Russian folk tale. Snow Maiden. Fairy tale Snow Maiden. Read online, download. Russian folk tale Russian folk tale Snow Maiden read in full

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. We lived well, amicably. Everything would be fine, but one misfortune - they didn’t have children. Now the snowy winter has come, there are snowdrifts up to the waist, the children poured out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman look at them from the window and think about their grief.

“Well, old woman,” says the old man, “let’s make ourselves a daughter out of snow.”

Come on, says the old woman.

The old man put on his hat, they went out into the garden and began to sculpt a daughter out of the snow. They rolled a snowball, fitted the arms and legs, and placed a snowy head on top. The old man sculpted a nose, mouth, and chin.

Lo and behold, the Snow Maiden’s lips turned pink, her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow - and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.

The old people were delighted and brought her to the hut. They look at her and can’t stop admiring her.

And the old people’s daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds; every day it becomes more and more beautiful. She herself is as white as snow, her braid is brown to the waist, but there is no blush at all.

The old people are not overjoyed at their daughter; they dote on her. My daughter is growing up smart, smart, and cheerful. Affectionate and friendly with everyone. And the Snow Maiden’s work is progressing in her hands, and if she sings a song, you will be heard.

Winter has passed. The spring sun has begun to warm up. The grass in the thawed patches turned green and the larks began to sing. And the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad.

What's wrong with you, daughter? - the old people ask. Why have you become so sad? Or are you feeling unwell?

Nothing, father, nothing, mother, I’m healthy.

The last snow has melted, flowers have bloomed in the meadows, and birds have flown in.

And the Snow Maiden is becoming sadder and more silent day by day. Hiding from the sun. All she needs is some shade and some cool air, or even better, some rain.

Once a black cloud moved in, large hail fell. The Snow Maiden rejoiced at the hail, like rolling pearls. And when the sun came out again and the hail melted, the Snow Maiden began to cry, so bitterly, like a sister by a brother.

After spring, summer came. The girls gathered for a walk in the grove, calling the Snow Maiden:

Come with us, Snow Maiden, for a walk in the forest, sing songs, dance.

The Snow Maiden didn’t want to go into the forest, but the old woman persuaded her:

Go, daughter, have fun with your friends!

The girls and the Snow Maiden came to the forest. They began to collect flowers, weave wreaths, sing songs, and lead round dances. Only Snow Maiden is still sad.

And as soon as it got light, they gathered some brushwood, built a fire, and started jumping over the fire one after another. Behind everyone, the Snow Maiden stood up.

She ran in her turn after her friends.

She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted and turned into a white cloud. A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. All the girlfriends heard was something plaintively moaning behind them: “Aw!” They turned around - but the Snow Maiden was not there.

They began to call her:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

Only an echo responded to them in the forest...

Based on a Russian folk tale. Artist M. Malkys

All the best! See you again!

