The role of literature in the spiritual life of Russian society. Lesson plan on literature (9th grade) on the topic: Literature as the art of words and its role in the spiritual life of a person

The importance of spiritual literature in human life

(Report by the head of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Yaroslavl Metropolis, Archpriest Pavel Rakhlin, at the section “The Role of Spiritual Literature of the Yaroslavl Region in the Formation of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Individual”)
Man cannot live by bread alone,

but with every word of God.

(Gospel of Luke; 4.4)

The importance of books in the life of every person and society as a whole cannot be overestimated. A book, as a source of knowledge and experience, can seriously influence a person’s worldview, generating deep feelings in the human soul and prompting him to serious reflection.

But the power and influence of the book is much greater than it might seem at first glance. Any book is not just a passive collection of information, but first of all a certain view of reality belonging to the author of the book: he forms in his mind certain ideas about the world, knowledge, skills and, passing on this knowledge and skills, shares his thoughts, his experience with others. And if we take into account that the content of the book, resonating with the reader’s thoughts, affects not only his mind, but also his soul, then the significance of the Orthodox book as spiritual literature in modern world plays a special role in the cultural, spiritual and moral life of society.

Classical, and primarily Russian, literature can, of course, become a bridge to spiritual literature. Here it is appropriate to remember that Orthodoxy and Christianity in general played one of the main, if not the main role in the formation of Russian literature.

Baptism Ancient Rus' gave the Russian people both writing and literature (literature). This historical coincidence determined the exceptional significance and high authority of Russian literature in the spiritual life of the people and the state. Compiled by Byzantine monks - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius - the Cyrillic alphabet quickly spread throughout the territory Eastern Slavs. But Saints Cyril and Methodius gave Russia not only a written language, but also translated into Church Slavonic the books necessary for worship: the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter. These books played a big role in developing the character of Russian people.

Due to data historical events all Russian classical literature imbued with the light of the lofty truths of Orthodoxy. She is the custodian and exponent of Christian values ​​and the Christian view of the world. In the works of great Russian writers and poets, the reader is often asked questions that only religion can answer. Being an art, possessing the most powerful power of emotional impact, literature, when posing these questions, appeals not only to the mind, but also to the heart of the reader. For many people, the relevance of theological issues became obvious thanks to Russian classical literature.

However, in order for a person to understand the truth about himself, he needs to read spiritual literature - and above all the Holy Gospel and patristic works. It is in these books, according to the inspired confession of the Orthodox spiritual writer and philosopher N.E. Pestova “As in a precious vessel, the truth is gathered up most of all. Whoever wants the sanctification of his soul, the purification of his heart and the enlightenment of his mind must cling with greedy lips to this vessel in order to constantly feed himself with the truth.”(N.E. Pestov, “ Current practice Orthodox piety", volume two).

According to one of the greatest holy ascetics of the 19th century, Bishop Theophan the Recluse “Without reading it’s stuffy and the soul is starving”. He also made the following remark: “You cannot find and buy the Kingdom of Heaven, future joys and eternal peace with anything other than with this thing. This is reading in private and listening with attention and diligence to the word of God, the writings of the Fathers and other soul-helping books. No one can be saved unless he reads or listens to the holy soul-saving writings. Just as a bird without wings cannot fly to a height, so a mind without holy books cannot figure out how to be saved.”(The Testament of St. Theophan the Recluse on reading the writings of the fathers and other soul-helping (holy) books).

Spiritual books are man's best friends, his leaders, educators and mentors. They need to be read, re-read, studied. In such books, we discover the invaluable experience of saints - carriers of the Holy Spirit of God, heroes of spirit, conscience and perseverance.

A person who studies spiritual literature and applies its truths in his personal life opens up, as it were, a third dimension of the world. He begins to look at the world around him from the point of view of good and evil and thus sees another, previously vaguely discernible side of life. The understanding of the reasons for actions – both one’s own and other people’s – and the impact of their consequences on a person’s life and on his environment is becoming increasingly clear. Therefore, a good spiritual library at all times has been the most valuable treasure on earth, for the acquisition of which thinking people spared neither money nor time.

