The longest name in the world. The longest names in the world

In our world there is huge amount curious factors that perplex a good half of humanity. For example, the name of a man born in India consists of 1478 letters. It’s hard to believe, but this man has already been included in the Guinness Book of Records. We learn from our article how his parents managed to come up with such a name for their son and whether there are other representatives of the “Longest name” category.

Female names

In 1884, a little girl was born in Texas. The parents, overwhelmed with happiness, decided to pour all their love into her name. The first problems for the girl with the longest name arose in the maternity hospital, where, during registration, confused doctors were unable to enter the enormous word in the “child’s name” column. But the baby’s father did not leave it at that and defended the fruits of his fantasies in court. As a result, the little beauty's name stretched to 100 letters.

Napu Amo Hala Ona Ona Aneka Wehi Milestones Ona Hiwea Nena Wawa Keho Onka Kahe Hea Leke Ea Ona Ney Nana Nia Keko Oa Oga Wan Ika Wanao - this is the name of the representative of the title “The Longest Name in the World”. It’s not surprising, because the happy dad decided to give the baby a name in which he poured all his love. Surely at school they call the girl a little differently.

The 35-year-old Montana resident was also a little unlucky, because her parents gave her a name consisting of 598 letters. Friends and relatives subsequently agreed to call her Snowwool or Oli.

What is the longest name in the world for men?

For Russia, calling your children such immense names is a rarity. But for other countries this is the absolute norm. For example, the holder of the title “Longest name in the world” himself does not fully remember all its components. His friends simply call him Nicholas. And what’s most interesting is that the man came up with this name for himself.

It all started with the minimum - Barnaby Marmaduke Usansky. Further, the man’s imagination began to develop more rapidly, and after a while the name sounded like this - Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Banji Cobweb Dartanyan Egbert Felix Gospar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Casper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obyahulu Pepin Quillam Rosencrantz Sextan Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Zachary Yardley Usansky. It's scary to think how much love he will put into the names of his children.

The next holder of the title of “Longest name” calls himself 31 words. But his friends do not pay any attention to this and call him affectionately - Derek. It’s hard to believe, but our hero, like the previous one, doesn’t remember even half of his name.

What to say famous people They were also imaginative in coming up with names. For example, everyone’s favorite Pablo Picasso, whose full name sounds like this, is Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paulo Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Martir Patricio Ruiz Picasso. Melodious, isn't it?

Who is he - the owner of the longest name in Russia?

Not everything is so bad in our country. Except for some things. Surely everyone knows that in the 20s, after the end of the October Revolution, and even after the Second World War, many parents sought to name their children especially patriotic. An example is the following names: Lapanalda (Papanin camp on an ice floe), Bestrazheva (Beria - guardian of the revolution), Pervsovstrat (the first Soviet stratospheric balloon), etc.

Now the longest names in Russia are Konstantinov, Panteleimonov and Euphrosyne.

Who tried for themselves or their child by coming up with a long name that will no longer be found in any corner of the world? And how do they live now with such names?

Long female names

They say that a person's fate depends on his name. In some cases this is indeed true. After all, a name is often the first thing another person can learn about us. Interesting name conceals uniqueness and individuality, and this is especially important for the fair half of humanity. In addition, people who have a very long name become quite popular in the society around them.

Surely, parents who choose very long names for girls are guided by this. No one would call a daughter with such a special name a gray mouse! True, it often happens that they refuse to call you by name. One Hawaiian restaurateur was so happy about the birth of his daughter that he decided to call her a beautiful poetic name: “The numerous beautiful flowers of the mountains and valleys begin to fill the length and breadth of Hawaii with their fragrance.” Everything would be fine, but when the girl started going to school, her classmates, at the first meeting, decided to come up with a shorter name for her.

A 35-year-old woman from Montana was even less fortunate with her name. All we know is that it consists of 598 letters and begins something like this - s. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lekken. All her friends call her much shorter – Snowwool, and those closest to her shorten it to “Oli”.

Well, the longest female name was given to a girl born in 1984 in Texas. It turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for the parents that the column in the metric could not accommodate the fruits of their imagination. “Roshandiatellineshyaunneweshenk Koyaanfskvatsiuti Williams” is all that they could write there when registering the child’s name. But the father did not abandon his idea and subsequently submitted an application in which he asked to increase his daughter’s first name to 1019 letters, and the second to 36 letters.

