Russian folk names for girls. Unusual, rare and beautiful names for girls

The Slavs are known for their magnificent multifaceted culture, customs and high morals. This is an ethnic group that in the past covered a significant part of the planet’s lands, which gradually settled throughout the world over many centuries. different corners Eurasia and thereby split into groups based on territorial and linguistic factors. This process entailed irreparable consequences - the disappearance of many original traits and the emergence of special mental differences among people who are closest in spirit.

The closest to us, Russian-speaking and “Russian-minded” descendants of the Slavs, are three peoples who belong to the Eastern Slavs: Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian. Therefore, we will consider these Old Slavonic names for girls and boys three nations having original Slavic roots.

The Slavs are distinguished by their depth of morality. It is typical for them to conduct internal introspection, they are not characterized by dependence on luxury, material goods and amenities. It’s not for nothing that the phrase “Russian soul” is so widespread all over the world, because Slavic people First of all, it is distinguished by the completeness and depth of spiritual qualities, such as modesty, hospitality, sympathy, hard work, conscientiousness, generosity, courage, nobility. Despite the difficult physical living conditions due to territorial features, such as those in northern Russia, all these and many other qualities have been preserved in the Slavic spirit to this day. Also some beautiful old Slavic names for girls, passed down to us by our ancestors, have remained in demand and have been popularized in our time.

Old Slavonic names for girls and their formation

One of interesting facts There are considered a minority of female Slavic names compared to male ones. This is explained by another difference between the ethnic group: old times women did not strive to stand out from others; their names were mostly modest, but had a deep spiritual meaning. Old Slavonic names for girls by month and their meaning in character and behavior have something in common with each other. The name personified the peculiarity of the person named by him, was business card With personal characteristics. Also many female names come from male ones, but this does not minimize their euphony. Main types of Slavic names:

  • derived from the names of animals;
  • arising from the names of the Gods;
  • ambiguous, having in a word two roots of words of different meanings, interconnected in a certain way.


This ancient Slavic name speaks of a girl as a sociable and purposeful person. Old Slavonic names for girls starting with “A” have reached us in small quantities. Agnesha has Polish roots. A woman with this name always chooses long-term relationships and commitments. The decisions made by Agnes are weighed and thought through more than once. Over the years, she only expands her range of interests and concepts, but does not renounce her principles. The month for this name is autumn - October.


According to legends, this wonderful name came to us from the ancient Aryan community. Ariadne is considered the first of the Aryan women. Old Slavonic names for girls, the meaning of which is deep meaning, beautiful and original. The name Ariadne is one of these. The girl, named by such a wonderful divine name, has the qualities of self-sacrifice, which earns the respect of society. Usually this unusual name is given to babies born in September or early October. Ariadne's favorite colors are green, blue and turquoise. We continue to look at Old Church Slavonic names for girls by month further.


They speak of her as being like the stars, just as bright and incomprehensible. According to Slavic history, Asteria is the Aryan goddess of stars. By nature, she is characterized by dominance over others, and with age, this desire to be better does not leave her, but only takes root. Girls with this name were famous for their beauty and daring disposition. Old Slavonic names of girls and their meaning by month personify the depth of the Russian language. The name seems to merge with the person into a single whole and decorate him. The following birth months are suitable for Asteria: November and December. Favorite colors of the goddess of stars: red and black. This speaks of a strong-willed nature.


A very beautiful and sonorous name. Translated from the Old Church Slavonic language, Bozhena means “divine gift.” There is a similar kind of male name - Bazhen. Modern version Bozheny - Bogdana. Girls with this name are truly wise. They know where to give in and where to insist. Bozheny, Bogdany are distinguished by sophistication and sophistication. They are modest and majestic. To all the qualities described above, let’s add a love of home comfort, thriftiness and a sober outlook on life. Although modern Old Church Slavonic names for girls differ slightly in consonance, the meaning is not distorted.


Feminine form of the male name Belozar. This name belongs to the third type of the classification presented above, which has two interrelated meanings. It carries a significant part of the culture and traditions of the Slavic ethnic group. If we focus on the direct meaning, then Belozara means “white dawn”. This beautiful old name has a deeper meaning - “enlightened, dedicated.” This is a euphonious name in modern world can be pronounced Bela. Unfortunately, many Old Church Slavonic names for girls are unpopular at the present time.


The Old Slavonic name Zabava means “delight”, “joy”. Girls with this name are distinguished by their cheerful disposition, naivety and ambition. Fun has undeniable virtues, and its name in no way means frivolity. On the contrary, her naivety seems to hold something sacred. The most famous Fun from the Slavic world lives in the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent”. This is the daughter of Putyata, who was an associate of Vladimir. The fun is affectionately called Zabavushka or Zabavushka.


Old Church Slavonic names for girls and boys often have the same root, respectively, and the meaning of these names is the same. This unusual name takes place in the 21st century, but in a simplified form - Zlata. The origin of the name takes us to the distant Middle Ages, where it was used to call Belarusian and Polish women. Zlata, Zlatana means “gold, golden”. Girls named Zlatana are famous for such good qualities: truthfulness, responsibility, thoroughness, frugality, tact, curiosity. Zlatana is meticulous when choosing a life partner. Although there are plenty of admirers, she gets married late. Long searches and thoughtful decisions lead to a happy marriage.


The feminine form of the Slavic male name Zoreslav. Old Slavonic names for girls by month and their meanings combine several good qualities: euphony, deep meaning, unusualness. Zoreslava is translated as “beautiful”, “glorious as the dawn”. Women with such a beautiful old Russian name are capable students and faithful spouses. Marked by beauty, the Zoreslavs have no equal in their splendor.


