Rotaru age year of birth. Sofia Rotaru: personal life, new husband. Scandal with Pugacheva

Born on August 7, 1947 in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region of Ukraine.

From the first grade I sang in school and church choir, participated in amateur performances.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru graduated from the conducting and choral department of Chernivtsi music school, in 1974 - Chisinau Institute of Arts named after G. Muzichescu.

In 1971, Sofia Rotaru received an invitation to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble, which was called “Chervona Ruta”. Artistic director The singer's husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, joined the ensemble. Subsequently, he became the director of all concert programs of Sofia Rotaru.

Since 1975, Rotaru has been a soloist of the Crimean Philharmonic.

Since the 1970s, songs performed by Sofia Rotaru have become laureates of the “Song of the Year” television festival. Composer Arno Babajanyan wrote for her “Give Back the Music to Me”, Alexey Mazhukov - “And the Music Sounds”, Pavel Aedonitsky - “For Those Who Wait”, Oscar Feltsman - “Only for You”, David Tukhmanov - “In My House” and “ Waltz", Yuri Saulsky - "An Ordinary Story".

Sofia Rotaru was the first performer of songs by composer Evgeny Martynov " Swan fidelity" and "Ballad of Mother". The singer has been associated with composer Vladimir Matetsky for many years of creative collaboration. It started with the song “Lavender”, written by Matetsky in 1985, followed by “Moon, Moon”, “It Was, But It’s Gone”, “Wild Swans”, “Khutoryanka”, “September”, “Moon Rainbow”, “Stars Like Stars” "and many others. In 2017 she presented new song Matetsky "On the seven winds".

In July 2017 in Baku (Azerbaijan) as part of music festival“Heat” a concert was held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Sofia Rotaru.

During her singing career, Rotaru performed more than 400 songs, many of which became classics of Soviet and Ukrainian stage. She toured in many countries in Europe, America, Asia, and Australia.

The singer has released over 30 albums, including recent years- “And my soul flies...” (2011), “Forgive me” (2013), “Let's have a summer! (2014), “Winter” (2016).

Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical television films “Chervona Ruta” (1971), “The Song Will Be Among Us” (1974), “Monologue about Love” (1986), in the leading roles of the feature films “Where are you, love?” (1980) and “ Soul" (1981). In 1981, the musical television film “Visiting Sofia Rotaru’s Family” was released, and in 1984, the television film “Sofia Rotaru is Inviting You.”

In the 1990s-2000s, with the participation of the singer, the musical films “Old Songs about the Main Thing” (1996), “Field Romance” (1998), “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” (2003), “ Snow Queen“ (2003), “Sorochinskaya Fair” (2004), “Star Holidays” (2006), “Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” (2007), “ Goldfish“(2008), “Little Red Riding Hood” (2009), etc.

Sofia Rotaru - People's Artist of the USSR (1988). She was awarded the Order of the USSR “Badge of Honor” (1980) and Friendship of Peoples (1985), and is a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1978). In 2002, for his great contribution to the development of pop art and the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural relations she was awarded the Russian Order of Honor.

Rotaru is People's Artist of Ukraine (1976) and People's Artist of Moldova (1983). In 2002, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine, and in 2007 she was awarded the Ukrainian Order of Merit, II degree.

The singer is a laureate international competitions IX World Festival of Youth and Students (Sofia, 1968), “Golden Orpheus” (Sofia, 1973); “The Amber Nightingale” (Sopot, 1974). She is a multiple winner of the Ovation and Golden Gramophone awards.

Sofia Rotaru was married to People's Artist Ukraine Anatoly Evdokimenko (1942-2002). The singer has a son, Ruslan.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru ( real name– Rotar) is a favorite singer of several generations of Soviet people, owner of a beautiful contralto, multiple winner of international and domestic song competitions.

Her songs united the cultures of several nationalities, and her tours were a great success not only in the USSR, but also in Canada, Bulgaria, Romania, and many other countries.

