Ross battlelist 4 letters. Search results. Russian artist of German origin. Painter. Known for his depictions of animals and hunting scenes

A sliver as a lamp 6 letters

I adj.
1) One who is known; familiar.
Ott. Reputed to be something or someone.
2) Well-known; famous.
Ott. Generally recognized, well known.
II adj.
Precisely installed; definite, given.
Some, this or that.
IV places
Some, implied, but not directly named.

-aya, -oe; -ten, -tna, -tno.
see also famous case
a) to whom such, about whom or which they know; familiar.
b) ott. (than or with words like, for someone something) Familiar to everyone somehow. quality, property.
Known for his intelligence, his courage, his nobility.
Known for his achievements.
Famous for its climate.
Known as a great, wonderful master, as a major specialist.
He is known for his works in the field of mathematics.
Known for being a drunkard and a fighter.
He is known as a hard worker.
a) Famous, universally recognized; famous, illustrious.
Famous artist, writer, poet, actor.
Known all over the world, here.
Widely known scientist.
To be, to become widely known.
b) ott. Generally recognized, known, undoubted.
Known glutton.
Known rogue.
A well-known homebody.
a) Defined, established.
Work for a known reward.
Go to bed at a certain hour, at a certain time.
She follows a well-known diet.
Under certain conditions.
In a certain order.
b) ott. Some, some, very small (in degree, in size)
The family gained a certain amount of wealth.
After some hesitation, he stayed.
4) One that is implied, but for some reason. reasons it is undesirable or inconvenient to name.
Girls of famous behavior.
Person I left our city.

I m.
Russian language.
II m.
see Russian 2) III adj.

I see Russians; -Wow; m.
II -th, -oh.
1) to Russia and Rus'.
R-th story.
R-th nature.
Russian people.
R-th land.
Russian language.
R-th literature.
R-th culture.
Russian character.
R-th dance.
R-th hospitality.
R-th proverbs and sayings.
R-th soul.
R-th butter (ghee)

I m.
Russian language.
II m.
see Russian 2) III adj.
1) Relating to Rus', the Russian state, Russia, Russians, associated with them.
2) Characteristic of Russians, characteristic of them and of Rus', the Russian state, Russia.
3) Belonging to Rus', the Russian state, Russia or Russians.
4) Created, hatched, etc. in Rus', in Russian state, in Russia or Russians.

I see Russians; -Wow; m.
II -th, -oh.
1) to Russia and Rus'.
R-th story.
R-th nature.
Russian people.
R-th land.
2) Belonging to Russians, created by Russians or characteristic of Russians.
Russian language.
R-th literature.
R-th culture.
Russian character.
R-th dance.
R-th hospitality.
R-th proverbs and sayings.
R-th soul.
R-th butter (ghee)
Rth furnace ( in a special way brick stove built in living quarters for cooking food, baking bread and heating)
R-th shirt (outer men's shirt with an untucked collar fastened at the side; blouse)
P-th boots (with knee-length tops)

I m.
1) The one who creates works fine arts paints, pencil, etc.; painter.
2) Anyone who creates works of art works creatively in the field of art.
II m.
One who has achieved the highest mastery in any field of activity.

see also artist, artistic
1) A person who creates works of fine art with paints, pencils, etc.; painter.
Freelance artist.
Battle painter.
Portrait artist.
Landscape artist.
Pose for artists.
Still life by an artist of the Dutch school.
2) Anyone who creates works of art works creatively in the field of art.
This jewelry was made by an artist.
Artist of words (about the writer)
Stage designer (about an actor or director)
Graphic designer.
Smb. an artist at heart (about a person with high taste; with nature, characteristic of people art)
Lighting and costume designer (theater worker involved in the design of the performance)
3) One who has achieved high perfection in something. work who has shown great taste and skill in smth.
An artist of his own craft, in his own business.

battle artist
An artist specializing in battle painting.

battle artist
The artist is a specialist in battle painting.

If you ask to remember Russian battle painters, they usually name two or three names: Vershchagin, Roubaud, Grekov. It is clear that there were many more of them. Today I will introduce you to the work of two of them.

Villevalde Bogdan Pavlovich (1819 -1903) - academician, emeritus professor of battle painting, member of the Council of the Imperial Academy of Arts. The largest and most typical representative of the direction of battle painting that dominated the first half of the 19th century.
A student of A. I. Sauerweid, Willewalde was distinguished by his success even at the Academy of Arts and in the 40s he was sent abroad, where he worked in Dresden on subjects of the War of 1813; in 1844, he was summoned to St. Petersburg, due to the death of Sauerweid, to complete the work he had begun on the history of the fight against Napoleon, and in the late 40s, with the rank of professor and academician, he became the head of the battle class.

"French retreat from Russia"

"They were captured in 1814"

"Hello, beloved France"

Villevalde's major works in this first period are four huge canvases from the history of 1813-14, hanging in the Alexander Hall Winter Palace: “Kulm”, “Leipzig”, “Fershampenoise” and “Before Paris”.

