Happy New Year, New Year's story. Sergey Mikhalkov. "New Year's story." Donetsk People's Republic

In the forest, not far from the forester’s house, a Christmas tree grew. Mature trees - pines and spruces - looked at her from afar and could not stop admiring her - she was so slender and beautiful. The little Christmas tree grew like all Christmas trees of her age: in the summer it was watered by rain, in the winter it was covered with snow. She basked in the spring sun and shivered during the thunderstorm. Around her there was ordinary forest life: field mice ran back and forth, various bugs and ants swarmed, birds flew. During her short life, the Christmas tree met a real hare, who once spent the night under its branches. Despite the fact that Yolochka grew up alone in the middle of a clearing, she did not feel lonely...

But then one summer, out of nowhere, an unfamiliar Magpie flew in, without thinking twice she sat on the top of the little Christmas tree and began to swing on it.
- Please don't swing on me! - asked Yolochka politely. - You'll break the top of my head!
- What do you need the top of your head for? - Magpie rumbled rudely. - You will still be cut down on New Year's Eve!
-Who will cut me down? For what! - whispered Yolochka.
- And whoever needs it will cut it down! - answered Soroka. - Don’t you know that on New Year’s Eve people come to the forest for people like you! And you are growing in front of everyone!..
“But I’ve been in this place for several years now, and no one has touched me!” - Yolochka objected hesitantly.
- Well, so touched! - said Magpie and flew away into the forest...
The Christmas tree lived in fear throughout the summer and autumn, and when the first snow fell, she completely lost peace: she couldn’t run away anywhere, to hide, she would get lost in the forest among the same Christmas trees.
In December, so much snow fell that even mature trees had branches breaking off with a crash under its weight. And the little Christmas tree was completely covered to the very top of her head.
- This is even good! - decided Yolochka. - Now no one will notice me! The last day of the passing year has arrived - the thirty-first of December. “Just to survive this day!” - Yolochka barely had time to think when she saw a man approaching. He was walking straight towards her. The man grabbed its top and shook the Christmas tree vigorously. The heavy layers of snow hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree fell away, and she defenselessly spread her fluffy green branches in front of the person.
- I chose you correctly! - the man said cheerfully and smiled. He did not notice that at these words Yolochka lost consciousness...
When the Christmas tree woke up, she could not understand anything: she was alive and standing in the same place, only light, colored glass balls hung on her branches, and she was all shrouded in thin silver threads, and the very top of her head was decorated with a large golden star. .
And in the morning, on the first day of the New Year, his children, a brother and sister, left the forester’s house. They got on their skis and headed towards Yolochka. When they approached her, the boy said to the girl: “Now this will be ours.” New Year's tree! We will decorate it like this every year!..
This story happened many, many years ago. The old forester died a long time ago. His adult children live in the city, who, in turn, also have children. And in the forest, in the middle of a clearing, opposite the new forester, a tall, slender spruce tree rises, and on New Year's Eve she remembers her childhood...

Topic: "S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story".




    continue to get acquainted with the biography and work of S. V. Mikhalkov;

    Continue to work on improving your reading skills.


    develop oral speech, figurative and logical thinking, diction, vocabulary;

    develop the ability to analyze, generalize, compare.


    bring up careful attitude to nature, perseverance, mutual respect, ability to work together.

Equipment: presentation, portrait of S. V. Mikhalkov, books by S. V. Mikhalkov, textbook.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.

Snow flies and sparkles

In the golden glow of the day,

Like it's falling down

All roads and houses.

It's pouring, pouring snow - snowball,

Let's start our lesson.

As the snow falls quietly, we will sit just as quietly.

II. Work on the development of the speech apparatus.

1. Breathing exercises.

Guys, let's do some breathing exercises. So, let's start. First exercise "Snowflakes".

Imagine that snowflakes fell on your palm. You need to blow them away.

Guys, what does it take for a snowfall to turn into a blizzard? Let's create a blizzard in the class by doing the following exercise.

Second exercise " Breeze".

Raise your head up, inhale. Lower your head to your chest, exhale (a quiet breeze blows).