Very rare and not at all popular is the glorious name of Istislav. The first part of the word comes from “truth”, the second from “glorifying”. If we delve deeper into this topic, it becomes clear that the roots “slava” often used in names leave the imprint of Slavic customs and culture. Everyone heard and interpreted the word “truth” in their own way. Well, people with such a sacred name are obliged to know the truth. Istislava is dreamy and timid by nature throughout her life. Old Church Slavonic names for girls, the list of which is relatively small, are a reminder that we are descendants of the Slavs.


Another beautiful female Slavic name, translated from Ukrainian it means “water lily”. There is also a river called Kupava. Girls named Kupava are distinguished by tenderness, caring, grace, frugality and patience. Old Slavonic names of girls by month contain a certain feature and significance. Before choosing a name for your baby, it’s worth finding out the sacred meaning of the preferred options. Almost all of them have good meaning. Parents can affectionately call the girl Kupavushka, Kupavka and Pava. Such a nice “singing” name would suit a sweet, modest girl.


IN Slavic culture Lada is the goddess of love and beauty. In other sources, Lada means “spouse”, “engagement”, “dowry agreement”. The word itself is associated with peace, harmony, and its euphony caresses the ear. Lada has amazing positive energy, thanks to which she charges everything around with light and peace. Lada has a versatile character. One side is perseverance, determination and sensuality, the other is vindictiveness, intractability and capriciousness. Lada knows no limits in love and hate. If he loves, then to the end, the same with hatred. Many modern names contain this name, for example, such as Vlada, Vladlena, Milada, Hellas.


Female name of Slavic origin. There is also male version. Luchezara - “sparkling, illuminating” - is associated with reliability and spiritual insight. The word comes from a combination of two others: “ray” and “dawn”. People with this name are nice, responsible, and they also have an extraordinary outlook on life, which, of course, cannot but inspire. Luchezara illuminates the path for her loved ones and the people around her. She is like a muse for her companion and a sage for children. Favorite colors: dark green and brown.


You can safely include the Old Russian name Lyubava in the list of “the most beautiful Old Church Slavonic names for girls.” Lyubabushka is famous for her generosity and sensuality. The name means "loving one." Lyubavs are girls born in winter. They are very curious and live more by feelings and sensations than by the mind. Lyubavas have many positive qualities, such as cheerfulness, playfulness, courage, tact, and patience. By nature they are kind and gentle, but if they find out about betrayal, there will be no mercy. Favorite colors: fiery red and scarlet.


Old Russian name, which was often used to call girls under the USSR. However, Lyudmila still wins the hearts of Slavic descendants. Translated from Old Russian language- “dear people.” Lyudmila has a number of wonderful virtues, including caring, forbearance, morality, common sense, thriftiness and devotion to her chosen one. Favorite color: beige. The name's amulet stone is yellow sapphire. The name also has a male version - Lyudmil. It has already been forgotten in Russia, but still exists in Bulgaria. Lyudmila's affectionate nicknames: Lyusya, Lyudmilka, Milasha, Lyudusya, Mila, Lyudasha and Lyulya.


Let’s start with the Old Slavonic version of Mechislav for girls starting with “M”. Not every girl could be given this strong-willed and unusual name. Because during the time of the Slavs prerequisite to determine the name there were signs associated with appearance and character; only a truly brave girl worthy of respect could be called Mieczyslawa. Translated from Old Russian - “famous in battle.” Young talents people with the name Mieczyslaw have been stubborn and distrustful since childhood. They have a strong will and desire to maintain health. The Mieczyslaws are devoted to their family, and especially to their parents.


Old Slavonic names for girls are mostly soft, gentle and attractive. One of these gentle options is considered Old Russian name Milomira. Means “sweetheart of the world” and “peaceful”. Perhaps the most feminine name, because women truly bring peace into life. Although many wars were provoked by ladies, our Slavic roots are the original bearers of peace and order. Milomira has positive qualities such as modesty, ambition, cordiality, generosity, grace and many others. Having given preference to this name, parents can affectionately call the girl Mila, Mira, Milomirushka.


A traditional Slavic name, not yet erased from the memory of descendants. It's in to a greater extent widespread in Western Ukraine. Mlada means “young, young”. The girls, named by such a gentle name, are as refined as wildflowers. Mlada is gifted with bright talents, smiling and easy to communicate. In general, these are very charming girls. Their character is flexible and peaceful. Favorite colors: variegated, mixed.


In ancient times this name was borne by beautiful female representatives. “Glory to birth” or “born glory” - these two interpretations of the name Rodislav have different semantic meanings. In the first case - respect and reverence for the birth of humanity. And this is a really deep meaning for the name, perhaps even incomprehensible to many. Representatives of the fairer sex are not at all weak in the matter of giving birth to offspring. Childbirth is truly hard work for the body, and the fact that a woman copes with it is worthy of respect.

Old Slavonic names for girls by month and their meaning in society now play a less significant role among the many established foreign names. Now, unfortunately, it is not very fashionable to have a Slavic name.


An ancient Slavic name that means “fair-faced”. Girls called Svetoliks are distinguished by their courage and independence. The manifestation of these qualities in youth is expressed in a certain self-will and immense curiosity. In adult life Svetolika becomes a leader, wherever she is, and acquires such qualities as restraint, determination, tact, and self-confidence. Svetolika is sweet and beautiful, harmonious. This name combines both femininity and masculinity. Favorite colors: orange, yellow, light green.


