch videos. The undoubted advantage of video is the ability to observe dance moves in a frame-by-frame perspective.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Dance is considered not only the language of the body, but also of the soul. The centuries-old history of its development has led to the emergence of many trends. The variety of styles and trends allows the performer to convey the entire spectrum of emotions and passions.

– this is an ideal option for maintaining tone and good physical shape for anyone modern man. It is not difficult to learn - as a rule, in order to master the technique of the chosen direction and start improvising, you should study for about six months. Moreover, you will not need a partner, which means you will be able to plan your workouts without depending on anyone or focusing on anyone.

What styles belong to modern club dances?

It should be noted that modern club dances include many styles and trends. And we will talk about the most common of them below.

Trends such as “Hip-Hop” and “Funk” have been popular for a long time. These club dances are performed to dynamic and modern, but non-aggressive music, and they harmoniously combine short, sharp movements with smooth and flexible ones.

A specific style that involves intensive execution of movements with a wide amplitude, as well as various turns. As a rule, this dance style involves the dancer moving at high speed, and therefore it is ideal for battles or for performing on stage.

This is a very characteristic direction, which is based on broad movements that attract attention. Moreover, for GO-GO the artistry of the dancer and his ability to improvise are extremely important.

Such dances are performed to a specific tune. electronic music, and their distinctive features are drive, high speed, movements with large amplitude.

Trance. This style is somewhat similar to the previous one, however, in addition to movements related to the House direction, it also includes a variety of waves.

A very fashionable trend that has many fans nowadays is R&B. Such dances are performed to appropriate music and are dynamic and flexible. And that's why R&B is considered ideal option for lovers of disco clubs.

STRIP. The direction under consideration is suitable, first of all, for people who want to learn to feel their body. Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, STRIP is chosen by girls, and this program includes a wide variety of elements of classical and modern, as well as jazz choreography.

This is a rather specific dance in which you can find elements of locking, hip-hop, popping, and also techno. Moreover, the direction in question involves performing fairly complex movements, but with a small amplitude.

Latin style. Initially, this style did not belong to the category of club dances. However, every year it becomes more and more popular - and not surprising, because many modern disco clubs host themed Latin parties.

There are other areas of club dancing that are less widespread these days. So, every person who wants to learn how to dance beautifully and modernly, master their body perfectly and always make a lasting impression on others can choose exactly the style that suits them most.

Dance is a wonderful art that allows you to convey emotions, thoughts and feelings, talk about events through plasticity, movements and gestures to music. The list of dance styles is very large, allowing you to choose an activity depending on the character, tastes, and age of the person. And you don’t have to be a professional to feel the joy of dancing.

What are the dance genres?

All dance genres are divided into large groups:

  • classical dance(ballet);
  • folk or ethnic;
  • ballroom - Latin American and European program;
  • modern.

A separate group includes the historical movement - polonaise, ballo, contradance, etc. Not so popular today, they reflect the spirit of past eras.

Each genre includes a variety of types, interchanges from other directions, further development and complication of movements. Depending on the number of dancers, they can be individual, pair, or group.

Popular dance styles

Even the seemingly unshakable and unchangeable classic - ballet - is divided into separate styles:

  • classical;
  • modern;
  • romantic.

Dance styles of ethnic group:

  • African;
  • Latin American;
  • eastern;
  • European.

The basis of the ballroom direction is standard European and Latin American programs, 5 types in each.

Of particular interest is the variety of modern genres. They are not so strict in relation to innovations and allow constant changes and improvements. Appeared at the beginning of the last century free style became the basis for the emergence and development of modern, contemporary, butoh.

Modern is the most popular, spectacular dance that appeared at the beginning of the century. He denies the canons of classical ballet and includes the most original movements. Contempo uses a number of styles at once, maximum improvisation, conveying the whole range of feelings and emotions on the dance floor.