Okay, let's do a speech warm-up - prepare your voice for work. Our task is to pronounce sounds clearly.

2. Speech warm-up.

Ok - ok - ok - the snow is falling.

Yip - yip - yip - I hear the snow creaking.

Re - re - re - mountains in snowy silver.

Read the phrases in a whisper and slowly.

Now read it loudly and cheerfully.

Read the end of 1 sentence with a questioning intonation.

End of 2 sentences with exclamation intonation.

III.Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of a very famous children's writer To find out his last name you need to solve the puzzle:

What did you get? (Mikhalkov.)

To find out the name of the work we will get acquainted with today, decipher the anagram:


What did you get? ("New Year's story.")

Read the title again. What do you think the story will be about? When will the events take place?

Today we will get acquainted with the work of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, read his work “New Year's Fact”.

IV. Working on the lesson topic

1. Acquaintance with the biography of S. V. Mikhalkov.

Seryozha Mikhalkov went to school from the 4th grade. He received his primary education at home. At the age of 10 he began to write poetry and publish handwritten literary magazine.

S. V. Mikhalkov - known as a poet, writer, fabulist, journalist and author of the words of the anthem Russian Federation.

We have known and loved his books since childhood.

Let's remember some of his works. Let's play a game. I’ll read out an excerpt from the work, and you’ll try to remember what it’s called. Are you ready?

2. Game "Guess"

1. The jackdaw sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Then Borya told the guys
Just like this:
- And I have a nail in my pocket!
What about you?
- And we have a guest today!
What about you?
- And we have a cat today
I gave birth to kittens yesterday.
The kittens have grown a little
But they don’t want to eat from a saucer! ("What do you have?")

2. Who doesn’t know Uncle Styopa?

Everyone knows Uncle Styopa!

Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa

Was once a sailor. ("Uncle Styopa.")

3. We're going, going, going
To distant lands,
Good neighbors
Happy friends.
We have fun
We sing a song
And the song says
About how we live. ("Song of Friends.")

3.Ear charger “Smart Ears”:

Use your palms to press your ears to your head and rub them in a clockwise circular motion;

Press your palms tightly to your ears and sharply withdraw your hands;

Insert your finger into your ear and then pull it out sharply.

4 . Listening to a fairy tale by S.V. Mikhalkov "New Year's story".

Now we will get acquainted with another work by S. Mikhalkov, it is called “New Year’s story”. I have assistants, they prepared in advance for reading the work by role. Listen carefully and after listening answer the question: “What genre does this work belong to?”

What genre does this work belong to? Why?

What is real in this fairy tale and what is fictional?

What did you like about this story?

From whose perspective is the story being told?

Where did the events take place?

Why is the word Christmas tree written in the text with a capital letter?

Remember what this technique is called in literature? (Personification.)

Physical education session “Christmas trees and stumps”.

V. Consolidation of what has been learned.

1. Reading "To Myself".





Read the story to yourself.

2 . Selective reading of the work.

Read the passage that talks about what the Christmas tree saw when she woke up.

Guys, when is New Year celebrated? Do you think it has always been this way?

3. Message from a prepared student.

In ancient times, the New Year was first celebrated on March 1 (the beginning of spring, the awakening of nature), then they began to celebrate the New Year on September 1 (when the harvest from the fields ended, and only 300 years ago Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1 On the New Year, it is customary to give gifts, rejoice, have fun, and say “Happy New Year!”, “Happy New Happiness!” and, of course, decorate the Christmas tree. every year decorate houses and streets with coniferous branches in festive attire.

4.Work on the illustration.

Look at the illustration in the textbook (p. 207).

What episode did the artist depict?

Where did Soroka land without thinking twice?

Do you think the word “crown” is unambiguous or polysemantic? The crown is not only the upper extremity of something (a tree, a mountain), but also the upper part of the head.

Touch the top of your head.

Think about it, when they say “ears are on top” (the person is alert)?

Find this passage in the text and read it.

5. Reading the passage by role. (Noritsin, Kokul, Pyzhiv )

6 . Expanding your horizons.

Remember how poetry differs from prose?

Did you know that S. Mikhalkov wrote down this same story in verse. Listen to what he did.