Today, spiritual literature is available to anyone who wants to turn to it. There are no obstacles to receiving the priceless treasure of the grace-filled spiritual experience of the saints of the Orthodox Church.

However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to perform the miracle of complete transformation by reading spiritual literature alone. human soul, because by reading spiritual books without applying what is learned from them in life, one creates self-deception that spiritual growth has begun. Spiritual life is replaced by imagination, "since knowledge of truth is not the same as knowledge of truth".

In conclusion, let us again cite the words of N.E. Pestov, written by him about the treasure of truth contained in spiritual books:

“Truth - good and joyful - is the food of the soul, without it the soul dies. The soul needs invigorating, warming, elevating and inspiring thoughts.

It is good for those who know how to constantly nourish themselves with them. It is easy to live with them, with them it is easy to overcome all temptations, the attacks of melancholy, despondency, laziness and negligence.

At the same time, deeply perceived truth cannot remain inactive: it forces not only to think differently, but also to live differently.”

The lesson begins with a traditional warm-up, the purpose of which is to differentiate linguistic means artistic expression V poetic work. Much attention is paid to familiarization with the textbook. Analysis of an excerpt from the work of V. Lidin allows us to draw a conclusion about the role of literature in spiritual development person. During a frontal survey, students give examples from history that, together with literature, form the best qualities of a person. It is traditional to comment on grades and summarize results at the end of the lesson. Homework aimed at developing students' speech and determining reader's interests in class.



Date Lesson No. 1

Literature as the art of words and its role in the spiritual life of man

Objective of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​literature as the art of words and its role in the spiritual life of a person.


Repeat the studied linguistic means of artistic expression,

Work on development monologue speech students on a given topic,

Continue the work of instilling a sense of pride in our native literature.

Equipment: textbook, handouts, interactive whiteboard, epigraph.

Progress of the lesson.

1) Organizational moment. Warm-upto determine the linguistic means of artistic expression (working on task No. 3 of the OGE in the Russian language)

The dormant bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

Quiet Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere down the road

The ringing stops.

Students must identify epithets, metaphor, personification, inversion. At the same time, remember the author of the lines and his works.

2) Working with handoutsbased on an excerpt from the work of Vladimir Lidin. Reading, analysis.

“The Germans were expelled from Uman, and on the streets of the city, cars, armored personnel carriers and tanks, abandoned by them in flight, stood close together, back to back. On one of the streets, through a broken window on the lower floor, I saw piles of books piled on the floor. ...I identified the library by the shelves. ... Looking closely, I saw the mournful figures of two middle-aged women sorting out books in the next room. Some of the books were already on the shelves. I approached the women, and we met: one turned out to be a Russian language teacher, Zinaida Ivanovna Valyanskaya, the other, a librarian at the district library, Yulia Aleksandrovna Panasevich, and they dragged the books lying on the floor from underground, where they survived the entire occupation. I picked up one of the books - it was a textbook on economic geography, but after flipping through a few pages, I turned with bewilderment to the title of the book: it did not correspond to the content.

We have a lot of work ahead of us,” said one of the women, “the fact is that, by order of the Gebiets Commissioner Opp, we had to destroy all the books on the attached list... We re-glued the title pages from old textbooks and various other books, and we managed to save almost everything, that was subject to destruction... so don’t be surprised if a volume of Pushkin’s works, for example, is called a manual for embroidery.

... Two courageous women saved an entire district library by pasting them into those that were to be destroyed. Books with different titles or by putting them in different bindings. And now they were sorting out their wealth, restoring what, by order of the appointed director of the library, Kramm, they had to tear to shreds.

In Uman, in the premises of the regional library, I became convinced of the immortality of the book.

