The most beautiful male models. place. Pavel Priluchny. Eternally handsome Johnny Depp

On December 27, the entertainment portal TC Candler published its annual “100 Most Handsome Faces” rating, based on the opinions of independent critics.

Surely you are interested to know which of the men made it into the top 10. We won’t bore you and tell you about it.

10th place. Mariano Di Vaio- Italian blogger with crazy charisma.

9th place. Sehun- better known as Monhun, is a South Korean dancer, rapper, singer, model and actor. Member of the boy band EXO.

8th place. Idris Elba is a British actor with a piercing gaze and worldwide popularity.

7th place. PewDiePie (real name Felix Kjellberg) is a Swedish video blogger whose YouTube channel already has almost 60.5 million subscribers.

6th place. Stanley Weber is a French actor whose fame came from his roles as Juan Borgia in the television series The Borgias and the Count of Saint-Germain in the television series Outlander.

5th place. William Levy- American and Mexican Hispanic actor and model with Cuban roots.

4th place. James Reid- singer, actor, model and just a handsome man originally from Australia.

3rd place. Armie Hammerfull name Armand Douglas Hammer, American actor who played twins in the film Social network"and Ilya Kuryakin in "The Agents of U.N.C.L.E."

2nd place. Jason Momoa(Jason Momoa)- American actor, born in Hawaii, the brutal Conan the Barbarian and the equally brutal Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones.

1st place. Kim Tae-hyung- South Korean actor, singer, member of the popular hip-hop boy band BTS, also known as V.

To find out who took positions from 100 to 11, we suggest watching the video:

If you are impressed by the handsome guys, then share the article with your friends! 🙂

Incredible facts

There's nothing special about one famous beer festival that also involves cheese eating, other than the fact that it's held during the week between Catholic Christmas and Happy New Year. Well, the fact that a person may feel not the best in a wonderful way, to put it mildly.

Well, now, to make you feel even better, we present to your attention a list of the most handsome male faces of 2017 according to TC Candler critics.

Spoiler: you're probably not on the list.

This list, which first appeared in 2013, distributes between famous men places from 100 to 1, based solely on their appearance. It is worth noting that women's list has been ongoing since 1990.

The first place went to a South Korean man, whose name may not be familiar to Westerners.

The compilers of this list are proud of its diversity, but on their page they call the men on their list “representatives of the modern ideal of beauty.”

"Independent critics on New Year's Eve created a list that values ​​aesthetics and opens the world's eyes to a unique, diverse and international collection beautiful faces", it goes on to say.

A list that promotes cultural diversity reinforces the belief that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as the concept is entirely subjective.

The most beautiful men

100. American singer Joe Jonas

99. Korean singer Taeyong

98. British male - model Brian Whittaker

97. Brazilian man - model Marlon Teixeira

96. Japanese actor Takanori Iwata

95. Italian actor Giulio Berruti

94. American actor Ansel Elgort

93. Turkish actor Berk Atan

92. Indonesian actor Joe Taslim

91. Canadian actor Ryan Gosling

90. Colombian singer Maluma

89. British actor John Boyega

88. Brazilian actor Daniel Matsunaga

87. American actor Leonardo DiCaprio

86. Palestinian singer Laith Abu Joda

85. Indian actor Shahid Kapoor

84. South Korean actor Lee Min Ho

The most beautiful men in the world

83. American actor Boyd Holbrook

82. American actor Dwayne Johnson

81. Japanese actor Kento Yamazaki

80. Spanish actor Maxi Iglesias

79. Thai male model Nadich Kugimiya

78. American actor Brad Pitt

77. Mexican actor Eugenio Siller

76. Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergen

75. Russian actor Daniil Kozlovsky

74. British actor and model Ricky Whittle

73. French actor Vincent Cassel

72. South Korean singer WonWoo

71. Australian Paralympic athlete Rheed McCracken

70. American singer Mark Tuan

69. American actor Chris Pine (Christopher Whitelaw Pine)

68. Indonesian actor Aliando Syarief

67. British singer Zayn Malik (Zain Javadd Malik)

66. Japanese singer Jin Akanishi

65. British actor Tom Hiddleston (Thomas William Hiddleston)

64. South Korean singer Park Ji Min (Jimin)

63. American actor Kofi Siriboe

62. Moroccan singer Saad Lamjared

61. Philippine actor Enrique Gil

60. Chinese rapper Kris Wu

59. Australian actor Chris Hemsworth

58. Thai actor Mario Maurer

57. Latin American actor Bruno Gagliasso

The most beautiful men 2017

56. Tunisian actor Daffer Labidine (Dhafer L "Abidine)

55. German actor Boris Kodjoe

54. British singer Harry Edward Styles

53. Spanish actor Javier Serrano

52. Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgård (Alexander Johan Hjalmar Skarsgård)

Many popular publications, for example, People, Glamor, Life, QG, Empire magazines, annually make the TOP of the most charming and sexy people on the planet, including handsome men. Let's check who was among the leaders in 2018?