"Battle of Paris March 17, 1814"

"Life Guards Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of Ferchampenoise on March 13, 1814"

Returning more than once to this era, Villevalde later depicts the pacification of the Polish uprising of 1831 and the Hungarian campaign of 1849, and the Crimean campaign and the struggle in the Caucasus.

“The feat of the cavalry regiment at the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805”

"Attack of the Life Hussars near Warsaw in 1831"

"Battle of Grachovo December 13, 1831"

"Taking of Shumla"

An excellent expert on the military system, Villevalde is also good where parades and maneuvers are depicted in themselves, and do not serve as an example of a picture of war. Dependence on the official spheres, which at that time alone created and supported the existence of battle painting, and the still small development of realism in art in general caused special demands from the depictor of wars; Accuracy was valued above all, mainly external, relating to the type and form of troops and corresponding to the official idea of ​​​​the war, reports about it. This is how all of Villevalde’s paintings were: always outwardly accurate, conventionally truthful, fully drawn, but not exciting.

“Nicholas I with Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich in the artist’s studio in 1854”

“Opening of the monument “Millennium of Russia” in Novgorod in 1862”

"Private Life Guards Pavlovsk Regiment"

"Blücher and the Cossacks in Bautzen"

Villevalde remained the head of the battle class of the Academy of Arts until its reform in the 90s of the 19th century; we owe our artistic development almost all of our newest battle-players.

“Russian soldier gives gifts to gypsy singers”

"Scene at the Milepost"

“Today you, and tomorrow me!”

"View of Vladikavkaz"

Cossacks in Bautzen

Nikolai Nikolaevich Karazin (1842-1908) - Russian battle painter and writer, participant in the Central Asian campaigns. He graduated from the 2nd Moscow Cadet Corps, from which in 1862 he was promoted to officer in the Kazan Dragoon Regiment. With the regiment, Karazin took part in pacifying the Polish rebellion of 1863-64. and for distinction in affairs near Poritsk and at the Wolf Post he was awarded the Order of St. Anna 4th degree with the inscription “For bravery.” In 1865, he retired with the rank of staff captain and entered the Academy of Arts, where he worked for two years under the guidance of the famous battle painter B. P. Villevalde. In 1867, Karazin left the academy to take part in a campaign in Bukhara. He commanded a company, a half-battalion, and was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree with swords and a bow and golden weapons with the inscription “for bravery.”
In Turkestan he met V.V. Vereshchagin. His first drawings, reproduced in polytypes, were published in “World Illustration” for 1871. Karazin also created the first artistic postcards in Russia, published by the Community of St. Catherine. In 1874 and 1879 Karazin, as an expert on the region, was invited by the Russian Geographical Society to take part in scientific expeditions in Central Asia to study the Amu Darya basin. For the drawings that were attached to the journals of these expeditions, Karazin was awarded the highest awards at geographical exhibitions in Paris and London, and he was elected a member of the Russian Geographical Society.

"Cossacks in the Kirghiz-Kaisat Horde"

"Kyrgyz at a Fallen Horse"

"Siberian Cossacks with the Chinese"


During the Serbian-Turkish and Russian-Turkish wars of 1877-78. Karazin was a war correspondent and illustrator. His illustrations were published in the best foreign publications and brought Karazin wide fame. In the 80s XIX century Karazin was sent to Turkestan to draw up sketches for paintings, which he was instructed to write on themes from the campaign of Russian troops in Khiva and Bukhara.

“Entry of Russian troops into Samarkand on June 8, 1868”

“Khiva campaign of 1873. Transition of the Turkestan detachment through the dead sands to the wells of Adam-Krylgan"

“Crossing of the Turkestan detachment across the Amu Darya in 1873”

“Attack of the Kokand people on the Cossack settlement of Uzun-Agan”

He earned his fame as Russia's first watercolorist and best draftsman-illustrator with his countless works in watercolor, pencil and pen. Possessing a rich creative imagination and great artistic taste, Karazin was distinguished by his extraordinary speed and ease of work. His ability to work and productivity were amazing. The world of Karazin’s works is predominantly the eastern outskirts of the empire. Nature Central Asia and Asian types are his favorite subject works of art. IN watercolor painting Karazin created his own special style. His paintings and drawings can be immediately recognized: strong lighting effects, bright contrasts, a special somewhat gloomy coloring, excellent composition and endless imagination.

"Yamskaya and escort service in the steppe"

"The first cross over Ili"

"Winter Day"


Although some critics assessed his creativity differently: “The number of pictures, sketches and vignettes he drew is enormous. They testify to the undoubted talent of the artist, who, however, is weak in drawing and pursues most of all the glibness of technique and the effectiveness of composition, to the detriment of the truth.” and the seriousness of the content. What he does best is the landscape element, although for the most part it is exaggeratedly effective. The same should be said about the numerous watercolors produced by Karazin. lately(since 1887) he began to try his hand at painting oil paints: but in it the artist’s shortcomings are even more noticeable than in his other works."

Russian artist. Battle painter and illustrator. Author of a number of works dedicated to the history of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. Together with S. Vasilkovsky he worked on illustrations for albums on the history of Ukraine. Lived and worked in St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Simferopol....

