Christmas motifs drawings. Beautiful pictures for Catholic and Orthodox Christmas

This one is for real magical holiday Thousands of people look forward to it every year. They decorate houses, prepare gifts and read stories related to Christmas.

Drawing a Christmas story

Scene of the birth of Jesus Christ

To draw the Nativity of Christ, you need to prepare the tools:

  • sheet of paper;
  • colored pencils (set);
  • a simple pencil;
  • sharpener;
  • eraser.

However, you can use paints instead of pencils, then you will need paper thicker than regular office A4. As in children's albums, the sheets are adapted for drawing with paints.

Any drawing reflects some picture of what is happening. Will it be a portrait of one character or a whole scene. You can see ready-made images for Christmas as an example.

Sample plot: “An angel looks down on the newborn Jesus.”

Stages of work:

  1. Sharpen your pencil and, sitting comfortably, mentally divide the sheet into several zones. In one there will be the sky with the figure of an angel, in the second - the earth. If the angel is the central figure, you can give him more space and draw his figure more clearly.
  2. Make sketches with a pencil. Without specifying, outline where the angel is located, approximately its silhouette. What's around - clouds, the Moon, the Star of Bethlehem and other symbols of the holiday.
  3. Below, sketch out the trees and the outline of the barn. It is not necessary to add animal silhouettes. In the drawing the emphasis is on the angel. He seems to be looking at something happening on earth at night.
  4. When the draft is ready, move on to drawing the details. Pay attention to the location and size of the angel's wings and his appearance. Draw hair, facial features, try to convey the expression of the eyes. The entire figure of the character is directed downwards, he is sitting or hovering in the sky. Perhaps part of the figure is hidden by a cloud.
  5. Below, in addition to trees and the roof of a barn, you can add silhouettes of several houses. Just sketches without detailed clarification, because they are surrounded by night fog. A picture of Christmas night and the first messenger who saw the miracle.
  6. To find out what angel wings look like, you can look through several ready-made images. The most difficult thing in the film is that he is also the main character. Therefore, we need to work harder on it. Draw the folds of clothing, facial features, and the angel's hairstyle. Using an eraser, carefully remove any excess lines.
  7. When the pencil sketch of the painting is ready, color it.

Scene of the Gifts of the Magi

Of course, this scene is the most popular; it seems to reflect the spirit of the holiday. How to draw multiple silhouettes and character interactions? We must act step by step, clearly understanding where each figure is and what it is doing. Its size and form of interaction.

What you will need:

  • sheet of paper;
  • a set of pencils;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • sharpener.

Would you be interested in making such a craft with your child?


Stages of work:

  1. Creating a pencil drawing in stages begins with presenting the plot of the picture. Look through a few finished images and read the stories to get a sense of what's going on. In a small stable at night the Savior was born and several wise men came to see. They gave gifts. What do such wanderers look like? According to some sources, they were travelers in ordinary traveling clothes. According to others, they are real kings. Choose how to portray them yourself.
  2. Who, besides the Magi, will be present in the picture - the Mother of God Mary, the newborn Jesus himself, possibly several animals. Central figure, uniting all the characters is Christ. And the location - interior space stable
  3. Start drawing. With a sheet of paper in front of you, use a pencil to outline the silhouettes characters. Where are they located, what size? When there are several human characters, it is important to maintain their proportions so that everyone in the drawing is the same. Animals can be added later. Imagine what everyone is doing. For example, a couple of wise men have already entered and are watching, the third stopped at the threshold. The Mother of God sits next to the reclining Jesus, surrounded by the silhouettes of a pair of animals. For example, bull and goats.
  4. If you are not too confident in your drawing skills, you can imagine the picture from afar, when only the dark silhouettes of the characters are visible. This makes it easier to draw them. At the same time, more details of the surrounding world are visible: the burning star of Bethlehem, trees around, perhaps the silhouettes of houses. It’s as if the artist is a spectator watching what’s happening from afar.
  5. Make sketches with a pencil. First, one character: body lines, location of the face and hands, clothes. Then the second one. Create a composition. Remember, the faces of those present are turned to the lying Jesus, they are smiling, because a wonderful, bright event has happened. It is important to convey the mood of the characters.
  6. There is no need to bother much with clothes: the traveler has long cloaks for travel, staffs in their hands, and the Mother of God is in a simple long dress, her hair is tied up. Jesus is wrapped in cloth.
  7. Once you've finished your rough sketches, color the picture. If there is a candle in the picture, you need to convey its light and the dark areas. You can draw the Star of Bethlehem, as if it looked into the room and illuminated it.