At one time, Jamie Dornan's colleagues called his rise to the top of the very cruel modeling world the “Wikipedia” of survival and success. For the first time candid photo appeared in the Abercrombie & Fitch catalog. No less erotic photographs appeared together with actress Eva Mendes in 2009 in an advertisement for lingerie from Calvin Klein.

Apparently, the actor is only able to demonstrate his own brutal body. Unfortunately, he is incapable of more. His friend Keira Knightley helped him get onto the screen. It was thanks to her help that Jamie Dornan first participated in the film “Marie Antoinette” in 2006 as Count von Fersen. Before Fifty Shades of Gray, he starred in seven other projects, including the TV series Once Upon a Time, the films The Fall and New Worlds, but he didn’t particularly shine in any of them.

Tom Hiddleston

The appearance of this British guy is quite ordinary. If you walk down the street nearby, you’ll hardly even look back. The most “outstanding” achievement was last year’s 3-month affair with Taylor Swift, which, by the way, ended in complete failure. According to the press, it was this love story helped him immediately make rapid progress career ladder and get several roles in blockbusters at once, which are always quite big at the box office.

But apparently Tom Hiddleston himself doesn’t think so. After all, he is already aiming for the role of the new Bond. The actor really has one, but very outstanding talent. He certainly knows how to present himself in the right place and at the right time. Well, he looks very presentable in classic suits. Apparently, these two skills helped him get into the lists of the most handsome men under 40.

Life publishing version

Life magazine also evaluated the men of the planet, also according to the same criteria known to them.

Jamie Dornan

We have already described this actor in the previous part, so we will not dwell on this person for a long time. According to Glamor UK, he is very glamorous, and Life also called him the sexiest. Still, erotica with a little touch of porn can work wonders in some cases.

Benedict Cumberbatch

The suits on this English actor also fit well. And any. Even the outfit of the Danish prince in Hamlet, whom he played on the stage of the British theater. However, critics had mixed reactions to this role. Even in positive assessments of his performance, they only point to “energy and a voice that can be heard even in the last rows.” A very interesting assessment of acting talent, you will agree. Other critics agreed that Cumberbatch's performance was of high quality, but nothing more.

Funny grimaces and gestures (he was able to fully demonstrate them in the series “Sherlock”) and slightly swollen, brightly defined lips helped him gain a certain number of female fans. It is “Sherlock” that is his main one today business card. Have you watched this series? If not, try to watch it yourself and appreciate the actor’s brutality with your own eyes.

Tom Hiddleston

This tall, blond, British actor who made his way to Hollywood has a very mediocre appearance. Tom Hiddleston also does not refuse to participate in candid filming, although this man, alas, does not have a very beautiful body. He's a good actor, but nothing more. Still, he is far from Robert De Niro, George Clooney, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and even Arnold Schwarzenegger. Also, however, like the rest of the nominees for this award.

His first notable role was the God of guile and deceit, Loki, in the film Thor. The audience reacted quite positively to his hero, but, unfortunately, he did not reach the level of cinema legends Chris Hemsworth or Natalie Portman, who played the main roles.

By the way, there was a slight embarrassment at the last award ceremony

Although critics were very friendly towards Tom’s work in Thor, he has not yet received any special awards. Among the significant ones are the Laurence Olivier Awards and Theatregoers’ Choice Awards for participation in theatrical productions and best supporting roles, and the Golden Globe for filming in the series “The Night Manager.”

By the way, there was a slight embarrassment at the last award ceremony. Since Tom also does not have oratory abilities, his response speech turned out to be quite strange. People on social media made fun of his attempt to present himself as a benefactor and savior of blacks from South Sudan.

So, let's summarize.

If these three most popular publications tried to attract public attention to aspiring actors with the help of such competitions, then this attempt was clearly unsuccessful. Not even a stunning advertisement will help a person become more charismatic than nature has given him.

Male beauty is a highly controversial issue. Someone, at the words “the most handsome men peace" will introduce her husband and son. Someone is crazy about their colleague or classmate. And we studied the most successful and famous representatives show business and fashion 2018 and present to you ten handsome men who will make many women’s hearts beat faster.

We did not include still beautiful but aged celebrities such as Will Smith, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise on the list. It's time to give way to the young!

Read also:

The top 10 most handsome men in the world are opened by a former photographer and now a famous model from the Middle East. He has very sexy eyes, sensual lips and a gorgeous body that makes girls go crazy. One of the fans even gave Omar a car.