Russian artist. Battle painter and illustrator. Author of a number of works dedicated to the history of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. Together with S. Vasilkovsky he worked on illustrations for albums on the history of Ukraine. Lived and worked in St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Simferopol....

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    Russian artist, painter, master of landscape, close to the Barbizon school. Born in the village of Matrenovka. Kherson province. In 868 he entered the Petrovsko-Razumovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy in Moscow, but in 1869 he was expelled for participating in the populist movement...

    Russian artist, painter, master of landscape, close to the Barbizon school. Born in the village of Matrenovka. Kherson province. In 868 he entered the Petrovsko-Razumovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy in Moscow, but in 1869 he was expelled for participating in the populist movement...

  • 3.

    Russian battle painter. He studied at the Academy of Arts in the 1840s as a free student. As a student, he received a small silver medal in 1846 for his “battle painting.” He created and worked in St. Petersburg and Tiflis. IN...

    Russian battle painter. He studied at the Academy of Arts in the 1840s as a free student. As a student, he received a small silver medal in 1846 for his “battle painting.” He created and worked in St. Petersburg and Tiflis. IN...

  • 4.

    Russian artist of German origin. Painter. Known for his depictions of animals and hunting scenes....

    Russian artist German origin. Painter. Known for his depictions of animals and hunting scenes....

  • 5.

    Russian artist. Battle painter. Grandson of the sculptor-decorator J.-B. Baudet-Charlemagne....

    Russian artist. Battle painter. Grandson of the sculptor-decorator J.-B. Baudet-Charlemagne....

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    Russian battle painter, writer. Master of Portrait. ...

    Russian battle painter, writer. Master of Portrait. ...

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    Russian artist. Master of the battle genre. He received initial artistic training at the Warsaw drawing class (1876-1878), continued his studies in St. Petersburg at the Academy of Arts, first as a free student, and then as a full-fledged student (from 1879...

    Russian artist. Master of the battle genre. Got the initial one artistic training in the Warsaw drawing class (1876-1878), continued his studies in St. Petersburg at the Academy of Arts, first as a free student, and then as a full-fledged student (from 1879...

  • 8.

    Russian artist. Schedule. Battalist. He studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts under the guidance of Professor A. Sauerweid and received two silver medals for his successes in 1832 and 1834. In 1835, for the painting "Interior View of a Stable" he was awarded...

    Russian artist. Schedule. Battleist. He studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts under the guidance of Professor A. Sauerweid and received two silver medals for his successes in 1832 and 1834. In 1835 for the painting " Internal view stables" awarded...

  • 9.

    Russian artist. Painter. Battleist. The author of the “ambiguous” painting “Fishing”, which caused a real scandal at the beginning of the 20th century. ...

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    Russian and Soviet artist, painter and graphic artist. Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Known as a battle painter and author of a series of documentary sketches of 1917-1918....

    Russian and Soviet artist, painter and graphic artist. Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Known as a battle painter and author of a series of documentary sketches of 1917-1918....

  • 11.

    Russian artist. Painter. Battalist. Student of the Academy of Arts. 2 silver medal (1877); two 2 silver medals (1878); three 1 and one 2 silver medals (1879). In 1880 he completed a scientific course. In 1882 he received 2 gold...

    Russian artist. Painter. Battalist. Student of the Academy of Arts. 2 silver medal (1877); two 2 silver medals (1878); three 1 and one 2 silver medals (1879). In 1880 he completed a scientific course. In 1882 he received 2 gold...

  • 12.

    Russian battle painter, master of historical pictorial panorama. Knight of the Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Professor. Author of the panorama "....

    Russian battle painter, master of historical pictorial panorama. Knight of the Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Professor. Author of the panorama " . 1910—1913 Oil on canvas Panorama Museum of the Battle of Borodino "....

  • 13.

    Russian artist. Professor of battle painting. Initially he studied painting with the foreign artist Jungstedt, and entered the academy in 1838, where he studied under the guidance of K.P. Bryullov and A.N. Sauerweid. Has all academic medals...

    Russian artist. Professor of battle painting. Initially he studied painting with the foreign artist Jungstedt, and entered the academy in 1838, where he studied under the guidance of K.P. Bryullov and A.N. Sauerweid. Has all academic medals...

  • 14.

    Russian battle painter and genre painter. At first he was a self-taught painter in his parents' house; in 1851 he became a student at the Academy of Arts, where his main mentor was Professor B.P. Villevalde. Received medals: 1854 - 2 silver;...

    Russian battle painter and genre painter. At first he was a self-taught painter in his parents' house; in 1851 he became a student at the Academy of Arts, where his main mentor was Professor B.P. Villevalde. Received medals: 1854 - 2 silver;...

  • 15.

    Commander of the Klyastitsky Hussar Regiment, battle painter from the noble family of Dmitriev-Mamonov....

    Commander of the Klyastitsky Hussar Regiment, battle painter from the noble family of Dmitriev-Mamonov....

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