Questions for consolidation:

Why do you think the action of these two women can be considered heroic or courageous?

Bring students to the conclusion that during the Great Patriotic War, women risked their lives to save books; they re-glued the spines. Do we treat them properly now?

3) Work on the topic. An epigraph will help us understand today's topic. These are the words of M. Gorky. The great Russian writer stated: “ Literature - textbook life" How do you understand this statement? …. (Bring students to the conclusion that the main purpose of literature is to cultivate spirituality in a person and develop his best qualities)

4) Introduction to the textbook. During grade 9 we will study works ancient Russian literature, 18th, 19th, 20th centuries. Eras will change, literary trends, currents, authors. Literature has always covered and will cover events that reflect the history of our Motherland. And we have enough events that teach honor, decency, nobility, courage, generosity, mercy. What events do you think I'm talking about now? (Liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke, Patriotic War 1812, Decembrist uprising on December 14, 1825, abolition of serfdom in 1861, October Revolution, civil war, Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945....) We can “try on” the actions of the heroes for ourselves, this will help us distinguish between good and evil, black and white, truth and lies. Let's use previously studied works as an example and determine what this or that hero can teach. (“Taras Bulba” by N. Gogol, “ Stationmaster"A. Pushkin, "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov", "Mtsyri" by M. Lermontov....)

Thus, we are once again convinced of how great the role of the book is in the spiritual life of a person. And again I would like to turn to the statement of M. Gorky. At one time he wrote: “I owe everything good in me to books.” Explain how you understand this statement in 3-5 sentences. (Independent work - consolidation for 5-7 minutes)

5) Reserve. Frontal survey.

What books did you read over the summer that interested you?

What books have you read on your own, and what do you remember?

Who has their own library, favorite book, author at home?

6) Summing up, commentary on marks.

7) Homework:prepare a message of 5-7 sentences on the topic “This book must be read”

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The socio-political views of Russian thinkers were closely connected with the development of Russian literature. Herzen’s words are widely known: “For a people deprived of public freedom, literature is the only platform from the height of which they make them hear the cry of their indignation and their conscience. Influence of literature in such a society is acquiring dimensions long lost by other European countries.” Analyzing the role of literature and literary criticism in Russian culture of the 19th century, modern researcher I. Kondakov wrote: “... literature - due to the specifically constrained socio-political conditions of the country's development - fulfills the mission of several components of culture at the same time: philosophy, social sciences, journalism, socio-political activity (non-governmental oppositional nature), then directly serves publicity (due to the ability to metaphorically, allegorically speak about what cannot be said directly literally) in relation to a society that is basically voiceless. At the same time, this also meant that literature in Russia (starting from the Nicholas era, i.e. during Pushkin’s lifetime) ceased to be just an art among other arts and became a special - universal, synthetic phenomenon of culture, necessarily replacing its other , forcedly inferior sectors responsible for cognitive, ideological, social-regulatory and other functions. The burden of literature’s responsibility to society becomes fundamentally different - not only and not so much artistic and aesthetic responsibility, but moral and ethical, political, social and philosophical, cognitive and worldview responsibility.”

Thus, in spiritual culture new era a complex process of differentiation took place, such areas as science, fiction and art, education, numerous socio-cultural institutions. Secular character, openness, the ability to absorb the best from the cultures of other peoples, preserving national identity and integrity, characterized the Russian XVIII culture V. The gap between the achieved level of spiritual culture and the ability of the broad masses to master cultural values began to be overcome in the second half of the 19th century. thanks to the spread of the printed word and literacy, the replenishment of the intelligentsia and middle class with commoners. Capitalism and the relative decentralization of management marked the beginning of the unification of the Europeanized nobility and the people's traditional cultures into a single national culture. The same reasons contributed to the emergence of large provincial cultural centers in industrial and commercial areas of the country. Dominant position in early XIX V. The “enlightened nobility” was shaken by the middle of the century, when the social, scientific, artistic life included representatives of the lower classes.