Once upon a time at a festival folk culture in the city of Riyadh ( Saudi Arabia) the police burst into the tent of Omar Borkan Al Gala, expelled him from the festival, and subsequently from the country. All because the man was criminally handsome. This could cause the local ladies to admire him and their morality would be at risk.

Surprisingly, this incident only benefited Omar. He was the most popular person on the Internet in 2013.

9. Godfrey Gao

This Asian handsome man is a very sought-after fashion model and actor. He starred in such films as “The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones”, “God of War - Zhao Yun”, “The Wedding Bible” and several others.

Godfrey Gao is still single, which gives hope to his huge army of fans in Southeast Asia.

The actor is currently working on the film Knights of the Zodiac, playing Phoenix Ikki, a character from Masami Kurumada's popular Saint Seiya manga.

8. Hrithik Roshan

Next in the ranking of the most handsome men 2018 year goes by richest actor Bollywood (Indian equivalent of Hollywood).

He was born into the family of film director Rakesh Roshan and first acted in the film Aasha at the age of 6.

His adult debut took place in 2000, it was the film “Say You Love”. Under the guidance of his father, Hrithik played two roles at once: one - a poor guy in love with main character, and the other - a wealthy double, whom the heroine met after the death of her beloved. The two roles brought Hrithik two Filmfare Awards: for Best Debut and Best Actor.

This man deserves to be in the top ten because he is distinguished not only by his beauty, but also by his kindness. He participates in various charity programs and donates significant sums to the treatment of cancer patients.

7. Chris Evans

When compiling the top of the most handsome men in the world, we could not do without Captain America.

Chris Evans is an American actor who plays one of the main roles in the Avengers franchise. But fans love him not only for his superheroism and rejection of strong expressions, but also for his soulful gaze, elegant hairstyle and muscular figure.

Avengers: Infinity War will be released in 2018. And, of course, Captain America will be in it.

6. Ryan Gosling

The actor, who played the main role in the film "Blade Runner 2049", began his film career in the 90s of the twentieth century. He appeared in the "Mickey Mouse Club", whose members included such famous personalities as Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears.

Back in 2004, Gosling was included in the list of the most eligible bachelors according to People magazine. However, he has been in a relationship with Eva Mendes since 2011. The couple already has two daughters, who are no doubt just as adorable as their parents.

5. Chris Hemsworth

If the god Thor really exists, then Chris Hemsworth is his earthly alter ego. The 34-year-old Australian actor beautiful voice, expressive Blue eyes and muscular physique, which makes him ideal for the role positive hero. Just the sight of Thor on screen can make women fantasize that one day his hammer will be in their home.

Alas, Chris’s own heart is taken. He is married to Elsa Pataky and the couple have three children.

But the life of one of the most beautiful men in the world once hung by a thread. In his youth, his brother Liam Hemsworth (by the way, also an actor) threw a sharp knife at him and only by some miracle did not hurt him.

4. Jamie Dornan

And here is that same “sick bastard” - billionaire Christian Gray from the movie “Fifty Shades of Grey”. The film topped the ratings, but this is not the fault of the handsome Jamie, and many viewers dreamed of being in the place of his partner.

The third part of “The Gray” is due out in 2018, and Dornan is also starring in a movie called “Robin Hood: The Beginning,” where he will play the role of Robin’s half-brother, Will Scarlet. And the image of the legendary robber is assigned to Taron Egerton

3. Harry Stylis

The British singer is 23 years old, but his youth does not stop him from being one of the hottest men on the planet.

Almost the whole world knows him as one of the guys from the youth Group One Direction, whose story began with the participation of three young people in the British version show The X Factor.

Not only music career, but also love life Stylisa is the center of everyone's attention. His relationship with TV presenter Caroline Flack lasted a year, and there was a 14-year age difference between the lovers. Then Harry briefly dated Taylor Swift. Who knows whose heart the singer will break next time.

2. Alexander Skarsgård

This handsome Swede came to everyone's attention after starring as Eric Northman in the HBO series True Blood.

Looking at the photo of one of the most beautiful men on Earth, you can’t even tell that he is over 40 years old.

Alexander was recently nominated for an Emmy Award for his role in Big Little Lies, which also stars Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, among a number of other big names.

1. Chris Pratt

He is a professional dinosaur trainer and Guardian of the Galaxy. Not wanting to get torn apart by velociraptors or pulverized into atoms by Gamora, we put Chris at the top of our list of the most handsome men on Earth.

The 38-year-old actor was first known for various TV shows before becoming a movie star. But before fame and success, he had to be a ticket seller, a stripper, and even a homeless person.

In 2011, Pratt had problems with excess weight, but thanks to the support of his wife, he lost those extra pounds and is still in excellent physical shape. For the sake of filming the first Guardians of the Galaxy, he lost 27 kg.