Long male names

If girls are named mainly by proud fathers, then long names for boys are usually given to themselves by the boys themselves. After all, this is a great opportunity to show the whole world how different they are from others. But in some countries, long names of people are not at all uncommon, but quite commonplace.

In order not to go far, it is enough to remember the well-known artist Pablo Picasso. It is already difficult for many people to understand his work, and if it is also signed with his full name... It sounds like this: Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. If you manage to learn it, you will always be able to show off this knowledge in the company of creative people.

And in the city of Edinburgh lives a man who literally made a name for himself. His father called him quite trivially - Nicholas Usansky. His life has developed in such a way that he has neither a wife nor children. Although he had already chosen the name Marmaduke for his future son. The desire to change his name came to Nicholas a long time ago, but his father approved this idea only before his death. It all started with the modest name of Barnaby Marmaduke Usansky. But after a couple of months, the man realized what he was missing and decided to do more. After all the changes made, his full name is Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benji Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jaden Casper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obyahulu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley Zachary Usansky. One can only guess where his imagination will lead him if he does have children. By the way, Nicholas’s friends continue to call him Nick, ignoring all the changes in his metric.

Unlike Nicholas, our next hero received his name at birth. It consists of as many as 31 words and 201 letters. Everyone just calls him Derek, and he is not so sensitive to what is written in his passport. Moreover, he himself does not always remember all the components of his name. It goes like this - Derek Perlane Stein Jackson Hunter McCloy Kennedy Scott Forsyth Henderson Boyd Robertson O'Hara Johnstone Miller Dawson Armor McDougall McLean McKean Fife MacDonald Jardine Young Morris Denny Hamilton Watson Greig Wallas McQueen.

Long Russian names

Well, in our home country with names it was quite simple. Except for some things. So, after October Revolution, which thundered in the most remote corner of Russia, instantly gained popularity amazing names. It seems that parents in the 1920s competed with each other to see who could name their child the most patriotic name. As a rule, they tried to form neologism names. In memory of these days, we are left with people with the curious names Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May), Dazdrasmygda (Long live the bond between town and village), Oyushminalda (O.Yu. Schmidt on the ice floe) and others, no less unusual.

Fortunately, this period was very short. Society gradually calmed down and children began to be given quite normal names. Nowadays there is a noticeable fascination with native Russian names, sometimes almost forgotten. But to be honest, real names ancient Rus' were more like nicknames. Beautiful and sonorous church names came to us from completely different languages, mainly from Greek.

It is believed that the longest male Russian name, this is Konstantin. It is very common in modern world. Although, if you remember Appolinarius and Panteleimon, they will be longer by one letter. But these names are now extremely rare. And among female Russian names, the leaders are Alexandra and Efrosinya.

Longest name in the world

And finally, it’s time to find out which lucky person has the longest name in the world. This is also the longest male name, and it belongs to a man from India. It is no wonder that everyone prefers to call him by his last name, because it is very simple - Brahmatra. But his name has no more and no less than 1,478 letters! If you try to read it, be prepared for it to take about 10 minutes. And the task will be very difficult, since all these letters make up only one word. No one knows what it really sounds like, because no one has ever dared to say it out loud. But it consists of names of geographical places, names of scientists, diplomats, in general, not a name, but a whole encyclopedia.

Of course, such cases are quite rare. In general, people choose simple ones for themselves and their children. beautiful names. And, probably, this is correct, because it is not the name that should decorate a person. And you can make even the most simple name in the world famous and memorable.

But, as the editors of the site found out, some people would even be happy to bear rare first and last names. Read more about the most popular Russian surnames can be found out .
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Over the course of 65 years, on average, everyone hears their name at least 1.5 million times! But not long ago there lived in India a man whom no one had ever called by name. Why? Yes, because it is simply impossible to pronounce it, because the parents named their son an incredibly long and tricky word. The Indian is not the only “lucky” one. He has worthy rivals, whose parents showed complete creativity, trying to make their child stand out in the crowd. What are the longest names in the world and how do their owners live?

Let's go back to India

Still, let's talk about an Indian who has never heard own name. His usual surname is Brahmatra, but his name consists of 1478 letters. It is replete with the phrases “krth”, “jkr”, “btrkh” and “thkrj”, and it is impossible to remember it, much less pronounce it, due to its unusual sound. It consists of historical and geographical names, the names of diplomats, scientists, famous athletes, and astronauts. It will take 15 minutes to read it completely. The one who had the longest name in the world was called by those around him simply by his last name - Brahmatra.

