The most famous Russian artists. The most famous paintings in the world The most interesting artists in the world

Painting is an art that can be called eternal. At all times, paintings made by geniuses of the brush are sold at auctions for fabulous money, arouse admiration for the talent of the author, become decorations for homes, and are also historical heritage as part of architectural structures(frescoes in the Sistine Chapel or stanzas decorating the Vatican palace complex). And the most famous artists deserve to be talked about and known, regardless of the direction in which they moved: impressionism, baroque, surrealism, renaissance, etc.

12 Best Artists of All Time

He worked briefly as a broker, but devoted all his free time to painting. He created his best creations during his stay in Tahiti, where he went after the global sale of his paintings.

Painting by Paul Gauguin "Bathers"

The artist suffered from terrible diseases, including syphilis and leprosy, but it was during such difficult times that he managed to create his best works. His Bathers (1902) sold for $55 million in 2005.

. Years of life: 1878–1935. Became the founder of Suprematism.

The most famous creation of the Russian genius is “Black Square”.

Painting by Kazimir Malevich "Black Square"

And the “Suprematist Composition,” created by Malevich in 1916, was sold for $60 million in 2008.

. Years of life: 1840–1926. The French genius is called the founder of impressionism. He loved nature and was into gardening.

He had a special love for water lilies, to which he dedicated a whole series of works - 60 canvases. In his paintings, Monet tried to show how beautiful a certain moment in nature is.

This is what he tried to capture in each of his creations. "The Water Lily Pond," painted in 1919, sold for $80.5 million in 2008.

. Years of life: 1881–1973. His work is associated with cubism. According to sources, Picasso began to work in this direction after receiving a response letter from the talented artist Paul Cezanne.

In it, the Frenchman advised Pablo to consider nature from the point of view geometric shapes: as a collection of cones, spheres, cylinders. And although Cézanne recommended drawing basic prototypes of future masterpieces in this way, Picasso took this too literally and began to create in a new style.

Pablo Picasso's painting "Landscape on the Mediterranean Sea"

But the name of this direction was given by Henri Matisse when he saw one of the creations of Picasso’s colleague J. Braque and asked: “What kind of cubes are these?”

Years of life: 1912–1956. I searched for myself for a long time until I created a completely new technique for creating paintings - by splashing paint on a canvas on the floor.

It was then that he received real recognition, presenting abstract expressionism in a new perspective. The artist lived for a long time with the less recognized artist Lee Krasner, who devoted herself to her husband.

She helped him, found buyers and went through difficult moments of his life with him. Pollock's most famous painting, Number 5 (1948), was sold at auction for $140 million in 2006.

Years of life: 1839–1906. The French genius created in the spirit of impressionism. His paintings are real and understandable, imbued with the spirit of romanticism and classicism.

They simply convey life, without the embellishment or symbolic touches of other styles.

Painting by Paul Cezanne "Card Players"

The painting “The Card Players,” which was sold at auction in 2012 for a quarter of a billion dollars, was painted by Cézanne in 1895.

Years of life: 1452–1519. Even those who are completely far from art know this genius.

His most outstanding painting, the Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda, is in the Louvre and is not being put up for auction.

Leonardo da Vinci's painting "Mona Lisa"

Some sources claim that each of Da Vinci's creations contains an encrypted message. For example, on the canvas “The Last Supper” the melody can be clearly guessed if you draw stave at the location of the apostles' hands.

Years of life: 1475–1564.

They call the best creation of a genius famous frescoes created on the ceiling Sistine Chapel.

It is noteworthy that Michelangelo became the first among those who worked in Western European art, whose biography was written during his lifetime.

. Years of life: 1606–1669. He skillfully worked with the play of shadows and light.

Conveyed the world in a special way human feelings and experiences.

Rembrandt's painting Night watch"

Got carried away portrait painting. He has about 600 brilliant paintings to his credit.

. Years of life: 1483–1520. He worked during the Renaissance.

In terms of genius, he is ranked on a par with Michelangelo and da Vinci. Raphael's world-famous stanzas are located in the Vatican, in the Apostolic Palace.

Here I found my refuge and best job artist - “The School of Athens”.

There are many talented individuals among Russian artists. Their work is highly valued all over the world and is a worthy competitor to such world masters as Rubens, Michelangelo, Van Gogh and Picasso. In this article we have collected 10 of the most famous Russian artists.

