Romance - paintings of a romantic landscape. Specifics of the romantic landscape in Russian literature of the 19th century Beautiful romantic landscape

Landscape is a genre of fine art, the main object of which is the depiction of nature both in its original form and in its altered form by man. In literature, the author uses the image of nature as a figurative expression of his own plan. To better understand the features of the romantic landscape in literature, it is necessary to understand the philosophy of such a movement as romanticism.


Romanticism is an ideological and artistic movement in the culture of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. This direction characterized by the affirmation of the special value of spiritual and creative life personality, portrayal of strong and willful characters, spiritual and healing power nature. In the eighteenth century, everything that could not be explained, was picturesque, and could exist only on the pages of books was called romantic. In the nineteenth century, romanticism was embodied in a new direction, which became the complete opposite of classicism.

Romanticism replaces the Age of Enlightenment and coincides with the beginning of the industrial revolution (the invention of the steam engine, steam locomotive, steamship, photography, and so on). If the previous period of culture was characterized by the cult of reason, then new era approved the opposite - the cult of feeling, of all natural man. Romanticism, which sought to restore the connection between man and nature, became the impetus for the emergence and development of tourism, mountaineering, and picnics.

Romanticism in foreign literature

Romanticism originated in Germany thanks to the circle of writers and philosophers of the Jena School (a group of figures in the Romantic movement). The philosophy of this direction was systematized in the works of F. Schlegel and F. Schelling. Subsequently, German romanticism was distinguished by a special interest in mythological and fairy-tale motifs. This received special expression in the works of the Brothers Grimm, Hoffmann and early works Heine.

English romanticism adopted a lot from German. The first English representatives of romanticism are considered to be the poets of the “Lake School” Wordsworth and Coleridge, who established the theoretical foundations of the movement, inspired by the works and philosophy of the first romantics. English romanticism is characterized by a special interest in the problems of society: the opposition of bourgeois society to old relations, the glorification of nature and simple feelings. Byron is considered a prominent representative of English romanticism, whose work is imbued with the theme of struggle and protest to the modern world, praising freedom and individuality. English romanticism also includes the works of Shelley, John Keats and William Blake.

Romanticism in Russian literature

It is generally accepted that romanticism first appears in Russian literature in the works of V. A. Zhukovsky. Russian romanticism is distinguished by its freedom from the conventions of classicism, the creation of ballads and romantic drama. Works of this direction affirm a new understanding of the essence and meaning of poets, their creativity; not only independence is recognized, but also a means of expressing the highest goals and aspirations of man.

Russian romantic poets include K. N. Batyushkov, E. A. Baratynsky, and the early A. S. Pushkin. The pinnacle of romanticism in literature is considered to be the work of M. Yu. Lermontov.

Features of a romantic landscape

Landscape in the literature of romanticism not only serves as a means of creating a world opposite to reality, but also corresponds to the character of the main character, full of suffering, melancholy, hope and rebellion. Moreover, the depiction of nature in literary works early nineteenth century serves as a means of expression central theme ideological- artistic direction- the struggle between dreams and reality. It is also a symbol of mental shock and to some extent highlights the character’s internal state.

A striking example The use of a romantic landscape as a means of expression can serve as a poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri”.

The main character runs away from the monastery during a thunderstorm - evidence of the character's freedom-loving aspirations. The nature of the Caucasus serves as a reflection of the hero’s world, his character; it is also unbridled, unshakable, and free.

The use of thunderstorms to describe landscapes in Romantic literature is a symbol of freedom and steadfastness.

For the main character of the poem, escape is not only deliverance from monastic captivity, but also the beginning of the embodiment of his goals - returning home, finding peace of mind. Although he does not manage to return home, the young man knows freedom for the first time in his entire life. Wounded by a leopard and on his deathbed main character does not regret his fate, because he was able to escape from the gray walls of his cage, to experience the beauty of the world around him, nature, momentary, but still independence.

In literature, many works have been created on Russian romanticism and the specifics of the romantic landscape. Has this topic exhausted itself in the 21st century?

The purpose of this article is to highlight the specifics of the Russian romantic landscape in Russian literature of the 19th century. Since, in this regard, they stand out primarily theoretical aspects, then the field of view included, first of all, generalizing literary works in which Russian romanticism is presented comprehensively. Research on the individual pictorial worlds of the romantics is used only for the purpose of clarifying some general theoretical aspects.

The undying interest in the topic of “Romanticism” and its insufficient development represent the relevance of this work. The review of issues related to this topic is of both theoretical and practical significance.