Another beautiful name of unknown depth and beauty is Tvorimira. All beautiful Old Church Slavonic names for girls emphasize the character and charm of Slavic women. Tvorimira means “to create the world.” Old Russian traditions again and again affirm the importance of a well-chosen name for a woman with a meaning that is right for her. Ladies with such a blessed name are wise beyond their years and are famous for their high morality. But, unfortunately, the name Tvorimir is practically not found among today's Slavs. This determines its rarity and non-prevalence.


Names with the ending “peace” have a special meaning that was laid down many centuries ago. The Slavs are known for their rituals and mastery of white magic skills. One Veles Book is worth something - unknown and incomprehensible Slavic language He worked and still works miracles on wooden tablets. The Slavic people possessed such knowledge that to this day helps us in many areas of life. Khranimir is wisdom, femininity, courage and charm. All the most best qualities people are collected in this old Russian name.


The meaning of this name is “bewitching power.” Charusha is a mysterious and difficult girl. She enchants those around her with some mysterious notes and exquisite taste. Usually such girls have no end to their fans. But their honor is above all. After all, the Slavic people are known for morality and loyalty. Charusha is a sweet-sounding, enchanting name that beautifies Slavic women. Moreover, the charms of these beautiful ladies extend not only to men, but also to children. The kids are delighted with Charusha. The Old Slavonic name Charusha is also unpopular now, but is still occasionally found in Western Ukraine and Poland.


Feminine form of the male name Yaroslav. Translated from Old Church Slavonic as “glory to spring.” Despite the initially masculine roots, the version of “Yaroslav” is very sonorous and feminine. Since childhood, Yaroslava has been active and courageous, and is a good student. Characterized by stubbornness, sociability and curiosity. Yaroslava cannot stand loneliness and conflicts with loved ones. She has good feeling humorous and very independent, she achieves success only on her own, without anyone’s help.

Old Church Slavonic names for girls are not determined by month in the modern world, because most church names do not come from Slavic roots. The Slavic spirit, the depth of the soul and the unusualness of the names of past millennia have remained to this day. Old Slavonic names for girls and their meaning occupy their niche in culture. It is worth noting their sonority and ambiguity. The peculiarities of traditions in simple Old Church Slavonic names are clearly expressed. Another good thing is the fact that some names have come back into fashion and are contributing to the active restoration of forgotten customs.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Russian modern female names

Modern Russian name book

The modern Russian name book includes Russian names that are currently used in Russia.

In addition to the original Russian names in Russian name book included Jewish, Greek, Roman (Latin), Scandinavian, Germanic and Persian names, which were gradually adapted on the territory of Russia and are perceived as Russian.

Most Russian names that are currently used in Russia are not originally Russian in origin. They are borrowed from the Greek language along with Christian religion and came to Russia from Byzantium.

By the 18th-19th centuries, Old Russian names were almost completely forgotten, and imported Christian names were changed taking into account the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation (Aquilina - Akulina, Juliania - Ulyana).

Where did the Byzantine (Greek) names that became Russian come from?

The Greeks also collected in their name book best names all the peoples with whom they maintained trade and cultural relations.

In addition to names of ancient Greek origin, they used ancient Roman and Hebrew names, and also used ancient Persian, ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Syrian, and Babylonian names.

Currently name books of any country includes not only native names his people, but also borrowed names. This is the result of cultural and trade exchange between peoples, the mixing of cultures, and also a consequence of the migration of peoples.

Modern Russian female names

Augusta(r.) – regal, majestic

Agatha(gr.) – kind, good. Russian folk form - Agafya

Ada(e.) – decoration

Alevtina(gr.) – rubbing with incense, reflecting

Alexandra(gr.) – protector of people

Alena(gr.) – light

Alina(r.) – white, noble

Alice– protector

Alla(gr.) – another, second, next

Albina(r.) – white

Amalia(German) – hardworking

Brief energy information characteristics of some names


The main karmic program named after Anna– this is attachment and dependence on relationships. Throughout life, this program causes problems in relationships with loved ones - parents, children, beloved men.

All Annas are very affectionate, and as a rule, Anna becomes attached to men who are clearly unworthy of attention. Annas are usually promiscuous sex life, their genitourinary area is vulnerable to diseases. Many Annas cannot get married. Their acquaintances with men are usually fleeting.

If the girl is named Anna, then there is a high probability that a serious conflict exists or is brewing in the family. Usually this is a husband's dissatisfaction with his wife. That is, Anna's father is dissatisfied with her mother. Such a child's soul is attracted to a conflicting family.

Since Anna does not have enough energy, she constantly needs energy recharge in the form of new experiences - travel, meetings with friends, etc.

The vibrations of this name activate negative karmic programs first of all. And these programs attract negative events into Anna’s life.

The name Anna worsens a person’s karmic achievements and significantly complicates fate. If a person has lived long enough, then under the influence of this name he becomes a pessimist and has many disappointments. This name shakes a woman’s psyche.

Anna needs a mentally healthy environment, reliable, loyal people, friends. But usually there are few or no such people in her environment. Because when they give practical advice on how to act in situations life choice, she doesn’t listen to them, she does it her own way. For which he then pays. He chooses with emotions, not with reason.

The name Anna leaves a tragic, pessimistic imprint on a woman. And therefore does not contribute to her success in life.

Even if you take a double name, for example, Anna-Maria, it still carries tragedy.

Anna is one of the most unfortunate female names.


A woman named Yana is haunted throughout her life by a deep subconscious fear. This is a karmic program. This program encourages her to take active steps in making her way in society, career, and business.