For my long creative career the performer achieved real success:

  • Sofia Rotaru, whose discography includes 10 vinyl albums and 10 laser discs, is still one of the most popular singers. During the Soviet era, the singer's records were released in huge quantities, and the lyrics and music for her were written by such talented authors as Ivasyuk, Zatsepin, Gromtsev, Dutkovsky and Tukhmanov.
  • Sofia Mikhailovna - talented actress. She not only starred in 27 musical films, but also performed soundtracks for them, three of which later became real hits. Rotaru was never afraid to take risks: on the set of the film “Where Are You, Love?” she herself performed a dangerous stunt - she rode a motorcycle along a steep cliff, and while working on “Monologue of Love” she rode a board in the open sea.

  • Sofia Rotaru is a People's Artist of Moldova, Ukraine and the USSR. Three times she was awarded state awards of the USSR. At home, Sofia Rotaru received three honorary orders of Princess Olga, the title of hero, and a badge of honor from the president. Moldova recognized the singer’s merits with a republican order, Russia – with a prize and the Order of Honor. The performer’s list of musical awards is even more impressive: 12 “Golden Gramophones”, the titles “Woman of the Year”, “Star of Ukraine”, several “Ovation” awards and others music awards, repeatedly awarded the title of best singer.

Childhood and youth

The entire biography of Sofia Rotaru confirms the fact that no obstacles can hinder real talent. The singer was born in a small Ukrainian village called Marshintsy. She was the second eldest of six children in the family of Moldavian winegrower Mikhail Rotar.

My father went through the entire war and returned home in the second half of 1944 after being seriously wounded, and my mother worked all this time at the local market, fed and raised the children. It is noteworthy that the singer celebrates her birthday twice: the absent-minded passport officer entered August 9, 1947 into the metric, while in fact Sofia Mikhailovna was born on August 7.

In the harsh post-war years, the only joy for most Soviet citizens was a radio, and the Rotar family was no exception. Sofia’s older sister, Zina, who was blind after typhus, spent especially a lot of time at the receiver. Listening to songs in Russian, she not only learned the language herself, but also helped the rest of the family master it, because before that, only their native Moldavian was spoken at home.

Sonya's musical abilities were discovered quite early, and also thanks to Zina, who had an ideal, almost perfect pitch. As Sofia Rotaru herself admitted, life could have turned out differently if not for her sister, who became her first teacher.

Later, Sofia begins to sing in the school choir and even the church choir, despite constant threats to expel her from the pioneers. At school, the future star studied well, competed in all-around events, and even won the regional schoolchildren’s sports competition.

Little Sonechka adored theatrical performances, enjoyed studying in the drama club, and in the evenings she sang her favorite songs to the accordion. Sofia Mikhailovna said more than once that music was always present in her life: they sang at the table, during weddings, funerals, at gatherings - everyone, from young to old. Sofia Rotaru in her youth already had a strong voice, for which residents of the surrounding villages awarded her the affectionate nickname “Marshinitsa Nightingale”.

First steps to success

Luck smiled at Rotaru in 1962. After winning the regional folk song competition, she was offered to take part in the regional talent show, which was to be held in Chernivtsi. The singer captivated the jury with her masterly performance of the song in Spanish “Kiss Me Harder”, for which she received first prize and a nomination to participate in a talent competition in Kyiv (1963).

The Republican Festival opened the way for her to the big stage, because Sonya again took the well-deserved first place! On this occasion, a photograph of a young and beautiful singer was published on the cover of the popular publication “Ukraine”, and it was this photograph that helped her find not only a husband, but also a creative partner.

In 1964, after graduating from school, Rotaru entered the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music College and graduated with honors. Three years later, singer Sofia Rotaru, along with others creative teams goes to World Festival youth and students to Bulgaria, where it occupies prize place and receives an honorary award in the competition for the title best performer folk songs. The public was delighted with the singer’s voice, and journalists wrote: “Sofia conquered Sofia.”