Once upon a time there lived a peasant Ivan, and he had a wife, Marya. Ivan and Marya lived in love and harmony, but they had no children. So they grew old alone. They greatly lamented their misfortune and were consoled only by looking at other people’s children. There’s nothing to do! So, apparently, they were destined. One day, when winter came and knee-deep new snow fell, the children poured out into the street to play, and our old men sat down at the window to look at them. The kids ran, frolicked and began to sculpt a woman out of snow. Ivan and Marya looked silently, thoughtful. Suddenly Ivan grinned and said:
- We should go too, wife, and make ourselves a woman!
Apparently, Marya also found a happy hour.
“Well,” she says, “let’s go and have some fun in our old age!” Just why should you sculpt a woman: it will be just you and me. Let’s make ourselves a child out of snow, if God didn’t give us a living one!
“What’s true is true...” said Ivan, took his hat and went into the garden with the old woman.
They really began to sculpt a doll out of snow: they rolled up the body with arms and legs, put a round lump of snow on top and ironed the head out of it.
- God help? - someone said, passing by.
- Thank you, thank you! - Ivan answered.
- What are you doing?
- Yes, that’s what you see! - says Ivan.
“Snow Maiden...” said Marya, laughing.
So they sculpted a nose, made two dimples in the forehead, and as soon as Ivan drew a mouth, a warm spirit suddenly breathed out of him. Ivan hastily took his hand away and just looked - the dimples in his forehead had become bulging, and blue eyes were peeping out of them, and his lips were smiling like crimson.
- What is this? Isn't it some kind of obsession? - said Ivan, placing the sign of the cross on himself.
And the doll tilts its head towards him, as if it were alive, and moved its arms and legs in the snow, like a baby in swaddling clothes.
- Ah, Ivan, Ivan! - Marya cried, trembling with joy. - This is the Lord giving us a child! - and rushed to hug the Snow Maiden, and all the snow fell off the Snow Maiden, like a shell from an egg, and in Marya’s arms there was already a really living girl.
- Oh, my dear Snow Maiden! - said the old woman, hugging her desired and unexpected child, and ran with him to the hut.
Ivan barely came to his senses from such a miracle, and Marya was unconscious with joy.
And now the Snow Maiden is growing by leaps and bounds, and every day gets better. Ivan and Marya cannot get enough of her. And it was fun in their house. The girls from the village have no choice: they amuse and treat grandma’s daughter like a doll, talk to her, sing songs, play all sorts of games with her and teach her everything that they do. And the Snow Maiden is so smart: she notices and adopts everything.
And over the winter she became like a girl of about thirteen: she understands everything, talks about everything, and in such a sweet voice that you can hear her. And she is so kind, obedient and friendly to everyone. And she is as white as snow; eyes like forget-me-nots, light brown braid to the waist, no blush at all, as if there was no living blood in her body... And even without that she was so pretty and good that she was a sight for sore eyes. And how it used to play out, so comforting and pleasant that the soul rejoices! And everyone can’t get enough of the Snow Maiden. Old lady Marya dotes on her.
- Here, Ivan! - she used to say to her husband. - God has given us joy in our old age! My heartfelt sadness is over!
And Ivan told her:
- Thank the Lord! Here joy is not eternal, and sadness is not endless...
Winter has passed. The spring sun played joyfully in the sky and warmed the earth. The grass grew green in the clearings, and the lark began to sing. Already the red maidens gathered in a round dance near the village and sang:
- Spring is red! What did you come with, what did you arrive with?..
- On the bipod, on the harrow!
And the Snow Maiden was somehow bored.
- What's wrong with you, my child? - Marya told her more than once, kissing her. -Aren't you sick? You're still so sad, your face has completely fallen asleep. Have you been jinxed by an unkind person?
And the Snow Maiden answered her every time:
- Nothing, grandma! I'm healthy...
Spring has driven away the last snow with its red days. The gardens and meadows began to bloom, the nightingale and every bird sang, and everything became livelier and more cheerful. And the Snow Maiden, my dear one, became even more bored, shunned her friends and hid from the sun in the shade, like a lily of the valley under a tree. All she wanted was to splash around by the icy spring under the green willow tree.
The Snow Maiden would love some shade and some chill, or even better - frequent rain. In the rain and darkness she became more cheerful. And then one day a gray cloud moved in and rained down large hail. The Snow Maiden was so happy with him, as someone else would not be happy with rolling pearls. When the sun got hot again and the hail began to flood, the Snow Maiden cried for him so much, as if she herself wanted to burst into tears, like a sister crying for her brother.
Now the end of spring has come; Midsummer's day has arrived. The girls from the village gathered for a walk in the grove, went to pick up the Snow Maiden and pestered Grandma Marya:
- Let the Snow Maiden come with us!
Marya did not want to let her in, and the Snow Maiden did not want to go with them; Yes, they couldn’t talk their way out of it. Besides, Marya thought: maybe her Snow Maiden will go wild! And she dressed her up, kissed her and said:
- Come, my child, have fun with your friends! And you, girls, take care of my Snow Maiden... After all, I have her, you know, like gunpowder in my eye!
- Okay, okay! - they shouted cheerfully, picked up the Snow Maiden and walked in a crowd into the grove. There they made wreaths for themselves, knitted bunches of flowers and sang their cheerful songs. The Snow Maiden was with them continuously.
When the sun set, the girls made a fire of grass and small brushwood, lit it, and everyone in wreaths stood in a row one after another; and the Snow Maiden was placed behind everyone.
“Look,” they said, “how we run, and you also run after us, don’t lag behind!”
And so everyone, having started singing, galloped through the fire.
Suddenly something behind them made a noise and moaned pitifully:
- Aw!
They looked around in fear: there was no one. They look at each other and do not see the Snow Maiden between them.
“Oh, that’s right, she hid, the minx,” they said and ran off to look for her, but could not find her. They clicked and called, but she did not respond.
-Where would she go? - the girls said.
“Apparently she ran home,” they said later and went to the village, but the Snow Maiden was not in the village.
They looked for her the next day, and looked for her on the third. They went through the whole grove - bush after bush, tree after tree. The Snow Maiden was still missing, and the trail was gone. For a long time Ivan and Marya grieved and cried because of their Snow Maiden. For a long time, the poor old woman went every day to the grove to look for her, and she kept calling like a miserable cuckoo:
- Ay, ay, Snow Maiden! Ay, ay, my dear!..
And more than once she heard the Snow Maiden’s voice say: “Aw!” The Snow Maiden is still gone! Where did the Snow Maiden go? Was it a fierce beast that whisked her away? dense forest, and wasn’t it a bird of prey that carried it to the blue sea?
No, it was not a fierce beast that rushed her into the dense forest, and it was not a bird of prey that carried her to the blue sea; and when the Snow Maiden ran after her friends and jumped into the fire, she suddenly reached up light steam, curled into a thin cloud, melted... and flew into the heights of heaven. Here we go