Yana has a fairly strong will, increased sexual appetite and a smart head. Her energy is of a masculine type.

As a child she may be a shy child, but in most cases, as soon as a little strength appears in her muscles, from the age of 8-9, her willpower, pressure, and disruptive character begin to manifest themselves to a greater and greater extent. In order to achieve her goal, she can resort to cunning, pushing with her elbows those who interfere with her. Yana's belligerence is quite high.

A woman named Yana is a cunning warrior in a skirt. Where there is a lack of talent, mental abilities, and physical strength, Yana will use cunning, deceit, intrigue. In principle, she is even capable of setting things up for profit.

Women named Yana are rarely beautiful. Therefore, in order to attract a partner, they use psychological tricks, official position and even magic. You must clearly understand that if fate brought you and Yana together, then she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

Of course, there are exceptions, but they are very rare. Only a person with very high positive spiritual developments can resist the energy of the name Yana and remain a decent person in every sense of the word.

Yana, unlike Anna, is picky about her sexual partners. And if someone gets into her bed, it will be only because she wanted it.

Yana's lovers are most often men with a pronounced Yin character, or men significantly younger than her.

The man who is next to Yana must be subordinate to her. She wouldn't agree otherwise. Therefore, strong, confident, strong-willed man won’t even look at Yana.


Stanislava– this name makes a woman an emotional and selfish person. A woman with this name will not make a career, although she is an intelligent person.

This name creates great difficulties in your personal life. There will be men in life, but all are passing options.

Stanislava will take care of her children, but will not be able to provide for them financially; she will have constant worries about this.

She may turn to alcohol, tobacco, or recreational drugs to relieve stress.

This name is too emotional for a career, business and serious, responsible work.


Valeria– the energy of the name is closer to the masculine type. She can be a leader, but it is very difficult for her. She can succeed as a second person in business, be a good assistant, organizer, and performer. But in your personal life you are rarely lucky. There is some trace of sadness. Because of this, a person almost completely devotes himself to work, to his career.


Agathia (Agafia)– this is a material person with reduced intelligence . This name gives many desires, especially of a material nature - money, material well-being. For this reason, a woman with this name will clamp down on everyone around her. It will especially hurt her husband and son if they don’t run away from her. Or they will drink.

This name strongly blocks the 4th energy center (middle of the chest), killing love. In fact, there is a hardening of the soul.

Name image- a village woman of strong build, unkemptly dressed, ugly. Grumpy, constantly dissatisfied facial expression. This person is an energy vampire. It's hard to live with such a person.

With Russian modern male names watching:

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Russian modern female names. Modern Russian name book


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People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities are not yet able to cope with the growing influx of “Cheating for profit” madness.

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In the past, parents did not come up with names for their children - the clergyman gave a certain name to the baby during baptism. In Rus' they firmly believed that a name determines the entire history of a person’s life, so they completely trusted the church in this. After the baptism of Rus', the child received a double name: one personal, and the other for Christmastide. Today, fortunately, mothers and fathers have the right to choose a name for their child on their own, but this is not an easy task! There are so many beautiful and euphonious options that it’s easy to get confused. Let's find out how to choose a female name for a child.

A little princess is about to appear in your family. The crib has already been assembled and miniature dresses and booties have been purchased. The expectant mother usually has no questions about a dowry for a girl, but when choosing a name, doubts and disputes often arise with the child’s father and other family members. What to focus on in this matter, the dictates of the heart or fashion trends, young parents must decide for themselves.

Of course, it also happens that a woman already knows exactly what her baby’s name will be, immediately after the pregnancy test pleases her with two promising lines. Then, for nine months, the happy mother enthusiastically talks to her belly, where Verochka or Arishka grows. Other women, in search of the best and most unique name for their princess, continue to turn over beautiful female names for the child in their minds even after returning from the maternity hospital. In this case, the final point in these throwings is put by the eldest child or the baby’s father. Be that as it may, the selection of a name for the heiress has always been and will be hot topic for couples expecting a stork.

How to name a child: looking for female names

When faced with choosing a name for your baby, always keep in mind two unbreakable rules:

  • the name is approved by mutual consent of the parents, that is, your husband should like your idea as much as you do;
  • the name is selected based on its euphony in conjunction with the girl’s surname and patronymic. Agree, Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna sounds strange (we are, of course, exaggerating, but you understand the train of thought).

The opinion that girl's name must be modern and fashionable, is subjective, so this point should be paid attention to last. If you are crazy about Old Slavonic names, feel free to name your baby Zora, Krasimira or Beloslava, and this approach to the matter will be the most correct.

Lists of female names for children are usually compiled based on some characteristic.

Choosing a name for a girl according to its meaning

The meaning inherent in the name is decisive for many parents: the child miraculously adopts the qualities or line of fate that his name conceals. Therefore, when looking through female names for a child, be sure to pay attention to the meaning of each name (suddenly, when you hear one of them, your soul will intuitively feel warm!) We offer you a list of beautiful girlish names with their secret meaning:

  • Adele is one who belongs to the noble class;
  • Alice – irresistible, attractive;
  • Vasilisa - royal blood;
  • Gayana – belonging to the earth;
  • Gloria - glorious;
  • Deya - God's;
  • Dina – believer, pious;
  • Eve – life-giving, mischievous;
  • Elizabeth is the one who honors God;
  • Zoya – full of life;
  • Ivanna is a gift from above;
  • Spark – blinding, bright;
  • Oya – violet;
  • Kira is the one who rules everyone;
  • Constance – rebellious;
  • Liliana – fragrant, blooming;
  • Maya - spring;
  • Melania is dark-skinned;
  • Mlada – young;
  • Nina is the one who leads everyone and everything;
  • Nika is the winner;
  • Olesya – brave;
  • Polina – foresighted;
  • Regina – regal;
  • Selena – lunar;
  • Sophia - wise, fair;
  • Taira – persistent;
  • Uslada – having a sweet voice;
  • Felicia – happy;
  • Floriana is always young;
  • Christina – belonging to Christ;
  • Elvira – calm;
  • Juno is the one who protects marriage;
  • Jaromira – bringer of peace and light.