Have you ever wondered which of all the holidays celebrated in the year can rightfully be called a family holiday? If not 100%, then definitely 80 percent will answer – Christmas. After all, this holiday really has a certain magical power that brings all the dearest souls together at a beautiful, cozy, festive table. There is an atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the air. And the whole house is filled with love: the love of spouses, the love of parents and children. Children love this holiday very much, because people gather nearby large number hearts that love you and everyone strives to envelop you in warmth, press you, and sometimes tickle you. On such a holiday, even adults are ready to believe in magic, in the fulfillment of desires, and are happy to accept unexpected and pleasant surprises. And such can only be surprises made with one’s own hand. And the best gifts for children will be drawings and crafts.

Drawings on the theme of Christmas for children, ideas step by step

Truly the most magical period in our lives is childhood. When you sincerely believe in miracles, you know that all your wishes and dreams will definitely come true. And Santa Claus is not a fiction. He's real, because you saw him in New Year's Eve, and when telling the poem, you knew that he would definitely give you what you wrote about in the letter. After all, if he came, then your letter was not lost, which means you were an obedient child.

Childhood is a little fairy tale in which you main character. And no matter what happens to you, you know that there are Chip and Dale who will come to the rescue in difficult times, and they are your dad and mom.

The main task of parents is to create this enchanting world, envelop it with warmth and love, create miracles and, of course, teach our children to do a little magic. And on the eve of the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, let us together with the children create in truth magic drawing, which will definitely bring peace, comfort, warmth and love to our home. Or maybe a small gift for the Christmas tree.

For the little ones, I offer 3 ideas for creating a drawing.

Option #1:

The first idea is an angel girl, because... every kid knows who “la-la” is and is obviously confident in her kindness, friendliness, and sincerity. So let's get started!

We will need a sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. And also to color our angel you can use: colored pencils, crayons, paints. For very little ones, I would advise using finger paints. Thanks to them, the child will be in to a greater extent involved in the process, and working with finger paints contributes to the development of tactile sensations in children.

The finished drawing will look like this:

Let's start creating a drawing, of course, with our face. Our “la-li”’s hair is evenly parted. Therefore, we draw, so to speak, a blurry letter “L”, and under it a semicircle. And immediately draw the eyes, leaving small highlights inside.

Then we finish drawing the mouth and adding volume to the hair.

Let's start with the dress. We draw lines from the head. Next, draw a collar in the form of a flag under the head and sleeves for our dress. Then we draw the hands.

Next in line are the legs, and we mark the line of shoes. And let's move on to the wing. We draw the wing curved at the top. The top of the wing is at eye level, the bottom reaches our girl’s waist. There's just a little bit left to do. Repeat the second wing in mirror image. And don't forget about the halo above your head. Our sweet angel girl is ready!

Any child will love this drawing.

Option No. 2:

The second idea is a Christmas stocking. More and more often we are seeing Western motifs in New Year and Christmas designs. So the idea for a Christmas stocking came up immediately. Many children know this wonderful sock, in which you can find a gift and also enjoy something tasty. Let's start creating it on paper.

IN finished form our drawing will look like this:

Materials for coloring socks, as well as a color palette, you will ask your child for advice. After all, he knows better what color will bring good luck.

The first thing that appears on our piece of paper is two crooked sticks, which can remind us of two clubs. Then on our “sticks” we draw the cuffs of future socks.

Then we fill the socks with goodies and gifts. Now let’s finish drawing the bottom of each sock. Another magical masterpiece is ready!

Option #3:

And the third idea will be more complicated. Let's draw a friend - a Christmas bear cub, who is in a hurry to congratulate our baby on the bright holiday of Christmas.

The finished bear will look like this:

Let's start drawing our friend from his head. To do this, draw a circle, inside which we draw auxiliary lines. We draw a fur liner for our hat on top of our circle. And we draw ears.