1971 was a special year for Rotaru: the famous director Alekseev invited her to star in musical picture“Chervona Ruta” and sing several songs together with the then popular singers Zinkevich and Yaremchuk. This is how Rotaru met the aspiring composer and poet Vladimir Ivasyuk, who would later write more than one hit for her. The film had resounding success, and Rotaru was offered to create a group at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and call it “Chervona Ruta”.

At the peak of his musical career

The singer and her band began touring throughout the country. Their debut performance was in Star City in front of the astronauts. The direction in which the group worked was very unusual for Soviet listeners, as it combined elements folk music, modern rhythms and pop instrumental arrangement.

However, the first tour was not without annoying misunderstandings: the group’s program was not approved by the artistic council, and Pincus Falik, who held the position of administrator of the group, had to make a lot of efforts to resolve the issue in Moscow. Soon the Chervona Ruta ensemble went on a tour of the USSR together with Polish, Czech, Bulgarian and German pop stars.

At the beginning of 1972, Sofia Mikhailovna and her musicians toured Poland with great success, where grateful spectators gave a standing ovation. A little later, Rotaru went to the Orpheus festival, which took place on Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, where she took first place with the compositions “Bird” and “My City”. The second song turned out to be so successful that, having performed it later in Russian, Rotaru was able to reach the finals of the “Song of the Year” competition, popular in the USSR.

Sofia Rotaru liked patriotic songs, and she soulfully sang “The Enemies Burnt My Home”, as well as “Happiness to You, My Land” and the song “My Motherland” specially written for her voice. It is noteworthy that during concerts the singer always established contact with the audience: she went down into the hall and sang along with everyone. Sofia Mikhailovna often said that sincere applause is much more valuable to her than awards, because the meaning of creativity is to give joy and beauty.

Since 1975, “Chervona Ruta” has been moving closer to Yalta, and there were two reasons for this: firstly, disagreements with the Chernivtsi party leadership, and secondly, the singer began to have serious health problems. The year 1976 turned out to be incredibly successful for Rotaru: the German company Ariola-Eurodisc GmbH invited her to record several compositions on German. Later, the singer went on a European tour, visiting countries such as Yugoslavia, East Germany, Romania and Germany, where she gave over 25 concerts.

The 80s brought the star Soviet stage victory at a song competition in Tokyo, where she performed the song “Promise”. Rotaru's popularity was growing, but she wanted to try herself in a new capacity. And Sofia Mikhailovna took part in the filming of the film - it was the film “Where are you, love?”

The film turned out to be so successful that it was nominated several times for prestigious awards, and the songs from the movie were released as a separate disc. In the 90s, the singer filmed a lot, gave numerous concerts and received four prestigious awards.

During her career, the singer radically changed her repertoire several times. The first time this happened was after a meeting with Andrei Makarevich and the Time Machine group. Romantic, very soft compositions that were business card Rotaru, suddenly gave way to more dynamic melodies, more like rock.

After the collapse of the USSR, Rotaru’s concert geography changed, but this did not in the least prevent her from remaining one of the most popular singers in the world to this day. Russian stage on a par with Pugacheva.

Personal life

Sofia Rotaru is sure that her personal life was successful, because next to her for many years was a wonderful man. Sofia Rotaru’s husband, Anatoly Evdokimenko, was from a simple family, was also fond of music and dreamed of creating his own band. Having seen a photo of young Sofia in the press, he decided that she should become the lead singer of his group. Anatoly found the girl, and four years later they got married and moved to Novosibirsk.

Family life was full of happiness, and a year later Sofia began to dream of a child, but her husband was against it because they did not have their own living space. The singer decided to use a little trick and told her husband about her pregnancy when there was no longer any point in hiding it. The son of Sofia Rotaru was born on August 24, 1970.

I must say that Anatoly was incredibly happy when his child was born. No wonder it is said that true meaning life - children. Sofia Rotaru really wanted to get pregnant again, but she did not dare, which she still regrets.

