It’s beautiful to draw roses step by step with a pencil. How to draw a bouquet of roses with pencil and watercolor. Features of painting with watercolors

We develop the ability to draw from childhood.

Of course, not everyone can become a skilled artist and paint pictures, but anyone can master the basics of depicting certain objects. Even such a complex and multifaceted flower as a rose.

Learn to draw a rose with a pencil step by step

In order to draw beautiful rose, you need to have minimal skills: be able to hold pencils in your hands and distinguish them by their degree of hardness.

It is advisable to first watch a few basic drawing lessons that explain the main points:

  • how to shade a pencil;
  • how to show light and shadow;
  • how to choose the right paper.

Trying to depict interesting objects will also be useful; in them you will learn to be more attentive to details and correlate the proportions and position of the object on paper.

Let's look at how easy it is to draw a rose step by step:

  1. We start with a bud, its top resembles a spiral, we draw it.
  2. We step back a little and draw a large petal below.
  3. Add volume to the bud and continue it down a little.
  4. Now we add side petals around the bud using wavy lines until the flower takes the desired form.

Quick drawing by hand. Video tutorial:

How to draw a bud - a lesson for beginners

The image of the bud is also not difficult. It is worth remembering that all lines are smooth and slightly curved, which follows the natural contours of the flower.

Step-by-step drawing:

  1. For the base of the flower, we draw a small semicircle, and place a bud in it, which also looks like a semicircle, only elongated.
  2. We add leaves in the form of small wavy lines along the edges and one in the middle.
  3. Now we draw the top, retreating from the edge of the bud, we draw the petals that overlap each other, and we draw the same in the center.

Video tutorial: drawing a rose with a pencil:

Bouquet in a vase step by step

Drawing a bouquet in a vase will be a little more difficult, since it will require knowledge of proportions and light and shade.

  1. First, you should make a sketch that will show what is where and what size the elements will be.
  2. Then, having determined the location of the buds, depict them in varying degrees of openness.
  3. We outline the vase in outline, with general lines, “covering” it a little with flowers.
  4. Now we are working on the details: the pattern on the vase, the leaves of the flowers, the stems, the water in the vase, etc.

You can take any picture or photograph as a basis, hone your skills and design beautiful postcard for your mother's or loved one's birthday.

Video tutorial: vase with flowers:

How to color correctly with colored pencils?

In order to draw with colored pencils, you need to have an image in front of you or remember well what a flower looks like. It is better to give children pictures of drawn flowers for orientation, or put a real rose in front of them.

Colored pencils don't erase well, so before you draw with them, you need to make a simple sketch. You can start coloring the finished sketch. It is better to use several pencils that are similar in color, but you can also use one, changing the intensity of the coloring.

It is better to start with lighter areas, carefully distributing the color, then moving on to brighter and darker areas, to which it is better to apply the shade in several layers.

Darker and brighter are the places that are located in the depths, at the base, on the folds of the petals; the color is minimal. The edges of the petals are also usually made a little brighter so that the transitions between them are visible.

Do not forget about the veins, which give the image realism. They can be done using a darker and harder pencil.

Drawing and coloring on video:

Drawings of roses for copying

For those who don't have excellent memory for images, it is better to use samples.

May be suitable for these purposes greeting cards, paintings famous artists and just photographs of flowers. Looking at them, it is more convenient to focus on the location of the petals, their color and size.

Samples of drawings of roses for copying. Photo.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a bouquet of three roses in a vase with a pencil step by step. Let's take this image as an example.

You can first draw from a vase. If it's more convenient for you, then start with it. I'll start with the bottom one, start drawing it from the middle and gradually build up the petals.

We draw the second one a little higher and to the right, and also start from the middle.

Draw the third rose bud on top.

Draw branches with leaves between them.

Draw more leaves and lower a small straight line down about halfway down the bottom rose, then lower the same straight line within the leaves. This will be the top of the vase. At the bottom, mark the height of the vase with a dash and draw its outline.

We shade the leaves very much dark tone, taking more soft pencil. We also apply light shading to the rose petals.

For more beautiful effect, you can make the background in the form diagonal lines. The drawing of a bouquet of roses or roses in a vase is ready.

This article will tell you how to draw a rose with a pencil.