Let's make our friend cute - draw eyes, nose, mouth and freckles. Then we finish drawing our cap and move on to the body. First, we draw a scarf from which the arms of our bear will come.

Nativity drawing for school, detail with photo

The month of December for schoolchildren is not only about finals tests and pulling up their tails, but also being involved in the pre-holiday bustle: decorating classrooms, preparing for matinees and, of course, a lot of fakes and drawings.

During this period, during reading and literature lessons, children are required to become acquainted with passages from the Gospel, works of domestic and world literature, which touch on the themes of the Nativity of Christ. Thanks to this, children have a whole treasure trove of ideas that they will implement in labor and drawing lessons.

What can we most often observe on the paper of our little Picassos? Of course, everything that was recently read and heard about. Here are some photos from school exhibitions:

Look how wonderful, warm, kind, simple fairy tale drawings created by children. They exude a certain mystery, joy, happiness and love.

Having looked more closely at the creations of our children, we can name the main components that fill the drawings:

  • By right, we can give first place to the Star of Bethlehem and the Angel. These two components are visible in almost every picture. After all, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ is most often associated with some kind of salvation, lightness, which the Angel and the star bring to us.
  • The next place is occupied by images of the inhabitants of the Nativity scene. Children often depict baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as well as the wise men, oxen and sheep.
  • Children landscape painters love to depict a starry night, houses covered in snow with white smoke coming from the chimneys.
  • Of course, churches and temples occupy a special place in the drawings, as a symbol of faith, a guide between man and God.

What do our people like to work with? young artists? As you can see, the choice is huge. It all depends on the ability to work with this or that technique. To create a Christmas drawing you can use: a simple pencil, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints (watercolor or gouache). Many people add glitter to their designs, giving them shine and a bit of magic.

Drawing for the Nativity of Christ in pencil, step by step with photo

Let’s try to create a drawing for Christmas, for starters, in the usual way with a simple pencil. For this we will prepare a piece of paper. It is better to choose thicker paper. You will also need a simple pencil and eraser. And finally, let's grab some colored pencils to bring our masterpiece to life.

Let's decide on the main elements of our Christmas drawing. They will be: a sprig of spruce, as a symbol of the New Year, the winter season; a candle is a symbol of sacrament, night; An angel is a symbol of protection and patronage.

  • First, we make a sketch and place the angel in the center. There was a spruce branch on the left side and a candle under the angel’s left hand. Draw a semicircle in the background. And we will cut the entire drawing into a rectangle. Part of the angel's wings and branches will extend beyond our drawing.
  • Next, let's move on to the details: we make the face more rounded, the hair is wavy, and we draw the wings. Below we create a sketch of the houses, but do not specify them too much. Because by design they are shrouded in fog.
  • We bring our angel to life, draw out the facial features, as well as the folds on his clothes. We erase our auxiliary lines. Let's take up colored pencils.

Let's take on yellow. We use it for the spruce branch, hair and draw a circle on the background. Then beige color Let's shade the angel's face and hands. Let's paint the hair brown. To make the spruce branch as realistic as possible, use two shades of green. And using sharp strokes we create needles.

The background of our drawing will be blue. We paint the lower part and the circle with this color. By applying pressure on the pencil, we are trying to get a transition from dark blue to light blue. By using purple, sketch our lower landscape. We also use purple and blue to outline the outline of the wings. And we will shade our entire background with orange, yellow and a little red.

To create contrast, take a black pencil and draw contours and details. Our Christmas drawing is ready!

Drawings of the Nativity with paints, step by step with photos

We bring to your attention two options for Christmas drawings made with paints.

Option #1:

We can offer the first drawing to very little ones, where they can not only get their fingers dirty, but also put their entire palm to the drawing.

  • We will need: gouache, a simple pencil, felt-tip pens, a brush, a poke, a shaped cap from a felt-tip pen, a container for water and a container for diluting paint, as well as a sheet of paper pre-painted in blue.
  • We prepare a container with white paint and lower our baby’s hands. Then we place our handprints on the prepared sheet of paper, so that our prints resemble the wings of an angel. The fingers should point down and slightly to the sides.
  • Afterwards, add a little red to the container with white paint. This way we get a pink tint. We lower one palm. We place the print with pink paint between two white palms a little lower. Then we extend our palm a little and create a body for our angel.