S.V. Mikhalkov “Event”

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -

Green bangs,



One and a half meters.

An event occurred

In one of winter days:

The forester decided to cut it down -

So it seemed to her.

She was noticed

Was surrounded...

And only late in the evening

She came to her senses.

What a strange feeling!

The fear has disappeared somewhere...

Glass lanterns

They burn in its branches.

Jewelry sparkles -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, without a doubt,

She is standing in the forest.

Uncut! Whole!

Beautiful and strong!..

Who saved her, who undressed her?

Forester's son!

Did you like the poem?

7. Ecological conversation.

What S. Mikhalkov teaches us in the fairy tale “New Year’s Story” and in the poem “Event”.

With the advent of the New Year, everyone wants to see a decorated Christmas tree in their home. Nowadays there are a lot of beautiful artificial Christmas trees. They are in no way inferior to their forest sisters, but at the same time they help protect people environment. Listen to a poem about an artificial beauty.

(Reading the poem to prepared students.)

I. Tokmakova. Live, Christmas tree!

They bought me a Christmas tree! They bought me a Christmas tree!
In the forest at the edge they did not cut it down.
And they made the Christmas tree at a good factory
Good uncles, cheerful aunts.

Come quickly, quickly take a look
For a Christmas tree made of thin silver threads:
All covered in shaggy, shiny and lush needles,
Touch it and it will ring barely audibly.

But the forest tree remained alive,
Standing on the edge
Nodding with the top of her head. To whom? No one!
Just the wind, the blizzard,
The same beautiful uncut spruce!

Think about it, what else can a person do to avoid chopping food?

Guys, what type of plant is spruce? (Conifers.)

What other coniferous plants do you know? How to distinguish spruce from pine? Who can match the image of a coniferous tree with the illustration?

8. Game "Find the tree."

Coniferous forests are special.

In the old days, cedar was called resin. If you anoint a cut wound with cedar resin, it will not fester and will heal.

Pine is a tree that shows the way. Pine trees used to mark roads. Pine is a symbol of light. In the dark, pine looks lighter than other trees.

If you walk through a coniferous forest and breathe this air, you will not get colds. It is also necessary to protect coniferous forests because they grow very slowly. Over the course of a year, the plant grows only 10-15 cm.

VI. Reflection.

What work were you introduced to in class?

Who was the hero of the fairy tale?

VII. Bottom line.

Children evaluating their work. Green circle - satisfied with your work in class, yellow - not entirely satisfied with your work, could have worked better, red - dissatisfied.


Retelling on behalf of Elka.

Tyutrina Oksana Vladimirovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution "Ulkanskaya secondary school No. 2"
Locality: Ulkan village, Irkutsk region
Name of material: open lesson summary
Subject:"S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story"
Publication date: 06.04.2016
Chapter: primary education

Literary reading lesson in 2nd grade.
Topic: “S. Mikhalkov “New Year’s story”


introduce students to the work of S. Mikhalkov “New Year's story; practice conscious expressive reading skills.
learn to work in pairs; develop the ability to listen to comrades..
cultivate the ability to listen and hear, correctly express and prove your opinion, answer reasonably, prove your opinion, respect the opinions of classmates.
Predicted results:
students must be able to predict the content of a work; understand the features of the fairy tale text; compare and characterize the characters of the work based on their actions; read expressively.
textbook of literary reading by L.F. Klimanova and others, cards for working in pairs; Christmas tree; signs “What it was like”, “How it was taught” Lesson progress
I. Organizational moment

