Ryabukha singer. Tickets for St. Nicholas Ryabukha. Moscow International House of Music

The computer programmer who sang Mr. X's aria was invited to Vienna Opera. The owner of a unique voice, in addition to Austria, is also invited to France and Germany, however, he cannot decide what to choose - opera or pop

Hearing Mister X Representative Vienna opera house offered the Ukrainian young man a contract. The uniqueness of Nikolai Ryabukha’s voice is that it is very rare among performers. Now in Ukraine there are only three singers with bass-baritone, Nikolai is the fourth. Therefore, in addition to Austria, the guy received invitations to France and Germany. However, Nikolai himself has not yet decided where his place is - in the opera or on the stage.

Nikolai Ryabukha, singer:“I started writing songs at the age of 14, 2 years ago. I wrote 20 good songs. I have a dream to write a song and perform it that will become known all over the world."

In addition, for stellar career Nikolai Ryabukha will have to learn some more. Now his entire education is several classes music school on playing the button accordion. That’s why, his father says, the guy is now diligently studying music theory and working on his vocals.

Vladimir Ryabukha, Nikolai’s father:“In order to extract the same sound, in a pop voice you need to tense 25 muscles, and in an opera voice, 2. And crooner“If he sings with such strength as Kolya, for example, he can sing for 10 years, and then nodules appear there, his voice shrinks, but an opera singer can sing for 50 years and his voice does not disappear until old age.”

The guy writes his songs and arrangements on a computer, since he is a programmer by profession. But the young man is sure that he will only need this profession to record new musical works. In general, Nikolai’s repertoire now includes about 300 songs.

Olga Kolesnik

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Nikolai Ryabukha - poet, singer, composer, owner of a magnificent, full of lyricism, depth and sensuality, velvety bass-baritone in exclusive interview for VIP STAR RU.

Hello, Nikolay. Tell us a little about yourself? What kind of family did you grow up in and why did you decide to pursue music?

Hello! Since childhood, it became clear that I would connect my life with music.
At the age of 3 years and 8 months, I first appeared on stage at the Kharkov Palace of Children and youth creativity as part of the group "Cossacks-Dudariki", in which he was a soloist until he was 10 years old. At the age of 11 I won the regional vocal competition "Wings of Hope" main award who had the opportunity to perform at a gala concert with such stars as Verka Serduchka and Irina Bilyk. This speech really inspired me and confirmed my intention to develop in this direction. From 12 to 14 and a half years old, my voice changed a lot, as did I myself. During this time, due to strict instructions from my parents, I was forced to suspend my participation in concerts and training in the development of voice skills, as well as singing in general, so as not to harm the development of my voice. But at the same time, I gave free rein to my creative ambitions to transform. This is how I developed my composing, authoring and arranger skills. For 12 years now I have been writing songs, poems and arrangements for them on my own. The latter was also facilitated by the education of a computer programmer, received before the second one - a musical one. In answer to your question, I will say that I consider the events preceding the choice to connect my life with music to be predetermined by fate, no matter how banal it may sound.

- Which of your career achievements do you consider the most significant?

I am happy that I have the opportunity today to realize myself at a high professional level. It's difficult to choose just one. I consider the most significant achievements in my career to be the opportunity to write songs on my own and collaborate with such outstanding personalities like Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov, Andrey Dementyev, Ara Babajanyan, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya and many others.

- Who supports you most on your thorny stage path?

Of course, first of all, these are my loved ones, fans and the team with whom I work, for which I want to say a huge thank you to each of them!

- What creative events are happening in your life now, perhaps you are preparing new song or video clip?

Now I’m working on releasing 2 albums at once, one of which is my own. Constant concert activity leaves little time for writing and recording new works, of which there are already many. But I try to please my fans with new products more often, follow our news on the website and in official Group in VK. http://ryabukha.com/

- You recently participated in big concert in memory of Arno Babajanyan, share your impressions?

I really liked the concert. Strong cast, immortal repertoire. I have known the organizer of the concert, the president of the Arno Babajanyan Foundation, the son of Arno Harutyunovich, Ara Arnoevich, for more than 5 years. We have warm, friendly relations. It was a great honor for me to perform at this iconic event and sing some of my favorite songs written by the Great Composer.

- What message do your solo concerts convey to the audience? You yourself
Are you creating a program and what do you pay more attention to?

It’s better to ask the audience about this.
It all depends on the topic. But in general, solo concerts are aimed at charging positive, bright emotions and positive energy. Before compiling a concert program, I carefully analyze and select the repertoire, taking into account the wishes of the viewer (we conduct surveys on social networks) and my preferences.

- You took part in the Golden Garnet 2016 festival - what was it like to sing near the walls of the Kremlin on Revolution Square?

