Draw inscriptions with a pencil. Pictures of graffiti photos: street art

How to draw graffiti on paper for beginners - in this lesson we will draw the word “stop”. Such graffiti is not very complex; it is designed for beginners.

How to draw graffiti on paper

Of course, you can draw more complex graffiti, which will be covered in other lessons, but for beginners it is better to practice on these simpler drawings.

So let's start drawing graffiti on paper for beginners. Draw “stop”. I start with the letter “O”, which has an oval shape and no closed lines.

Again, like other graffiti tutorials, I advise you to draw the letters first with a simple pencil, and then outline them with color. You can always erase a simple pencil and correct a mistake. But it’s almost impossible to correct a line with a colored pencil.

After the drawn letter “t”, draw the first letter “s” on the left. The beginning of the first letter is depicted as an arrow.

Well last letter The letter that should be drawn is the letter “p”. It consists of two parts, please note. I have already started coloring the bottom of the letter with a green pencil.

In other lessons, we outlined with black, and now we will outline the letters with a green pencil. Look carefully at how the stroke is drawn and where it thickens.

Now we trace all the letters with a pencil blue shade darker. The figure below shows everything clearly.

All that remains is to decorate the graffiti drawing. I took a green pencil, but a shade lighter than the stroke. I left the letter “o” blank.

I hope you were able to draw from this lesson - how to draw graffiti on paper for beginners. You can try to decorate your drawing with other colors, you don’t have to follow exactly as in the lesson. The same applies to letters, which you can try to change the slope or draw them somehow “in your own way”.

Before we start the lesson on how to draw graffiti for beginners, let's watch two videos first.

The first video shows a boy practicing how to draw graffiti. To do this, he chose a warehouse and took or bought a sheet of fiberboard or chipboard (by the way, this sheet comes in different thicknesses and costs on average 130 UAH or 500 rubles). Pay attention to his equipment. It is better to use a respirator, gloves and clothes that you don’t mind ruining. Since the paint is caustic, harmful to health and stains, especially since he applied a layer of paint to remove the previous drawing, you can imagine the stench there. So, let's see.

Now let's see how to draw a monster in graffiti style with colored paints and spray cans.

Cool! Yes! You want it too. BUT, to draw with spray cans you just need to be able to draw this style, if you don’t know how to draw, you won’t draw anything. Therefore, you must first learn to draw on paper, using pencils, felt-tip pens, gel pens etc. Let's start with the alphabet, in the video we will see a simple style of drawing letters in graffiti.

Now try drawing on paper. Click on thumbnails to enlarge.

It worked! Okay, let's draw some monsters.

Now let's summarize. To start drawing graffiti on walls, boards, etc. spray cans, you need to learn how to draw graffiti on paper, practice a lot and bring the lines to automaticity in order to draw without auxiliary lines and corrections, i.e. you need to draw each individual letter, drawing as many times as possible so that it does not cause difficulties, just take it and draw it, for each person this number will be different from 20 to 100. After you have learned to draw, for example, what word, buy it or if there is where -it's a free board, practice on it, you should understand how it works.

This is generally art. Be that as it may, with the advent of this base element hip-hop culture, the walls on the streets around the world are covered with colorful inscriptions, tags and even real paintings by artists who call themselves graffiti writers. Probably every hip-hop fan in his youth dreamed of “bombing” the wall in hometown just as the New York style pioneers did. Many have even tried it. But in reality, everything was not as simple as it seemed at first, and novice writers abandoned this activity without really starting. Why is this so? Yes, because in order to draw a worthwhile picture you need to study long and hard. Or at least know the basics. We'll talk about them today.

Today you can find on the Internet many different instructions and video tutorials that talk about basic techniques for drawing various. Many of them, however, are far from the truth and demonstrate some completely prohibitive requirements for a beginning writer. But what to do if you have never painted graffiti before? We will help you by explaining the basic things a beginner needs to know. We immediately warn you that the text of this article is unlikely to be useful for experienced artists, since the information presented here is probably already known to them.

We won't go into details complex works street art, let's focus on classic examples, namely inscriptions and tags, because this is what graffiti usually starts with. So, let's go.

What you need to draw graffiti if you are a beginner

First, let's talk about what you need to draw the first sketches of your future drawing (it may look stupid, but don't forget, we are beginners). Even the greatest writers don't draw anything without sketching it first. Therefore you need:

  • Pencil
  • Notebook or just a sheet of paper
  • Rubber eraser
  • A drawing that can be redrawn. It is important that the structure of the letters is clearly visible in it (google search will help here)

For a beginner, taking someone else’s work as a basis is not shameful, but on the contrary, commendable. This makes it possible to see and understand the main techniques that an experienced writer uses. It may take you a few attempts at first to repeat someone else’s drawing, but if you study hard, the result will definitely come.

How to draw your first tag

After you have drawn your first graffiti on paper, we advise you to move on to studying tags. A tag is the artist’s signature, by which others will recognize his work. They are drawn with both markers and balloons, depending on the location or personal preferences. At this stage, it is worth thinking about your artistic pseudonym. If no interesting ideas no, you can start with your real name.