Her son Ruslan became a music producer, and his wife became the singer’s executive director. Sofia Rotaru’s granddaughter, Sofia, adores her grandmother and spends a lot of time with her, and grandson Anatoly tries his hand at the Ukrainian stage. The singer loves her family very much; she still financially helps all her relatives, pays for their education and treatment.

The personal life of Sofia Rotaru changed dramatically after the death of her beloved husband in 2002 (he died from heart attack). The singer grieved for a long time, she stopped performing, and her family and fans were seriously concerned about her health. However, Sofia was able to pull herself together and return to a full life. The singer celebrated her 55th birthday among her family on a yacht.

What's going on in the singer's life now?

Despite her advanced age, the singer looks in such a way that many people wonder: “How old is Sofia Rotaru?” She does not hide the fact that she has resorted to the services of specialists several times. plastic surgery, however, the interventions were very small. Rotaru advises fans to lead healthy image life, eat right and move a lot - only this will help you maintain excellent physical shape.

A couple of months ago, Sofia Rotaru, her biography and personal life became the most discussed topics in the Ukrainian media. Journalists were waiting for a sensation, believing that the star would soon have new husband- her young admirer Vasily Bogatyrev. He confessed his love for the star on his social network page, wrote poems and songs, proposed to her, but never received an answer. Nikolai Baskov tried to court the singer, but Sofia Mikhailovna only shrugged it off, explaining that she was a one-woman lover and no one could replace her dead husband.

Sofia Rotaru now rarely gives concerts, and due to the aggravated political situation, she does not visit Russia. About 10 years ago, she ran in elections to the Ukrainian parliament, toured almost all of Ukraine, but never received the required number of votes.

What is Sofia Rotaru doing now? Latest news, reported on Instagram by her relatives, confirm that the singer spends a lot of time with her family, plays sports, and also works in the studio on new song. Author: Natalya Ivanova

To get rid of ex-wife, Vasily Bogatyrev had to give her several apartments

An unexpected surge of interest in the personal life of the 70-year-old People's Artist of the USSR Sofia ROTARU was recently aroused by the singing hairdresser Sergei ZVEREV. “Rotaru? Is she free? She’s secretly married,” he said in an interview with the publication “Light Up”. The singer's son Ruslan EVDOKIMENKO hastened to issue a refutation. “This only causes laughter,” the REN TV channel quoted him as saying. “Her heart is occupied with her husband, even though he is deceased. Forever, believe me." But wasn’t Sofia Mikhailovna’s son being cunning? Was she always so faithful to Anatoly EVDOKIMENKO, who died in 2002?

It has long been no secret that even during her husband’s life, Rotaru had a very close relationship with the philanthropist Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov, known in criminal circles as Alik Taiwanchik. According to eyewitnesses, the singer not only accepted expensive gifts from him, but also invited him to her hotel rooms in Evdokimenko’s absence.

That morning was no different from any other, the late concert director testified in his book “One Day Tomorrow Will Come.” Oleg Nepomniachtchi, who took Rotaru on tour in the early 70s. “I routinely knocked on the door of the three-room “suite” that Sonya and Anatoly occupied, but, contrary to usual, no one responded to my knock. I mechanically pushed the door, it swung open, I entered and froze, unable to move. She was stunningly beautiful in her nakedness. I made an incredible effort to snap out of my stupor and call out to her. She slyly asked not to look at her and ran into the bedroom to get dressed.

Alimzhan TOKHTAKHUNOV is closely acquainted with Sofia...

I asked where Anatoly was, she answered something, and then there was a knock on the door. I went to open it. Standing in front of me was a short young man with oriental eyes and a narrow, fox-like pointed face. In his hands he held a string bag, from which packages, bottles and fruits were sticking out. “My name is Taiwanchik,” the visitor introduced himself. “Let him pass,” Sonya responded. He walked into the room and began to busily lay out the contents of the string bag on the table. The abundance of food would be quite suitable for a light lunch for two. Based on some phrases, I realized that Taiwanchik was directly related to the criminal environment. I was terribly curious to find out how and when he met Sonya, but I was smart enough not to ask stupid questions. I had work to do, and I had to take my leave.