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman; they had neither children nor grandchildren. So they went out of the gate on a holiday to look at other people’s children, how they rolled lumps out of snow and played snowballs. The old man picked up the lump and said:

“What, old woman, if only you and I had a daughter, so white and so round!”

The old woman looked at the lump, shook her head and said:

- What are you going to do? No, there’s nowhere to get it. However, the old man brought a lump of snow to the hut, put it in a pot, covered it with a rag and put it on the window. The sun rose, warmed the pot, and the snow began to melt. So the old people hear something squeaking in a pot under a branch; They go to the window - lo and behold, there’s a girl lying in the pot, white as snow and round as a lump, and she says to them:

“I am a girl, Snegurochka, rolled up from spring snow, warmed and rouged by the spring sun.”

The old people were delighted, they took her out, and the old woman quickly started sewing and cutting, and the old man, wrapping the Snow Maiden in a towel, began to nurse and nurture her:

Sleep, our Snow Maiden,

Sweet patty,

Rolled from spring snow,

Warmed by the spring sun!

We'll give you something to drink,

We will feed you

Dress up in a colorful dress,

Teach wisdom!

So the Snow Maiden is growing up, to the delight of the old people, and so and so smart, so and so reasonable, that such people only live in fairy tales, but do not exist in reality.

Everything went like clockwork for the old people: it was good in the hut and not bad in the yard, the cattle survived the winter, the birds were released into the yard. That’s how they transferred the bird from the hut to the barn, and then the trouble happened: a fox came to the old Bug, pretended to be sick and, well, begged the Bug, begging in a thin voice:

- Bug, Bug, little white legs, silky tail, let him warm up in the barn!

The bug, having been running after the old man through the forest all day, did not know that the old woman had driven the bird into the barn, took pity on the sick fox and let it go there. And the fox strangled two chickens and dragged them home. When the old man found out about this, he beat Zhuchka and drove him out of the yard.

“Go,” he says, “wherever you want, but you’re not fit to be my watchman!”

So Zhuchka left the old man’s yard, crying, and only the old woman and her daughter Snegurochka felt sorry for Zhuchka.

Summer has come, the berries have begun to ripen, so Snegurochka’s friends invite her to the forest to pick berries. The old people don’t even want to hear, they won’t let me in. The girls began to promise that they would not let the Snow Maiden out of their hands, and the Snow Maiden herself asked to pick some berries and look at the forest. The old people let her go and gave her a box and a piece of pie.

So the girls ran with the Snow Maiden in their arms, and when they came into the forest and saw the berries, they all forgot about everything, ran around, took the berries and shouted at each other, in the forest they gave voices to each other.

They picked some berries, but lost the Snow Maiden in the forest. The Snow Maiden began to raise her voice, but no one answered her. The poor thing began to cry, went to look for the way, and worse than that, she got lost; So she climbed up a tree and shouted: “Ay! Aw!” A bear is walking, brushwood is cracking, bushes are bending:

- About what, girl, about what, red one?

- Aw-ow! I am a girl, Snegurochka, rolled up from spring snow, browned by the spring sun, my friends begged me from my grandfather and grandmother, they took me into the forest and left me!

“Get down,” said the bear, “I’ll take you home!”

“No, bear,” answered the girl Snegurochka, “I won’t go with you, I’m afraid of you - you’ll eat me!” The bear left. Runs gray wolf:

“Get down,” said the wolf, “I’ll take you home!”

- No, wolf, I won’t go with you, I’m afraid of you - you’ll eat me!

The wolf left. Lisa Patrikeevna is coming:

- What, girl, are you crying, what, red one, are you sobbing?

- Aw-ow! I’m a girl, Snow Maiden, rolled up from spring snow, browned by the spring sun, my friends begged me from my grandfather, from my grandmother to buy berries in the forest, but they brought me into the forest and left me!

- Oh, beauty! Ah, clever girl! Oh, my poor one! Get down quickly, I'll take you home!