To draw a tag, you need to study the structure of the letters. Nowadays, this is very easy to do, you just need to enter the corresponding query in a search engine. We provide a link as an example.

After you have chosen the letters that suit you, you need to combine them into one. We advise you to start simple: use basic letters without giving them any non-standard shapes (as in the example above). If you want to improve your tag, you can add various serifs, drips or arrows to it, as in the example below.

Attention: If you use graffiti markers and draw on a regular sheet of paper, we strongly recommend that you put something under it, because the marker with high probability will spill onto the table surface.

How to draw your first graffiti

At the beginning of the article, we “agreed” that we would learn to draw more or less classic versions of graffiti. As an example, let’s take the work of the Chino BYI writer.

Based on this figure, we will determine the main components of any inscription, which is considered to be a classic:

  • The Fill-In is the painted area inside the letters.
  • Outline - a black or colored outline around the fill.
  • 3-D shadow.
  • The second outline is around the entire drawing.
  • Optional: tag with the artist's name.
  • Optional: additional effects (Highlights).
  • Optional: year the drawing was created.

Now let's go through each of the components separately.

The Fill-In

Once you have drawn your tag, it may well serve as the basis for your first full-fledged graffiti. So, using a pencil, you can simply draw the same tag, but make the letters wider, leaving space between the lines for filling. This way they will look more voluminous. The drawing will look something like this.

As you can see, the structure of this graffiti is far from ideal. For example, the first letter “E” is very striking, the size of which is not proportional to all the others. Therefore, the drawing needs to be changed a little. To do this, you can again use example fonts.

In graffiti, the shape of the drawing is very important. Our example shows that the first letter “E” is much larger than the last “R”. By reducing the “E” and adding arrows on both sides (highlighted in red), the author made the drawing compact and proportional. Serifs (in blue) and additional shapes (in green) make this sketch more complex.

After this stage is completed, we will receive a more or less clear drawing, which will serve as the basis for further work. It should be said that creating a sketch is not an easy task. Most likely, it will take you a lot of time until the drawing turns out the way you would like it to be. At this stage, you will be using the eraser a lot and redoing almost every letter. But even seasoned writers spend a lot of time on their sketches, so don’t be upset in vain.

The next task will not be as difficult as the previous one. You just need to take a marker and trace the lines you previously drew with a pencil. After the marker has dried, you should take an eraser and erase the excess (that is, the original pencil sketch). It will look something like this.

Advice: copy your sketch just in case. If it happens that you are not happy with the colors chosen for the drawing or spoil it in another way, then you will not need to draw it all over again. Any (even the cheapest) printer with a copy function is suitable for this.

Now we come to choosing a color and directly filling the sketch. If you are not sure what color your letters should be, we recommend using a gradient. This pouring technique allows you to gradually change the shade and gives you the opportunity to change the color of the drawing as you work. If you want to make your graffiti more complex, you can use different gradients for each letter, but this technique is more suitable for experienced artists. Since the drawing in our example is made on a sheet of paper, it is advisable to use special markers for filling.

Color selection- another important component in creating beautiful graffiti. For beginners, the best option would be to use two or three colors. It's best if they complement each other. For example different shades the same color for the background and foreground or for the shadows and fill. In principle, colors that are at opposite ends of the color spectrum also look good. Here the combinations can be different, depending on taste. If difficulties arise with this, then you can take the work of other artists as an example. This would be a good option for starters.

How to draw shadows

Experienced artists can draw shadows by eye and do so with amazing accuracy. But for beginners, there is a good trick to achieve the desired result. It will take some time, but is guaranteed to add quality to your drawing.

First, decide on the size of the blocks that will serve as shadows for the letters. Let's use 1.5 cm as an example. Take a ruler and measure 1.5 cm from each corner that your letters have and draw lines. After this, connect them with lines parallel to the outline of the drawing. The result is blocks that can be painted over and made into shadows.

You can paint the blocks either black (the simplest and most common option), or add complex elements such as light areas in the middle or transitions to more dark colors below (example below).

External outline and background

The outer outline is the outline that makes the letters stand out from the background of the design. The author of our drawing chose a blue color for it, which goes well with orange. As a background, he added drips and so-called “bubbles” of the same color. It turned out pretty good.

Additional effects (Highlights), year of creation and tag

Perhaps shading seems a little boring to you and you want to add complexity to your drawing. Then you can use additional lines or geometric inserts inside the fill. Typically bubbles, rectangles or triangles are used. Basically, they are painted over with darker colors than the fill color. Also, highlights are sometimes added to the background of the picture.

The final touches of your graffiti will be the year of creation and your own signature. If you represent a team of writers, you can add a tag with its name.

Although we've given you some basic information on how to paint your first graffiti above, we'd like to wrap it all up with a few more tips:

  • Practice simple fonts first. When you start to get them “automatically,” then move on to more complex tasks.
  • Forget about “wild style” and other delights, this will all come later. Draw more or less even letters in order to understand their structure, this is one of the most important aspects of graffiti.
  • If you want to complicate the drawing, do it using basic techniques (drips, bubbles, simple highlights). At first, you shouldn't experiment with crazy angles, bends, slopes and arrows, because the result will not be what you expected.
  • When you draw, keep in mind the basic “rules” of creating a drawing, do not give in to the temptation to draw “like Futura or Kase2”. To draw like them, you need to study all your life, and you are just a beginner.
  • Draw-draw-draw! The main thing is practice.