1 month ago

People magazine annually publishes a list of the most attractive men on the planet. BeautyHack studied the ratings of reputable publications and compiled its selection of the most beautiful men over 18 years. , and read parts via active links.

Jamie Dornan

This year, British Glamor named Jamie the most attractive man, putting his name at the top of the top 100 list. The 34-year-old actor already received this award in 2015. Jamie has been married to actress Amelia Warner for four years and very soon you will see him on the big screen again. On February 14, the film “50 Shades Freed” will be released. And in September, Jamie will present the film “Robin Hood: The Beginning.”

Milo Ventimiglia, Justin Hartley and Sterling Kelby Brown

People magazine rightfully included these three in the list of the most attractive men of 2017. Main award the actors did not receive it, but they definitely became one of the recognizable faces of the 21st century. All three are the main characters of the series “This Is Us,” which has already received two Emmy statuettes.

Before the series This Is Us, 40-year-old Milo Ventimiglia starred in Heroes for four years, where he gained fame. Justin Hartley is also known as a TV series actor. His portfolio includes roles in The Young and the Restless and Smallville. And Sterling Kelby Brown won an Emmy in 2016 for his role in “ American history crimes" and has been playing at the Public Theater since 2014.

Blake Shelton

But American country singer Blake Shelton still received an award from People. He was named the sexiest man alive in 2017. The 41-year-old singer has ten platinum and gold albums and best girl in the world - Gwen Stefani. Forbes magazine ranked Blake as the 9th highest-paid country artist, earning $24 million in 2016.

Zac Efron

He jumped off a cliff and swam with a tiger shark. The main character of the films “Baywatch” and “The Greatest Showman” Zac Efron turned 30 this year. “I want to do projects that take me out of my comfort zone, so I’m really looking forward to the next decade,” the actor told People magazine. We think that fans are also waiting for new achievements - Zach only has them in Instagram 31.6 million.

Ryan Gosling

The star of Blade Runner 2049 and La La Land mastered the art of charm without any effort. When Helen DeGeneres asked Ryan to name his favorite body part, he replied, “Left thumb.” Although Ryan ranks only 42nd in the top 100 British Glamor.

The actor has been married to Eva Mendes for five years, and together they have two daughters.

Justin Timberlake

Justin has been married to Jessica Biel for three years and has a son, Silas. Last work actor and singer - the film “Wonder Wheel” by Woody Allen, where Justin’s filming partner was Kate Winslet.

Adam Levine

The Maroon 5 frontman became People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive in 2013. Since then, a lot of changes have occurred in Adam's life. He married model Behati Prisloo, became the father of daughter Dusty Rose, and next year he and Behati are expecting the birth of another baby. The model announced this in September in her Instagram.

Channing Tatum

It was he who in 2013 lost the title of the most attractive man to Adam Levine. Now the actor is 37 years old, and he has been happily married to Jenna Dewan for 8 years (they met on the set of the film “Step Up”). Together the couple has a 4-year-old daughter, Everly.

Hugh Jackman

Officially, Hugh was the most attractive man on the planet in 2008 (again thanks to People magazine). But even after that, the actor constantly finds himself in men's ratings. At the same time, Hugh has been married to actress and producer Deborra-Lee Furness for 21 years and willingly shares the secrets of a happy marriage: “Never spend more than two weeks apart and don’t go to bed angry with your other half.”

George Clooney

Over the past 30 years, George Clooney has twice taken first place in the People rating: in 1997 and 2006.

Until 2014, the actor steadfastly held the title of Hollywood's leading bachelor (in the 90s, George was married to actress Talia Balsam for four years), until he met Amal Alamuddin and became the father of twins.

Johnny Depp

In the 2000s, not a single glossy magazine ignored Johnny Depp's name. In 2009, People named him the Sexiest Man Alive of the Year. True, in 2012 the actor ruined his reputation by breaking up with Vanessa Paradis after 14 years of relationship, and then divorcing Amber Heard in a scandal.

The actor is currently busy working on the films Gnomeo and Juliet, Richard Says Goodbye and Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, which will be released in 2018.

Ryan Reynolds

In 2010, Ryan proudly bore the title of “sexiest man on the planet,” and two years later he easily retrained as ideal husband and father. He has two daughters with Blake Lovely, with whom he has been married for five years. The couple leads a secretive lifestyle and appears in public a couple of times a year in in full force. In 2016, the stars had a serious reason: Blake and her children supported Ryan while receiving own star on the Walk of Fame.

Bradley Cooper

People named Bradley the sexiest man alive in 2011. Since then, the actor has starred in 22 successful films and received one of the most beautiful girls planets - Irina Shayk! Bravo, Bradley!

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