The artistic works of romantic poets were studied by literary scholars. The following people studied romanticism: A.N. Veselovsky, G.A. Gukovsky, I.I. Zamotin, V.A. Nikolsky, A.N. Sokolov, V.Yu. Trotsky, M.N. Epstein. Book by A.N. Veselovsky about Zhukovsky in 1904, “The Poetry of Feelings and “Heart Imagination”” is a proper poetic study of Russian romanticism as a whole. A series of monographs by G.A. Gukovsky “Pushkin and Russian Romantics” 1946, “Pushkin and problems realistic style", "Gogol's Realism" 1959 - describes the movement of literature towards realism. I.I. Zamotin in the book “Romanticism of the Twenties XIX century in Russian Literature" covers the entire Russian romantic movement of the 20s of the 19th century in two volumes. In the monograph by V.A. Nikolsky’s “Nature and Man in Russian Literature of the 19th Century,” 1973, contains important information about the types of landscape and the forms of its existence in the work. Modern research in the field of romanticism they strive for consistency. In this sense, the final work of A.N. is characteristic. Sokolov "On the debate about romanticism." Articles by V.Yu. Trinity" Romantic landscape in Russian prose and painting of the 20-30s of the 19th century" 1988 consider the interpretation of the theme within the framework of an artistic direction. M. N. Epstein made a useful attempt to systematize images of nature, types of landscapes in Russian poetry and artistic means their creation in the book “Nature, the world, the hiding place of the universe: A system of landscape images in Russian poetry” 1990.

Before talking about the specifics of the romantic landscape in Russian literature of the 19th century, let us characterize this term. Domestic and foreign researchers have developed more than three dozen definitions of the concept of romanticism. According to the definition from the literary dictionary edited by L.I. Timofeev, romanticism is (German: Romantik) a creative method in literature and art that developed at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, which became widespread as a direction (current) in the art and literature of most European countries. The basis of the romantic method is the following general principles:

The writer’s subjective position regarding what is depicted;

Commitment to reconstruction real world what is achieved in the works of romanticism with the help of fantasy, grotesque, symbolism and convention;

The main character becomes an exceptional, lonely person, rebelling against the established world order, possessing an unshakable desire for absolute freedom, for an unattainable ideal, at the same time understanding the imperfections of the world around him;

The personality and individuality of a person is declared a value.

Romanticism is characterized not only by a rejection of the real world, of everyday life, but also by an interest in everything exotic, strong, bright, sublime (for example, in the poems of J. Byron and A.S. Pushkin, the actions take place in the southern and eastern countries, in the ballads of V. A. Zhukovsky - in a fantastic, fictitious world, romantic poets almost always transfer the action of their works to the past).

The leading feature of romanticism is a tragic dual world, the experience of discord with reality: the romantic hero understands all the imperfections of the world and people and at the same time wants to be understood and accepted by them.

Romanticism spreads in Europe at the end XVIII-early XIX century Prominent representatives: J. Byron, V. Hugo and E. T. A. Hoffman.

The heyday of romanticism in Russia occurred in the 10-30s. XIX century And represents the romanticism of V.A.’s ballad. Zhukovsky, lyrics and poems by A.S. Pushkina, M.Yu. Lermontova, A.A. Bestuzhev and K.F. Ryleeva.

As for the landscape, according to E. Aksenova’s definition, landscape (French: Paysage) is an image of pictures of nature that performs work of art different functions depending on the style and method of the writer.

There are three key functions of landscape:

1) nature acts as an objective reflection of reality and at the same time serves as the background of the narrative;

2) the landscape plays the role of a specific means in revealing the character of the characters;

3) nature can be depicted as the main character of a literary work.

In the romantic poet’s disposition to the theme of nature, significant social processes that took place in the 19th century: the rapid expansion and deepening of natural science knowledge and natural philosophy, deep dissatisfaction with the social situation in Western Europe and Russia, a very unclear idea of ​​social and moral ideals, public skepticism caused by the reaction of the 30s and the search for the ideal in the natural world.

M.N. Epstein offers a classification of landscapes in his work, which is devoted to the system of landscape images in Russian poetry. The researcher identifies stormy, dull and ideal landscapes. A stormy, or formidable, landscape is distinguished by its dynamics and expression of the irresistible power of the forces of nature. A dull, or gloomy, landscape is focused on showing the sad-dreamy motifs that make up genre feature Elegies. The ideal landscape is formed in ancient literature and as a result constantly develops and transforms. The essential components of an ideal landscape are a breeze, a source of water, flowers, trees and birds, together forming a pleasant place.