...since the 70s. Photo from personal archive

Saved from arrest

Alik Taiwanchik, now famous throughout the world, often came to us for filming,” recalled ex-husband Alla Pugacheva - film director Alexander Stefanovich, for whom Rotaru starred in the film “Soul” in the early 80s. - He was accused of disrupting the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. Like, he bribed the judges to win Marina Anisina. He was even under investigation in a prison in Venice.

We met when I was still married to Alla. One day he brought her flowers and gifts as a sign of respect for her talent. Seeing him on film set“Souls,” at first I couldn’t remember where we met before. "Who is this man?" - I asked Sonya. “This is my friend Alik,” she explained. It turned out that they had known each other for many years. Once we were sitting at the Yuzhnaya Hotel on the balcony of my “suite” and suddenly we saw black “craters” approaching the entrance, and policemen with machine guns jumping out of them. “It’s behind me,” Alik said quietly.

It turned out that he was put on the all-Union wanted list. It seems he was persecuted for playing cards. We were all not very sympathetic to the organs. And they set out to save Alik from arrest. They hid it in the room where our cameraman and his wife lived, and did not allow the police to enter there. Alik constantly brought baskets of delicacies and bouquets for Sonya to our shoots. And when it became cold in Moscow, he gave her a fur coat. Since then, Sonya has had a very warm relationship with Alik. She even sang at his 60th birthday in Moscow.

The singer’s only son Ruslan and his wife Svetlana are categorically against ROTARU getting a man. Photo:

And after deathAnatoly Evdokimenko Sofia Mikhailovna was persistently attributed an affair with the young musician Vasily,or, as he called himself, Vassey Bogatyrev, who accompanied her on guitar during television filming.

Moreover, Vasya himself has more than once publicly admitted his tender feelings for Rotaru. And even in one interview in 2012 he mentioned his intention to get married to her in Las Vegas. Wasn’t this what Sergei Zverev had in mind when he spoke about the singer’s secret husband?

Her daughter-in-law Svetlana and I advised Rotaru to invite Bogatyrev to work,” said the former concert director of the People’s Artist Olga Konyakhina. - One day, Sofia Mikhailovna was sent to his studio to record a song for another television project. Svetlana and I watched as Vasily controlled the recording. And we had the idea that he would look beautiful with a guitar next to Rotaru and we would not have to take musicians from Kyiv to Moscow every time for filming and not pay them crazy money. Sofia Mikhailovna approved this idea. And Bogatyrev immediately took advantage of the situation to attract attention to himself.

Crystal Rose

Despite having a wife and child, Vasily began to intensively care for Rotaru, continues Konyakhina. - He gave her either a crystal rose or some other crazy gifts. And in every possible way he played along with the press, which was eager to see them as lovers. Sofia Mikhailovna smiled benevolently in response and did not stop his games in any way. Apparently, she was pleased that everyone was talking about her relationship with a young interesting guy. But there was and could not be anything serious between them. Her son Ruslan would not let anyone close to his mother, so that her money - God forbid! - didn’t go to the side. He didn't even let her meet her old flame - former musician from the Chervona Ruta group, who showed up after the death of his father. “Sonya, he’s old and scary,” said Ruslan. - Why do you need it? “I would just like to see him and talk,” she tried to object. But the son did not listen to her.

BOGATYREV with his young wife Inessa ALLEN. Photo:

Celebrity biography - Sofia Rotaru

The famous singer of Russia and People's Artist of the USSR received the title Hero of Ukraine.


On August 7, 1947, in a small village in Ukraine, a girl was born who conquered millions of fans with her voice. The village is called Marshintsy. Sofia's family grew grapes. In addition to Sonya, there were five more brothers and sisters in the family. When recording the date of birth, the passport officer made a mistake by 2 days, so the girl received a birth certificate with the wrong date of birth recorded - August 9. Since then, Sofia has two dates of birth. Since childhood, the girl has been involved in music.