1. Ivan Aivazovsky

Ivan Aivazovsky is one of the most famous Russian artists. He was born in Feodosia. From childhood, Aivazovsky showed his incredible creativity: He loved to draw and taught himself to play the violin.

At the age of 12, the young talent began studying in Simferopol at the Academy of Painting. Here he learned to copy engravings and paint pictures from life. A year later, he managed to enter the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy, although he had not yet reached the age of 14.

For a long time, the artist traveled around Europe and lived in Italy, where his paintings were also recognized. So the young artist from Feodosia became a fairly famous and rich man.

Later, Aivazovsky returned to his homeland, where he received the uniform of the Naval Ministry and the title of academician. The artist also visited Egypt and was present at the opening of the new Suez Canal. The artist described all his impressions in paintings. By this time, he had already developed his own unique style and the ability to write from memory. Aivazovsky quickly sketched complex elements in a notebook in order to later transfer them to canvas. His paintings “Odessa”, “The Ninth Wave” and “The Black Sea” brought him worldwide fame.

The artist spent the last years of his life in Feodosia, where he built himself a house in the Italian style. A little later, Aivazovsky added a small gallery to it so that everyone could freely enjoy it. amazing paintings and drown in an ocean of colors. Today, this mansion still serves as a museum and many visitors come here every day to see with their own eyes the skill of the marine painter, who lived a long and happy life.

2. Viktor Vasnetsov

The list of the most famous Russian artists continues with Viktor Vasnetsov. He was born in the spring of 1848 into the family of a priest in the small village of Lopyal. His craving for painting awoke in a very early age, but his parents could not give him a proper education due to lack of money. Therefore, at the age of 10, Victor began studying at a free theological seminary.

In 1866, with virtually no money, he left for St. Petersburg. Vasnetsov easily passed the entrance exam and entered the Academy of Arts. Here his friendship began with the famous artist Repin, with whom he later went to Paris. After returning to St. Petersburg, Vasnetsov begins to write his most famous paintings: “Three Heroes”, “Snow Maiden” and “God of Hosts”.

The artist was able to fully reveal his talent only after moving to Moscow. Here he feels cozy and comfortable, and each subsequent picture turns out better than the previous one. It was in Moscow that Vasnetsov painted such paintings as “Alyonushka”, “Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf" and "Nestor the Chronicler".

3. Karl Bryullov

This famous Russian artist was born in 1799. Karl's father was a famous painter and professor St. Petersburg Academy arts Therefore, the boy’s fate was predetermined in advance. Fortunately, Karl Bryullov managed to inherit the talent of an artist from his father.

Studying was very easy for the young artist. He was many times superior to the rest of the students in his class and graduated from the Academy of Arts with honors. After this, Karl went to travel around Europe, stopping for a long time only in Italy. It was here that he created his masterpiece, “The Last Day of Pompeii,” spending about six years writing it.

Upon his return to St. Petersburg, fame and glory awaited Karl Bryullov. They were glad to see him everywhere and certainly admired his new paintings. During this period, the artist created several of his immortal canvases: “Horsewoman”, “Siege of Pskov”, “Narcissus” and others.

4. Ivan Shishkin

Ivan Shishkin is one of the most famous Russian landscape artists, who in his paintings could present any inconspicuous landscape in the most favorable light. It seems that nature itself plays on the canvases of this artist with living colors.

Ivan Shishkin was born in 1832 in Elabuga, which today belongs to Tatarstan. The father wanted his son to eventually take the post of city official, but Ivan gravitated towards drawing. At the age of 20, he went to Moscow to study painting. After successfully graduating from the Moscow School of Arts, Shishkin entered the Imperial Academy in St. Petersburg.

Later he traveled for a long time throughout Europe, sketching amazing landscapes. At this time, he created the painting “View in the vicinity of Düsseldorf,” which brought him great fame. After returning to Russia, Shishkin continues to create with renewed energy. According to him, Russian nature is several hundred times superior to European landscapes.

Ivan Shishkin painted many stunning paintings during his life: “Morning in a Pine Forest”, “First Snow”, “ pine forest"and others. Even death overtook this painter right behind his easel.

5. Isaac Levitan

This great Russian master of landscapes was born in Lithuania, but lived his entire life in Russia. Repeatedly his Jewish origin caused him many humiliations, but never forced him to leave this country, which he idolized and praised in his paintings.