Rose is one of the most difficult, but at the same time beautiful flowers for an artist. If you are just starting to learn to draw, it is better to do it with simpler colors. But there are several secrets and master classes that will help you draw a beautiful rose with a pencil.

Tips for those who are going to draw a rose with a pencil:

  • You don't need too much to learn how to draw. The main thing is the presence of desire and free time. With diligence, talent will reveal itself even in those who cannot draw at all.
  • Read on the sites dedicated to lessons drawing a few basic lessons. for example, what strokes can be made with a pencil, how to do shading and choose good paper. Pencils come in different degrees of hardness. This also needs to be taken into account when drawing.
  • Learn to draw on simple objects. This way you will understand how to arrange objects on paper and get better at
  • Attention is the main thing in drawing. Before you draw something, be sure to study the drawing. It should appear in your brain in every last detail.
  • Draw what your heart is drawn to. Even if it seems difficult, try it. With regular exercise you will definitely see results.

How to draw a rose step by step with a pencil?

Bud- the most difficult part of the rose. It is from this that we will try to learn how to draw this flower.

  • To begin, draw the top of the bud. In roses it is not completely loose and has a spiral shape. Make some space and draw the first large petal below
  • Add volume to the bud and extend it down a little. The degree of flower looseness will depend on how far you extend the lines of the bud.
  • Now draw the side petals on both sides of the bud. Add petals according to how full you want your flower to be.

Now let's draw unopened rosebud:

  • First, draw the base of the flower. This will be a small semicircle. A stem will stretch down from it
  • At this base we place a flower bud. Draw the leaves that will surround it
  • Draw a slightly opened bud, as shown in the pictures. Adding volume to the petals
  • You can adjust the degree of splendor of the bud yourself by adding or removing petals

When will you learn to draw a rose? with a simple pencil, try to add color. Tips for working with colored pencils:

  • Colored pencil doesn't erase well. Therefore, first a sketch is made with a simple pencil
  • Choose soft colored pencils. They will damage the paper less and are easier to work with
  • The pencil drawing is applied in several layers. There is no need to immediately apply a thick layer. This way you can combine different color layers
  • White color is difficult to convey with a pencil. So just leave areas of the paper untouched.
  • Start painting the picture with the lightest tones and end with the darkest ones
  • Detail objects at the very end. For this you can use thin hard pencils

Video: Draw a rose with a pencil

How to draw a bouquet of roses?

If you have already learned how to draw individual flowers, then it makes sense to draw a bouquet of roses.

  • First make a sketch of the drawing on a draft. So you decide what size the drawing will be, where on the paper it will be located
  • A bouquet can be an independent element, or be part of a still life. Often a bouquet is painted in a vase
  • A bouquet of roses consists of roses of various sizes and not of open buds. It would be appropriate to combine roses with other flowers
  • Think about where the light will come from. All details of the drawing must be proportional
  • If you can’t imagine a bouquet of roses well, you can copy it from any picture you like

Drawing a bouquet of roses step by step

Drawings of roses for copying

Video: How to draw a bouquet of roses?

Before us is a drawing of a bouquet of roses regular pencils. As you can see, it is designed for mastering basic skills, such as shading and the ability to draw smooth lines of different thicknesses, but if it is still difficult for you to hatch as in the picture, you can stop at one of the stages that you think will not be possible for you. I can do it.

So, we will need:

  • Pencils, preferably of high softness to obtain smoother shadows, we use softness 6B, 7B, 8B. Pencils always have letters indicating softness or hardness; hardness is indicated by the letters H or T; the higher the number, the harder they are.
  • To begin with, it is better not to use such things; it will be difficult for you to manage them, because... they may scratch the paper. Use better pencils, starting from NV (this is medium soft) and higher (2B, 3B...8B, sometimes designated by the letters M, respectively, the higher the indicator, the softer the pencil, which means the lines will turn out darker and smoother).
  • An eraser (we took the most common one, with the image of an elephant; they are also used by professionals and are available in any store).

    1. Layout.

    We mark the main lines, we need to outline large rose petals and several leaves. At this stage, do not press hard on the pencil, otherwise it will be very difficult to erase them later.