Her older sister was blind, but she had perfect pitch, she loved to sing and often sang with her younger brothers and sisters. The father of the family also had good hearing and in a beautiful voice, he often liked to sing different songs with his family.

Since childhood, Sofia’s favorite pastime has been sports; athletics was especially easy for the girl. Even in school years the girl became an all-around champion. The skills acquired were useful in later life. While filming the film “Where Are You Love?” the girl was able to perform stunts without the help of stuntmen. There was also filming on a motorcycle along a spit of sea, and I also had to windsurf. Sports activities were not in vain.

At the age of 7, the girl began singing, first in the school choir and then in the church choir (the latter choir even jeopardized her position in the ranks of the pioneers). Also Sofia were interesting activities V theater club, A folk songs performed in an amateur performance group. It even happened that at night the girl would play her favorite Moldavian songs on the button accordion.

The beginning of a creative journey

At the age of 15, the girl won the regional competition, this was her first victory, which gave her a start to the regional review. Possessing a beautiful voice, Sofia received the title of “Bukovina Nightingale.” Sofia's voice was truly unique. She performed excellent opera, rock and rap, and also became the first pop singer. Already in 1963, having gone to an amateur performance show, she received a first-degree diploma for her performance. The resulting victory allowed us to go young talent to Kyiv to participate in the Republican Festival of Folk Talents. Here again Sofia Rotaru won first place. On the occasion of the victory, the girl’s photo was published in the magazine “Ukraine”. Her future husband Anatoli Evdokimenko liked this photo of the young and beautiful singer so much that he fell in love for life.

It's hard to say when and how music appeared in my life. It seems that she has always lived in me. I grew up surrounded by music, it sounded everywhere: at the wedding table, at gatherings, at evening parties, at dances...

After this competition and graduation, the girl decided to choose the path of a singer. She really loved and knew how to sing beautifully, and in those years Sofia Rotaru decided to devote her life to this profession.

In 1964, Sofia found herself performing on the stage of the Kremlin Palace, such a performance was the first time for a girl, and she performed the song “Mama” by Bronevitsky.

In 1968, Sofia completed her studies at the music school. After that, she was offered to participate in the World Youth Festival, which took place in Bulgaria, and her participation ended in receiving a gold medal.

In 1971, Rotaru took part in the filming of the musical film “Chervona Ruta” in leading role. After the release of the film, the singer was offered a job at the Philharmonic in Chernivtsi, and she decided to create her own group “Chervona Ruta”. After performing a number of songs, Rotaru became very popular singer in Ukraine. But not only in her homeland she was known and loved. Tours abroad began - Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Yugoslavia. The singer's repertoire included the best composers and poets in the country.

In 1974, Rotaru received a diploma from the Chisinau Institute named after G. Muzichescu. In the same year, the musical television film “The Song is Always with Us” was released.

Rotaru and the ensemble "Chervona Ruta" "

In 1976, the singer received the title People's Artist Ukrainian SSR. From that time on, Rotaru began performing at the annual New Year's program"Blue Light". In 1977, Rotaru released a record of her most popular songs.

In 1980, the film “Where Are You Love?” was shot, where the singer starred.

In 1991 there was anniversary concert singer, dedicated to her 20 years of creativity. And 2 years later, in 1993, two collections of songs by the singer “Lavender” and “Sofia Rotaru” were released.

The singer has many titles and awards. She has recorded and sung over 500 songs on different languages. She is loved and known far beyond the borders of her homeland and place of residence. This great woman of our era and a very talented person.

Personal life

In 1968, Sofia met and married Anatoly Evdokimenko. The couple lived their entire lives in love and support for each other. In 1970, a son, Ruslan Evdokimenko, was born. Ruslan is raising a son, Anatoly, and a daughter, Sofia.