Beautiful names for girls according to the church calendar

The well-forgotten old is always in fashion. So, call the little ones, checking with church calendar, or Saints are relevant again. From a huge list, we have selected the most beautiful church names for girls:

  • January – Emilia, Augusta, Eugenia;
  • February – Ksenia, Vera, Maria;
  • March – Marianna, Iraida, Ulyana;
  • April - Nika, Sofia, Lydia;
  • May – Pelageya, Muse, Julia;
  • June – Elena, Nina, Susanna;
  • July – Ioanna, Valentina, Mina;
  • August – Anfisa, Daria, Anna;
  • September – Tatyana, Irina, Vera;
  • October – Zlata, Ustina, Ariadne;
  • November – Pelageya, Olga, Cleopatra;
  • December – Marina, Tamara, Ekaterina.

Choosing a name for a girl according to the horoscope

Women who are interested in astrology believe that girl names define them future fate. And the baby’s personal horoscope will tell you what to name her and, accordingly, what kind of life to give her. If this topic is not alien to you, be sure to check the astrological calendar, the compilers of which take into account the most optimal union of the name and zodiac sign. Here are just some Russian female names for children, dictated to us by different constellations:

  • a friendly and pleasant Aries girl blossoms if you call her Alice, Raisa or Allochka;
  • the ambitious and sometimes stubborn Taurus girl will proudly bear the name Diana, Maya (Maya) or Angelica;
  • the Gemini girl, dual in all respects, will come to an agreement with herself, bearing the name Elsa, Aksinya, Gloria or Taisiya;

  • the impressionable and touchy baby Cancer will be more balanced thanks to the name Bogdana, Melania, Selena or Aelita;
  • for an independent little one who was born under the constellation Leo, the name Isabella, Emma, ​​Aurora or Eleanor could not be better suited;
  • the scrupulous and pedantic Virgo will be “relaxed” in a positive way by the name Vita, Linda, Gerda or Edita;
  • narcissistic, but very charming Libra girls will organically merge with the name Veronica, Snezhana, Bella, Zlata or Milena;

  • the complex character of the Scorpio girl is perfectly corrected by the names Elina, Marta, Zara, Seraphim;
  • active and restless Sagittarius girls will always have a foothold in life thanks to the name Zhanna, Patricia, Marianna or Violetta;
  • names such as Nora, Kira, Renata or Varenka are suitable for the imperturbable baby Capricorn;
  • Aquarius girls, born freedom fighters, will always be helped by the name Gloria, Frida or Lolita;
  • a creative person who was born under the sign of Pisces will find inspiration in everything, if you call her Eve, Adeline, Venus or Amelia.

What are some unusual names for girls?

Over the past year, in the Moscow region alone, babies were born with the names Princess Daniella, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Angel Maria and Alyosha-Kaprina. There have always been and will be lovers of shocking things: the latest statistics show that more and more parents are deciding to give their daughter a name that not only sounds unusual, but may also seem strange to others. Here is a list of rare female names for children, the owners of which regularly appear in modern society:

  • Bozena;
  • Rosalia;
  • Spring;
  • Bagheera;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Byzantium.

Over the past few years, the most shocking female names for children have become:

  • Cherry;
  • Joy;
  • Legend;
  • Raspberry;
  • Alice-Nefertiti;
  • Golub;
  • Ocean;
  • Moon.

Why do some parents tend to go to such extremes? What is this – a desire to emphasize the exclusivity of your child or to compensate for the lack of attention to one’s own person? Of course, you can call your daughter any name you like. However, always look to the future as your girl grows up. Psychologists are confident that an unusual name can become a serious problem for a child and hinder his successful adaptation to the team. If the baby feels like a black sheep because of her name, the mother will have to not only explain to her daughter the motives for her extravagant act in the past, but also convincingly prove that she is right.

The most popular modern names for girls

According to the Civil Registry Office of the capital of Russia in 2017, the most popular names for little Muscovites they are distinguished by femininity, warmth and soulfulness. In the top three:

  1. Sofia. The girl named by this name is sensible beyond her years, very calm and inquisitive. All her life Sonechka has been connected with her mother by an invisible thread, for her this is authority and the most close person. As a child, Sofia is affectionate and soft, but not at all assiduous. Pedantry and patience will come to her with age. The stars promise a girl with that name strong love and a happy marriage.
  2. Maria. Mashunya, Mashenka, Masya - how much warmth and affection there is in this simple name! Little Maria captivates those around her with her calmness and kindness. The girl is very vulnerable and sometimes reacts too painfully to criticism, and parents must take this into account. Over time, Masha will become more self-confident, her character will become firmer. Women with this name are wonderful wives and fair mothers.
  3. Daria. A very active and energetic girl! Sometimes excessive impulsiveness interferes with Dasha’s life, but this is compensated by her innate prudence and thriftiness. In general, life for the woman named Daria is going well. No matter what age is listed in the passport, there is always something childlike and spontaneous about Dasha, thanks to which there is no end to gentlemen.