    2. Outlines.

    We draw the outline of the petals, the centers of the roses in general outline, as well as the location of buds and stems

    3. Outlining the main lines.

    Now we draw the main contours with thick lines. We outline all the petals, some leaves, stems, buds.

    4. Basic shadows.

    Now we add shadows. At this stage we shade the most basic dark areas: under the petals, the space between the roses. If you don't want to draw the background, you can only shade the roses and leaves, also in the main places.

    5. Background.

    You shade the background around the roses; you don’t have to do this if you don’t like it. The most common option is a cross-hatch for the background, somewhat reminiscent of a grid. We also need to shade, practically paint over the space between the roses with black and try to smoothly transfer it into the main background. For such a dark color, pencils of maximum softness are used. We also darken the shadows on the roses a little more.

    6. Final.

    All that remains is to draw the small details, shade the shadows to the end, and set the final look of the drawing.
    Our bouquet of roses is ready, as you can see, everything is simple. This version of the drawing is suitable for both those who are already familiar with shading and those who are just mastering it, because there are no specific requirements for your skills, and even if the drawing turns out to be not very neat or with an incorrect stroke, this will not affect the its beauty. Good luck!

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Photo gallery: How to draw a rose with a pencil

Rose - beautiful flower, loved by many. That is why it is the object of close attention among artists. There are several ways to draw a rose with a pencil step by step. For beginners, we suggest using step-by-step instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a rose with a pencil

Before you draw a rose or other flowers with a pencil, you need to familiarize yourself with certain recommendations.

To draw a flower correctly, you don’t have to finish art school and gain some special skills. It is enough to stock up on desire and patience. And talent can be revealed in the process of drawing.

Before drawing a beautiful rose, it is advisable to practice drawing individual elements of flowers. This will help you get better and gain some experience. In addition, as you know, pencils vary in hardness, this should be taken into account at different stages of drawing.

The main thing in drawing is to concentrate on the details. Before you start drawing, it's best to spend some time studying the drawing you're using as an example. It is important to think through every detail in order to achieve beautiful flowers.

And if you want to learn how to draw at a level close to a professional one, regular classes are necessary.

Note! Before you start drawing a rose with a pencil, it is advisable to watch instructional videos. Drawing lessons will help you master the basic fundamentals. For example, you will be able to understand how shading and sketching are done, paper is selected, and shapes and contours are drawn correctly.

Instruction 1: how to draw a rosebud

Since the bud is the most complex element of flowers, you should first learn how to draw it. You can draw it with a pencil step by step as follows.

  1. First you need to draw the top part of the rose bud. It is not completely dissolved, so it is presented in the form of a spiral. It is enough to draw it as in the photo.
  2. Then you need to move a space down from the spiral and draw the first rose petal. It's horizontal.
  3. The upper part of the rose bud must be connected to the horizontal petal with straight lines.
  4. At the last stage, you should give the flower bud volume by drawing the side petals. Depending on how many there are, the degree of looseness of the rose depends.

The whole drawing process can be seen step by step in the photo.

Instruction 2: how to draw an unblown rose

To draw an unopened rosebud, you will need to complete several simple steps.

  1. First you need to draw the base of the rosebud. To do this, you need to draw a small semicircle. It is from this that the stem will stretch.
  2. The flower bud should be placed on this base. You need to draw an arc, as in the photo below.
  3. A rose bud is surrounded by petals. They should be drawn step by step, gradually increasing the volume of the flower.
  4. Then you need to draw a stem coming from the base of the rose bud. You can also depict several leaves surrounding the petals of the flower.

How to draw an unblown rose with a pencil step by step is shown in the photo. You can add or remove petals as desired, adjusting the splendor of the bud.

Instruction 3: how to draw a beautiful rose with a stem

Here's another way to draw a rose with a pencil step by step.

  1. First you need to draw a circle and a stem coming from it. It is represented by two winding lines. You need to draw a horizontal oval above the circle.
  2. Next, you need to connect the circle and the oval with a pencil using two wavy lines. This will be the rosebud. On both sides of the circle you need to draw two more winding lines. It is from them that flower petals are created.
  3. Leaves should be added to the stem.
  4. Inside the oval, carefully draw a spiral using a pencil.
  5. The drawing is almost ready. All that remains is to erase the line of the circle inside the rosebud with an eraser, and also make shading with a soft pencil.