The most famous mustachioed rock musicians. Famous people with beards history

People who are used to being constantly in the spotlight carefully monitor their appearance. Experiments with celebrity hairstyles, mustaches or beards immediately become the subject of discussion among millions of fans around the world.

In front of you TOP 10 famous bearded men , whose facial hair has long become a classic.

It is difficult to imagine the comedian without thick stubble, which has become an integral part of many of his images. Last year, the actor shocked fans with photographs of his perfectly shaved face. But, despite the rather positive reaction of subscribers to new image, Mikhail grew his beard again.

Martial artist, successful actor and subject of numerous jokes about masculinity and strength for many years never parted with his red beard. It has become so integrated with the actor’s image that it has acquired legends, one of which says: when Norris tried to get rid of his beard, he broke 90 Gillett Power razors and three chainsaws.

It is no coincidence that this highly paid football player is considered a style icon. His style of dressing and penchant for unusual hairstyles - distinctive features famous athlete. He did not miss the bearded boom either - his chin was decorated with, perhaps, all known variations of beards.

The popular athlete, who has conquered a lot of fighting rings, has a unique, attractive style. His tattoos and curvy figure made him the target of paparazzi all over the world.

This comedian with a unique expression celebrated his 55th birthday this year. The Russian beard with gray strands, which the actor grew, upset some fans. The network was full of comments that Jim had aged and no longer resembled the hero of “The Mask.” However, other fans approved new image and they claim that with a beard, Carrie has become more stylish and serious.

The famous singer and actor walked for a long time with long mustache and a beard, giving him a resemblance to the canonical image of Jesus Christ. But for the sake of the role of the Joker in Suicide Squad, the actor decided to radically change himself. And almost immediately, Jared began to miss his facial hair, which he announced under a photo on Instagram.

Game of Thrones character Jon Snow may not know anything, but the actor who plays him at least knows that he looks better with a beard. The stubble gave the actor’s pretty face the necessary masculinity and added charm.

Tom Neuwirth's beard (that's the singer's real name) has become more famous than its owner. With its help, the Eurovision winner from Austria is fighting discrimination and bullying of transvestites. By shocking the audience, the singer is trying to make people forget about xenophobia.

The actor has been experimenting with facial hair for several years now—many variations adorned his chin. The stylish bachelor delighted fans with his three-day stubble and thick Russian beard. The celebrity liked the latter so much that it became part of the image for a long time.

The actor who plays the inimitable Captain Jack Sparrow simply cannot walk around with a shaved chin. His Van Dyck-style beard became the star's trademark. It is worth noting that Depp loves beards so much that he made them the subject of a collection - he collects false beards.

Facial hair adds famous men brutality and intelligence. In addition, a beard is a trend that gives celebrities the opportunity to quickly and easily change their role and transform themselves beyond recognition.

We look at “Lambertsexual” portraits of the 19th century together with Sofia Bagdasarova.

Lumbersexual (from the English lumberjack - “lumberjack”) - a brutal man with a beard. Nowadays, a beard is a symbol of masculinity, a way to emphasize your own individuality and stand out from the crowd. In the middle and second half of the 19th century in Russia, a beard was also worn in order to show the difference between its owner and others.

At that time, only completely “free” people could afford not to shave - those who were not in the service of the state. (And even representatives of the simple classes - the clergy, merchants, peasants and Old Believers.)

For others there were special laws and rescripts. Under Nicholas I, only officers could wear mustaches, and officials were required to shave their entire faces smoothly. Only after getting a promotion could they afford short sideburns - and then only if their superiors were favorable.

“At the same time, His Majesty deigned to command: not to allow any oddities in both the mustache and sideburns, ensuring that the former are not below the mouth, and the latter, if not connected with a mustache, then also not below the mouth, shaving them on the cheeks against him."

Order on the shape of the hairstyle. Order for the military department

Isaac Levitan. Painting by Valentin Serov. 1893. Tretyakov Gallery

Arkhip Kuindzhi. Painting by Ivan Kramskoy. 1872. Tretyakov Gallery

Mark Antokolsky. Painting by Ivan Kramskoy. 1876. Russian Museum

Facial hair for a capital resident was considered a sign of freethinking and was not approved by the authorities. By the second half of the 19th century, intellectuals and representatives of the liberal public began to intensively grow beards. As the famous memoirist Elizaveta Nikolaevna Vodovozova writes, “they did not want to resemble, as they put it then, “bureaucrats” or “chinodralov”, they did not want to wear an official stamp”. Growing a beard was a clear challenge to total government control.