Foreign names for girls

Another common trend is to borrow baby names from foreign cultures. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that English language acquired international status, and we have always treated the life of Americans with great interest. Be that as it may, the names Bella, Monica, Nicole, Vanessa, Stefania, Camilla, Jasmine and others are increasingly heard.

It is impossible to cover all the names for girls that exist today in one article. The more understandable are the doubts of future mothers and fathers who have been studying calendars of women’s names for months, because they so want to find their own, native name, which the baby will proudly carry through life! However, these tedious efforts sooner or later pay off - your heart will lead you to the right name. Good luck with your search!

The question of what to name the child worries future parents long before the arrival of the long-awaited baby. It is often not only the parents themselves who are involved in the issue of choice. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, maybe even friends join in. Everyone definitely needs to express their point of view. Mom wants the child to bear the name of his beloved grandmother or grandfather, but dad insists that the name be beautiful, respectable, like his famous people cinema, sports. Grandmothers insist on saints; grandfathers can offer something completely original or out of the ordinary. The list of names is now simply huge. Very popular foreign celebrities, sometimes there are even nicknames fictional characters computer games. But no matter how cute they may be for parents, it is still necessary to follow some recommendations before naming your child for the rest of his life.

Nowadays, ancient Slavic names are especially popular. However, many Russian names that are heard by everyone are by no means of Slavic origin. Large quantity borrowed from Greek and Latin. Initially, Russian names were similar in meaning to any qualities and characteristics of a person (Birch, Cat, Lesser, Wolf). With the introduction of Christianity in Rus' at the end of the first millennium, there was a gradual displacement. They were mixed with Byzantine church names. In addition to Byzantine ones, there were also Hebrew, Egyptian, Roman, and Syrian nicknames. They weren't all simple dialing letters, they designated some specific qualities.

By the middle of the 19th century, all names changed their appearance, transformed into the then Russian pronunciation. Thus, Jeremiah became Eremey, and Diomede became Demid. In connection with the new ideology, at the beginning of the 20th century, names began to appear that reflected the time of industrialization: Diamara, Revmira. The names of characters from foreign novels were also borrowed: Arnold, Alfred, Rudolph, Lily. In 1930-1950, a rapid return to real Russians began to occur (Maria, Vladimir, Ilya). Ancient names of the Russian people are popular not only in Russia. Residents of Europe and Canada bear many Russian names.

Does a name determine a person's destiny?

In Rus' there was a custom to give a child two names. The first was intended for everyone around, but the second was secret, only the closest people knew it. Thus, according to legend, protection was provided from the evil eye, bad thoughts and spirits. Evil forces they did not know the key name to the person (that is, his real church name), thus they could not do any harm. Upon reaching adolescence, one could judge a person's character traits. Then a name was given based on the following list:

  1. Names of deities: Yarilo, Lada.
  2. Names of plants and animals: Wolf, Nut, Eagle, Pike.
  3. Names from the category of personality traits: Stoyan, Brave.
  4. Two-part names: Mirolyub, Dobrozhir, Dobrynya, Yaropolk.

What are the most popular Slavic ancient names for boys?

Ancient names for boys were a fairly popular topic of discussion on the RuNet in 2013 and early 2014. According to average statistical estimates for Russian cities, names such as Stepan, Bogdan and Makar are rapidly gaining popularity. In addition, this top included old names: Elisha, Miroslav, Gordey, Nazar, Rodion, Tikhon. The most unusual name found for boys is Diamond.

What to name the boy?

If you want to bring your child into nature characteristic features, then check out the list of the most popular Slavic names. Perhaps this information will be the most important for you when choosing a name for your child. Old boy names and their meanings:

What are the most popular Slavic

As you know, statistics know everything. So, she identified the most popular Slavic ancient female names of 2013. They became such ancient nicknames as Alena, Darina, Dana, Nadezhda, Rostislava, Snezhana, Yaromila. Girls are much more often called by old Slavic names than boys.

What to name the girl?

Now check out the list of the most popular Slavic female names. Ancient names and their meanings:

  • given by God - Bogdana;
  • happy - Blessed;
  • praising - Wanda;
  • owner of glory - Vladislav;
  • active - Virtue;
  • given by God - Darina;
  • peace-loving - Ladomira;
  • beauty - Krasomira;
  • radiant - Radiant;
  • sweetheart - Militsa;
  • forest - Olesya;
  • glorious - Rostislav;
  • snowy - Snezhana;
  • young - Jaromila.

Slavic ancient Russian baby names by season

Character can be influenced not only by the date of birth, but also by the corresponding time of year. Astrologers claim that you can correct your destiny and character traits with the help of the right name. Ancient Russian names are endowed with thousands of years of ancestral knowledge; they have a special semantic load.

Serious and talented autumn children do not need to choose a special name. They can choose either a soft or hard name.

Winter children are intolerant, quick-tempered, and have a certain amount of selfishness. Light names, soft and gentle, are preferred. Ancient names with a soft base can balance character traits.

Spring children have a sharp mind, they are self-critical and fickle. They often have a great sense of humor. You should opt for solid-sounding names.

Summer children are easily influenced, they are trusting and easy-going. Therefore, it is better to stop your choice also on solid names.

The meaning of the name according to the Orthodox calendar

When choosing an old Russian name for your child, you should pay attention to traditions. And Orthodox principles say that a newborn should be named in honor of a saint. Whose memory is celebrated on the day of naming (most often this is the eighth day after birth) - this is what the baby is called. Keep in mind that the days of remembrance of saints are celebrated according to the old style. Therefore, to determine the correct date, you need to add the number 13 to the main date. The calendar for celebrating the name days of Orthodox saints and all the ancient names can now be found in the Saints, found out from confessors and in any other sources.