Another record holder

In Germany, on February 29, 1904, a boy was born, to whom his parents gave a name consisting of 26 individual names.

They took the English alphabet as a basis, and each component in the huge name began with a separate letter of the English alphabet. The Russian interpretation looks like this: A–Adolf, B–Blaine, C–Charlie, D–David, E–Earl, F–Fredrick, G–Geraldino, H–Hubert, I–Irwin, J–Joni, K–Keneth, L –Loyd, M–Martin, N–Nero, O–Oliver, P–Paul, Q–Quincy, R–Randolph, S–Sherman, T–Tom, U–Yunkas, V–Victor, W–William, X–Xerox , Y–Yancy, Z–Zeus. There are 142 letters in total. There was also a surname 460 letters long. In total, it turns out that the full name consisted of 602 letters. It was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in 1975 and occupied first place among the longest names on the planet until 1985, when the category itself was removed from the Book. In the same year, Adolph Blaine Charlie David... and so on died.

The owner of the longest full name in the world called himself Hubert Blaine Wolf, and signed himself in the documents “H.B. Wolf + 585”, the numbers, as you already guessed, meant the number of missing letters.

From Germany he emigrated to the United States, received American citizenship, and got married. The couple had 2 sons. Hubert lived in Philadelphia with his wife and children. In the state telephone directory published in 1938, his name took up half a page. It was then that unusual man first noticed. Then Hubert sued the utility companies, who refused to include his full name on the bills. But a fair American court recognized this as an infringement of the rights of a citizen, and utility companies were forced to print bills in a separate format specifically for H.B. Wolf, where it was placed in full version(by the way, it took up a full 8 lines!).

And in 1964, such a long name caused the breakdown of the IBM7074 computer. The machine was processing the insurance company's data and mistook it for an unknown "virus".

Hubert was interviewed several times. Journalists wondered what it was like to live with such a long name. “I feel great!” H.B. Wolf+585 stated optimistically, “I am grateful to my parents who singled me out from the crowd.”

Other heroes in history

What other long names are known to history? Few people know that the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso actually had a full name of 93 letters. In the unabridged version, it sounded like Pablo Diego Jose Francis de Paulo Juano Nepomuceno Crispian Crispino della Santisimo Trinidad Martiro Patricio Ruiz Picasso (Russian interpretation 107 letters).

Modern record holders

Unemployed 36-year-old Englishman Barnaby Marmaduke has a “modest” name compared to his predecessors, “only” 196 letters long. It was not his dad and mom who did their best here, but Barnaby himself. He chose his new self without being particularly original, but based on the idea of ​​Hubert Blaine's parents' alphabet.

Today it sounds like Barnaby Marmaduke Alloysius Benji Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Casper Lareau Maximilian Neddy Obyahuylu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sextan Teddy Upwood Vivatam Wayland Xylon Zakarri Yarley Usanski. But the man said that he intended to create a new one for himself, consisting of all the male names known in the world.

How the weaker sex distinguished itself

What are the longest known in the world today? female names? 41-year-old Englishwoman Dawn Mac Manus took a name of 898 letters a couple of years ago, becoming the absolute record holder in the category “Longest name in the world” among all earthlings.
Snowwally Ellena Georgiana Ser-Lekken... and so on - 598 letters in the name of an American woman living today in Montana, USA. Relatives and friends simply call her Snowoli or Oli.

On one of the Hawaiian islands there lives a young girl who loving father named NapuhalaAmoOnaWehiAnekeWehiOnaNenihiweawawaKehoKaheOnkaheaLekeOnaEaneyaNanakokeNiaoOgaIkaWanwanaoHeya - 102 letters. The translation sounds very romantic: “Many beautiful flowers bloom in the mountains and fill the valleys with their fragrance.” When the girl went to first grade, the teacher shortened her name to “Fragrant Flower” because the full version did not fit in the class magazine. The father was indignant, but the teacher was supported by the headmistress and the issue was closed. Classmates call the girl simply “Flower.”

Domestic heroes

What is the longest Russian male name? If we examine the traditional lines, then in first place are Apollinaris and Panteleimon (11 letters each), in second place is Constantine with 10 letters.