Thousands of years separate the inhabitants of the modern city from the time when cavemen earned their living by hunting wild animals, depicting them on the walls of their homes. But even in the most modern, well-maintained city with a well-established way of life and an extensive cultural life, there are many people who are ready to decorate the city walls with their creativity. Like the ancient ancestors who depicted in rock paintings surrounding nature, modern man splashes out his inner world using aerosol paints on the facades and backyards of modern “concrete jungles”, creating graffiti.

Why don't we try ourselves in this popular artistic style? After all, creating a drawing with your own hands - graffiti, which other people will admire - is always a special joy! If you have no experience, but have excess creative forces and a desire to test yourself in the monumental genre, check out step by step instructions: how to make your first graffiti on a wall.

If you are new to street graffiti, then we advise you to start with some small forms, for example, drawing simple graffiti on a transformer box in the yard - we are sure that local residents will gratefully appreciate your efforts!

What do you need to draw graffiti?

Step_5 On the painted graffiti details, in accordance with the sketch, apply shadows with dark colors and highlights with light colors. At the same time, try to “increase” the darkening and lightening gradually, do not press hard and for a long time on the nozzle of the balloon; It’s better to paint over the same spot several times than to “miss” and then have to correct it.

Step_8 Colorless acrylic varnish (matte or glossy), the principles of working with which are similar to working with paint and primer, will help protect your graffiti from precipitation and fading in the sun.

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Graffiti is a creative direction of Hip-Hop culture. Let's find out how and where this art of “painting walls” originated and, in fact, how to learn to draw graffiti.

There is no such person who would not see colorful inscriptions on the walls of his city (perhaps not entirely clear content). No, we're not talking about now folk art with bad words on fences. The art of painting city walls and other surfaces owes its origin to a New York teenager named Demetrios.

In the late 60s, he began to display his creative pseudonym TAKI on street walls and in metro stations. A little later, the guy added his street number to the spelling of his pseudonym - 183.
When unusual inscriptions began to appear throughout Manhattan, other teenagers noticed them and began to write their names. And since everyone wanted to stand out from the crowd, whole compositions began to appear on the walls, some were more like real works of art.

(Photo: Fedor Selivanov, Shutterstock)

Now let's find out how to learn how to draw graffiti and what you need for this. Before running into the yard and spraying spray paint within a ten-meter radius, you should prepare a so-called sketch. This is a sketch of what you plan to display on the wall. Drawing a beautiful and neat sketch is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. Especially if you are just taking your first steps in graffiti. Only when the sketch is ready is it transferred to the wall.
Interestingly, often the sketch itself may differ from the drawing on the wall. Many writers (that’s what those who draw graffiti are called) ignore sketches altogether, but for beginners it would still be better to start with sketching. Later, when you get the hang of it, you can start implementing your creative ideas without resorting to sketches.

(Photo: S.Borisov, Shutterstock)

You can draw sketches with pencils; gel or ballpoint pens, felt-tip pens, crayons, etc. are also used. Preferably in in this case thick paper, the dimensions of which depend on your final idea. There is no need to rush while drawing; it is better to take a pencil first and apply light strokes so that you can adjust something later. Then we will trace with a pen everything that we have drawn and erase the pencil strokes with an eraser. Fill the form with color and create a background.
If everything went well and you like the result, then we are ready to transfer our sketch to the wall. It is important to remember the surface for your drawing. It will fit very poorly on uneven surfaces. The best option is porous concrete or any primed surface. The metal surface must be “degreased” with a solvent before anything is applied to it.
You should pay attention to the following feature: when drawing graffiti, first of all you should take care of the background - first draw a sketch with the background color of the main inscription, then the background and outline. This is very important, because it will be easier for you to correct any mistake later. Also, do not stop the drips, wait until the paint dries, and then paint over them with the background color.

(Photo: 1000 Words, Shutterstock)

Cylinder attachments - caps - must be cleaned after each use. Before putting the can aside, you should turn it over and hold the cap pressed for a couple of seconds until the paint stops coming out. If the paint in the cap has dried, then you can throw away this attachment. Caps are a consumable item and get clogged with paint very often, even with the most competent use, so when you go to paint graffiti, be sure to take spare caps with you. Before directing the jet at the drawing, you need to check whether the cap is installed correctly: this can be done by spraying it on the ground or on a test section of the wall.

Warm, windless weather is best for painting graffiti. When it rains and is cold, the paint adheres very poorly and takes a long time to dry.

Do not forget to wear a respirator while painting, because paint fumes are very harmful to the lungs. If you don't use it, there is a high chance of getting asthma over time! Respirators must be used not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Gloves are also an important piece of equipment. If you don't use them, your hands get dirty very quickly, and walking around with multi-colored hands and washing them for several minutes, or even an hour, is not the most pleasant experience.
I hope these simple tips will help you master interesting art drawing graffiti.
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