After retiring, clean-shaven artillery lieutenant Lev Tolstoy grows a beard - one of the most recognizable in Russian art. Petrashevets Alexey Pleshcheev, exiled as a simple soldier to the Orenburg battalion, upon returning from exile, soon develops magnificent facial hair. A graduate of the Naval Cadet Corps, Vasily Vereshchagin, having gone into civilian life and completely devoted himself to painting, happily joins the ranks of bearded men. There are countless examples. A beard meant belonging to a “free” profession - writer, journalist, artist, architect; “barefoot” face - the presence of demanding bosses with stupid rules.

Leo Tolstoy. Painting by Ivan Kramskoy. 1873. Tretyakov Gallery

Alexey Pleshcheev. Painting by Nikolai Yaroshenko. 1887. Kharkov Art Museum

Vasily Vereshchagin. Painting by Ivan Kramskoy. 1883. Tretyakov Gallery

In the same era, Slavophilism was spreading: among thinking people, this meant a return to the “old Russian traditions” in fashion. They recalled that before the law of Peter the Great of 1705 “About shaving the beards and mustaches of all ranks of people, except for priests and deacons, about collecting a fee from those who do not want to comply with it, and about issuing badges to those who have paid the fee.” a beard was an obligatory sign of a real Russian man.

This was combined with a pan-European fashion trend: mustaches, sideburns and beards became a popular accessory for Victorian men in the 1850s. It is believed that this was facilitated by the long residence of the British among mustachioed Indians, as well as the Crimean War and the massive return of overgrown veterans. Before this, in Europe, facial hair was also considered a symbol of revolutionary spirit and political provocation.

Apollo Maykov. Painting by Vasily Perov. 1872. Tretyakov Gallery

Vladimir Solovyov. Painting by Nikolai Yaroshenko. 1892. Tretyakov Gallery

Vsevolod Garshin. Painting by Ilya Repin. 1884. Metropolitan Museum of Art

The government's position on beards has softened in

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich dressed as an ataman of the Zaporozhye Cossacks of the 17th century at a costume ball. 1903.

In the 21st century, bearded men are back in trend.

We can say that a beard and mustache are the main accessory of people with out-of-the-box thinking, real personalities who always stood out from the crowd. Mustache and beard of Nicholas 2, Lenin and others famous personalities will forever remain in history.

The beard has long been considered a symbol of courage and masculine strength. Perhaps that’s why almost everyone great personality, prominent political figures, revolutionaries had beards or mustaches. Let's take a closer look at which famous bearded men have left a serious mark on world history(in our opinion).

Albert Einstein

The great scientist, the founder of modern theoretical physics, no doubt a well-read and intelligent man, also preferred a mustache to his clean-shaven face. It is probably now even difficult to imagine what Einstein would have looked like without his mustache, which complemented his lush gray hair.

Freddie Mercury

Without a doubt great singer, who left behind many hits and had remarkable charisma. There was fire in every song, and his manner of performance still gives me goosebumps today. A thick black mustache adorned Mercury’s upper lip when he was already mega popular and became his characteristic feature.

Clark Gable

This great actor, the sex symbol of cinema of the 30s and 40s, is rarely remembered by film fans. But it’s impossible to forget his spectacular pencil mustache and slight squinting of his eyes. The ideal style of the “King of Hollywood”, a real man’s womanizer, was for a long time assigned to the name of Clark Gable. A narrow thin strip of hair above the upper lip was always neatly trimmed and complemented the image of a real “macho” conqueror of women’s hearts.

Joseph Stalin

The great dictator, whom everyone feared during his reign, left behind a bloody trail in the history of mankind. Thousands of people killed, millions of people and “enemies of the people” exiled to camps, constant repressions and high-profile reprisals. This great ruler became famous for such exploits. One thing can be said that it eastern blood and a lush mustache dreamed of nightmares to many people.

Salvador Dali

Historians claimed that this man was strange and somewhere close to madness, so his mustache was also far from standard. With such a long, sticking mustache, it was hardly possible to get a job as a teacher or financier in a decent office. Such non-standard facial hair on the great artist simply obliged him to paint surreal paintings that were on the verge of human understanding.

Nikita Mikhalkov

For reference! Great Soviet and Russian actor director and producer. He starred in cult films, and his mustache won many women's hearts.

And today in Russia it is Mikhalkov who is considered a role model among actors who listen to his opinion and consider him a wise and important person in cinema. His images were always courageous and strong, and the mustache was an integral part of them.

Che Guevara

It was this noble revolutionary and underground worker who was also distinguished by his stern appearance and bearded face. Naturally, in the conditions of the revolution, he had no time to twirl in front of the mirror and shave his cheeks clean every day. Only severity, only revolution!