II. Working with the header
- Guys, what holiday is coming soon? - Do you like this holiday? - What do you expect from him? Slide 1 - Today we will get acquainted with a wonderful work that the writer Sergei Mikhalkov wrote for us. - Let's open the textbook p. 203 and read the name of the work. -What does New Year's mean? - Why do you think the author called it a true story?
III. Primary perception of the text.
gifts holiday dreams come true Santa Claus Snow Maiden fairy-tale mood sparklers
Children read the work by role (magpie, Christmas tree, author, forester, boy). - You have now listened to the piece. - Why did the author call the work a New Year's story? - What do you think reality is? - Let us explain to you what reality is? (on the tables there are sheets of paper in them, the children continue on their own) - So, that’s what reality is! - Doesn’t anything bother you in the work? What is unusual in the work? -What doesn’t happen? - What conclusion can be drawn? In what works does this happen? - and that’s why Mikhalkov called his fairy tale a New Year’s story. Why did he do this? We will learn about this in class. - Why exactly a true story and why a fairy tale?
IV. Secondary perception
- and now let’s read the fairy tale very carefully and try to unravel the author’s intention. - let's see how Yolochka lived, what she was like and how she behaved. - So, let's read the text carefully. I’m going to explain, stop, and discuss why this is so. ….. Why do you think the author put the ellipsis here? So, what was she like? Continue. True story A forester lives in the forest Magpies fly, hares live In the forest, a lot of snow falls and covers the small trees They decorate the Christmas tree in the forest and at home On New Year's they go to cut down the Christmas tree fairy tale Written with a capital letter Mature trees Birds are talking The spruce fainted
Do you think the animals loved her? Why was she swaying? (the magpie was unfamiliar) How did the Christmas tree behave? (she asked politely) What did the magpie mean when she said Someone like you? (beautiful, fluffy) Why did the Christmas tree hesitantly object? (worried) Why did she want to hide, get lost in the forest? (she was scared, she didn't want to get cut down) What's going on here? (perked up) What was she like? (fluffy, green) Why did he say that? (he liked her) What did she become? (elegant), but at the same time where she remained (stood in the same place) What kind of Christmas tree has become? (NEW YEAR) what did the Christmas tree experience (joy) What did the Christmas tree become (a tall, slender spruce) What do you think happened next? How did the fairy tale end? Why, what do you think? Why did Mikhalkov write? What did Mikhalkov want to show us?
V. Reflection.
If this work taught you something, then take...a yellow bow. If it was difficult for you to work, but you liked it, take...a blue bow. If you still need to learn how to work with text......a green bow
VI. Lesson summary.
D/Z, select any passage from the work and read it role-by-role.

Literary reading lesson in 2nd grade.

Subject: S. Mikhalkov “New Year’s story” (slide 1)

Goals of the teacher:create conditions for the development of interest in literary creativity and reading speech skills, phonemic awareness, memory and thinking; introduce students to S. Mikhalkov’s work “New Year’s Story” and improve their ability to work with illustrations.

Lesson type: setting and solving educational problems.

Planned educational outcomes:

Personal: interest in academic work; the ability to evaluate one’s actions and knowledge; attention to other people's experiences; feeling of empathy.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities - UUD):

Cognitive: the ability to analyze and compare works and characters.

Regulatory: the ability to independently assess the correctness of actions; plan your actions in accordance with the assigned educational task.

Communicative:ability to express one's attitude towards literary works and heroes, focus on the partner’s position, developing a common position.

Forms and methods of teaching:group, individual; unproductive.

Educational Resources:game cards; cash register of letters; album sheets for each student; dictionaries by; exhibition of student drawings, pencils.

I. Motivation for educational activities.

Personal UUD: positive attitude and interest in literary reading lessons.

Regulatory Terms

D: accept and save the learning task; be able to make adjustments to the activity after its completion based on the teacher’s assessment.

Communicative UUD: be able to construct a monologue statement on the topic of the lesson, obtain the necessary information by asking questions to the teacher and comparing his answers.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizational moment.

The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In cold glass.

(N. Nekrasov)

How did you feel when you heard these lines? (Summarize the children’s answers).

Which section of literary reading are we continuing to study?

II. Checking homework.

1) Consider an exhibition of drawings for Russian folk tale"Two Frosts" 2) Explain one of the proverbs:

“The frost is great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand,” “Where it’s warm, there’s good,” “If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove,” “The work in the hands of a worker burns with fire,” “Take care of your nose in the deep frost.”