The spiritual culture of the era was greatly influenced by social thought. Since the 18th century. one of the most important cultural ideas became the idea put forward by the enlighteners of the natural right of the individual, given to her by birth. Feature of development social thought in Russia there was its political focus, the search for Russia’s place in the world community.

Objective of the lesson:

Determine the role of literature in the spiritual life of society,
To form students’ understanding of literature as the art of words,
Reveal level literary development students.

Besides literature, what to breathe,

Sinking to the bottom of the sea...

M. Shcherbakov. Whole summer

1. Org. Moment

2. Conversation on the question of understanding the quote included in the epigraph of the lesson

(Mikhail Shcherbakov, Moscow poet, creator of the original song, our contemporary).

3. Discussion of statements by Russian writers

How do you understand the statements of Russian writers about literary work and the role of books in a person’s spiritual life, try to confirm or refute the positions they express.

“As a person, as a personality, the Russian writer... stood illuminated by the bright light of selfless and passionate love for the great work of life - literature, for the people tired of their work, for their sad land. He was an honest fighter, a great martyr for the sake of truth, a hero in work and a child in his attitude towards people, with a soul as transparent as a tear and bright as a star in the pale skies of Russia.” M. Gorky.

“All of Greece and Rome fed only on literature: in our sense, there were no schools at all! And how they grew. Literature actually exists the only school people, and it can be the only and sufficient school...” V. Rozanov.

“Russian literature... has always been the conscience of the people. Her place in public life country has always been honorable and influential. She educated people and strived for a just reconstruction of life.” D. Likhachev.

4. Expressive reading of poetry

Now we will read poems in which poets reflect on the secrets of writing, on the role of writers in society.

Ivan Bunin

The tombs, mummies and bones are silent,—
Only the word is given life:
From ancient darkness, on the world graveyard,
Only the Letters sound.

And we have no other property!
Know how to take care
At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech.

A. Akhmatova

It happens like this: some kind of languor;
The chime of the clock does not stop in my ears;
In the distance, the rumble of fading thunder.
Unrecognized and captive voices
I imagine both complaints and groans,
Some secret circle is narrowing,
But in this abyss of whispers and ringings
One, all-conquering sound rises.
It’s so incredibly quiet around him,
You can hear the grass growing in the forest,
How he walks dashingly on the ground with a knapsack...
But now the words are heard
And light rhymes are signal bells,—
Then I begin to understand
And just dictated lines
They go into a snow-white notebook.

B. Pastrnak

I want to reach everything
To the very essence.
At work, looking for a way,
In heartbreak.

To the essence of the past days,
Until their reason,
To the foundations, to the roots,
To the core.

Always catching the thread
Fates, events,
Live, think, feel, love,
Complete the opening.

Oh if only I could
Although partly
I would write eight lines
About the properties of passion.

About lawlessness, about sins,
Running, chasing,
Accidents in a hurry,
Elbows, palms.

I would deduce her law,
Its beginning
And repeated her names

I would plant poems like a garden.
With all the trembling of my veins
The linden trees would bloom in them in a row,
Single file, to the back of the head.

I would bring the breath of roses into poetry,
Breath of mint
Meadows, sedge, hayfields,
Thunderstorms rumble.

So Chopin once invested
Living miracle
Farms, parks, groves, graves
In your sketches.

Achieved triumph
Game and torment -
Bowstring taut
Tight bow.

5. Conversation on issues

Why is literature called the art of words? Show with examples what the art of words is?

Remember the works in which the characters read books and give them their assessments. Why is literature important to them?

What have you learned from literature about love and betrayal, about death and immortality, about nobility and meanness? Is such knowledge important for a person?

How has literature helped your own spiritual development?

What benefits can it give? to modern man reading literature of the past?

6. Conversation revealing the level of literary development of students

What Russian folklore do you remember? What is the significance of oral works folk art for the modern reader?