  • Add a little yellow color to the container and draw the angel’s head. We do this with our baby's fingers. Create a head of hair on the head. To do this, take the cap of a felt-tip pen and use the round side to make prints.

  • For the halo and stars we use gold paint. We draw the halo with our finger, and to create a starry sky we use the cap, but with the curly side. And we use it to decorate the bottom of the angel’s clothing. Using felt-tip pens, draw the face.

  • Use the back of the tassel to decorate the top of the wings. Let's finish drawing the palms. AND brown paint draw a twig. Using green gouache and a brush, draw fluffy needles.

  • We depict a star next to the branch. And on the branches, using a poke, we place blue balls and pink color. Our drawing is ready!

Option No. 2:

We will draw the next drawing with older children.

  • Required material and tools: gouache, A3 paper, nylon brushes (2, 3, 5).
  • We place our sheet of paper horizontally in front of us. From the very beginning, with a simple pencil we thinly outline the hill where the church will be located in the future. Using three colors: yellow, pink and blue, we depict the sky.

  • Blurring the boundaries between the three colors of our sky. To do this, rinse the brush. We remove excess water and just make it wet. Then we draw several times along the borders of the flowers. Using blue paint, paint over our hill.

  • We draw the main walls of the church. And we finish drawing the roofs.

  • Draw the supports for the domes. We make the middle one in a lighter tone, the side ones dark shade grey. Using yellow color. We draw domes.

  • Using thin lines we divide the wall of the church into parts. Then blur the lines a little on one edge to create a shadow effect. Drawing the future door.

  • We draw the church windows and the architectural belt. Using blue color, we enhance the shadows.

  • We make shadows on the doors and domes. We draw snow on the roof and domes of the church.

  • We draw snow on the windows, on the belt, on the slopes of the roofs and on the ledges of the walls. We enhance our shadows by applying thin contours.

  • Using a thin brush and orange, we draw crosses on the domes. Then use light strokes of white to create highlights. In the background we draw the outline of the grove in blue.

  • We fill the silhouette of the grove with a pale purple color, almost translucent. Using a thin brush we draw the branches of the grove. To do this, we take white, blue and cyan colors.

  • Using wide white lines we draw the silhouettes of future trees and shrubs in the foreground. We blur the outline along the inner edge. You should get a transparent effect.

  • We add lushness to the trees and bushes using the same line and blur technique that we used earlier. Using thin lines we draw the trunks and main branches of bushes and trees.

  • Next we draw small branches. Add white twigs and draw snowdrifts.

  • We add brightness to the snowdrifts by highlighting the top edge with blue and blurring it a little. Draw stars in the sky. We randomly place white dots.

  • We place a large star above the main dome. And careless strokes of yellow and white flowers draw the light coming from the star.

Our picture is ready! Truly we have created a masterpiece!

Nativity drawings for the competition, ideas with photos step by step

Every year on the eve of the holidays, children in kindergarten and school are invited to participate in creative competitions, where they can reveal their talents. Immediately before the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, most competitions are related to fine arts. Such events have a very positive effect on the development of the spiritual sphere of children’s activities. Contestants become more familiar with the history of the Christmas holiday, and also become familiar with the Christian faith.

Of course, to become a winner, the drawings must be created by yourself. Then this is not just a beautiful picture, but a living, real Christmas story of a little man. Of course, no one cancels the participation of parents. After all, the parents’ interest gives new strength to the baby, and he fantasizes on a given topic with greater involvement and great pleasure.

On competition drawing you can depict a biblical story or a Christmas tale. Frequent symbols that are depicted on Christmas Eve are a Christmas angel, a Christmas tree, bells, a temple, and Christmas heroes. You can draw Christmas pictures with a pencil, paints, felt-tip pens, or crayons. Many children win the hearts of spectators with their works made with grain, sand or using the batik technique. However, not everyone can do such work and require a very long training.

We suggest trying to create several options for the Christmas drawing competition. Each option will be of varying difficulty and is designed for a specific age of the contestant.

Option #1:

We can suggest repeating the first option to the youngest participants of the competition. This drawing carries one of the symbols of the holiday - bells. After all, this is already some kind of established tradition - the ringing of bells on Christmas Eve.