Anatoly helped his wife reach certain heights in creativity, because on his initiative the group “Chervona Ruta” was created. The couple lived in marriage for 34 years, but in 2002 Anatoly Evdokimenko passed away. It was a difficult loss for the singer. She canceled all performances, tours and concerts for the time being.

Gradually, the singer returned to tours and concerts.

It’s hard to say when and how music appeared in my life, it seems that it has always lived in me. I grew up surrounded by music, it sounded everywhere: at the wedding table, at gatherings, at evening parties, at dances..."

Sofia Rotar, born on August 7, 1947 in the village of Marshintsy, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region (Ukraine), and grew up there. Father - Rotar Mikhail Fedorovich, born 11/22/18 - died 03/12/04, mother - Rotar Alexandra Ivanovna, born 04/17/20, died 09/16/97. Spouse: Evdokimenko Anatoly Kirillovich, born 01/20/42, died 10/23/02. The singer’s sisters: Rotar Zinaida Mikhailovna, Rotar Lidia Mikhailovna and Rotar Aurika Mikhailovna; There are also brothers: Rotar Anatoly Mikhailovich and Rotar Evgeny Mikhailovich. Son: Evdokimenko Ruslan Anatolyevich; grandchildren: Anatoly and Sofia.

Sofia was born into a large family of a winegrowing foreman, the second of six children, and from childhood she helped her mother and older sister raise her younger brothers and sisters.
Creativity The girl's symptoms were discovered early; from the first grade she sang in the school and church choirs. The first singing teacher was my father, who always loved to sing, having perfect pitch. At school, little Sofia learned to play the domra, as well as the button accordion. The girl loved to organize concerts at home; a choir of six children could be listened to for hours. The creative atmosphere in the family formed in Sofia, while still a child, the style of her future songs. The singer's father always said: "Sonya will be an artist!" and he was right. The singer's first success was her victory in 1962 at the regional amateur art competition; this competition gave Sofia the opportunity to participate in the regional screening, at which she won a first-degree diploma in 1963. As the winner, she was sent to Kyiv to participate in the republican competition of folk talents; at this competition, Rotaru also took the first award. After this victory, Sofia firmly decided to become a singer and entered the conducting and choral department of the Chernivtsi Music School.
In 1968, after graduating from college, Rotaru was delegated as part of creative group to Bulgaria for the IX World Festival of Youth and Students with the songs “I’m Standing on a Stone”, “I Love Spring” and “Step”, here she won gold medal and first prize in the competition of folk singers. The chairman of the jury, Lyudmila Zykina, immediately said about Rotaru: “This is a singer with a great future!” In the same year, Sofia Rotaru married a student at Chernivtsi University and trumpeter of the student pop orchestra - Anatoly Evdokimenko.
In 1971, at Ukrtelefilm, director Roman Alekseev filmed musical film about tender and pure love a mountain girl and a Donetsk boy - “Chervona Ruta” (Chervona Ruta is the name of a flower taken from an ancient Carpathian legend. Ruta blooms only on the night of Ivan Kupala, and the girl who manages to see the blooming rue will be happy in love). Sofia Rotaru became the main character film. Songs by composer V. Ivasyuk and other authors were also performed by V. Zinkevich, N. Yaremchuk and other singers. The film was a significant success. And when Sofia Rotaru received an invitation to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble, the name of the ensemble appeared by itself - “Chervona Ruta”.
The debut of "Chervona Ruta" was a performance in Star City in front of Russian cosmonauts. Sofia Rotaru and the ensemble "Chervona Ruta" for the first time declared themselves as outstanding representatives of an entire direction of Russian pop art, characteristic feature which is a combination in the repertoire and style of performance of elements of folk music with modern rhythms. Then she sang in Moscow on the stage of the Central concert hall"Russia", the Kremlin Palace of Congresses and on the stage of the Variety Theater.