Which eternal questions raised by Russian writers? How did they solve them?

How are the humanistic thoughts of the authors reflected in the works of Russian literature? Name the works in which the problem of protection is raised human personality. Give reasons for your position.

How did the heroes of Russian literature imagine happiness? Do you agree with them?

How do pictures of nature described in literature help in understanding human characters?

Identify works by fragment:

Blue, blue and purple hairs showed through the thin, tall stems of grass; yellow gorse jumped up with its pyramidal top; white porridge dotted the surface with umbrella-shaped caps; brought in, God knows from where, an ear of wheat was pouring into the thicket. Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. Hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass. The cry of a moving cloud wild geese reverberated in God knows what distant lake. A seagull rose from the grass with measured strokes and bathed luxuriously in the blue waves of air. There she has disappeared in the heights and only flickers like a single black dot. There she turned her wings and flashed in front of the sun. Damn you, steppes, how good you are!
“You want to know what I saw

Free? - Lush fields,

Hills covered with a crown

Trees growing all around

Noisy with a fresh crowd,

Like brothers dancing in a circle.

I saw piles of dark rocks

When the stream separated them,

And I guessed their thoughts:

It was given to me from above!

Stretched out in the air for a long time

Their stone embraces,

And they yearn for a meeting every moment;

But the days go by, the years go by -

They will never get along!

In what ways do writers evoke laughter, sadness, bitterness, indignation, and other feelings in readers?

What is the role of antithesis in a literary work? Give examples from Russian prose or poetry.

What role does it play in work of art hero-narrator? Give examples from works studied in 8th grade.

8. Homework

Answer one of the questions in writing:

How are people and history connected in " The captain's daughter"A.S. Pushkin?
Which moral values affirms the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"?
What is “bad in Russia” is ridiculed by N.V. Gogol in the play “The Inspector General” and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in fairy tales?

Essay on the topic “Literature in human life.” 4.74 /5 (94.76%) 42 votes

Since childhood, we have been accompanied by various literary works: fairy tales, riddles, stories, poems, novels, plays and so on. All of them play a huge role in the development of a person. Back in early age literary works lay in us the fundamental moral principles and norms. Fairy tales, riddles, parables and jokes teach us to value friendship, do good, not offend the weak, respect our parents, and think about our actions. All this is presented in a language accessible to children, so they remember it quickly and easily. That is why the role of literature and books, in general, in human life is enormous. They not only participate in the formation of a person, but constitute a major part of the moral education of each of us.

During the study school literature, we not only learn new authors, new works, new movements, but also become closer to literature so much that it becomes an integral part of us. The famous teacher V.P. Ostrogorsky said: “A correctly and widely educated general aesthetic mood elevates and ennobles a person through the noblest pleasure, which becomes a need. It makes his whole life attractive and interesting, revealing in it, in nature, in man, a beautiful existence that he had never suspected before... Thus, this feeling, suppressing egoism in us, takes us out of the daily circle of everyday life, into At the same time, awakening to bring thought and goodness into this everyday life, it leads into broad communication with nature, society, homeland, humanity... Yet all this, taken together, i.e. all these aesthetic relationships to oneself, nature, people, art, society, and create a special spiritual world with oneself, then a good mood, then unity with the world, then a constant desire for spiritual beauty, for serving the common good, for honest work and the fight against evil - in a word, that alone has constituted human happiness at all times.”
In my opinion, these words very deeply and vividly reflect the role of literature and art, in general, in human life. Books teach us to love those around us and give us real human happiness. That is why people who read books and literature lovers, can feel all the delights of the world around us: see the beauty of nature, love and be loved. In addition, thanks to literature, our vocabulary is replenished and our spiritual world is enriched.
Based on the above, we can conclude that literature is very important in a person’s life: it influences our worldview. Shapes our inner world, enriches our speech. That is why we must read, love and respect the book as much as possible, because without it our world will be gray and empty.