III. Speech warm-up (slide 2)

a) Children talk pure sayings:

Ma-ma-ma - she came snowy winter,

- eg-eg-eg - fell asleep white snow,

- ki-ki-ki - we loveplay in the snow,

– oz-oz-oz – the frost stings our cheeks,

– lyu-lyu-lyu – I love snowy winter.

b) Say a tongue twister(slide 3)

Spruce looks like a hedgehog:

The hedgehog is covered in needles, so is the Christmas tree

IV. Setting lesson goals.

The holiday is approaching - New Year. What is remarkable about this holiday? (This magical holiday, we make wishes or send letters to Santa Claus and wishes come true, even incredible - fabulous events happen.)

Today in class we will read a New Year's fairy tale.

V. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Open your textbook to page 203.

Determine the topic of the lesson.

Try to determine by the title what the work will be about.

What works of S. Mikhalkov do you remember? (slide 4-6)

Sergei Mikhalkov was born on March 13, 1913 in Moscow. In addition to Sergei, the family raised two more boys: Mikhail and Alexander. Sergei began writing poetry as a child.Mikhalkov spent his school years in Pyatigorsk. In 1930 he graduated high school, but two years before that his first poem, “The Road,” was published.Mikhalkov then studied at the Gorky Literary Institute. At the same time, Mikhalkov published his first book of poems.During the Great Patriotic War Mikhalkov was in the ranks of the Red Army and worked in the army press.

The famous lines on the granite slab of the Eternal Flame near the Kremlin wall:"Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal", - also belongs to Mikhalkov.

After the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov continued his literary activity.

VI. Preparatory work before reading. (slide 7)

Read syllables first, then whole words.

To-love-to-sya - to stop admiring

I got to know you - got acquainted

Ra-ka-chi-wai-sya - swing

Anxiety - anxiety

Hide - hide

Ob-la-we-va-lis - broke off

Near-nearer - approaching

Read in whole words:(slide 8)

Forest - forestry, forester

Night - spent the night

Color – colored

Glass – glass

Silver – silver

What words are these? (single root)

VII. The teacher reads the fairy tale, the prepared children play the roles of the Christmas tree, the Magpie, the man and the boy.Checking comprehension

Part 1

  • Where did the Christmas tree live?
  • Why didn’t the Christmas tree feel lonely?
  • Did she have friends?
  • Appendix 1.

part 2

  • Why did the Christmas tree live through the summer and autumn in fear and anxiety?
  • What did the magpie say?
  • What feelings might you have in such a situation?
  • What character did the Christmas tree have?

(She was kind, modest, well-mannered, polite - she asked politely, whispered quietly, hesitantly objected)

  • What can you say about the magpie? (speaks quickly - chattered)
  • Using an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.Appendix 1.

Part 3

  • What did the Christmas tree dream about until last day of the passing year?
  • Using an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.
  • What do you think the person’s intentions were to approach her?
  • Why are Christmas trees cut down for the New Year?
  • What could happen if Christmas trees are cut down on a massive scale before the New Year?
  • Why do we need these trees? (wood is used in construction, paper production, musical instruments; resin, turpentine, etc. are extracted from it)
  • What needs to be done to make Christmas trees grow?

Part 4

  • What happened on New Year's Day? (the children and the forester came to the Christmas tree)
  • Using an emotional sign, show the mood of the Christmas tree at the moment.Appendix 1.
  • Since this happened many years ago, what happened to the Christmas tree? (grew up)
  • How many years do you think spruce trees live? (Lives 250-300, rarely 500 years, reaches a height of 20-50 m and in diameter up to 1 m.)

VIII. Phys. just a minute.


In small children

The Christmas tree is big.

With lights and balls

The Christmas tree is sparkling.

Oh yes Christmas tree!

Look, look!

Children, Christmas tree,

Shine it, shine it! (Children raise their arms above their heads and turn their palms to the right and left, then read poetry. They shake their fingers.)

Don't prick us, Christmas tree,

A shaggy twig.

Remove the needles

IX. Conversation after reading

Did you like the work?

Express your opinion about the work in one word.

Prove that this is a fairy tale.

Look at the illustration on page 205. What episode of the fairy tale is depicted?

What happened to her when she woke up?

What did you like most about this story?

What is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?

From whose perspective is the story being told?

What does this work teach?

Did the Christmas tree bring joy to anyone? Why?