Butoh is a recently emerged Japanese dance technique, magical and incomprehensible. It embodies Eastern philosophy, aesthetics and religious values, which makes the dance very difficult to master. Western world, but all the more spectacular and bewitching.

Sports and club dance genres

Breakdancing, Go, Tectonic, Hip-hop, Crump are just some of the dance genres from a large list of club and sports genres. These genres are preferred by young people; they originated in poor neighborhoods different countries world and conquered the entire planet.

The art of dance is fragile and short-lived. It is impossible to repeat an improvisation exactly; even classical movements will differ with each performance. The more interesting and valuable this activity is. The variety of styles makes it possible to practice it at any age, regardless of preferences, social status and other parameters.

  • Regular dancing will make your body slimmer. During training, from 200 to 800 kcal are burned per hour - no worse than during fitness classes.
  • You can strengthen the respiratory organs and heart, increase the body's endurance, and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol.
  • and your gait is something you can be proud of after regular exercise. Dancing will help you learn to hold your back correctly.
  • You will develop excellent coordination, reaction speed and body flexibility.
  • You will become sociable and confident.
  • Learn not to be ashamed of your own body and move beautifully to the music.
  • You will have the opportunity to express yourself. In dance, a person is completely liberated, which contributes to psycho-emotional relief.
  • You are guaranteed a great mood. After the gym or fitness training, many people feel tired, but after dancing, on the contrary, they feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Which direction to choose

Hip-hop is a cheerful, playful and very energy-intensive youth dance genre. You will be able to express your emotions, experiences or protest, and relax thanks to the movements that the body itself prompts. This is drive and adrenaline, the spirit of competition and leadership. Here the rules and restrictions are blurred, but at the same time a bright, clear style is felt.

This direction is characterized by downward movements, relaxed bent knees and a low-slung body. High jumps are replaced by sliding along the floor, there is a quick unexpected transition from wavy and slow movements to sharp and clear ones. The dancer should appear completely relaxed and the dance should appear free-flowing.

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone who is young or feels young, confident and daring. Hip-hop can be a healthy hobby for your child. For children and adolescents, it will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, correct slight stoop and form a proportional figure. Moreover, this dance direction fosters strong-willed qualities and determination, and helps to show individuality.

According to the study Kids inactive most of the time during dance classes, hip-hop is the most useful dance style for a child: 57% of the duration of the workout a person is in motion. Scientists recognized flamenco as the least active: in this case, children were active only 14% of the time.


  • Home distinguishing feature: hip-hop is danced not to the rhythm of the melody, but to the beat, which must be recognized and clearly captured in the musical composition.
  • This is not just a dance, but a way of self-expression and a lifestyle. Hip-hop fans often wear clothes that emphasize their freedom: wide pants, sneakers, baseball caps, hoodies.
  • Hip-hop is always open to experimentation and improvisation. Character plays an important role in this direction, namely confidence, self-affirmation, a certain stubbornness and perseverance. This type of dance will help you become more courageous, psychologically liberated and open in communication.
  • This dance perfectly works the muscles of the legs, arms and shoulder girdle, and improves fine motor skills.


Hip-hop can be considered a set, so the contraindications are standard, as for regular training. People who have problems with their knee joints should be especially careful about such activities, as they place a lot of stress on them.

The workouts combine aerobic exercise with elements seductive dance. Each lesson includes a warm-up, including stretching, and learning dance moves. The muscles of the legs and arms, hips and buttocks, abdomen, back and chest receive an excellent workout.

Beginners will have to master the basic elements: waves with the body and arms, circular movements with the hips and chest, arches in the back while standing, sitting and lying on the floor. As you progress, the training includes complicated dance sequences with elements of acrobatics (splits, flips, stands).

Who is it suitable for?

This type of dance is created for all girls and women, regardless of their physical shape, appearance and age. If you not only strive for a beautiful figure and graceful gait, but also want to learn to love yourself, attract and seduce the opposite sex, then strip plastic surgery is ideal for you.