I am happy to take part in such events. This is an opportunity to attract the attention of a new viewer and show yourself in an informal setting. But besides everything else, it is also a great responsibility. It is always harder to sing in an open area than in an indoor hall. This is due to weather conditions and the “flying” sound, but I think this time the sound was good. Thanks to the organizers!

On September 24, my solo concert took place at the Gogol House in the center of Moscow. In the new concert program with the title “I will make the world more beautiful for you!” my friends took part: Alexey Starikov (piano) and Gleb Stepanov (cello). This event was distinguished by a very homely atmosphere, conducive to the artist’s revelation and the viewer’s relaxation. I enjoyed singing in this hall. My next solo concert in Moscow will be held there, on October 29, but with a different program, “There is no age of love!” dedicated to memory Muslim Magomayeva. Come.

- What can fans expect in the future?
Your creativity?

I plan to develop in several directions, to discover new facets of my capabilities. A lot of interesting things await you.

- What are your wishes for our audience?

I wish you good mood, good news and quality music.

Concerts of Nikolai Ryabukha, the talented young singer and the composer, are always maximally saturated with romance, lyricism, tenderness, sensuality and sincerity. The performer's repertoire is constantly expanding and includes world masterpieces classical music, domestic and foreign pop music, romances, folk songs. Nikolai started singing early, and already at the age of 4 he performed on stage as part of children's group. Later he began to take part in vocal competitions and, having received his first serious victories, began organizing charity concerts and festivals.

At a young age, he traveled to many cities in Eastern Ukraine, and later, during a performance in Moscow, the leadership of the Kremlin Palace drew attention to him. This was a lucky opportunity for a talented performer to instantly build brilliant career. Beautiful voice, reverent performance of each composition, charisma and the ability to establish contact with the listener became the basis of his success. It’s difficult to describe the delight of the performer’s talent in words - it’s better to buy tickets to Nikolai Ryabukha’s concert and see and hear everything in person. Laureate of the “Romansiada 2014”, regular participant of the “Romance of Romance”, A. Pakhmutova’s scholarship recipient, never ceases to amaze viewers with his boundless vocal talents.

He masterfully performs both romances and folk songs, as well as iconic jazz compositions. His repertoire includes world hits by M. Magomayev, F. Sinatra, J. Frenkel and other performers, as well as numerous domestic hits. The singer brings something of his own to each composition he performs, so well-known songs in his reading take on a new sound. For visitors to the upcoming event, the singer has prepared an exquisite concert program “I declare love to you!”, the name of which speaks for itself.

Nikolai Ryabukha - laureate of international vocal competitions, soloist of the International Arno Babajanyan Memorial Foundation, guest soloist of the Central Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, participant in television projects and concert programs, Alexandra Pakhmutova scholarship recipient, poet, singer, composer, student of the Interregional Youth Organization of the Military Patriotic Club "Rus" .

In front of a large audience Moscow Nikolai Ryabukha first performed in 2012 year on stage State Central Concert Hall "Russia" with a song "Voice of the Earth" on anniversary concert « solar circle Lev Oshanin", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the poet’s birth, where the host of the evening was I. Kobzon.

In the same year he performed for the first time in KZ them. P.I. Tchaikovsky on anniversary party “I lived for the first time on this earth...” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of his birth R. Rozhdestvensky with a song "Wedding".

An offer is received to take part in an event “Graduation Ball 2012” (State Central Concert Hall "Russia"), which Nikolai accepts and performs a song of his own composition on it “Time is a river”.

A month later in Central House Writers passes creative evening dedicated to the 80th anniversary of his birth R. Rozhdestvensky, in which N. Ryabukha takes part by invitation E. Rozhdestvenskaya with songs “You don’t believe in my dumbness...” And "Wedding". By coincidence, this evening Nikolai performs another song - "Echo of Love", which is picked up impromptu to the accompaniment A. Vorobyova.

Next week in Government House a concert-meeting is taking place "No to drugs", initiated by Moscow City Hall And Directorate of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, on which Nikolai performs songs "Blue Eternity" And "Beauty Queen" with dance theater "Rendezvous".

This is followed by participation in a memorial concert G. Movsesyan V Column Hall of the House of Unions.

Completes 2012 - year performance Nikolai Ryabukha in on "Faith and Loyalty" Awards with a song "Nocturne".

In parallel with large iconic performances, the presentation of solo programs begins N. Ryabuhi V Central House of Journalists And Central House of Scientists Russian Academy Sciences, performances in House of Veterans of Wars and Armed Forces, V House of Veterans Stages named after. A. A. Yablochkina.