Making her debut in the capital, Sofia Rotaru least of all resembled a timid newcomer. By that time she was already a fully mature master. The singer's outward restraint, which left no room for fussiness and unjustified gestures, was in harmony with the flight of her overly expressive voice. Since 1971, Sofia has been counting her professional creative activity. In 1972, Sofia Rotaru and the ensemble "Chervona Ruta" took part in a tour of Poland, and in 1973, the Golden Orpheus competition was held in the city of Burgas (Bulgaria), at which the young singer performed the songs: "My City" and "Bird" , for their performance, Rotaru receives a first degree award.

Her songs “Codry” and “My City” in Moldovan were recorded in the film “Spring Consonances - 73”. The song "My City" became a laureate of the "Song-73" festival.
In 1974, Sofia Rotaru graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts named after Muzychescu and became a laureate of the Amber Nightingale festival in Sopot (Poland), where she performed “Memories” by B. Rychkov and “Vodograi” by V. Ivasyuk. For her performance of the Polish song “Someone” from Halina Frontskowiak’s repertoire (Russian text by A. Dementiev), the singer received second prize. In 1975 she became a soloist of the Crimean Philharmonic.
Since the 1970s, songs performed by Sofia Rotaru have constantly become winners of the “Song of the Year”.

In 2001, Sofia Rotaru performed in a new solo concert program"My life is my love!" To the expression of the 1970s was added the lyricism of the 1980s, the drive of the 1990s... and the current game of halftones, on which Rotaru the director, Rotaru the singer builds his program, combining new songs and hits of past years, read and refracted in a new way from today's point of view. Many of her songs, no matter how many years ago they were sung, do not fit into the “retro” format, continuing to live in each new concert program of the singer.

During her time on the stage, Sofia Rotaru already managed to act in films without being a professional actress: “The Song Will Be Among Us” (1974), “Sofia Rotaru Invites You” (1985), “Monologue about Love” (1986), “Golden heart" (1989), "Caravan of Love" (1990), "New songs about the main thing" (1996), "10 songs about Moscow" (1997), and also played leading roles in feature films"Where are you, love?" (1980, the film won a prize at the VKF in Vilnius in 1981) and “Soul” (1981). She continues to star in many New Year's musicals and does it with great success!

Sofia Rotaru has the titles - People's Artist of the USSR (1988), People's Artist of Ukraine (1976), People's Artist of Moldova (1983), laureate of the Republican Komsomol Prize named after N. Ostrovsky (1977), laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1978), laureate of the " Ovation" (1996; 2000 - for special contribution to the development Russian stage), winner of the Claudia Shulzhenko Prize "Best Pop Singer of 1996" (Moscow), winner of the All-Ukrainian Prize in the field of music and mass entertainment "Golden Firebird-99" (1999), winner of the "Prometheus-Prestige" Prize (2000, Kyiv) , winner of the honorary prize of the President of Ukraine for outstanding contribution to the development of pop art "Song Vernissage" (1997, Kyiv). In 2000 in Kyiv she was named Person of the Year and the best Ukrainian pop singer XX century, awarded the title "Golden Voice of Ukraine".
In 1996, in Yalta, a personalized star was laid for Sofia Rotaru on the square in front of concert hall"Anniversary". In May 2002, the laying of the singer's personal star ("Star of Ukraine") took place on the Avenue of Stars at the International Center for Culture and Arts in Kyiv, with the presentation of an honorary diploma and a badge "Ukrainian Pop Star" to her. You can’t count all the victories, there are so many of them and there will be more than one!

In the work of Sofia Rotaru, the most important thing is contact with the song, with its creators. When Sofia Rotaru goes on stage and starts singing, you forget about everything in the world. Her transparent, enchanting voice penetrates the soul, excites and captivates everyone who loves the stage and loves song. Here she stands in front of a microphone in the light of a spotlight - slender, festive, like a spring twig. There is so much charm, beauty, so much sincerity and excitement in her, when in the beautiful language of music and poetry she confidentially shares with us everything that makes her happy and sad...