  • Strip plastic will help you overcome complexes more easily, will give you the opportunity to see your body and its advantages in a new way, as well as correct or hide shortcomings. After regular exercise, you will not only look better, but also feel more confident and attractive.
  • When teaching this style, much attention is paid to posture and movement, without which high-quality performance of dance elements is impossible.
  • The program also includes a fashion show. A few weeks will pass, and you will begin to move smoothly and relaxed, and your gait will become easy.
  • Another advantage is that many movements are done with a bend in the lower back. Usually these muscles are poorly developed due to a sedentary lifestyle. This type of dance will be an excellent prevention of diseases such as scoliosis and osteochondrosis.
  • During such training, transformation occurs, you will be able to reveal your sensuality and tell about secret desires, try on different roles- from a modest housewife to a vamp. You will master the art of attracting men and learn how to arouse their interest.


Diseases of the respiratory system, heart, blood vessels and joints can become an obstacle to exercise. With osteochondrosis, there is a limitation: you cannot twist the spine too much. At the same time, strengthening the back and abdominal muscles, stretching the muscles of the hips, shoulder girdle and pelvis will help significantly alleviate the manifestations of the disease.

This is one of the sexiest trends that helps prolong a woman’s youth and attractiveness. Mandatory components of oriental dances are blows (sharp movements of the hips) and vibration combined with smooth waves, circles, and figure eights. Coordination of movements is very important. The dance drawing should look holistic, capturing all the attention of the viewer.

Who is it suitable for?

Ideal for mature women. Unlike jogging or aerobics, belly dancing is a gentle form of physical activity. This means you can perform movements without putting undue stress on your knees, legs, and feet.


  • You can start mastering the eastern direction even if you are in poor physical shape: belly dancing will independently prepare your body for the necessary stress.
  • This type of activity helps to shape a feminine figure. Since the movements of the hips in this dance are quite complex in terms of coordination, those muscles are worked out that are difficult to use during regular exercises. Such a fPhysical exercise promotes healthy labor and makes labor easier.
  • After 2-3 months of belly dancing, women feel better with gynecological diseases. Blood circulation improves, especially in the pelvic organs, inflammation of the appendages goes away, and menstrual pain is forgotten.
  • By practicing only oriental dances, it is impossible to create a perfect figure, since this is a fairly similar load. Not all muscle groups are involved here, for example, the back of the thigh, gluteal muscle, and triceps practically do not work.


Latin American dances (salsa, bachata, cha-cha-cha, mamba, rumba)

Latin American dances are known for their excitement, impulsiveness and positivity. The classes consist of three parts:

  • Warm-up - semicircular rotations of the head, hips, circular movements of the shoulders, etc.
  • The main part is learning the movements and repeating them many times.
  • Cool down - usually static stretching exercises and dance movements at a slow pace.

Who are they suitable for?

This type of training is ideal for energetic and emotional people. It embodies the fiery rhythm and clarity of movements. Latin American dancing is also a great way to warm up a couple's relationship or make new acquaintances.


  • The main feature of such dances is the constant work of the hip muscles with a fixed position of the back and a springy step. Therefore, the main load falls on the muscles of the shoulders, lower back and legs. This type of dance also helps improve heart rate.
  • One of the important features is that you won’t even notice the load on the body as a whole. The maximum you will feel is slight pleasant fatigue. This is due to the proportionality of the load on the entire body.
  • Actively engaged Latin American dances, you can not only lose weight, but also pump up your thighs if you have a tendency to do so.


If you have cardiovascular diseases or problems with the musculoskeletal system, such dances are contraindicated.


One of the most popular workouts for weight loss. It has spread to more than 180 countries. This fitness program combines elements of hip-hop, salsa, samba, merengue, mambo, flamenco and belly dance. Its goal is to work the maximum number of muscles without exhausting you with repeated repetitions of trivial exercises.