Levitan’s first landscapes already received high marks from Perov and Savrasov, and Tretyakov himself even bought his painting “Autumn Day in Sokolniki.” But in 1879, Isaac Levitan, along with all the Jews, was expelled from Moscow. Only through the enormous efforts of friends and teachers does he manage to return to the city.

In the 1880s, the artist painted many stunning paintings that made him very famous. These were “Pines”, “Autumn” and “First Snow”. But further humiliations forced the author to leave Moscow again and go to Crimea. On the peninsula, the artist paints a number of amazing works and significantly improves his financial condition. This allows him to travel around Europe and get acquainted with the work of world masters. The pinnacle of Levitan’s creativity was his painting “Above Eternal Peace.”

6. Vasily Tropinin

The great Russian portrait artist Vasily Tropinin had an amazing fate. He was born into the family of serfs, Count Markov, in 1780, and only at the age of 47 received the right to be a free man. Even as a child, little Vasily showed a penchant for drawing, but the count sent him to study to become a pastry chef. Later, he is nevertheless sent to the Imperial Academy, where he shows his talent in all its beauty. For his portraits “The Lacemaker” and “The Old Beggar” Vasily Tropinin was awarded the title of academician.

7. Petrov-Vodkin Kuzma

The famous artist managed to leave behind a rich heritage in world painting. Russian artist Petrov-Vodkin. He was born in 1878 in Khvalynsk, and in his early years was going to become a railway worker. However, fate made him a world-famous painter.

8. Alexey Savrasov

The paintings of this Russian artist were already selling well when he was barely 12 years old. A little later, he entered the Moscow School of Painting and instantly became one of the best students. A trip to Ukraine helped Savrasov graduate from college ahead of schedule and receive the title of artist.

The paintings “Stone in the Forest” and “Moscow Kremlin” made this painter an academician at the age of 24! Interested in young talent royal family, and Tretyakov himself buys many of his works for international exhibitions. Among them were “Winter”, “The Rooks Have Arrived”, “Rasputitsa” and others.

The death of two daughters and the subsequent divorce greatly affect Savrasov. He drinks heavily and soon dies in a hospital for the poor.

9. Andrey Rublev

Andrei Rublev is the most famous Russian icon painter. He was born in the 15th century and left behind great legacy in the form of icons “Trinity”, “Annunciation”, “Baptism of the Lord”. Andrei Rublev, together with Daniil Cherny, decorated many churches with frescoes, and also painted icons for iconostases.

10. Mikhail Vrubel

Our list of the most famous Russian artists ends with Mikhail Vrubel, who during his life created many masterpieces in various subjects. He painted the Kyiv Temple, and later in Moscow began creating his famous series of “demonic” paintings. The creative wanderings of this artist did not find proper understanding among his contemporaries. Only several decades after the death of Mikhail Vrubel did art historians give him his due, and the Church agreed with his interpretations of biblical events.

Unfortunately, the artist’s personal life caused him to develop a severe form of mental disorders. The title of academician overtook him in a mental hospital, from which he was never destined to leave. Nevertheless, Mikhail Vrubel managed to create a lot amazing works art that is worthy of genuine admiration. Among them, the paintings “Seated Demon”, “Swan Princess” and “Faust” are especially worth highlighting.

    Includes painters and graphic artists Russian Federation, Soviet Union And Russian Empire, whose priority genre was landscape. Contents 1 List 2 See also 3 Notes ... Wikipedia

    Here is a list of artists from the Russian Federation, the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire of the 20th century. Names are given in alphabetical order. The basis for inclusion in the list is recognition by the artistic community, confirmed by ... Wikipedia

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    On July 16, 1943, the honorary title “ People's Artist RSFSR". The title was awarded by Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, after the President of the RSFSR took office on July 10, 1991, by Decrees of the President of the RSFSR. After the change... ... Wikipedia

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Today we will find out a list of the best artists in the world that every self-respecting person should know. Prepare to be surprised and delighted by how many wonderful and talented people who create a real tale around themselves! We will list the most prominent artists and take a very brief look at some of them. Forward!

Great Artists of the World

Let's start by getting to know the ten most outstanding artists:

  • Henri Matisse.
  • Vincent Van Gogh.
  • Pablo Picasso.
  • Ivan Aivazovsky.
  • Isaac Levitan.
  • Jackson Pollock.
  • Nikas Safronov.
  • Claude Monet.
  • Francis Bacon.
  • Andy Warhol.