Raise your hands those who worried about the Christmas tree

Working with picturesque plan.(slide 9)

I have prepared for you 5 illustrations for “New Year’s Eve”.

Name them in order

On your tables There is a piece of paper with 3 proverbs. You need to choose which one reflects main idea“Was it New Year’s Eve”?

  • Remember the good and forget the evil.
  • Handle every task skillfully
  • All's well that ends well.

S. Mikhalkov wrote down this story in verse. Listen to the entire poem (read by a prepared student).

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -

Green needle,



One and a half meters.

An event occurred

One winter day:

The forester decided to cut it down! –

So it seemed to her.

She was noticed

Was surrounded...

And only late in the evening

She came to her senses.

What a strange feeling!

The fear has disappeared somewhere...

Glass lanterns

They burn in its branches.

Jewelry sparkles -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, without a doubt,

She is standing in the forest.

Not cut down! Whole!

Beautiful and strong!...

Who saved her, who undressed her?

Forester's son!

Which version of the story did you like best? Why?

X. Consolidation of what has been learned. Test. (slide 10)

Children work on the test in pairs.

  1. Who is the author of the fairy tale?

a) S. Marshak;

b) S. Mikhalkov;

c) N. Sladkov.

  1. Not far from where did the Christmas tree grow?

a) from the forest;

b) from the city;

c) from the forester’s house.

  1. Who did she meet once?

a) with a hare;

b) with a fox;

c) with a wolf.

  1. Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year?

a) crow;

b) forty;

c) owl.

  1. The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:

a) spring and summer;

b) summer and autumn;

c) autumn and winter.

  1. When did you find Yolochka?
  1. Christmas tree:

a) cut down;

b) dressed up;

c) cut down and dressed up.

The spruce looks like a hedgehog: A hedgehog in needles, a fir tree too
Literary activity S. V. Mikhalkova
PoetWriterFablewriterPlaywrightTranslatorScreenwriterJournalistAuthor of the Russian anthem
Lo-love-sya - stop admiring Ra-ka-chi-vai-sya - sway Dis-ease - anxiety We-la-we-loved - broke off Coming-closer- xia - approaching
Forest – forestry, forester Night – spent the night Color – colored Glass – glass Silver – silver
All's well that ends well.
Who is the author of the fairy tale? a) S. Marshak; b) S. Mikhalkov; c) N. Sladkov. Not far from where did the Christmas tree grow? a) from the forest; b) from the city; c) from the forester’s house. Who did she once meet? a) with a hare; b) with a fox; c) with a wolf.
Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year? a) crow; b) magpie; c) owl. The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety: a) spring and summer; b) summer and autumn; c) autumn and winter. When was the Christmas tree found? a) December 30; b) December 31; c) January 1. The Christmas tree: a) was cut down; b) dressed up; c) cut down and dressed up.

Literary reading lesson in 2nd grade.

Subject: “S. Mikhalkov “New Year's story”


Subject: introduce students to the work of S. Mikhalkov “New Year's story; practice conscious expressive reading skills.

Metasubject: develop the ability to determine the topic of the lesson; learn to work in pairs and groups.

Personal: cultivate the ability to listen and hear, correctly express and prove your opinion, answer reasonably, prove your opinion, respect the opinions of classmates.

Predicted results: students must be able to predict the content of a work; understand the features of the fairy tale text; compare and characterize the characters of the work based on their actions; read expressively; correlate the meaning of the proverb and the main idea of ​​the work.

Equipment: a textbook of literary reading by L.F. Klimanova and others, an exhibition of drawings based on the fairy tale “Two Frosts” ( homework); portrait of S. Mikhalkov; cards for working in pairs and groups.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment. Ethical charge.

It smelled like winter cold

To the fields and forests.

Light up bright purple

Before sunset the skies... (I. Bunin)

- How did you feel when you heard these lines? (Summarize the children’s answers).

—What section of literary reading do we continue to study?

II. Checking homework.

Let's look at the exhibition of drawings for the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”.

— You had to not only draw a picture, but also prepare an expressive reading of an excerpt from a fairy tale for your drawing.