In 2011, in Russia in St. Petersburg, a newborn boy was named Mahmoudahmadinejad. Only 18 letters, not the longest in the world, but memorable. His mother explained that she was impressed by the intelligence, goodwill and policies of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That is, she actually made her son a showcase of her political views.
The longest Russian female name is Alexandra (10 letters), followed by Efrosinya (9 letters).

The name influences a person’s destiny, so choosing a child’s name should be approached very responsibly. The fate of a person and his name are inseparable, so the lives of many people who decide to change their name can change dramatically. The name affects a person on a sacred level. In ancient times they knew about the connection between a person and his name, therefore, in order to deceive evil spirits, people of antiquity were given two names. One name was real. It was believed that evil spirits, having learned a person's real name, could steal his soul. Today no one believes in this belief, however, most people understand that a person’s name and his destiny are magically connected.

The longest female names

For a girl, the name plays a very important role. A girl's name should harmonize with her soul and emphasize feminine qualities. Dual names, characteristic of both women and men, emphasize in a woman those masculine traits that she does not need. In addition, the name itself can carry aggression and destructive energy. Girls should be called with beautiful, gentle names.

Often parents call their daughters very long names in order to stand out. But this can cause a lot of problems for the child. Although parents are guided by the best intentions, inadequate peers may subsequently call the girl names for such a name. There was a famous case in history when one loving Hawaiian father called his daughter a very long name: “The numerous beautiful flowers of the mountains and valleys begin to fill the length and breadth of Hawaii with their fragrance.” The girl was lucky that she had good friends and did not tease her. Of course, they didn’t call the girl that, but came up with a name that was many times shorter. One could only envy the ingenuity of such a pope.

This Hawaiian name is "short" compared to a girl's name from the United States. Her name includes 598 characters! Her name starts with the standard name Ellen. Relatives call the girl “Ollie”, because it’s not so easy to master 598 characters.

However, a girl born in 1984 received a longer name. She was given a double name. The first component consisted of 1019 characters, and the second - of 36. Inventive parents were unhappy that there was not enough space for the name. Who would have thought that someone would name their child that! “Roshandiatellineshyaunneweshenk Koyaanfsquat…..” was how her name began. It's not easy to live with a name like that.

The longest male names

For girls, for the most part, long names bring discomfort. Many male representatives, on the contrary, when changing their name, choose an option with a large number of characters. They want to stand out.

One of the most famous bearers of a long name is Pablo Picasso. You need to practice to remember it unusual name. Full name the artist looks like this: Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. To remember it you need a good memory.

A resident of Scotland has changed his name. Apparently, he was tired of the banal name Nicholas. He decided to call himself a more sonorous multi-component name Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benji Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Casper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obyahulu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley Zachary. It is impossible to pronounce this name in one breath. What prompted him to take this step? Perhaps loneliness. Nicholas has no family, and in this way he probably wanted to attract attention to himself. And he succeeded!

Derek Perlane's name consists of 31 components and about 200 characters. This is the name he was given when he was born. It's very long. However, the record belongs to another male name.

The longest name is borne by a resident of India. His name contains 1478 characters! In addition, this name is unique in that it consists of one component. His name includes the names of scientists and place names. The Indian himself treats his specific name with humor and asks to be called by his last name. His last name, compared to his first name, is quite simple (Brahmatra). It's easier to pronounce than a 1,478-character name.

The longest Russian names

In Russia, as a rule, children are called by traditional names. Of course, the post-revolutionary period gave rise to unique names that could be distinguished by a large number of characters. However, this trend quickly died out. The longest traditional Russian names include the names Constantine, Apollinaria, Alexandra, Euphrosyne.

Russian names are consonant with the Russian soul. Our long names have short, diminutive variations (Konstantin-Kostya, Alexandra-Sasha, etc.). Constantine is translated as “steadfast.” The longest male name is also included in the ranking of the most common names in Russia. The longest female names, Apollinaria and Euphrosyne, are not popular; they are rare names. But the name Alexandra is one of the most popular. This name translates as “protector.” Particular interest in this name arose in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Most people try to reward their baby with simple, consonant name. Parents understand that the child will bear this name throughout his life. People say: “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” The name will accompany the child throughout his life and will be an integral part of his life...