  • To begin with, we will make sketches on a piece of paper. Let's draw two ovals that are inclined towards each other. Thanks to the auxiliary lines, we will mark the approximate size of our bells, their top and bottom. Then give the future shape with a bell and sketch out the outline of the bow.

  • Next, we sketch out the foliage and ribbons of our bow. We will delete all the auxiliary lines later and the drawing will become more expressive. We give a clear shape to the bells, draw in detail the foliage and bow. Let's make an inscription.

  • We erase all auxiliary lines. And we can start coloring. The bow is symbolically done in red, and the foliage in green.

  • And the final touch remains - to paint the bells themselves. Our drawing is ready! In this version, these colors were used, but you can color it at your discretion.

Option No. 2:

The following idea can be proposed for middle school children. Traditionally, on the eve of such a holiday, children get acquainted with the biblical story of Christmas. Therefore, it will be symbolic to draw one of the plots.

  • Symbolically, first we make sketches of the future drawing. We draw an outline in the center of a cradle with a baby and a donkey standing next to it.

  • We gradually move on to the details of the room, to the baby’s crib, and then we start coloring the animals. You can do this with any colors you like. Our final result looks like this:

Option #3:

The third idea, in my opinion, is one of the most difficult. Therefore, it can be suggested for older children. We will create with you not just a drawing, but a real Christmas card. For this we will need paper for pastels and watercolor pencils, a picture of the Kazan Mother of God and Child prepared in advance, watercolor pencils, white gouache, brushes, glue.

The picture of the Kazan Mother of God was not chosen by chance, but as a symbol of Christmas.

  • At the first stage, we will need to paste our prepared picture in the left top corner future postcard. Next, at the bottom left, we begin to draw the bells.

  • Draw a bow on the bells and start drawing the church. We depict domes.

  • Using white gouache, apply snow with a hard brush. Let's make an inscription.

This is such a wonderful Christmas card!

Let the weather outside your window inspire you to create beautiful paintings! Let this winter and the upcoming holidays become a source of creativity! We hope that the ideas we have proposed will help you, and you will be able to submit excellent works to your school and kindergarten competitions!

Video: “Drawings for Christmas”

Good afternoon, the holidays continue, we have already celebrated the New Year, and now the equally important holiday of Christmas is ahead. And we invite everyone who likes to draw to depict this wonderful holiday. Today we are drawing Christmas.

This warm, bright home holiday will be drawn step by step according to our instructions. Looking at this drawing you immediately feel warm and cozy. After all, there is nothing more beautiful than a home where you are loved and waited for. Merry Christmas!

Step 1
Since there are several objects in the picture, we will draw different figures. Let's start with the table, which is located at the bottom of the picture. Let's draw auxiliary lines for the fireplace, it looks like a triple candlestick. Then we will draw a round shape for the tree.

Step 2
Now let's start sketching out the long needles of our Christmas tree. Next, draw lines crosswise, as shown in the figure.

Step 3
Let's make the table line thicker, and then draw a plate of cookies on it. Now let's draw Christmas gifts under the tree in a beautiful wrapper with bows.

Step 4
We'll decorate the fireplace with bricks, and then draw Christmas stockings hanging on the edge of the fireplace. Let's draw logs and flames in the fireplace and add a couple more gifts.

Step 5
Now let's draw a festive picture on the fireplace. Let's draw a chair by the fireplace. Decorate the Christmas tree with toys and garlands and remove the auxiliary lines.

Step 6
The drawing should look something like this. Now you can color it.

We wish you goodness, love and a merry Christmas. If you liked our lesson , then you can add our website to your bookmarks, or better yet, subscribe to our new lessons and we ourselves will send news of new lessons directly to your email. Good luck!

Christmas is one of the bright holidays that believers all over the world look forward to. On such a holiday, you especially don’t want to buy ready-made gifts from the store. They do not carry the warmth, the kindness that gifts made with their own hands possess. The most favorite for children are drawings on the theme of the Nativity of Christ. This children's creativity has a lot of positive aspects.
Firstly , such a drawing will reveal the child’s creative potential, which sometimes goes unnoticed by parents.

Secondly , a personalized gift hand-drawn by your child will give the recipient warmth and a piece of their heart.