Ask 5 students, invite each to explain one of the proverbs:

“The frost is great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand,” “Where it’s warm, there’s good,” “If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove,” “The work in the hands of a worker burns with fire,” “Take care of your nose in the deep frost.”

III. Speech warm-up.

Poetry lines are written on the board:

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -

Green needle,



One and a half meters.

- Read it in a whisper.

- The meaning of what word is not clear to you?

- Read with a questioning intonation.

- Read with an exclamatory intonation.

- Read it in surprise.

- Read it expressively.

IV . Work on the topic of the lesson.

Today we are reading with you the fairy tale “New Year’s Fact” the main character, which will be the Christmas tree, and it was written by Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. (Hang a portrait of the writer and the title of the work on the board).

— Raise your hand if you haven’t read this work yet.

— What do you think this work is about?

The teacher reads the fairy tale, the prepared children play the roles of the Christmas tree, the Magpie, the man and the boy.

— Did you like the work?

— Express your opinion about the work in one word.

- Prove that this is a fairy tale.

— What did you like most about this story?

— What is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?

—What does this work teach?

- From whose perspective is the story being told?

V. Work in groups.

Collect the words and explain what they mean and how they are related to the topic of our lesson: ecology, flora, fauna.

VI. Consolidation of what has been learned. Selective reading and discussion.

- Where do the events take place?

- Where did the Christmas tree live? Read it.

- Read the description of the Christmas tree.

— Did she have friends?

- How did Yolochka live alone in the forest? Read it.

- What made Yolochka worry?

— What feelings did Yolochka have? Imagine yourself in her place.

— Look at the illustration on page 205. What episode of the fairy tale is depicted? Let's read it by roles in groups 3 people each, distribute the roles yourself.

-What happened to her when she woke up?

— Did the Christmas tree bring joy to anyone? Why?

- What kind of character did Yolochka have?

— S. Mikhalkov wrote down this story in verse. We became acquainted with the beginning of this poem during speech warm-up.

Listen to the entire poem (read by a prepared student).

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -

Green needle,



One and a half meters.

An event occurred

One winter day:

The forester decided to cut it down! –

So it seemed to her.

She was noticed

Was surrounded...

And only late in the evening

She came to her senses.

What a strange feeling!

The fear has disappeared somewhere...

Glass lanterns

They burn in its branches.

Jewelry sparkles -

What an elegant look!

At the same time, without a doubt,

She is standing in the forest.

Not cut down! Whole!

Beautiful and strong!…

Who saved her, who undressed her?

Forester's son!

— Which version of the story did you like best? Why?

VII. Phys. just a minute.

Children recite poems and perform movements:

There are three shelves in the forest

Fir trees, fir trees, fir trees.

The heavens hang on the fir trees,

There is dew in the branches of the Christmas trees.

VIII. Consolidation of what has been learned. Test.

Children work on the test in pairs.

a) S. Marshak;

b) S. Mikhalkov;

c) N. Sladkov.

    Not far from where did the Christmas tree grow?

a) from the forest;

b) from the city;

c) from the forester’s house.

    Who did she meet once?

a) with a hare;

b) with a fox;

c) with a wolf.

    Who told the Christmas tree about the New Year?

a) crow;

b) forty;

c) owl.

    The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:

a) spring and summer;

b) summer and autumn;

c) autumn and winter.

    When did you find Yolochka?

    Christmas tree:

a) cut down;

b) dressed up;

c) cut down and dressed up.

— Let’s check it frontally, checking the answers from the board.

- Stand up, the group that has not made a single mistake. Let's clap for the guys.

IX. Reflection.

What did you get most out of the lesson?

—What would you praise yourself for?

- Who do you think deserves special praise? Why?

— The knowledge gained in the lesson will be useful, where?

X. Summing up the lesson.

— What work did you read in class?

— What did S. Mikhalkov want to convey to us?

— What should every person on the planet remember?

Lesson grades.

XI. Homework.

Prepare an expressive reading of a fairy tale and a retelling from the perspective of Yolochka.


S.V. Kutyavina Lesson developments for literary reading. To the textbook by L.F. Klimanova et al., 2nd grade. Moscow "Waco" 2012