- No, fox, your words are flattering, I’m afraid of you - you’ll lead me to the wolf, you’ll give me to the bear... I won’t go with you!

The fox began to court around the tree, look at the girl Snegurochka, lure her from the tree, but the girl did not come.

- Gum, din, din! - the dog barked in the forest. And the girl Snow Maiden shouted:

- Aw-ow, Bug! Aw-ow, honey! Here I am, a little girl called Snegurochka, rolled up from the spring snow, browned by the spring sun, my friends begged me from my grandfather, from my grandmother to buy berries in the forest, they took me into the forest and left me. The bear wanted to carry me away, but I didn’t go with him; the wolf wanted to take him away, I refused him; The fox wanted to lure me in, but I didn’t fall for the deception; and with you. Bug, I'll go!

That's when the fox heard the dog barking, so he waved his fur and was gone!

The Snow Maiden climbed down from the tree. The bug ran up, kissed her, licked her whole face and took her home.

There is a bear standing behind a stump, a wolf in a clearing, a fox darting through the bushes.

The bug barks and gushes, everyone is afraid of it, no one starts.

They came home; the old men cried with joy. The Snow Maiden was given something to drink, fed, put to bed, and covered with a blanket:

Sleep, our Snow Maiden,

Sweet patty,

Rolled from spring snow,

Warmed by the spring sun!

We'll give you something to drink,

We will feed you

Dress up in a colorful dress,

Teach wisdom!

They forgave the bug, gave him milk to drink, accepted him as a favor, put him in his old place, and forced him to guard the yard.

The topic of this page is Russian folk tale"Snow Maiden". First, we’ll discuss a little about where it came from. fairy tale image Snow Maidens? And then we will read the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”.

The history of the appearance of the image of the Snow Maiden.

So, when and where did the image of the Snow Maiden appear? It has been formed in the consciousness of the Russian people over several centuries. It seems that at first, in Russian folk tales, the image of an ice girl appeared - a granddaughter, whom a childless old man and old woman molded from snow, both for the joy of people and for their own consolation.

But there is an assumption that the basis of the tale was the ancient Slavic funeral rite of Kostroma. That is, with a certain degree of assumption, we can assume that Kostroma is not just the birthplace of the Snow Maiden, but that the Snow Maiden herself is. Kostroma was also depicted in different ways. Sometimes it was a young woman, accompanied by a round dance, walking in white clothes, with an oak branch in her hands. And sometimes - a straw effigy of a woman. Kostroma simultaneously means game character and the game itself. At the end of this game, Kostroma gets sick and dies, but then gets up and dances. The final episode of this game or ritual, namely the death and subsequent resurrection of Kostroma, makes it similar to the image of the Snow Maiden. Because Kostroma can be perceived as the spirit of vegetation (seasonal spirit), leaving when its time comes.

In the fairy tale by V.I. Dalia's "Girl Snow Maiden" - an old man and an old woman watch how other people's children "roll lumps out of snow, play snowballs" and decide to make a daughter for themselves. Much later, the outstanding Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky composed his own spring fairy tale on this topic. Based on his tale, numerous performances are still staged in theaters, and they have also filmed feature film"Snow Maiden". And over time, the image of the Snow Maiden in popular consciousness transformed, and the Snow Maiden becomes the granddaughter of Father Frost, and is now associated with the New Year and Christmas holidays. By the way, the Snow Maiden is a purely Russian character and no other people in the world have them either at Christmas or at New Year's holidays does not occur.

Well, we’ve already been delayed, let’s still give the kids Russian folk music Read the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. And at the end of the page you can watch the cartoon “Snow Maiden” online.

Russian folk tale

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman in the same village. We lived well and amicably. And everything would be fine, but woe is it - they didn’t have children.

Once again the snowy and frosty weather came, there were snowdrifts up to the waist, the children poured out into the street to play, and the old man and the old woman looked at them from the window and thought about their misfortune.

The old man says:

What, old woman, can we make ourselves a daughter out of snow?

Let's do it, says the old woman.

The old man put on his hat, they went out to their garden and began to sculpt a daughter out of the snow. They rolled a ball of snow, attached arms and legs to it, and placed a snowy head on top. The old man sculpted his nose, mouth, and chin. They looked - and the Snow Maiden’s lips turned pink, her eyes opened; The Snow Maiden looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow - and emerged from the snowdrift as a living girl.

The old people were delighted and they brought her into the hut. They look at it and can’t stop looking at it.

And the old people’s daughter began to grow by leaps and bounds; every day it becomes more and more beautiful. She herself is as white as snow, her braid reaches to her waist, her hair is brown, and there is just no blush on her cheeks.