Along with the aesthetic varieties of landscape M.N. Epstein distinguishes national and exotic landscapes, as well as winter and summer landscapes. Fantastic landscapes convey the greatest degree of emotional intensity.

A significant achievement of romanticism is the formation of a lyrical landscape. For romantics, it serves as a kind of decoration, which is designed to emphasize the emotional intensity of the action. In the depiction of nature, its “spirituality” was noted, its relationship with fate and the fate of man.

The specificity of the theme of the works of romanticism contributed to the use of a unique lexical expression: a variety of metaphors, poetic epithets and symbols. Thus, the romantic symbol of freedom was the wind and the sea; happiness was personified by the sun; love was personified by roses and fire; at all pink represented love feelings, and the color black meant sadness. Night symbolized enmity, evil, crime and war. The symbol of endless variability was the sea wave, the symbol of insensibility was the stone; images of a doll or masquerade meant lies, hypocrisy, and insincerity.

Yu.V. Mann compared literature to a huge sea, which arrives every year. And the study of the social, epistemological and aesthetic foundations of romanticism, the development of romantic forms in literature can be compared with painting, music and other forms of art.

To summarize, we summarize all of the above that a romantic landscape has its own distinctive features: serves as a means of creating something amazing, in some cases, fantasy world, contrasted with true reality, and the multitude of colors makes the landscape emotional, hence the exclusivity of its details and images, often invented by a romantic. This kind of landscape traditionally corresponds to nature romantic hero- a person who suffers, dreams, rebels, fights; it reflects one of the main themes of romanticism - the discord between dreams and life itself, symbolizes mental turmoil, and highlights the emotional state of the heroes.


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  4. Lipich V.V. "Methodological features of the study of romanticism." Moscow. 2008. – p. 472.
  5. Mann Yu.V. "Dynamics of Russian Romanticism." - M.: Aspect Press, 1995. - 384 p.
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  7. Pushkin A.S. “Full. collection cit.: In 17 volumes. M.: Resurrection", 1996. - T. XIII. – P. 184
  8. Sakharov V.I. "Romanticism in Russia: era, schools, styles." – M., 2004.
  9. Timofeev, L.I. " Brief dictionary literary terms» / L.I. Timofeev, S.V. Turaev. - Second edition, revised. – M., Education, 1985 – P. 64.
  10. Fedorov F.P. "Romantic art world: space and time." – Riga, 1998.
  11. Khodanen L.A. Myth in the works of Russian romantics. – Tomsk, 2000.
  12. Epstein M.N. “Nature, the world, the hiding place of the universe... The system of landscape images in Russian poetry” - M., “ graduate School"1990. – P.303.
  13. Yuhanson Ch. “The Face of Gogol.” – M., 1993.

"Landscape in Art"- The landscape genre is found in such types of fine art as graphics, painting, artistic photography. Scenery. Picturesque landscape. Presentation on fine arts. The historical landscape depicts what cities, parks, and villages looked like in the past. Find the extra picture. The landscape can have different themes: urban landscape, rural, sea, etc.

“Painting landscapes” - But not so much for heavenly colors. Well, so we got to work. Evening landscape. After the first work they didn’t leave; they still wanted to paint a landscape. Forest landscape. Painting is a simple matter. Painting with watercolors in a raw way. "WINTER LANDSCAPE". Winter landscape in watercolor painting(technique in raw form).

"Russian landscape"- Venetsianov. Morning in pine forest. Venetsianov and his students. Seashore at night. First snow. March. Landscape with a river and a fisherman eternal peace. Country road. Savrasov’s art inspired a number of landscape painters to their creative pursuits late XIX– beginning of the 20th century. Nature must be sought in all its simplicity—drawing must follow it in all the whims of form.

"Pushkin landscape"- Landscape poetry has always occupied a special place in the work of A.S. Pushkin. In Pushkin's poetry bright colors summer, autumn, winter, spring are drawn. Where are you, thunderstorm - a symbol of freedom? The shadow of the night has already rolled down from the sky. Features: Landscape lyrics by A.S. Pushikina! The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful sound. 1-Landscape occupies a large place in Pushkin’s work.