Thirdly , these unforgettable minutes and hours spent for creative work, children still remember for many years. In some families, this becomes a tradition that pleases both adults and children year after year.
Drawings on the theme of Christmas.
What can you offer children to draw for such a bright and joyful holiday? In many European countries Christmas is celebrated on a grander scale than New Year. Therefore, children from childhood accumulate a lot of experience in decorating and holding this holiday.
1. One of the classic drawings for Christmas can be the image of the moment when Jesus Christ was born. This is the cradle with again born child. Happy parents stand nearby: Joseph and Mary.
2 .Another variation of such a classic scene is the image of the wise men who bring a gift to the born Prophet. Evening. One bright star is shining. She appeared in the sky to show people the way. Thanks to the evening sky and a bright star, the drawing will turn out very beautiful.
3 .Now let's try to draw a special Christmas: children's drawings for little ones. One option could be Santa looking at a star. Nearby are the gifts in socks that he collected for the children.
4 . Another one of fun options Children's drawings for Christmas may include Teddy Bear, popular in the West. You can add another little bear: together they are holding a card with the inscription “Merry Christmas!”
5. An excellent solution for romantic children would be a drawing related to the image of nature. It could be a Christmas tree covered with snow, with bells on it. A church with a bell is visible in the background.
6 .The plot of the next drawing, which we offer you, was used back in Ancient Rus'. This is a candle decorated with golden holiday ribbons. Nearby on the table are ribbons and several Christmas tree decorations.
7. And the last version of the description of the Nativity of Christ is a drawing that depicts a fireplace with a burning fire. Christmas stockings with children's gifts are hung above or near it. You can add Santa's attributes: a bag, a wand with a golden ribbon.
Christmas. Pencil drawing.
Let's learn to draw the Nativity of Christ. These drawings are special. Such a pencil drawing, without the use of colored pencils or felt-tip pens, always attracts attention. It leaves a professional impression. We will try to help you master the basics of this type of drawing.
Draw a rough circle. It should cover more than half the sheet. In the inner parts of the circle are an animal feeder. Next we draw the baby's head. The edge of the rag is visible from under it. The body itself is wrapped in a sheet. Nearby, draw a sheep with a few strokes. After that, move on to the details. Draw hay sticking out of the cracks. In the background, draw a Christmas Star and use a few lines to depict the glow emanating from the star.
Well, that’s all, we helped you find out what Christmas-themed drawings you can prepare with your children.

Merry Christmas everyone!

The holiday of Christmas is the brightest holiday in our calendar. All branches of faith celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But, unfortunately, the celebration dates are different:

  • December 25 according to the Gregorian calendar is Catholic Christmas;
  • From 6 to 7 January to Julian calendar- Orthodox Christmas.

Regardless of faith, many families celebrate the Divine holiday. If one of your loved ones, friends and relatives cannot attend a family dinner, pictures and cards are given for Christmas, which can be supplemented with warm wishes.

Every year, when we send beautiful pictures for Christmas, we want to please the recipient, we hope for his smile and good mood. In the age of technology it has become much easier. Now, to convey your wishes, you only need the Internet and a bright, high quality postcard. Email newsletters are wonderful, they help you make people happy in just a few seconds. loved one and say that they remember him.

For Christmas, pictures can be designed in different ways. This could be a collage of bright thematic photos, old postcards, modern pictures with congratulations. If you are a “jack of all trades” and are creative, then you can come up with a card and a wish yourself.

Here you can find and download pictures on the Christmas theme:

  • Birth of Jesus Christ;
  • Angels;
  • Postcards with hearth and Christmas table;
  • Beautiful pictures for friends and family.

You can download congratulatory images at good quality. Please your loved ones!

Beautiful pictures for Catholic and Orthodox Christmas

In our country, a tradition arose of giving Christmas presents and cards in late XIX century. The first decorations for the holiday were brought from distant England. I immediately fell in love with the beautiful and bright decor. And since 1898, domestic postcards and pictures began to be produced. Many years have passed since that day, but this tradition of celebration has not changed one bit.

Pictures with a hearth and Christmas table

The hearth is a symbol of home comfort and warmth. Some Christmas pictures carry the same meaning - goodness, comfort, and the warmth of family ties should be in the air in the house. The table at Christmas is always bursting with food, this is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. So let there always be a variety of dishes on your table.