It is not at all necessary that the name for a child be exotic or rare. You don't have to choose old names. Euphony plays a decisive role. To make the final choice, make a list of the best names, consult with family and friends, and find out their opinion. Based on all this, choose exactly what you like.

Psychologists say that a person’s name is not just a set of alternating sounds, but a kind of unique personality code. Hearing a name for the first time, the brain of a newborn baby at a subconscious level begins to adapt to it, forming certain character traits.

IN Soviet times variety of names was not in honor, so residents of cities and villages were almost universally called Sergei, Maria, Valentin, Ivan, Aleksey, etc. As a result, the majority of people who had similar characteristics and lived similar lives were depersonalized.

At the end of the twentieth and beginning of our century, a change in priorities occurred and a tendency arose to give children rare and long-forgotten names. They even began to publish special collections - name books that help young parents choose a beautiful name for their heir. And although some mothers and fathers prefer that their son or daughter be called a “foreign” name like Angelina or Harry, the majority still turn to the roots and choose old Russian names.

Things from days gone by...

Before the introduction of Christianity in Rus', original names were used, which in essence were nicknames given for one reason or another. Often they were assigned to men and women based on external characteristics - height, physique, manner of speaking, character traits or time of birth.

To protect against evil spirits and unkind people, there was a system of double names. The first was given to the child at birth and most often did not sound very attractive - Nelyuba, Nekras, Zloba, Kriv, but this was precisely what was supposed to scare away evil forces from him.

The second name was given already in adolescence, taking into account the character traits that had already appeared in the boy or girl. These names can generally be classified into the following groups:

  1. By order of birth in the family - Pervusha, Vtorak, Tretyak, Osmusha and others.
  2. According to the main character qualities - Smeyan, Stoyan, Torop, Kras, Zorko, etc.
  3. Names reflecting the world of plants or animals - Wolf, Falcon, Oak, Pike, Walnut and others.
  4. By body type – Vyshata, Davila, Mal, etc.
  5. Nicknames of pagan deities - Lada, Yarila, etc.

But the overwhelming majority of Old Church Slavonic names were dibasic, that is, formed from two roots. The most often used were “slav”, “wise”, “yar”, “sacred”, “regiment”, “rad” and others: Milorad, Mstislav, Luchemir, Yaropolk, Svyatoslav. To form a diminutive form, the second part of the full name was cut off and the suffixes “neg”, “tka”, “sha”, “yata”, “nya” were added, for example, Dobrynya, Yarilka, Miloneg, Putyata, Svyatosha.

Old Slavonic male names

Men's pagan names our ancestors came up with especially carefully. After all, boys have always been more desirable than girls as bearers of strength and wisdom, successors of the family, defenders of their people. At the same time, the following rules and prohibitions were strictly observed:

  1. The child was not given the name of his father: it was believed that in this case not only advantages, but also disadvantages were doubled, which was unacceptable.
  2. It is impossible for two people in the same family to have the same name, since one of them was soon to die.
  3. The names of drowned people, dead children, as well as the weak-minded, crippled, robbers, and drunkards should not have been used, because negative qualities could be transmitted to the baby.

There was also such an interesting ritual. If after birth the child did not show signs of life and did not cry for a long time, they began to call him various names. The one to which he reacted became his own.

The list of forgotten names is very extensive. Some ancient Slavic names, especially for men, may seem pretentious and strange in our time. However, among them there are many that can be successfully used in the modern world.

  • Agniy – fiery, light;
  • Bayan is the keeper of antiquity;
  • Berislav - taker of glory;
  • God-knower - one who knows the gods;
  • Bogodiy - pleasing to the gods;
  • Bogumil - dear to God;
  • Boeslav – victorious in battles;
  • Bratislav - brother of glory;
  • Budimil - be nice;
  • Bueslav - stork;
  • Belogor - from the white mountains;
  • Beloyar - furious;
  • Vadimir - leader of the world;
  • Vsemil - dear to everyone;
  • Vyacheslav - glorifying advice;
  • Volodar – giver of will;
  • Gradimir – looking at the world;
  • Gorisvet – high light;
  • Dobrynya - kind;
  • Deyan – active;
  • Dan – given from above;
  • Daromir – giver of peace;
  • Daromysl – thinking;
  • Zhdanimir - the awaited world;
  • Zhdan - long-awaited;
  • Zhelan – desired;
  • Dawn - rising light;
  • Zvenimir – calling for peace;
  • Zdanimir – creator of the world;
  • Idan – walking;
  • Ivar – tree of life;
  • Istislav - glorifying the truth;
  • Krasibor – chosen from the beautiful;
  • Kudeyar is a magician;
  • Ladislav - glorifying beauty;
  • Ludimir - bringing peace to people;
  • Lyuborad – pleasing with love;
  • Lyuboyar - loving Yarila;
  • We love - beloved;
  • Lubodron - expensive;
  • Lyubogost - hospitable;
  • Milan - cute;
  • Mlad – young;
  • Peace lover - loving peace;
  • Moguta – powerful;
  • Mirodar – giver of peace;
  • Negomir – gentle and peaceful;
  • Found – found;
  • Witty - sharp-thinking;
  • Otcheslav - glory to the father;
  • Peresvet - bright;
  • Radey – joyful;
  • Ratibor – chosen warrior;
  • Svyatomir - holy world;
  • Svyatovik - light;
  • Svyatoboy is a warrior;
  • Died - peace;
  • Khvalimir - glorify the world;
  • Chestimir - honor of the world;
  • Jaromil - dear;
  • Janislav is nice.