IN 2013 -year Nikolai Ryabukha participates in a number of major events, including: an anniversary concert dedicated to creativity O. Ivanova (State Central Concert Hall "Russia"); "Miss Student 2013" (State Central Concert Hall "Russia"); “What do men sing about”(CrocusCityHall); festive concert for March 8th ( Yuri Nikulin Circus); festive concert for the day of cultural workers ( State Central Conservatory Russia); gala concert for the 90th anniversary CSKA (SC CSKA); festive concerts for Victory Day ( Government House, Poklonnaya Gora , State Central Concert Hall "Russia"); festive concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in Battle of Kursk (Government House).

This year Nikolai begins to cooperate with Producer Center “VIYUR”, project "Stars of Russian Romance", gives a solo concert in Administration of the President of the Russian Federation And solo performance V Krasnodar With Kuban Symphony Orchestra, becomes a member of the Festival jury “About Russia in Russian”, receives a scholarship A. Pakhmutova “Melody” V MOSGU for excellence in studies, which legendary composer Nicholas hands over personally.

IN 2014 year Nikolai Ryabukha takes part in the concert A. Pakhmutova “Oh, sport, you are the world!”(); in a number of music television programs "Romance of Romance" broadcast by the TV channel "Russia Culture" (Palace on Yauza, Moscow Provincial Theater ); becomes a guest on the show "Park KiO" on the radio "Lighthouse"; becomes a laureate of the international vocal competition "Romansiada-2014" (Column Hall House of Unions).

IN 2015 -2016 years Nikolai tours with solo concerts and performances in cities Russia, Armenia, Ukraine; participates in the anniversary party A. Mikhailova (Moscow International House of Music); participates in a concert tour "Arno Babajanyan 95" which is broadcast on central television Armenia And Russia; performing at a birthday party A. Dementieva (SK Yubileiny, Tver), becomes a guest on his radio show “Turns of Time” (Radio “Russia”); awarded the order “Beacon of Hope” and the order “Golden Swallow” (St. Petersburg); begins cooperation with the company HearstShkulevMedia; becomes a graduate MOSGU(specialty - pop artist/teacher of pop-jazz vocals)

IN 2017 -m Nikolai Ryabukha continues concert activities(participates in the anniversary concert in memory I. Shaferana; participates in the anniversary concert in memory M. Ryabinina (CrocusCityHall); participates in the concert program “Golden Couples of the Year” (State Central Concert Hall "Russia"); performs in festive concertSocial Worker Day”() etc.); acts as a presenter at 10th All-Russian Short Film Festival “ARTKINO”; begins cooperation with projects "Names for all times", “It was recently, it was a long time ago” And Charitable Foundation "FORPOSTFESTFILM"; becomes a participant in a children's show "WITH good morning, kids" on the channel "Carousel", talk show guest "In fact" on Channel One, project participant “Music in the subway” (Moscow) and guest VITransbaikal International Film Festival(Chita).

IN 2018 -m Nikolai continues his concert activities (performs at the international sports film festival KRASNOGORSKI (VegasCityHall); participates in a memorial concert M. Evdokimova (State Kremlin Palace of Congresses); performs in a concert program “There is no song without you”, dedicated to creativity M. Magomaeva(State Kremlin Palace of Congresses); takes part in a memorial concert I. Kobzon And A. Dementieva (Column Hall of the House of Unions); participates in a dedication concert A. Dementyev “Turns of Time” (State Kremlin Palace of Congresses) etc.); becomes a soloist International Foundation in Memory of Arno Babajanyan and guest soloist Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, with whom he performs in Moscow, Thule, Kursk, Tambov, Yuzhno-Kurilsk and on Kuril Islands; begins cooperation with the channel's TV presenter "Nostalgia" V. Glazunov with which they create the project “Poems and songs born in the USSR”; becomes a member of the jury of the song festival “Zaraiskaya Sloboda”; appears in the video for the song “I'm walking about Moscow” as a soloist, presenting the project “Music in the subway” at the celebration of Transport Day in State Kremlin Palace of Congresses; records the soundtrack “Along Piterskaya” to company advertising “ Renault.

Nikolai Ryabukha has collaborated and is collaborating with the following orchestras and musical groups: Symphony Orchestra “Russian Philharmonic”; Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Central Border Ensemble of the FSB of Russia; Central Concert Orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Academic Big Concert Orchestra named after. Yu. V. Silantieva; Orchestra of the 21st century conducted by P. Ovsyannikov; OrchestraGolden age; Orchestra conducted by N. Ustyuzhanin; Academic Orchestra Russian Folk Instruments VGTRK; Orchestra of Folk Instruments “Russia” named after. L. Zykina; Orchestra of Folk Instruments “ONEGO”; Vladimir Russian Orchestra etc.

IN 2018 year Nikolai Ryabukha initiated the creation of his own musical group (Ilya Litvinov- guitar; Vladimir Semibratov- violin; Valery Mikhailov- double bass/cello; Ilya Pokrovsky- drums/percussion; Yuri Pashaly- accordion), with which he successfully conducts Moscow solo programs.