Vasily Chapaev

Division Chief Chapaev's full, lush mustache would be the envy of any fashionista today. Not every man driving healthy image life and properly caring for facial hair can boast the same results. Chapaev's mustache is a trend! Naturally, genes play a big role, and Chapaev apparently couldn’t take away testosterone!

Semyon Budyonny

This great military leader left a big mark on the Soviet military history. He proved himself to be a fearless, brave and intelligent warrior. At the same time, he loved wearing a bushy mustache. His appearance cannot be confused with anyone, and Budyonny’s mustache is his business card. Perhaps such lush facial hair added to the military man’s courage and desire for victory.

Nicholas II

Important! Russian Emperor Nicholas II was smart and calm, he became the first global peacemaker. He loved port wine and dreamed of moving the capital to Yalta.

This historical facts not known to everyone, this was not written about in history books. The sovereign's thick, full beard looked royal. Although in youthful photos Nikolai is depicted with a thin small mustache. There are many facts about the strength, courage of this ruler and his great mind. He did a lot for Russia and this cannot be denied.


The great revolutionary did not wear a beard or mustache until 1917. Lenin’s beard appeared closer to the time of mass uprisings, at which time the leader looked the way he is depicted in all portraits. The great historical figure was able to lead the people to revolution and coup, which is not so easy, so his power and influence on people cannot be denied. There are many opinions, but there is no arguing about fortitude, intelligence and a beautiful beard.

All these great people with beards or mustaches left an important mark on the history of revolutions, culture, cinema, and music. They all had charisma, masculinity and fortitude. Sometimes, it’s even difficult to imagine how much they carried on their shoulders and how they coped with everything on their own. Perhaps beards and mustaches did not play a big role in history, but they definitely influenced the character of men!

“Do you have a beard? I'll tell you - yes! These words from Timati's song are simply prophetic. Today, a beard is an object of desire for women. It gives a man brutality, super charisma or extreme attractiveness.

Bearded men are especially popular in show business. Their well-groomed beard, touched up in barbershops, attracts women like a magnet. A beard, of course, adds a couple of years to the singers, but this does not age them, but on the contrary makes them courageous. Let's figure out which singers it suits, and which ones should shave it off.

On Russian stage There are singers who were not brutal before, but after growing a beard, they turned into real machos. Today they have crowds of fans, enormous popularity, and a whole series of great concerts.

Dima Bilan

More recently Russian singer shocked his fans with the news - he shaved his head and grew a small beard.

In principle, he had a goatee for a long time. And she gave him a special masculinity. However, this is not a lumberjack goatee, but a slight stubble. And this suits the singer one hundred percent.

Advice. When you want to be remembered, change your image radically - this attracts the attention of both fans and detractors.


A bearded rapper who knows the value of his beard. He knows that a beard opens all roads before a woman's heart. “You have a beard, I’ll tell you - YES.”

The rapper has a special image - he is brutal and super popular. His videos are always filled with luxury and meaning. The rapper is especially sexy with a beard.

Alexey Chumakov

Image makers have recently accused Alesey Chumakov of having irregular and outdated facial hair.

As a result, the singer responded to the comments and now has a smooth, light beard on his face, in keeping with fashion trends.

Sergey Lazarev

Sergei Lazarev is relatively young. The beard suits him. She adds a few manly years to him.

The singer never wore a mustache. He has a slight stubble and, I must say, it suits him.

Foreign singers

Among foreign pop stars there are many singers with a beard. This is not surprising. This trend is very popular among men. What can I say, the foreign stage is teeming with stars with beards.

For reference. Beards are a popular trend not only among celebrities, but also among the entire male population.

Mark Anthony

Marc Anthony doesn't wear a goatee all the time. As a rule, he often has a clean-shaven face. But there are moments when the singer grows a small mustache and goatee.

With his brightly highlighted cheekbones, it looks harmonious and appropriate.


Timberlake often has a different goatee. Sometimes it’s small, sometimes it looks like a forester’s beard. But she is always well-groomed and well-cut.

The singer becomes sexy and masculine. And even though his goatee isn’t white like Eminem’s, Justin is beautiful in his natural color.

Important. If you want to change natural color beards - don't be shy. Experiment!

Enrique Iglesias

Enrique has no beard, but is slightly stubbled. The singer's image is impeccable. Well-groomed and beautiful.

He's sexy and his facial hair proves it. Barbershops did their best and now millions of fans follow the image of the sex symbol.

Beard - yes

Now the beard attracts women and forces them to say - yes! Facial hair in the style of Igor Nikolaev is no longer in fashion and many have realized this. Therefore, the current bearded trend allows young and mature men to remain brutal and sexy.

So, indeed, the words of Timati’s song are taken from life, he has a beard and everyone will tell you - yes! And this good advice to create a new image.