The old people cannot be happier with their daughter; they dote on her. My daughter is growing up smart, cheerful, and smart. She is friendly and affectionate with everyone. And the work in the hands of the Snow Maiden is going well, but when she sings a song, you will be heard.

Winter has passed. The spring sun is beginning to warm up. The grass in the thawed patches turned green, the larks began to sing. And for some reason the Snow Maiden suddenly became sad. The old man asks her:

What's wrong with you, baby? Why have you become so sad? Are you feeling unwell?

Everything is fine, father, everything is fine, mother, I’m healthy.

The last snow has melted, the flowers have bloomed in the meadows, and the birds have flown in. And the Snow Maiden becomes sadder and more silent every day. He hides from the sun all the time. Everyone is looking for shade and coolness, and most of all they are enjoying the rain.

One day a black cloud flew in and large hail fell from it. The Snow Maiden rejoiced at the hail like rolling pearls. And when the sun came out again and the hail melted, she cried again, and so bitterly, as if she were a sister by a brother.

After spring came red summer. The girls gathered for a walk in the grove, the Snow Maiden's name is:

Snow Maiden, come with us to the forest for a walk, dance, and sing songs.

The Snow Maiden did not want to go into the forest, but the old woman persuaded her:

Go, daughter and your friends, have fun!

The girls and the Snow Maiden came to the forest. They began to gather, weave wreaths, sing songs, and dance in circles. And only the Snow Maiden is still sad.

And when evening came, the girls gathered brushwood, lit a fire, and everyone began jumping over the fire one after another. And the Snow Maiden stood behind everyone.

She, in turn, ran after her friends. She jumped over the fire and suddenly melted and turned into a white cloud. A cloud rose high and disappeared in the sky. Only the girlfriends heard something behind them plaintively moaning: “Aw!” They turned around - and the Snow Maiden was no longer there.

They began to call her:

Ay, ay, Snow Maiden!

And only an echo responded to them from the forest

The Snow Maiden is an instructive Russian folk tale with deep meaning and morality. The tale can be read online or downloaded in DOC and PDF format.
Summary of the fairy tale Snow Maiden You can start with how the grandfather and woman had no children, and they decided to make themselves a Snow Maiden. Snow girl miraculously came to life and became like his own daughter. Time passed, winter was ending, the sun became warmer and hotter. Everyone around was happy, except for the Snow Maiden, she sat at home and hid in the shadows. Without a second thought, the grandfather and woman persuaded the Snow Maiden to go for a walk with her friends. The girlfriends had fun jumping over the fire, the Snow Maiden jumped and melted. This is where the fairy tale ends; there is no happy ending.
The main meaning and moral of the fairy tale Snow Maiden- all living beings living on our planet are very different, and what is good for one can be fatal for another. Don't paint everyone with the same brush. Analyzing this fairy tale, one can understand that the Snow Maiden could never become like her friends, no matter how much her grandfather and woman wanted it. Realizing that she will say so special child her parents had to come to terms with this, and not impose their desire to make her like everyone else. Surely the grandfather and woman were so blinded by their happiness that they forgot what their daughter was made of. The Snow Maiden’s mistake is that she did not tell her parents that she felt bad in the sun and did not share her problems and experiences. She also followed the lead of her friends, who forced her to jump over the fire, because she could have refused.
Read the fairy tale Snow Maiden not only very interesting, but also educational for children of any age. She teaches children not to follow other people's lead, to have their own opinion on everything, and not to repeat after their friends what they consider wrong. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they consider you a coward or tease you, your health is more important and above all else. Children must consult with their parents, trust their secret experiences, and report their well-being. You also shouldn’t communicate and be friends with those you don’t like and you feel negative or dangerous from them. Children are very different in nature and character; among girls there are also Snow Maidens who cannot join the team. It’s not their fault, they’re just children of a different psychotype and upbringing, they’re not comfortable in noisy companies, and they don’t understand modern classes teenagers If you involve the Snow Maiden in such a company, a psychological breakdown may occur and the Snow Maiden will melt.
The fairy tale Snow Maiden is a clear example of many folk proverbs . About caution: It’s better to be careful than to get burned, Caution is not a shame, You can do everything with caution, Know the edge, but don’t fall, Take care of glassware: if you break it, you won’t fix it, Don’t get into trouble, Don’t get into trouble before your dad, Don’t get into trouble row with a cloth snout, It’s good to be brave, but you also have to be careful, If you don’t recognize the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water, If only you knew where you fell, put some straw here, He who got burned on milk blows on the water.