The direction was invented by Colombian Alberto Perez in the late 90s. He was a professional choreographer and dedicated his entire life to teaching others Latin dance. Later, Zumba became the basis for the training of many stars (Shakira, Beyoncé, Britney Spears).

Who is it suitable for?

Zumba does not tolerate restrictions; it can be practiced by people of any age, men and women with any abilities and skills. All choreographic movements are simple and clear.


  • The workout is like a party where everyone dances using simple combinations of movements.
  • To start practicing, you don't need any special physical training, so Zumba is great for beginners.
  • The dance program is very varied, which means you won’t get bored.
  • The emphasis in training is on the lower body, which allows you to tighten your muscles and get rid of cellulite.


Categorical contraindications are hernia of the lumbar spine, displacement of the vertebrae, diseases of the bones, ligaments, joints, thrombosis, problems with the heart muscle, high blood pressure, post-traumatic period, pregnancy at any stage.

Contempo is a combination of dance techniques from Western (classical dance, modern jazz) and Eastern (qigong, tai chi, yoga) art of movement.

The basic exercises are built by analogy with classical and modern ones: from simple to more complex. The class includes exercises on the ground (floor work), relaxation techniques, and stretching.

Who is it suitable for?

For amateur and professional dancers. The height, weight, and build of a person are not important here. Contempo is suitable for you if you want not only to keep in good shape and move beautifully, but also to get to know yourself.


  • Globally, contemporary dance differs from other dance styles in its inward orientation, interest in the quality of the moving body, its relationship with space, time, and partner. The dancer accumulates energy, thoughts, emotions within himself, and then gives them to the viewer.
  • The peculiarity of the dance also lies in the alternation of muscle tension and relaxation, falling and rising, sudden stops (often on straight legs), and balancing.
  • Breathing during contempo should be measured, as if it continues to move. Martial arts brought this requirement into dance.
  • Contempo gravitates more towards the floor, while emphasizing the lightness and expressiveness of movements. Usually danced barefoot.


Standard limits for physical activity. Moreover, this type of dance is quite difficult and exhausting, and you need to be in excellent psychological shape for training. Prolonged stretching and practicing jumping can exhaust a person with a fine mental organization and bring him into a state.

This is a rather complex set of movements, during which you need to keep your whole body tense. Training is often exhausting, with a fairly heavy load. Before starting, a 15-minute warm-up is necessary to warm up the main muscle groups, after which training begins basic elements dance. To perform this style, not only the movements of the dancer are important, but also his appearance, especially shoes. The most known species The Celtic dance that everyone knows about is step.

Who are they suitable for?

Patient people who are attracted to the theme of social dancing. This style is characterized by complex combinations, the elements of which will have to be learned not only in class, but also at home (perhaps even mentally).


  • You'll have to get used to a rather unusual position. The dance is performed on half toes (the dancer raises his heels and stands on his toes), the upper body is motionless, and the arms are always lowered. The basic rule is fast footwork.
  • This is a group dance, so you have to, on the one hand, give up all liberties, and on the other, develop a sense of partnership when you feel like one with other people. Psychologists assure that such training is especially useful for those who have difficulty joining a team or are afraid of communication.
  • The music has a clear rhythm and requires the same precise steps. It is important to hit both the note and the foot.
  • Another interesting feature is that it is better not to practice any other dances before starting training. Classical choreographic preparation often gets in the way. For example, in ballet the feet and hips are strongly turned to the sides. Here, on the contrary, the legs are always crossed. And you should completely forget about your hands.
  • The Celtic dance system is extremely interesting because it heals the spine without missing a single section, no worse than a real doctor. The habit of keeping your back straight will form after several weeks of regular exercise.
  • Constant training will form ideal calf muscles. Although any type of dance has a positive effect on the leg muscles, Celtic dance gets a well-deserved gold medal.
  • This type of activity does not put any stress on the arms, so if necessary (or if desired), you need to work out this area separately.