The first is Henri Matisse, who discovered his talent completely by accident. His story is not like many typical stories, but is something very special. He began drawing at a conscious age. This happened after he, as a 20-year-old young man, had his appendix removed. A caring mother, in order to brighten up her son’s everyday life, decided to give him paints. That's when it all started. Henri became so interested in art that he decided to master professional skills.

The second famous artist is Claude Monet, who also had an interesting story, which will be discussed below. In no case should we forget about the genius of Pablo Picasso, who is known all over the world. The whimsical paintings of Vincent Van Gogh are also loved by many. We must also not forget about domestic artists- Ivan Aivazovsky deserves an honorable place on our list.

We will consider the listed creators below in more detail. In the meantime, we need to get to know the remaining top five! The great artists of the world, a list of which is simply impossible without the following geniuses, will begin with the name of Isaac Levitan. He is rightly called the discoverer of the beauty of Russian nature, which he depicted divinely. It was his works that showed the whole world that Russia is a real pearl. Jackson Pollock completely revolutionized the public's views on the world of art. Do you want to know what his secret was? The fact is that his works bore little resemblance to paintings! They looked more like paper stained with paint due to careless movement. And only the most observant viewer could see the whole world in Pollock’s paintings.

Our top also includes contemporary artist Nikas Safronov, who is famous for painting many portraits famous personalities. We can't forget about cult person pop art Andy Warhol, who took his inspiration from everyday things and created masterpieces. And the list is completed by the expressionist artist Francis Bacon, who painted the human body. It is impossible to take your eyes off his works, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

Ivan Aivazovsky

The great artists of the world, the list of which is above, are associated by many with the name of Ivan Aivazovsky. Interestingly, he was of Armenian origin, and his real name was Hovhannes. Creativity has been everything for Ivan since childhood. Even then he showed great interest and ability. In addition to drawing, he played the violin excellently. Marine motifs are very noticeable in his work, and for good reason, because he was a famous lover and connoisseur of the sea. He depicted calm and violent seas, shipwrecks, calms, breezes, etc. Just look at his paintings “Ice Mountains”, “Black Sea” and “Wave”.

Vincent Van Gogh

The great artists of the world and their paintings are a real treasure for all humanity. What a joy that anyone can admire the creations of the greats! Our next hero is Vincent Van Gogh, an artist from the Netherlands. He created huge amount paintings that you can enjoy forever. His works are full of secrets, riddles and parallels. He began painting as an adult. In his youth, he was rather reserved and modest, often silent and flighty in his thoughts. When he went to work, a thirst for drawing awoke in him. It so happened that every day he could watch best works art. This pastime left an imprint on his future work. After a painful failure in love, he decided to test himself, and it turned out that he was really great at drawing! After some hesitation, he left his previous place of work to devote himself entirely to his favorite business.

Pablo Picasso

As has already been said earlier, the great artists of the world and their paintings are a gift that people should cherish and pass on from generation to generation. Next great artist- Pablo Picasso. Everyone knows his name; only rare creators have achieved such popularity. It is interesting that his famous painting “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust” is the most expensive painting in the world! He was not only a talented artist, but also an excellent designer, ceramist and graphic artist. Moreover, it is simply impossible to imagine the art of the last century without this genius. You won’t believe it, but during his life he wrote 20 thousand works, each of which is a unique and charming world. This artist has been creating since the very early years, and his father taught him the skill. Pablo Picasso looked for inspiration in the fairy tales that his mother wrote for him.

Henri Matisse

We talked a little about this artist at the very beginning. I would like to add that the boy’s father was categorically against such a “career.” The world's greatest artists have always found success through thorns. Despite the prohibitions, the young man still continued to gain experience. It is quite difficult to define his style; most of all, it is similar to impressionism. It is worth admitting that at first Henri Matisse only copied famous paintings, but then he began to create masterpieces himself. His most famous paintings are “The Joy of Life”, “Conversation” and “Parisian Dance”.

Claude Monet

The world's great artists often had difficult childhoods. Maybe after the difficulties experienced, a “second wind” opens? Famous artist Claude Monet was a difficult boy whom few people understood. During class, he painted the margins of his notebooks with caricatures of his teachers and his desk neighbors. Very quickly he became recognizable. At first people came to him to laugh, and then he began to take money for work. Claude Monet became a popular person who gave joy and laughter. Despite this, money was not an end in itself, and he earned pennies from it. After some time, he met a landscape painter who decided to take on the guy’s training. Only after this fateful meeting did his life change. Claude Monet truly loved nature and portrayed it masterfully.