“Landscapes of Shishkin” - Where was I. I. Shishkin born? I. Aivazovsky “Moon Rising”. Painting "Forest distances". The answer is correct! Where did I. I. Shishkin study? Drawing a landscape. Questions. In the foreground you can depict a tree and a path. What does I. I. Shishkin like to depict? Cityscape. Rural landscape. Fedor Alekseev “Cathedral Square in the Moscow Kremlin.”

"Paintings Romantic Landscape"

The romantic landscape attracts many art lovers. Paintings with romantic landscapes are of increased interest. Paintings with romantic landscapes often decorate office and home interiors. Paintings with romantic landscapes add a spirit of creativity, fantasy and special beauty to any interior.

The gallery is always very large selection paintings with romantic landscapes. If you are not satisfied with the available paintings with a romantic landscape, then you can order from us any painting with the most unusual romantic landscape. A painting of any size in any technique, a painting with your romantic landscape. You like unusual romantic landscapes, you want to have a painting(s) of your favorite romantic landscape(s). We are ready to make your dreams come true beautiful paintings with a romantic landscape. You will have amazingly beautiful and unusual paintings romantic landscape.

Romance. Poetry. Paintings with romantic landscapes are imbued with a special romance and poetry of the world and nature around us.

What do romantic landscape paintings tell us? There is always something mysterious and exciting in romantic landscape paintings; any landscape can be romantic.
What types of romantic landscapes are there? Very varied. For example, a forest romantic landscape. The forest in the paintings, a romantic landscape, has its own unsolved mysteries and its charming romance and poetry.

“...No one learned the riddles of the forest,
In the wilderness, a stream curled like a stream of coolness,
I greedily pressed my lips to his,
And he drank for a long time, but never got drunk.
And the secret of the forest is, in principle, no one’s own,
She gave her shadow to many.
I felt the moisture from the stream,
Without quenching my thirst, I got drunk.
Hidden corner of living wonders,
Under the canopy, from the sun's heat,
Save the tired forest for you and me
A fragment of sleep, oblivion and peace..." (Oleg Shikhranov - My Forest)

What types of romantic landscapes are there? There are a lot of paintings with romantic landscapes. Particularly noteworthy are the paintings of romantic sea landscapes. The sea and romance are inseparable from each other. Romantic landscape paintings will show you the romance of the sea and marine life. The vast expanses of seas and oceans are always filled with harsh romance. Here is the romance of difficult trials and struggle with the elements. Here is the romance of man's courage and perseverance in the fight against real and imaginary dangers. Romantic paintings with romantic landscapes of stormy and menacing elements. Beautiful pictures with radiant bright beaches and blue waves. Unusual paintings underwater world. All these are pictures of a romantic landscape.

Contact us. They work for us best artists Russia. Your romantic landscape paintings will enchant with their romance and stunning beauty!

The nature around us is always romantic. In the paintings of the far north, yurts, and reindeer sleds, there is the romance of distant and difficult journeys. In the paintings of ice icebergs there is a romance of pure endless expanses. In a warm sunny evening around a forest fire, the romance of our homeland is close to all of us. The warmth of a fire is warmth, joy and romance. Romance of the evening, romance of friendship. Our wonderful romantic poet Oleg Shikhranov drew this wonderful picture with a romantic landscape of a summer forest and a forest fire.

“...In a bag of canvas paint,
already a habit
The birch bark will warm you with warmth,
only the match will strike.
The fire will dance across the wood,
will light with nettles,
A white horse wanders across the field,
and waves his mane.
There is a rowan bush not far away.
-He smiled,
The soup has cooled down in the pot.
- I fell in love with it.
The glare from the fire plays
live and bask.
Life philosophy sister-
be sad and laugh.
I’ll cling to the spruce tent,
together with Pan*,
The field will be covered in the morning,
thick fog.
There is a white horse with apples,
everyday story,
The violin plays in silence
biblical motif..." (Oleg Shikhranov - Summer Evening)

Romantic landscape paintings. The romantic landscapes of our homeland are beautiful. The paintings of romantic landscapes are very beautiful and truly carry the romance and poetry inherent in both the poet and the artist.

In the gallery contemporary artists There is always a very large selection of paintings with romantic landscapes. If you are not satisfied with the available paintings with a romantic landscape, then you can order from us any painting with the most unusual romantic landscape. A painting of any size in any technique, a painting with your romantic landscape. You like unusual romantic landscapes, you want to have a painting(s) of your favorite romantic landscape(s). We are ready to make your dreams of beautiful paintings with romantic landscapes come true. You will have stunning beautiful and unusual pictures of a romantic landscape.