With the introduction of Christianity, Old Slavonic names were supplanted by Greek, Roman, Jewish and Arabic, and some even found themselves under the strictest ban. True, subsequently individual names, for example, Yaroslav, Vladimir, Mstislav, were included in the Orthodox name book thanks to Vladimir the Holy, Yaroslav the Wise or Mstislav the Great, who glorified them.

Features of female Slavic names

Like male names, basic female Slavic names were not given at birth. They were often replaced with distracting nicknames, or even simply said “child”, “child”, “girl”, “little one”. Over the years, having discovered in their daughter a craving for some craft or seeing special character traits in her, her parents prepared her for the ceremony of receiving a new permanent name.

According to customs, the ceremony was carried out at the temple - an ancient Slavic sanctuary near the statues of pagan gods. At first, the girl was bathed in water, washing off her old baby name, and then the Magi solemnly named it new.

This usually happened when the girl turned 16 years old. However, there were exceptions. For example, for girls from princely families the ceremony was performed at the age of 12, and for children who were destined to become witches or priestesses from childhood, at 9.

Old Russian female names have a special melody and beauty. Therefore, many of them can be used in our time, naming our beloved daughters.

  • Agnia – fiery, enlightened;
  • Bela – white, clean;
  • Bazhena – desired;
  • Bayana – storyteller;
  • Beloslava - glorifying purity;
  • Snow White - pure, white;
  • Belyana – enlightened;
  • Blaginya is kind;
  • Bogdana – given by God;
  • Bogolyuba - lover of the gods;
  • Bogumila - dear to God;
  • Boguslava - glorifying God;
  • Borimira - fighting for peace;
  • Boyana – fighting, courageous;
  • Bratislava - taking glory;
  • Bronislava is a glorious protector;
  • Faithful - faithful;
  • Vedana - knowledgeable;
  • Velena, Velina - commanding;
  • Velizhana – polite;
  • Wenceslas - crowned with glory;
  • Veselina – cheerful;
  • Vesnyana – spring;
  • Vlada - okay;
  • Vladislava - owner of glory;
  • Vlasta – powerful;
  • Vlastelina – ruler;
  • Voislava – winning glory;
  • Vratislava - who returned glory;
  • Vsemila - dear to everyone;
  • Vsenezha - tender to everyone;
  • High - high;
  • Vyacheslava - the most glorious;
  • Gala – soulful;
  • Galina – feminine, earthly;
  • Blue – tender;
  • Gorazda – capable;
  • Darena – gifted;
  • Daryana – courageous;
  • Dobrovlada – possessing kindness;
  • Dobroslava - glorifying kindness;
  • Guess - quick-witted;
  • Dolyana – lucky;
  • Blast furnace – homely, economical;
  • Dragana – precious;
  • Dushana – soulful;
  • Zhdana – awaited;
  • Zhelana – desired;
  • Fun is a comforter;
  • Zadora - perky;
  • Zbigniew – restraining anger;
  • Zvezdana – born under the stars;
  • Zlatoyara – strong as the sun;
  • Zoreslava - glorious in beauty;
  • Izbora – chosen one;
  • Irina – ascended;
  • Karina – brown-eyed;
  • Krasa – beautiful;
  • Lada - sweetheart;
  • Lagoda – soulful;
  • Lebedyan – slender;
  • Luchezara – radiant;
  • Love - love, beloved;
  • Lyubodara – giving love;
  • Lyudmila – dear to people, humane;
  • Matryona – mature;
  • Milada - dear to the goddess Lada;
  • Milana - sweetheart;
  • Militsa – sweet in person;
  • Milolika – sweet face;
  • Milonega – sweet and gentle;
  • Milorada - sweet joy;
  • Mironega – peaceful, gentle;
  • Mlada – young, okay;
  • Hope - hope;
  • Beloved - beloved;
  • Ogneslava – glorifying Fire;
  • Olesya – forest;
  • Olelya - beloved;
  • Polelya – loving;
  • Poleva - field;
  • Polina – balanced;
  • Beautiful - beautiful;
  • Prelesta - lovely;
  • Suitable - nice;
  • Radmila – caring and sweet;
  • Radoslava - glorifying joy;
  • Rogneda – abundant;
  • Rosana – clean, fresh;
  • Ruzhena – pink;
  • Blush – ruddy;
  • Rusava – fair-haired;
  • Svetana – light;
  • Svetolika – enlightened;
  • Svetoyara – solar;
  • Sineoka – blue-eyed;
  • Siyana – shining;
  • Slavia – glorious;
  • Smeyana – laughing;
  • Humble - humble;
  • Snezhana – white-haired;
  • Stanislava – constantly glorious;
  • Stoyana – very courageous;
  • Delight – delightful;
  • Tsvetana – blooming, tender;
  • Charusha – generous;
  • Chernava – dark-skinned;
  • Cheslava - glorious in honor;
  • Shchedra - generous;
  • Yadviga - nurse;
  • Yana – courageous;
  • Yarolika – sun-faced;
  • Jaromira – bright and peaceful;
  • Yaroslava - glorifying Yarila the sun.

Our ancestors gave names special meaning. Ancient people believed that the sounds from which they are composed have magical powers received from the gods and Mother Nature herself. Old Church Slavonic names are a huge layer of our history and culture, which modern parents are increasingly turning to, hoping to find the most beautiful name for their beloved baby.