Now we know the names of the great artists of the world. They should always be remembered, because these are the “pillars” of art on which modern culture. The great artists of the world have given us unforgettable masterpieces, for which we should say a huge thank you!

The names and works of these artists will be known for centuries.

10 Leonardo da Vinci (1492 - 1619)

Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci went down in history as an outstanding architect, inventor, explorer, philosopher, mathematician, writer, musician, and, of course, artist. His masterpieces "Mona Lisa" and " Last Supper" are known all over the world. His achievements in other sciences are also noted - in geology, astronomy and anatomy.

9 Raphael Santi (1483 – 1520)

The Italian Raphael Santi, a representative of the Renaissance (late 15th – early 16th centuries), was one of the greatest painters and architects. One of his famous works, “The School of Athens,” is now in the Vatican, in the Apostolic Palace. Raphael's name stands next to the names of the great artists of the era, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.

8 Diego Velazquez (1599 – 1660)

Diego de Silva y Velazquez is famous for his portraits. The Spanish painter became popular thanks to a large number works depicting the royal family, historical events and famous European personalities, which deserves to be considered one of the symbols of the golden age of painting. Velazquez worked on his paintings at the court of King Philip IV, painting his most famous painting"Las Meninas", depicting his family.

7 Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973)

Diego Velaquez's compatriot Picasso made an invaluable contribution to fine arts twentieth century. He laid the foundation for a completely new direction in painting - cubism. His painting and sculpture have given him the title of the best and “most expensive” artist of the last century. The number of his works cannot be counted - it is measured in tens of thousands.

6 Vincent Van Gogh (1853 – 1890)

Ranked sixth in the ranking famous painter Vincent Willem Van Gogh from the Netherlands. Unfortunately, he gained his fame as one of the most prominent post-impressionists after his death. His works are unique, recognizable style. Van Gogh's paintings: landscapes, portraits and self-portraits are incredibly highly valued. During his life, Vincent Van Gogn wrote more than 2,100 works, among which his series of works “Sunflowers” ​​are especially notable.

5 Michelangelo (1475 – 1564)

The Italian Michelangelo Buonarroti became brilliantly famous for his works in sculpture, painting, and architecture. He is also a famous philosopher and poet who had a huge influence on the entire culture of mankind. Michelangelo's creations - the Pieta and David sculptures - are among the most famous in the world. But, undoubtedly, his frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel became more famous. Michelangelo also designed the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, leaving his mark on the architecture.

4 Masaccio (1401 – 1428)

The outstanding mystery artist Masaccio, about whose biography we know very little, contributed invaluable contribution into the fine arts, inspiring many artists. The life of this artist ended very quickly, but even during this period of time Masaccio left a great cultural heritage. His fresco of the Trinity in Italy, in the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, is one of four surviving ones that have become world famous. There is an opinion that the rest of his works by Masaccio could not survive intact and were destroyed.

3 Peter Paul Rubens (1577 – 1640)

“Bronze” in our rating rightfully goes to Peter Paul Rubens, an artist from the Southern Netherlands who worked in the Baroque era and became famous for his special style. Rubens brilliantly conveyed colors on canvas, his paintings fascinated with their liveliness. Everyone, looking at his paintings, could find something of their own - in landscapes, portraits. Rubens also wrote historical paintings, telling about myths or religious stories. Carefully painted over the course of four years, the triptych “The Descent from the Cross” has won the attention of the whole world. Rubens's special style of painting made him famous all over the world.

2 Caravaggio (1571 -1610)

Another one got second place in the rating Italian artist, who worked in the early Baroque era Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, who founded European realism. He loved to depict on canvas ordinary people from the streets, carefully concentrating on important details: the play of light and shadow, colors and contrast. He depicted them in religious, holy images. As Caravaggio himself mentioned, he was proud of his work "The Lute Player", written in the very late XVI century. Also mentioned are his paintings “The Conversion of Saul”, “Matthew the Evangelist”, “Bacchus” and others.

1 Rembrandt (1606-1669)

The world famous Dutch artist Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn. The artist loved to experiment with chiaroscuro in his works. His works number about three thousand different paintings, drawings and etchings. IN at the moment V State Museum the city of Amsterdam holds the most famous work Rembrandt’s painting “The Night Watch,” completed in the mid-seventeenth century and having a gigantic size of four meters.