Large shock loads (jumps) do not allow those who have problems with the heart, blood vessels, spine, etc. to practice Celtic dancing. Progressive varicose veins are also a contraindication.

We looked at several main dance directions from which you can start getting acquainted with the world of dance. Take a few classes and you'll see what's right for you. When choosing, consider your age, the difficulty of training, your physical condition and goals.

Dance has always been associated with the spiritual side and state of mind person. It is worth noting that even holidays and rituals were never held without a corresponding dance. These days there is huge amount styles of this art form, each of which has its own characteristics.

A little about the history of dance

As mentioned above, dance is an art form that existed in ancient times. Literally everything had its own special style of dance: everyone ritual, every holiday or event, not to mention individual peoples and tribes. In any case, he was always important to man, and before dancing worn more sacred character and in certain cases could only be carried out knowledgeable people who invest in this action deep meaning. Today, the art of dance is accessible to everyone, and the world knows a huge variety of dance styles and trends.

With the development of humanity, choreography also developed. Early with her help shamans they caused rain and performed rituals, then, era after era, it became more diverse and colorful, different peoples created their own directions and styles, selected appropriate outfits for them, and began to divide them into men's and women's. Each style acquired its own rhythm and movement.

For a long time, the most famous and popular direction was folk dance, which was performed at all holidays and other events, now this style is preserved only on stage, although in a number of countries it is still popular and performed at weddings and other celebrations. Today, modern rhythms, youth trends, corresponding to modern music.

How modern dances appeared

Modern styles dances began to appear in the first half of the 20th century, gradually displacing ballet art into the background. At first they penetrated the masses unnoticed, but then various schools began to open that no longer adhered to the old rules. Thus, ballet, which had held a leading position for a long time, began to be relegated to secondary roles.

In general, that period was characterized by unpredictable changes not only in choreography, but also in music. First began to gain popularity free style, where all conventions were absent, and they were replaced by freedom and improvisation.

Styles Popular Today

It is worth noting that choreography never stands still, and even today the emergence and formation of new dance styles is proceeding at an active pace. But speaking more generally, it is worth highlighting several styles that emerged at the end of the 20th century and are still popular today. and here is their description:

Some of the dance styles presented are created primarily only for girls, but for the most part they can be performed by both sexes.

Today, choreography should be free, modern, permeated with improvisation, and street dance has all these qualities. It is interesting precisely because it is performed by non-professionals and includes movements from almost all dance styles, even classical ones. An interesting combination of one style with another, adapted to each other, filled with unusual beauty, so the well-known hip-hop, popping, and many others stood out here.

Dancing for girls

Due to the fact that choreography still attracts more female attention than male attention, among the various dance styles there are a number of specifically female ones:

  • Bellydance, also known as oriental dance or belly dancing. This style has gained unprecedented popularity among girls due to its color and incredible beauty. This is a truly feminine direction in choreography, which not only develops plasticity, but also strengthens women's health. Bellydance can be soft and smooth and at the same time rhythmic and filled with many movements;
  • Strip plastic is another popular style that develops the grace of the female body. Thanks to strip plastic, stiffness and complexes go away. This is a fairly frank dance, reminiscent of a striptease, but excluding the element of nudity;
  • Go-Go dance is club dance, combining rhythm and strip plastic elements;
  • and, in fact, just a club dance, which includes elements from hip-hop, funk, go-go and many others. Here, both a combination of several styles and the separate selection of one of them is allowed.

In addition to these styles, such styles as modern, vogue, booty dance and many others are also popular. It is almost impossible to list all the styles, because there are very, very many of them, but they all have the right to be noticed, since each of them has its own beauty and grace, its own unique rhythm and accent. Dance has always been, is and will be an integral part of a person’s life, because emotions and state of mind are transmitted through it.